Boris Falikov
Boris Zinoviyevich Falikov (Russian: Борис Зиновьевич Фаликов), born September 24, 1947 in Holmsk, Sakhalin region, Russian Federation - is a Soviet and Russian historian and publicist, specializing in the field of new religions, has a Ph.D. in history sciences, assistant professor at “Centre of Religion Studies" with Russian State University for the Humanities. He is the younger brother of the poet and writer Falikov, Illya Zenoviyevich.
Dr. Boris Falikov | |
Фаликов, Борис | |
Born | Holmsk, Sakhalin region, Russian Federation | September 24, 1947
Nationality | ![]() ![]() |
Alma mater | Saratov Pedagogical University, Institute for US and Canadian Studies |
Scientific career | |
Fields | Comparative cultural studies, Religious studies, History of religions |
Institutions | "Centre of Religion Studies" at RSUH |
Thesis | Socio-political aspects of some religious movements in the US (hinduism and buddhism) (1985) |
Doctoral advisor | Dmitri Furman |
Falikov was born on 24 September 1947 in town Holmsk of the Sakhalin region. The Falikovs came to Sakhalin island from Vladivostok: the head of the family was sent to be the assistant director in the Sakhalin science and research institute of fish industry and oceanography, where the director used to be Japanese. Soon enough, Falikov's father became the institute's new director, but already in 1949 the Falikovs left the island for mainland.
Boris has graduated from the faculty of foreign languages of Saratov Pedagogical Institute ...[1] Then he joined the teaching staff of the Institute of USA and Canada with the Russian Academy of Sciences. There, in 1985 under the supervision of Furman D. E., he defended a historical sciences PhD candidate's thesis about “Socio-political aspects of some religious movements in the US (hinduism and buddhism)” (the national standard specialty code for which is 07.00.03 — «Generic history»). He has worked in the Orientalist Institute with the Russian Academy of Sciences, in the department of comparative cultural studies, where he's been studying the phenomenon of spreading of hinduism and buddhism in the Western culture.[2] During early 1990s he's been reading lectures in the Lewis & Clark College, University of Georgetown and the University of Kansas.
In 1997–1998 he was the OSCE expert on issues of freedom of religion.[3] Since 1999 - he is assistant professor at Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH). He is teaching at the RSUH "Centre of Religion Studies” (a course in “Modern non-traditional religional doctrines and cults”) and is head of the international department in the Kultura newspaper.[2] Boris Falikov is an author to 4 monographs: “Religion as part of political life in the US” (1985), “Neo-hinduism and the Western culture” (1994), “Christianity and other religions” (1999), “Cults and culture: from Helena Blavatsky to Ron Hubbard” (2007).
In 2000–2002 was the chief editor of the internet portal “World of religions”. His publicist works on problems of religions and culture were printed in the magazines - Kontinent (Russian: Континент), Znamya (Russian: Знамя), Novy Mir (Russian: Новый мир), The New Times (Russian: Новое время), "Summaries" (Russian: Итоги), “Everyday magazine” (Russian: Ежедневный журнал), “Profile” (Russian: Профиль), “Volga” (Russian: Волга), newspapers: "Thought of a Russian mind" (Russian: Русская мысль), Nezavisimaya Gazeta (Russian: Независимая газета), Izvestia (Russian: Известия), Vremya Novostei (Russian: Время новостей), “Kultura” (Russian: Культура), Moskovskiye Novosti (Russian: Московские новости), internet newspapers and publications Gazeta.Ru,,, “World of religions” (Russian: Мир религий), Russian Journal (Russian: Русский журнал).
- Furman, D. E.; Filatov, S. B.; Falikov B. Z. (1985). Zamoshkin, Y. A.; Furman, D. E. (eds.). Религия в политической жизни США (70-е — нач. 80-х гг.) [Religion as part of political life in the US (70s - early 80s)] (PDF). 4000. Moscow: Nauka. p. 225.
- Falikov, B. Z. (1994). Неоиндуизм и западная культура [Neo-hinduism and western culture]. Moscow: Nauka. p. 219. ISBN 978-5-02-017680-5.
- —— (2007). Культы и культура: от Елены Блаватской до Рона Хаббарда [Cults and culture: from Helena Blavatsky to Ron Hubbard]. Moscow: RSUH. p. 264. ISBN 978-5-7281-0990-7.
- —— (2007). Falikov B. Z. (ed.). Судьба громоотвода [Fate of the thunder arrester]. Cults and culture: From Helena Blavatsky to Ron Hubbard (in Russian). Moscow: RSUH. pp. 148–169. Archived from the original on 2016-08-19. Retrieved 2016-10-14.
- Falikov, B. Z. (1985). Восточные религиозные движения в США [Eastern religious movements in the US]. США — экономика, политика, идеология. 8.
- —— (1987). "The transformation of Hinduism in the US" Трансформация индуизма в США. In Chelyshev, E. P. (ed.). Взаимодействие культур Востока и Запада : сборник статей [The interactions between Western and Eastern cultures: a collection of publications]. Moscow: Nauka. pp. 127–145.
- —— (1989). "Neo-mysticism in the USSR" Неомистицизм в СССР. In Furman D. E.; Smirnov, M. (eds.). На пути к свободе совести [On a path towards the freedom of conscience]. Перестройка: гласность, демократия, социализм (49000 items ed.). Moscow: Progress. p. 496.
- —— (1993). Очерк истории теософского общества и его учения [A plot of theosophic society and its doctrine]. World religions (Религии мира), 1989—1990. Moscow: Nauka.
- «Нетрадиционные религии» в посткоммунистической России (материалы «круглого стола») [The "non-traditional religions" in post-communist Russia (round table transcript)]. Вопросы философии (in Russian). 12. 1996. pp. 3–31. (participated in the round table)
- —— (1999). "New religions and related changes in Russia" Новые религии и перемены в России. In Smirnov, M.; Shaburov, N. V. (eds.). Диа-Логос. Религия и общество. Альманах. 1998–1999. М.: Truth and life. Research center Исслед. центр «Религия и общество в странах СНГ и Балтии» and others. pp. 172–182.
- —— (2001). "The end of the world and flying saucers" Конец света и летающие тарелки. In Smirnov M. (ed.). Диа-Логос: Религия и общество. 2000–2001. Альманах [Dia-Logos: Religion and society. 2000–2001. Almanac.]. Moscow: Truth and life. Research center Religion and society in CIS and Baltic region Религия и общество в странах СНГ и Балтии. p. 532. ISBN 978-5-94270-010-2.
- —— (2001). Новые религиозные движения: проблемы религиозного статуса (на примере саентологии) [New religious movements: the problem of religious status (using scientology as an example)]. Религия и право: Информационно-аналитический журнал (in Russian) (2). pp. 8–11.
- —— (2001). "Occultism in Europe and Indian religions" Европейский оккультизм и религии Индии. In Fesenkova, L. V. (ed.). Дискурсы эзотерики (философский анализ) [Discourses on esoterics (a philosophical analysis)]. Moscow: Editorial URSS. p. 240. ISBN 978-5-8360-0302-9.
- —— (2015). "Buddhism" Буддизм. Христианство и другие религии. Сборник статей. Приложение к книге свящ. Георгия Кочеткова «„Идите, научите все народы“ (катехизис для катехизаторов)» [Christianity and other religions. A collection of publications. Appendix to st. Cochetkov's book "'Go and teach other nations' (catechism for the catechists)"] (2nd ed.). Moscow: St Philaret's Christian Institute in Moscow. pp. 57–66. ISBN 978-5-89100-137-4.
- —— (2015). "Hinduism" Индуизм. Христианство и другие религии. Сборник статей. Приложение к книге свящ. Георгия Кочеткова «„Идите, научите все народы“ (катехизис для катехизаторов)» [Christianity and other religions. A collection of publications. Appendix to st. Cochetkov's book "'Go and teach other nations' (catechism for the catechists)"] (2nd ed.). Moscow: St Philaret's Christian Institute in Moscow. pp. 67–76. ISBN 978-5-89100-137-4.
- —— (2015). "New religious movements of christian and non-christian origin" Новые религиозные движения христианского и не христианского происхождения. Христианство и другие религии. Сборник статей. Приложение к книге свящ. Георгия Кочеткова «„Идите, научите все народы“ (катехизис для катехизаторов)» [Christianity and other religions. A collection of publications. Appendix to st. Cochetkov's book "'Go and teach other nations' (catechism for the catechists)"] (2nd ed.). Moscow: St Philaret's Christian Institute in Moscow. pp. 97–116. ISBN 978-5-89100-137-4.
- —— (2008-01-01). "Guilty by Definition". Statutes and Decisions. 43 (1): 60–62. doi:10.2753/RSD1061-0014430110. ISSN 1061-0014. S2CID 143592348.
- Voß, Christian; Falikov, B. Z. (2012). "On the Way from Border Conflicts: Transpersonal Psychology in Russia". In Birgit Menzel; Michael Hagemeister; Bernice Glatzer Rosenthal (eds.). The New Age of Russia: Occult and Esoteric Dimensions. Studies on Language and Culture in Central and Eastern Europe. 17. Sagner. ISBN 978-3-86688-197-6.
Publicist works
- Falikov, B. Z. (1994). Богородичный центр и российская контркультура [Marian center and the Russian counter-culture]. The Orthodox society (4). Moscow.
- —— (1996). Лютер и Чайтанья: демократизация кришнаизма на Западе [Luther and Chaitanya: how Khrisnaism is becoming more democratic in the West]. Kontinent (in Russian) (89). Moscow.
- —— (1996). Белое братство [The White Brotherhood]. Znamya (in Russian) (8). Moscow.
- —— (1996-11-14). Новые религии в России [New religions in Russia]. Thought of a Russian mind Русская мысль (газета) (in Russian). Moscow.
- —— (1997). Охота на чужих ведьм [Somebody else's witch-hunt]. The New Times (in Russian). No. 21. Moscow. p. 36.
- —— (1997). Как относятся к новым религиям на Западе и в России? [How well are new religions being accepted in the West and in Russia?]. Thought of a Russian mind (in Russian) (4157). p. 158.
- —— (1998). В надежде на здравый смысл [In hope for some common sense]. Znamya (in Russian). No. 1. pp. 233–235.
- —— (1999). Неоязычество [Neo-paganism]. Novy Mir (in Russian). No. 8. Moscow. pp. 148–168.
- —— (1999-10-27). Сайентология и дух капитализма [Scinetology and the spirit of capitalism]. Время МН (in Russian) (8). Moscow. pp. 148–168.
- —— (2001-03-27). Жертвы глобализации [Victims of globalisation]. Summaries (magazine) Итоги (журнал) (in Russian). Moscow.
- —— (2001-04-11). Анатомия мифа [Anatomy of the myth]. НГ Религии (in Russian). Archived from the original on 2013-02-16.
- ——; Smirnov M. (2010). Новые религии - откуда они? [New religions - where they come from?]. Наука и религия (in Russian) (10). pp. 2–6. ISSN 0130-7045.
- —— (2010). Встречные волны: сакрализация и секуляризация [Conflicting waves: sacralization and secularization]. Science and religion Наука и религия (in Russian). No. 10. pp. 7–10. ISSN 0130-7045.
- —— (2010). Монастырь на колесах [Monastery on wheels]. Science and religion (in Russian) (11). pp. 44–49. ISSN 0130-7045.
- —— (2010). "Новый век": назад в будущее ["The new age": back to the future]. Science and religion (in Russian) (12). pp. 12–16. ISSN 0130-7045. Archived from the original on 2013-09-29. Retrieved 2016-10-14.
- —— (2011). Сайентология: от научной фантастики к химерам новой религии [Scientology: from science fiction to chimeras of new religion]. Science and religion (in Russian) (2). Moscow. ISSN 0130-7045.
- —— (2013-03-05). Хаббард по-прежнему нападает [Hubbard keeps attacking]. (in Russian).
- —— (2013-03-14). Недогматичный моралист [A non-dogmatic moralist]. (in Russian).
- —— (2013-04-01). Плюрализм по-соседски [Neighbour-like pluralism]. (in Russian).
- —— (2013-05-13). Суверенный ислам [Sovereign islam]. (in Russian).
- —— (2013-08-26). "Вера в городового" [Belief in the policeman] (in Russian). Retrieved 2013-08-27.
- "Справка. Фаликов Борис Зиновьевич" [Reference. Falikov Boris Zinoviyevich] (in Russian). Institute of religion and politics (Russian: Институт религии и политики). 2005. Retrieved 2012-01-02.
- "Авторы: Борис Фаликов" [Authors: Boris Falikov] (in Russian). Archived from the original on 2012-03-31. Retrieved 2012-01-02.
- Krapf, Thomas M. (2009). "Protecting and promoting freedom of conscience in the OSCE: Notes on the Role of the ODIRHR-Advisory Panel of Experts on Freedom of Religion or Belief" (PDF). Derecho y Religión (4): 181–199. ISSN 1887-3243. Retrieved 2016-12-16.
Further reading and external links
- Boris Falikov on Facebook
- All Falikov's publications on (in Russian)
- All publications in (in Russian)
- Minin, S. (2008-02-20). Лики «новой религиозности». Falikov B. Z. Культы и культура: от Елены Блаватской до Рона Хаббарда. – М.: РГГУ, 2007. – 265 с. [The faces of "new religiosity" in Boris Falikov's book "Cults and cultures: from Helena Blavatsky to Ron Hubbard"]. НГ-Религии (in Russian).
- "Krishna Holy Book Faces Ban in Tomsk". Retrieved 2016-12-15.
- "Putin to seek friendly ear with pope visit". Retrieved 2016-12-15.
- "Moscow Patriarchate's loss of Ukrainian churches will render 'Russian world' idea a purely militant nationalism, Falikov says -Euromaidan Press". Euromaidan Press. 2015-06-24. Retrieved 2016-12-15.
- "Surrounded by Mormons". Retrieved 2016-12-30.
- Falikov B. Z. (2014-12-08). "Почему Папа Франциск и Патриарх Кирилл (Гундяев) не встретятся в ближайшем будущем" [Why Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill will not meet in near future]. Retrieved 2016-12-30.
- Falikov B. Z. (2002-03-25). "Why RPTs should not fight catholics" [Why RPTs should not fight catholics]. Vremya Novostei. Retrieved 2016-12-30.
- Paul Goble (2012-10-23). "Moscow's 'Selective Secularism' Counterproductive, Analyst Says". Retrieved 2016-12-30.
- Bitten, Natasha The orthodox orientalist Borist Falikov believes, that emansipation of women causes terrorism // (in Russian)
- Kolymagin, B. F. Boris Falikov "Cults and cultures: from Helena Blavatsky to Ron Hubbard" (book review) // Portal-Credo.Ru (in Russian)
- Smirnov, I. V. "Cults and Culture". The ironical approach. Boris Falikov "Cults and cultures: from Helena Blavatsky to Ron Hubbard" (book review) //«Скепсис», 02.07.2008 (in Russian).
- Alexander Dvorkin Melitopol — London or travel notes by Boris Falikov // Centre of religious studies of Mart. Iriney Lionski, 2000 (in Russian).
- Alexander Dvorkin, Mikhailov Anatoly Controversy with Boris Falikov. The adventures of Ron Hubbard in Russia, or ideology instead of science // Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 14.06.2001, translation (copy on the website of Centre of religious studies of Mart. Iriney Lionski, 2004 (in Russian).
- Alexander Dvorkin Congrats, you lie again.. (Russian: Поздравляю, опять соврамши…) // Centre of religious studies of Mart. Iriney Lionski, 2011 (in Russian).
- Alexander Dvorkin Boris Falikov Anatomy of a Myth (book review).