List of New Thought writers
This is a list of New Thought writers, who have written significant primary works related to New Thought. New Thought is also commonly referred to as the "Law of Attraction."
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This list does not include secondary scholarly works concerning the New Thought movement. Those books are listed in the secondary section, listed at the bottom of this article.

- James Allen -- As A Man Thinketh (1903); Above Life's Turmoil (1910); Byways to Blessedness.[1]
- U.S. Andersen[2] - Three Magic Words (1954); The Secret of Secrets: Your Key to Subconscious Power (1958); The Magic in Your Mind (1961); The Key to Power and Personal Peace (1972); The Greatest Power in the Universe (1976); Happiness is the Secret of Secrets
- William Walker Atkinson[3][4] -- Thought-Force in Business and Everyday Life (1900); The Law of the New Thought: A Study of Fundamental Principles & Their Application (1902); Nuggets of the New Thought (1902); Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World (1906); The Secret of Mental Magic: A Course of Seven Lessons (1907); Self-Healing by Thought Force (1907); The Secret of Success (1908); Practical Mental Influence (1908); The Mastery of Being: A Study of the Ultimate Principle of Reality & the Practical Application Thereof (1911); Your Mind and How to Use It: A Manual of Practical Psychology (1911); Practical New Thought: Several Things that Have Helped People (1911); Mental Pictures (article in "The Nautilus" magazine) (November 1912); Mind Power: The Secret of Mental Magic (1912); New Thought: Its History and Principles or The Message of the New Thought, A Condensed History of Its Real Origin with Statement of Its Basic Principles and True Aims (1915); The Seven Cosmic Laws (March 1931).
- Clara Beranger[5] - Peace Begins At Home
- Raymond Charles Barker[6] - Treat Yourself to Life, Money is God in Action
- Michael Beckwith[7] - Spiritual Liberation: Fulfilling Your Soul's Potential
- Genevieve Behrend [8] - Your Invisible Power (1921); How to Live Life and Love It (1922); Attaining Your Heart's Desire (1929)
- Joseph Sieber Benner - The Impersonal Life (1914); The Way Out (1930); The Way Beyond (1931)
- Dorothea Brande - Wake Up and Live (1936)
- Nona Lovell Brooks[9] - Short Lessons in Divine Science, Mysteries, Divine Science and the Truth
- Rhonda Byrne[10] - The Secret (2006); The Power (2010), The Magic (2012), " The Hero".
- H. Emilie Cady[11] - Lessons in Truth (1896); Finding The Christ in Ourselves (1891); How I Used the Truth; God A Present Help
- Robert Collier[12] -- The God in You; The Magic Word; The Book of Life (1925); The Secret of the Ages (1926); The Secret Power; Riches Within Your Reach: The Law of the Higher Potential; The Science of Getting What You Want; The Life Magnet
- Malinda Cramer[13] - Divine Science & Healing.
- Terry Cole-Whittaker[14] - Live Your Bliss, What You Think of Me is None of My Business
- Russell Conwell[15]
- David Friedman (2012) - "The Thought Exchange"
- Mike Dooley - Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams, Leveraging the Universe: 7 Steps to Engaging Life’s Magic, Manifesting Change: It Couldn't Be Easier, The Top 10 Things Dead People Want to Tell You
- Horatio Dresser[16] - The Quimby Manuscripts, The Power of Silence, Spiritual Health and Healing
- Henry Drummond[17] - Natural Law in the Spiritual World (1883); The Greatest Thing in the World (1890); The Ascent of Man (1894)
- Dr Wayne Dyer [18] - Power of Intention, You'll See It When You Believe It
- Mary Baker Eddy -- Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (1875)
- Warren Felt Evans[19] - The Mental-Cure, Illustrating the Influence of the Mind on the Body, The Divine Law of Cure
- Charles Fillmore[20] - Christian Healing (1909); Talks on Truth (1922); The Twelve Powers of Man (1930); Prosperity (1936); Jesus Christ Heals (1939); Teach Us to Pray with Cora Fillmore (1941); Atom-Smashing Power of Mind (1949)
- Myrtle Fillmore[20] - Healing Letters; How to Let God Help You (1956)
- Emmet Fox[21] -- Power Through Constructive Thinking (1932); The Sermon on the Mount: The Key to Success in Life (1934); Find and Use Your Inner Power (1941)
- James Dillet Freeman[22] - Be!, The Story of Unity
- Shakti Gawain - Creative Visualization (1978); Creating True Prosperity (1997)
- Thaddeus Golas[23] - The Lazy Man's Guide to Enlightenment (1971)
- Joel S. Goldsmith[24][25] - The Infinite Way, The Art of Spiritual Healing, Thunder of Silence, Practicing the Presence
- Stuart Grayson[26] - Spiritual Healing: A Simple Guide for the Healing of Body, Mind, and Spirit.
- Joseph Perry Green
- Charles F. Haanel[27] - The Master Key System (1917); Mental Chemistry (1922); The New Psychology (1924); The Amazing Secrets of the Yogi (1937); A Book About You (1928)
- Frank Channing Haddock[28] - Power of Will: A Practical Companion Book for the Unfoldment of the Powers of Mind
- Henry Thomas Hamblin[29] - Dynamic Thought: Harmony, Health, Success, Achievement; Within You is the Power; Science of Thought; The Message of a Flower; The Open Door
- Esther Hicks and Jerry Hicks[30] -- Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires (2005); The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent: Living the Art of Allowing (2005); The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham Esther and Jerry Hicks (2006); The Astonishing Power of Emotions (2008); Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness (2008).
- Louise Hay[31] - You Can Heal Your Life (1984)
- Napoleon Hill - Think and Grow Rich (1937); Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude (with W. Clement Stone) (1960)
- Ernest Holmes[32] - The Science of Mind (1926)
- Fenwicke Holmes[21][33] - The Science of Faith, The Law of Mind in Action, Ernest Holmes: His Life and Times
- Emma Curtis Hopkins[34] -- Spiritual Law in the Natural World (1894); The Key to Power (1895); Studies in High Mysticism (1924); Scientific Christian Mental Practice
- William Hornaday[35] -- My Prayer For You; Life Everlasting; Success Unlimited; Help For Today (with Ernest Holmes); and Your Aladdin's Lamp
- Mitch Horowitz -- One Simple Idea: How the Lessons of Positive Thinking Can Transform Your Life (2014); Miracle: The Ideas of Neville Goddard (2017); The Miracle Club: How Thoughts Become Reality (2018); The Power of the Master Mind (2018); Awakened Mind: How Thoughts Create Reality; The Secret of Think and Grow Rich: The Inner Dimensions of the Greatest Success Program of All Time; Think Your Way to Wealth: Action Plan; The Mastery of Good Luck (2019); Million Dollar Mind: The High Road to Success and Power (2019); The Power of Your Subconscious Mind and How to Use It (2020); The Miracle Habits: The Secret of Turning Your Moments into Miracles (2020)
- Jean Houston
- Walter C. Lanyon[39] - It Is Wonderful, Ask
- Christian D. Larson[21] - Your Forces and How To Use Them, The Ideal Made Real or Metaphysics for Beginners
- Morris Lichtenstein[40] - Jewish Science and Health (1925)
- Max Freedom Long[41] - Self-Suggestion and the New Huna Theory of Mesmerism and Hypnosis.
- Orison Swett Marden[42] - Peace, Power, and Plenty, Every Man A King, or, Might in Mind-Mastery
- Annie Rix Militz[11] - Concentration
- Kenneth G. Mills - The Key: Identity; Change Your Standpoint, Change Your World
- Edward Morrissey
- Mary Manin Morrissey
- Alfred G. Moses - Jewish Science: Divine Healing in Judaism (Main text)
- A. K. Mozumdar
- Prentice Mulford - Thoughts Are Things (1889); Your Forces and How to Use Them (1888); Prentice Mulford's Story: Life By Land and Sea (1889); Thought Forces Essays (1913); The God in You (1918)
- Joseph Murphy - The Miracles of Your Mind (1953); Magic of Faith (1954); Believe in Yourself (1955); How to Attract Money (1955); Prayer Is the Answer (1956); How to Use Your Healing Power (1957); The Healing Power of Love (1958); Stay Young Forever (1958); Mental Poisons and Their Antidotes (1958); Techniques in Prayer Therapy (1960); The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind (1963); The Miracle of Mind Dynamics (1964); The Amazing Laws of Cosmic Mind Power (1965); Your Infinite Power to Be Rich (1966); The Cosmic Power Within You (1968); Infinite Power for Richer Living (1969); Miracle Power for Infinite Riches (1972); The Miracle of Mind Dynamics: Use Your Subconscious Mind to Obtain Complete Control Over Your Destiny (1972); The Cosmic Energizer: Miracle Power of the Universe (1974); Within You Is the Power (1977); How to Use the Laws of Mind (1980)
- Michael Murphy - Powerful Attitudes
- Caroline Myss
- Earl Nightingale - The Strangest Secret (1956).
- Joel Osteen - The Power of I Am
- Charles Brodie Patterson[20] - New Thought: A 21st Century Awakening
- Norman Vincent Peale - The Power of Positive Thinking (1952)
- Catherine Ponder -- The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity (1962); The Prosperity Secrets of the Ages (1964); The Dynamic Laws of Healing (1966); The Healing Secrets of the Ages (1967); Pray and Grow Rich (1968); Open Your Mind To Prosperity (1971); Open Your Mind To Receive (1983); Secret of Unlimited Prosperity (1983); The Prospering Power of Prayer (1983); The Dynamic Laws of Prayer (1987); The Prospering Power of Love (2006)
- Bob Proctor - You Were Born Rich (1984)
- Della Reese
- Rachel Naomi Remen - Kitchen Table Wisdom
- Israel Regardie -- The Art of True Healing: A Treatise on the Mechanism of Prayer and the Operation of the Law of Attraction in Nature (1937); The Art of True Healing: The Unlimited Power of Prayer and Visualization
- Jane Roberts -Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul
- Frank B. Robinson
- J. Herman Randall[11] - A New Philosophy of Life
- John Selby
- Tosha Silver - Outrageous Openness - Letting the Divine take the lead, Change me Prayers
- Florence Scovel Shinn - The Game of Life and How to Play it
- Alethea Brooks Small
- Samuel Smiles
- W. Clement Stone -- Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude (with Napoleon Hill) (1960); The Success System That Never Fails (1962)
- Masaharu Taniguchi[43] - The Science of Faith
- Elizabeth Towne[42] - Experiences in Self-Healing
- Ralph Waldo Trine[21] - In Tune With the Infinite (1897), The Greatest Thing Ever Known (1898); Character-Building Thought Power (1899); This Mystical Life of Ours (1907); Thoughts From the Highway (1912); The Higher Powers of Mind & Spirit (1917); Character Building Thought Power; Power That Wins (with Henry Ford) (1928); The Man Who Knew (1934)
- Thomas Troward[11] - The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science (1904); The Dore Lectures on Mental Science (1909); The Hidden Power; The Creative Process in the Individual (1915); The Hidden Power and Other Papers on Mental Science (1921)
- Three Initiates - The Kybalion
- Neale Donald Walsch[45] - Conversations with God
- Wallace Wattles[46] - The Science of Getting Rich (1908); Health Through New Thought and Fasting (1924)
- Lilian Whiting[47] - The Outlook Beautiful
- Ella Wheeler Wilcox[48] - The Heart of the New Thought, New Thought Common Sense
- Stuart Wilde[3] - Grace, Gaia, and the End of Days: An Alternative Way for the Advanced Soul
- Henry Wood[49] - The New Thought Simplified: How to Gain Harmony and Health
- Gary Zukav[51] - The Dancing Wu Li Masters: An Overview of the New Physics, The Seat of the Soul
See also
- Brown, H.H. (1903) New thought primer, origin, history and principles of the movement: S lesson in soul culture. Now Folk. p 51.
- (1978) American book publishing record cumulative, 1950-1977: An American national bibliography, Volumes 9-15. R.R. Bowker Company. p 80.
- Butler-Bowden, T. (2008) 50 Prosperity Classics: Attract It, Create It, Manage It, Share It: Wisdom from the Best Books on Wealth Creation and Abundance. Brealey Publishing. p 302.
- Hill, N., Murphy, J., and Wattles, W.D. (2010) How to Be Rich: Compact Wisdom from the World's Greatest Wealth-builders. Penguin. p 194.
- Published exclusively by Unity Church, which in turn exclusively publishes only New Thought works.
- Holmes, E. (1941) Mind remakes your world. Chicago: Dodd, Mead and Company. p 17. Note: Barker was an ordained Religious Science minister.
- House, J.M. (2008) Peak Vitality: Raising the Threshold of Abundance in Our Material, Spiritual and Emotional Lives. Elite Books. p 471.
- Gallagher, E.V. and Ashcraft, W.M. (2006) Introduction to new and alternative religions. Greewood Press. p 214.
- Lofton, K. (2011) Oprah: The Gospel of an Icon. University of California Press. p 43.
- Talbot, E.A. (1921) Lessons in meditation. E.P. Dutton & Company. p. 101.
- Byrne, R. (2010) The Power. Simon & Schuster. p 72.
- Cramer, M.E. (1905) Divine science and healing. Home College of Divine Science. p 242.
- O'Shea, D. (March 2005) "When the spirit moves us", San Diego magazine. Vol. 57, No. 5. p 118. ISSN 0036-4045.
- Ellwood, R.S. (1997) The fifties spiritual marketplace: American religion in a decade of conflict. Rutgers University Press, p 225.
- Satter, B. (2001) Each Mind a Kingdom: American Women, Sexual Purity, and the New Thought Movement, 1875-1920. University of California Press. p 198.
- Larson, M.A. (1985) New Thought, or, A modern religious approach: The philosophy of health, happiness, and prosperity. Philosophical Library. p 224.
- "The Power of Intention".
- Mosley, G. (2006) New Thought, Ancient Wisdom: The History and Future of the New Thought Movement. Templeton Foundation Press. p. 132. ISBN 978-1-59947-089-4.
- Mosley, G. (2006) New Thought, Ancient Wisdom: The History and Future of the New Thought Movement. Templeton Foundation Press. p. 134. ISBN 978-1-59947-089-4.
- Mosley, G. (2006) New Thought, Ancient Wisdom: The History and Future of the New Thought Movement. Templeton Foundation Press. p. 136. ISBN 978-1-59947-089-4.
- Griffith, R.M. (2004) Born again bodies: Flesh and spirit in American Christianity. University of California Press. p. 268.
- York, M. (1995) The emerging network: A sociology of the New Age and neo-pagan movements. Rowman & Littlefield. p. 54.
- Goldsmith, J.S. (1994) The Invisible Supply: Finding the Gifts of the Spirit Within. HarperCollins. p 69.
- Ellwood, R.S. and Alles, G.D. (2007) The encyclopedia of world religions. Infobase Publishing, 2007. p. 323.
- (1997) Spiritual Healing: A Simple Guide for the Healing of Body, Mind, and Spirit. Simon & Schuster. ISBN 0-684-82365-9. p 256.
- Lofton, K. (2011) Oprah: The gospel of an icon. University of California Press. p 42.
- Rodgers, D.T. (1979) The work ethic in industrial America, 1850-1920. University of Chicago Press. p 110.
- Jones, D. and Woodbridge, R. (2011) Health, Wealth & Happiness: Has the Prosperity Gospel Overshadowed the Gospel of Christ? Kregel Publications. p 43.
- Hicks, Esther; Hicks, Jerry (2004). Ask and it is given: learning to manifest your desires. Hay House.
- Satter, B. (2001) Each Mind a Kingdom: American Women, Sexual Purity, and the New Thought Movement, 1875-1920. University of California Press. p 252.
- Mosley, G. (2006) New Thought, Ancient Wisdom: The History and Future of the New Thought Movement. Templeton Foundation Press. p. 137. ISBN 978-1-59947-089-4.
- Braden, C.S. (1963) Spirits in rebellion: The rise and development of new thought. Southern Methodist University Press. p 493.
- Harley, G.M. (2002) Emma Curtis Hopkins: Forgotten founder of New Thought. Syracuse University Press. - Note: The whole book is about her being a founder of the New Thought movement.
- Garraty, J.A. and Carnes, M.C. for the American Council of Learned Societies. (1999) American National Biography: Hofstadter-Jepson. Oxford University Press. p 81.
- Rosemary Skinner Keller, Rosemary Radford Ruether, Marie Cantlon (2006) Encyclopedia of women and religion in North America, Volume 2. Indiana University Press. p 758.
- James, G.W. (1916) Quit Your Worrying!. Public Domain.
- Katie, B. Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life, with Stephen Mitchell, Harmony Books, 2002. I Need Your Love—Is That True? How to Stop Seeking Love, Appreciation, and Approval and Start Finding Them Instead, with Michael Katz, Harmony Books, 2005. A Thousand Names for Joy: Living in Harmony with the Way Things Are, with Stephen Mitchell, Harmony Books, 2007. Question Your Thinking, Change the World: Quotations from Byron Katie, edited by Stephen Mitchell, Hay House, 2007. Who Would You Be Without Your Story?: Dialogues with Byron Katie, edited by Carol Williams, Hay House, 2008. Tiger-Tiger, Is It True?, illustrated by Hans Wilhelm, Hay House, 2009. Peace in the Present Moment, with Eckhart Tolle, Hampton Roads Pub Co Inc 2010, Newburyport, MA 2010. The Four Questions: For Henny Penny and Anybody with Stressful Thoughts, by Byron Katie, Illustrated by Hans Wilhelm, TarcherPerigee 2016. A Mind at Home with Itself: How Asking Four Questions Can Free Your Mind, Open Your Heart, and Turn Your World Around, by Byron Katie with Stephen Mitchell, HarperOne 2017.
- Mosley, G. (2006) New Thought, Ancient Wisdom: The History and Future of the New Thought Movement. Templeton Foundation Press, 2006. p 136.
- Gardner, M. (1957) Fads and fallacies in the name of science. Courier Dover Publications, 1957. p 196.
- Long, M.F. (2006) Self-Suggestion and the New Huna Theory of Mesmerism and Hypnosis. Kessinger Publishing. p 86.
- Starker, S. (2002) Oracle at the supermarket: The American preoccupation with self-help books. Transaction Publishers. p 22.
- Braden, C.S. (1963) Spirits in rebellion: the rise and development of new thought. Southern Methodist University Press. p 493.
- Vanzant, I. (2008) Tapping the Power Within: A Path to Self-Empowerment for Women. Hay House, Inc. p 283.
- Lynch, G. (2007) The new spirituality: An introduction to progressive belief in the twenty-first century. I.B.Tauris. 69.
- (2007) The Prosperity Bible. Penguin. p. 1272.
- Tumber, C. (2002) American feminism and the birth of new age spirituality: Searching for the higher self, 1875-1915. Rowman & Littlefield. p. 110.
- Gardner, M. (2010) When You Were a Tadpole and I Was a Fish: And Other Speculations About This and That. Macmillan. p. 49.
- Brown, H.H. (1903) New thought primer, origin, history and principles of the movement: A lesson in soul culture. Now Folk, 1903. p 51.
- Goldberg, P. (2010) American Veda: From Emerson and the Beatles to Yoga and Meditation How Indian Spirituality Changed the West. Random House Digital, Inc.
- Goldwag, A. (2007) Isms and Ologies: All the Movements, Ideologies and Doctrines That Have Shaped Our World. Random House Digital, Inc.. p 303.
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