List of loanwords in Konkani
The Konkani language spoken in the Indian state of Goa has loanwords from multiple languages, including Arabic, Portuguese, English and Sanskrit. This is a list of loanwords in the Konkani language.
Goa coastline at Dona Paula
Portuguese words in Konkani[1][2][3]
Catholic spiritual terms with Latin origins
Konkani | Latin | Portuguese | English |
Aamen | Amen | Amém | Amen |
Alma | Anima | Alma | Soul |
Padri | Patrem | Padre | Priest |
Bom | Bonum | Bom | Good |
Doth | Dotarium | Dote | Dowry |
Fest | Festa | Festa | Feast |
Interrak | Interrare | Enterrado | Interred/Burial |
Madri | Matrem | Madre | Nun |
Rit | Ritus | Rito | Rite |
Sagrad | Sacris | Sagrado | Holy |
São/Sant | Sanctus | São/Santo | Saint/Holy |
Konkani | Portuguese | English |
Bom Fest | Boa festa | Happy Feast |
Bom Jesu | Bom Jesus | Good Jesus |
Obrigad | Obrigado | Thank you |
Cantar | Cantar | hymns |
Cantar Miss | Cantar Missa | Sung Mass/Extraordinary Mass |
Santa Cruz | Santa Cruz | Holy Cross |
Khuris/Cruz | Cruz | Cross |
Carnaval | Carnaval | Carnival |
Carne | Carne | Meat |
Sakrament | Sacramento | Sacrament |
Cinz | Cinza | Ashes |
Bautismo | Baptismo | Baptism |
Sagrad Comunhao | Sagrada Comunhão | Holy Communion |
Confessiao | Confissão | Confession |
Sacrifis | Sacrifício | Sacrifice |
Pascoal | Pascoal | Relating to Easter |
Inferno | Inferno | Hell |
Pentecostant | Pentecostes | Pentecost |
Natal | Natal | Christmas |
Besauñ | Bênção | Blessing |
Igorz | Igreja | church |
Kopel | Capela | Chapel |
Capainha | Campainha | Bell |
Simitér | Cemitério | Cemetery |
Firgorz | Freguesia | Parish |
Spirita Santa | Espírito Santo | Holy Spirit |
Kazar | Casar | Marriage |
Casament | Casamento | Marriage/Wedding |
Recepcao | Recepção | Reception |
Festa dos Reis | Festa dos Reis | Feast of Three Kings |
Family relationships
Konkani | Latin | Portuguese | English |
Afilhada | Affiliare | Afilhada | Goddaughter |
Afilhado | Affiliare | Afilhado | Godson |
Avô | Avus | Avô | Grandfather |
Avó | Ava | Avó | Grandmother |
Irmãna | Hermana | Irmã | Sister |
Irmanv | Hermanus | Irmão | Brother |
Madrin | Matrina | Madrinha | Godmother |
Mãi | Matrem | Mãe | Mother |
Padrin | Patrem | Padrinho | Godfather |
Pai | Patrem | Pai | Father |
Prim' | Primus/Prima | Primo/Prima | Cousin |
Tia | Tio | Tia | Aunty |
Tiv | Thius | Tio | Uncle |
Family last names
Konkani | Portuguese | English | Meaning of Portuguese word |
Alemão | Alemão | Alemao | German |
Baretto | Barreto | Baretto | Barnet |
Carvalho | Carvalho | Carvalho | Oak, Oak Wood or Oak Tree |
Cordeiro | Cordeiro | Cordeiro | Lamb |
Coelho | Coelho | Coelho | Rabbit |
Correia | Correia | Correia | Strap |
Dias | Dias | Dias | Days plural of Dia |
Fernandes | Fernandes | Fernandes | Son of Fernando |
Figueira | Figueira | Figueira | Fig tree |
Furtado | Furtado | Furtado | Stolen (from regular verb Furtar to steal) |
Leitão | Leitão | Leitao | Piglet |
Lobo | Lobo | Lobo | Wolf |
Machado | Machado | Machado | Axe |
Madeira | Madeira | Madeira | Wood |
Mendonça or Mendonsa | Mendonça | Mendonca | Mend |
Nascimento | Nascimento | Nascimento | Birth |
Noronha | Noronha | Noronha | Village Name |
Palmeira | Palmeira | Palmeira | Palm Tree |
Peixote | Peixoto | Peixote | derived from Peixe (Fish) |
Pereira | Pereira | Pereira | Pear tree (Pera) fruit |
Pinto | Pinto | Pinto | Modification of Pintar (regular verb) which is painter |
Salgado | Salgado | Salgado | Salty or with Salt (sal) |
Sardinha | Sardinha | Sardinha | Sardine fish |
Travasso | Travasso | Travasso | Tragedy |
Trinidade | Trindade | Trinidade | Trinity |
Verdes | Verdes | Verdes | Greens |
Culinary terms
Konkani | Portuguese | English |
Doce | Doce | Sweet |
Assado | Assado | Roast |
Refogar | Refogar | Sauté - French |
Racheado | Recheado | Stuffed |
Torrad | Torrado | Toast |
Rissois | Rissois | Rissoles |
Food produce (plant and animal)
Konkani | Portuguese | English |
Arroz | Arroz | Rice |
Batatt | Batata | Potato |
Yangim | Berinjela | Eggplant |
Caju | Caju | Cashew |
Popai | Papaia | Papaya |
Tomat | Tomate | Tomato |
Paer/per | Pera | Guava |
Kobi | Couve | Cabbage |
Couve-flor | couve-flor | Cauliflower |
Onos | Ananás | Pineapple |
Naarl | Coco | Coconut |
Laranj | Laranja | orange |
Camarao | Camarao | Prawn/Large Shrimp |
Galinha | Galinha | chicken |
Food Products
Konkani | Portuguese | English |
Assado de Carne | Assado de Carne | Roast Beef |
Assado de Galinha | Assado de Galinha | Roast Chicken |
Assado Leitao | Assado Leitao | Roasted Pork |
Bol | Bolo | Cake |
Chamuças | Chamuças | Samosas |
Chouriço | Chouriço | Sausage |
Pão | Pão | bread |
Chouriço Pão | Chouriço Pão | Sausage and Bread |
Rissois de Camarao | Rissois de Camarao | Prawn Puffs |
Torrad Pão | Torrad Pão | Bread Toast |
Sod | Soda | Soda Water |
Vinagre | Vinagre | Vinegar |
Vihno | Vihno | wine |
Porto | Porto | port wine |
Madeira | Madeira | Madeira (wine) |
Feni | Feni | Feni an alcoholic drink originating in Goa |
Caju Feni | Caju feni | Cashew Feni |
Sorpotel | Sarapatel | Pork Curry |

A bottle of Big Boss cashew feni
Daily use words
Konkani | Portuguese | English |
Zonelle | Janela | Window |
Kodelle | Cadeira(s) | chair(s) |
Mezz | Mesa | Table |
Armar | Armário | Cupboard |
Camisa | Camisa | Shirt |
Tanki | Tanque | Tank |
Kor – – | Cor | Colour |
Kustar – – | Custar | Difficult |
Education terms
Konkani | Portuguese | English |
Tint | Tinta | Ink |
Prosor | Professor | Teacher |
Lisavn – – | Lição | Lesson |
Kadern | Caderno | Exercise Book |
Professional terms
Konkani | Portuguese | English |
Adogad | Advogado – | Advocate |
Dotor | Doutor | doctor |
Pintari | Pintar | Painter |
Ord | Ordem | order |
Selad fol | folha selada/folha de papel selado | Stamped Paper |
Geographical descriptors
Konkani | Portuguese | English |
Bombaim | Bombaim | Mumbai |
Viaje | Viagem | Voyage |
Mar | Mar | Sea |
Praer | Praia | Beach |
Cidade | Cidade | City |
Vaddo | Aldeias | Village |
Zon | Zona | District |
Communidad | Communidad | Community |
City and town names in Goa

Mapa de Goa, in Histoire générale des Voyages, Jean-Baptiste Bénard de la Harpe, 1750
Konkani | Portuguese | English |
Alto | Alto | High |
Alto Betin | Alto Betin | High Betin |
Goa Velha | Goa Velha | Goa old |
Velha Goa | Velha Goa | Old Goa |
Vasco da Gama | Vasco da Gama | Vasco da Gama |
Dona Paula | Dona Paula | Owner/lady Pauline |
Santa Cruz | Santa Cruz | Santa Cruz |
Ilhas | Ilha | Island |
Reis Magos | Reis Magos | Three Wisemen |
Residential and business addresses
Konkani | Portuguese | English |
Bairro | Bairro/Bairrista | Neighbourhood/Local |
Bandh | Banda | Sideways |
St Agostino | San Augostino | Saint Auguistine |
Primeiro | Primeiro | First |
Segundo | Segundo | Second |
Cabesa | Cabeça | Head |
Architectural terms
Konkani | Portuguese | English |
Pared | Parede | Wall |
Galeri | Galeria | Gallery |
Balcão | Balcão | Balcony |
Varand | Varanda | Verandah |
Miscellaneous words
Konkani | Portuguese | English |
Govet | Gaveta | Drawer |
Pixol | Pincel | Brush |
Tizulo | Tijolo | Brick |
Kulchanv | Colchão | Mattress |
Burak | Buraco | Hole |
Sak | Saco | Bag |
Susegad | Sossegado | Quiet |
Sai | Saia | Skirt |
Calção | Calção | Shorts |
Sabaun | Sabão | Soap |
Banc | Banco | Bench |
Julab | Julapa | Laxatic |
Lilanv | Leilão | Auction |
Mest | Mestre | Carpenter/Master |
Sorpotel | Sarapatel | Pork curry |
French words in Konkani
- lafaddem – affair (from l'affair)
- cartus – cartridge
- parval – parole
- tamret – stool
- bankh -bench
- voltaire – rocking chair (from the French writer Voltaire)
Kannada words in Konkani
- Aapa – Father from Kannada appa
- Aaka – Sister from Kannada akka
- Duddu – Money
- Rokhdo – Quick
- Poiso addko – Wealth
- Hallsande/alsando – Kind of Bean
- Tantim – Eggs
- Kempu – Precious stone, red
- Modd – Cloud / Storm
- Bagil – Door
- Chilki – Latch
- Bodi – Stick, or to beat up
- Bhenn – Back (from Kannada bennu)
- Koyto – sickle from Kannada koy, to chop or cut
- Miravanuk – Procession from miravanige
- Veergal – Hero stone from veerakallu
- Got'tu na – Don't know from gottu illa
- Angadd – Shop from angadi
- Mando – Head
Arabic / Persian words in Konkani
- fasal - crop
- jawab - answer
- kabul - agree
- karz - debt
- chabuk - whip
- chugli - gossip
- dang - engrossed
- hak - right
- had'd - boundary
- hairan - harassed
- fakt - only
- dusman - enemy
- akkal - intelligence
- bhogos - pardon
- bandar - port
- barik - thin
- nazuk - delicate
- baag - garden
- arz - request
- ajap - wonder
- xar - city
- khuni - murderer
- nadar - glance
- saitan - satan
- hajir - present
- garib - poor
- goroz - necessity
- virasat - heritage
- sahib - master (originally means companions of the prophet Muhammad)
- tazviz - arrangement
- guneanv - crime
- buniad - foundation
- zap - answer
- khobor - news
- xivai - without
- vogot - time
- forok - difference
- abru - respect
- ondu/avndu - this year
- bejar - harassed
- noxib - fate
- taktik - urgency
- iad - remember
- farik - repay
- maja - joy
- umed - enthusiasm
- bazar - market
- tarikh - date
- murvat - respect
- badal - change
Some words are also used wherein the original meaning has been changed or distorted:
- Mustaiki (clothes) from mustaid = ready
- bekar bahas (idle talk) gives bhikar bhaso (useless philosophising)
- kapan khairo - eater of one's own shroud - miser
- Saradesāya, Manohararāya (2000). A History of Konkani literature. Sahitya Akademi. pp. M1 25 § M1 26. ISBN 81-7201-664-6.
- A. E. Medlycott, (1905) "India and the Apostle Thomas"; Gorgias Press LLC; ISBN 1-59333-180-0
- Thomas Puthiakunnel, (1973) "Jewish colonies of India paved the way for St. Thomas", The Saint Thomas Christian Encyclopedia of India, ed. George Menachery, Vol. II.
Further reading
- de Lima, Edward. Influence of Portuguese vocabulary on Konkani language. ISBN 978-81-920574-6-0.
- Wherritt, Irene (December 1989). "Portuguese Loanwords in Konkani". Hispania. 72 (4): 873. doi:10.2307/343565. JSTOR 343565
- Sardesai, Madhavi (2006). A comparative linguistic and cultural study of lexical influences on konkani (Thesis).
- Online Manglorean Konkani Dictionary Project
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