Administrative divisions of Kaluga Oblast
Kaluga Oblast, Russia | ![]() |
Administrative center: Kaluga | |
As of 2013:[1] | |
# of districts (районы) | 24 |
# of cities/towns (города) | 19 |
# of urban-type settlements (посёлки городского типа) | 10 |
# of selsovets, rural okrugs, and territorial okrugs (сельсоветы, сельские округа и территориальные округа) | 277 |
As of 2002:[2] | |
# of rural localities (сельские населённые пункты) | 3,189 |
# of uninhabited rural localities (сельские населённые пункты без населения) | 270 |
- Cities and towns under the oblast's jurisdiction:
- Kaluga (Калуга) (administrative center)
- city okrugs:
- Leninsky (Ленинский)
- with 3 rural okrugs under the city okrug's jurisdiction.
- Moskovsky (Московский)
- with 3 rural okrugs under the city okrug's jurisdiction.
- Oktyabrsky (Октябрьский)
- with 2 rural okrugs under the city okrug's jurisdiction.
- Leninsky (Ленинский)
- city okrugs:
- Kirov (Киров)
- Lyudinovo (Людиново)
- Obninsk (Обнинск)
- Kaluga (Калуга) (administrative center)
- Districts:
- Babyninsky (Бабынинский)
- with 14 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction.
- Baryatinsky (Барятинский)
- with 14 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction.
- Borovsky (Боровский)
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Balabanovo (Балабаново)
- Borovsk (Боровск)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Yermolino (Ермолино)
- with 9 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction.
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Duminichsky (Думиничский)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Duminichi (Думиничи)
- with 13 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction.
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Dzerzhinsky (Дзержинский)
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Kondrovo (Кондрово)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Kurovskoy (Куровской)
- Polotnyany Zavod (Полотняный Завод)
- Pyatovsky (Пятовский)
- Tovarkovo (Товарково)
- with 19 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction.
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Ferzikovsky (Ферзиковский)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Dugna (Дугна)
- with 16 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction.
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Iznoskovsky (Износковский)
- with 10 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction.
- Khvastovichsky (Хвастовичский)
- with 17 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction.
- Kirovsky (Кировский)
- with 12 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction.
- Kozelsky (Козельский)
- Kuybyshevsky (Куйбышевский)
- with 12 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction.
- Lyudinovsky (Людиновский)
- with 10 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction.
- Maloyaroslavetsky (Малоярославецкий)
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Maloyaroslavets (Малоярославец)
- with 17 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction.
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Medynsky (Медынский)
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Medyn (Медынь)
- with 11 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction.
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Meshchovsky (Мещовский)
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Meshchovsk (Мещовск)
- with 17 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction.
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Mosalsky (Мосальский)
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Mosalsk (Мосальск)
- with 18 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction.
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Peremyshlsky (Перемышльский)
- with 16 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction.
- Spas-Demensky (Спас-Деменский)
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Spas-Demensk (Спас-Деменск)
- with 12 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction.
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Sukhinichsky (Сухиничский)
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Sukhinichi (Сухиничи)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Seredeysky (Середейский)
- with 17 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction.
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Tarussky (Тарусский)
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Tarusa (Таруса)
- with 10 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction.
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Ulyanovsky (Ульяновский)
- with 5 territorial okrugs under the district's jurisdiction.
- Yukhnovsky (Юхновский)
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Yukhnov (Юхнов)
- with 13 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction.
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Zhizdrinsky (Жиздринский)
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Zhizdra (Жиздра)
- with 11 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction.
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Zhukovsky (Жуковский)
- Babyninsky (Бабынинский)
- Государственный комитет Российской Федерации по статистике. Комитет Российской Федерации по стандартизации, метрологии и сертификации. №ОК 019-95 1 января 1997 г. «Общероссийский классификатор объектов административно-территориального деления. Код 29», в ред. изменения №278/2015 от 1 января 2016 г.. (State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation. Committee of the Russian Federation on Standardization, Metrology, and Certification. #OK 019-95 January 1, 1997 Russian Classification of Objects of Administrative Division (OKATO). Code 29, as amended by the Amendment #278/2015 of January 1, 2016. ).
- Results of the 2002 Russian Population Census—Territory, number of districts, inhabited localities, and rural administrations of the Russian Federation by federal subject Archived September 28, 2011, at the Wayback Machine
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