In jener letzten der Nächte

In jener letzten der Nächte (In this last of nights), WAB 17, is a motet composed by Anton Bruckner.

In jener letzten der Nächte
Motet by Anton Bruckner
KeyF minor
CatalogueWAB 17
OccasionCelebration of Maundy Thursday
Composedc.1848 (c.1848): Sankt Florian
Published1931 (1931): Augsburg & Vienna
  • First setting: Soloist and organ
  • Second setting: SATB choir


Bruckner composed the motet in c.1848 at St. Florian Monastery for the celebration of Maundy Thursday. However, it is not known whether it was performed at that time.[1] It was edited first by Anton Böhm & Sohn, Augsburg & Vienna, 1931.[1]

There are two settings: one for soloist and organ, and another for mixed choir a cappella. The manuscript of the setting for soloist and organ is stored in the archive of the city museum of Wels. A transcription of the other setting is found in the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek.

The two settings of the motet are put in Band XXI/15 of the Gesamtausgabe.[2]


The text is the first strophe of a 13-strophe text coming from the devoutness book Die heilige Passion, gefeiert in Liedern, Betrachtungen und Gebeten.[3]

In jener letzten der Nächte,
Da ich am Ölberg gebetet,
War ich von Blutschweiß geröthet,
Goß ihn in Strömen für dich:
Weh! Und wer weiß, ob wohl je
Du auch nur denkest an mich!

In this last of nights
When I prayed at the Mount of Olives,
I was reddened from blood sweat,
Poured it streaming for thee.
Woe! And who knows if ever
you even think of me!

In addition, a transcription using the Latin text In monte oliveti has been published by Theodor Bernhard Rehmann, Edition Peters, Leipzig, 1947.

In monte oliveti
Oravit ad Patrem:
"Pater, si fieri potest,
Transeat a me calix iste:
Fiat voluntas tua."

On the Mount of Olives
He prayed to the Father:
"Father, if it be possible,
Let this cup pass from me.
Let Thy will be done."[4]


The motet, a 22-bar Passion chorale in F minor. There are two settings: one for soloist and organ, and another for SATB choir a cappella.

As Crawford Howie writes "Both In jener letzten der Nächte WAB 17 (c. 1848) and Dir, Herr, dir will ich mich ergeben WAB 12 (c. 1845) for a cappella mixed-voice choir are chorale harmonizations, probably the result of [Bruckner's] studies with Zenetti."[5]

Selected discography

The first recording of Bruckner's In jener letzten der Nächte was by Edith Möller, Obernkrichner Kinderchor, LP: Telefunken SLE 14391, 1965

A selection of the about 10 recordings:

First setting

  • Wilfried Jochens (tenor), Werner Kaufmann (organ), Music of the St. Florian Period (Jürgen Jürgens) - LP: Jerusalem Records ATD 8503, 1984; transferred to CD BSVD-0109, 2011
  • Sigrid Hagmüller (alto), Rupert Gottfried Frieberger (organ), Anton Bruckner – Oberösterreichische Kirchenmusik CD: Fabian Records CD 5112, 1995
  • Ludmila Kuznetzova (mezzosoprano), Ludmila Golub (organ), Bruckner: Masses and Songs (Valeri Poliansky) - CD: Chandos CHAN 9863, 1998

Second setting

  • Michael Stenov, Cantores Carmeli, Benefizkonzert Karmelitenkirche Linz - CD/DVD issued by the choir, 2006, and on YouTube.[6]
  • Rupert Gottfried Frieberger, Cantoria Plagensis, Anton Bruckner – Kirchenmusikalische Werke – Fabian Records CD 5115, 2007
  • Thomas Kerbl, Chorvereinigung Bruckner 2011, Anton Bruckner|Lieder Magnificat - CD: Brucknerhaus LIVA 046, 2011
  • Philipp von Steinäcker, Vocalensemble Musica Saeculorum, Bruckner: Pange lingua - Motetten - CD: Fra Bernardo FB 1501271, 2015


  • Frieberger's and Stenov's recordings contain both three strophes. The score used by Frieberger is coming from Reinthaler's Chorheft Bruckner,[7] in which strophes 2 and 3 are originating from Brentano's Ausgewählte Gedichte.[8] The score used by Stenov is coming from the religious songbook Unser Kirchenchorbuch für gemischte Stimmen.[9]


  1. C. van Zwol, p. 703
  2. Gesamtausgabe - Kleine Kirchenmusikwerke
  3. Die heilige Passion, gefeiert in Liedern, Betrachtungen und Gebeten, Christlicher Verein im nordlichen Deutschland (Ed.), Band 1, Halle, 1840, pp. 63-65
  4. In monte Oliveti on ChoralWiki
  5. C. Howie, Chapter II, p. 26
  6. Bruckner, Anton (composer); Stenov, Michael (conductor) (2006-11-26). Anton Bruckner – Motette "In jener letzten der Nächte" à 4 voces a cappella (Online video). YouTube. Retrieved 2014-12-29.
  7. Anton Reinthaler, Chorheft Bruckner, 1996
  8. Clemens Brentano - Ausgewählte Gedichte
  9. Hermann Kronsteiner, Unser Kirchenchorbuch für gemischte Stimmen, Veritas Verlag, Wien-Linz-Passau, 1966


  • Anton Bruckner - Sämtliche Werke, Band XXI: Kleine Kirchenmusikwerke, Musikwissenschaftlicher Verlag der Internationalen Bruckner-Gesellschaft, Hans Bauernfeind and Leopold Nowak (Editor), Vienna, 1984/2001
  • Cornelis van Zwol, Anton Bruckner 1824-1896 - Leven en werken, uitg. Thoth, Bussum, Netherlands, 2012. ISBN 978-90-6868-590-9
  • Crawford Howie, Anton Bruckner - A documentary biography, online revised edition
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