List of administrative divisions of Yunnan
Yunnan, a province of the People's Republic of China, is made up of the following administrative divisions.
Yunnan Province | |
Province | |
Capital: Kunming | |
Prefectural level divisions | |
Prefectural cities | 8 |
Autonomous prefectures | 8 |
County level divisions | |
County cities | 17 |
Counties | 66 |
Autonomous counties | 29 |
Districts | 17 |
Township level divisions | |
Towns | 683 |
Townships | 545 |
Ethnic townships | 140 |
Subdistricts | 175 |
Villages level divisions | |
Communities | 2,421 |
Administrative villages | 11,902 |
Source: Yunnan Statistical Yearbook 2018[1]:3–9 |
This article is part of a series on |
Administrative divisions of China |
History: before 1912, 1912–49, 1949–present Administrative division codes |
Administrative divisions
All of these administrative divisions are explained in greater detail at political divisions of China.
Prefecture level | County Level | ||||
Name | Chinese | Hanyu Pinyin | Division code[2] | ||
Kunming city 昆明市 Kūnmíng Shì (Capital) (5301 / KMG) |
Wuhua District | 五华区 | Wǔhuá Qū | 530102 | WHA |
Panlong District | 盘龙区 | Pánlóng Qū | 530103 | PLQ | |
Guandu District | 官渡区 | Guāndù Qū | 530111 | GDU | |
Xishan District | 西山区 | Xīshān Qū | 530112 | XSN | |
Dongchuan District | 东川区 | Dōngchuān Qū | 530113 | DCU | |
Chenggong District | 呈贡区 | Chénggòng Qū | 530114 | CGG | |
Jinning District | 晋宁区 | Jìnníng Qū | 530115 | JNE | |
Fumin County | 富民县 | Fùmín Xiàn | 530124 | FMN | |
Yiliang County | 宜良县 | Yíliáng Xiàn | 530125 | YIL | |
Shilin County[lower-alpha 1] | 石林县 | Shílín Xiàn | 530126 | SLY | |
Songming County | 嵩明县 | Sōngmíng Xiàn | 530127 | SMI | |
Luquan County[lower-alpha 2] | 禄劝县 | Lùquàn Xiàn | 530128 | LUC | |
Xundian County[lower-alpha 3] | 寻甸县 | Xúndiàn Xiàn | 530129 | XDN | |
Anning city | 安宁市 | Ānníng Shì | 530181 | ANG | |
Qujing city 曲靖市 Qǔjìng Shì (5303 / QJS) |
Qilin District | 麒麟区 | Qílín Qū | 530302 | QLQ |
Zhanyi District | 沾益区 | Zhānyì Qū | 530303 | ZYB | |
Malong District | 马龙区 | Mǎlóng Qū | 530304 | ||
Luliang County | 陆良县 | Lùliáng Xiàn | 530322 | LLX | |
Shizong County | 师宗县 | Shīzōng Xiàn | 530323 | SZD | |
Luoping County | 罗平县 | Luópíng Xiàn | 530324 | LPX | |
Fuyuan County | 富源县 | Fùyuán Xiàn | 530325 | FYD | |
Huize County | 会泽县 | Huìzé Xiàn | 530326 | HUZ | |
Xuanwei city | 宣威市 | Xuānwēi Shì | 530381 | XWS | |
Yuxi city 玉溪市 Yùxī Shì (5304 / YXS) |
Hongta District | 红塔区 | Hóngtǎ Qū | 530402 | HTA |
Jiangchuan District | 江川区 | Jiāngchuān Qū | 530403 | JCY | |
Tonghai County | 通海县 | Tōnghǎi Xiàn | 530423 | THI | |
Huaning County | 华宁县 | Huáníng Xiàn | 530424 | HND | |
Yimen County | 易门县 | Yìmén Xiàn | 530425 | YMD | |
Eshan County[lower-alpha 4] | 峨山县 | Éshān Xiàn | 530426 | ESN | |
Xinping County[lower-alpha 5] | 新平县 | Xīnpíng Xiàn | 530427 | XNP | |
Yuanjiang County[lower-alpha 6] | 元江县 | Yuánjiāng Xiàn | 530428 | YJA | |
Chengjiang city | 澄江市 | Chéngjiāng shì | 530481 | ||
Baoshan city 保山市 Bǎoshān Shì (5305 / BOS) |
Longyang District | 隆阳区 | Lóngyáng Qū | 530502 | LGU |
Shidian County | 施甸县 | Shīdiàn Xiàn | 530521 | SDD | |
Longling County | 龙陵县 | Lónglíng Xiàn | 530523 | LGL | |
Changning County | 昌宁县 | Chāngníng Xiàn | 530524 | CND | |
Tengchong city | 腾冲市 | Téngchōng Shì | 530581 | TCT | |
Zhaotong city 昭通市 Zhāotōng Shì (5306 / ZTS) |
Zhaoyang District | 昭阳区 | Zhāoyáng Qū | 530602 | ZGQ |
Ludian County | 鲁甸县 | Lǔdiàn Xiàn | 530621 | LDX | |
Qiaojia County | 巧家县 | Qiǎojiā Xiàn | 530622 | QJA | |
Yanjin County | 盐津县 | Yánjīn Xiàn | 530623 | YJD | |
Daguan County | 大关县 | Dàguān Xiàn | 530624 | DGN | |
Yongshan County | 永善县 | Yǒngshàn Xiàn | 530625 | YSB | |
Suijiang County | 绥江县 | Suíjiāng Xiàn | 530626 | SUJ | |
Zhenxiong County | 镇雄县 | Zhènxióng Xiàn | 530627 | ZEX | |
Yiliang County | 彝良县 | Yíliáng Xiàn | 530628 | YLG | |
Weixin County | 威信县 | Wēixìn Xiàn | 530629 | WIX | |
Shuifu city | 水富市 | Shuǐfù Shì | 530681 | ||
Lijiang city 丽江市 Lìjiāng Shì (5307 / LJH) |
Gucheng District | 古城区 | Gǔchéng Qū | 530702 | GUQ |
Yulong County[lower-alpha 7] | 玉龙县 | Yùlóng Xiàn | 530721 | YLZ | |
Yongsheng County | 永胜县 | Yǒngshèng Xiàn | 530722 | YOS | |
Huaping County | 华坪县 | Huápíng Xiàn | 530723 | HAP | |
Ninglang County[lower-alpha 8] | 宁蒗县 | Nínglàng Xiàn | 530724 | NLG | |
Pu'er city 普洱市 Pǔ'ěr Shì (5308 / PRS) |
Simao District | 思茅区 | Sīmáo Qū | 530802 | SYM |
Ning'er County[lower-alpha 9] | 宁洱县 | Níng'ěr Xiàn | 530821 | NER | |
Mojiang County[lower-alpha 10] | 墨江县 | Mòjiāng Xiàn | 530822 | MJG | |
Jingdong County[lower-alpha 11] | 景东县 | Jǐngdōng Xiàn | 530823 | JDD | |
Jinggu County[lower-alpha 12] | 景谷县 | Jǐnggǔ Xiàn | 530824 | JGD | |
Zhenyuan County[lower-alpha 13] | 镇沅县 | Zhènyuán Xiàn | 530825 | ZYY | |
Jiangcheng County[lower-alpha 14] | 江城县 | Jiāngchéng Xiàn | 530826 | JCE | |
Menglian County[lower-alpha 15] | 孟连县 | Mènglián Xiàn | 530827 | MLN | |
Lancang County[lower-alpha 16] | 澜沧县 | Láncāng Xiàn | 530828 | LCA | |
Ximeng County[lower-alpha 17] | 西盟县 | Xīméng Xiàn | 530829 | XMG | |
Lincang city 临沧市 Líncāng Shì (5309 / LIH) |
Linxiang District | 临翔区 | Línxiáng Qū | 530902 | LXU |
Fengqing County | 凤庆县 | Fèngqìng Xiàn | 530921 | FQX | |
Yunxian County[lower-alpha 18] | 云县 | Yúnxiàn | 530922 | YXP | |
Yongde County | 永德县 | Yǒngdé Xiàn | 530923 | YDX | |
Zhenkang County | 镇康县 | Zhènkāng Xiàn | 530924 | ZKG | |
Shuangjiang County[lower-alpha 19] | 双江县 | Shuāngjiāng Xiàn | 530925 | SGJ | |
Gengma County[lower-alpha 20] | 耿马县 | Gěngmǎ Xiàn | 530926 | GMA | |
Cangyuan County[lower-alpha 21] | 沧源县 | Cāngyuán Xiàn | 530927 | CYN | |
Chuxiong Prefecture[lower-alpha 22] 楚雄州 Chǔxióng Zhōu (5323 / CXD) |
Chuxiong city | 楚雄市 | Chǔxióng Shì | 532301 | CXS |
Shuangbai County | 双柏县 | Shuāngbǎi Xiàn | 532322 | SBA | |
Mouding County | 牟定县 | Móudìng Xiàn | 532323 | MDI | |
Nanhua County | 南华县 | Nánhuá Xiàn | 532324 | NHA | |
Yao'an County | 姚安县 | Yáo'ān Xiàn | 532325 | YOA | |
Dayao County | 大姚县 | Dàyáo Xiàn | 532326 | DYO | |
Yongren County | 永仁县 | Yǒngrén Xiàn | 532327 | YRN | |
Yuanmou County | 元谋县 | Yuánmóu Xiàn | 532328 | YMO | |
Wuding County | 武定县 | Wǔdìng Xiàn | 532329 | WDX | |
Lufeng County | 禄丰县 | Lùfēng Xiàn | 532331 | LFX | |
Honghe Prefecture[lower-alpha 23] 红河州 Hónghé Zhōu (5325 / HHZ) |
Gejiu city | 个旧市 | Gèjiù Shì | 532501 | GJU |
Kaiyuan city | 开远市 | Kāiyuǎn Shì | 532502 | KYD | |
Mengzi city | 蒙自市 | Měngzì Xiàn | 532503 | MEZ | |
Mile city | 弥勒市 | Mílè Shì | 532504 | MLY | |
Pingbian County[lower-alpha 24] | 屏边县 | Píngbiān Xiàn | 532523 | PBN | |
Jianshui County | 建水县 | Jiànshuǐ Xiàn | 532524 | JSD | |
Shiping County | 石屏县 | Shípíng Xiàn | 532525 | SPG | |
Luxi County | 泸西县 | Lúxī Xiàn | 532527 | LXD | |
Yuanyang County | 元阳县 | Yuányáng Xiàn | 532528 | YYD | |
Honghe County | 红河县 | Hónghé Xiàn | 532529 | HHX | |
Jinping County[lower-alpha 25] | 金平县 | Jīnpíng Xiàn | 532530 | JNP | |
Lüchun County | 绿春县 | Lǜchūn Xiàn | 532531 | LCX | |
Hekou County[lower-alpha 26] | 河口县 | Hékǒu Xiàn | 532532 | HKM | |
Wenshan Prefecture[lower-alpha 27] 文山州 Wénshān Zhōu (5326 / WSZ) |
Wenshan city | 文山市 | Wénshān Xiàn | 532601 | WSB |
Yanshan County | 砚山县 | Yànshān Xiàn | 532622 | YSD | |
Xichou County | 西畴县 | Xīchóu Xiàn | 532623 | XIC | |
Malipo County | 麻栗坡县 | Málìpō Xiàn | 532624 | MLP | |
Maguan County | 马关县 | Mǎguān Xiàn | 532625 | MGN | |
Qiubei County | 丘北县 | Qiūběi Xiàn | 532626 | QBE | |
Guangnan County | 广南县 | Guǎngnán Xiàn | 532627 | GGN | |
Funing County | 富宁县 | Fùníng Xiàn | 532628 | FND | |
Xishuangbanna Prefecture[lower-alpha 28] 西双版纳州 Xīshuāngbǎnnà Zhōu (5328 / XSB) |
Jinghong city | 景洪市 | Jǐnghóng Shì | 532801 | JHG |
Menghai County | 勐海县 | Měnghǎi Xiàn | 532822 | MHI | |
Mengla County | 勐腊县 | Měnglà Xiàn | 532823 | MLA | |
Dali Prefecture[lower-alpha 29] 大理州 Dàlǐ Zhōu (5329 / DLZ) |
Dali city | 大理市 | Dàlǐ Shì | 532901 | DLS |
Yangbi County[lower-alpha 30] | 漾濞县 | zh|Yàngbì Xiàn | 532922 | YGB | |
Xiangyun County | 祥云县 | Xiángyún Xiàn | 532923 | XYD | |
Binchuan County | 宾川县 | Bīnchuān Xiàn | 532924 | BCD | |
Midu County | 弥渡县 | Mídù Xiàn | 532925 | MDU | |
Nanjian County[lower-alpha 31] | 南涧县 | Nánjiàn Xiàn | 532926 | NNJ | |
Weishan County[lower-alpha 32] | 巍山县 | Wēishān Xiàn | 532927 | WSY | |
Yongping County | 永平县 | Yǒngpíng Xiàn | 532928 | YPX | |
Yunlong County | 云龙县 | Yúnlóng Xiàn | 532929 | YLO | |
Eryuan County | 洱源县 | Ěryuán Xiàn | 532930 | EYN | |
Jianchuan County | 剑川县 | Jiànchuān Xiàn | 532931 | JIC | |
Heqing County | 鹤庆县 | Hèqìng Xiàn | 532932 | HQG | |
Dehong Prefecture[lower-alpha 33] 德宏州 Déhóng Zhōu (5331 / DHG) |
Ruili city | 瑞丽市 | Ruìlì Shì | 533102 | RUI |
Mangshi city[lower-alpha 18] | 芒市 | Mángshì | 533103 | MAB | |
Lianghe County | 梁河县 | Liánghé Xiàn | 533122 | LHD | |
Yingjiang County | 盈江县 | Yíngjiāng Xiàn | 533123 | YGL | |
Longchuan County | 陇川县 | Lǒngchuān Xiàn | 533124 | LCN | |
Nujiang Prefecture[lower-alpha 34] 怒江州 Nùjiāng Zhōu (5333 / NUJ) |
Lushui city | 泸水市 | Lúshuǐ Shì | 533302 | LMS |
Fugong County | 福贡县 | Fúgòng Xiàn | 533323 | FGO | |
Gongshan County[lower-alpha 35] | 贡山县 | Gòngshān Xiàn | 533324 | GSN | |
Lanping County[lower-alpha 36] | 兰坪县 | Lánpíng Xiàn | 533325 | LPG | |
Diqing Prefecture[lower-alpha 37] 迪庆州 Díqìng Zhōu (5334 / DEZ) |
Xianggelila city | 香格里拉市 | Xiānggélǐlā Shì | 533401 | SEL |
Deqin County | 德钦县 | Déqīn Xiàn | 533422 | DQN | |
Weixi County[lower-alpha 38] | 维西县 | Wéixī Xiàn | 533423 | WXI |
- Conventional name: Shilin Yi Autonomous County; Chinese: 石林彝族自治县; pinyin: Shílín Yízú Zìzhìxiàn
- Conventional name: Luquan Yi and Miao Autonomous County; Chinese: 禄劝彝族苗族自治县; pinyin: Lùquàn Yízú Miáozú Zìzhìxiàn
- Conventional name: Xundian Hui and Yi Autonomous County; Chinese: 寻甸回族彝族自治县; pinyin: Xúndiàn Huízú Yízú Zìzhìxiàn
- Conventional name: Eshan Yi Autonomous County; Chinese: 峨山彝族自治县; pinyin: Éshān Yízú Zìzhìxiàn
- Conventional name: Xinping Yi and Dai Autonomous County; Chinese: 新平彝族傣族自治县; pinyin: Xīnpíng Yízú Dǎizú Zìzhìxiàn
- Conventional name: Yuanjiang Hani, Yi and Dai Autonomous County; Chinese: 元江哈尼族彝族傣族自治县; pinyin: Yuánjiāng Hānízú Yízú Dǎizú Zìzhìxiàn
- Conventional name: Yulong Naxi Autonomous County; Chinese: 玉龙纳西族自治县; pinyin: Yùlóng Nàxīzú Zìzhìxiàn
- Conventional name: Ninglang Yi Autonomous County; Chinese: 宁蒗彝族自治县; pinyin: Nínglàng Yízú Zìzhìxiàn
- Conventional name: Ning'er Hani and Yi Autonomous County; Chinese: 宁洱哈尼族彝族自治县; pinyin: Níng'ěr Hānízú Yízú Zìzhìxiàn
- Conventional name: Mojiang Hani Autonomous County; Chinese: 墨江哈尼族自治县; pinyin: Mòjiāng Hānízú Zìzhìxiàn
- Conventional name: Jingdong Yi Autonomous County; Chinese: 景东彝族自治县; pinyin: Jǐngdōng Yízú Zìzhìxiàn
- Conventional name: Jinggu Dai and Yi Autonomous County; Chinese: 景谷傣族彝族自治县; pinyin: Jǐnggǔ Dǎizú Yízú Zìzhìxiàn
- Conventional name: Zhenyuan Yi, Hani and Lahu Autonomous County; Chinese: 镇沅彝族哈尼族拉祜族自治县; pinyin: Zhènyuán Yízú Hānízú Lāhùzú Zìzhìxiàn
- Conventional name: Jiangcheng Hani and Yi Autonomous County; Chinese: 江城哈尼族彝族自治县; pinyin: Jiāngchéng Hānízú Yízú Zìzhìxiàn
- Conventional name: Menglian Dai, Lahu and Va Autonomous County; Chinese: 孟连傣族拉祜族佤族自治县; pinyin: Mènglián Dǎizú Lāhùzú Wǎzú Zìzhìxiàn
- Conventional name: Lancang Lahu Autonomous County; Chinese: 澜沧拉祜族自治县; pinyin: Láncāng Lāhùzú Zìzhìxiàn
- Conventional name: Ximeng Va Autonomous County; Chinese: 西盟佤族自治县; pinyin: Xīméng Wǎzú Zìzhìxiàn
- Official name registered by the Ministry of Civil Affairs.
- Conventional name: Shuangjiang Lahu, Va, Blang and Dai Autonomous County; Chinese: 双江拉祜族佤族布朗族傣族自治县; pinyin: Shuāngjiāng Lāhùzú Wǎzú Bùlǎngzú ǎizú Zìzhìxiàn
- Conventional name: Gengma Dai and Va Autonomous County; Chinese: 耿马傣族佤族自治县; pinyin: Gěngmǎ Dǎizú Wǎzú Zìzhìxiàn
- Conventional name: Cangyuan Va Autonomous County; Chinese: 沧源佤族自治县; pinyin: Cāngyuán Wǎzú Zìzhìxiàn
- Conventional name: Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture; Chinese: 楚雄彝族自治州; pinyin: Chǔxióng Yízú Zìzhìzhōu
- Conventional name: Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture; Chinese: 红河哈尼族彝族自治州; pinyin: Hónghé Hānízú Yízú Zìzhìzhōu
- Conventional name: Pingbian Miao Autonomous County; Chinese: 屏边苗族自治县; pinyin: Píngbiān Miáozú Zìzhìxiàn
- Conventional name: Jinping Miao, Yao and Dai Autonomous County; Chinese: 金平苗族瑶族傣族自治县; pinyin: Jīnpíng Miáozú Yáozú Dǎizú Zìzhìxiàn
- Conventional name: Hekou Yao Autonomous County; Chinese: 河口瑶族自治县; pinyin: Hékǒu Yáozú Zìzhìxiàn
- Conventional name: Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture; Chinese: 文山壮族苗族自治州; pinyin: Wénshān Zhuàngzú Miáozú Zìzhìzhōu
- Conventional name: Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture; Chinese: 西双版纳傣族自治州; pinyin: Xīshuāngbǎnnà Dǎizú Zìzhìzhōu
- Conventional name: Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture; Chinese: 大理白族自治州; pinyin: Dàlǐ Báizú Zìzhìzhōu
- Conventional name: Yangbi Yi Autonomous County; Chinese: 漾濞彝族自治县; pinyin: Yàngbì Yízú Zìzhìxiàn
- Conventional name: Nanjian Yi Autonomous County; Chinese: 南涧彝族自治县; pinyin: Nánjiàn Yízú Zìzhìxiàn
- Conventional name: Weishan Yi and Hui Autonomous County; Chinese: 巍山彝族回族自治县; pinyin: Wēishān Yízú Huízú Zìzhìxiàn
- Conventional name: Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture; Chinese: 德宏傣族景颇族自治州; pinyin: Déhóng Dǎizú Jǐngpōzú Zìzhìzhōu
- Conventional name: Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture; Chinese: 怒江傈僳族自治州; pinyin: Nùjiāng Lìsùzú Zìzhìzhōu
- Conventional name: Gongshan Derung and Nu Autonomous County; Chinese: 贡山独龙族怒族自治县; pinyin: Gòngshān Dúlóngzú Nùzú Zìzhìxiàn
- Conventional name: Lanping Bai and Pumi Autonomous County; Chinese: 兰坪白族普米族自治县; pinyin: Lánpíng Báizú Pǔmǐzú Zìzhìxiàn
- Conventional name: Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture; Chinese: 迪庆藏族自治州; pinyin: Díqìng Zàngzú Zìzhìzhōu
- Conventional name: Weixi Lisu Autonomous County; Chinese: 维西傈僳族自治县; pinyin: Wéixī Lìsùzú Zìzhìxiàn
Recent changes in administrative divisions
Date | Before | After | Note | Reference[3][4] |
1981-01-18 | parts of Zhaotong County | Zhaotong (PC-City) | established | |
1981-05-09 | parts of Pu'er County | Simao County | established | |
1981-08-14 | Shuifu (CC-District) | Shuifu County | reorganized | |
parts of Yanjin County | merged into | |||
parts of Suijiang County | merged into | |||
1981-11-18 | Kaiyuan County | Kaiyuan (PC-City) | reorganized | |
1983-01-18 | all Province-controlled city (P-City) → Prefecture-level city (PL-City) | Civil Affairs Announcement | ||
all Prefecture-controlled city/town (PC-City/Town) → County-level city/town (CL-City/Town) | ||||
1983-09-09 | parts of Qujing Prefecture | Kunming (PL-City) | transferred | |
↳ Yiliang County | ↳ Yiliang County | transferred | ||
↳ Songming County | ↳ Songming County | transferred | ||
↳ Lunan County (Aut.) | ↳ Lunan County (Aut.) | transferred | ||
parts of Chuxiong Prefecture (Aut.) | Kunming (PL-City) | transferred | ||
↳ Luquan County | ↳ Luquan County | transferred | ||
Zhaotong County | Zhaotong (CL-City) | merged into | ||
Qujing County | Qujing (CL-City) | reorganized | ||
Zhanyi County | merged into | |||
Yuxi County | Yuxi (CL-City) | reorganized | ||
Baoshan County | Baoshan (CL-City) | reorganized | ||
Dali County | Dali (CL-City) | reorganized | ||
Xiaguan (CL-City) | merged into | |||
1985-01-31 | Wanding (CL-Town) | Wanding (CL-City) | reorganized | |
1985-06-11 | Shuangjiang County | Shuangjiang County (Aut.) | reorganized | |
Weixi County | Weixi County (Aut.) | reorganized | ||
Jingdong County | Jingdong County (Aut.) | reorganized | ||
Jinggu County | Jinggu County (Aut.) | reorganized | ||
Pu'er County | Pu'er County (Aut.) | reorganized | ||
Yangbi County | Yangbi County (Aut.) | reorganized | ||
Luquan County | Luquan County (Aut.) | reorganized | ||
Jinping County | Jinping County (Aut.) | reorganized | ||
1986-09-24 | Bijiang County | Lushui County | disestablished & merged into | |
Fugong County | disestablished & merged into | |||
1987-11-27 | Lanping County | Lanping County (aut.) | reorganized | |
1990-02-03 | Zhenyuan County | Zhenyuan County (Aut.) | reorganized | |
1992-06-26 | Ruili County | Ruili (CL-City) | reorganized | Civil Affairs [1992]69 |
1993-03-25 | Simao County | Simao (CL-City) | reorganized | Civil Affairs [1993]61 |
1993-12-22 | Jinghong County | Jinghong (CL-City) | reorganized | Civil Affairs [1993]256 |
1994-02-18 | Xuanwei County | Xuanwei (CL-City) | reorganized | |
1995-10-13 | Anning County | Anning (CL-City) | reorganized | |
1996-10-28 | Luxi County | Luxi (CL-City) | reorganized | Civil Affairs [1996]80 |
1997-05-06 | Qujing Prefecture | Qujing (PL-City) | reorganized | State Council [1997]32 |
Qujing (CL-City) | Qilin District | disestablished & established | ||
Zhanyi County | disestablished & established | |||
1997-12-13 | Yuxi Prefecture | Yuxi (PL-City) | reorganized | State Council [1997]108 |
Yuxi (CL-City) | Hongta District | disestablished & established | ||
1998-10-08 | Lunan County (Aut.) | Shilin County (Aut.) | renamed | |
1998-12-06 | Dongchuan (PL-City) | Kunming (PL-City) | disestablished & merged into | |
↳ Dongchuan District | reorganized & transferred | |||
parts of Qujing (CL-City) | Kunming (PL-City) | transferred | ||
↳ Xundian County (Aut.) | ↳ Xundian County (Aut.) | transferred | ||
1999-01-02 | Wanding (CL-City) | Ruili (CL-City) | merged into | State Council [1999]1 |
2000-12-30 | Baoshan Prefecture | Baoshan (PL-City) | reorganized | |
Baoshan (CL-City) | Longyang District | reorganized | ||
2001-01-30 | Zhaotong Prefecture | Zhaotong (PL-City) | reorganized | State Council [2001]6 |
Zhaotong (CL-City) | Zhaoyang District | reorganized | ||
2001-12-17 | Zhongdian County | Xianggelila County | renamed | Civil Affairs [2001]348 |
2002-12-26 | Lijiang Prefecture | Lijiang (PL-City) | reorganized | State Council [2002]122 |
Lijiang (CL-City) | Gucheng District | reorganized | ||
Lijiang County (Aut.) | Yulong County (Aut.) | renamed | ||
2003-10-30 | Simao Prefecture | Simao (PL-City) | reorganized | State Council [2003]113 |
Simao (CL-City) | Cuiyun District | reorganized | ||
2003-10-30 | Lincang Prefecture | Lincang (PL-City) | reorganized | State Council [2003]136 |
Lincang (CL-City) | Linxiang District | reorganized | ||
2007-01-21 | Simao (PL-City) | Pu'er (PL-City) | renamed | State Council [2007]8 |
Cuiyun District | Simao District | renamed | ||
Pu'er County (Aut.) | Ning'er County (Aut.) | renamed | ||
2010-07-20 | Luxi (CL-City) | Mangshi (CL-City) | renamed | State Council [2010]166 |
2010-09-10 | Mengzi County | Mengzi (CL-City) | reorganized | Civil Affairs [2010]219 |
2010-12-02 | Wenshan County | Wenshan (CL-City) | reorganized | Civil Affairs [2010]295 |
2011-05-20 | Chenggong County | Chenggong District | reorganized | State Council [2011]58 |
2013-01-24 | Mile County | Mile (CL-City) | reorganized | Civil Affairs [2013]29 |
2014-12-16 | Xianggelila County | Xianggelila (CL-City) | reorganized | Civil Affairs [2014]375 |
2015-08-01 | Tengchong County | Tengchong (CL-City) | reorganized | Civil Affairs [2015]248 |
2015-12-03 | Jiangchuan County | Jiangchuan District | reorganized | State Council [2015]208 |
2016-03-20 | Zhanyi County | Zhanyi District | reorganized | State Council [2016]54 |
2016-06-16 | Lushui County | Lushui (CL-City) | reorganized | Civil Affairs [2016]176 |
2016-11-24 | Jinning County | Jinning District | reorganized | State Council [2016]187 |
2018-02-09 | Malong County | Malong District | reorganized | State Council [2018]24 |
2018-07-02 | Shuifu County | Shuifu (CL-City) | reorganized | Civil Affairs [2018]108 |
2019-11-20 | Chengjiang County | Chengjiang (CL-City) | reorganized | Civil Affairs [2019]124 |
Population composition
Prefecture | 2010 | 2000 |
Kunming | 6,432,212 | 5,781,294 |
Qujing | 5855,055 | 5,466,100 |
Yuxi | 2,303,511 | 2,073,005 |
Baoshan | 2,506,491 | 2,348,315 |
Zhaotong | 5,213,533 | 4,592,388 |
Lijiang | 1,244,769 | 1,126,646 |
Pu'er | 2,542,898 | 2,395,248 |
Lincang | 2,429,505 | 2,228,785 |
Dehong | 1,211,440 | 1,071,300 |
Nujiang | 534,337 | 491,824 |
Diqing | 400,182 | 353,518 |
Dali | 3,456,000 | 3,297,000 |
Chuxiong | 2,684,174 | 2,542,465 |
Honghe | 4,501,000 | 4,130,500 |
Wenshan | 3,517,941 | 3,268,553 |
Xishuangbanna | 1,133,515 | 993,397 |
Name | Prefecture | 2010 |
Wuhua | Kunming | 855,521 |
Panlong | Kunming | 809,881 |
Guandu | Kunming | 853,371 |
Xishan | Kunming | 753,813 |
Dongchuan | Kunming | 271,917 |
Chenggong | Kunming | 310,843 |
Jinning | Kunming | 283,784 |
Fumin | Kunming | 145,554 |
Yiliang | Kunming | 419,400 |
Songming | Kunming | 287,095 |
Shilin | Kunming | 246,220 |
Luquan | Kunming | 396,404 |
Xundian | Kunming | 457,068 |
Anning | Kunming | 341,341 |
Qilin | Qujing | 740,747 |
Malong | Qujing | 184,989 |
Luliang | Qujing | 622,397 |
Shizong | Qujing | 392,361 |
Luoping | Qujing | 549,680 |
Fuyuan | Qujing | 722,640 |
Huize | Qujing | 908,292 |
Zhanyi | Qujing | 431,058 |
Xuanwei | Qujing | 1,302,891 |
Hongta | Yuxi | 495,129 |
Jiangchuan | Yuxi | 280,889 |
Chengjiang | Yuxi | 169,366 |
Tonghai | Yuxi | 300,800 |
Huaning | Yuxi | 214,650 |
Yimen | Yuxi | 177,110 |
Eshan | Yuxi | 162,831 |
Xinping | Yuxi | 285,344 |
Yuanjiang | Yuxi | 217,392 |
Longyang | Baoshan | 935,618 |
Shidian | Baoshan | 305,223 |
Tengchong | Baoshan | 644,765 |
Longling | Baoshan | 277,319 |
Changning | Baoshan | 343,566 |
Zhaoyang | Zhaotong | 787,845 |
Ludian | Zhaotong | 390,654 |
Qiaojia | Zhaotong | 516,349 |
Yanjin | Zhaotong | 369,881 |
Daguan | Zhaotong | 263,225 |
Yongshan | Zhaotong | 394,267 |
Suijiang | Zhaotong | 153,091 |
Zhenxiong | Zhaotong | 1,328,375 |
Yiliang | Zhaotong | 521,838 |
Weixin | Zhaotong | 385,865 |
Shuifu | Zhaotong | 102,143 |
Gucheng | Lijiang | 211,151 |
Yulong | Lijiang | 214,697 |
Yongsheng | Lijiang | 392,024 |
Huaping | Lijiang | 168,028 |
Ninglang | Lijiang | 258,869 |
Simao | Pu'er | 296,500 |
Ning'er | Pu'er | 185,700 |
Mojiang | Pu'er | 360,500 |
Jingdong | Pu'er | 359,500 |
Jinggu | Pu'er | 291,700 |
Zhenyuan | Pu'er | 208,600 |
Jiangcheng | Pu'er | 121,500 |
Menglian | Pu'er | 135,500 |
Lancang | Pu'er | 491,900 |
Ximeng | Pu'er | 91,300 |
Linxiang | Lincang | 323,708 |
Fengqing | Lincang | 458,330 |
Yun(xian) | Lincang | 449,460 |
Yongde | Lincang | 369,702 |
Zhenkang | Lincang | 176,356 |
Shuangjiang | Lincang | 176,549 |
Gengma | Lincang | 296,302 |
Cangyuan | Lincang | 179,098 |
Chuxiong | Chuxiong | 588,620 |
Shuangbai | Chuxiong | 159,867 |
Mouding | Chuxiong | 208,726 |
Nanhua | Chuxiong | 236,138 |
Yao'an | Chuxiong | 197,676 |
Dayao | Chuxiong | 273,315 |
Yongren | Chuxiong | 109,304 |
Yuanmou | Chuxiong | 215,795 |
Wuding | Chuxiong | 271,963 |
Lufeng | Chuxiong | 422,770 |
Mengzi | Honghe | 417,200 |
Gejiu | Honghe | 459,800 |
Kaiyuan | Honghe | 322,700 |
Mile | Honghe | 539,700 |
Shiping | Honghe | 299,100 |
Jianshui | Honghe | 531,500 |
Luxi(xian) | Honghe | 400,700 |
Yuanyang | Honghe | 396,800 |
Honghe | Honghe | 296,500 |
Lüchun | Honghe | 222,200 |
Pingbian | Honghe | 154,000 |
Jinping | Honghe | 356,200 |
Hekou | Honghe | 104,600 |
Wenshan | Wenshan | 481,504 |
Yanshan | Wenshan | 463,264 |
Xichou | Wenshan | 255,286 |
Malipo | Wenshan | 277,960 |
Maguan | Wenshan | 367,507 |
Qiubei | Wenshan | 477,441 |
Guangnan | Wenshan | 787,449 |
Funing | Wenshan | 407,530 |
Jinghong | Xishuangbanna | 519,935 |
Menghai | Xishuangbanna | 331,850 |
Mengla | Xishuangbanna | 281,730 |
Dali | Dali | 652,000 |
Xiangyun | Dali | 456,000 |
Binchuan | Dali | 349,000 |
Midu | Dali | 313,000 |
Yongping | Dali | 175,000 |
Yunlong | Dali | 200,000 |
Eryuan | Dali | 268,000 |
Jianchuan | Dali | 170,000 |
Heqing | Dali | 255,000 |
Yangbi | Dali | 102,000 |
Nanjian | Dali | 212,000 |
Weishan | Dali | 304,000 |
Ruili | Dehong | 180,627 |
Luxi(shi) → Mangshi | Dehong | 389,891 |
Lianghe | Dehong | 154,175 |
Yingjiang | Dehong | 305,167 |
Longchuan | Dehong | 181,580 |
Lushui | Nujiang | 184,835 |
Fugong | Nujiang | 98,616 |
Gongshan | Nujiang | 37,894 |
Lanping | Nujiang | 212,992 |
Xianggelila | Diqing | 172,988 |
Diqin | Diqing | 66,589 |
Weixi | Diqing | 160,605 |
List of autonomous subdivisions by ethnic group

Major Autonomous areas within Yunnan. (excluding Hui)
There are 29 autonomous counties and 8 autonomous prefectures assigned to 18 different ethnic minorities in Yunnan.
- Yi (15 counties, 2 prefectures)
- Shilin Yi Autonomous County, Kunming
- Luquan Yi and Miao Autonomous County, Kunming
- Xundian Hui and Yi Autonomous County, Kunming
- Eshan Yi Autonomous County, Yuxi
- Xinping Yi and Dai Autonomous County, Yuxi
- Yuanjiang Hani, Yi and Dai Autonomous County, Yuxi
- Ninglang Yi Autonomous County, Lijiang
- Ning'er Hani and Yi Autonomous County, Pu'er
- Jingdong Yi Autonomous County, Pu'er
- Jinggu Dai and Yi Autonomous County, Pu'er
- Zhenyuan Yi, Hani and Lahu Autonomous County, Pu'er
- Jiangcheng Hani and Yi Autonomous County, Pu'er
- Yangbi Yi Autonomous County, Dali
- Nanjian Yi Autonomous County, Dali
- Weishan Yi and Hui Autonomous County, Dali
- Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture
- Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture
- Hui (2 counties)
- Miao (3 counties, 1 prefecture)
- Luquan Yi and Miao Autonomous County
- Jinping Miao, Yao and Dai Autonomous County, Honghe
- Pingbian Miao Autonomous County, Honghe
- Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture
- Yao (2 counties)
- Zhuang (1 prefecture)
- Dai (6 counties, 2 prefectures)
- Xinping Yi and Dai Autonomous County, Yuxi
- Yuanjiang Hani, Yi and Dai Autonomous County, Yuxi
- Jinggu Dai and Yi Autonomous County, Pu'er
- Menglian Dai, Lahu and Va Autonomous County, Pu'er
- Gengma Dai and Va Autonomous County, Lincang
- Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture
- Jinping Miao, Yao and Dai Autonomous County, Honghe
- Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture
- Lahu (4 counties)
- Zhenyuan Yi, Hani and Lahu Autonomous County, Pu'er
- Menglian Dai, Lahu and Va Autonomous County, Pu'er
- Lancang Lahu Autonomous County, Pu'er
- Shuangjiang Lahu, Va, Blang and Dai Autonomous County, Lincang
- Hani (5 counties, 1 prefecture)
- Yuanjiang Hani, Yi and Dai Autonomous County, Yuxi
- Ning'er Hani and Yi Autonomous County, Pu'er
- Mojiang Hani Autonomous County, Pu'er
- Zhenyuan Yi, Hani and Lahu Autonomous County, Pu'er
- Jiangcheng Hani and Yi Autonomous County, Pu'er
- Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture
- Wa (5 counties)
- Menglian Dai, Lahu and Va Autonomous County, Pu'er
- Ximeng Va Autonomous County, Pu'er
- Shuangjiang Lahu, Va, Blang and Dai Autonomous County, Lincang
- Gengma Dai and Va Autonomous County, Lincang
- Cangyuan Va Autonomous County, Lincang
- Bulang (1 county)
- Jingpo (1 prefecture)
- Bai (1 county, 1 prefecture)
- Lisu (1 county, 1 prefecture)
- Naxi (1 county)
- Pumi (1 county)
- Dulong (1 county)
- Nu (1 county)
- Tibetan (1 prefecture)
- Statistical Bureau of Yunnan Province (2018). 云南统计年鉴2018 [Yunnan Statistical Yearbook 2018]. Beijing: China Statistics Press. ISBN 978-7-5037-8518-4.
- 最新县及县以上行政区划代码(截止2014年10月31日)
- 中华人民共和国行政区划沿革 (1949-2006). Government of the People's Republic of China. Retrieved 11 January 2016.
- 县级以上行政区划变更情况 (1999-present). Ministry of Civial Affairs of the People's Republic of China. Retrieved 11 January 2016.
External links
- Yunnan Provincial Government (2006-10-25)
- Administrative divisions network (2007-02-12)
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