List of Dai of the Dawoodi Bohra

Short history
The Dua't al-Mutlaqin
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Al-Malika al-Sayyida (Hurratul-Malika) was instructed and prepared by Imām Mustansir and following Imāms for the second period of satr. It was going to be on her hands that Imām Taiyab abi al-Qasim would go into seclusion, and she would institute the office of Da'i al-Mutlaq. Syedna Zoeb bin Moosa was first to be instituted to this office, and the line of Taiyabi Dā'ĩs that began in 1132 has passed from one Dā'ī to another, continuing to the present time. One of the sect which follows these Fatimid Dā'īs is the Dawoodi Bohra dawat.
Until the 23rd Dā'ī, the center of the dawat was in Yemen. The 23rd Dā'ī, Syedna Mohammed Ezzuddin designated Syedna Yusuf Najmuddin ibn Sulaiman in Sidhpur, Gujarat, India, as his successor. Upon becoming the 24th Dā'ī, Yusuf Najmuddin ibn Sulaiman stayed in India for a few years before going to Yemen. He died and was buried there. Because of the intense persecutions against the dawat by the Zaydi rulers of Yemen, the 24th Dā'ī designated Syedna Jalal Shamshuddin in India as his successor, and the center of the dawat then moved permanently to India. The 25th Dā'ī also died in 1567 CE, and is buried in Ahmedabad, India, the first Dā'ī to have his mausoleum in India. Even though his time as Dā'ī was short – only a few months – he was Walī al-Hind under the 24th Dā'ī for 20 years.
After breaking with the Fatimid teaching hierarchy, the Tayyibiyah in the Yemen recognized the Sulayhid queen as the hujjah of the concealed imam Al-Tayyib; with her backing they set up an independent teaching hierarchy headed by a daee mutlaq ("unrestricted summoner") whose spiritual authority since her death in 1138 has been supreme. The second daee mutlaq, Ibrahim Al-Hamidi (1151–1162), became the real founder of the tayyibi esoteric doctrine, which he elaborated especially in his Kitab kanz Al-walad (Book of the child's treasure). The position remained in his family until 1209, when it passed to Ali ibn Muhammad of the Banu Al-Walid Al-Anf family, which held it for more than three centuries with only two interruptions. The political power of the Yemenite daees reached a peak during the long incumbency of Idris Imad Al-Din ibn Al-Hasan, the nineteenth daee mutlaq (1428–1468). He is also the author of a seven-volume history of the Ismaili imams, Kitab uyun Al-akhbar (Book of choice stories) and of a two-volume history of the Yemenite daees, Kitab nuzhat Al-akhbar (Book of story and entertainment), as well as works of esoteric doctrine and religious controversy. While the Yemenite daees had been able to act relatively freely with the backing or protection of various rulers during the early centuries, they usually faced hostility from the Zaydi imams and in the sixteenth century suffered relentless persecution. In 1539 the twenty-third daee mutlaq appointed an Indian, Yusuf ibn Sulayman, as his successor, evidently in recognition of the growing importance of the Indian tayyii community. Yusuf came to reside in the Yemen, but after his death in 1566 his successor, also Indian, transferred the headquarters to Gujarat in India.
The Tayyibiyah preserved a large portion of the Fatimid religious literature and generally maintained the traditions of Fatimid doctrine more closely than the Nizariyah. Thus the Tayyibi daees always insisted on the equal importance of the z ahir and batin aspects of religion, strict compliance with the religious law and esoteric teaching. Qadi Al-Numan's Da' a'im Al-Islam has remained the authoritative codex of Tayyibi law and ritual to the present. In the esoteric doctrine, however, there were some innovations which gave the Tayyibi gnosis its distinctive character. The Rasa'il Ikhwan Al-Safa'were accepted as the work of one of the pre-Fatimid hidden imams and were frequently quoted and interpreted.
The Tayyibiyah in India are commonly known as the Bohoras. There are, however, also Sunni and some Hindu Bohoras; they are mostly engaged in agriculture, while the Ismaili Bohoras are generally merchants. The origins of the Tayyibi community in Gujarat go back to the time before the Tayyibi schism. According to the traditional account an Arab daee sent from the Yemen arrived in the region of Cambay with two Indian assistants in 1068. The Ismaili community founded by him, though led by local walis, always maintained close commercial as well as religious ties with the Yemen and was controlled by the Yemenite teaching hierarchy. It naturally followed the Yemenite community at the time of the schism. From Cambay the community spread to other cities, in particular Patan, Sidhpur, and Ahmadabad. In the first half of the fifteenth century the Ismailiyyah were repeatedly exposed to persecution by the Sunni sultans of Gujarat, and after a contested succession to the leadership of the Bohora community, a large section, known as the Jafariyah, seceded and converted to Sunnism.
After its transfer from the Yemen in 1566, the residence of the daee mutlaq remained in India. The succession to the twenty-sixth daee mutlaq, Daud ibn Ajabshah (d. 1591), was disputed. In India Daud Burhan Al-Din ibn Qut bshah was recognized by the great majority as the twenty-seventh daee mutlaq. However, Daud ibn Ajabshah's deputy in the Yemen, Sulayman ibn Hasan, a grandson of the first Indian daee mutlaq Yusuf ibn Sulayman, also claimed to have been the designated successor and after a few years he came to India to press his case. Although he found little support, the dispute was not resolved and resulted in the permanent split of the Daudi and Sulaymani factions recognizing separate lines of daees.
The leadership of the Sulaymaniyah, whose Indian community was small, reverted to the Yemen with the succession of the thirtieth daee mutlaq, Ibrahim ibn Muhammad ibn Fahd Al-Makrami, in 1677. Since then the position of daee mutlaq has remained in various branches of the Makrami family except for the time of the forty-sixth daee, an Indian. The Makrami daees usually resided in Badr in Najran. With the backing of the tribe of the Banu Yam they ruled Najran independently and at times extended their sway over other parts of the Yemen and Arabia until the incorporation of Najran into Saudi Arabia in 1934. The peak of their power was in the time of the thirty-third daee mutlaq, Ismail ibn Hibat Allah (1747–1770), who defeated the Wahhabiyah in Najd and invaded hadramawt. He is also known as the author of an esoteric Qur'an commentary, virtually the only religious work of a Sulaymani author published so far. Since Najran came under Saudi rule, the religious activity of the daees and their followers has been severely restricted. In the Yemen the Sulaymaniyah are found chiefly in the region of Manakha and the haraz mountains. In India they live mainly in Baroda, Ahmadabad, and Hyderabad and are guided by a representative (mansub) of the daee mutlaq residing in Baroda.
The daees of the Daudiyah, who constitute the great majority of the Tayyibiyah in India, have continued to reside there. All of them have been Indians except the thirtieth daee mutlaq, Ali Shams Al-Din (1621–1631), a descendant of the Yemenite daee Idris EImad Al-Din. The community was generally allowed to develop freely although there was another wave of persecution under the emperor Awrangzib (1635–1707), who put the thirty-second daee mutlaq, Qutb Al-Din ibn Daud, to death in 1646 and imprisoned his successor. The residence of the Daudi daee mutlaq is now in Bombay, where the largest concentration of Bohoras is found. Outside Gujarat, Daudi Bohoras live in Maharashtra, Rajasthan, in many of the big cities of India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Burma, and the East Africa. In the Yemen the Daudi community is concentrated in the Haraz mountains.
After the death of the twenty-eighth daee mutlaq, Adam Safi Al-Din, in 1621, a small faction recognized his grandson Ali ibn Ibrahim as his successor and seceded from the majority recognizing Abd Al-Tayyib Zaki Al-Din. The minority became known as Alia Bohoras and have followed a separate line of daees residing in Baroda. Holding that the era of the prophet Muhammad had come to an end, a group of Alias seceded in 1204/1789. Because of their abstention from eating meat they are called Nagoshias (not meat eaters). In 1761 a distinguished Daudi scholar, Hibat Allah ibn Ismail, claimed that he was in contact with the hidden imam, who had appointed him his hujjah and thus made his rank superior to that of daee mutlaq. He and his followers, known as Hibtias, were excommunicated and persecuted by the Daudiyah. Only a few Hibtia families are left in Ujjain. Since the turn of the century a Bohora reform movement has been active. While recognizing the spiritual authority of the daee mutlaq it has sought through court action to restrict his powers of excommunication and his absolute control over community endowments and alms. All of these groups are numerically insignificant.
During testimony of 51st Dai Syedna Taher Saifuddin, he clarified about knowledge classes of 'Zahir', 'Tawil' and, 'Haqiqat' present in community. First two are known to many but third one namely 'Hakikat' content some religious truths known to very few. Some of which are known to only 2 or 3 persons in community, and there is also knowledge which is available with Dai only, and he gets it from his predecessor Dai.[1]
The Walī-ul-Hind
Up to the 23rd Dā'ī, the center was at Yemen; for India, a "Walī al-Hind" (representative/caretaker for India) was designated by the Dā'ī to run the dawat in India. Moulai Abdullah was the first Walī al-Hind in the era of Imam Mustansir (427–487 AH). Moulai Abadullah (originally named Baalam Nath) and Moulai Nuruddin (originally named Roop Nath) went to Cairo, Egypt, to learn, and went to India in 467 AH. Moulai Ahmed was also their companion.
Dā'ī Zoeb appointed Maulai Yaqoob (after the death of Maulai Abadullah), who was the second Walī al-Hind of the Fatimid dawat. Moulai Yaqoob was the first person of Indian origin to receive this honour under the Dā'ī. He was son of Moulai Bharmal, minister of Hindu Chaulukya king Jayasimha Siddharaja (Anhalwara,Patan) (487–527 AH/1094–1133 CE). With Minister Moulai Tarmal, they had honoured the Fatimid dawat along with their fellow citizens on the call of Moulai Abdullah. Moulai Fakhruddin, son of Moulai Tarmal, was sent to western Rajasthan, India, and Syedi Nuruddin went to the Deccan (death: Jumadi al-Ula 11 at Don Gaum, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India).
One Dā'ī after another continued until the 23rd Dā'ī in Yemen. Persons were appointed to the position of Walī al-Hind one after another up to Walī al-Hind Moulai Jafer, Moulai Abdul Wahab, and Moulai Qasim Khan bin Hasan (the last one being the 11th Walī al-Hind, and who died in 950 AH/1543 CE in Ahmedabad). The Awliya al-Hind were champions of the Fatimid dawat in India, who were instrumental in maintaining & propagating it on instructions of the Dā'ī at Yemen, and it is because of them that the Fatimid dawat was able to survive the persecutions in Cairo and Yemen. A list of them is also given below along with the relevant Dā'īs. The dawat was transferred to India from Yemen when the 23rd Dā'ī Syedna Mohammed Ezzuddin designated as his successor (and, thus the 24th Dā'ī) Syedna Yusuf Najmuddin ibn Sulaiman in Sidhpur, Gujarat, India.
In the generation of Moulai Yaqoob, Moulai Ishaq, Moulai Ali, Syedi Hasan Feer continued one after another as Wali-ul-Hind. Syedi Hasan Feer was fifth Wali in the era of 16th Dai Abadullah (d.809 AH/1406 AD) of Yemen. Names of Wali al-hind are also given along with concerned Dai below.
Dua't al-Mutlaqeen
The following is a list of the Da'i al-Mutlaq.[2][3]
1.Syedna Zoeb bin Moosa Al-Waadei ذويب بن موسى الوادي
- Dai period: 530–546 AH/1138–1151 CE
- Place: Houth, Yemen
- Died: Moharram 10, 546 AH/5th May, 1151 CE
- Mawazeen(Associate): Khattab bin Hasan, Ebrahim bin Husain Al Hamidi
- 1st Wali al-Hind: Moulai Abdullah at Khambat, Gujarat. Died: Moharram 1st.
- Syedi Nuruddin covered Deccan (death: Jumadi al-Ula 11 at Don Gaum, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India).
- Moulai Fakhruddin Shaheed covered Rajasthan (death Moharram 27 at Galiakot, Dungarpur, Rajasthan).
- The second Wali al-Hind: Moulayi Yaqub bin Moulai Bharmal at Patan, Gujarat. Died: Rajab 14.
2.Syedna Ibrahim bin Husain Al Hamidi ابراهيم بن حسين الحميدي
- Dai period: 546–557 AH/ 1151–1162 AD
- Place of dai office : BANI HAMID,YEMEN
- Death: 16 Shabaan, 557AH
- Mawazeen: Ali bin Husain bin Ahmad bin Waleed, Hatim bin Ibrahim Al Hamidi
- Mukasir: Mohammad bin Taher Al Haresi
3.Syedna Hatim bin Ibrahim Al Hamidi حاتم بن ابراهيم الحميدي
- Dai period: 557–596 AH/ 1162–1199 AD
- Place of dai office : Al-Hutaib, Yemen
- Death: 16 MOHARRAM, 596
- Mawazeen: Mohammad bin Taher, Ali bin Mohammadinil Waleed
4.Syedna Ali Bin Syedna Hatim Al Hamidi علي بن حاتم الحميدي
- Dai Period: 596–605 AH/ 1199–1209 AD
- Place of dai office : SANNA,YEMEN
- Death: 25 Zilqad, 605
- Mazoon: Ali bin Mohammadinil Waleed
5.Syedna Ali Bin Syedna Mohammed Bin Waleed Al Walid علي بن محمد الوليد
- Dai period: 605–612 AH/ 1209–1216 AD
- Place of dai office : Ugmur (Haraaz),YEMEN
- Death: 27 Shaban, 612
- Mazoon: Ali bin Hanzala
- (3rd Wali-ul-Hind : Moulai Ishaq bin Yaqub, Patan, Gujarat.)
6.Syedna Ali Bin Hanzala Al Waadei علي بن حنظلة الوادي
- Dai period: 612–626 AH/ 1216–1229 AD
- Place of dai office : HAMADAN,YEMEN
- Death: 22 Rabi-ul awwal, 626
- Mazoon: Ahmad bin Mubaarak
- Mukasir: Husain bin Ali
7.Syedna Ahmed ibn Mubarak Al Waadei احمد بن مبارك الوادي
- Dai period: 626–627 AH/ 1229–1230 AD
- Place of dai office : HAMADAN,YEMEN
- Death: 28 Jumadil akhir, 627
- Mazoon: Husain bin Ali
- Mukasir: Al Qazil ajal Ahmad
8.Syedna Al-Husayn ibn Ali (Ibn al-Walid) Sahib Al Waadei حسين بن علي صاحب الوادي
- Dai period: 627–667 AH/ 1230–1269 AD
- Place of dai office : SANAA,YEMEN
- Death: 28 Safar, 667
- Mawazeen: Al Qazil ajal Ahmad, Ali bin Husain
- Mukasir: Syedi Mohammad bin Assad bin Mubaarak
- (4th Wali-ul-Hind : Moulai Ali bin Ishaq, Patan, Gujarat)
9.Syedna Ali ibn al-Husayn (Ibn al-Walid) bin Ali bin Muhammad علي بن حسين بن علي بن محمد
- Dai period: 667–682 AH/ 1269–1283 AD
- Place of dai office : Sanaa,YEMEN
- Death: 1 SAFAR, 682
- Mawazeen: Syedi Husain bin Ali bin Hanzala, Ali bin Husain
- Mukasir: Sheikh Assad Hatim Sanjani
10.Syedna Ali ibn al-Husayn ibn Ali ibn Hanzala Al Walid علي بن حسين الوليد
- Dai period: 682–686 AH/ 1283–1287 AD
- Place of dai office Sanna,YEMEN
- Death: 13 Zilkad, 686
- Mazoon: Ibrahim bin Husain
11.Syedna Ibrahim Bin Husain Al Walid ابراهيم بن حسين الوليد
- Dai period: 686–728 AH/ 1287–1328 AD
- Place of dai office: Hisne Af’ida, Yemen
- Death: 10 Shawwal,728AH/ 18th August 1378AD
- Mazoon: Mohammad bin Syedi Hatim
12.Syedna Muhammad ibn Hatim Al Walid محمد بن حاتم الوليد
- Dai period: 728–729 AH/ 1328–1329 AD
- Place of dai office Hamadan,YEMEN
- Death: 16 Juma-dil-Ula,729
- Mazoon: Ali bin Ibrahim
13.Syedna Ali Shamshuddin Bin Ibrahim علي شمس الدين بن ابراهيم
- Dai period: 729–746 AH/ 1329–1345 AD
- Place of dai office Hamadan,YEMEN
- Death: 18 Rajab,746
- Mazoon: Abdul Muttalib Najmuddin
14.Syedna Abdul Muttalib Najmuddin Bin Mohammed عبد المطلب نجم الدين
- Dai period: 746–755 AH/ 1345–1354 AD
- Place of dai office : Zimarmar,YEMEN
- Death: 24 Rajab,755/ 13th Aug, 1354AD
- Mazoon: Abbas
15.Syedna Abbas Bin Mohammad عباس بن محمد
- Dai period: 755–779 AH/ 1354–1377 AD
- Place of dai office : Hamadan,YEMEN
- Death: 8 Shawwal,779
- Mazoon: Abdullah Fakhruddin bin Ali
16.Syedna Abdullah Fakhruddin bin Ali عبدالله فخر الدين بن علي
- Dai period: 779–809 AH/ 1377–1406 AD
- Place of dai office : Zimarmar,YEMEN
- Death: 9,Ramazan, 809/ 16 Feb, 1407AD
- Mawazeen: Ali ash-Shaibani, Husain, Hasan Badruddin
- Mukasir: Syedi Abdul Muttalib bin Abdullah
- (5th Wali-ul-Hind : Syedi Hasan Feer bin Ali, Denmal, Gujarat)
17.Syedna Al-Hasan Badr al-Din I bin Abdullah حسن بدر الدين بن عبد الله
- Dai period: 809–821 AH/ 1406–1418 AD
- Place of dai office : Zimarmar,YEMEN
- Death: 6 Shawwal, 821 AH / 5 Nov, 1418AD
- Mawazeen: Syedi Abdul Muttalib Najmuddin, Al Maula Mohammad bin Idris
- Mukasir: Syedi Ahmad bin Abdullah
18.Syedna Ali Shamshuddin Bin Abdullah علي شمس الدين بن عبد الله
- Dai period: 821–832 AH/ 1418–1429 AD
- Place of dai office : Al-Shariqa , Yemen
- Death: 3 Safar 832
- Mazoon: Idris Imaduddin
- (6th Wali-ul-Hind : Moulai Adam bin Suleyman, Ahmedabad (Kankariya), Death; 13 Safar,836 AH)
19.Syedna Idris Imaduddin Bin Hasan ادريس عماد الدين بن حسن
- Dai period: 832–872 AH/ 1429–1467 AD
- Place of dai office : Shibaam, YEMEN
- Death: 19 Zilqad 872
- Mazoon: Al Maula Masad bin Abdullah
- (7th Wali-ul-Hind : Moulai Hasan bin Adam, Ahmedabad, Death; 28 Moharram,883 AH)
20.Syedna Al-Hasan Badr al-Din II bin Idrees Imaduddin حسن بدر الدين بن إدريس
- Dai period: 872–918 AH/ 1467–1512 AD
- Place of dai office : Massar,YEMEN
- Death: 15 Shaban 918
- Mazoon: Al Maula Abdullah Fakhruddin
- Mukasir: Ali Shamsuddin bin Husain
21.Syedna Husain Husamuddin bin Idris Imaduddin حسين حسام الدين بن إدريس
- Dai period: 918–933 AH/ 1512–1527 AD
- Place of dai office : Massar, YEMEN
- Death: 10 Shawwal 933
- Mazoon: Ali Shamsuddin
- (8th Wali-ul-Hind : Moulai Raj bin Hasan, Death; 1 Moharram, 925 AH)
- (9th Wali-ul-Hind : Moulai Jafer bin Raj, Ahmedabad),
- (10th Wali-ul-Hind : Moulai Wahhab bin Firoz),
22.Syedna Ali Shams al-Din III bin Husain علي شمس الدين بن حسين
- Dai period: 933–933 AH/ 1527–1527 AD
- Place of dai office : Masaar, Yemen
- Death: 21 Zilqad 933AH
- Mazoon: Mohammad Ezzuddin

23.Syedna Mohammad Ezzuddin bin Hasan محمد عز الدين بن حسن
- Dai period: 933–946 AH/ 1527–1539 AD
- Place of dai office : Zabeed, Yemen
- Death: 27 Safar 946
- Mazoon: Yusuf Najmuddin
- (11th Wali-ul-Hind : Moulai Sheikh Qasim bin Hasan, Ahmedabad, Death; 27th Jumadil ula, 950 AH)
24.Syedna Yusuf Najmuddin ibn Sulaiman يوسف نجم الدين بن سليمان
- Tomb : Taibah, Yemen
- Dai period: 946–974 AH/ 1539–1567 AD
- Place of dai office : Sidhpur, Gujarat, India
- Death: 16 zilhazza 974
- Mazoon: Jalal Shamsuddin
- Mukasir: Maulai Miya Musaji
- (Dawat moved to India) to: (the 12th and last Wali-ul-Hind : Moulai Jalal Shamshuddin bin Hasan
25.Syedna Jalal Shamshuddin bin Hasan جلال شمش الدين بن حسن
- Tomb : Ahmedabad, India
- Dai period: 974–975 AH/ 1567–1568 AD
- Place of dai office : Ahmedabad,India
- Death: 16 Rabi-ul-akhir 975 AH
- Mazoon: Dawood bin Ajabshah
- After Dai Yusuf the central headquarter of the Tayyibi dawa transferred from Yemen to India by his successor Jalal Shamsuddin.[4]
26.Syedna Dawood Bin Ajabshah Burhanuddin
- Tomb : Ahmedabad, India
- Dai period: 975-999 AH/ 1568-1591 AD (23 Years)
- Place of dai office : Ahmedabad,India
- Death: 27 Rabi ul Aakhir 999 AH/1591 AD
- Mazoon: Syedna Dawood Bin Qutubshah
27. Syedna Dawood Bin Qutubshah Burhanuddin داود بن قطب شاه
- Tomb : Ahmedabad, India
- Dai period: 999–1021 AH/ 1591–1612 AD
- Place of dai office : Ahmedabad,India
- Death: 15 Jumadil akhir 1021
- Mawazeen: Syedi Qazi Aminshah, Syedi Aminji bin Jalal, Sheikh Adam Safiyuddin
- Mukasir: Al Maula Ali Mohammad bin Firoz
28.Syedna Sheikh Adam Safiuddin
- Tomb : Ahmedabad, India
- Dai period: 1021–1030 AH/ 1612–1622 AD
- Place of dai office : Ahmedabad,India
- Death: 7 Rajab 1030 AH
- Mazoon: Abdut-tayyeb Zakiuddin
- Mukasir: Syedi Alimohammad bin Firoz
- Separation of Alavi Bohras, who followed Ali ibn-e-Ibrahim grandson of Syedna Sheikh Aadam Safiuddin as the successor and not Syedna Abduttayyeb Zakiuddin.
29.Syedna Abduttayyeb Zakiuddin I
- Tomb : Ahmedabad, India
- Dai period: 1030–1041 AH/ 1622–1633 AD
- Place of dai office : Ahmedabad,India
- Death: 2 Rabi-ul-avval 1041 AH
- Mazoon: Ali Shamsuddin
- Mukasir: Kassimkhan Zainuddin
30.Syedna Ali Shamshuddin Bin Moulai Hasan
- Tomb : Hisne Afidah, Yemen
- Dai period: 1041–1042 AH/ 1633–1634 AD
- Place of dai office :Hisne Afidah, Yemen
- Death: 25 Rabi-ul-akhir 1042 AH
- Mazoon: Kasimkhan Zainuddin
31.Syedna Kasim Khan Zainuddin Bin Feerkhan
- Dai period: 1042–1054 AH/ 1634–1646 AD
- Place of dai office : Ahmedabad,India
- Death: 9 Shawwal 1054
- Mazoon: Qutubkhan Qutbuddin
32.Syedna Qutubkhan Qutubuddin Shaheed

- Dai period: 1054–1056 AH/ 1646–1648 AD
- Place of dai office : Ahmedabad,India
- Death: 27 Jumadil akhir 1056
- Mazoon: Feerkhan Shujauddin
33.Syedna Feerkhan Shujauddin Bin Syedi Ahmedji
- Tomb : Ahmedabad, India
- Dai period: 1056–1065 AH/ 1648–1657 AD
- Place of dai office : Ahmedabad,India
- Death: 9 Zilkad 1065
- Mazoon: Ismail Badruddin
34.Syedna Ismail Badruddin I Bin Syedi Molai Raj Saheb

- Tomb : Jamnagar, India
- Dai period: 1065–1085 AH/ 1657–1676 AD
- Place of dai office : Jamnagar, India
- Death: 23 Jumadil akhir 1085
- Mawazeen: Syedi Najamkhan, Abdultaiyyeb Zakiyuddin
- Mukaserin: Al Maula Abdul Waheed, Al Maula Shams Khan
35.Syedna Abduttayyeb Zakiuddin II bin Ismail Badruddin
- Dai period: 1085–1110 AH/ 1676–1692 AD
- Place of dai office : Jamnagar,India
- Death:12 Zilkad 110
- Mazoon: Musa Kalimuddin
- Mukasir: Al Maula Sheikh Adam Safiyuddin
36.Syedna Musa Kalimuddin Bin Syedna Abduttayeb Zakiuddin
- Dai period: 1110–1122 AH/ 1692–1711 AD
- Place of dai office : Jam Nagar,India
- Death: 22 rabi ul akhir 1122
- Mawazeen: Syedi Sheikh Adam Safiyuddin, Syedna Noor Mohammad Nooruddin
- Mukasir: Syedi Khanji Pheer
37.Syedna Noor Mohammad Nooruddin bin Syedna Musa Kalimuddin

- Tomb : Mandvi, India
- Dai period: 1122–1130 AH/ 1711–1719 AD
- Place of dai office : Jamnagar, India
- Death: 4 Rajab 1130
- Mawazeen: Syedi Qasimkhan bin Syedi Hamzabhai, Syedna Ismail Badruddin bin Sheikh Adam
- Mukaserin: Syedi Hakimuddin bin Bawa Mulla Khan, Syedi Esamkhan, Sheikh Dawoodbhai
38.Syedna Ismail Badruddin II Bin Syedi Sheikh Aadam
- Dai period: 1130–1150 AH/ 1719–1738 AD
- Place of dai office : Jam Nagar,India
- Death:7 Moharram 1150
- Mawazeen: Syedi Kassim Khan bin Syedi Hamzabhai, Syedi Abdul Qadir Hakimuddin bin Bawa Mulla Khan
- Mukasir: Syedi Shams bin Sheikh Hasan Khan
39.Syedna Ibrahim Wajiuddin Bin Sayedi Abdul Qadir
- Dai period: 1150–1168 AH/ 1738–1756 AD
- Place of dai office : Ujjain,India
- Death: 17 Moharram 1168
- Mawazeen: Syedi Sheikh Adam bin Nooruddin, Syedna Hebatullah al-Moayyed fid-Deen
- Mukasir: Syedi Ali bin Phirji
40.Syedna Hebatullah-il-Moayed Fiddeen bin Syedna Ibrahim Vajiuddin

- Dai period: 1168–1193 AH/ 1756–1780 AD
- Place of dai office : Ujjain,India
- Death: 1 Shaban 1193
- Mawazeen: Syedi Lukman ji bin Sheikh Dawood, Syedi Khan Bahadur, Sheikh Fazal Abdultaiyyeb, Syedi Hamza
- Mukasir: Syedi Abde Musa Kalimuddin
41.Syedna Abduttayyeb Zakiuddin Bin Badruddin III

- Dai period: 1193–1200 AH/ 1780–1787 AD
- Place of dai office : Burhanpur,India
- Death: 4 Safar 1200
- Mawazeen: Syedi Sheikh Adam Safiyuddin, Syedna Yusuf Najmuddin
- Mukasir: Syedna Abdeali Saifuddin
42.Syedna Yusuf Najmuddin Bin Syedna Abduttayeb Zakiuddin
- Dai period: 1200–1213 AH/ 1787–1799 AD
- Place of dai office : Surat,India
- Death: 18 Jumadil akhir 1213
- Mawazeen: Syedi Sheikh Adam Safiyuddin, Syedna Abdeali Saifuddin
- Mukaserin: Syedi Qamruddin, Sheikh Adam
43.Syedna Abdeali Saifuddin Bin Syedna Abdut Tayyeb Zakiuddin

- Dai period: 1213–1232 AH/ 1799–1817 AD
- Place of dai office : Surat,India
- Death: 12 Zilkad 1232
- Mawazeen: Syedi Sheikh Adam Safiyuddin, Syedna Mohammad Ezzuddin
- Mukaserin: Syedi Qamruddin, Sheikh Adam
44.Syedna Mohammed Ezzuddin bin Syedi Jivanjee
- Dai period: 1232–1236 AH/ 1817–1821 AD
- Place of dai office : Surat,India
- Death:19 Ramjan 1236
- Mazoon: Syedi Sheikh Adam Safiyuddin
- Mukasir: Syedna Taiyyeb Zainuddin
45.Syedna Tayyeb Zainuddin bin Syedi Jivanjee
- Dai period: 1236–1252 AH/ 1821–1836 AD
- Place of dai office : Surat,India
- Death: 15 Zilkad 1252
- Mawazeen: Syedi Sheikh Adam Safiyuddin, Syedi Hebatullah Jamaluddin
- Mukasir: Syedna Mohammed Badruddin
46.Syedna Mohammed Badruddin bin Syedna Abdeali Saifuddin
- Dai period: 1252–1256 AH/ 1836–1840 AD
- Place of dai office : Surat,India
- Death: 29 Jumadil akhir 1256
- Mazoon: Syedi Hebtullah Jamaluddin
- Mukasir: Syedna Abdulqadir Najmuddin
47.Syedna Abdul Qadir Najmuddin bin Syedna Tayyeb Zainuddin
- Dai period: 1256–1302 AH/ 1840–1885 AD
- Place of dai office : Ujjain,India
- Death: 26 Rajab 1302
- Mawazeen: Syedi Hebtullah Jamaluddin, Syedna Abdulhusain Husamuddin
- Mukaserin: Syedi Abdeali Imaduddin, Syedi Ismail Badruddin
48.Syedna Abdul Husain Husamuddin bin Syedna Tayyeb Zainuddin

- Dai period: 1302–1308 AH/ 1885–1891 AD
- Place of dai office : Ahmedabad, India
- Death: 27 Zilhaj 1308
- Mazoon: Syedi Ismail Badruddin
- Mukasir: Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin
49.Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin bin Syedna Abdul Qadir Najmuddin
- Dai period: 1308–1323 AH/ 1891–1906 AD
- Place of dai office : Surat,India
- Death: 27 Zilhaj 1323
- Mazoon: Syedi Ismail Badruddin
- Mukasir: Syedi Hasan Zakiuddin
50.Syedna Abdullah Badruddin bin Syedna Abdul Husain Husamuddin
- Dai period: 1323–1333 AH/ 1906–1915 AD
- Place of dai office : Surat, India
- Death: 10 Rajab 1333 AH
- Mawazeen: Syedi Ismail Badruddin, Syedi Dawood Shehabuddin
- Mukaserin: Syedi Ibrahim Vajihuddin, Syedi Taiyyeb Zainuddin
51.Syedna Taher Saifuddin bin Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin

- Dai period: 1333–1385 AH/ 1915–1965 AD
- Place of dai office : Mumbai,India
- Death: 19 Rajab,1385 AH
- Mawazeen: Syedi Dawood Shahabuddin, Syedi Fazal Qutbuddin, Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin
- Mukaserin: Syedi Ishaq Jamaluddin, Syedi Saleh Safiyuddin
52.Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin bin Syedna Taher Saifuddin

- Dai period: 1385 AH - 1435 AH /1965 AD -2014 AD
- Vafaat (Death) Date: 16 Rabil Awal 1435
- Place of Dai Office: Mumbai, India
- Padma Shri
- Mazoon: Syedi Khuzaima Qutbuddin
- Mukasir: Syedi Saleh bhaisaab Safiyuddin & Syedi Husain husamuddin
53.Syedna Aaliqadr Mufaddal Saifuddin bin Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin
- Mazoon:syedi husain bs husamuddin
- Mazoon:syedi qasim bs hakimuddin
- Mazoon:Syedi Ali Asghar BS Qalimuddin
- Mukasir:Syedi Qaid Johar BS Izzudin
- "Excerpt of His Holiness Syedna Taher Saifuddin's Testimony in the Chandabhoy Gulla Case" (PDF) (pdf). 1920. pp. 280–284 – via
- "List of 52 Duat il-Mutlaqin". Archived from the original on 16 July 2012. Retrieved 4 July 2010.
- Mamujee Hassanally, Yusuf (2017). Gems of History: A Brief History of Doat Mutlaqeen. Colombo: Alvazaratus Saifiyah.
- Ismaili their history and doctrine p.303; Farhad Daftary - 1992 - Quote: "... Yusuf's learning soon attracted the attention of the twenty-third dai, who nominated him as his successor... Yusuf ... When Yusuf died in 974 AH 1567 AD, the central headquarters of the Tayyibi da'wa were transferred from Yaman to Gujarat by his Indian successor, Jalal b.hasan.."
Further reading
- Lathan, Young, Religion, Learning and Science
- Bacharach, Joseph W. Meri, Medieval Islamic Civilisation
- Bin Hasan, Idris, Uyun al-akhbar (Bin Hasan was the 19th Da'i of the Dawoodi Bohra. This volume is a history of the Ismaili community from its origins up to the 12th century CE, the period of the Fatimid caliphs al-Mustansir (d. 487/1094), the time of Musta‘lian rulers including al-Musta‘li (d. 495/1101) and al-Amir (d. 524/1130), and then the Tayyibi Ismaili community in Yemen.)