
Flatmania is an animated television series, which is based on a visual style created by Anne-Caroline Pandolfo and Isabelle Simler and produced by Method Animation, Futurikon and Vivatoon with the participation with France 3, Disney Television France, YTV and SRC. The series is about a real teen who gets transported in the Flatmania (a series of magazines) paper world.

Created by
  • Isabelle Simler
  • Sophie Castalgnede
Developed byPrakash Topsy
Theme music composerAnggun
Opening themeTake Me There, sung by Anggun
Country of originCanada, France
Original languagesEnglish, French
No. of seasons4
No. of episodes52 (list of episodes)
Executive producersPhilippe Delarue
Aton Soumache
Production companiesMethod Animation
Original networkFrance 3 (France)
YTV (Canada)
First shown inFrance
Original release2004 (2004)

Animation style

The animation style of Flatmania is very particular. Due to the heroes being paper flat, special effects were used so the paper people, when turning around or being seen aside, will be as flat as paper. This technique also implies paper transformations, which means that the heroes might be folded as origami. The style was re-used in Futurikon's 2007 series, Pop Secret.


During each episode, Vincent (voiced by Oliver Grainger) and Kyu (voiced by Eleanor Noble) arrive on a new magazine and must find a rift that will send them to the next magazine.


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