Cieszyn Brewery
The Cieszyn Brewery is a brewery in Poland and belongs to the Felix Investments.[1] The brewery is located in the border town of Cieszyn, on the Castle Hill in the Classicist palace.

Brackie Beer

Żywiec Porter
The Archdukal Brewery, or Brackie Browar Zamkowy (Friar Castle Brewery), was built in 1846 by Albrecht Frederick of Habsburg.[2]
This brewery is the smallest of Żywiec Group and has a capacity of approximately 160 thousand hl a year. Brackie Brewery only brews Żywiec Porter and Brackie beer. They also brew a special "Mastne" brew created on the town's 1,200 anniversary out of four different malts: pilsner, Munich, caramel and wheat malt.[3]
Brackie beer's logo is green and contains an image of the Brackie Browar castle.
See also
- Polish beer
- Żywiec Brewery
- Elbrewery
- Warka Brewery
- Leżajsk Brewery
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