Anton Chekhov bibliography
Anton Chekhov was a Russian playwright and short-story writer who is considered to be among the greatest writers of short fiction in history. He wrote hundreds of short stories, one novel, and seven full-length plays.

Portrait of Chekhov by Isaak Levitan 1886
Four-Act Plays
- Untitled Play (Пьеса без названия, discovered 19 years after the author's death in manuscript form with title page missing; most commonly known as Platonov in English; 1878)—adapted in English by Michael Frayn as Wild Honey (1984)
- Ivanov (Иванов, 1887)—a play in four acts
- The Wood Demon (Леший, 1889)—a comedy in four acts; eight years after the play was published Chekhov returned to the work and extensively revised it into Uncle Vanya (see below)
- The Seagull (Чайка, 1896)—a comedy in four acts
- Uncle Vanya (Дядя Ваня, 1899-1900)—scenes from country life in four acts; based on The Wood Demon
- Three Sisters (Три сестры, 1901)—a drama in four acts
- The Cherry Orchard (Вишнёвый сад, 1904)—a comedy in four acts
One-Act Plays
- On the High Road (На большой дороге, 1884)—a dramatic study in one act
- On the Harmful Effects of Tobacco (О вреде табака; 1886, 1902)—a monologue in one act
- Swansong (Лебединая песня, 1887)—a dramatic study in one act
- The Bear or The Boor (Медведь: Шутка в одном действии, 1888)—a farce in one act
- A Marriage Proposal (Предложение, c. 1889)—a farce in one act
- A Tragedian in Spite of Himself or A Reluctant Tragic Hero (Трагик поневоле, 1889)—a farce in one act
- The Wedding (Свадьба, 1889)—a play in one act
- Tatiana Repina (Татьяна Репина, 1889)—a drama in one act
- The Night before the Trial (Ночь перед судом, the 1890s)—a play in one act; sometimes considered unfinished
- The Festivities or The Anniversary (Юбилей, 1891)—a farce in one act
Short stories
Chekhov wrote over 500 short stories. The following is a partial list.
Title [alternative title(s)] | Russian publication | Original title |
A Letter to a Learned Neighbor | 9 March 1880 | Письмо к ученому соседу |
Elements Most Often Found in Novels, Short Stories, etc. | 9 March 1880 | Что чаще всего встречается в романах, повестях и т. п. |
Chase Two Rabbits, Catch None | 11 May 1880 | |
Papa | 29 June 1880 | |
Before the Wedding | 12 October 1880 | |
Artists' Wives | 7 December 1880 | Жены артистов |
The Temperaments | 17 September 1881 | |
St. Peter's Day | 29 June 1881 | |
On the Train | 29 September 1881 | В вагоне |
In the Train Car | October 1881 | |
The Trial | 23 October 1881 | Суд |
This and That: Four Vignettes | October 1881 | И то и сё – Поэзия и проза |
A Sinner from Toledo | 23 December 1881 | |
Sarah Bernhardt Comes to Town | December 1881 | И то и сё – Письма и телеграммы |
Questions Posed by a Mad Mathematician | February 1882 | Задачи сумасшедшего математика |
Supplementary Questions for the Statistical Census, Submitted by Antosha Chekhonte | February 1882 | Дополнительные вопросы к личным картам статистической переписи, предлагаемые Антошей Чехонте |
A Confession, or Olya, Zhenya, Zoya | 20 Mar 1882 | |
Green Scythe | April 1882 | Зелёная Коса |
Village Doctors | 18 June 1882 | Сельские эскулапы |
A Living Chattel | August 1882 | Живой товар |
Life as a Series of Questions and Exclamations | September 1882 | Жизнь в вопросах и восклицаниях |
Late-blooming Flowers | October–November 1882 | Цветы запоздалые |
An Unsuccessful Visit | 22 November 1882 | Неудачный визит |
Confession, or Olya, Zhenya, Zoya | December 1882 | Исповедь, или Оля, Женя, Зоя |
Bibliography | 16 January 1883 | Библиография |
A Hypnotic Seance [A Seance] | 24 January 1883 | На магнетическом сеансе |
Rapture Joy | January 1883 | Радость |
A Lawyer's Romance: A Protocol | 5 February 1883 | Роман адвоката |
At the Barber's | 7 February 1883 | В цирульне |
Advice | 12 February 1883 | Совет |
The Cross | 12 February 1883 | Крест |
Questions and Answers | 12 February 1883 | Вопросы и ответы |
The Collection | 18 February 1883 | Коллекция |
An Incident at Law | 17 March 1883 | Случай из судебной практики |
An Enigmatic Nature | 19 March 1883 | Загадочная натура |
America in Rostov on the Don | 21 March 1883 | Америка в Ростове-на-Дону |
Heights | 9 April 1883 | Обер-верхи |
A Classical Student | 7 May 1883 | Случай с классиком |
The Cat | 14 May 1883 | Кот |
How I Came to Be Lawfully Wed | 11 June 1883 | О том, как я в законный брак вступил |
Mr. Gulevich, Writer, and the Drowned Man [one half of Something [Кое-что]] | June 1883 | Г-н Гулевич (автор) и утопленник |
The Potato and the Tenor [one half of Something [Кое-что]] | June 1883 | Картофель и тенор |
The Death of a Government Clerk The Death of a Civil Servant | 2 July 1883 | Смерть чиновника |
Goat or Scoundrel? | 23 July 1883 | Козел или негодяй |
The Daughter of Albion A Daughter of Albion | 13 August 1883 | Дочь Альбиона |
The Trousseau | August? 1883 | Приданое |
An Inquiry | 3 September 1883 | Справка |
The Fool, or The Retired Sea Captain | 17 September 1883 | Дура, или Капитан в отставке |
Mayonnaise | 17 September 1883 | Майонез |
In Autumn | September? 1883 | Осенью |
Fat and Thin [Lean and Fat] | 1 October 1883 | Толстый и тонкий |
The Grateful German | 1 October 1883 | Признательный немец |
A Tragic Actor [A Tragic Role] | 8 October 1883 | Трагик |
A Sign of the Times | 22 October 1883 | Знамение времени |
At Sea | 29 October 1883 | В море |
From the Diary of a Young Girl | 29 October 1883 | Из дневника одной девицы |
The Stationmaster | 5 November 1883 | Начальник станции |
A Slander [The Slanderer] | 12 November 1883 | Клевета |
The Bird Market | November? 1883 | В Москве на Трубной площади |
A New Illness and an Old Cure | 1883? | Новая болезнь и старое средство |
The Tutor | 1884 | Репетитор |
The Decoration | 14 January 1884 | Орден (?) |
A Woman's Revenge | 2 February 1884 | Месть женщины |
O Women, Women! | 15 February 1884 | О женщины, женщины! |
Choristers | 25 February 1884 | Певчие |
The Complaints Book | 10 March 1884 | Жалобная книга |
Two Letters | 10 March 1884 | Два письма |
Perpetuum Mobile | 17 March 1884 | Perpetuum Mobile |
Reading | 24 March 1884 | Чтение |
The Album | 5 May 1884 | Альбом |
Minds in Ferment | 16 June 1884 | Брожение умов |
Surgery [The Dental Surgeon] | 11 August 1884 | Хирургия |
The Chameleon | 8 September 1884 | Хамелеон |
After the Fair | 13 September 1884 | Ярмарочное «итого» |
What Is To Be Done? | 22 September 1884 | Надлежащие меры |
In the Graveyard | 6 October 1884 | На кладбище |
A Dissertation on Drama | 3 November 1884 | О драме |
At the Patient's Bedside [At the Sickbed] | 1 December 1884 | У постели больного |
Oysters | December 1884 | Устрицы |
The Swedish Match [The Safety Match] | 1884 | Шведская спичка |
The Marshal's Widow | 9 February 1885 | У предводительши |
A Living Chronology | 23 February 1885 | Живая хронология |
At the Bathhouse | 9 March 1885 | В бане |
Small Fry | 23 March 1885 | Мелюзга |
In an Hotel [In a Hotel] | 18 May 1885 | В номерах |
Boots | 3 June 1885 | Сапоги |
Nerves | 8 June 1885 | Нервы |
A Country Cottage | 15 June 1885 | Дачники |
Trickery: An Extremely Ancient Joke | 22 June 1885 | Надул |
Malingerers | 29 June 1885 | Симулянты |
My Love | June 1885 | Моя «она» |
The Fish [The Burbot] | 1 July 1885 | Налим |
At the Pharmacy | 6 July 1885 | В аптеке |
A Horsey Name | 7 July 1885 | Лошадиная фамилия |
Gone Astray | 15 July 1885 | Заблудшие |
The Huntsman | 18 July 1885 | Егерь |
A Prelude to a Marriage | 20 July 1885 | Необходимое предисловие |
A Malefactor | 24 July 1885 | Злоумышленник |
A Man of Ideas | 10 August 1885 | Мыслитель |
The Head of the Family | 26 August 1885 | Отец семейства |
Advertisement | August 1885 | Реклама |
A Dead Body | 9 September 1885 | Мертвое тело |
Women's Good Fortune | 14 September 1885 | Женское счастье |
The Cook's Wedding | 16 September 1885 | Кухарка женится |
Sergeant Prishibeyev | 5 October 1885 | Унтер Пришибеев] |
In a Strange Land | 12 October 1885 | На чужбине |
To Cure a Drinking Bout [A Cure for Drinking] | 26 October 1885 | Средство от запоя |
Doctor's Advice | October? 1885 | Врачебные советы |
The Writer | 11 November 1885 | Писатель |
Overdoing It [Overseasoned] | 16 November 1885 | Пересолил |
Old Age | 23 November 1885 | Старость |
Sorrow [Grief / Misery / Woe] | 25 November 1885 | Горе |
Oh! The Public! | 30 November 1885 | Ну, публика! |
Marriage in 10-15 Years' Time | November? 1885 | Брак через 10-15 лет. |
My Talk with Edison Tchekov and Edison | 7 December 1885 | Моя беседа с Эдисоном |
Murder Will Out | 14 December 1885 | Шила в мешке не утаишь (?) |
Mari d’Elle [Her Husband] | 18 December 1885 | Mari d'Elle |
The Looking Glass | 30 December 1885 | Зеркало |
Art | 6 January 1886 | Художество |
A Blunder [Foiled!] | 11 January 1886 | Неудача |
Children [Kids] | 20 January 1886 | Детвора |
Misery | 27 January 1886 | Тоска |
An Upheaval | 3 February 1886 | Переполох |
An Actor's End [Death of an Actor] | 10 February 1886 | Актерская гибель |
The Requiem | 15 February 1886 | Панихида |
Bliny | 19 February 1886 | Блины |
Anyuta | 22 February 1886 | Анюта |
On Mortality: A Carnival Tale | 22 February 1886 | О бренности |
Ivan Matveyich | 3 March 1886 | Иван Матвеич |
The Witch | 8 March 1886 | Ведьма |
A Story Without an End | 10 March 1886 | Рассказ без конца |
The Little Joke A Joke | 12 March 1886 | Шуточка |
Agafya | 15 March 1886 | Агафья |
A Nightmare | 29 March 1886 | Кошмар |
Grisha | 5 April 1886 | Гриша |
Love | 7 April 1886 | Любовь |
Easter Eve, [Easter Night / The Night Before Easter / On Easter Eve] | 13 April 1886 | Святою ночью |
Ladies | 19 April 1886 | Дамы |
Strong Impressions | 21 April 1886 | Сильные ощущения |
A Gentleman Friend | 3 May 1886 | Знакомый мужчина |
A Happy Man | 5 May 1886 | Счастливчик |
The Privy Councillor | 6 May 1886 | Тайный советник |
A Day in the Country | 19 May 1886 | День за городом |
At a Summer Villa | 25 May 1886 | На даче |
Romance with Double-Bass | 7 June 1886 | Роман с контрабасом |
Panic Fears | 16 June 1886 | Страхи |
The Chemist's Wife | 21 June 1886 | Аптекарша |
Not Wanted | 23 June 1886 | Лишние люди |
A Serious Step | 28 June 1886 | Серьёзный шаг |
The Chorus Girl | 5 July 1886 | Хористка |
A Glossary of Terms for Young Ladies | 12 July 1886 | Словотолкователь для «барышень» |
The Schoolmaster | 12 July 1886 | Учитель |
A Troublesome Visitor [A Troublesome Guest] | 14 July 1886 | Беспокойный гость |
The Husband | 9 August 1886 | Муж |
"A Misfortune" [A Calamity] | 16 August 1886 | Несчастье |
A Pink Stocking | 16 August 1886 | Розовый чулок |
Martyrs | 18 August 1886 | Страдальцы |
The First-class Passenger | 23 August 1886 | Пассажир 1-го класса |
Talent | 6 September 1886 | Талант |
The Dependents | 8 September 1886 | Нахлебники |
The Jeune Premier | 13 September 1886 | Первый любовник |
In the Dark | 15 September 1886 | В потемках |
A Trivial Incident | 20 September 1886 | Пустой случай |
A Tripping Tongue | 27 September 1886 | Длинный язык |
A Trifle from Life | 29 September 1886 | Житейская мелочь |
Difficult People | 7 October 1886 | Тяжелые люди |
In the Court | 11 October 1886 | В суде |
Revenge | 11 October 1886 | Месть |
A Peculiar Man | 25 October 1886 | Необыкновенный |
Mire | 29 October 1886 | Тина |
A Dreadful Night | 3 November 1886 | Недобрая ночь |
Calchas (later adapted into the play Swansong) | 10 November 1886 | Калхас |
Dreams [Daydreams] | 15 November 1886 | Мечты |
Hush! | 15 November 1886 | Тссс! |
At the Mill | 17 November 1886 | На мельнице |
Excellent People | 22 November 1886 | Хорошие люди |
An Incident | 24 November 1886 | Событие |
The Orator | 29 November 1886 | Оратор |
The Objet d’Art A Work of Art | 13 December 1886 | Произведение искусства |
Who Was to Blame? | 20 December 1886 | Кто виноват? |
On the Road | 25 December 1886 | На пути |
Vanka | 25 December 1886 | Ванька |
Champagne (A Wayfarer's Story) | 5 January 1887 | Шампанское (рассказ проходимца) |
Frost | 12 January 1887 | Мороз |
The Beggar | 19 January 1887 | Нищий |
Enemies | 20 January 1887 | Враги |
The Good German | 24 January 1887 | Добрый немец |
Darkness | 26 January 1887 | Темнота |
Polinka | 2 February 1887 | Полинька |
Drunk | 9 February 1887 | Пьяные |
An Inadvertence [A Rash Thing to Do] | 21 February 1887 | Неосторожность |
Verochka Verotchka | 21 February 1887 | Верочка |
Shrove Tuesday | 23 February 1887 | Накануне поста |
A Defenceless Creature | 28 February 1887 | Беззащитное существо |
A Bad Business | 2 March 1887 | Недоброе дело |
Home | 7 March 1887 | Дома |
The Lottery Ticket | 9 March 1887 | Выигрышный билет |
Too Early! | 16 March 1887 | Рано! |
Typhus | 23 March 1887 | Тиф |
In Passion Week | 30 March 1887 | На страстной неделе |
A Mystery | 11 April 1887 | Тайна |
The Cossack | 13 April 1887 | Казак |
The Letter | 18 April 1887 | Письмо |
An Adventure | 4 May 1887 | Происшествие |
The Examining Magistrate | 11 May 1887 | Следователь |
Aborigines | 18 May 1887 | Обыватели |
Volodya | 1 June 1887 | Володя |
Happiness Fortune | 6 June 1887 | Счастье |
Bad Weather | 8 June 1887 | Ненастье |
A Drama A Play | 13 June 1887 | Драма |
First Aid | 22 June 1887 | Скорая помощь |
A Transgression | 4 July 1887 | Беззаконие |
Notes from the Journal of a Quick-Tempered Man From the Diary of a Violent-tempered Man | 5 July 1887 | Из записок вспыльчивого человека |
Uprooted | 14 July 1887 | Перекати-поле |
A Father | 20 July 1887 | Отец |
A Happy Ending | 25 July 1887 | Хороший конец |
In the Coach-house | 3 August 1887 | В сарае |
Zinotchka | 10 August 1887 | Зиночка |
The Doctor | 17 August 1887 | Доктор |
The Siren | 24 August 1887 | Сирена |
The Reed-Pipe The Pipe | 29 August 1887 | Свирель |
An Avenger | 12 September 1887 | Мститель |
The Post | 14 September 1887 | Почта |
The Runaway | 28 September 1887 | Беглец |
A Problem | 19 October 1887 | Задача |
Intrigues | 24 October 1887 | Интриги |
The Old House | 29 October 1887 | Старый дом |
The Cattle-Dealers | 31 October 1887 | Холодная кровь |
Expensive Lessons | 9 November 1887 | Дорогие уроки |
The Lion and The Sun (Text) | 5 December 1887 | Лев и Солнце |
In Trouble [A Misfortune] | 7 December 1887 | Беда |
The Kiss | 15 December 1887 | Поцелуй |
Boys | 21 December 1887 | Мальчики |
Kashtanka | 25 December 1887 | Каштанка |
A Lady's Story [Natalia Vladimirovna] | 25 December 1887 | Рассказ госпожи NN |
A Story Without a Title | 1 January 1888 | Без заглавия |
Sleepy [Let Me Sleep] | 25 January 1888 | Спать хочется |
The Steppe (The Story of a Journey) (novella) | February? 1888 | Степь (История одной поездки) |
Lights | May? 1888 | Огни |
An Awkward Business | 3 June 1888 | Неприятность |
The Beauties | 21 September 1888 | Красавицы |
The Party [The Name-day Party] | October? 1888 | Именины |
The Cobbler and the Devil The Shoemaker and the Devil | 25 December 1888 | Сапожник и нечистая сила |
The Bet | 01/01/1889 | Пари |
The Princess | 26 March 1889 | Княгиня |
A Forced Declaration [No Comment] | 22 April 1889 | Вынужденное заявление |
A Dreary Story [A Boring Story / A Dull Story] | November 1889 | Скучная история |
A Nervous Breakdown [The Seizure / An Attack of Nerves] | 1889 | Припадок |
Thieves The Horse Stealers / Robbers] | 1 April 1890 | Воры |
Gusev [Goussiev] | 25 December 1890 | Гусев |
Peasant Wives [Women] | 25 June 1891 | Бабы |
The Wife My Wife | January 1892 | Жена |
The Grasshopper [The Butterfly / The Fidget] | January 1892 | Попрыгунья |
After the Theatre | 7 April 1892 | После театра |
Fragment | 18 April 1892 | Отрывок |
The Story of a Commercial Venture | 2 May 1892 | История одного торгового предприятия |
In Exile | 9 May 1892 | В ссылке |
From a Retired Teacher's Notebook [From a Retired Teacher's Diary] | 23 May 1892 | Из записной книжки старого педагога |
A Fishy Affair | 13 June 1892 | Рыбья любовь |
Terror [Fear] | 25 December 1892 | Страх |
Neighbours | 1892 | Соседи |
Ward No. 6 [Ward 6] (novella) | 1892 | Палата № 6 |
The Two Volodyas | 28 December 1893 | Володя большой и Володя маленький |
The Story of an Unknown Man [An Anonymous Story] / The Story of a Nobody] | 1893 | Рассказ неивестного человека |
The Black Monk | January 1894 | Чёрный монах |
Rothschild's Violin [Rothschild's Fiddle] | 6 February 1894 | Скрипка Ротшильда |
The Student | 15 April 1894 | Студент |
The Teacher of Literature [The Russian Teacher] | July 1894 | Учитель словесности |
At a Country House | 28 August 1894 | В усадьбе |
The Head Gardener's Story | 25 December 1894 | Рассказ старшего садовинка |
A Woman's Kingdom | 1894 | Бабье царство |
Anna on the Neck [The Order of St. Anne] | 22 October 1895 | Анна на шее |
Whitebrow [Patch] | November 1895 | Белолoбый |
Ariadne | December 1895 | Ариадна |
His Wife The Helpmate | 1895 | Супруга |
Murder The Murder | 1895 | Убийство |
Three Years (novella) | 1895 | Три года |
The House with the Mezzanine [An Artist's Story] | April 1896 | Дом с мезонином |
My Life {novella) | December 1896 | Моя жизнь |
Peasants (novella) | April 1897 | Мужики |
The Petcheneg [The Savage] | 2 November 1897 | Печенег |
At Home | 16 November 1897 | В родном углу |
In the Cart [The Schoolmistress] | 21 December 1897 | На подводе |
All Friends Together [A Visit to Friends / With Friends] | February 1898 | У знакомых |
Ionych [Ionitch /Doctor Startsev] | September 1898 | Ионыч |
The Man in the Case [A Hard Case, The Encased Man, The Man in the Shell] | July 1898 | Человек в футляре |
Gooseberries | August 1898 | Крыжовник |
About Love [Concerning Love] | 1898 | О любви |
A Doctor's Visit [A Case History, A Medical Case] | December 1898 | Случай из практики |
The Darling | 3 January 1899 | Душечка |
The New Villa | 3 January 1899 | Новая дача |
On Official Duty [On Official Business, On Duty] | January 1899 | По делам службы |
The Lady with the Dog [Lady with a Lapdog / The Lady with the Toy Dog] | 1899 | Дама с собачкой |
At Christmas Time | January 1900 | На святках |
In the Ravine [In the Hollow / In the Gully] | January 1900 | В овраге |
The Bishop | 1902 | Архиерей |
Betrothed [A Marriageable Girl, The Fiancée, The Bride] | December 1903 | Невеста |
- The Shooting Party (1884)
- The Steppe (Степь, 1888)
- The Duel (Дуэль, 1891)
- An Anonymous Story (aka The Story of an Unknown Man & The Story of a Nobody. Рассказ неизвестного человека, 1893)
- Three Years (Три года, 1895)
- My Life (Моя жизнь, 1896)
Short-story collections
Collections of his stories that Chekhov prepared and published, or, in the case of The Prank, attempted to publish.
- The Prank (Шалость, intended for publication in 1882 but was subsequently abandoned). Was first published by New York Review Books in 2015 in an English translation
- The Tales of Melpomene (Сказки Мельпомены, 1884)
- Motley Stories (Пёстрые рассказы, 1886)
- At Dusk (aka In the Twilight; В сумерках, 1887)
- Innocent Remarks (Невинные речи, 1887)
- Stories (Рассказы, 1888)
- Children (Детвора, 1889)
- Gloomy People (aka Moody People; Хмурые люди, 1890)
- Ward No. 6 (and Other Stories) (Палата № 6 (и др. рассказы), 1893)
- Stories and Tales (Повести и рассказы, 1894)
- Peasants and My Life (Мужики и Моя жизнь, 1897)
- A Journey to Sakhalin (1895), including:
- Sakhalin Island (1891–1895)
- Across Siberia
(In English translation.)
- Letters of Anton Tchehov to His Family and Friends: With a Biographical Sketch. Translated by Constance Garnett. New York. 1920. Internet Archive on-line edition.
- Letters on the Short Story, the Drama, and Other Literary Topics, by Anton Chekhov. Selected and Edited by Louis S. Friedland. London. 1924.
- The Letters of Anton Pavolvitch Tchekhov to Olga Leonardovna Knipper. Translated from the Russian by Constance Garnett. New York.
- The Life and Letters of Anton Tchekov. Translated and Edited by S.S. Koteliansky and Philip Tomlinson. New York. 1925.
- The Personal Papers of Anton Chekhov. Introduction by Matthew Josephson. New York. 1948.
- The Selected Letters of Anton Chekhov. Edited by Lillian Hellman and translated by Sidonie Lederer. New York. 1955. ISBN 0-374-51838-6.
- DEAR WRITER, DEAR ACTRESS: The Love Letters of Anton Chekhov and Olga Knipper. Ecco, 1997, ISBN 0-88001-550-0.
- Anton Chekhov's Life and Thought: Selected Letters and Commentary. Translated by Simon Karlinsky, Michael Henry Heim, Northwestern University Press, 1997, ISBN 0-8101-1460-7.
- A Life in Letters. Translated by Rosamund Bartlett, Anthony Phillips. Penguin Books, 2004. ISBN 0-14-044922-1.
- Note-Book of Anton Chekhov. Translated by S. S. Koteliansky, Leonard Woolf, New York: B. W. Huebsch, 1921. Internet Archive on-line edition.
- Entirely in Russian
- The Undiscovered Chekhov: Fifty-One Newly Translated Stories, translated by Peter Constantine, foreword by Spalding Gray, UK (Duckbacks) edition, 2002: ISBN 0-7156-3155-1. NB: This collection seems to expand with each new edition
- The Unknown Chekhov: Stories and Other Writings Hitherto Unpublished, translated by Avrahm Yarmolinsky, 1954
- The Prank: The Best of Young Chekhov, translated by Maria Bloshteyn, New York (NYRB) edition, 2015: ISBN 978-1-59017-836-2
External links
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Wikisource has original text related to this article: |
- Works by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov at Project Gutenberg
- Short Stories by Anton Chekhov, translated by Constance Garnett, open source e-book produced by Standard Ebooks
- Five short stories by Chekhov adapted for the stage
- Bringing early Chekhov to an English-speaking readership
- Chekhov, Anton (2009). Sekirin, Peter (ed.). A Night in the Cemetery: And Other Stories of Crime and Suspense. New York: Pegasus. p. 320. ISBN 978-1605980591.
- Study resource for "The Lady with the Dog" Retrieved 17 February 2007.
- Teuber, Andreas. "Anton Chekhov Page". Retrieved 2008-07-14.
- Willis, Louis (27 January 2013). "Chekhov's Crime Stories". Literary and Genre. Knoxville: SleuthSayers.
- 55 + Stories Internet Archive Creative Commons and Public Domain
- The Little Trilogy Internet Archive Creative Commons and Public Domain
- Additional Stories from LibriVox See More Chekhov Stories
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