List of generation III Pokémon
The third generation (Generation III) of the Pokémon franchise features 135 fictional species of creatures introduced to the core video game series in the 2002 Game Boy Advance games Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire. Some Pokémon in this generation were introduced in animated adaptations of the franchise before Ruby and Sapphire.

List of Pokémon by generation |
Related: List of Pokémon |
The following list details the 135 Pokémon of Generation III in order of their National Pokédex number. The first Pokémon, Treecko, is number 252 and the last, Deoxys, is number 386. Alternate forms that result in type changes are included for convenience. Mega evolutions and regional forms are included on the pages for the generation in which they were introduced.
Design and development
Nintendo Life noted in a retrospective that the third generation of Pokémon has a very different "feel" from the two generations that came before it because almost all of its 135 new Pokémon – save for Azurill and Wynaut – have no relation to those of the previous generations. Unlike the first two generations, two of the "starter" Pokémon of Ruby and Sapphire gain a secondary typing in their final form, giving them a wider range of abilities. Ruby and Sapphire features two "Mythical Pokémon" – Jirachi and Deoxys – both of which became available to coincide with their respective anime movies.[1]
Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire significantly increased the amount of "Dark" and "Steel"-type Pokémon in the series, as only a few Pokémon in previous generations used these typings. Hardcore Gamer also noted that many of the new Pokémon made use of "dual typing", where Pokémon have both a primary and a secondary type; this wasn't nearly as common in Red and Blue or Gold and Silver.[2]
List of Pokémon
Name | National Pokédex number |
Type(s) | Evolves into | Notes | ||
English | Japanese | Primary | Secondary | |||
Treecko | Kimori (キモリ)[4] | 252 | Grass | Grovyle (#253) | Treecko has claws at the bottom of its feet so it can scale walls and ceilings. | |
Grovyle | Juputoru (ジュプトル)[5] | 253 | Grass | Sceptile (#254) | ||
Sceptile | Jukain (ジュカイン)[6] | 254 | Grass | Mega Evolution | A playable character in Pokkén Tournament and its counterpart. It is based on the Dilophosaurus. | |
Torchic | Achamo (アチャモ)[4] | 255 | Fire | Combusken (#256) | It can scorch foes black with its fireballs it produces in its stomach. Its English name is a portmanteau of "torch" and "chick", as the latter alludes that Torchic is based on a baby chicken. | |
Combusken | Wakashamo (ワカシャモ)[5] | 256 | Fire | Fighting | Blaziken (#257) | It can produce about 100 kicks a second. |
Blaziken | Bashāmo (バシャーモ)[6] | 257 | Fire | Fighting | Mega Evolution | A playable character in Pokkén Tournament and its counterrparts. It can leap high in the air and deliver amazing fiery kicks. |
Mudkip | Mizugorō (ミズゴロウ)[4] | 258 | Water | Marshtomp (#259) | The fin on its head acts as a radar for its surroundings. Even in muddy water, Mudkip can sense where it's going. | |
Marshtomp | Numakurō (ヌマクロー)[5] | 259 | Water | Ground | Swampert (#260) | |
Swampert | Ragurāji (ラグラージ)[6] | 260 | Water | Ground | Mega Evolution | |
Poochyena | Pochiena (ポチエナ)[5] | 261 | Dark | Mightyena (#262) | It is the first Generation III Pokémon to be a pure Dark type and the second after Umbreon. | |
Mightyena | Guraena (グラエナ)[7] | 262 | Dark | End of evolution | ||
Zigzagoon | Jiguzaguma (ジグザグマ)[5] | 263 | Normal | Linoone (#264) | It is interested in everything, curiously wandering in a zigzag pattern. Its Galarian form is a Dark Type on top of its Normal Type. | |
Linoone | Massuguma (マッスグマ)[8] | 264 | Normal | End of evolution | ||
Wurmple | Kemusso (ケムッソ)[9] | 265 | Bug | Silcoon (#266) Cascoon (#268) |
Silcoon | Karasarisu (カラサリス)[8] | 266 | Bug | Beautifly (#267) | It anchors itself to tree branches using silk, and awaits for its own evolution. | |
Beautifly | Agehanto (アゲハント)[6] | 267 | Bug | Flying | End of evolution | Just put a potted flower outside and you'll see a Beautifly since its favorite food is nectar. |
Cascoon | Mayurudo (マユルド)[8] | 268 | Bug | Dustox (#269) | ||
Dustox | Dokukeiru (ドクケイル)[8] | 269 | Bug | Poison | End of evolution | It is attracted to light. It can also strip forests clean. |
Lotad | Hasubō (ハスボー)[10] | 270 | Water | Grass | Lombre (#271) | |
Lombre | Hasuburero (ハスブレロ)[11] | 271 | Water | Grass | Ludicolo (#272) | |
Ludicolo | Runpappa (ルンパッパ)[12] | 272 | Water | Grass | End of evolution | In Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness, multiple Ludicolo are used on the team of the main antagonist, Miror B. |
Seedot | Tanebō (タネボー)[8] | 273 | Grass | Nuzleaf (#274) | The more it drinks, the more gloss it has. | |
Nuzleaf | Konohana (コノハナ)[8] | 274 | Grass | Dark | Shiftry (#275) | |
Shiftry | Dātengu (ダーテング)[4] | 275 | Grass | Dark | End of evolution | Design inspired by the Japanese mythological creature Tengu.[13] |
Taillow | Subame (スバメ)[14] | 276 | Normal | Flying | Swellow (#277) | |
Swellow | Ōsubame (オオスバメ)[6] | 277 | Normal | Flying | End of evolution | |
Wingull | Kyamome (キャモメ)[8] | 278 | Water | Flying | Pelipper (#279) | |
Pelipper | Perippā (ペリッパー)[6] | 279 | Water | Flying | End of evolution | |
Ralts | Rarutosu (ラルトス)[8] | 280 | Psychic | Fairy[nb 2] | Kirlia (#281) | It uses its horns to sense someone's emotions. When it feels threatened, it will hide and will not come out until the feeling dissipates. |
Kirlia | Kiruria (キルリア)[6] | 281 | Psychic | Fairy[nb 2] | Gardevoir (#282) Gallade (#475)[nb 3] |
The happier its Trainer feels, the happier and stronger it is. It will also dance at sunrises. |
Gardevoir | Sānaito (サーナイト)[15] | 282 | Psychic | Fairy[nb 2] | Mega Evolution | If its Trainer is in danger, it will creates small black holes to protect them or when all else fails, it will even sacrifice itself for the sake of its Trainer. |
Surskit | Ametama (アメタマ)[8] | 283 | Bug | Water | Masquerain (#284) | |
Masquerain | Amemōsu (アメモース)[16] | 284 | Bug | Flying | End of evolution | To scare off predators or intimidate its foes, it will show off its wings which look like massive eyeballs. |
Shroomish | Kinokoko (キノココ)[17] | 285 | Grass | Breloom (#286) | ||
Breloom | Kinogassa (キノガッサ)[12] | 286 | Grass | Fighting | End of evolution | When it fights, its hands will stretch to massive lengths for maximum punch power. |
Slakoth | Namakero (ナマケロ)[18] | 287 | Normal | Vigoroth (#288) | It moves so little, its diet consists of only 3 leaves a day. | |
Vigoroth | Yarukimono (ヤルキモノ)[6] | 288 | Normal | Slaking (#289) | After it evolves, it can't sit still anymore, it has to move somehow or else it will get very stressed and attack. | |
Slaking | Kekkingu (ケッキング)[12] | 289 | Normal | End of evolution | Slaking has the highest base stat total of all Pokémon aside from Legendary Pokémon, Mythical Pokémon, and Mega Evolutions. | |
Nincada | Tsuchinin (ツチニン)[8] | 290 | Bug | Ground | Ninjask (#291) Shedinja (#292) |
Ninjask | Tekkanin (テッカニン)[8] | 291 | Bug | Flying | End of evolution | |
Shedinja | Nukenin (ヌケニン)[8] | 292 | Bug | Ghost | End of evolution | When a Nincada evolves into a Ninjask and there is an extra space in the player's party, a Shedinja is created from the Nincada's shed exoskeleton.[19] People say if you look in the hole in the back of its body, your soul will be stolen. |
Whismur | Gonyonyo (ゴニョニョ)[20] | 293 | Normal | Loudred (#294) | If it's safe you can barely hear it, even if you listen closely. If it's in danger, it will yell at an ear-splitting volume. | |
Loudred | Dogōmu (ドゴーム)[8] | 294 | Normal | Exploud (#295) | ||
Exploud | Bakuongu (バクオング)[21] | 295 | Normal | End of evolution | ||
Makuhita | Makunoshita (マクノシタ)[14] | 296 | Fighting | Hariyama (#297) | Even if it gets knocked down, the power used for it to get back up is stored to use for its evolution. | |
Hariyama | Hariteyama (ハリテヤマ)[22] | 297 | Fighting | End of evolution | ||
Azurill | Ruriri (ルリリ)[18] | 298 | Normal | Fairy[nb 4] | Marill (#183) | |
Nosepass | Nozupasu (ノズパス)[8] | 299 | Rock | Probopass (#476) | No matter what, two Nosepasses cannot face each other due to the fact their magnetic noses will always face north. A great Pokémon for campers. | |
Skitty | Eneko (エネコ)[5] | 300 | Normal | Delcatty (#301) | Skitty will chase and play with any thing that moves, so it chases its tail a lot. | |
Delcatty | Enekororo (エネコロロ)[6] | 301 | Normal | End of evolution | ||
Sableye | Yamirami (ヤミラミ)[22] | 302 | Dark | Ghost | Mega Evolution | Designed inspired by the Hopkinsville goblin, an alien-like creature reported to be seen in Kentucky in the 1950s.[13][19] It loves to eat gems, most of the gems are stolen by Carbink. |
Mawile | Kuchīto (クチート)[6] | 303 | Steel | Fairy[nb 5] | Mega Evolution | Design inspired by the Japanese yōkai Futakuchi-onna, a woman said to have a second mouth on the back of her head in a cautionary tale about extreme dieting.[13] Its "second mouth" on the back of its head is actually two steel horns fused together. It will lure foes or prey in with its docile looking face, then use its massive jaws to bite and eat them. |
Aron | Kokodora (ココドラ)[6] | 304 | Steel | Rock | Lairon (#305) | Arons love to eat metal as their diet consists of it. Sometimes it will eat railroad tracks and cause massive chaos. |
Lairon | Kodora (コドラ)[8] | 305 | Steel | Rock | Aggron (#306) | |
Aggron | Bosugodora (ボスゴドラ)[16] | 306 | Steel | Rock | Mega Evolution | |
Meditite | Asanan (アサナン)[23] | 307 | Fighting | Psychic | Medicham (#308) | |
Medicham | Chāremu (チャーレム)[14] | 308 | Fighting | Psychic | Mega Evolution | |
Electrike | Rakurai (ラクライ)[8] | 309 | Electric | Manectric (#310) | ||
Manectric | Raiboruto (ライボルト)[22] | 310 | Electric | Mega Evolution | Design inspired by the mythological Japanese creature Raijū, a being composed purely of lightning said to take on many quadrupedal forms.[13] | |
Plusle | Purasuru (プラスル)[14][24] | 311 | Electric | No evolution | It will cheer with sparks made from its body. | |
Minun | Mainan (マイナン)[14] | 312 | Electric | No evolution | If things aren't going well, Minun will create a spark shower to help cheer on its teammates. | |
Volbeat | Barubīto (バルビート)[8] | 313 | Bug | No evolution | ||
Illumise | Irumīze (イルミーゼ)[25] | 314 | Bug | No evolution | ||
Roselia | Rozeria (ロゼリア)[8] | 315 | Grass | Poison | Roserade (#407) | If anyone tries to steal the flowers on its arms, they'll be met with a bunch of thorns on its arms. |
Gulpin | Gokurin (ゴクリン)[6] | 316 | Poison | Swalot (#317) | Most of its body consists of its powerful stomach, whose acid can dissolve anything. | |
Swalot | Marunōmu (マルノーム)[8] | 317 | Poison | End of evolution | ||
Carvanha | Kibania (キバニア)[8] | 318 | Water | Dark | Sharpedo (#319) | Carvanha are based on the red piranha.[26] It can effortlessly rip holes in boats with one bite. |
Sharpedo | Samehadā (サメハダー)[18] | 319 | Water | Dark | Mega Evolution | Sharpedo are based on sharks.[26] Nicknamed the "brutal Pokemon of the seas", Sharpedo will chase after ships and bite huge holes in them. |
Wailmer | Hoeruko (ホエルコ)[5] | 320 | Water | Wailord (#321) | ||
Wailord | Hoeruō (ホエルオー)[27] | 321 | Water | End of evolution | ||
Numel | Donmeru (ドンメル)[8] | 322 | Fire | Ground | Camerupt (#323) | Numel is not smart. Although it can't feel much pain, it can't stand hunger for a second. |
Camerupt | Bakūda (バクーダ)[28] | 323 | Fire | Ground | Mega Evolution | |
Torkoal | Kōtasu (コータス)[8] | 324 | Fire | No evolution | ||
Spoink | Banebū (バネブー)[7] | 325 | Psychic | Grumpig (#326) | The reason it keeps bouncing on its tail is because it keeps its heart going. If it stops, it dies. | |
Grumpig | Būpiggu (ブーピッグ)[8] | 326 | Psychic | End of evolution | ||
Spinda | Patchīru (パッチール)[7] | 327 | Normal | No evolution | Because of randomly-generated spot patterns, there can exist 4,294,967,296 different variations of Spinda in the games. Junichi Masuda has noted that much planning and discussion had to be done to make this feasible in game, and because of this, Spinda has become a favorite Pokémon of his.[29] | |
Trapinch | Nakkurā (ナックラー)[8] | 328 | Ground | Vibrava (#329) | ||
Vibrava | Biburāba (ビブラーバ)[8] | 329 | Ground | Dragon | Flygon (#330) | |
Flygon | Furaigon (フライゴン)[14] | 330 | Ground | Dragon | End of evolution | A Mega Evolution of Flygon was planned for Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, but was cancelled due to design problems.[30] |
Cacnea | Sabonea (サボネア)[5] | 331 | Grass | Cacturne (#332) | ||
Cacturne | Nokutasu (ノクタス)[4] | 332 | Grass | Dark | End of evolution | It'll wait in deserts for travelers to faint, then it will strike. |
Swablu | Chirutto (チルット)[31] | 333 | Normal | Flying | Altaria (#334) | It likes to land on people's head like a fluffy hat. |
Altaria | Chirutarisu (チルタリス)[14] | 334 | Dragon | Flying | Mega Evolution | Altaria is said to have a beautiful soprano singing voice, which can be heard when it is flying through the sky. |
Zangoose | Zangūsu (ザングース)[32] | 335 | Normal | No evolution | Has a lifelong feud with Seviper. | |
Seviper | Habunēku (ハブネーク)[5] | 336 | Poison | No evolution | It will automatically fight Zangoose, its rival, until something stops them or one runs away. | |
Lunatone | Runatōn (ルナトーン)[8] | 337 | Rock | Psychic | No evolution | |
Solrock | Sorurokku (ソルロック)[8] | 338 | Rock | Psychic | No evolution | |
Barboach | Dojotchi (ドジョッチ)[8] | 339 | Water | Ground | Whiscash (#340) | Barboach are based on the pond loach.[26] |
Whiscash | Namazun (ナマズン)[4] | 340 | Water | Ground | End of evolution | The design of Whiscash was inspired by the mythological Namazu, a giant catfish said to cause earthquakes.[13] |
Corphish | Heigani (ヘイガニ)[5] | 341 | Water | Crawdaunt (#342) | ||
Crawdaunt | Shizarigā (シザリガー)[6] | 342 | Water | Dark | End of evolution | |
Baltoy | Yajiron (ヤジロン)[8] | 343 | Ground | Psychic | Claydol (#344) | |
Claydol | Nendōru (ネンドール)[8] | 344 | Ground | Psychic | End of evolution | |
Lileep | Rirīra (リリーラ)[8] | 345 | Rock | Grass | Cradily (#346) | |
Cradily | Yureidoru (ユレイドル)[8] | 346 | Rock | Grass | End of evolution | It will use its petals to grab and eat its prey. |
Anorith | Anopusu (アノプス)[8] | 347 | Rock | Bug | Armaldo (#348) | |
Armaldo | Āmarudo (アーマルド)[8] | 348 | Rock | Bug | End of evolution | |
Feebas | Hinbasu (ヒンバス)[8] | 349 | Water | Milotic (#350) | Feebas are based on the largemouth bass.[26] | |
Milotic | Mirokarosu (ミロカロス)[33] | 350 | Water | End of evolution | Said to be the most beautiful Pokémon in the world, many pieces of beautiful artworks contains it. Milotic are based on the oarfish.[26] | |
Castform | Powarun (ポワルン)[16] | 351 | Normal | No evolution | Capable of changing between its four forms depending on in-battle weather effects with its signature ability, Forecast. | |
Water | In rain, Forecast changes Castform to its "Rainy Form", which is Water type and resembles a raindrop. | |||||
Ice | In hail, Forecast changes Castform to its "Snowy Form", which is Ice type and resembles a snowy cloud. | |||||
Fire | In harsh sunlight, Forecast changes Castform to its "Sunny Form", which is Fire type and resembles the sun. | |||||
Kecleon | Kakureon (カクレオン)[8] | 352 | Normal | No evolution | Although it can turn invisible, the red stripe can always be seen. | |
Shuppet | Kagebōzu (カゲボウズ)[8] | 353 | Ghost | Banette (#354) | ||
Banette | Jupetta (ジュペッタ)[22] | 354 | Ghost | Mega Evolution | Banette's fictional origin story states that it used to be a plush doll that was thrown away by a child and that its "feelings of hatred were so strong that it came to life to seek revenge."[19] | |
Duskull | Yomawaru (ヨマワル)[8] | 355 | Ghost | Dusclops (#356) | The design of Duskull and its evolution are inspired by mummies and the Japanese ghost Chōchin-obake.[19] It can go through any wall, no matter how thick it may be, to chase people until sunrise, at which time the chase is abandoned. | |
Dusclops | Samayōru (サマヨール)[8] | 356 | Ghost | Dusknoir (#477) | It is said that anything that goes into its hollow body will never be seen again. | |
Tropius | Toropiusu (トロピウス)[32] | 357 | Grass | Flying | No evolution | |
Chimecho | Chirīn (チリーン)[7] | 358 | Psychic | End of evolution | ||
Absol | Abusoru (アブソル)[5] | 359 | Dark | Mega Evolution | It can tell when horrible disasters are about to come because it can sense them with its fine hairs. | |
Wynaut | Sōnano (ソーナノ)[7] | 360 | Psychic | Wobbuffet (#202) | Don't look at its always smiling face to tell if its mad, look at its tail. If it's mad, its will be slamming on the ground. | |
Snorunt | Yukiwarashi (ユキワラシ)[8] | 361 | Ice | Glalie (#362) Froslass (#478)[nb 6] |
Glalie | Onigōri (オニゴーリ)[28] | 362 | Ice | Mega Evolution | ||
Spheal | Tamazarashi (タマザラシ)[8] | 363 | Ice | Water | Sealeo (#364) | When its time to eat, they tend to clap in appreciation. Therefore, its dinnertimes are quite noisy. |
Sealeo | Todogurā (トドグラー)[8] | 364 | Ice | Water | Walrein (#365) | It likes to bounce things on its nose. Sometimes, it will even balance Spheals. |
Walrein | Todozeruga (トドゼルガ)[8] | 365 | Ice | Water | End of evolution | |
Clamperl | Pāruru (パールル)[8] | 366 | Water | Huntail (#367) Gorebyss (#368) |
Huntail | Hantēru (ハンテール)[8] | 367 | Water | End of evolution | Huntail are based on the onejaw.[26] When hunting, it lures prey in with its fish-like tail, then savagely rips them apart. | |
Gorebyss | Sakurabisu (サクラビス)[8] | 368 | Water | End of evolution | Although is quite pretty to some, it is very cruel. It will insert the very thin mouth it has into its prey and drink them dry. Gorebyss are based on the snipe eel.[26] | |
Relicanth | Jīransu (ジーランス)[8] | 369 | Water | Rock | No evolution | An ancient Pokémon that has been around for millions of years, Relicanths actually haven't changed. Relicanth are based on the coelecanth.[26] |
Luvdisc | Rabukasu (ラブカス)[34] | 370 | Water | No evolution | Various critics consider Luvdisc among the most "useless" and "lazily designed" Pokémon.[35][36][37][38] Luvdisc are based on the kissing gourami.[26] When two people are out dating on the beach, you can tell they really love each other if Luvdiscs appear. | |
Bagon | Tatsubei (タツベイ)[8] | 371 | Dragon | Shelgon (#372) | It has many dreams about being able to fly, so it tries to in doomed efforts by throwing itself off of high cliffs. In return, its head becomes really hard, to bash its foes' skulls in. | |
Shelgon | Komorū (コモルー)[8] | 372 | Dragon | Salamence (#373) | Waiting to evolve again, Shelgon usually moves quite fast. However, if its in cold places, its movements turn sluggish. | |
Salamence | Bōmanda (ボーマンダ)[12] | 373 | Dragon | Flying | Mega Evolution | Now able to fly like it once had dreamed of doing as a Bagon, it flies very high, to see how high it can go. |
Beldum | Danbaru (ダンバル)[8] | 374 | Steel | Psychic | Metang (#375) | Instead of blood coursing through its veins, it has grains of metal rushing through. |
Metang | Metangu (メタング)[8] | 375 | Steel | Psychic | Metagross (#376) | When two Beldums fuse, the result is a Metang. |
Metagross | Metagurosu (メタグロス)[28] | 376 | Steel | Psychic | Mega Evolution | Metagross is a result of four Beldums or two Metangs. It eats through its mouth on the bottom of its stomach. |
Regirock | Rejirokku (レジロック)[39] | 377 | Rock | No evolution | If it's hurt, it will attach rocks to repair itself that scientists found out come from different parts of the world. | |
Regice | Rejiaisu (レジアイス)[32] | 378 | Ice | No evolution | Regice is made of the coldest and thickest ice in the world. Magma and lava won't even partially melt it because it has the ability to cool down the air by 60 degrees. | |
Registeel | Rejisuchiru (レジスチル)[39] | 379 | Steel | No evolution | The metal its made of is an unknown type of metal that is the hardest and most scratch-resistant, and has the highest melting point of any other metal in the world. In fact, it is so scratch-resistant that not even fire, cannon shots, or diamonds can hurt it. | |
Latias | Ratiasu (ラティアス)[5] | 380 | Dragon | Psychic | Mega Evolution | Part of the Eon duo, Latias can fly faster than a fighter jet, turn invisible, and can understand human speech. |
Latios | Ratiosu (ラティオス)[5] | 381 | Dragon | Psychic | Mega Evolution | The other half of the Eon duo, Latios is very similar to its counterpart. It's a bit better though when it comes to power. |
Kyogre | Kaiōga (カイオーガ)[23][40] | 382 | Water | Primal Reversion | Legends tell of it expanding the seas. It had a devastatingly powerful fight with Groudon over control of land until Rayquaza stopped them. | |
Groudon | Gurādon (グラードン)[14] | 383 | Ground | Primal Reversion | It can expand the land continuously. It had a destructive battle with Kyogre over rule of the land until Rayquaza stopped it. | |
Rayquaza | Rekkūza (レックウザ)[41] | 384 | Dragon | Flying | Mega Evolution | It feeds on meteorites to fuel its Mega Evolution while it lives in the ozone layer. Once it came down to stop the massive fight between the powerful Groudon and the mighty Kyogre. |
Jirachi | Jirāchi (ジラーチ)[18] | 385 | Steel | Psychic | No evolution | Legends have it that Jirachi sleeps every 1,000 years and if you write your wishes on the tags on its forehead, it might grant them. |
Deoxys | Deokishisu (デオキシス)[41] | 386 | Psychic | No evolution | Deoxys is capable of changing between four "forms"—Normal, Attack, Defense and Speed—each of which differs by base stat values, effort value yield and appearance.[42] In the Game Boy Advance games, Deoxys' forme changes depending on the game it is used in; subsequent games allow players to freely select each form by interacting with meteorites found in specific in-game locations. Deoxys is an alien that was born when a crystal had been hit with UV rays. | |
Reception to Generation III's Pokémon has been polarizing. Alex Carlson of Hardcore Gamer wrote in 2014 that the third generation of Pokémon games was not well received by fans of the series, with some people calling the generation the "worst in the series history".[2] This was in part because Ruby and Sapphire did not allow players to transfer in their Pokémon from previous generations and, because of this, many older Pokémon were completely unavailable in the games until Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen were released a few years later.[43] Meanwhile, many of the new Pokémon designs, such as those for Torchic, Feebas, Luvdisc, Castform and Clamperl, were criticized for being unoriginal.[2][43][44] Contrastingly, some designs, including Breloom, Aggron, and the aforementioned Castform were praised for their coolness, with the large variety of unique legendary Pokémon also helping the third generation feel fresh and new.[45] While Ruby and Sapphire were recognized for introducing less memorable designs than their predecessors, designs like Milotic, Salamence, Metagross, Rayquaza, and Blaziken made the overall generation a satisfying supplement to the existing Pokédex.[46]
The third generation has had its share of enduringly popular designs. Eighteen years after the release of Ruby and Sapphire, Rayquaza and Gardevoir finished 8th and 9th in 2020's Pokémon of the Year vote,[47] with Flygon, Sceptile, and Blaziken also among the top 30.[48] Rayquaza also finished 8th in a 2016 Japanese poll, with Jirachi and Kyogre among the top 25.[49] A popularity vote on the Pokémon subreddit featured Blaziken at 5th, joined in the top 25 by Gardevoir, Absol, Flygon, and Mudkip.[50]
- Details on Pokémon names, National Pokédex numbers, types and evolutions are obtained from The Pokémon Company International's online Pokédex.[3]
- Prior to X and Y, Ralts, Kirlia and Gardevoir were pure Psychic types.
- Only male Kirlia are capable of evolving into Gallade; however, both male and female Kirlia can become Gardevoir.
- Prior to X and Y, Azurill was pure Normal type.
- Prior to X and Y, Mawile was a pure Steel type.
- Only female Snorunt are capable of evolving into Froslass; however, both male and female Snorunt can become Glalie.
- Merrick, Joe (2015-11-05). "Feature: A Pokémon Retrospective: Generation 3 - 2002 to 2006". Nintendo Life.
- Carlson, Alex (2014-05-13). "How Ruby and Sapphire Changed the Pokemon Series Forever". Hardcore Gamer.
- "Pokédex". The Pokémon Company International. 2015. Retrieved October 19, 2015.
- "キメわざポケモンキッズDP4". Bandai Co., Ltd. (via WebCite). December 2009. Archived from the original on 28 July 2010. Retrieved 28 July 2010.
- "キメわざポケモンキッズ". Bandai Co., Ltd. (via WebCite). October 2005. Archived from the original on 28 July 2010. Retrieved 28 July 2010.
- "キメわざポケモンキッズ4". Bandai Co., Ltd. (via WebCite). July 2006. Archived from the original on 28 July 2010. Retrieved 28 July 2010.
- "丸美屋ゲットシール". Marumiya (via WebCite). December 2009. Retrieved 30 March 2012.
- "Battle Dictionary" (PDF). The Pokémon Company International. Retrieved 1 February 2016.
- "第4776810号". 4 June 2004. Archived from the original on 28 July 2010.IPDL
- "第4710776号". 19 September 2003. Archived from the original on 28 July 2010.IPDL
- "第4702101号". 22 August 2003. Archived from the original on 28 July 2010.IPDL
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