IEEE Communications Society
The IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) promotes the advancement of science, technology and applications in communications and related disciplines. It fosters presentation and exchange of information among its members and the technical community throughout the world. The Society maintains a high standard of professionalism and technical competency.[2] The IEEE Communications Society is a professional society of the IEEE.
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Founded | 1952 |
Type | Professional Organization |
Focus | Advancement of science, technology and applications in communications and related disciplines[1] |
Origins | Formation of IRE's (the Institute of Radio Engineers) Professional Group on Communications Systems (PGCS) |
Area served | Worldwide |
Method | Industry standards, Conferences, Publications, Tutorials, Webinars, Certifications, and Training |
Key people | Vincent W.S. Chan (President), Xuemin (Sherman) Shen (President-Elect) |
Employees | 22 |
Website | www |
The IEEE Communications Society sponsors several conferences every year such as the International Conference on Communications (ICC) and Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM),[3] and operates over 200 local chapters around the world.[4] It coordinates the operation of several councils, task forces, and technical committees, e.g. the Internet Technical Committee. The society participates in educational activities (including distance learning) and in accreditation of higher education programs within its fields of interest (including Computer Science and Computer Engineering). It operates about a dozen working groups and committees on the development of industrial standards.

Founded in 1952 with the formation of IRE’s (the Institute of Radio Engineers) Professional Group on Communications Systems (PGCS), IEEE Communications Society has evolved into a diverse group of global industry professionals with a common interest in advancing all communications technologies.[5]
Membership and Member Grades
- Student Members
- Graduate Student Members
- Members
- Associate Members
- Society Affiliates
- Senior Members
- Fellow Members
- Life Members, Life Senior Members, and Life Fellows
The Communications Society oversees the publication of scholarly magazines.[6]
- IEEE Communications Magazine ISSN 0163-6804
- IEEE Network ISSN 0890-8044
- IEEE Wireless Communications ISSN 1536-1284
- IEEE Communications Standards Magazine ISSN 2471-2825
Additional Co-sponsored Magazines:
The Communications Society oversees the publication of scholarly journals.[7]
- IEEE Communications Letters ISSN 1089-7798
- IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials ISSN 1553-877X, electronically published
- IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications ISSN 0733-8716
- IEEE Networking Letters ISSN 2576-3156
- IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society ISSN 2644-125X
- IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking ISSN 2332-7731
- IEEE Transactions on Communications, ISSN 0090-6778
- IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking ISSN 2473-2400
- IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications ISSN 2332-7804
- IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management ISSN 1932-4537, electronic publication first issued in 2007
- IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications ISSN 1536-1276, co-sponsored by the IEEE Signal Processing Society
- IEEE Wireless Communications Letters ISSN 2162-2337
- IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking ISSN 1063-6692, a bimonthly archival journal sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society, the IEEE Computer Society, and the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
- IEEE/KICS Journal of Communications and Networks ISSN 1229-2370, with Korean Institute of Communication Sciences (KICS)
- IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking ISSN 1943-0620, with Optical Society of America
Additional Co-sponsored Journals:[7]
- IEEE Internet of Things Journal
- IEEE Journal on Biomedical Health Informatics
- IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing
- IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing ISSN 1536-1233
- IEEE Transactions on Multimedia ISSN 1520-9210
- IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering
- IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks
- IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
- IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology ISSN 0733-8724, with Optical Society of America
- Best of the Best - Fifty Years of Communications and Networking Research ISBN 978-0-470-11268-7
- IEEE Press Books
Portfolio of Conferences and Events
The Society sponsors several conferences and workshops, called portfolio events
- IEEE GLOBECOM - IEEE Global Communications Conference
- IEEE ICC - IEEE International Conference on Communications
Core Conferences
- IEEE CCNC - IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference
- IEEE INFOCOM - IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications
- IEEE/IFIP NOMS - IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium
- IEEE WCNC - IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference
- IFIP/IEEE IM - IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management
Other Conferences and Workshops
- IEEE CAMAD - IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling & Design of Communication Links & Networks
- IEEE CloudNet - IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking
- IEEE CNS - IEEE Communications and Network Security
- IEEE CQR - IEEE International Communications Quality and Reliability Workshop
- IEEE CSCN - IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking
- IEEE CTW - IEEE Communications Theory Workshop
- IEEE DySPAN - IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks
- IEEE HEALTHCOM - IEEE International Conference on e-Health Networking, Application & Services
- IEEE HPSR - IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing
- IEEE ICBC - IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency
- IEEE ICSOS - International Conference on Space Optical Systems and Applications
- IEEE ISPLC - IEEE International Symposium on Power Line Communications
- IEEE LANMAN - IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks
- IEEE NetSoft - IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization
- IEEE NFV-SDN - IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization & Software Defined Networks
- IEEE SECON - IEEE Sensor and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks
- IEEE SmartGridComm - IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications
Regional Conferences
- IEEE ANTS - Advanced Networks & Telecommunication Systems
- IEEE BlackSeaCom - International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking
- IEEE LATINCOM - IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications
- IEEE MeditCom - IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking
Conferences Financially Co-Sponsored
- OFC - Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition
- MILCOM - IEEE/AFCEA Military Communications Conference
- ATC - International Conferences on Advanced Technologies for Communications
- EuCNC - European Conference on Networks and Communications
- IEEE ICCC - International Conference on Communications in China
- IEEE ICME - International Conference on Multimedia and Expo
- IEEE/ACM IWQoS - IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Quality of Service
- IEEE PIMRC - IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications
- IEEE QCE - IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering
- IEEE VNC - IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference
Events of IEEE Initiatives Sponsored by ComSoc
- IEEE 5G Summit
- IEEE Sustainability through ICT Summit
- IEEE IoT Summit
- IEEE WF-IOT - IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things
Other Events Supported by ComSoc
- Brooklyn 5G Summit
Technical Committees
- Big Data
- Cognitive Networks
- Communication Theory
- Communications & Information Security
- Communications Quality and Reliability
- Communications Software
- Communications Switching & Routing
- Communications Systems Integration & Modeling
- Computer Communications
- Data Storage
- e-Health
- Green Communications & Computing
- Information Infrastructure & Networking
- Internet
- Internet of Things, Ad Hoc & Sensor Networks
- Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications
- Multimedia Communications
- Network Operations & Management
- Optical Networking
- Power Line Communications
- Radio Communications
- Satellite & Space Communications
- Signal Processing & Communications Electronics
- Smart Grid Communications
- Social Networks
- Tactile Internet
- Transmission, Access, & Optical Systems
- Wireless Communications
Emerging Technologies Initiatives
- Backhaul/Fronthaul Networking & Communications
- Full Duplex Communications
- Machine Learning for Communications
- Network Intelligence
- Quantum Communications & Information Technology
- Asia/Pacific Region
- Europe, Middle-East, Africa Region
- Latin America Region
- North America Region
Through its awards program, the IEEE Communications Society recognizes contributions that advance the fields of interest of the Society.
Career Awards
- IEEE Communications Society Education Award
- IEEE Communications Society Edwin Howard Armstrong Achievement Award
- IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Industry Leader Award
- IEEE Communications Society Industrial Innovation Award
- IEEE Communications Society Award for Public Service in the Field of Telecommunications
Service Awards
- IEEE Communications Society Donald W. McLellan Meritorious Service Award
- IEEE Communications Society Harold Sobol Award for Exemplary Service to Meetings & Conferences
- IEEE Communications Society Joseph LoCicero Award for Exemplary Service to Publications
- IEEE ComSoc/KICS Exemplary Global Service Award
- IEEE Communications Society Carole Swaim Award for Distinguished Staff Service
- IEEE Communications Society Robert M. Walp Industry Humanitarian Award
Paper Awards
- The IEEE Communications Society Best Survey Paper Award
- The Communications Society Best Tutorial Paper Award
- The IEEE Communications Society Charles Kao Award for Best Optical Communications & Networking Paper
- The Communications Society Fred W. Ellersick Prize
- The IEEE Communications Society Heinrich Hertz Award for Best Communications Letter
- The Communications Society Leonard G. Abraham Prize in the Field of Communications Systems
- The Communications Society Stephen O. Rice Prize in the Field of Communications Theory
- The Communications Society William R. Bennett Prize in the Field of Communications Networking
- The IEEE Communications Society Young Author Best Paper Award
- The IEEE Communications Society Award for Advances in Communication
- The IEEE Communications Society & Information Theory Society Joint Paper Award
- IEEE Marconi Prize Paper Award in Wireless Communications
Notable leaders
Notable leaders of the IEEE Communication Society include Mischa Schwartz, Robert Lucky, Paul Green and Theodore Rappaport.
See also
- "About ComSoc | IEEE Communications Society".
- IEEE Communications Society (2016). "IEEE Communications Society Vision and Mission". IEEE Communications Society. Retrieved 18 February 2016.
- IEEE Communications Society (2016). "IEEE Communications Society Portfolio Events". IEEE Communications Society. Retrieved 18 February 2016.
- IEEE Communications Society (2016). "IEEE Communications Society Chapters". IEEE Communications Society. Retrieved 18 February 2016.
- IEEE Global History Network (2011). "IEEE Communications Society History". IEEE History Center. Retrieved 5 July 2011.
- "IEEE Communications Society Magazines". IEEE Communications Society. Retrieved 2012-04-25.
- "IEEE Communications Society Journals". IEEE Communications Society. Retrieved 2012-04-25.