Hybrid sport

A hybrid sport is one which combines two or more (often similar) sports in order to create a new sport, or to allow meaningful competition between players of those sports.

  • Bossaball - a hybrid sport combining elements of volleyball, association football, gymnastics, and Capoeira, played on a field with 3 bases, there is a trampoline at the third base along with a net.[1] Allowing players to bounce high to spike or touch the ball and touch it with any part of the body, especially arms and hands
  • Korfball – several claims that it was developed as a hybrid of netball and basketball to enable play between teams of mixed gender. Despite the origins of korfball, today it does facilitate exactly that purpose.
A korfball match in the Netherlands between 'Trekvogels' and 'OZC'

Vigoro - a hybrid of cricket and tennis


Waterpolo - A hybrid of swimming and handball

Inactive sports


  1. "Bossaball: the volleyball, football and gymnastics cross-over". inews.co.uk. Alex Nelson. 6 January 2017. Retrieved 13 December 2020.
  2. "ShieldSquare Captcha". validate.perfdrive.com. Sayon. Retrieved 13 December 2020.
  3. "Hybrid of Scots Shinty and Irish Hurling created". www.scotsman.com. 24 October 2013. Retrieved 13 December 2020.
  4. "A Guide to Disc Golf from the PDGA". Professional Disc Golf Association. 9 October 2008. Retrieved 13 December 2020.
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