List of common World War II infantry weapons
This is a list of infantry weapons which were in mainstream use during World War II (1939–1945).
Submachine guns
- Lee–Enfield No.1 Mk III*
- Lee-Enfield No.4 MkI*
- Lee–Enfield No.5 Mk I (Jungle carbine)
Machine guns
- No.36M grenade (Also known as "Mills")
- Stokes mortar
- Ordnance SBML 2-inch mortar
- Ordnance ML 3-inch mortar
Anti-tank weapons
Submachine guns
Machine guns
Edged weapons
- M1924 bayonet
- Browning FN M1910 and M1922
- Nagant M1895
Submachine guns
- Lee–Enfield No.4 Mk I
- Belgian Mauser M1935
- Mosin–Nagant M1891/30
- Mauser Gewehr 98
- Mauser M1889
Light machine guns
Medium machine guns
Heavy machine guns
Anti-tank weapons
Submachine guns
Light machine guns
Medium machine guns
Heavy machine guns
Anti-tank weapons
Submachine guns
Machine guns
- Maxim M1910
- Bren light machine gun
- Madsen machine gun
- Schwarzlose M1907/12
- MG 08
- MG 30
- MG 34
- Degtyaryov DP-28
Anti-tank weapons
- Browning Hi-Power
- Enfield revolver
- Colt M1907 Police Positive
- Colt M1911
- Smith & Wesson Victory
- Smith & Wesson Triple Lock
- Webley revolver
Submachine guns
- M1 Carbine
- Enfield M1917
- Lee–Enfield No.3 and No.4 Mk I
- Ross rifle
Machine guns
- Lewis machine gun
- Browning M1917
- Browning M1918
- Browning M1919
- Johnson M1941 machine gun
- Bren light machine gun
- Vickers machine gun
- Mk.2 fragmentation hand grenade
- No.36M grenade (Also known as "Mills")
- No.68 anti-tank grenade
- Flamethrower, Portable, No 2 "Ack Pack"
Anti-tank weapons

Weapons used by the National Revolutionary Army, as well as Communist forces and Chinese Warlords
Edged weapons
- Type 30 bayonet (Captured)
- HY1935 bayonet
- Qiang spear
- Dadao sword
- Miao dao sword
- M1917 revolver (American Lend Lease)
- Browning Hi-Power (Limited numbers in the Burma Campaign X-Forces and Y-Forces)
- Browning FN M1900 (Imported and locally produced)
- Browning FN M1922
- Colt M1903 Pocket Hammerless (Officers only)
- Colt M1911A1 (American Lend Lease)
- Astra 900
- Nagant M1895
- Nambu Type 14 (Captured)
- Mauser M712
- Mauser C96 (Locally produced)
Submachine guns
- M3A1 submachine gun
- United Defense M42 (American Lend Lease and local production)
- Thompson submachine gun (American Lend Lease and local production)
- Sten submachine gun
- Erma EMP
- SIG M1920
- MP 34
- PPD-40
- M1 Carbine (American Lend Lease)
- Enfield M1917 (American Lend Lease)
- Springfield M1903 (American Lend Lease)
- Lee–Enfield No.4 Mk I (American Lend Lease, used in training in Burma)
- Carcano rifle
- FN M1924
- Mosin–Nagant M1891 and M1891/30
- Arisaka rifle (Captured)
- Vz. 24
- ZH-29
- Hanyang Type 88
- Mauser Gewehr 98
- Type 24 rifle (Licensed copy of the Mauser Gewehr 98, also known as Chiang Kai-Shek rifle)
- Mauser Karabiner 98k (Mainly issued to the early German trained divisions)
Light machine guns
- Lewis machine gun
- Hotchkiss M1922
- Bren light machine gun (Both in .303 and 7.92 Mauser)
- MAC M1924/29 light machine gun
- Type 11 light machine gun (Captured)
- Type 96 light machine gun (Captured)
- Madsen machine gun
- Lahti-Saloranta M26 (Very limited numbers)
- ZB vz.26 (Imported from Czechoslovakia and locally produced)
- Degtyaryov DP-28
Medium machine guns
- Browning M1919 (Medium machine gun, American Lend Lease in Burma)
- Hotchkiss M1914
Heavy machine guns
- PM M1910
- Browning M1917 (American Lend Lease and locally produced)[1]
- Type 3 heavy machine gun (Captured)
- Type 24 machine gun
- Type 23 grenade
- Chinese Stielhandgranate
Anti-tank weapons
Independent State of Croatia
Edged weapons
- Kampfmesser 42 (Bayonet)
- Seitengewehr 98 (Bayonet)
Submachine guns
Automatic rifles
- Carcano rifle
- vz. 24
- Mauser Karabiner 98k (Main rifle)
Machine guns
- M1924 Stielhandgranate
- M1924 Smoke grenade
- Stokes mortar (60 mm)
- Brandt M1927/31 (81 mm)
- 8 cm Granatwerfer 34
- 12 cm Granatwerfer 42
Anti-tank weapons
Czechoslovak Republic
Submachine guns
- Lee–Enfield rifle
- Steyr Mannlicher M1895
- vz. 24
- vz. 33
- ZH-29
Machine guns

- Browning Hi-Power
- Smith & Wesson Model 10
- Danish M1880/85 Army revolver
- Bergmann–Bayard M1910
Submachine guns
- Sjögren shotgun (Limited numbers)
- Lee–Enfield rifle
- Krag–Jørgensen M1889
- Mauser Karabiner 98k
- Swedish Mauser M96
- Automatgevar M42
Machine guns
- Browning M1919
- M29 medium machine gun (Heavy barrel version of the standard M24)
- Madsen machine gun
- Danish M1923
Anti-tank weapons
- Madsen 20 mm anti-tank cannon
- 37 mm Fodfolkskanon M1937 (Danish Bofors 37 mm)
Submachine guns
- Lee–Enfield rifle
- Mosin–Nagant rifle
Machine guns
Anti-tank weapons
Edged weapons
- Puukko knife
- Browning Hi-Power
- Browning FN M1903
- Browning FN M1910 (Used by Home Guard)
- Browning FN M1922
- Colt M1911 (Captured)
- Smith & Wesson Model 10
- Beretta M1915 and M1915-19[2]
- Beretta M1934
- Beretta M1935 (Used by Home Guard)
- Ruby M1914
- Nagant M1895 (Captured)
- Lahti L-35
- Pistole vz. 24[3]
- Pistole vz. 38
- Luger pistol (Used by Finnish officers)
- Mauser C96 (614 examples used)
- Walther P38 (P1 variant, Finnish peacekeeping forces)
- Tokarev TT-33 (Captured)
Submachine guns
- Sten submachine gun (Captured)
- Suomi KP/-31
- MP 28 (And other variants of this weapon made in Finland and Switzerland)
- MP 40 (Delivered with German vehicles)
- PPD-40 (Captured)
- PPSh-41 (Captured)
- PPS-43 (Captured)
- Lee–Enfield rifle
- Winchester M1895
- Carcano rifle (Special variant with attachable rifle grenade)
- Mosin–Nagant M1939
- Finnish Mosin–Nagant M28 (Also known as Pystykorva)
- Mauser Gewehr 98
- Mauser Karabiner 98k
- Swedish Mauser M96 (Also known as Carl Gustav M96)
Machine guns
- Lewis machine gun
- Browning M1918
- Browning M1919
- Maxim M1910
- Finnish Maxim M32-33
- Vickers machine gun
- Chauchat M1915 (Mainly used in the anti-aircraft role)
- Madsen machine gun (Used by Norwegian and Danish volunteers)
- Lahti-Saloranta M26
- ZB vz. 26
- MG 08
- MG 34 (Limited use)
- Kg M40 light machine gun (Used by Swedish volunteers)
- Degtyaryov DP-28 (Captured)
- Goryunov SG-43
Anti-tank weapons
- Hotchkiss 25 mm anti-tank gun
- Boys anti-tank rifle (As 14 mm Pst Kiv/37)
- Madsen 20 mm anti-tank cannon
- Lahti L-39
- Solothurn S-18/100
- Panzerschreck
- Panzerfaust
- Bofors 37 mm (As 37 Pst K/36)
Anti-aircraft weapons
- Star 14
- Union pistol
- Savage M1907
- Smith & Wesson Model 10
- FP-45 Liberator (Supplied by the US for the French resistance)
- SACM M1935A
- MAS M1873
- MAS M1892
- Ruby M1914
- Luger P08 (Captured)
Submachine guns
- Thompson M1928
- Sten submachine gun
- MAS-38
- Erma EMP
- MP 18
- MP 40 (French resistance)
- Lee–Enfield No.4 Mk I
- MAS-36
- Berthier M1892/16 carbine
- Berthier M1907/15 rifle
- Lebel M1886/93 rifle
- Mauser Karabiner 98k (French resistance)
Machine guns
- Lewis machine gun
- Browning M1918
- Browning M1919
- Hotchkiss M1914
- Hotchkiss M1922
- Bren light machine gun
- Darne machine gun
- MAC M1924/29 light machine gun
- Chauchat M1915
- F1 grenade
- OF 37 offensive grenade
- VB rifle grenade
Anti-tank weapons
Guided explosive weapons
- Kegresse K (Cable guided explosive machine)

Edged weapons
- Kampfmesser 42 (Bayonet)
- Seitengewehr 84/98 III (Bayonet)
Flare guns
- Krieghoff L flare pistol
- Star B
- Browning Hi-Power (Captured)
- Browning FN M1910/22 (Captured from Danish forces, designated as Pistole 626 (d))
- Colt M1911 (Captured)
- Beretta M1934 (Designated Pistole 671(i))
- Astra 300
- Astra 600/43
- Astra 900
- Astra 902
- SACM M1935A (Designated Pistole 625(f))
- Ruby M1914
- Nagant M1895 (Captured)
- Pistole vz. 24 (Captured)
- Pistolet wz. 35 Vis (Captured)
- M712 Schnellfeuer
- Luger P08
- Sauer 38H
- Mauser C96
- Mauser HSC
- Walther P38
- Walther PP and PPK
- Volkspistole
- Bergmann M1910/21 (Captured from Danish forces, designated as Pistole 644 (d))
- Tokarev TT-33 (Captured)
Submachine guns
- Sten submachine gun (Captured from the British and issued as the Maschinenpistole MP 748(e))
- Beretta M1938 (Produced by the Wehrmacht under the designations Maschinenpistole MP 738(i) and Maschinenpistole MP 739(i))
- MAS-38 (Captured)
- Suomi KP/-31
- Madsen M42 (Danish version of the Suomi KP/-31, used as Maschinenpistole 746(d))
- ZK-383
- Erma EMP
- MP 18
- MP 28
- MP 34
- MP 35 (Danish MP35's used as Maschinenpistole 741(d))
- MP 38
- MP 40
- MP 41
- MP 3008 (10,000 used in 1945)
- PPSh-41 (Captured from the Soviets and issued as the Maschinenpistole MP 717(r))
- M30 Luftwaffe drilling (Never used in combat, only as a survival firearm for the Luftwaffe in case a pilot was shot down and survived the crash)
Semi-automatic carbines
- M1 Carbine (Captured weapons classified as Selbstladekarabiner 455(a))
Assault rifles
- MKb 42(H) (Prototype)
- MKb 42(W) (Prototype)
- Sturmgewehr 44
Battle rifles
- M1 Garand (Captured from the Americans and used under the designation of Selbstladegewehr 251(a))
- Kbsp wz. 1938M (Captured during the invasion of Poland)
- Gewehr 41
- Fallschirmjäger Gewehr 42
- Gewehr 43
- Volkssturmgewehr 1-5 (Possibly 10,000 of all designs used by the Volkssturm units)
Bolt action rifles
- Lee–Enfield rifle (Captured)
- Winchester M1895 (Issued to Volkssturm units)
- Krag-Jorgensen rifle (Captured from Norwegian and Danish forces, designated as Gewehr 211(n) and Gewehr 311(d))
- vz. 24 (Used as Gewehr 24(t))
- vz. 33 (Used as Gewehr 33–40(t))
- Karabinek wz. 1929 (Captured)
- Mosin–Nagant M1891/30 (Captured and designated as the Gewehr 252–256(r) series)
- GRC Gewehr 88 (Issued to Volkssturm units)
- Mauser Gewehr 98
- Mauser Karabiner 98a
- Mauser Karabiner 98b
- Mauser Karabiner 98k
Sniper rifles
- Gewehr 43 (Scoped)
- Mauser Gewehr 98 (Scoped)
- Mauser Karabiner 98k (Scoped)
Machine guns
- Lewis machine gun (Captured from the British)
- Browning M1918 (Captured from the Americans)
- Browning wz. 1928 (Captured from the Polish in 1939 and used under the designation of Leichtes Maschinengewehr lMG 28(p))
- Bren light machine gun (Captured, designated as Leichtes Maschinengewehr lMG 138(e))
- Breda M1930
- MAC M1924/29 light machine gun (Captured, designated as Maschinengewehr MG 24/29(f))
- Madsen machine gun (Taken into service after 1940, used as Schweres Maschinengewehr 258(d))
- ZB vz.24 (Used as Gewehr 24(t))
- ZB vz.26 (Used as Maschinengewehr MG 26(t))
- ZB vz. 30 (Used as Maschinengewehr MG 30(t))
- ZB-53 (Used as Gewehr 26(t))
- MG 13
- MG 15
- MG 17
- MG 30
- MG 34
- MG 42
- MG 81
- MG 131
- Kg M40 light machine gun (Used as Mashinengewehr MG 35-36A(s))
- Degtyaryov DP-28 (Captured from the Soviets)
- M1924 Stielhandgranate
- M1939 Eiergranate
- M1943 Stielhandgranate
- Splitterring (Fragmentation ring for the M1924 Stielhandgranate and the M1943 Stielhandgranate)
Grenade launchers
- Schiessbecher (Attached on Mauser Karabiner 98k rifle only)
- S-mine (Anti-personnel mine)
- Lance Grenades 50 mm M1937 (Captured and given the designation 5 cm Granatwerfer 203(f))
- 5 cm leicht Granatwerfer 36
- 8 cm Granatwerfer 34
- 8 cm kurz Granatwerfer 42
- 12 cm Granatwerfer 42
Anti-tank weapons
- 13.9-mm Panzerabwehrbüchse 782(e) (Boys anti-tank rifle in German service)
- Madsen 20 mm anti-tank cannon (Used in motorcycle sidecars and armoured cars. Used as 2 cm FlaK Madsen)
- Kb ppanc wz.35 (Used as Panzerbüchse 35(p))
- Solothurn S-18/100
- Sturmpistole
- Panzerbüchse 38 and Panzerbüchse 39
- Panzerschreck (Approximately 290,000)
- Panzerfaust
- 8.8 cm Raketenwerfer 43 (3,000)
- 37 mm Fodfolkskanon M1937 (Danish Bofors 37mm used as 3,7 cm PaK 157(d))
- wz.36 (Polish Bofors 37 mm used as 3,7 cm PaK 36(p))
- PTRS-41 (Used as Panzerbüchse 784(r))
Guided explosive weapons
- Leichtes Ladungsträger Sd.Kfz.302 "Goliath" (Electrical engined remote controlled explosive machine)
- Leichtes Ladungsträger Sd.Kfz.303A and B "Goliath" (Petrol engined remote controlled explosive machine)
Edged weapons
- Bayonet
- Improvised knife
- Browning FN M1910/22
- Colt M1927 Official Police
- Beretta M1934 (Captured from the Italians)
- Beretta M1935 (Captured from the Italians)
- Ruby M1914
- Nagant M1895
- Luger pistol (Captured from the Germans)
- Bergmann-Bayard M1908
Submachine guns
- M3 submachine gun (Used by exiled Greek forces)
- Thompson M1928 and M1A1 (Used by exiled Greek forces)
- Sten submachine gun (Used by exiled Greek forces)
- Beretta M1938 (Captured from the Italians)
- MP 34 (Captured from the Germans and used by gendarmerie and police forces)
- MP 40 (Captured from the Germans)
- Lee-Enfield rifle (Used by exiled Greek forces)
- Carcano rifle (Captured from the Italians)
- Gras M1874 and M1874/14
- Berthier M1892, M1892/16, M1907/15 and M1916
- Lebel M1886/93
- Mannlicher M1895
- Mannlicher-Schönauer M1903, M1903/14, M1903/27 and M1903/30
- Mauser FN M1930
Light machine guns
- Hotchkiss M1922
- Bren light machine gun (Used by exiled Greek forces)
- Breda M1930 (Captured from the Italians)
- Chauchat M1915
- EPK M1939
Medium machine guns
Heavy machine guns
- F1 grenade
- Improvised bombs and grenades
- Brixia M1935 (Captured from the Italians)
- Brandt M1927/31
Anti-tank weapons
Flare guns
- 20M flare pistol
- 42M flare pistol
- 43M flare pistol
- FÉG 29M
- FÉG 37M Pistol
- Frommer Stop
- Frommer Lilliput
- Walther P38
Submachine guns
- Beretta M1938
- Danuvia 39M and 43M
- MP35
- MP40
- PPSh-41 (Captured)
- 30M rifle
- 31M rifle
- 35M rifle
- 38M rifle
- 95M Mannlicher
- Steyr-Mannlicher M1895
Machine guns
- Madsen light machine gun (Madsen golyószóró)
- Schwarzlose M1907/31M heavy machine gun
- Solothurn 31M light machine gun
- 34M Stange (MG34)
- MG 34
- 42M Grunov (MG42)
- 42M (MG131)
- Degtyaryov DP-28
- 31M Vesiczky
- 36M Vécsey
- 37M Demeter
- 39A/M (Molotov fire grenade)
- 42M Vecsey
- L-28M Goldmann
- Lila füstgyertya
- M1924 Stielhandgranate
- 36M mine
- 43M mine
Anti-tank weapons
- 43M kézi páncéltörő vető (Hungarian bazooka variant)
- Solothurn 36M 20mm anti-tank rifle (S-18/100)
- 44M kézi páncéltörő vető (Hungarian panzerschreck variant)
- Panzerschreck
- Nagy Páncélököl (Panzerfaust 30)
- Kis Páncélököl (Panzerfaust Klein)
Edged weapons
- M1891 sciabola baionetta (Sword bayonet)
- M1891/38 pugnale baionetta (Dagger bayonet)
- Glisenti M1910
- Beretta M1923
- Beretta M1934
- Beretta M1935
- Bodeo M1889
- Ruby M1914
- Roth–Steyr M1907
- Steyr M1912
- Mauser C96
- Walther P38
Submachine guns
- Thompson M1A1 (Captured examples used by the Italian Army prior to 8 September 1943)
- FNAB-43
- TZ-45
- Beretta M1918
- Beretta M1938
- Villar-Perosa OVP M1918
- MP 40
- Carcano M1891
- Carcano M1938
- Carcano M1941
- Revelli M1939
- Breda PG
- Steyr-Mannlicher M1895
- Mauser Karabiner 98k
Light machine guns
Medium machine guns
- Vickers machine gun (Chambered in 6.5×52mm Carcano)
- Fiat–Revelli M1914
- Fiat–Revelli M1935
- Breda Mod. 5G
- Breda M1937
- Breda M1938
Heavy machine guns
- Lanciafiamme M1935
- Lanciafiamme M1941
- Lanciafiamme M1941 D'assalto
Anti-tank weapons
- Boys anti-tank rifle (Captured in the North African campaign)
- Kb ppanc wz.35 (Ex Polish)
- Solothurn S-18/100
- Solothurn S-18/1000
- Solothurn S-18/1100
- Panzerschreck
- Panzerfaust 30

Edged weapons
- Type 2 bayonet
- Type 30 bayonet
- Type 42 bayonet
- Guntō sword
Flare guns
- Type 10 flare pistol
- Nambu Type 90 flare pistol
- Browning FN M1910
- Colt M1903 Pocket Hammerless
- Smith & Wesson Model 3
- Astra 900
- Type 26 revolver
- Hamada Type pistol
- Sugiura pistol
- Hino–Komuro pistol
- Nambu Type 14
- Nambu Type 94
- Luger P08
- Mauser C96
Submachine guns
Semi-automatic rifles
- Pedersen rifle (Used in Battle of Okinawa)
- Arisaka Type 5 rifle
- Arisaka Type I rifle
- Arisaka Type 30 rifle
- Arisaka Type 35 rifle
- Arisaka Type 38 rifle
- Arisaka Type 38 carbine
- Arisaka Type 44 carbine
- Arisaka Type 97 sniper rifle
- Arisaka Type 99 rifle
- Arisaka Type 99 sniper rifle
- TERA rifle
Machine guns
- Type 92 machine gun (Copy of the Lewis machine gun)
- Browning M1918 (Captured from Chinese forces)
- Type 1 Heavy Machine Gun
- Type 3 Heavy Machine Gun
- Type 11 Light Machine Gun
- Type 89 machine gun
- Type 92 Heavy Machine Gun
- Type 96 Light Machine Gun
- Type 97 heavy tank machine gun
- Type 98 machine Gun
- Type 99 Light Machine Gun
- Type 4 grenade
- Type 10 fragmentation discharger/hand grenade
- Type 91 fragmentation discharger/hand grenade
- Type 97 fragmentation hand grenade
- Type 98 grenade
- Type 99 rifle/hand fragmentation grenade
- M1924 Stielhandgranate
Grenade dischargers
- Lunge anti-tank mine (Suicide mine. Last years of the war.)
- Type 99 anti-tank mine
- Type 2 12 cm Mortar
- Type 11 70 mm Infantry Mortar
- Type 90 light mortar
- Type 94 90 mm Infantry Mortar
- Type 96 150 mm Infantry Mortar
- Type 97 81 mm Infantry Mortar
- Type 97 90 mm Infantry Mortar
- Type 97 150 mm Infantry Mortar
- Type 98 50 mm Mortar
- Type 99 81 mm mortar
Anti-tank weapons
Guided explosive weapons
- I-Go (Remote controlled explosive machine)
Submachine guns
- Lee–Enfield No.4 Mk I
- Ross rifle
- Mosin-Nagant M1891/30
- vz. 24
Machine guns
Submachine guns
Machine guns
Submachine guns
- Lee–Enfield rifle
- Ross rifle
- Enfield Pattern P1914
- Mauser Gewehr 98
- Mauser Karabiner 98k
- Swedish Mauser M96
Machine guns
Anti-tank weapons
British Malaya
Edged weapons
Submachine guns
- M3 submachine gun
- Reising M50
- Thompson M1928
- Sten Mk II
- Owen submachine gun
- Nambu Type 100/42
- Nambu Type 100/44
- MP18
- MP40
- M1 Carbine
- Lee–Enfield No.1 Mk III and No.4 Mk I
- Lee–Enfield No.5 Mk I (Jungle carbine)
- Arisaka Type 38
- Arisaka Type 99
Machine guns
- Lewis Mk I
- Browning M1917A1
- Browning M1918A2
- Browning M1919A4
- Browning M2HB
- Bren Mk I and Mk II
- Vickers Mk I
- Nambu Type 11
- Nambu Type 92
- Nambu Type 96
- Nambu Type 99
- MG08
- Mk.2 fragmentation hand grenade
- No.36M Mk.I grenade (Also known as "Mills")
- Type 97 grenade
- Molotov fire grenade
Anti-tank weapons
- Mauser Type 1 pistol
- Mauser Type 2 or 3 pistol
- Arisaka Type 38 carbine
- Arisaka Type 38 rifle
- Arisaka Type 99 rifle
- Liao Type 13 rifle
- Manchurian Mauser rifle
Machine guns
- Nambu Type 3 heavy machine gun
- Nambu Type 11 light machine gun
- Nambu Type 92 heavy machine gun
- Nambu Type 96 light machine gun
- ZB-30
Grenade dischargers
Submachine guns
Machine guns
- Lewis machine gun
- Browning M1919
- Hotchkiss M1914
- Vickers machine gun
- Mendoza C-1934
- Madsen machine gun
Anti-tank weapons
Submachine guns
Machine guns
- Browning Hi-Power
- Browning FN M1903
- Browning FN M1910/22
- Borchardt-Luger pistol
- Mauser C96 (Used by the KNIL)
Submachine guns
- Thompson M1928 (By the KNIL)
- Sten submachine gun (By the KNIL)
- Owen submachine gun (By the KNIL)
- MP 28 (By the KNIL)
- M1 Carbine
- Lee–Enfield rifle
- Johnson M1941 rifle (By the KNIL)
- Dutch Mannlicher M1895
- vz. 24
Machine guns
- Lewis machine gun
- Browning M1918 (By the KNIL)
- Bren light machine gun
- Vickers machine gun
- Madsen machine gun (By the KNIL in carbine version)
- Schwarzlose M1907/12
- MG08
- Mk.2 fragmentation hand grenade (By the KNIL)
Anti-tank weapons
- M1 Bazooka
- Solothurn S-18/1100 (By the KNIL)
- Bofors 37 mm
New Zealand
Submachine guns
- Lee–Enfield rifle
- Charlton M1942 automatic rifle (1500)
Machine guns
- No.36M grenade (Also known as "Mills")
Anti-tank weapons
- Colt Kongsberg M1914 (Licensed copy of the Colt M1911, standard issue for the Norwegian Army until 1940)
- Webley revolver (Norwegian Resistance)
- Nagant M1893 (Earlier service revolver that preceded the Colt Kongsberg M1914 in service and was still in use by 1940)
Submachine guns
- Sten submachine gun (Norwegian Resistance)
- M1 Carbine (Norwegian Resistance)
- Lee–Enfield rifle (Norwegian Resistance)
- Krag-Jørgensen M1894 (Standard service rifle of the Norwegian forces until 1940, carbines and sniper versions were also used)
- Mauser Karabiner 98k (Norwegian Resistance)
- Swedish Mauser M96 (Used by the Police Troops trained in neutral Sweden)
- Automatgevär M42 (Used by the Police Troops trained in neutral Sweden)
Machine guns
- Colt M29 (Standard heavy machine gun and anti-aircraft defense)
- Hotchkiss M1898 (Had been replaced by the Colt M29 by 1940, but was still part of the armament of several fortifications)
- Bren light machine gun (Norwegian Resistance)
- Madsen M14 and M22 (Standard light machine gun)
- Improvised bombs and grenades
Edged weapons
- M1 bayonet
- M3 fighting knife
- M4 bayonet (Attach on M1 Carbine)
- M1904 hospital corps knife
- M1905 bayonet (Attach on M1 Garand and Springfield M1903)
- M1909 bolo knife
- M1917 bayonet
- M1917 bolo knife
- M1917 trench knife
- M1918 trench knife
- M1939 machete
- M1942 bayonet
- M1942 bolo knife
- M1942 machete
- Mark I trench knife
- V-42 stiletto
- V-44 knife
- Fairbairn–Sykes fighting knife
- LC-14-B Type IV survival knife (Also known as woodman's pal)
- Bolo knife (Used typically in clearing out vegetation, yet found another use during WWII)
- Gunong (A type of dagger that is a shorter version of the Κris)
- Kalis and Kris (Used by Visayan people for ambuscades during WWII)
- M1917 revolver
- Browning Hi-Power
- Colt M1903 and M1908 Pocket Hammerless
- FP-45 Liberator (Used by guerrilla resistance)
- Webley Mk IV and Mk VI
Submachine guns
- Hyde-Inland M2
- M3 submachine gun (Still in use, although the archetype version has since been improved)[5]
- Reising M50
- United Defense M42 (Replacement for the Thompson submachine gun)
- Thompson submachine gun
- Browning Auto-5
- Winchester M1897
- Winchester M1912
- Winchester M1921
- Remington M1910
- Remington M1931
- Ithaca 37
Automatic rifles
- M45A automatic rifle (Experimental version, never produced through the assembly line)
Sniper rifles
- M1C Garand (Scoped and telescopic sight)
- M1D Garand (Scoped and telescopic sight)
- Enfield M1917 (Scoped and telescopic sight)[4]
- Enfield Pattern P1914 (Scoped and telescopic sight)[4]
- Springfield M1903A4 (Scoped and telescopic sight)[4]
- Winchester Model 70 (Scoped and telescopic sight, limited use)[4]
Machine guns
- Lewis machine gun
- Browning M1917
- Browning M1918 (Phased out in the 1970s)
- Browning M1919A4 (Still used as a mainstay weapon up to now)
- Browning M2
- Johnson M1941 machine gun
- Colt-Vickers machine gun
- Mk.2 fragmentation hand grenade[4]
- Improvised bombs and grenades
Grenade launchers
- M1 grenade adapter
- M1 grenade launcher (Attach on Springfield M1903 only)
- M2 grenade launcher (Attach on Enfield M1917 only)
- M7 grenade launcher (Attach on M1 Garand only)[4]
- M7A1 grenade launcher (Attach on M1 Garand only)
- M8 grenade launcher (Attach on M1 Carbine only)
Anti-tank weapons

- Browning Hi-Power
- Colt M1911 (Used by the Polish Armed Forces in the West)
- Ruby M1914
- Nagant M1895
- Nagant wz.1932
- Radom Pistolet wz.35 Vis (Standard service sidearm in 1939)
- Tokarev TT-33 (Used by the Polish Armed Forces in the East)
Submachine gun
- Thompson submachine gun (Used by the Polish Armed Forces in the West)
- Sten submachine gun (Used by the Polish Armed Forces in the West)
- Mors wz. 39 (Prototypes only)
- Błyskawica submachine gun (Used by the resistance movement)
- Choroszmanów submachine gun (Used by the resistance movement)
- Bechowiec 1 (Used by the resistance movement)
- PPS submachine gun (Used by the Polish Armed Forces in the East)
- PPSh-41 (Used by the Polish Armed Forces in the East)
- Lee–Enfield rifle (Used by the Polish Armed Forces in the West)
- Berthier rifle (Stored before WWII, used by the second line troops in 1939)
- Lebel M1886/93 rifle (Stored before WWII, used by the second line troops in 1939)
- Mosin–Nagant rifle (Used by the Polish Armed Forces in the East)
- Karabinek wz. 91/98/23 (Based on Mosin–Nagant rifle, used in Invasion of Poland)
- Karabinek wz. 91/98/25
- Karabinek wz. 91/98/26
- Karabinek wz.29 (Main service rifle in 1939, based on Karabin wz.98a)
- Karabin wz.98a (Main service rifle in 1939)
- Kbsp wz. 1938M (Small number were produced)
- Mauser Gewehr 98 (Used by the resistance movement)
- Mauser Karabiner 98k (Used by the resistance movement)
- SVT-40 (Used by the Polish Armed Forces in the East)
Machine guns
- Lewis machine gun
- Browning M1917
- Ckm wz.30 (Polish standard heavy machine gun variant of the Browning M1917)
- Browning M1918
- Ckm wz.32 (A Polish variant of the Browning M1919 chambered in 7.92mm)
- Browning wz.1928 (Standard light machine gun)
- Maxim wz. 1910 (Used by the Polish Armed Forces in the East)
- Bren light machine gun (Used by the Polish Armed Forces in the West))
- Type C machine gun
- Degtyaryov machine gun (Used by the Polish Armed Forces in the East)
- Molotov fire grenade
- wz.1933 fragmentation grenade
- wz.1933 concussion grenade
- wz.S smoke grenade
Grenade launchers
- WS-1 flamethrower
- WS-2 flamethrower
- Zieliński flamethrower
- Sender flamethrower
- wz.18 mortar
- wz.18/31 mortar
- wz.28 mortar
- wz.31 mortar
- wz.32 heavy mortar
- wz.40 mortar
Anti-tank weapons
- PIAT (Used by the Polish Armed Forces in the West)
- Kb ppanc wz.35
- Panzerfaust (Used by the resistance movement)
- wz.36 (Polish Bofors 37mm)
- Beretta M1934
- Beretta M1935
- Ruby M1914
- Steyr M1912
- Tokarev TT-33 (Captured)
Submachine guns
- Beretta M1938
- Orita M1941
- MP28
- MP40
- MP41
- PPSh-41 (Captured)
- Carcano rifle
- Mosin–Nagant rifle (Captured)
- Mannlicher M1895 (Issued to second line troops)
- vz.24 (Standard infantry rifle, adopted in 1938)
Machine guns
Anti-tank weapons
Slovak Republic
Light machine guns
Heavy machine guns
- Schwarzlose M1907/12 (As Kulomet vz. 24)
- 80 mm vz. 36 (Medium mortar)
South Africa
Submachine guns
- Lee-Enfield No.1 Mk III* and No.4 Mk I
- Lee–Enfield No.5 Mk I (Jungle carbine)
- Rieder M1941 automatic rifle
Machine guns
- Ordnance SBML 2-inch mortar
Anti-tank weapons
- M1 Bazooka (Also known as 3.5-inch rocket launcher)
Soviet Union

Edged weapons
- NR-40 knife
- Colt M1911A1 (American Lend-Lease)
- Nagant M1895
- Mauser C96 (Captured)
- Korovin TK
- Tokarev TT-33
Submachine guns
- Reising M50 (American Lend-Lease)
- Thompson submachine gun (American Lend-Lease)
- MP-40 (Captured)
- PPD-34/38
- PPD-40
- PPSh-41
- PPS-42 and PPS-43
Automatic rifles and battle rifles
- M1 Carbine (American Lend-Lease)
- Mosin–Nagant M1891/30 rifle
- Mosin–Nagant M1938 carbine
- Mosin–Nagant M1944 carbine
- Mauser Karabiner 98k (Captured from the Germans)
- SKS carbine (Limited use in 1945)
- Tokarev SVT-38 and SVT-40
Machine guns
- Lewis machine gun (Received as Lend-Lease aid)
- Maxim M1910
- Degtyaryov DP-28
- Degtyaryov DS-39 (Production was discontinued after the German invasion)
- Degtyaryov DTM-4
- Degtyaryov RPD (Limited use in 1945)
- DShK machine gun
- Goryunov SG-43
- M1924 Stielhandgranate (Captured from the Germans)
- Molotov fire grenade
- F1 grenade
- Rdultovsky M1914 and M1917
- RG-41
- RG-42
- RGD-33
- RPG-6
- RPG-40
- RPG-43
Grenade launchers
- Dyakonoff grenade launcher (Attach on M91/30 rifle only)
- TM-35 mine (Anti-tank mine)
- PMK-40 (Anti-personnel mine)
Anti-tank weapons
- M1 Bazooka (US Lend Lease)
- PIAT (British Lend Lease)
- Panzerschreck (Captured from the enemy)
- Panzerfaust 60 (Captured from the enemy)
- Bofors 37 mm
- PTRD-41
- PTRS-41
- Astra 300
- Browning FN M1900
- Colt M1911
- Nambu Type 14
- Type 78 Luger[4]
- Type 79 Colt Super[5]
- Type 80 Star[6]
- Type 82 Colt revolver[7]
Submachine guns
- MP 18
- Nambu Type 100
- Type 80 machine pistol[8]
- Arisaka Type 38
- Arisaka Type 99
- Siamese Type 46 Mauser rifle
- Siamese Type 46/66 Mauser rifle
- Siamese Type 47 Mauser carbine
- Siamese Type 47/66 Mauser carbine
- Siamese Type 66 Mauser rifle
Machine guns
Grenade dischargers
Anti-tank weapons
United Kingdom (including British Empire)
Edged weapons
- BC-41 dagger
- Smatchet knife sword
- Kukri machete (Used by Gurkha regiments)
- Fairbairn-Sykes fighting knife
- FN/Inglis Browning Hi-Power (As Pistol No.2 Mk.I)
- Enfield No.2
- Colt M1911
- Colt M1927 Official Police
- Smith & Wesson Military & Police
- Welrod pistol
- Webley Mk.IV (.38/200) and Mk.VI (.455)
Submachine guns
- Thompson M1928, M1928A1 and M1A1
- Sten submachine gun (About 4 million produced from all sources)
- Lanchester submachine gun (Used by Royal Navy and RAF)
- M1 Carbine
- M1 Garand
- Enfield Pattern P1914
- Lee–Enfield No.1 Mk III and No.4 Mk I
- Lee–Enfield No.5 Mk I (Jungle carbine)
- Remington Model 8 (Used by home guard)
- Howell M1915 automatic rifle (Used by home guard)
Sniper rifles
- Enfield Pattern P1914
- Lee–Enfield No.4 Mk I (T)
Machine guns
- Lewis machine gun
- Browning M1919
- Browning M2
- Bren light machine gun
- Vickers machine gun
- Vickers K machine gun
- Vickers-Berthier machine gun (Indian Army use)
- Besa machine gun
- No.36M Mk.I grenade (Fragmentation rifle, hand grenade, also known as "Mills")
- No.68 anti-tank grenade (HEAT anti-tank rifle grenade)
- No.69 Mk.I grenade (Concussion hand grenade)
- No.73 anti-tank grenade (Also known as "Thermos grenade")
- No.74 anti-tank hand grenade (Also known as "Sticky bomb")
- No.75 anti-tank hand grenade (Also known as "Hawkins")
- No.76 special incendiary grenade (Phosphorus hand grenade)
- No.77 grenade (White phosphorus hand grenade)
- No.82 hand grenade (Also known as "Gammon")
Obstacle clearing explosive charges
- Flamethrower, Portable, No 2 "Lifebuoy"
- Ordnance SBML 2-inch mortar
- Ordnance ML 3-inch mortar
Anti-tank weapons
Guided explosive weapons
- Metropolitan-Vickers Beetle (Cable guided explosive machine)
United States

Edged weapons
- Ka-Bar knife
- M1 bayonet
- M3 fighting knife
- M4 bayonet
- M1905 bayonet
- M1909 bolo knife
- M1917 bayonet
- M1917 bolo knife
- M1942 bayonet
- Mark I trench knife
- United States Marine Raider Stiletto
- Colt M1903 Pocket Hammerless
- Colt M1909 New Service
- Colt M1911
- Colt M1917
- Colt M1927 Official Police (Also known as Colt M1927 Commando)
- Smith & Wesson Military & Police
Submachine guns
Shotguns (Commonly used by the Marines in the Pacific theater, limited use in Europe)
- Browning Auto-5
- Winchester M1897
- Winchester M1912 (Used also in the Western Front, standard-issue shotgun of the US Army)
- Winchester M1921
- Remington M1931
- Stevens M520-30 and M620
- Ithaca 37
- M1 Carbine
- M1 Garand
- M2 Carbine (A small amount was used in Okinawa)
- Enfield M1917
- Springfield M1903A1
- Johnson M1941 rifle
Sniper rifles
- M1C Garand
- Enfield M1917
- Springfield M1903A1 (Used by USMC)
- Springfield M1903A4
- Winchester M1895
- Winchester Model 70
Recoilless rifles
Machine guns
- Lewis machine gun
- Browning M1917A1 heavy machine gun
- Browning M1918A2
- Browning M1919A4 medium machine gun
- Browning M1919A6 medium machine gun
- Browning M2HB heavy machine gun
- Johnson M1941 machine gun
Grenade launchers
- M7 grenade launcher (M1 Garand attachment)
Obstacle clearing explosive charges
Anti-tank weapons
- M1A1 and M9 Bazooka rocket launcher
- M18 recoilless rifle (Uncommon in Europe, some use in the Pacific)
- Browning FN M1910/22
- Ruby M1914
- Nagant M1895 (Soviet aid)
- Luger P08 (Captured)
- Mauser C96
- Walther P38 (Captured)
- Tokarev TT-33 (Soviet aid)
Submachine guns
- Thompson M1 (British aid)
- Sten submachine gun (British aid)
- Beretta M1938 (Captured)
- Suomi KP/-31 (Captured)
- Danuvia 43M (Captured)
- Erma EMP-35
- MP 40 (Captured)
- PPSh-41 (Soviet aid)
- PPS-43 (Soviet aid)
- Carcano rifle (Captured)
- FN M1924
- Steyr-Mannlicher M1895
- vz. 24
- Karabinek wz.29
- Mauser Gewehr 98
- Mauser Karabiner 98k (Captured)
Machine guns
- Bren light machine gun (British aid)
- Fiat–Revelli M1914
- Breda M1930 (Captured)
- Breda M1937 (Captured)
- Chauchat M1915
- Madsen machine gun
- ZB vz. 26
- MG-34 (Captured)
- MG-42 (Captured)
- Vasić M12
- M1924 Stielhandgranate (Captured)
- M1939 Eierhandgranate (Captured)
- Abwehrflammenwerfer 42 (Captured)
Anti-tank weapons
- M1 Bazooka (American aid)
- PIAT (British aid)
- Boys anti-tank rifle (British aid)
WWII Weapons list shown by categories | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
WWII Weapons List Shown By Categories
See also
- German designations of foreign artillery in World War II
- German designations of foreign firearms in World War II
- List of World War II firearms of Germany
- List of World War II weapons
- Lists of World War II military equipment
- Specifications for World War II infantry weapons
- List of secondary and special-issue World War II infantry weapons
- List of prototype World War II infantry weapons
- "鳶け斻 – 犖栠條馱釦". Retrieved 28 February 2018.
- jaegerplatoon, .
- jaegerplatoon, .
- "ปืนพก แบบ 78 ขนาด 9 มม". Royal Thai Police Ordinance (in Thai). Archived from the original on 16 September 2017. Retrieved 29 June 2017.
- "ปืนพก แบบ 79 ขนาด 9 มม". Royal Thai Police Ordinance (in Thai). Retrieved 29 June 2017.
- "ปืนพก แบบ 80 ขนาด 9 มม". Royal Thai Police Ordinance (in Thai). Retrieved 29 June 2017.
- "ปืนพกลูกโม่ แบบ 82 ขนาด .38 นิ้ว". Royal Thai Police Ordinance (in Thai). Retrieved 29 June 2017.
- "ปืนพกกล แบบ 80 ขนาด 11 มม". Gun world magazine (in Thai). Retrieved 2 March 2019.
- David Miller. (2003). "The illustrated directory of 20th-century guns". Minneapolis, Minnesota: Zenith Imprint. ISBN 9780760315606.
- James H. Willbanks. (2004). "Machine guns: An illustrated history of their impact". Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO. ISBN 1851094806.
- Jeff Kinard. (2004). "Pistols: An illustrated history of their impact". Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO. ISBN 1851094709.
- John Walterll. (2006)."The rifle story: An illustrated history from 1756 to the present day". Norwalk, Connecticut: MBI Publishing company. ISBN 9781853676901.
- Robert W.D. Ball. (2011). "Mauser military rifles of the world". Iola, Wisconsin: New York City, New York: F+W Media, Inc. ISBN 9781440228803.
- Wayne Zwoll. (2003). "Bolt action rifles". Iola, Wisconsin: Krause publications. ISBN 1440224064.