Concerto for Two Violins (Bach)

The Concerto for Two Violins in D minor, BWV 1043, also known as the Double Violin Concerto, is a violin concerto of the Late Baroque era, which Johann Sebastian Bach composed around 1730. It is one of the composer's most successful works.[1][2]


Bach composed his Concerto for Two Violins in D minor, BWV 1043, around 1730, as part of a concert series he ran as the Director of the Collegium Musicum in Leipzig.[3][4][5][6]


The concerto is characterized by a subtle yet expressive relationship between the violins throughout the work. In addition to the two soloists, the concerto is scored for strings (first violin, second violin and viola parts) and basso continuo.[3] The musical structure of this piece uses fugal imitation and much counterpoint.[7]

The concerto comprises three movements:

  1. Vivace
  2. Largo ma non tanto
  3. Allegro

Performance time of the concerto ranges from less than 13 minutes to over 18 minutes.[8][9]


Around 1736–1737 Bach arranged the concerto for two harpsichords, transposed into C minor, BWV 1062.[10]

1734–1738 Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach performed the concerto in Frankfurt an der Oder.[3] After his father's death in 1750, Carl Philipp Emanuel inherited some of the original performance parts, likely doubles, of the concerto (surviving: parts for soloists and continuo), and likely also the composer's autograph score (lost).[11][12] The extant original parts were later owned by Georg Poelchau, and were added to the Royal Library at Berlin (later converted to the Berlin State Library) in the 1840s.[12] After the Second World War they were lost for several decades, eventually resurfacing in Poland.[12][13]

Manuscript copies of (parts of) the concerto were produced around 1730–1740,[14] in 1760,[15] around 1760,[16] around 1760–1789,[17] and in the early 19th century.[18] The concerto was first published in 1852, by Edition Peters, edited by Siegfried Dehn.[19] In the first volume of his Bach biography (1873), Philipp Spitta describes the concerto as a product of the composer's Köthen period (1717–1723).[20][21] After describing Bach's other extant violin concertos, those in E major (BWV 1042) and A minor (BWV 1041), he adds:[22][23]

Dem D moll-Concert ist unstreitig der höchste Werth eigen und in dieser Eigenschaft findet es auch unter der heutigen musikalischen Welt schon eine erfreuliche Beachtung. Zwei Soloviolinen sind hier herangezogen, doch kann man nicht wohl von einem Doppelconcerte reden, da die beiden Geigen weniger unter sich, als vereinigt gegen den Instrumentalchor concertiren. Eine jede ist natürlich mit der Selbständigkeit behandelt, die bei dem Bachschen Stile ohne weiteres vorausgesetzt wird. Im Mittelsatze, einer wahren Perle an edlem, innigem Gesange, verhält sich das Orchester fast nur accompagnirend, wie es bei den Concertadagios ja das Gewöhnliche war.

The D minor concerto is without doubt the finest of the set, and is held in due esteem by the musical world of the present day. Two solo violins are here employed, but it is not, strictly speaking, a double concerto, for the two violins play not so much against one another, as both together against the whole band. Each is treated with the independence that is a matter of course in Bach's style. In the middle movement, a very pearl of noble and expressive melody, the orchestra is used only as an accompaniment, as was usual in the adagios of concertos.

—Philipp Spitta[22] —translation (after Bell/Fuller Maitland)[23]
Jelly d'Arányi often played Bach's Double Concerto at the London Proms.[24]

The Bach Gesellschaft published the concerto in 1874, edited by Wilhelm Rust.[25] The Neue Bachgesellschaft reports around 25 known public performances of the concerto in the period from late 1904 to early 1907: most of these in Germany, but also performances in other European cities, including London, Madrid, Paris, Riga, St. Petersburg and Vienna, are mentioned.[26] Outside of Europe, there was for instance the performance by Eugène Ysaÿe and Fritz Kreisler in New York in 1905.[27] In London, Bach's Double became a repertoire piece, for instance regularly performed at the Proms.[24]

After commenting that the "A minor and E major concertos are beginning to win a place in our concert halls," Albert Schweitzer writes, in the 1911 English-language edition of his book on Bach:[28]

The concerto for two violins, in D minor, is perhaps more widely known still. It can be played at home, as its orchestral part can be easily transcribed for the piano. Every amateur should know the wonderful peace of the largo ma non tanto in F major.

Albert Schweitzer[28]

Johannes Umbreit's piano reduction of the orchestral score was published by Henle.[29] Recordings of the concerto include:

Recordings of BWV 1043
Rec. Soloist I Soloist II Orchestra Conductor Release
1915-01-04 Kreisler Zimbalist string quartet (cello: Bourdon) Rogers Naxos (2001)[27][30][31][32]
1924-04-10 Catterall Bridge, J. S. Hallé Orchestra Harty Columbia (1925)[33][34][35]
≤1926-02 Arányi Fachiri [unidentified] Chapple, S. Vocalion (1926)[36]
1928 Rosé, Ar. Rosé, Al. Rosé Quartet Biddulph (1928)[27][37][38]
1928-07-01 Rosengren, A. Witek Bayreuth orchestra members Schmidt Columbia (1929)[39][40][41]
1932-06-04 Menuhin Enescu Paris Symphony Orchestra Monteux Vocalion (2010)[42][43][44]
1935-06-24 Zimmermann Hallmann, F. Concertgebouw Orchestra Mengelberg History XXCM (2001)[45][46]
1937-08-30 Szigeti Flesch [unidentified] Goehr Naxos (2009)[47][48]
1939 Diener Hampe, C. Collegium musicum Diener Electrola (≥1939)[49][50]
c.1945 Bruun Koppel Danish Chamber Orchestra Wöldike, M. HMV (c.1945)[51][52]
1945-04–05 Busch Magnes Busch Chamber Players CBS (1975)[53]
1945-11 Menuhin Oistrakh, D. USSR State Symphony Orchestra Orlov Warner (2016)[42][54]
1946 Menuhin Oistrakh, D. Moscow Chamber Orchestra Barshai Doremi (2000)[55]
1946-03-27 Grumiaux Pougnet Philharmonia String Orchestra Susskind Columbia (1946)[56][57]
1946-10 Heifetz RCA Victor Chamber Orchestra Waxman Naxos (2008)[58][59]
1950-06 Stern Schneider Prades Festival Orchestra Casals Cascavelle (2003)[60][61]
1952-01-06 Krebbers Olof Concertgebouw Orchestra Van Otterloo Philips (1998)[62]
1953-09-15 Menuhin de Vito Philharmonia Orchestra Bernard HMV (1954)[42][63]
1955 Grehling Hendel, G. F. Saar Chamber Orchestra Ristenpart Forgotten Records (2008)[64]
1955 Gilels Kogan, L. Philharmonia Orchestra Ackermann Columbia (1956)[65][66]
1955-04 Erlih Merckel Pro Arte München Redel Forgotten Records (2009)[67]
1956 Barchet Beh, W. Pro Musica Stuttgart Davisson Vox (1956)[9][68]
1956-12-12 Schneiderhan Baumgartner Lucerne Festival Strings Baumgartner DG (2005)[69]
≤1957 Cron, M. Hoffer, P. Orchestre Isaïe Disenhaus Disenhaus, I. GEM (1957)[70][71]
1957-04-17 Oistrakh, D. Oistrakh, I. Gewandhaus Orchestra Konwitschny Berlin Classics (2016)[72]
≤1958 Michelucci Ayo I Musici Philips (1958)[73]
1958 Menuhin Oistrakh, D. RTF Chamber Orchestra Capdevielle (video: 2001)[74]
1958-09-18 Oistrakh, D. Menuhin Enescu Philharmonic Orchestra Georgescu Music & Arts (2000)[42][75][76]
1959 Kogan, L. Gilels Moscow Chamber Orchestra Barshai ICA (2015)[77][78][79]
1959-07-08 Menuhin Ferras Bath Festival Orchestra Menuhin EMI (2009)[42][80]
≤1960 Lautenbacher Vorholz, D. Mainzer Kammerorchester Kehr Vox (1960)[81][82]
1960 Oistrakh, D. Oistrakh, I. Moscow Chamber Orchestra Barshai Le Chant du Monde (1988)[83]
1960-06 Carmirelli Peinemann Munich Philharmonic Rieger Past Daily (2015)[84][85]
≤1961 Frasca-Colombier Garnier, L. Kuentz Chamber Orchestra Kuentz Pierre Verany (1994)[86][87]
1961-02 Oistrakh, D. Oistrakh, I. Royal Philharmonic Goossens DG (1996)[88]
1961-02-18 Oistrakh, D. Oistrakh, I. English Chamber Orchestra Davis ICA Classics (video: 2011)[89]
1961-05 Heifetz Friedman London Symphony Orchestra Sargent Sony (2008)[90][91]
1963-01–02 Büchner Guntner Münchener Bach-Orchester Richter Archiv (1990)[92][93]
1963-04-30 Peinemann Zanettovich Naples RAI chamber orch. Abbado Fonit Cetra (1995)[94][95]
1964-03 Milstein Morini [unnamed chamber orchestra] Milstein Universal (2016)[96][97][98]
1965-05 Szeryng Rybar Musikkollegium Winterthur Szeryng Philips (2005)[99]
1965-09 Suk Jásek Prague Symphony Orchestra Smetáček Supraphon (1989)[100][101]
≤1966 Krebbers Olof Amsterdams Kamerorkest Rieu sr. Sony (1994)[102][103]
1966 Ferras Schwalbé Berlin Philharmonic Karajan DG (2007)[104]
1967 Varga, T. Varga, G. Varga Festival Chamber Orch. Varga, T. Claves (1993)[105]
1967-01 Harnoncourt, A. Pfeiffer, W. Concentus Musicus Wien Harnoncourt, N. Telefunken (1967)[106]
1968 Oistrakh, D. Oistrakh, I. Moscow Chamber Orchestra Barshai Melodia (2014)[107]
1970-09 Grumiaux Toyoda New Philharmonia Orchestra De Waart Philips (1971)[56][108]
≤1971 Milanova, S. Badev, G. Sofia Chamber Orchestra Kazandjiev Harmonia Mundi (1971)[109]
1971 Kogan, L. Kogan, P. Moscow Radio Symph. Orch. Melodia (2014)[110]
1971-01 Melkus Rantos, S. Capella Academica Wien Melkus DG (1971)[111]
1971-07 Perlman Zukerman English Chamber Orchestra Barenboim EMI (2002)[112][113]
1971-07 Francescatti Pasquier Lucerne Festival Strings Baumgartner DG (2006)[114][115]
1972-02-26 Szeryng García English Chamber Orchestra Szeryng Inta'glio (1992)[116]
≤1974 Kalafusz, H. Rösch, W. Stuttgarter Kammerorchester MHS (1974)[117]
1974 Krachmalnick, J. Menuhin National ASTA String Orchestra Krachmalnick, S. Custom Fidelity (1974)[42]
1975-5 Magyar, T. Goldberg Netherlands Chamber Orchestra Goldberg Philips (1999)[118][119]
1975-09-20 Kamu Segerstam Nationalmuseum orchestra Génetay BIS (1995)[120]
1976-05-18 Menuhin Stern New York Philharmonic Bernstein Sony (1991)[42][121]
1976-06 Szeryng Hasson St Martin in the Fields Marriner Philips (1982)[122]
1977–78 Suske Kröhner, G. Gewandhaus Orchestra Masur Deutsche Schallplatten (1980)[123]
1978-11 Grumiaux Krebbers Les Solistes Romands Gérecz Philips (1980)[56][124]
≤1979 Kovács Bálint, M. Budapest Philharmonic Erdélyi Hungaroton (1979)[125]
1979-03 Altenburger Mayer-Schierning, E. Deutsche Bachsolisten Winschermann RCA (1980)[126]
1979-03-03 Menuhin Ricci Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra Gamba MMG (1980)[42][127][128][129]
1980-09-24 Perlman Stern New York Philharmonic Mehta Sony (2004)[130][131]
1981 Kuijken Van Dael La Petite Bande Kuijken Deutsche Harm. Mundi (1996)[132]
1981 Schröder Hirons, C. Academy of Ancient Music Hogwood L'Oiseau-Lyre (1989)[133]
1981-11-12 Menuhin Li London Symphony Orchestra Menuhin HMV (1982)[42][134][135]
≤1982 Stern Zukerman St. Paul Chamber Orchestra Zukerman CBS (1987)[136][137]
1982 Suk Kosina, M. Suk Chamber Orchestra Vlach Supraphon (1991)[138]
1982-11-17 Mutter Accardo English Chamber Orchestra Accardo EMI (1983)[139][140][141]
1982-12 Stern Mintz Israel Philharmonic Orchestra Mehta Helicon (2014)[142]
≤1983 Kremer St Martin in the Fields Kremer Philips (2003)[143][144]
1983-3 Standage Wilcock , E. The English Concert Pinnock Archiv (2001)[145]
≤1984 Divry, T. Velin, J.-C. Ad artem de Lorraine Redel Forlane (1992)[146][147]
1984-01 Shumsky Tunnell, J. Scottish Chamber Orchestra Nimbus (2001)[148]
1984-04-27 Menuhin Chen, L. Polish Chamber Orchestra Menuhin Polskie Nagrania (1988)[42][149]
1984-12-20 Tretiakov Kagan Moscow Virtuosi Tretiakov Yedang (2001)[150]
≤1985 Laredo Tunnell, J. Scottish Chamber Orchestra Laredo Contour (1985)[151]
1985 Huggett Bury, A. Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra Koopman Erato (1988)[152]
1985-07 Accardo Batjer, M. Chamber Orchestra of Europe Accardo Philips (1986)[153]
1985-12 Menuhin Lysy Camerata Lysy Gstaad Lysy EMI (1987)[42][154][155]
≤1986 Kostyál, K. Rolla Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra Rolla Hungaroton (1986)[156]
1986-03 Zukerman Midori St. Paul Chamber Orchestra Zukerman Philips (1986)[157]
1986-06 Ritchie Quan, L. Helicon Fuller Reference (1993)[158]
≤1986-07 Spivakov Futer, A. Moscow Virtuosi Spivakov Castle (1986)[159]
≤1987 Sitkovetsky, D. García English Chamber Orchestra Sitkovetsky, D. Novalis (1987)[160][161]
1987-12-02 Eto Gulli English Chamber Orchestra Menuhin Start Records (1988)[42][162]
≤1988 Brezina, J. Elias, F. Camerata Romana Duvier, E. Pilz Media Group (1988)[163]
1988-07 Spivakov Futer, A. Moscow Virtuosi Spivakov RCA Victor (1990)[164]
1988-11 Bride, P. Crenne, C. Ensemble Instrumental de Fr. Pierre Verany (1994)[165]
1989-05 Mackintosh Wallfisch The King's Consort King Hyperion (1990)[166][167]
1989-05–06 Nishizaki Jablokov, A. Cappella Istropolitana Dohnányi Naxos (1990)[168]
1989-07 Agostini Perez, A. I Musici Philips (1990)[169][170]
1990 Rees Murdoch, J. Scottish Ensemble Rees Virgin (1991)[171]
1990-04-15 Korsakova Korsakov Concertino of Moscow Phil. Russian Disc (1993)[172]
1990-09 Zukerman García English Chamber Orchestra Zukerman RCA Victor (2007)[173]
1991 Spivakov Futer, A. Moscow Virtuosi Spivakov Cascade (Video: 2003)[174]
1992-09-01 Menuhin Lysy Camerata Lysy Gstaad Menuhin Dinemec (1997)[42][175][176]
≤1993 Zweden Verhey Pardubice Chamber Orchestra Vermeulen, J. Dino (1993)[177][178]
1993 Weiss, L. Sand, M. Arcangeli Baroque Strings Sand, M. Music & Arts (1995)[179]
1994 Letzbor Sepec, D. Ars Antiqua Austria Letzbor Symphonia (2010)[180]
1994-09 Colliard, G. Lethiec, S. Brixi Chamber Orchestra Meister, C. Doron Music (1995)
1995-02 Lamon Melsted, L. Tafelmusik Lamon Sony (1995)[181]
1995-02 Hudeček Sitkovetsky, D. Virtuosi di Praga Sitkovetsky, D. Supraphon (1996)[182]
1995-05 Standage Comberti Collegium Musicum 90 Standage Chandos (1996)[183]
1996 Manze Podger Academy of Ancient Music Manze Harmonia Mundi (1997)[184]
1996 Schmid Rosenkranz, H. Cis Coll. Mozarteum Salzburg Geise, J. Arte Nova (2000)[185]
1996-12-26 Stern Shaham Israel Philharmonic Orchestra BMG (video: 1997)[186][187][188]
1997-06 Röhrig, A. Bundies, U. Musica Alta Ripa MD&G (1998)[189]
1998-12 Pichlmeier, C. Stewart, L. Kölner Kammerorchester Müller-Brühl Naxos (1999)[190][191]
≤1999 Lysy Reuter Camerata Lysy Gstaad Menuhin Arcobaleno (2000)[192]
1999 Poppen Faust Bach-Collegium Stuttgart Rilling Hänssler (1999)[193]
1999 Terakado Wakamatsu, N. Bach Collegium Japan Suzuki BIS (2000)[194]
≤2000 Polack, D. Drzyzgula, K. Lodz Chamber Orchestra Szostak Brilliant Classics (2000)[195]
2000-09 St. John, L. St. John, S. New York Bach Ensemble Avie (2002)[196]
2000-01 Kennedy Stabrawa Berlin Philharmonic EMI (2001)[197]
2000-10 Hahn Batjer, M. Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra Kahane DG (2003)[198]
2001 Hudson, B. Kussmaul, W. Stuttgarter Kammerorchester Hudson, B. Tacet (2006)[199]
2001 Kuusisto, J. Kuusisto, P. Tapiola Sinfonietta Ondine (2010)[200]
2003 Ingólfsdóttir, U. Ingólfsdóttir, R. Reykjavík Chamber Orchestra Smekkleysa (2013)[201]
2003-06 Valetti Beyer Café Zimmermann Valetti Alpha (2014)[202]
2005 Suwanai Steude, V. Chamber Orchestra of Europe Suwanai Philips (2006)[203]
2005 Tognetti Rathbone Australian Chamber Orchestra Tognetti ABC Classics (2009)[204]
2005-01-24 Beznosiuk Podger Academy of Ancient Music Beznosiuk Wigmore Hall (2006)[205]
2005-02-26 Großbauer Buchler, W. Vienna Symphony ensemble Birnbaum, C. Solo Musica (2013)[206]
2005-10–11 Hope Blankestijn Chamber Orchestra of Europe Bezuidenhout Warner (2006)[207][208]
2005-12 Szilvay, R. Simonen Helsinki Strings Szilvay, G. Warner (2010)[209][210]
2006-01-19 Rowland Koch, M. London Conchord Ensemble Champ Hill (2010)[211]
2006-06-25 Bezzina Corolla, L. Ensemble baroque de Nice Bezzina Ligia Digital (2010)[212]
2008-06 Fischer Sitkovetsky, A. St Martin in the Fields Fischer Decca (2009)[213][214]
≤2009 Sato Fukuhara, M. Orchestra of St. Luke's MusicMasters (2009)[215]
2009-01 Kristinsdóttir Immer, L. Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop ARS (2011)[216]
2009-10-17 Oliveira Gruesser Arco Ensemble Oliveira Artek (2010)[7][217]
≤2010 Morton, J. Gould Scottish Ensemble Morton, J. BBC (2010)[218]
2010-11-26 Solozobova Zimansky Camerata Musica Barocca Solozobova Bella Musica (2011)[219]
2011 Meyers English Chamber Orchestra Mercurio eOne (2012)[220][221]
2011-03–04 Spissky, P. Eike Concerto Copenhagen Mortensen cpo (2015)[222]
2011-10 Zimmermann Gilbert New York Philharmonic Gilbert NYPO (2012)[223][224]
2012 Tölke, B. Kanzian, M. Ensemble Wien Klang Schulz, C. Preiser (2014)[225]
2012-04 von der Goltz Müllejans Freiburger Barockorchester Harmonia Mundi (2013)[226][227]
2012-05 Eschkenazy Top Concertgebouw Chamber Orch. Pentatone (2012)[228]
2012-10 Podger Čičić, B. Brecon Baroque Podger Channel Classics (2013)[229][230]
2013-06-14 Debretzeni Homburger English Baroque Soloists Gardiner BBC (2013)[231]
2013-03 Koh Laredo Curtis 20/21 Ensemble Parameswaran, V. Cedille (2014)[232][233]
2013-07 Hirasaki Carmignola Concerto Köln Archiv (2014)[234]
2014-07 Nemtanu, S. Nemtanu, D. Paris Chamber Orchestra Goetzel Naïve (2015)[235]
2014-11 Bernardini Daniel, H. Dunedin Consort Butt Linn (2016)[236]
2015-02 Westers, J. Webb, A. Camerata RCO Gutman Records (2017)[237][238]
2015-08 Mutter Wildschut Mutter's Virtuosi Esfahani DG (2015)[239][240]
2016-03–06 Radulović Milošević Double Sens DG (2016)[241]
2016-06 Korsakova Padovani North Czech Philharmonic Olivieri-Munroe ARS (2019)[242]
2016-10-07 Sato Deans, E. Netherlands Bach Society Sato Bachvereniging (video: 2017)[243]
2017–2018 Faust Forck, B. Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin Forck, B. Harmonia Mundi (2019)[244][245]
2018-02 Sato Valova, Z. Il Pomo d'Oro Erato (2018)[246][247]
≤2019 Kalló Paulik, L. Capella Savaria Kalló Hungaroton (2019)[248][249][250]
Herman Krebbers, Willem van Otterloo and Theo Olof before the Concertgebouw Orchestra (1958): in 1952 they had recorded Bach's Double Concerto.[62]

Research by Andreas Glöckner, published in 1982, dispelled prior assumptions that Bach would have composed the concerto in Köthen: Bach's extant autograph parts indicate that the concerto was composed in Leipzig, likely in 1730 or the earlier part of 1731.[6] The New Bach Edition published the concerto in 1986, edited by Dietrich Kilian.[251] According to Peter Wollny, writing in 1999, "The Concerto for two violins in D minor BWV 1043 is today one of the best-known and most frequently performed works of the composer, above all by virtue of its soulful, song-like middle movement."[5]

According to Michael Miller, writing for Penguin's Complete Idiot's Guides, the concerto is one of Bach's eleven most notable compositions.[1] In the Rough Guides, the Double Concerto is described as "one of Bach's very greatest works."[2] The BBC website writes about the concerto: "one of Bach's best loved instrumental works."[231] According to the British Classic FM website, "the 'Bach Double' is one of the most famous of his works."[252] The uDiscover Music website lists it among ten essential pieces by the composer.[253]


  1. Miller 2008.
  2. Staines 2010.
  3. Concerto, d BWV 1043 at Bach Digital.
  4. Wolff 2002.
  5. Wollny 1999, p. 3.
  6. Glöckner 1982, pp. 49–50, 69.
  7. Bach: Violin Concerti / Oliveira at hbdirect website
  8. BACH: Radulović at Deutsche Grammophon website.
  9. Bach: Concerto for Two Violins and Orchestra, BWV 1043, D minor (1LP0137972) at British Library Sounds website.
  10. Concerto, c BWV 1062 at Bach Digital.
  11. Wollny 1996, p. 8.
  12. PL-Kj Bach St 148, Fascicle 1 at Bach Digital.
  13. Dürr & Neumann 1968, pp. 101–102.
  14. PL-Kj Bach St 148, Fascicle 2 at Bach Digital.
  15. D-B Bach St 147 at Bach Digital.
  16. D-B Bach P 254 at Bach Digital.
  17. D-B Bach St 630 at Bach Digital.
  18. D-Bhm H 729 at Bach Digital.
  19. Dehn 1852.
  20. Spitta 1873.
  21. Spitta 1899.
  22. Spitta 1873, p. 735.
  23. Spitta 1899, pp. 127128.
  24. Potter 2009, p. 3.
  25. Rust 1874.
  26. Übersicht at Bach-Jahrbuch 1906, p. 129.
  27. Kennaway 2009, pp. 237–238.
  28. Schweitzer 1935.
  29. Johann Sebastian Bach: Concerto for two Violins d minor BWV 1043 at G. Henle Verlag website. ISMN 979-0-2018-0672-3. HN 672.
  30. Classic Music: Instrumental at Record Collectors Corner 78 website, p. 14
  31. Kreisler: the complete concerto recordings – Vol. 3 at Muziekweb website
  32. Bach: Concerto for Two Violins and Orchestra, BWV 1043, D minor (1CL0032552; 1CL0032554) at British Library Sounds website.
  33. Arthur Catterall - The Manchester Years at Musicweb International website.
  34. Col. Acoustic 'M' Sets 1-25 at Columbia Masterworks 78rpm Album Discography website.
  35. Bach: Concerto for Two Violins and Orchestra, BWV 1043, D minor (1CL0050817; 1CL0050820; 1CL0050821) at British Library Sounds website.
  36. Bach: Concerto for Two Violins and Orchestra, BWV 1043, D minor (1CL0011033; 1CL0011034) at British Library Sounds website.
  37. Biddulph LAB 056-57
  38. Bach: Concerto for Two Violins and Orchestra, BWV 1043, D minor (1CL0031754; 1CL0031756; 1CL0031758) at British Library Sounds website.
  39. Search Results for Alma Rosengren-Witek, Anton Witek, violins at CHARM website.
  40. Phonograph Monthly Review, Vol. 3, No. 10 (July 1929), pp. 346–347
  41. Bach: Concerto for Two Violins and Orchestra, BWV 1043, D minor (1CL0044895; 1CL0044896) at British Library Sounds website.
  42. The Music at the Yehudi Menuhin website (
  43. Yehudi Menuhin – George Enescu at Muziekweb website
  44. Bach: Concerto for Two Violins and Orchestra, BWV 1043, D minor (1CL0034006; 1CL0034008) at British Library Sounds website.
  45. Mengelberg: Maestro Appasionato at Muziekweb website
  46. Bach: Concerto for Two Violins and Orchestra, BWV 1043, D minor (1CL0061028; 1CL0061029) at British Library Sounds website.
  47. Potter 2009.
  48. Bach: Concerto for Two Violins and Orchestra, BWV 1043, D minor (1CL0055136; 1CL0055138) at British Library Sounds website.
  49. Elste, Martin (2016). Meilensteine der Bach-Interpretation 1750-2000: Eine Werkgeschichte im Wandel. Springer. ISBN 9783476037923, p. 423
  50. Bach: Concerto for Two Violins and Orchestra, BWV 1043, D minor (1CL0018632; 1CL0018635) at British Library Sounds website.
  51. Discography of searching sources for the Specified Nonprofit Corporation KF-Archive at KF-Archive website, pp. 28–29
  52. Bach: Concerto for Two Violins and Orchestra, BWV 1043, D minor (1CL0038403; 1CL0038405) at British Library Sounds website.
  53. Adolf Busch's Discography at Max-Reger-Institute website, p. 16 (22 June 2016)
  54. The Menuhin Century at Muziekweb website
  55. Legendary Treasures - David Oistrakh Collection Vol 8 - Bach at ArkivMusic website.
  56. Recordings & Discography - Arthur Grumiaux at TRM Solutions website.
  57. Bach: Concerto for Two Violins and Orchestra, BWV 1043, D minor (1CL0048329; 1CL0048331) at British Library Sounds website.
  58. Jascha Heifetz plays Bach & Mozart Violin Concertos at Presto Music website.
  59. The Heifetz Collection Vol 6 - 1946-1947 at ArkivMusic website.
  60. 1er Festival de Prades 1950 at Muziekweb website
  61. BACH, JOHANN SEBASTIAN (1645-1695) at Fundació Pau Casals website.
  62. Concert voor twee violen, BWV.1043 ; dutch masters ; vol.34 at Muziekweb website
  63. Bach: Concerto for Two Violins and Orchestra, BWV 1043, D minor (1LP0164027) at British Library Sounds website.
  64. Bach - Concertos pour violon - Ulrich Grehling & Georg Friedrich Hendel - Orchestre de Chambre de la Sarre - Karl Ristenpart at Forgotten Records website.
  65. Bach, Mozart, etc.: Violin concertos/Kogan at Classics Today website.
  66. Bach: Concerto for Two Violins and Orchestra, BWV 1043, D minor (1LP0181327) at British Library Sounds website.
  67. Bach-Concertos pour violon, deux violons,violon et hautbois, clavecin-Devy Erlih, Henry Merckel, Reinhold Barchet, Kurt Kalmus, Rolf Reinhardt-Orchestre Pro Arte, Munich-Kurt Redel at Forgotten Records website.
  68. Vox PL 9150
  69. Wolfgang Schneiderhan - 1950s Concerto Recordings at ArkivMusic website.
  70. BNF 37900245d
  71. Symphonium 1108
  72. Bach: Konzert fur 2 Violinen BWV 1043/Vivaldi: Concerto grosso Op. 3 No. 8 at Presto Music website.
  73. OCLC 873195537
  74. Yehudi Menuhin and David Oistrakh play Bach's Double Violin Concerto: Orchestre de chambre de la RTF, Pierre Capdevielle at website.
  75. In memoriam: Yehudi Menuhin at Musicweb International website.
  76. In memoriam: Yehudi Menuhin at Muziekweb website
  77. Rudolf Barshai - A Tribute to Rudolf Barshai at jpc website.
  78. BACH: Concerto for 2 Violins in D minor BWV 1043 at goclassic website.
  79. Violin Collection / Kogan at ArkivMusic website.
  80. Yehudi Menuhin: The Great Violin Concertos at Musicweb International website.
  81. The 6 Brandenburg concerti & 3 violin concerti at Muziekweb website
  82. Bibliothèque nationale de France
  83. Edition David Oistrakh, Vol. 6 at Muziekweb website
  84. Edith Peinemann – Pina Carmirelli – Munich Phil. – Vienna Festival 1960 – Past Daily Mid-Week Concert at Past Daily website.
  85. Tue 21. June 1960 19:30 – Großer Saal, Musikverein – Münchner Philharmoniker – Fritz Rieger: Bach • Bruckner at Musikverein website.
  86. Les concertos pour violon at Muziekweb website
  87. Bach: Violin Concertos, BWV 1041 & 1043 at Yandex website.
  88. Bach, Brahms, Tchaikovsky: Violin Concertos / David Oistrakh at ArkivMusic website.
  89. Double concerto at Muziekweb website
  90. Original Jacket Collection - Jascha Heifetz at ArkivMusic website.
  91. The Original Jacket Collection: Jascha Heifetz at Opus Klassiek website.
  92. 4 ouvertüren at Muziekweb website
  93. OCLC 7072161
  94. Abbado Festival at Club abbadiani itineranti website.
  95. Concerto in re min. per due violine at Muziekweb website
  96. CD37 of Nathan Milstein: Great DG & EMI Recordings (at Douban website).
  97. LCCN r640-1495
  98. Erica Morini Discography at Youngrok Lee website.
  99. Bach Violin Concertos Szeryng 1965 at Trustysound website.
  100. Bach: Violin Concertos, Concerto For 2 Violins, Etc / Suk at ArkivMusic website.
  101. Violin concertos at Muziekweb website
  102. Violinconcertos at Muziekweb website
  103. Artone BDE S-1723
  104. Karajan: The Music, The Legend at Alibris website.
  105. Concerto For 2 Violins In D Minor BWV 1043 at Radio Swiss Classic website.
  106. Das Alte Werk SAWT 9508-A
  107. J.S. Bach: Concertos / David & Igor Oistrakh, violins; Moscow CO, Barshai (rec. 1959-1976) at hbdirect website.
  108. Philips 6500 119
  109. Harmonia Mundi HM 113
  110. Bach, Berg: Violin Concertos at ArkivMusic website.
  111. BNF 377715865
  112. Bach: Violin Concertos / Perlman, Zukerman, Barenboim, Et Al at ArkivMusic website.
  113. Violin concertos at Muziekweb website
  114. Leonard, James. Zino Francescatti / Rudolf Baumgartner / Regis Pasquier; Bach: Concertos pour violon (CD - Deutsche Grammophon #459169) at AllMusic. Retrieved 2020-09-06.
  115. Zino Francescatti Discography at Youngrok Lee website.
  116. Concerto for two violins in d minor at Muziekweb website
  117. OCLC 3113043
  118. The Early Years - Szymon Goldberg Plays Bach at ArkivMusic website.
  119. Bach: Szymon Goldberg at Muziekweb website
  120. Bach: Concertos, Cantatas No 82 / Ardal, Génetay, Et Al at ArkivMusic website.
  121. Concert Of The Century / Bernstein, Horowitz, Stern, Et Al at ArkivMusic website.
  122. 3 violin concertos at Muziekweb website
  123. OCLC 1033802653
  124. Philips 9500 614
  125. Violin concertos : BWV 1041-1043 / Johan Sebastian Bach ; Dénes Kovács, Mária Bálint ; Budapest Philharmonic Orchestra ; conducted by Miklós Erdélyi at Zagreb City Library website.
  126. RCA RL 30398 (1980)
  127. Discography at Ruggiero Ricci website.
  128. Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra at The Canadian Encyclopedia website.
  129. Moss Music Group (Canada) MMG 1122.
  130. Expanded Edition - J.s. Bach / Stern, Et Al at ArkivMusic website.
  131. Sony Classical SMK 66 471
  132. Violinkonzerte BWV 1041-1043 at Muziekweb website
  133. Double concertos at Muziekweb website
  134. Search Results for Yehudi Menuhin, violin, Jin Li, violin at CHARM website.
  135. His Master's Voice ASD 4207
  136. Concertos for 1 & 2 violins & strings at Muziekweb website
  137. Concerti for 2 violins at Muziekweb website
  138. Concerto for violin and strings no.1 in a minor BWV 1041 at Muziekweb website
  139. Bach: Violin Concertos Nos. 1 & 2 at Presto Music website.
  140. Bach: Concerto for Two Violins in D minor at Muziekweb website
  141. Bach: Violinkonzerte BWV 1041-1043 at Anne-Sophie Mutter website.
  142. The Hubermann Week Festival, 30th Anniversary at ArkivMusic website.
  143. Concerto for two violins, strings, and continuo in d minor, BWV 1043 at Muziekweb website
  144. Philips 411 108-1
  145. Bach: Concertos / Trevor Pinnock, The English Concert at ArkivMusic website.
  146. BNF 382195299
  147. Forlane UM 6517 at ilovelp website.
  148. Portrait Of A Legendary Violinist - Bach, Mozart / Shumsky at ArkivMusic website.
  149. Polskie Nagrania Muza SX 2151–2152
  150. Bach,Vivaldi - V. Tretyakov,R. Barshai at russiandvd website.
  151. Contour Red Label CC 7607
  152. J.S. Bach:Concerto pour 2 violons BWV 1043 at Muziekweb website
  153. J.S. Bach: Double Concerto – The Violin Concertos at Muziekweb website
  154. EMI CDC 7 47900 2
  155. LCCN 88-754464
  156. Violin concertos at Muziekweb website
  157. Bach, Vivaldi: Double Concertos / Zukerman, Midori at ArkivMusic website.
  158. Vivaldi, Bach / Schroder, Ritchie, Quan, Helicon at ArkivMusic website.
  159. Johann Sebastian Bach: Violin Concertos at Muziekweb website
  160. Novalis 150 017-1
  161. Duarte, John (May 1988). Review: Bach Violin Concertos in Gramophone.
  162. Start (State of the Art) Records STDL 13
  163. OCLC 20313860
  164. RCA Victor Red Seal RD87991
  165. Concertos at Muziekweb website
  166. Violin concertos at Muziekweb website
  167. Bach: Violin Concertos – The King's Consort, Robert King at Hyperion Records website.
  168. BACH, J.S.: Violin Concertos, BWV 1041-1043 (Takako Nishizaki, Capella Istropolitana, Dohnányi) at Naxos website.
  169. OCLC 720520906
  170. Violin concertos at Muziekweb website
  171. Violin concertos at Muziekweb website
  172. Natasha Korsakova - Andrei Korsakov - J.S. Bach - W.A. Mozart- Violin Concert at Russian Compact Disc website.
  173. Bach: Violin Concertos / Zukerman, English Co at ArkivMusic website.
  174. Moscow Virtuosi at Muziekweb website
  175. OCLC 61369744
  176. Aurophon AU 32186 CD
  177. À ma mère at bassdiscography website.
  178. A ma mère at Muziekweb website
  179. Merit - Bach: Concertos For 1, 2 & 3 Violins / Sand, Et Al at ArkivMusic website.
  180. Concerti per violino at Muziekweb website
  181. Violin concertos at Muziekweb website
  182. Bach concertos at Muziekweb website
  183. Bach: Concertos for Violin & Strings at Chandos Records website.
  184. Solo & double violin concertos at Muziekweb website
  185. Bach: Violin concertos at Muziekweb website
  186. Zubin Mehta and Daniel Barenboim – With Isaac Stern, Gil Shaham, Maxim Vengerov, Pinchas Zukerman, Itzhak Perlman...: The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra 60th Anniversary Gala at website.
  187. Itzhak Perlman: Anniversary Box at ArkivMusic website.
  188. The Israel philharmonic orchestra 60th anniversary gala concert at Muziekweb website
  189. Bach: Solo Concertos Vol 3 / Musica Alta Ripa at ArkivMusic website.
  190. Wollny 1999.
  191. BACH, J.S.: Violin Concertos, BWV 1041-1043 and BWV 1052 at Naxos website.
  192. In memoriam Yehudi Menuhin at Muziekweb website
  193. Violin concertos ; hänssler edition bachakademie ; vol.125 at Muziekweb website
  194. Concertos 1 at Muziekweb website
  195. Bach Edition: Double Concertos at Muziekweb website
  196. The concerto album at Muziekweb website
  197. Kennedy Plays Bach With The Berlin Philharmonic at ArkivMusic website.
  198. Hilary Hahn - Bach: Violin Concertos / Kahane, La Co at ArkivMusic website.
  199. Concertos vol.II ; concertos ; vol.2 at Muziekweb website
  200. Violin concertos at Muziekweb website
  201. Violin concertos at Muziekweb website
  202. Bach: Concerts avec plusieurs instruments (Vol. I à VI) - Intégrale (booklet: pp. 38–39) at Chandos Records website.
  203. Bach: Violin Concertos at Muziekweb website
  204. Violin concertos at Muziekweb website
  205. Concerti and concerti grossi by Handel, JS Bach and Vivaldi at Muziekweb website
  206. Fiori Musicali at ArkivMusic website.
  207. Bach: Daniel Hope at Muziekweb website
  208. Bach: Violin Concertos, Etc / Hope, Bezuidenhout, Et Al at ArkivMusic website.
  209. Double Concertos For Strings at bassdiscography website.
  210. Bach, Telemann, Vivaldi, Bottesini: Double Concertos For Strings at ArkivMusic website.
  211. Bach: Suite No. 2; Concertos at Chandos Records website.
  212. Concertos pour violon at Muziekweb website
  213. DECCA 4780650 at Musicweb International website.
  214. Bach Concertos at Academy of St Martin in the Fields website.
  215. OCLC 24089269
  216. Johann Sebastian Bach - Violinkonzerte at ARS Produktion website.
  217. Bach: Violin Concerti / Elmar Bach: Violin Concerti, Arco Ensemble at ArkivMusic website.
  218. Scottish Ensembles, Episode 4 of 5: Scottish Ensemble at BBC website.
  219. Musikalische Perlen at Muziekweb website
  220. Air - The Bach Album / Meyers, Mercurio, English Chamber Orchestra at ArkivMusic website.
  221. Air: The Bach album at Muziekweb website
  222. JS Bach: Violin Concertos, BWV 1041-1043 & Oboe Concerto, BWV 1060R at Presto Music website.
  223. Frank Peter Zimmermann / Alan Gilbert: J.S. Bach, Berg, Brahms at AllMusic. Retrieved 2020-09-10.
  224. New York Philharmonic October 5–7, 2011 at instantencore website.
  225. Live aus dem Casino Baumgarten at Muziekweb website
  226. Johann Sebastian Bach: Violinkonzerte BWV 1041-1043 at jpc website.
  227. Johann Sebastian BACH (1685 - 1750): Violin Concertos at musica Dei donum website.
  228. BACH, J.S.: Violin 5, BWV 1041, 1042, 1043 / Concerto for Oboe and Violin (Eschkenazy, Top, Ogrintchouk, Concertgebouw Chamber Orchestra) at Chandos Records website.
  229. J.S. Bach: Double & Triple Concertos / Podger, Bellamy, Pramsohler, Brecon Baroque at ArkivMusic website.
  230. Double & triple concertos at Muziekweb website
  231. Radio 3 Live in Concert: Monteverdi Choir, English Baroque Soloists - Bach at BBC website.
  232. BACH, J.S.: Concerto for 2 Violins, BWV 1043 / CLYNE, A.: Prince of Clouds / GLASS, P.: Echorus (Two x Four) (Jennifer Koh, J. Laredo) at Naxos website.
  233. Two x Four at Cedille Records website.
  234. Bach: Violin Concertos / Giuliano Carmignola, violin; Concerto Köln; Hirasaki at hbdirect website
  235. Bach, Schnittke: Concertos for One & Two Violins / Deborah Nemtanu, Sarah Nemtanu, violins; Paris CO; Goetzel at hbdirect website.
  236. JS Bach: Violin Concertos at Presto Music website.
  237. Due Lune at Muziekweb website
  238. Due Lune: Annebeth Webb & Joanna Westers at Gutman Records website.
  239. The Club Album: Live from Yellow Lounge - extracts from works by Vivaldi, Debussy, Gershwin, J.S. Bach, Tchaikovsky, Debussy, Copland et al. / Anne-Sophie Mutter, violin; Lambert Orkis, piano; Mahan Esfahani at hbdirect website.
  240. Videos at Noa Wildschut website.
  241. Call No. EC BART CO S52 at Waukegan Public Library website.
  242. Tabula rasa at Muziekweb website
  243. Concerto for Two Violins in D minor at Netherlands Bach Society website.
  244. CD-recensie: maart 2019 at Opus Klassiek website.
  245. Bach: Violin Concertos / Faust, Academy for Ancient Music Berlin at ArkivMusic website.
  246. CD-recensie: november 2018 at Opus Klassiek website.
  247. Violin concertos at Muziekweb website
  248. J.S. Bach: Double & Triple Concertos / Zsolt Kallo; Capella Savaria on Period Instruments at hbdirect website.
  249. Bach: Double & Triple Concertos / Kallo, Capella Savaria at ArkivMusic website.
  250. Magyar Narancs: J. S. Bach: Double & Triple Concertos by Capella Savaria at Hungaroton website.
  251. Kilian 1986.
  252. Bach at Classic FM.
  253. Best Bach at uDiscover 2019.


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