List of executive actions by William Howard Taft
Listed below are executive orders numbered 1051-1743 and presidential proclamations signed by United States President William Howard Taft. His executive orders and presidential proclamations are also listed on WikiSource.
William Howard Taft (1909-1913)

Signature of William Howard Taft
Executive orders
Relative No. | Absolute No. | Title/Description | Date signed |
1 | 1051 | Renamed La Salle National Forest, Utah and Colorado, to La Sal National Forest | March 16, 1909 |
2 | 1052 | Amending Civil Service Rules in Relation to Proposed Employee Transfers | March 23, 1909 |
3 | 1053 | Authorizing Reinstatement of F. B. Simons as Clerk in Internal Revenue Office | March 24, 1909 |
4 | 1054 | Lands in Minnesota Previously Reserved at Headwaters of Mississippi River Restored to Public Domain | March 30, 1909 |
5 | 1055 | Enlarging Parang Military Reservation, Mindanao, Philippine Islands | March 30, 1909 |
6 | 1056 | Lands in Arkansas Reserved for Operation of Lock and Dam No. 3, Upper White River | March 30, 1909 |
7 | 1057 | Enlarging Mosquito Inlet Reservation, Florida | April 2, 1909 |
8 | 1058 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Leonard J. Garver to Position in Classified Service | April 6, 1909 |
9 | 1059 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Nannie M. Wayland to Position in Classified Service in Treasury Department | April 7, 1909 |
10 | 1060 | Admission of Deaf-Mutes to Examinations for Civil Service | April 7, 1909 |
11 | 1061 | Ordering Solicitor General to Report to President on Branding Requirements for Whisky | April 8, 1909 |
12 | 1062 | Directing Heads of Departments to Comply with Congressional Resolutions Requesting Information When in the Public Interest | April 14, 1909 |
13 | 1063 | Authorizing Appointment of Archibald S. Pinkett as Clerk in State Department Without Examination | April 16, 1909 |
14 | 1064 | Authorizing Appointment of Frances M. Marsh as Clerk in State Department Without Examination | April 16, 1909 |
15 | 1065 | Allowing Incidental Assignment of Laborers to Classified Work | April 21, 1909 |
16 | 1066 | San Miguel Island, California, reserved for lighthouse purposes | April 23, 1909 |
17 | 1067 | Redefining Reservation Boundaries of Fort William H. Seward, Chilkat Inlet, Alaska | April 23, 1909 |
18 | 1068 | Holy Cross National Forest, Colorado, diminished | April 26, 1909 |
19 | 1069 | Establishing Sopris National Forest, Colorado, from Portion of Holy Cross National Forest | April 26, 1909 |
20 | 1070 | Reducing Military Reservation on Shaw Island in Washington | May 12, 1909 |
21 | 1071 | General Supply Committee Created, to Systematize Purchases of Common Supplies for Departments | May 13, 1909 |
22 | 1072 | Modifying Civil Service Restrictions on Political Activity in Navy Yards | May 14, 1909 |
23 | 1073 | Authorizing Appointment of Nina L. Carrington to Clerk in Classified Service Without Examination | May 17, 1909 |
24 | 1074 | Revoking Executive Order of January 19, 1909, Which Appointed the Council of Fine Arts | May 21, 1909 |
25 | 1075 | Reserving Lands Near Sparta, Wisconsin, for Military Target Range | May 21, 1909 |
26 | 1076 | Closing Government Offices on Mondays When Certain Holidays Fall on the Preceding Sunday | May 22, 1909 |
27 | 1077 | Communications and Reports Relative to Certain Territories and Possessions to be Transmitted through the Interior Department | May 25, 1909 |
28 | 1078 | Authorizing Reinstatement of F. B. Simons as Analytical Chemist in Treasury Department | May 25, 1909 |
29 | 1079 | Authorizing Appointment of Carl G. Barth as Expert in Shop Management at Watertown Arsenal | May 28, 1909 |
30 | 1080 | Reducing Portion of Crow Creek Forest Reserve Transferred to War Department for Military Purposes | May 28, 1909 |
31 | 1081 | Communications and Reports Relative to Indian Territory | June 2, 1909 |
32 | 1082 | Lands in Arizona Reserved for Coast and Geodetic Survey for Magnetic Observatory | June 3, 1909 |
33 | 1083 | Tariff of Consular Fees Amended | June 7, 1909 |
34 | 1084 | Providing That Four Hours on Saturdays During July through September Constitutes a Day's Work for Federal Employees | June 8, 1909 |
35 | 1085 | Amending Executive Order Providing that Railroad Cars in Canal Zone Be Equipped With Safety Appliances | June 11, 1909 |
36 | 1086 | Reserving Lands in Rampart, Alaska, for Operation of Military Telegraph Lines | June 15, 1909 |
37 | 1087 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Hattie M. Miller as Classified Laborer in Patent Office | June 15, 1909 |
38 | 1088 | EO 1071 Amended to Exclude District of Columbia Government from General Supply Committee | June 16, 1909 |
39 | 1089 | Reemployment of Repairmen for Interior Department Buildings | June 17, 1909 |
40 | 1090 | Restoring to Public Domain Certain Lands in Arizona Which Were Reserved for Papago Indians | June 17, 1909 |
41 | 1091 | Authorizing Reinstatement of George M. Wrattan as Interpreter | June 19, 1909 |
42 | 1092 | Assistant Attorney General for Interior Dept. Designated to Act as Interior Secretary During Absence of Secretary and First Secretary | June 19, 1909 |
43 | 1093 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Hattie M. Miller as Skilled Laborer in Patent Office | June 21, 1909 |
44 | 1094 | Amending Civil Service Rules to Except War Department Cable Electricians from Examination | June 23, 1909 |
45 | 1095 | Authorizing Appointment of Arthur F. Statter as Special Employee of Treasury Department | June 25, 1909 |
46 | 1096 | Superseding Executive Order of June 8, 1909, as to Hours of Labor on Saturdays During July-Sept | June 25, 1909 |
47 | 1097 | Amending Executive Order of May 12, 1909 Regarding Military Reservation on Shaw Island in Washington | June 26, 1909 |
48 | 1098 | Authorizing Appointment of LeClaire Hoover as Special Agent in Corporations Bureau | June 28, 1909 |
49 | 1099 | Authorizing Appointment of James M. Alexander as Cashier for Sixth Internal-Revenue District of California | June 28, 1909 |
50 | 1100 | Permanent Appointment of Temporary Unclassified Laborers in the Customs Service in New York | June 28, 1909 |
51 | 1101 | Authorizing Appointment of John R. Bowie as Publicity Agent in Soils Bureau | June 29, 1909 |
52 | 1102 | Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Exceptions for Temporary Acting Assistant Surgeons | June 29, 1909 |
53 | 1103 | Authorizing Classification of Certain Unclassified Watchmen in the Customs Service | June 29, 1909 |
54 | 1104 | Authorizing Appointment of Edward S. Hoskins as Indexer in Agriculture Department | June 29, 1909 |
55 | 1105 | Enlarging Military Reservation on Batan and Cacraray Islands, Philippine Islands | July 1, 1909 |
56 | 1106 | Transferring Portion of Fort Ruger Military Reservation in Oahu to Government of Territory of Hawaii for Reservoir Site | July 1, 1909 |
57 | 1107 | Surgeon General of Marine Hospital Service Directed to Inspect Sanitary Conditions in Government Buildings | July 3, 1909 |
58 | 1108 | Regulations Governing Employment of Unskilled Laborers Outside Washington, D.C. | July 3, 1909 |
59 | 1109 | Amending Civil Service Rules to Except Superintendent of Construction, Corregidor, Philippine Island, from Examination | July 9, 1909 |
60 | 1110 | Placing Government of Porto Rico Under the War Department | July 15, 1909 |
61 | 1111 | Ordering that Executive Orders No. 1084 of June 8 and 1096 of June 25, 1909, are Not Applicable on the Isthmus of Panama | July 16, 1909 |
62 | 1112 | Authorizing Appointment of C. O. Kerr as Confidential Clerk to Land Defense Board at Fort Wadsworth, N. Y. | July 19, 1909 |
63 | 1113 | Paragraphs 114, 115, 120, and 129 of Consular Regulations of 1896, Regarding Communications, Amended | July 20, 1909 |
64 | 1114 | Transferring Oilers in Quartermaster's Department to Competitive Classified Service | July 28, 1909 |
65 | 1115 | Amending Sec. 149 of the Laws of the Canal Zone, Concerning Penalties for Murder in the First Degree | July 30, 1909 |
66 | 1116 | Providing for Diminution of Time from Sentences of Certain Convicts in the Canal Zone | July 30, 1909 |
67 | 1117 | Authorizing Leave for Grand Army of the Republic Members Employed by Government to Attend National Encampment in Salt Lake City | July 30, 1909 |
68 | 1118 | Permitting State and County Officials to Accept Appointments to Census Bureau as Special Agents for Collection of Cotton Statistics | August 4, 1909 |
69 | 1119 | Authorizing Classification of Certain Unclassified Laborers in the Customs Service | August 5, 1909 |
70 | 1120 | Time Limit for Completion of Work of Spanish Treaty Claims Commission Extended to March 2, 1910. | August 6, 1909 |
71 | 1121 | Amending Civil Service Rules to Except More General Land Office Special Agents from Examination | August 6, 1909 |
72 | 1122 | Excusing Federal Employees From Work on Labor Day | August 27, 1909 |
73 | 1123 | Lands in Minnesota Reserved by Proclamation 957 in 1892, Restored to Public Domain Subject to Overflow Rights | August 27, 1909 |
74 | 1124 | Enlarging Target Range at Fort Russell, Wyoming | August 27, 1909 |
75 | 1125 | Crook National Forest, Arizona, Diminished | August 27, 1909 |
76 | 1126 | Amending Sec 454 of Act 14 of the Laws of the Canal Zone, Concerning Hunting in the Canal Zone | September 8, 1909 |
77 | 1127 | Amending Civil Service Rules to Allow Appointment of Messenger Boys Without Charge to Apportionment | September 18, 1909 |
78 | 1128 | Amending Civil Service Rules to Except Employees at Leprosy Investigation Station, Molokai, Hawaii, from Examination | September 24, 1909 |
79 | 1129 | Reducing Hot Springs Military Reservation in Alaska | September 27, 1909 |
80 | 1130 | Amending the Laws of the Canal Zone Concerning Cruelty to Children and Animals | October 2, 1909 |
81 | 1131 | Ordering the Isthmian Canal Commission to Appoint a Board of Local Inspectors | October 2, 1909 |
82 | 1132 | Ordering Expenses for Tariff Board Paid from Appropriation from Urgent Deficiency Act | October 3, 1909 |
83 | 1133 | Biorka Island, Sitka Sound, Alaska, Reserved as Naval Wireless Telegraph Station | October 19, 1909 |
84 | 1134 | Transferring Military Reservation in Sangley Point, Luzon, Philippine Islands, to Navy Department | October 19, 1909 |
85 | 1135 | Transferring Certain Lands in Chehalis Indian Reservation to Perry Yukton | November 11, 1909 |
86 | 1136 | Lands in Arizona Reserved as Rifle Range for Organized Militia of Territory of Arizona | November 13, 1909 |
87 | 1137 | Redefining Boundaries of Schofield Barracks Military Reservation in Hawaii | November 15, 1909 |
88 | 1138 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Fred V. Murphy as Architectural Draftsman in Office of Supervising Architect of the Treasury | November 22, 1909 |
89 | 1139 | Enlarging Camp Jossman Military Reservation, Guimaras, Philippine Islands | November 22, 1909 |
90 | 1140 | Limiting Hours of Service of All Telegraph or Telephone Employees of the Panama Railroad | November 23, 1909 |
91 | 1141 | Providing that Any Person Who Shall Induce Workmen of the Canal Zone to Break Contracts Shall Be Fined or Imprisoned | November 23, 1909 |
92 | 1142 | Influencing Legislation by Employees of the United States or Military Officers Stationed in Washington | November 26, 1909 |
93 | 1143 | Regulations Governing Appointments and Promotions in Diplomatic Service | November 26, 1909 |
94 | 1144 | Authorizing Appointment of James B. Davies as Clerk in State Department | December 6, 1909 |
95 | 1145 | Amending Regulations Governing Promotions in Consular Service Regarding Composition of Board of Examiners | December 8, 1909 |
96 | 1146 | Amending Civil Service Rules to Except Chief Law Officer in the Reclamation Service from Examination | December 10, 1909 |
97 | 1147 | Additionally Reserving Wichita National Forest Lands for Protection of Water Supply of Fort Sill, Oklahoma | December 15, 1909 |
98 | 1148 | Permanent Appointment of Two Temporary Unclassified Laborers in the Customs Service in New York | December 21, 1909 |
99 | 1149 | Permitting Temporary Employment of Machinists, Tool Makers, Electricians, and Apprentice Boys by the Census Bureau Without Examination | December 29, 1909 |
100 | 1150 | Permitting Certain Immigration Commission Employees to be Temporarily Employed by the Census Bureau | December 29, 1909 |
Relative No. | Absolute No. | Title/Description | Date signed |
101 | 1151 | Amending Civil Service Rules to Except Chief Post-Office Inspector from Examination | January 4, 1910 |
102 | 1152 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Hattie M. Hodes in Government Printing Office | January 7, 1910 |
103 | 1153 | Procedure in Submitting Recommendations Relative to Appointment in Classified Service | January 12, 1910 |
104 | 1154 | Military Reservations Restored to Government of the Philippine Islands | January 13, 1910 |
105 | 1155 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Henry S. Graves in Forest Service | January 13, 1910 |
106 | 1156 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Lillie Pratt in Government Printing Office Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | January 20, 1910 |
107 | 1157 | Authorizing Reinstatement of John N. Parsons as Letter Carrier in Postal Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | January 27, 1910 |
108 | 1158 | Authorizing Canal Commission to Construct Sanitary Improvements and to Charge Proportion of Cost to Owners of Adjacent Property | January 26, 1910 |
109 | 1159 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Nannie M. Wayland as Clerk Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | January 27, 1910 |
110 | 1160 | Authorizing Appointment of J. F. Boepple as Shell Expert in Bureau of Fisheries Without Examination | January 31, 1910 |
111 | 1161 | Consular Regulations of 1896, Paragraph 35, Regarding Penalty Bonds, Amended | February 3, 1910 |
112 | 1162 | Authorizing Reinstatement of John H. Dickinson as Inspector in Quartermaster's Department of the Army Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | February 4, 1910 |
113 | 1163 | Amending Civil Service Rules to Except Statutory Places of Secretary in National Military Parks from Examination | February 8, 1910 |
114 | 1164 | Lands in Standing Rock Indian Reservation, South Dakota, Transferred to Lemmon Land District | February 8, 1910 |
115 | 1165 | Lands in Standing Rock and Cheyenne Indian Reservations, South Dakota, Transferred to Aberdeen Land District | February 8, 1910 |
116 | 1166 | Lands in Standing Rock Indian Reservation, North Dakota, Transferred from Bismarck Land District to Lemmon Land District | February 8, 1910 |
117 | 1167 | Time Limit for Completion of Work of Spanish Treaty Claims Commission Extended to May 2, 1910 | February 9, 1910 |
118 | 1168 | Authorizing Reinstatement of John G. Curran in Assistant Custodian and Janitor Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | February 15, 1910 |
119 | 1169 | Lands in Arizona Reserved as Rifle Range for National Guard of Arizona | February 15, 1910 |
120 | 1170 | Lands in Bismarck Land District, North Dakota, Transferred to Fargo Land District; Revoked by EO 1182 | February 21, 1910 |
121 | 1171 | Lands in Missoula Land District, Montana, Transferred to Kalispell Land District | February 25, 1910 |
122 | 1172 | Restoring to Public Domain Certain Lands in Mescalero Apache Indian Reservation | March 1, 1910 |
123 | 1173 | Amendment of Executive Order No. 980 of November 25, 1908, Establishing Limits of Punishment for Enlisted Men of the Army | March 3, 1910 |
124 | 1174 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Henry Bartalot as Marine Engineer in Quartermaster's Department at Large Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | March 7, 1910 |
125 | 1175 | Enlarging Kaakaukukui Reef Military Reservation in Hawaii | March 12, 1910 |
126 | 1176 | Amending Civil Service Rules to Permit Wife of Competitive Employee at Indian School to take Noncompetitive Examination | March 12, 1910 |
127 | 1177 | Authorizing Reinstatement of James A. Compton, William E. Dulin, and George P. Meyer in Pension Office Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | March 15, 1910 |
128 | 1178 | Lands in Oregon, Reserved for War Dept. for Improvement of Coos Bay and Harbor, Restored to Public Domain | March 23, 1910 |
129 | 1179 | Amending Civil Service Rules To Except Temporary Histopathologist from Examination | March 23, 1910 |
130 | 1180 | Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Noncompetitive Examinations | March 23, 1910 |
131 | 1181 | Naval Reservation at Punchbowl Slope, Honolulu, Hawaii, Transferred to Agriculture Dept. | March 25, 1910 |
132 | 1182 | EO 1170 Revoked | March 25, 1910 |
133 | 1182½ | Authority of Unnumbered EO of Feb. 2, 1904 for Commerce and Labor Sec'y to Reserve Alaska Lands for Propagation of Foxes, Extended to Allow Reservation for Propagation of Other Fur-Bearing Animals | March 25, 1910 |
134 | 1183 | El Reno Land Office, Okla., Abolished; Transferred to Guthrie Land Office | March 30, 1910 |
135 | 1184 | Providing that Moneys Paid for Liquor Licenses in Canal Zone be Collected by Collector of Revenues | April 2, 1910 |
136 | 1185 | Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Exceptions from Examination in Treasury Department | April 4, 1910 |
137 | 1186 | Reserving Lands in Alaska for War Department for Defensive Purposes | April 8, 1910 |
138 | 1187 | Lands in Arizona Reserved for Target Range for National Guard of Arizona | April 9, 1910 |
139 | 1188 | Appointing Maurice H. Thatcher as Member of Isthmian Canal Commission | April 12, 1910 |
140 | 1189 | Amending Civil Service Rules to Except Assistant Secretary at Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park Commission from Examination | April 12, 1910 |
141 | 1190 | Defining Duties of Counsel and Chief Attorney for the Isthmian Canal Commission | April 16, 1910 |
142 | 1191 | Authorizing Appointment of Collinson Lewis Warwick as Nautical Expert in Coast and Geodetic Survey Without Examination | April 18, 1910 |
143 | 1192 | Portion of Former Crow Creek Forest Reserve Fully Transferred to War Department for Target and Maneuver Purposes | April 19, 1910 |
144 | 1193 | Reserving Land in Beaver Dam, Alaska, for Use by Army Signal Corps in Operation of Telegraph Lines | April 26, 1910 |
145 | 1194 | Six Tracts of Land in Alaska Reserved for Educational Purposes | April 26, 1910 |
146 | 1195 | Authorizing Appointment of 25 Clerks in Post Office Department for Employees Previously Transferred from Bureau of Printing and Engraving | April 28, 1910 |
147 | 1196 | Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Method of Certification | April 28, 1910 |
148 | 1197 | Reserving Land in Cotabato, Moro Province, Philippine Islands, for Military Purposes | April 28, 1910 |
149 | 1198 | Appointing Board to Study and Make Recommendations Regarding System of Telegraphy in Philippine Islands | April 30, 1910 |
150 | 1199 | Lester M. Spier, Executive Sec'y of Tariff Board, Authorized to Approve Payment Vouchers in Absence of Chairman or Acting Chairman | May 5, 1910 |
151 | 1200 | Tariff Board Members, Travelling on Official Business, Allowed $15 Per Diem Expenses | May 5, 1910 |
152 | 1201 | Henry C. Emery, James B. Reynolds, Alvin H. Sanders Appointed Tariff Board Special Disbursing Agents | May 5, 1910 |
153 | 1202 | Authorizing Appointment of French Government Engineers in Engineer Department at Large Without Examination | May 6, 1910 |
154 | 1203 | Authorizing Appointment of Helen M. Bullis as Special Inspectress in Immigration Service Without Examination | May 11, 1910 |
155 | 1204 | Authorizing Appointment of Henry Suberkrup as Guard and Musical Instructor in United States Penitentiary, Leavenworth, Kansas, Without Examination | May 12, 1910 |
156 | 1205 | Amending Executive Order of April 26, 1910, Reserving Land in Beaver Dam, Alaska, for Use by Army Signal Corps in Operation of Telegraph Lines | May 13, 1910 |
157 | 1206 | Defining Boundaries of Gasparilla Island and Cayo Costa Military Reservations in Florida | May 27, 1910 |
158 | 1207 | Lands in Columbia River, Wash., Reserved for Use By War Dept. for Improvement of River | May 27, 1910 |
159 | 1208 | Directing Officials in all Branches of Government to Provide Tariff Board Access to Needed Information | June 7, 1910 |
160 | 1209 | Santa Barbara National Forest, California, Enlarged by Adding All Lands of San Luis National Forest | June 8, 1910 |
161 | 1210 | EO 9 Waived to Allow State and Local Officials to Accept Appointments at Census Bureau for Collection of Statistics Data | June 13, 1910 |
162 | 1211 | Lands of Yakima Indian Reservation, Formerly Part of Walla Walla and Vancouver Land Districts, Transferred to North Yakima Land District | June 13, 1910 |
163 | 1212 | Unsurveyed Island in Columbia River, Oregon, Reserved for War Dept. As Site for Marine Ways for Improvement of Upper Columbia River | June 22, 1910 |
164 | 1213 | Additionally Reserving Portion of Gila National Forest for Protection of Water Supply of Fort Bayard in New Mexico | June 22, 1910 |
165 | 1214 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Louise M. Foster as Laborer in Department of Agriculture Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | June 22, 1910 |
166 | 1215 | Transferring Naval Reservations in Cebu and Isabela de Basilan and Polloc, Philippine Islands, to War Department | June 17, 1910 |
167 | 1216 | Reserving Lands in Montana for Military Purposes to Protect Big Hole Battlefield Monument | June 23, 1910 |
168 | 1217 | Amending Paragraph 684 of Consular Regulations Regarding Samples of Goods | July 1, 1910 |
169 | 1218 | Amending Civil Service Rules to Except Specialist in Bureau of Education from Examination | July 1, 1910 |
170 | 1219 | Authorizing Appointment of Editor in Bureau of Education Without Examination | July 1, 1910 |
171 | 1220 | Adding Lands to Duck Valley Indian Reservation | July 1, 1910 |
172 | 1221 | Reserving Lands in New Mexico as Reservation for Pueblo Indians Belonging to Pueblo Laguna | July 1, 1910 |
173 | 1222 | Agricultural Experiment Station in Arizona Enlarged to Enable Completion of Experiments | July 1, 1910 |
174 | 1223 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Capt. J. W. Powell as Clerk in Government Printing Office Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | July 2, 1910 |
175 | 1224 | Partially Revoking Executive Order of August 25, 1877 which Reserved Lands in California for Indian Use | July 7, 1910 |
176 | 1225 | Amending Civil Service Rules to Except Certain Laborers in Customs Service, District of Hawaii, from Examination | July 12, 1910 |
177 | 1226 | Authorizing Retention of Certain Recently-Employed Agents in Interior Department in Classified Service | July 12, 1910 |
178 | 1227 | Rescinding Executive Order No. 310-C of March 22, 1905, Reserving Lands for Flowage Purposes in Maintenance of Reservoirs at Headwaters of Mississippi River | July 12, 1910 |
179 | 1228 | Public Lands Within Siletz Indian Reservation, Oregon, Temporarily Withdrawn for Classification and Pending Legislation | July 13, 1910 |
180 | 1229 | Transferring Portion of Cordova Bay Military Reservation in Alaska to Navy Department | July 15, 1910 |
181 | 1230 | Authorizing Isthmian Canal Commission to Establish Rules and Regulations to Protect Works of Excavation, Dredging, and Other Canal Construction | July 25, 1910 |
182 | 1231 | Concerning Civil Actions in Courts of the Canal Zone in Cases which Parties are Alien Nonresidents | July 28, 1910 |
183 | 1232 | Lands Withdrawn Pending Legislation to Grant Tract to City of Tillamock for Waterway Purposes | July 28, 1910 |
184 | 1233 | Authorizing Appointment of Charles W. Fowle as Clerk in Department of State Without Examination | July 28, 1910 |
185 | 1234 | Boundaries of Lincoln Land District, New Mexico, Redefined | August 4, 1910 |
186 | 1235 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Robert T. Frazier in Patent Office Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | August 8, 1910 |
187 | 1236 | Authorizing Placement of John J. Scully as Classified Laborer in Customs Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | August 8, 1910 |
188 | 1237 | Lands on Cordova Point, Prince William Sound, Alaska, Reserved for Naval Purposes | August 15, 1910 |
189 | 1238 | Lands in Arizona Reserved as Rifle Range for National Guard of Arizona | August 20, 1910 |
190 | 1239 | Conveyance of Real Estate by Married Women in the Canal Zone | August 20, 1910 |
191 | 1240 | Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Exceptions from Examination in Treasury Department | August 20, 1910 |
192 | 1241 | Lands in Colorado Withdrawn Pending Legislation to Grant Tract to National Lincoln Douglas Sanatorium and Consumptives' Hospital Association | August 23, 1910 |
193 | 1242 | Enlarging Schofield Barracks Military Reservation in Hawaii | August 23, 1910 |
194 | 1243 | Excusing Federal Employees From Work on Labor Day | August 24, 1910 |
195 | 1244 | EO 1234 Revoked; New Boundaries for Lincoln Land District Established | September 2, 1910 |
196 | 1245 | Authorizing Placement of Twenty-Nine Laborers on Classified List in Customs Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | September 14, 1910 |
197 | 1246 | Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Transfers from Isthmus of Panama | September 16, 1910 |
198 | 1247 | Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Exceptions from Examination in Forest Service | September 24, 1910 |
199 | 1248 | Transferring Hawkins Island Naval Reservation in Alaska to War Department | September 26, 1910 |
200 | 1249 | Making Certain Positions in First and Second Class Post Offices Subject to Civil Service Examination | September 30, 1910 |
201 | 1250 | Abolishing the Position of Tax Collector, Creating the Position of Deputy Collector of Revenues, and Amending the Laws Governing Taxes, etc., in the Canal Zone | October 4, 1910 |
202 | 1251 | Portion of Lemmon Land District, North Dakota, Transferred to Bismarck Land District | October 4, 1910 |
203 | 1252 | Portion of Lemmon Land District, North Dakota, Transferred to Dickinson Land District | October 4, 1910 |
204 | 1253 | To Prescribe the Manner of Leasing Public Lands in the Canal Zone | October 7, 1910 |
205 | 1254 | Lands at Baguio, Benguet, Luzon, Philippine Islands, Reserved for Naval Hospital and Other Naval Purposes | October 10, 1910 |
206 | 1255 | Lands in Arizona Reserved for Use of National Guard of Arizona | October 13, 1910 |
207 | 1256 | Adding Lands to the Salt River Indian Reservation | October 20, 1910 |
208 | 1257 | Further Reserving Lands in Gila National Forest, New Mexico, to Protect Water Supply of Fort Bayard | October 22, 1910 |
209 | 1258 | Authorizing Appointment of W. E. S. Griswold as Secretary of Investigative Commission Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | October 25, 1910 |
210 | 1259 | Ordering that All Public Buildings to be Erected in District of Columbia Be Submitted to Commission of Fine Arts for Advice | October 25, 1910 |
211 | 1260 | Restoring Portion of Chugach National Forest, Alaska, to the Public Domain | October 28, 1910 |
212 | 1261 | Transferring Portion of Fort Ruger Military Reservation in Hawaii to the Commerce and Labor Department for Lighthouse Purposes | October 31, 1910 |
213 | 1262 | Lands in New Mexico Further Reserved as Rifle Range for National Guard of New Mexico | November 2, 1910 |
214 | 1263 | Authorizing Permanent Appointment of William J. Meyers as Statistician in Interstate Commerce Commission Without Examination | November 4, 1910 |
215 | 1264 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Mary A. Wells as Clerk in Bureau of the Census Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | November 7, 1910 |
216 | 1265 | Transferring Lands from Mono National Forest, Nevada to Toiyabe National Forest | November 25, 1910 |
217 | 1265½ | Constituting the Internal Revenue District of Oklahoma | November 25, 1910 |
218 | 1266 | Authorizing Civil Service Commission to Except Certain Unusual Positions from Examination | December 1, 1910 |
219 | 1267 | Fort Mojave Indian Reservation | December 1, 1910 |
220 | 1268 | Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Exceptions from Examination in Navy Department | December 2, 1910 |
221 | 1269 | Members of Certain Organizations Employed by Government in District of Columbia Excused from Duty on Dec. 7, 1910, for Unveiling of Statue of Baron Frederick von Steuben | December 6, 1910 |
222 | 1270 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Charles M. Irelan as Clerk in War Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | December 12, 1910 |
223 | 1271 | Adding Lands to Coeur d'Alene Reservation | December 13, 1910 |
224 | 1272 | Thomas W. Brahany, Executive Sec'y of Tariff Board, Authorized to Approve Fund Requisitions in Absence of Chairman or Acting Chairman | December 12, 1910 |
225 | 1273 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Edward K. Ketchum as Letter Carrier in Philadelphia Post Office Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | December 16, 1910 |
226 | 1274 | Communications and Reports Relative to Guam and Samoa to be Transmitted through the Secretary of the Navy | December 20, 1910 |
227 | 1275 | Authorizing Transfer of Furloughed Lighthouse Service Employees Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | December 20, 1910 |
228 | 1276 | Lands in New Mexico, Idaho, and Colorado, Previously Reserved as Administrative Sites for Lincoln, Pocatello, Las Animas, and San Isabel National Forests, Restored to Settlement and Entry | December 23, 1910 |
229 | 1277 | Prohibiting Government Employees from Instructing Persons for Examinations for Diplomatic Services | December 23, 1910 |
Relative No. | Absolute No. | Title/Description | Date signed |
230 | 1278 | Authorizing Appointment of Florence G. Miller as Clerk in Classified Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | January 4, 1911 |
231 | 1279 | Abolishing Fort Ringgold Military Reservation, Texas | January 4, 1911 |
232 | 1280 | Transferring New Orleans, Louisiana, Land Office to Baton Rouge | January 6, 1911 |
233 | 1281 | Natchitoches Land District, Louisiana, Abolished and Land, Business and Archives Pertaining Thereto, Transferred to Baton Rouge Land District | January 6, 1911 |
234 | 1282 | Restoring Biliran Island Military Reservation to Government of Philippine Islands | January 10, 1911 |
235 | 1283 | Prescribing Schedule for Army Rations | January 11, 1911 |
236 | 1284 | Restoring to Public Domain Certain Lands in Navajo Indian Reservation | January 16, 1911 |
237 | 1285 | Authorizing Use of French Dump Cars in Canal Zone Without Safety Appliances | January 16, 1911 |
238 | 1286 | To Create a Land Office for the Canal Zone and for Other Purposes | January 19, 1911 |
239 | 1287 | Restoring to Public Domain Certain Described Lands in Minnesota | January 24, 1911 |
240 | 1288 | Authorizing Appointment of George T. Weitzel and Willing Spencer as Clerks in Department of State Without Examination | January 26, 1911 |
241 | 1289 | Amending Civil Service Rules to Except Navy Positions on Guam from Examination | January 26, 1911 |
242 | 1290 | Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Noncompetitive Examinations of Miners | January 30, 1911 |
243 | 1291 | Lands in Minnesota Reserved for Proposed Improvement of Zippel Bay | January 30, 1911 |
244 | 1292 | Richardson Rock, Island Off of California, Reserved for Lighthouse Purposes | January 30, 1911 |
245 | 1293 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Archibald Edmonstone as Assistant Weigher in Customs Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | January 30, 1911 |
246 | 1294 | Authorizing Appointment of Edith F. Spofford as Clerk in Bureau of Mines Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | January 30, 1911 |
247 | 1295 | To Provide a Method of Executing and Recording Deeds, and to Repeal the Executive Order Dated March 12, 1907, Effective April 15, 1907, Relating to the Same Subject | February 2, 1911 |
248 | 1296 | Fort Mojave Indian Reservation | February 2, 1911 |
249 | 1297 | Reserving lands in Idaho for Protection of Water Supply of Boise Barracks, Fort Boise | February 13, 1911 |
250 | 1298 | Reservations of Lands in the Philippine Islands | February 13, 1911 |
251 | 1299 | Ordering Lands Ceded by Pillager Band of Chippewa Indians No Longer Held as Indian Land | February 16, 1911 |
252 | 1300 | Authorizing Sales of Liquor on Lands Ceded by Red Lake and Pembina Bands of Chippewa Indians | February 16, 1911 |
253 | 1301 | Authorizing Sales of Liquor on Lands Ceded by Chippewa Indians of Lake Superior | February 16, 1911 |
254 | 1302 | Authorizing Sales of Liquor on Minnesota Lands Ceded by Wahpeton and Sisseton Bands of Sioux Indians | February 16, 1911 |
255 | 1303 | Appointment of Commander Richard H. Jackson to Wireless Telegraphy Board | February 18, 1911 |
256 | 1304 | Certain Lands in Florida, Reserved for Lighthouse Purposes, Restored to Public Domain | February 18, 1911 |
257 | 1305 | Land Office for Aberdeen Land District, South Dakota, Transferred to Timber Lake | February 18, 1911 |
258 | 1306 | Portion of Waterville Land District, Washington, Transferred to North Yakima Land District | February 20, 1911 |
259 | 1307 | Amending Civil Service Rules to Except Navy Positions on Samoa from Examination | February 21, 1911 |
260 | 1308 | Fox Administrative Site Established for Ozark National Forest, Arizona | February 21, 1911 |
261 | 1309 | Authorizing Reinstatement of William E. Lewis in Government Printing Office Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | February 25, 1911 |
262 | 1310 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Nathan C. Grover as Chief Engineer in United States Geological Survey Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | February 27, 1911 |
263 | 1311 | Certain Lands in Florida, Reserved for Lighthouse Purposes, Restored to Public Domain; Executive Order 1304 Superseded | March 1, 1911 |
264 | 1312 | Tariff Board Created, Members Named, and Duties Prescribed | March 4, 1911 |
265 | 1313 | Designating Martin A. Knapp as Chairman of Interstate Commerce Commission | March 4, 1911 |
266 | 1314 | Portion of Humboldt National Forest, Nevada, Restored to Public Domain | March 8, 1911 |
267 | 1315 | Certain Lands in Arizona Reserved as Target Range for Use by National Guard | March 14, 1911 |
268 | 1316 | Certain Lands in Juneau, Alaska, Reserved as Site for Mansion and Museum Building | March 14, 1911 |
269 | 1317 | Land Office for San Francisco Land District, California, Transferred from Oakland to San Francisco | March 14, 1911 |
270 | 1318 | Lands in Minnesota, Reserved for Flowage Purposes Regarding Reservoir Construction at Mississippi River Headwaters, Restored to Public Domain | March 14, 1911 |
271 | 1319 | Appointing Walter W. Warwick Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Canal Zone | March 16, 1911 |
272 | 1320 | Appointing Thomas E. Brown, Jr., Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Canal Zone | March 16, 1911 |
273 | 1321 | Authorizing Retention of Five Panama Railroad Employees in Classified Service | March 20, 1911 |
274 | 1322 | Pima and Maricopa Indian Reservation | March 22, 1911 |
275 | 1323 | Big Pine Administrative Site, California, Created for Inyo National Forest | March 24, 1911 |
276 | 1324 | Long Pine Administrative Site, California, Created for Kern National Forest | March 24, 1911 |
277 | 1324½ | Reserving All Public Lands in Alaska Containing Hot Springs for Public Purposes | March 28, 1911 |
278 | 1325 | Stony Ford Administrative Site, California, Created for California National Forest | March 29, 1911 |
279 | 1326 | Hornbrook Administrative Site, California, Created for Klamath National Forest | March 29, 1911 |
280 | 1327 | Apex Administrative Site, California, Created for Lassen National Forest | April 3, 1911 |
281 | 1328 | Amending Civil Service Rules to Except Certain Marine Corps Clerks from Examination | April 3, 1911 |
282 | 1329 | Authorizing Reinstatement of W. E. Shields in Government Printing Office Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | April 4, 1911 |
283 | 1330 | Abolishing Powder House Lot Military Reservation, Florida | April 10, 1911 |
284 | 1331 | Certain Lands at Juneau, Alaska, Reserved as Site for Mansion and Museum building; EO 445 and EO 1316 Amended | April 11, 1911 |
285 | 1332 | Establishing Clear Lake Reservation, California, as Preserve and Breeding Ground for Birds | April 11, 1911 |
286 | 1333 | Amending Army Limits of Punishment Regarding Loaning Money at Usurious Rates of Interest | April 14, 1911 |
287 | 1334 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Mary E. Gunion in Government Printing Office Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | April 15, 1911 |
288 | 1335 | Authorizing Appointment of Six Agents to Internal Revenue Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | April 17, 1911 |
289 | 1336 | Mokelumne (E) Administrative Site, California, Created for Stanislaus National Forest | April 19, 1911 |
290 | 1337 | Round Valley Administrative Site, Arizona, Created for Apache National Forest | April 19, 1911 |
291 | 1338 | Reserving Lands in Cotabato, Moro Province, Philippine Islands, for Military Purposes | April 20, 1911 |
292 | 1339 | Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Retransfers to Former Positions | April 21, 1911 |
293 | 1340 | Amending Civil Service Rules to Except Assistant to Secretary of the Interior from Examination | April 21, 1911 |
294 | 1341 | Lands in New Mexico, Within Gila National Forest, Reserved to Protect Water Supply of Fort Bayard | April 24, 1911 |
295 | 1342 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Ralph R. Mulcare as Letter Carrier Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | April 24, 1911 |
296 | 1343 | Bloomfield Administrative Site, California, Created for Tahoe National Forest | April 28, 1911 |
297 | 1344 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Leroy T. Steward as Superintendent at Chicago Post Office Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | April 29, 1911 |
298 | 1345 | Prohibiting Deported Persons from Returning to the Canal Zone | May 2, 1911 |
299 | 1346 | Lands in Montana, Formerly Part of Fort Shaw Indian School, Reserved for Use by Reclamation Service | May 2, 1911 |
300 | 1347 | Reserving Lands in Valdez, Alaska, for Operation of Military Telegraph Lines | May 6, 1911 |
301 | 1348 | Relating to the Arrest and Discharge of Deserting Seamen in the Canal Zone | May 6, 1911 |
302 | 1349 | Gila River Reservation | May 8, 1911 |
303 | 1350 | Authorizing Appointment of John Roche and Patrick McKeefrey as Watchmen in Customs Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | May 10, 1911 |
304 | 1351 | Government of the Insane Asylum for the Canal Zone | May 10, 1911 |
305 | 1352 | Prohibiting Evasion of Fare on Railway Trains in Canal Zone | May 10, 1911 |
306 | 1353 | To Provide for the Collection of a Distillation Tax | May 13, 1911 |
307 | 1354 | Baker Administrative Site, Near Nevada National Forest, Nevada | May 16, 1911 |
308 | 1355 | Box Springs Administrative Site, California, Created for Angeles National Forest | May 16, 1911 |
309 | 1356 | Lands in Idaho Reserved as Rifle Range for National Guard | May 16, 1911 |
310 | 1357 | Mokelumne (W) Administrative Site, California, Created for Stanislaus National Forest | May 22, 1911 |
311 | 1358 | Authorizing Transfer of John E. Wilkie to Supervisor in Treasury Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | May 22, 1911 |
312 | 1359 | Reserving Land in New Mexico for Indian Purposes | May 24, 1911 |
313 | 1360 | Authorizing Appointment of Mary E. Gunion to Clerical Grade Position Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | May 25, 1911 |
314 | 1361 | Restoring Certain Lands in Valdez, Alaska, to Public Domain | May 26, 1911 |
315 | 1362 | Enlarging Fort Armstrong Military Reservation, Kaakaukukui Reef, Honolulu, Hawaii | May 26, 1911 |
316 | 1363 | Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Post Office Positions | May 26, 1911 |
317 | 1364 | Enlarging Torrey Barracks Military Reservation, Malabang, Mindanao, Philippine Islands | May 29, 1911 |
318 | 1365 | Authorizing Retention of James B. Horigan in Forest Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | May 29, 1911 |
319 | 1366 | Authorizing Appointment of George E. Pickett as Clerk in War Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | May 31, 1911 |
320 | 1367 | Fort Wingate Military Reservation, New Mexico, Made Part of Zuni National Forest | May 31, 1911 |
321 | 1368 | Reserving Land in Arizona for Use of Walapai Indians | June 2, 1911 |
322 | 1369 | Silver Creek Administrative Site, South Dakota, Created for Black Hills National Forest | June 2, 1911 |
323 | 1370 | Authorizing Reinstatement of I. C. Faulk as Storekeeper-Gauger in Internal Revenue Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | June 9, 1911 |
324 | 1371 | Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Treasury Department Examination Exceptions | June 12, 1911 |
325 | 1372 | Amending Effective Date of Collection of Distillation Tax | June 12, 1911 |
326 | 1373 | Mad River Administrative Site, California, Created for Trinity National Forest | June 16, 1911 |
327 | 1374 | Reserving Lands for Benefit of Papago Indians | June 16, 1911 |
328 | 1375 | Indian Administrative Site, Utah, Created for Fillmore National Forest | June 26, 1911 |
329 | 1376 | Authorizing Appointment of Five Deputy Auditors to Classified Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | June 26, 1911 |
330 | 1377 | Reserving Certain Described Lands in Hawaii for Military Purposes; Fort Ruger Military Reservation, Diamond Head, Oahu, T.H. | June 26, 1911 |
331 | 1378 | Bennett Administrative Site, California, Created for California National Forest | June 28, 1911 |
332 | 1379 | Reserving Lands in Southern Florida as Reservation for Seminole Indians | June 28, 1911 |
333 | 1380 | Authorizing Chairman and Chief Engineer of Canal Zone to Issue Revocable Licenses for Townsite Lots | June 28, 1911 |
334 | 1381 | Authorizing William T. Thompson, Treasury Solicitor, to Temporarily Act in Place of Fletcher Maddox, Internal Revenue Solicitor | June 28, 1911 |
335 | 1382 | State Dept. Employees Forbidden to Furnish Information Regarding Moneys Related to Section 291 of Revised Statues Except to Authorized Officials | July 7, 1911 |
336 | 1383 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Henry M. Camp Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | July 7, 1911 |
337 | 1384 | Austin Administrative Site, Nevada, Created for Toiyabe National Forest | July 10, 1911 |
338 | 1385 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Charles L. Dooley Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | July 14, 1911 |
339 | 1386 | Providing for the Inspection of Steam Vessels | July 21, 1911 |
340 | 1387 | Gila River Indian Reservation | July 31, 1911 |
341 | 1388 | Authorizing Appointment of Thomas Richardson Without Examination | July 31, 1911 |
342 | 1389 | Abolishing Fort Niobrara Military Reservation | August 1, 1911 |
343 | 1390 | Authorizing Sylvester P. Bartlett to Hold Position in Illinois State Fish Commission Without Regard to Executive Order of January 17, 1873 | August 2, 1911 |
344 | 1391 | Authorizing Transfer of Charles B. Bateman to Mechanical Position in Classified Service | August 2, 1911 |
345 | 1392 | Against the Promotion of Fights between Bulls, Dogs, or Cocks | August 4, 1911 |
346 | 1393 | Lincoln Rock, Clarence Strait, Alaska, Reserved for Lighthouse Purposes | August 4, 1911 |
347 | 1394 | Authorizing Appointment of Interstate Commerce Commission Secretary Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | August 9, 1911 |
348 | 1395 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Lilly Dent Rogers as Clerk in Treasury Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | August 9, 1911 |
349 | 1396 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Randolph Fortune as Messenger in War Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | August 9, 1911 |
350 | 1397 | Abolishing Fort Grant Military Reservation | August 10, 1911 |
351 | 1398 | Nogales Administrative Site, Arizona, Created for Coranado National Forest | August 15, 1911 |
352 | 1399 | Lawton Land District, Oklahoma, Abolished; Transferred to Guthrie Land District | August 17, 1911 |
353 | 1400 | Hole-In-The-Rock Administrative Site, Utah, Created for Ashley National Forest | August 17, 1911 |
354 | 1401 | Emma Administrative Site, Colorado, Created for Sopris National Forest | August 18, 1911 |
355 | 1402 | Authorizing Transfer of Norris R. Welsh to Department of Agriculture Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | August 21, 1911 |
356 | 1403 | Authorizing Appointment of Edwin L. Williams as Clerk in Post Office Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | August 22, 1911 |
357 | 1404 | Excusing Federal Employees From Work on Labor Day | August 25, 1911 |
358 | 1405 | Sapinero Administrative Site, Colorado, Created for Gunnison National Forest | August 25, 1911 |
359 | 1406 | Amending Executive Order Reserving Lands in New Mexico for Use by Indians of Jemez Pueblo | September 1, 1911 |
360 | 1407 | Amending EO 574, Regarding Rules and Regulations for Army and Navy General Hospital, Hot Springs, Arkansas | September 1, 1911 |
361 | 1408 | Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Exceptions from Examination for Commercial Agents | September 4, 1911 |
362 | 1409 | Establishing the Postal Savings System in the Canal Zone | September 8, 1911 |
363 | 1410 | To Prohibit the Placing of Signs on Lands and Property of the United States and the Panama Railroad Company | September 8, 1911 |
364 | 1411 | Pasay Barracks Reservation Restored to Control of Government of Philippine Islands | September 13, 1911 |
365 | 1412 | Removal of Packing or Waste from Journal Boxes of Railroad Equipment | September 14, 1911 |
366 | 1413 | Appointing William H. Jackson Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Canal Zone | September 21, 1911 |
367 | 1414 | To Amend Sections 51, 62, and 526, and to Repeal Sections 63 and 529 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Canal Zone | September 26, 1911 |
368 | 1415 | Lands in South Dakota Reserved for Dry Land Agricultural Experiments by Agriculture Department | September 26, 1911 |
369 | 1416 | Reserving Additional Land for Use of Pima and Maricopa Indians | September 28, 1911 |
370 | 1417 | EO 1337 Revoked, Different Site Reserved for Round Valley Administrative Site for Apache National Forest | October 2, 1911 |
371 | 1418 | Authorizing Appointment of Edwin M. Hamilton as Lumberman in Indian Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | October 2, 1911 |
372 | 1419 | Amending Section 10 of Act No. 9 of the Sanitary Rules and Regulations for the Canal Zone | October 14, 1911 |
373 | 1420 | To Prohibit the Practise of Medicine, Surgery, Dentistry, Pharmacy, or Midwifery Without a License | October 14, 1911 |
374 | 1421 | Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Exceptions from Examination | October 14, 1911 |
375 | 1422 | Abolishing Fort Brown Military Reservation, Texas | October 14, 1911 |
376 | 1423 | Enlarging Military Reservation at Nulato, Alaska | October 24, 1911 |
377 | 1424 | Burk Administrative Site, Montana, Created for Bitterroot National Forest | October 24, 1911 |
378 | 1425 | Weeping Child Administrative Site, Montana, Created for Bitterroot National Forest | October 24, 1911 |
379 | 1426 | Reserving Additional Land in Arizona for Use of Pima and Maricopa Indians | October 23, 1911 |
380 | 1427 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Edwin H. Peery as Clerk in Office of the Judge Advocate General Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | October 28, 1911 |
381 | 1428 | Ear Mountain Administrative Site, Montana, Created for Lewis and Clark National Forest | November 1, 1911 |
382 | 1429 | Reducing Santa Rosa National Forest, Nevada; Lands Returned to Public Domain | November 3, 1911 |
383 | 1430 | Authorizing Employment of Alumni of National School of Engineering of Mexico Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | November 6, 1911 |
384 | 1431 | Apache Administrative Site, Arizona, Created for Chiracahua National Forest | November 13, 1911 |
385 | 1432 | Valley Administrative Site, South Dakota, Created for Sioux National Forest | November 13, 1911 |
386 | 1433 | To Prevent the Unauthorized Purchase of Supplies and Equipment from Persons in the Army or Navy in the Canal Zone | November 15, 1911 |
387 | 1434 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Richard W. Barkley as Examiner in Patent Office Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | November 17, 1911 |
388 | 1435 | To Amend Sections 1 and 2, of Act No. 2, of the Canal Zone Laws, Relating To Notaries Public | November 18, 1911 |
389 | 1436 | Abolishing Fort Assinniboine Military Reservation, Montana | November 20, 1911 |
390 | 1437 | Lands Near Albay Province, Luzon, Philippine Islands, Reserved as Target Range for Regan Barracks Military Reservation | November 23, 1911 |
391 | 1438 | Restoring Certain Lands Between Hot Springs and Fort Gibbon, Alaska, to Public Domain | November 23, 1911 |
392 | 1439 | Enlarging Cold Springs Bird Refuge, Oregon | November 25, 1911 |
393 | 1440 | Prescribing Salaries for American Section of International Joint Commission on United States-Canada Boundary Waters | December 4, 1911 |
394 | 1441 | Bell Mountain Administrative Site, Idaho, Created for Lemhi National Forest | December 4, 1911 |
395 | 1442 | Authorizing Classification of Charles W. Carson Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | December 5, 1911 |
396 | 1443 | Amending Civil Service Rule VII, Section 1(c), Regarding Probationary Period | December 9, 1911 |
397 | 1444 | Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Removals | December 9, 1911 |
398 | 1445 | Authorizing Appointment of Thomas Dawson as Watchman in Lighthouse Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | December 14, 1911 |
399 | 1446 | Portion of Salt Lake City Land District, Utah, Transferred to Vernal Land District | December 16, 1911 |
400 | 1447 | Withdrawing Lands Near Gila River Indian Reservation, Arizona, From Settlement | December 16, 1911 |
401 | 1448 | To Amend Executive Order Prohibiting the Practice of Medicine, Surgery, Dentistry, Pharmacy, or Midwifery Within the Canal Zone Without a License | December 26, 1911 |
402 | 1449 | Prescribing Compensation for Members of Commission Investigating Issuance of Stocks and Bonds by Railroad Corporations | December 29, 1911 |
403 | 1450 | Lands in New Mexico Reserved as Target Range for Fort Bliss Military Reservation, Texas | December 29, 1911 |
404 | 1451 | Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Rural Carriers in Post Office Department | December 30, 1911 |
Relative No. | Absolute No. | Title/Description | Date signed |
405 | 1452 | Drew Administrative Site, South Dakota, Created for Use as a Ranger Station in the Administration of the Harney National Forest | January 2, 1912 |
406 | 1453 | Diamond Administrative Site, Montana, Created for Helena National Forest | January 4, 1912 |
407 | 1454 | Geyser Springs Administrative Site, Wyoming, Created for Bonneville National Forest | January 6, 1912 |
408 | 1455 | Riverview Administrative Site, Idaho, created for Nezperce (sic) National Forest | January 6, 1912 |
409 | 1456 | Lands in Alaska Reserved for Use by Navt Dept. as Wireless Telegraph Station | January 6, 1912 |
410 | 1457 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Paul Brosig as Draftsman in Isthmian Canal Commission Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | January 9, 1912 |
411 | 1458 | Establishing Forrester Island Reservation in Alaska as Preserve and Breeding Ground for Native Birds | January 11, 1912 |
412 | 1459 | Establishing Hazy Islands Reservation in Alaska as Preserve and Breeding Ground for Native Birds | January 11, 1912 |
413 | 1460 | Authorizing Reinstatement and Transfer of Charles S. Heinline to Clerk in Indian Field Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | January 11, 1912 |
414 | 1461 | Establishing Niobrara Reservation in Nebraska as Preserve and Breeding Ground for Native Birds | January 11, 1912 |
415 | 1462 | Authorizing Appointment of Florence E. Mole as Clerk Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | January 12, 1912 |
416 | 1463 | Providing that a Census of the Canal Zone Be Taken Not Later than April 30, 1912 | January 12, 1912 |
417 | 1464 | Reducing Clear Lake Reservation in California | January 13, 1912 |
418 | 1465 | Reserving Land in Utah for School, Agency, and Other Uses for Benefit of Indians | January 17, 1912 |
419 | 1466 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Pembrook B. Banton as Clerk in Isthmian Canal Commission Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | January 24, 1912 |
420 | 1467 | Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Transfers of Letter Carriers | February 1, 1912 |
421 | 1468 | To Provide an Inexpensive Method for the Administration of Estates of Deceased and Insane Persons in Certain Cases | February 5, 1912 |
422 | 1469 | Authorizing Reinstatement of John La Fon, Jr., as Lumberman in Forest Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | February 7, 1912 |
423 | 1470 | Amending Civil Service Rule VII Regarding Probationary Period | February 8, 1912 |
424 | 1471 | Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Removals | February 8, 1912 |
425 | 1472 | Authorizing Government Employees Residing Near District of Columbia to Hold Municipal Office | February 14, 1912 |
426 | 1473 | Authorizing Appointment of John Lewis Donovan to Classified Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | February 16, 1912 |
427 | 1474 | Malachite Administrative Site, Colorado, Created for San Isabel National Forest | February 16, 1912 |
428 | 1475 | Restoring Lands to White Mountain and San Carlos Reservation | February 17, 1912 |
429 | 1476 | Restoring Lands to Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation | February 17, 1912 |
430 | 1477 | Restoring Lands to White Mountain Indian Reservation | February 17, 1912 |
431 | 1478 | Restoring Lands to Tule River Indian Reservation | February 17, 1912 |
432 | 1479 | Restoring Lands to White Mountain Indian Reservation | February 17, 1912 |
433 | 1480 | Restoring Lands to Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation | February 17, 1912 |
434 | 1481 | Restoring Lands to Mescalero Apache Indian Reservation | February 17, 1912 |
435 | 1482 | Restoring Lands to Zuni and Navajo Indian Reservations | February 17, 1912 |
436 | 1483 | Restoring Lands in New Mexico to Navajo Reservation | February 17, 1912 |
437 | 1484 | Authorizing Appointment of Embree E. Hoss, Jr., as Inspector in Post Office Without Examination | February 19, 1912 |
438 | 1485 | Restoring to Public Domain Lands in California Which Were Reserved for Indian Purposes | February 20, 1912 |
439 | 1486 | Enlarging Minidoka Reservation, Idaho | February 21, 1912 |
440 | 1487 | Establishing Green Bay Reservation in Wisconsin as Preserve and Breeding Ground for Native Birds | February 21, 1912 |
441 | 1488 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Edward W. Cady as Examiner in Patent Office Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | February 23, 1912 |
442 | 1489 | To Provide a Maximum Speed for Motor Vehicles in the Canal Zone and Establish a Rule of the Road | February 28, 1912 |
443 | 1490 | Authorizing Appointment of William Langley as Clerk in Census Bureau Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | February 29, 1912 |
444 | 1491 | Portion of Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, South Dakota, Transferred from Black Hills Land District to Chamberlain Land District | March 1, 1912 |
445 | 1492 | Compensation for Members of Commission to Investigate Second-Class Mail Costs Prescribed | March 1, 1912 |
446 | 1493 | Compensation for Daniel L. Cease, Member of Commission to Investigate Employers' Liability, Prescribed | March 1, 1912 |
447 | 1494 | Compensation for Members of Commission to Investigate Second-Class Mail Costs Amended | March 11, 1912 |
448 | 1495 | Reserving Hunter's Rock or Prince Island in Pacific Ocean for Use of Smith River Indians | March 11, 1912 |
449 | 1496 | Reserving Land in California for Indian Use | March 11, 1912 |
450 | 1497 | Government Employees in District of Columbia Granted Half Holiday, March 23, to Attend USS Maine Memorial Services | March 15, 1912 |
451 | 1498 | Sanitary Inspection Of Government Buildings | March 15, 1912 |
452 | 1499 | Disposal of Useless Papers | March 16, 1912 |
453 | 1500 | Rock Creek Administrative Site, Montana, Created for Cabinet National Forest | March 20, 1912 |
454 | 1501 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Charles W. Rider in Post Office Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | March 23, 1912 |
455 | 1502 | Alder Administrative Site, Montana, Created for Jefferson National Forest | March 23, 1912 |
456 | 1503 | Carney Administrative Site, Montana, Created for Madison National Forests | March 23, 1912 |
457 | 1504 | Weeping Child Administrative Site, Montana, Re-Established for Bitterroot National Forest | March 25, 1912 |
458 | 1505 | Portion of Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, North Dakota, Transferred to Minot Land District | March 26, 1912 |
459 | 1506 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Charles W. Rider as Storekeeper-Gauger in Internal Revenue Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | March 26, 1912 |
460 | 1507 | Portion of Barracks Lot Military Reservaion, Oahu, Hawaii, Restored to Government of Territory of Hawaii for Use by militia | March 27, 1912 |
461 | 1508 | Authorizing Appointment of Y. Tsenshan Wang as Field Assistant in Geological Survey Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | March 30, 1912 |
462 | 1509 | Authorizing Appointment of Andrew M. Latham as Clerk in Department of Agriculture Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | March 30, 1912 |
463 | 1510 | Reducing Lincoln National Forest and Reserving Lands for Military Purposes | April 1, 1912 |
464 | 1511 | Katka Administrative Site, Idaho, Created for Pend Oreille National Forest | April 1, 1912 |
465 | 1512 | Lands on Near Island, Near Kodiak Island, Alaska, Reserved for Use by Agriculture Dept. as Experiment Station | April 1, 1912 |
466 | 1513 | Lands on Kodiak Island, Alaska, on Kalsin Bay, Reserved for Use by Agriculture Dept. as Experiment Station | April 1, 1912 |
467 | 1514 | Communications to Congress by Employees of the United States | April 8, 1912 |
468 | 1515 | Authorizing Appointment of Margaret C. Leonard as Clerk in War Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | April 9, 1912 |
469 | 1516 | Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Exceptions from Examination for Inspectors in Interior Department | April 10, 1912 |
470 | 1517 | Reserving Land in California for Indian Use | April 13, 1912 |
471 | 1518 | Withdrawing Lands from Flathead or Jocko Reservation for Examination and Classification | April 13, 1912 |
472 | 1519 | To Prevent Trespassing Upon Reservations [in the Canal Zone] | April 17, 1912 |
473 | 1520 | Land Near Ketchikan, Tongass Narrows, Revillagigedo Island, Alaska, Reserved for Lighthouse Purposes | April 20, 1912 |
474 | 1521 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Charles H. Quackenbush in Railway Mail Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | April 22, 1912 |
475 | 1522 | Reserving Land in California for Indian Use | April 24, 1912 |
476 | 1523 | Harney National Forest, South Dakota, Diminished | April 29, 1912 |
477 | 1524 | Authorizing Appointment of Homer C. Poundstone in Civil Service Commission Without Examination | April 30, 1912 |
478 | 1525 | Requiring Purchases to Conform to the United States Government Specification for Portland Cement | April 30, 1912 |
479 | 1526 | Lands in New Mexico Reserved for Use by Agriculture Dept as Experiment Station for Native Pastures and Breeding of Horses | May 3, 1912 |
480 | 1527 | Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Probationary Periods | May 3, 1912 |
481 | 1528 | Grey Bull Administrative Site, Wyoming, Created for Shoshone National Forest | May 9, 1912 |
482 | 1529 | Reserving Lands in California Pending Investigation as to Suitableness for Paiute or Other Indian Use | May 9, 1912 |
483 | 1530 | Authorizing Appointment of Louise Lester as Clerk in Classified Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | May 10, 1912 |
484 | 1531 | Portion of Punchbowl Hill Military Reservation, Oahu, Restored to Government of Territory of Hawaii for Park Purposes | May 11, 1912 |
485 | 1532 | To Amend the Executive Order Providing for the Collection of a Distillation Tax | May 21, 1912 |
486 | 1533 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Walter L. Barnum as Clerk in Classified Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | May 27, 1912 |
487 | 1534 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Wesley M. Featherly in Classified Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | May 28, 1912 |
488 | 1535 | Coldspring Administrative Site, Idaho, Created for Targhee National Forest | May 28, 1912 |
489 | 1536 | Taylor Creek Administrative Site, Oregon, Created for Siskiyou National Forest | May 28, 1912 |
490 | 1537 | Roosevelt Annex Administrative Site, Arizona, Created for Coronado National Forest | May 28, 1912 |
491 | 1538 | Lands in Pinal County, Arizona, Reserved for Use of the Papago and Other Indians | May 28, 1912 |
492 | 1539 | Deep Creek Band - Reserving Lands in Tooele County, Utah, for Use by Indians on Public Domain | May 29, 1912 |
493 | 1540 | Reserving Land in Arizona for Use by Walapai Indians | May 29, 1912 |
494 | 1541 | Civil and Spanish-American War Veterans Given Preference in Decoration Day Holiday Granted Government Employees | May 29, 1912 |
495 | 1542 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Arthur S. Blum as Photographer in Forest Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | June 5, 1912 |
496 | 1543 | Authorizing Appointment of Margaret A. Hampton as Clerk in Classified Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | June 6, 1912 |
497 | 1544 | Authorizing Appointment of May Stanley in Classified Service Without Examination | June 11, 1912 |
498 | 1545 | Brownsville, Texas, Plant Introduction-Garden | June 12, 1912 |
499 | 1546 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Oscar Wenderoth as Supervising Architect in Treasury Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | June 15, 1912 |
500 | 1547 | Waiving Provisions of Eight-Hour Contract Act for Canal Zone Contracts Until January 1, 1915 | June 19, 1912 |
501 | 1548 | Authorizing Appointment of John G. Lerch as Private Secretary Without Examination | June 19, 1912 |
502 | 1549 | Authorizing Transfer of M. M. Dodge to Naturalization Examiner Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | June 19, 1912 |
503 | 1550 | Sevier National Forest, Utah, Diminished | June 19, 1912 |
504 | 1551 | Divide Administrative Site, Montana, Created for Deerlodge National Forest | June 19, 1912 |
505 | 1552 | Whitetail Administrative Site, Montana, Created for Deerlodge National Forest | June 19, 1912 |
506 | 1553 | Rebel Creek Administrative Site, Nevada, Created for Santa Rosa National Forest | June 19, 1912 |
507 | 1554 | Charles W Cobb, Assistant Atty General, Designated to Act as Interior Secretary During Absence of Said Sec'y | June 19, 1912 |
508 | 1555 | Reserving Lands Near Hydaburg, Alaska, for Use of the Hydah Tribe of Indians | June 19, 1912 |
509 | 1556 | Authorizing Proportions of All National Flags and Union Jacks for Departments of Government | June 24, 1912 |
510 | 1557 | Reserving Land on Left Bank of Tanana River, Alaska, for Military Purposes | July 3, 1912 |
511 | 1558 | Reserving Land in South Dakota for Indian School and Administrative Purposes | July 6, 1912 |
512 | 1559 | Fort Armstrong Military Reservation, Kaakaukukui Reef, Honolulu, Hawaii, Enlarged | July 6, 1912 |
513 | 1560 | Rico Sarco Administrative Site, New Mexico, Created for Pecos National Forest | July 10, 1912 |
514 | 1561 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Leroy A. McGee as Post Office Inspector Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | July 10, 1912 |
515 | 1562 | Authorizing Retention of Fourteen Tariff Board Employees Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | July 12, 1912 |
516 | 1563 | Redding Land Office, California, Abolished and Transferred to Sacramento Land Office | July 18, 1912 |
517 | 1564 | Nine Mile Administrative Site, Montana, Created for Lolo National Forest | July 19, 1912 |
518 | 1565 | Butterfly Administrative Site, Montana, Created for Bitterroot National Forest | July 19, 1912 |
519 | 1566 | Authorizing Appointment of Dorsey E. Phillips as Clerk in Classified Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | July 19, 1912 |
520 | 1567 | Ordering Executive Department Heads to Send Information on Office Archives to Librarian of Congress | July 19, 1912 |
521 | 1568 | Baker Administrative Site, Utah, Enlarged for La Sal National Forest | July 23, 1912 |
522 | 1569 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Isaac D. Laferty in Bureau of Pensions Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | July 23, 1912 |
523 | 1570 | Authorizing Reinstatement of James D. Goldsby in Classified Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | July 25, 1912 |
524 | 1571 | Authorizing Promotion of Richard T. Underwood to Clerk in Post Office Department Without Examination | July 27, 1912 |
525 | 1572 | Three Forks Administrative Site, Colorado, Created for Rio Grande National Forest | July 30, 1912 |
526 | 1573 | Authorizing Appointment of Mingo Sanders as Messenger in Classified Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | July 31, 1912 |
527 | 1574 | Excusing Federal Employees From Work on Labor Day | August 1, 1912 |
528 | 1575 | Authorizing Reinstatement of George H. Getz as to Pension Office Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | August 10, 1912 |
529 | 1576 | Lands in Oregon Reserved for Classification and Pending Legislation | August 13, 1912 |
530 | 1577 | Aliso Administrative Site, California, Created for Cleveland National Forest | August 13, 1912 |
531 | 1578 | Lands in Oregon Reserved Pending Legislation for Inclusion in National Forest | August 13, 1912 |
532 | 1579 | Transferring Certain Lands from Fort Duschesne Military Reservation to Interior Department | August 19, 1912 |
533 | 1580 | Permitting Temporary Employment of Machinists, Tool Makers, Electricians, and Apprentice Boys by the Census Bureau Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | August 21, 1912 |
534 | 1581 | Authorizing Appointment of Sadie A. Wright as Charwoman Without Regard to Civil Service Commission Regulations | August 23, 1912 |
535 | 1582 | Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding State Department Positions | August 24, 1912 |
536 | 1583 | Allowing Federal Employees to Serve as Moderators of Town Meetings | August 24, 1912 |
537 | 1584 | Unnumbered EO of December 5, 1911, Creating Alaskan Withdrawal No. 1, Modified | August 24, 1912 |
538 | 1585 | View Administrative Site, Arizona, Created for Crook National Forest | August 24, 1912 |
539 | 1586 | Directing Commissioner of Pensions to Employ 30 Former Post Office Clerks | August 24, 1912 |
540 | 1587 | Authorizing Appointment of D. K. Tuttle, Joseph W. Milson, and E. B. Leach as Mint Superintendents Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | August 24, 1912 |
541 | 1588 | Position of Special Employee in Internal Revenue Service Regarded as Classified Under Civil Service Rules | August 24, 1912 |
542 | 1589 | Rainy Creek Administrative Site, Idaho, Created for Palisade National Forest | August 24, 1912 |
543 | 1590 | Maj. Gen. Leonard Wood, Chief of Staff, Designated to Act as Secretary of War During Absence of Sec'y and Assistant Sec'y of War | August 24, 1912 |
544 | 1591 | Authorizing Retention of William W. Dyar in Forest Service With Alternate Appropriation | August 26, 1912 |
545 | 1592 | Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Exceptions from Examination | August 26, 1912 |
546 | 1593 | Authorizing Classification of Up to 115 Experts and Agents in Agriculture Department | August 26, 1912 |
547 | 1594 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Lillian E. Clark as Clerk in Office of Indian Affairs Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | August 31, 1912 |
548 | 1595 | Enlargement of Camp Overton Military Reservation, Province of Morano, Mindanao, P.I. | August 31, 1912 |
549 | 1596 | Authorizing Reinstatement of G. M. Davison as Storekeeper-Gauger in Internal Revenue Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | September 2, 1912 |
550 | 1597 | Fitzhugh Springs Addition Administrative Site, California, Created for Modoc National Forest | September 2, 1912 |
551 | 1598 | Eliminating Certain Lands from Reservation of Papago Indians | September 2, 1912 |
552 | 1599 | Lands in Colorado Reserved Pending Legislation (to Grant to Denver for Park Purposes) | September 7, 1912 |
553 | 1600 | Trail Administrative Site, Idaho, Created for Caribou National Forest | September 7, 1912 |
554 | 1601 | Authorizing Appointment of James B. Brunemer as Watchman in Government Printing Office Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | September 7, 1912 |
555 | 1602 | Authorizing Appointment of Mabel Hiatt as Clerk in Department of Agriculture Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | September 7, 1912 |
556 | 1603 | Reserving Lands in California Pending Investigation as to Suitableness for Paiute or Other Indian Use | September 7, 1912 |
557 | 1604 | Authorizing Promotion of George E. Long to Clerk in Bureau of Insular Affairs Without Examination | September 12, 1912 |
558 | 1605 | Consolidating the Administrative District of Gorgona With that of Empire, and for Other Purposes | September 12, 1912 |
559 | 1606 | Reserving Land in Nevada for Indian Allotment Purposes | September 16, 1912 |
560 | 1607 | Internal Revenue District of South Carolina Consolidated with 4th District of North Carolina | September 16, 1912 |
561 | 1608 | Fourth Internal Revenue District of California Consolidated with 1st District | September 17, 1912 |
562 | 1609 | Authorizing Reinstatement of George S. Livingston in Pension Office Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | September 17, 1912 |
563 | 1610 | Camp John Hay Military Reservation, Baguio, Luzon, Philippine Islands, Modified | September 17, 1912 |
564 | 1611 | Liberty Administrative Site, Washington, Created for Wenatchee National Forest | September 19, 1912 |
565 | 1612 | Authorizing Appointment of R. A. Kirk as Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | September 21, 1912 |
566 | 1613 | Harbors Not Subject to Entry | September 23, 1912 |
567 | 1614 | Additional Pay for Gun Captains in Marine Corps Prescribed | September 23, 1912 |
568 | 1615 | Fourth Internal Revenue District of Texas Consolidated with 3rd District | September 23, 1912 |
569 | 1616 | Authorizing Promotion of George E. Long to Clerk in Bureau of Insular Affairs Without Examination | September 30, 1912 |
570 | 1617 | Camp Jossman and Camp Wilhelm Military Reservations, Philippine Islands, Abolished | September 30, 1912 |
571 | 1618 | 12th Internal Revenue District of Pennsylvania Consolidated with 9th District | September 30, 1912 |
572 | 1619 | Sublunary Administrative Site, Idaho, Created for Pend Oreille National Forest | October 2, 1912 |
573 | 1620 | Authorizing Reinstatement of John K. Robinson as Printer in Weather Bureau Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | October 4, 1912 |
574 | 1621 | Altering Lands Composing Reservation of Papago Indians | October 8, 1912 |
575 | 1622 | Oregon National Forest Diminished | October 11, 1912 |
576 | 1623 | Dome Mountain Administrative Site, Montana, Created for Absaroka National Forest | October 11, 1912 |
577 | 1624 | Amending Civil Service Rules to Limit Exceptions from Examination for Certain Postmasters | October 15, 1912 |
578 | 1625 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Charles A. Bronson as Assistant Postmaster Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | October 17, 1912 |
579 | 1626 | Station B Administrative Site of Palisade National Forest, Idaho, Modified | October 17, 1912 |
580 | 1627 | Authorizing Appointment of Ulysses S. Price as Deputy Shipping Commissioner Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | October 18, 1912 |
581 | 1628 | Fort Pikit and Fort Reina Regente Military Reservations, Cotabato, Moro Province, Philippine Islands, Created | October 19, 1912 |
582 | 1629 | Siassi Military Reservation, Moro Province, Philippine Islands, Enlarged | October 19, 1912 |
583 | 1630 | Authorizing Appointment of Louis R. Krumm as Chief Inspector in Bureau of Navigation, Department of Commerce and Labor, Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | October 28, 1912 |
584 | 1631 | Authorizing Appointment of De Lorma A. Morrow as Special Agent in Bureau of Corporations Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | October 28, 1912 |
585 | 1632 | Adding Lands in Nevada to the Moapa River Indian Reservation | October 28, 1912 |
586 | 1633 | Lands in Arizona Reserved as Rifle Range for National Guard | October 28, 1912 |
587 | 1634 | Sawyer Administrative Site, Utah, Created for Dixie National Forest | October 28, 1912 |
588 | 1635 | Authorizing Appointment of Guy Emerson as Special Agent in Treasury Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | October 28, 1912 |
589 | 1636 | Authorizing Appointment of E. O. Merchant as Special Agent in Bureau of Corporations Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | October 29, 1912 |
590 | 1637 | Revoking Executive Order No. 1556 of June 24, 1912 so as to Prescribe More Exact Proportions for All Flags and Union Jacks for Departments of Government | October 29, 1912 |
591 | 1638 | Authorizing Appointment of Mrs. Robert L. Bowman as Matron in Indian Service Without Examination | November 1, 1912 |
592 | 1639 | Penal Sum of Bond of Receiver of Public Moneys at Great Falls, Montana, Fixed at $30,000 | November 8, 1912 |
593 | 1640 | Deep Creek Administrative Site, Montana, Created for Helena National Forest | November 8, 1912 |
594 | 1641 | Deer Lick Administrative Site, Idaho, Created for Payette National Forest | November 8, 1912 |
595 | 1642 | Niobrara Reservation, Nebraska, Re-Established as Preserve and Breeding Ground for Birds | November 14, 1912 |
596 | 1643 | American Fork Administrative Site, Montana, Created for Absaroka National Forest | November 14, 1912 |
597 | 1644 | Exception of Employees at the Neopit Lumber Mills | November 15, 1912 |
598 | 1645 | County of Miami Transferred from 10th Internal Revenue Collection District of Ohio to 1st District | November 22, 1912 |
599 | 1646 | Little Walnut Administrative Site, Arizona, Created for Tonto National Forest | November 23, 1912 |
600 | 1647 | Ashland Administrative Site, Montana, Created for Custer National Forest | November 23, 1912 |
601 | 1648 | Vernal Land Office, Utah, Abolished; Transferred to Salt Lake City Land Office; Revoked by EO 1706 | November 23, 1912 |
602 | 1649 | Altering Lands Composing the Moapa River Indian Reservation | November 26, 1912 |
603 | 1650 | Authorizing Appointment of William R. Carpenter as Clerk in Post Office Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | November 27, 1912 |
604 | 1651 | Authorizing Transfer of George W. Baptist to Classified Position in Custom House Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | November 27, 1912 |
605 | 1652 | Authorizing Appointment of George H. Hamilton as Assistant Postmaster Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | November 29, 1912 |
606 | 1653 | Authorizing Reinstatement of W. B. Johnson in General Land Office Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | December 3, 1912 |
607 | 1654 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Louis H. Eberlein in Customs Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | December 3, 1912 |
608 | 1655 | Altering Lands Composing Reservation of Papago Indians | December 5, 1912 |
609 | 1656 | Directing the Chairman of the Isthmian Canal Commission to Take Possession of All Land and Land Under Water Within the Canal Zone | December 5, 1912 |
610 | 1657 | Authorizing Appointment of Dorsey E. Phillips as Clerk or Immigrant Inspector Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | December 7, 1912 |
611 | 1658 | Chemisso Island Reservation, Alaska, Created as Preserve and Breeding Ground for Birds | December 7, 1912 |
612 | 1659 | Revoking Civil Service Rule 3, Sec. 3, to Include Navy Department Artisan and Supervisory Artisan Positions in Competitive Classified Service | December 7, 1912 |
613 | 1660 | Alta Administrative Site at Bitterroot National Forest, Montana, Enlarged | December 10, 1912 |
614 | 1661 | Reserving Certain Lands at Port Angeles, Washington for the Treasury Department, the Forest Service, and the Weather Bureau | December 12, 1912 |
615 | 1662 | Authorizing Appointment of Alice Engle as Clerk in Department of Agriculture Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | December 14, 1912 |
616 | 1663 | Authorizing Appointment of Guy Emerson to Classified Position in Treasury Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | December 16, 1912 |
617 | 1664 | Pishkun Reservation, Montana, Created as Preserve and Breeding Ground for Native Birds | December 17, 1912 |
618 | 1665 | Authorizing Appointment of Charles R. Pickard in Competitive Classified Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | December 17, 1912 |
619 | 1666 | Authorizing Reinstatement of William C. Boutelle in Post Office Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | December 19, 1912 |
620 | 1667 | Authorizing Promotion of Thomas E. Price to Clerk in Post Office Department Without Examination | December 19, 1912 |
621 | 1668 | Authorizing Transfer of Horace P. De Hart to Position in Interior Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | December 19, 1912 |
622 | 1669 | Establishing Desecheo Island Reservation as a Preserve and Breeding Ground for Native Birds | December 19, 1912 |
623 | 1670 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Samuel E. Fouts as Assistant Examiner in Patent Office Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | December 30, 1912 |
624 | 1671 | Authorizing Appointment of W. D. Lundy as Clerk Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | December 31, 1912 |
625 | 1672 | Petersburg Administrative Site, Alaska, Created for Tongass National Forest | December 31, 1912 |
626 | 1673 | Comanche Administrative Site, Utah, Created for Use as a Ranger Station in the Administration of the Dixie National Forest | December 31, 1912 |
Relative No. | Absolute No. | Title/Description | Date signed |
627 | 1674 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Ralph D. Converse as Immigrant Inspector in Department of Commerce and Labor Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | January 1, 1913 |
628 | 1675 | Authorizing Reinstatement of James E. Taylor in Internal Revenue Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | January 3, 1913 |
629 | 1676 | Authorizing Reinstatement of William B. Kilpatrick to Competitive Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | January 8, 1913 |
630 | 1677 | Gallinas Administrative Site, New Mexico, created for Lincoln National Forest | January 8, 1913 |
631 | 1678 | Gravel Island Reservation, Lake Michigan, Created as Preserve and Breeding Ground for Birds | January 9, 1913 |
632 | 1679 | Authorizing Transfer of John J. Donahue in Bureau of Pensions Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | January 9, 1913 |
633 | 1680 | To Amend the Executive Order Providing for the Inspection of Steam Vessels | January 13, 1913 |
634 | 1681 | Reserving Lands in Nevada for the Paiute and Shoshoni Indians | January 14, 1913 |
635 | 1682 | Setting Aside Lands in Montana for Administrative Purposes in Connection with Flathead Indians | January 14, 1913 |
636 | 1683 | Dog Canyon Administrative Site, New Mexico, Created for Lincoln National Forest | January 16, 1913 |
637 | 1684 | Authorizing Appointment of Mrs. Ollie M. Croghan as Clerk in Department of Justice Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | January 17, 1913 |
638 | 1685 | Authorizing Appointment of Monico Lopez as Messenger in Office of the Chief of the Quartermaster Corps, United States Army, Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | January 21, 1913 |
639 | 1686 | Amending Schedule For Army Rations Regarding Lard and Ration for Troops on Transports | January 21, 1913 |
640 | 1687 | Authorizing Reinstatement of George J. Bunce to Subclerical Position in Mint and Assay Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | January 24, 1913 |
641 | 1688 | Authorizing Reemployment of John Moynihan as Laborer in Post Office at Kansas City, Missouri, Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | January 24, 1913 |
642 | 1689 | Authorizing Transfer of John Garcin in Forest Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | January 24, 1913 |
643 | 1690 | Authorizing Appointment of Mrs. C. E. Jones as Clerk in Classified Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | January 24, 1913 |
644 | 1691 | Authorizing Promotion of Gertrude Printz to Clerk Treasury Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | January 24, 1913 |
645 | 1692 | Authorizing Placement of Mrs. Mabel P. LeRoy in Classified Service in Interior Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | January 27, 1913 |
646 | 1693 | Authorizing Appointment of Laura A. Thompson as Clerk in Children's Bureau Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | January 27, 1913 |
647 | 1694 | Sum of Penal Bond of Receiver of Public Moneys at Guthrie, Oklahoma, Fixed at $15,000 | January 27, 1913 |
648 | 1695 | Amending Consular Regulations, Paragraph 35, Regarding Bonding of Interpreters Promoted from Student Corps | January 29, 1913 |
649 | 1696 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Will S. Cox as Railway Mail Clerk Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | February 3, 1913 |
650 | 1697 | Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Exceptions from Examination in Navy Department | February 4, 1913 |
651 | 1698 | Authorizing Appointment of Cyrus F. Adams to Competitive Position Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | February 7, 1913 |
652 | 1699 | Reserving Lands in Arizona for Use of Navajo Indians | February 10, 1913 |
653 | 1700 | Reserving Lands in New Mexico for Use of Navajo Indians | February 10, 1913 |
654 | 1701 | Kansas National Forest Enlarged | February 10, 1913 |
655 | 1702 | Certain Government Employees Granted Leave to Attend U.S.S. Maine Memorial Services on Feb. 15, 1913 | February 12, 1913 |
656 | 1703 | Agur Barracks Military Reservation, Jolo, Moro Province, Philippine Islands, Enlarged | February 14, 1913 |
657 | 1704 | Poviding That Las Sabanas Be Excepted from the Provisions of Executive Order of Dec. 5, 1912 | February 18, 1913 |
658 | 1705 | Providing that United States Citizens Employed for 1 Year on Isthmus of Panama May Be Transferred to Corresponding Positions in Classified Service in Executive Departments | February 18, 1913 |
659 | 1706 | Revoking EO 1648, Which Had Abolished Vernal Land Office, Utah | February 20, 1913 |
660 | 1707 | Authorizing Promotion and Appointment of John Fitzgerald as Merchandise Sampler in Treasury Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | February 20, 1913 |
661 | 1708 | Authorizing Promotion and Transfer of Martin J. Murphy to Clerk in Treasury Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | February 20, 1913 |
662 | 1709 | Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Exceptions from Examination in Treasury Department | February 20, 1913 |
663 | 1710 | Authorizing Reinstatement of David C. Hanawalt in Bureau of Animal Industry Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | February 20, 1913 |
664 | 1711 | Authorizing Reinstatement of John S. Beach in Pension Office Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | February 21, 1913 |
665 | 1712 | Passports Issued to Laborers from Foreign Countries | February 24, 1913 |
666 | 1713 | Five Islands in West Sound, Washington (Including Sheep, Double, Victim, and Freeman) Reserved for Public Purposes | February 24, 1913 |
667 | 1714 | Amending Civil Service Rules Regarding Former Private Secretaries in Post Office Department | February 25, 1913 |
668 | 1715 | Authorizing Appointment of John J. Farrell as Letter Carrier in Brooklyn, New York, Post Office Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | February 25, 1913 |
669 | 1716 | Approved Findings and Conclusions of Commissioners Francis M. Corkrell and Sam R. Scott Regarding Boundary Line Between New Mexico and Texas | February 25, 1913 |
670 | 1717 | Chamberlain Land District, South Dakota, Abolished; Transferred to Gregory Land District | February 26, 1913 |
671 | 1718 | Office for Gregory Land District, South Dakota, Moved from Gregory to Carter | February 26, 1913 |
672 | 1719 | Certain Lands Transferred from Chamberlain Land District, South Dakota, to Pierre Land District | February 26, 1913 |
673 | 1720 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Ralph Hoagland as Laboratory Inspector in Bureau of Animal Industry Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | February 26, 1913 |
674 | 1721 | Authorizing Appointment of Matthew A. Henson to Any Suitable Position in Classified Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | February 26, 1913 |
675 | 1722 | Authorizing Appointment of Charles A. Gibson in Bureau of Plant Industry Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | February 26, 1913 |
676 | 1722½ | Providing a Method of Compensation for Personal Injuries to, or for the Death of, Employees of the Isthmian Canal Commission and of the Panama Railroad Company | February 26, 1913 |
677 | 1723 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Frank P. Caviezel in Internal Revenue Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | February 27, 1913 |
678 | 1724 | Authorizing Appointment of Seward Charles in Office of the Supervising Architect in the Treasury Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | February 27, 1913 |
679 | 1725 | Authorizing Transfer of Alexander J. Stormont to Clerk in Classified Service Without Examination | February 28, 1913 |
680 | 1726 | Authorizing Transfer of Aaron Burnett in Treasury Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | February 28, 1913 |
681 | 1727 | Authorizing Transfer of William F. Smith to Classified Position Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | February 28, 1913 |
682 | 1728 | Federal Per Diem Employees and Day Laborers Excused from Work on Inauguration Day, March 4, 1913 | February 28, 1913 |
683 | 1729 | Authorizing Appointment of Louise F. Bradley as Charwoman in State, War, and Navy Department Building Without Regard to Labor Regulations | March 3, 1913 |
684 | 1730 | Authorizing Appointment of Col. Heber M. Creel as Supervisor of Indian Schools Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | March 3, 1913 |
685 | 1731 | Authorizing Appointment of Katharine T. Gerald in Bureau of Pensions Without Examination | March 3, 1913 |
686 | 1732 | Authorizing Appointment of Alice E. Gibbs to Classified Position Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | March 3, 1913 |
687 | 1733 | Establishing Aleutian Islands Reservation as Preserve for Native Birds, Animals, and Fish | March 3, 1913 |
688 | 1734 | Authorizing Appointment of Jesse L. Suter as Clerk in Classified Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | March 3, 1913 |
689 | 1735 | Authorizing Appointment of Thomas Butler as Laborer in Classified Service Without Examination | March 3, 1913 |
690 | 1736 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Joab P. Foster as Veterinary Inspector in Department of Agriculture Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | March 3, 1913 |
691 | 1737 | Authorizing Reinstatement of Fred Roege as Assistant Postmaster Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | March 3, 1913 |
692 | 1738 | Authorizing Appointment of Charles H. Shaw in New York Customs Service Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | March 3, 1913 |
693 | 1739 | Authorizing Reinstatement of H. Norman Fleming as Clerk in Pension Office Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | March 3, 1913 |
694 | 1740 | Authorizing Appointment of Catherine Branan as Charwoman in Treasury Department Without Regard to Civil Service Rules\ | March 3, 1913 |
695 | 1741 | Authorizing Appointment of Edward Hawkins as Laborer in Department of Agriculture Without Regard to Civil Service Rules | March 3, 1913 |
696 | 1742 | Cottonwood Administrative Site, Utah, Created for La Sal National Forest | March 3, 1913 |
697 | 1743 | Nebo National Forest, Utah, Diminished and the Excluded Lands Withdrawn for Classification and Eventual Restoration to Settlement and Entry | March 3, 1913 |
Presidential proclamations
Relative No. | Absolute No. | Title/Description | Date signed |
1 | 872 | Extra Session of Congress (Mar. 6) | March 6, 1909 |
2 | 882 | Setting Aside the Gran Quivira National Monument, New Mexico |
Relative No. | Absolute No. | Title/Description | Date signed |
3 | 1021 | Extending United States Copyright Protections to the Works of Certain Foreign Authors | April 9, 1910 |
Relative No. | Absolute No. | Title/Description | Date signed |
4 | 1175 | Admitting New Mexico to the Union | January 6, 1912 |
5 | 1180 | Admitting Arizona to the Union | February 14, 1912 |
6 | 1225 | Panama Canal Toll Rates | November 13, 1912 |
Relative No. | Absolute No. | Title/Description | Date signed |
7 | 1236 | Modifying Leadville National Forest, Colorado (Mar. 3) | March 3, 1913 |
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