List of most-retweeted tweets
This list of most-retweeted tweets contains the top 30 tweets with the most retweets (an account's tweet that is sent again by additional accounts without any change) of all time on the social networking platform Twitter; Twitter does not provide an official list but news and mainstream media make lists.[1][2] As of February 2021, the top tweet has over 4.2 million retweets and was tweeted by Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa. Four accounts have more than one of the most-retweeted tweets in the top 30: South Korean band BTS has sixteen, while Maezawa and YouTube personalities El Rubius and Jimmy Donaldson each have two.
The following table lists the top 30 most-retweeted tweets on Twitter, the account that tweeted it, the total number of retweets rounded to the nearest ten thousand, and the date it was originally tweeted. The notes include the details surrounding the tweet.
Rank | Tweet | Posted by | Retweets (millions) | Date posted | Context |
1 | ZOZOTOWN新春セールが史上最速で取扱高100億円を先ほど突破!!日頃の感謝を込め、僕個人から100名様に100万円【総額1億円のお年玉】を現金でプレゼントします。応募方法は、僕をフォローいただいた上、このツイートをRTするだけ。受付は1/7まで。当選者には僕から直接DMします! #月に行くならお年玉[3] | Yusaku Maezawa @yousuck2020 |
4.28 | January 5, 2019 | [upper-alpha 1] |
2 | 🎍謹賀新年🎍【総額10億円】#前澤お年玉 100万円を1000人にプレゼントします!100万円で皆さまの人生がよりハッピーになりますように。応募方法は僕のフォローとこのツイートのリツイート。締切は1月7日23:59まで。企画趣旨や当選条件などはYouTubeで説明してます。[5] | Yusaku Maezawa @yousuck2020 |
3.63 | December 31, 2019 | [upper-alpha 2] |
3 | HELP ME PLEASE. A MAN NEEDS HIS NUGGS[7] | Carter Wilkerson @carterjwm |
3.33 | April 5, 2017 | [upper-alpha 3] |
4 | [It is with immeasurable grief that we confirm the passing of Chadwick Boseman. Chadwick was diagnosed with stage III colon cancer in 2016, and battled with it these last 4 years as it progressed to stage IV... ][9] | Family of Chadwick Boseman @chadwickboseman |
3.08 | August 28, 2020 | [upper-alpha 4] |
5 | If only Bradley's arm was longer. Best photo ever. #oscars[12] | Ellen DeGeneres @TheEllenShow |
3.06 | March 2, 2014 | [upper-alpha 5] |
6 | Always in my heart @Harry_Styles . Yours sincerely, Louis[14] | Louis Tomlinson @Louis_Tomlinson |
2.77 | October 2, 2011 | [upper-alpha 6] |
7 | LIMONADA 🗿[17] | El Rubius @Rubiu5 |
1.77 | August 20, 2016 | [upper-alpha 7] |
8 | Never Not 💜[19] | Jungkook @BTS_twt |
1.70 | May 3, 2020 | [upper-alpha 8] |
9 | "No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion..."[22] | Barack Obama @BarackObama |
1.61 | August 12, 2017 | [upper-alpha 9] |
10 | LIMONADA 2.0 🗿[25] | El Rubius @Rubiu5 |
1.52 | September 29, 2018 | |
11 | Duh😛[26] | Jungkook @BTS_twt |
1.37 | June 9, 2019 | [upper-alpha 10] |
12 | This is just... #우리아미상받았네[28] | BTS @BTS_twt |
1.27 | September 8, 2020 | [upper-alpha 11] |
13 | Hi Army😊 [30] | V @BTS_twt |
1.26 | August 16, 2020 | [upper-alpha 12] |
14 | 정국이 생일축하해요이?[33] | V @BTS_twt |
1.20 | September 1, 2020 | [upper-alpha 13] |
15 | Savage Love 🎶 #SavageLoveRemix[35] | Jungkook @BTS_twt |
1.20 | October 8, 2020 | [upper-alpha 14] |
16 | teamwork makes the dream work.[37] | BTS @BTS_twt |
1.16 | March 19, 2013 | [upper-alpha 15] |
17 | #InMyFeelingsChallenge #HopeOnTheStreet[38] | J-Hope @BTS_twt |
1.16 | July 23, 2018 | [upper-alpha 16] |
18 | Ohmmmmmmyyyyyyyyggghghhhhhhhgggggggggdhdhsjsixudbslsogbdsisgshdbxidjdbdidhdifjfiri #GRAMMYs #BTS[43] | Jimin, Jungkook, RM & V @BTS_twt |
1.13 | November 24, 2020 | [upper-alpha 17] |
19 | 😙[45] | Jungkook @BTS_twt |
1.11 | January 24, 2021 | |
20 | teamwork makes the dream work ![46] | BTS @BTS_twt |
1.09 | September 8, 2020 | [upper-alpha 18] |
21 | ready? #vcut[47] | V @BTS_twt |
1.09 | August 21, 2020 | |
22 | I'm going give someone random who retweets this tweet $10,000 because it's my birthday and I feel like being nice 😊 (you have to be following me so I can dm you the code if you win)[48] | Jimmy Donaldson (MrBeast) @MrBeastYT |
1.09 | May 7, 2019 | [upper-alpha 19] |
23 | 증국아 24살 생일 축하한다
형이 사랑한다 #JIMIN #정국생일ㅊㅋ[50] |
Jimin @BTS_twt |
1.08 | August 31, 2020 | |
24 | I’m going to give 5 people that retweet this tweet $10,000 each to celebrate Christmas! (Make sure you follow me so I can dm you if you win!). I will show proof![51] | Jimmy Donaldson (MrBeast) @MrBeastYT |
1.06 | December 25, 2020 | |
25 | 🎂 Happy Birthday to me 🎂[52] | RM @BTS_twt |
1.05 | September 11, 2020 | |
26 | With the current devastation in Houston, we are pledging $0.15 for every RT this gets! Please forward this along to help out those in need![53] | Penn State Interfraternity Council @PennStateIFC |
1.01 | August 30, 2017 | [upper-alpha 20] |
27 | 방탄 아미 파이팅[55] | BTS @BTS_twt |
1.00 | July 26, 2020 | [upper-alpha 21] |
28 | broken. from the bottom of my heart, i am so so sorry. i don't have words.[56] |
Ariana Grande @ArianaGrande |
1.00 | May 22, 2017 | [upper-alpha 22] |
29 | She's tough. But she's worth it[58] | Ryan Sesselman @RyanSesselman |
0.99 | June 9, 2018 | [upper-alpha 23] |
30 | 우리는 인종차별에 반대합니다.
우리는 폭력에 반대합니다. 나, 당신, 우리 모두는 존중받을 권리가 있습니다. 함께 하겠습니다. We stand against racial discrimination. We condemn violence. You, I and we all have the right to be respected. We will stand together. #BlackLivesMatter[59] |
BTS @BTS_twt |
0.99 | June 4, 2020 | [upper-alpha 24] |
See also
- On January 5, 2019, Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa made a tweet in which he promised to give away 100 million yen ($924.3k USD) between 100 random individuals who followed his account and retweeted the tweet. The tweet quickly grew popular in Japan, and surpassed Carter Wilkerson's tweet within 24 hours.[4]
- On January 1, 2020, Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa made a tweet in which he promised to give away 1 billion yen ($9.223 million USD) between 1,000 random individuals who followed his account and retweeted the tweet.[6]
- Carter Wilkerson tweeted Wendy's asking how many retweets he needed for a year of free chicken nuggets. When Wendy's replied with "18 Million", he accepted the challenge. The tweet received unlikely support from several major companies including Microsoft, Amazon and Google, prompting the hashtag #NuggsForCarter and propelling the tweet to become the most-retweeted within 34 days, at which point Wendy's gave him a year of free nuggets.[8]
- Tweet announcing the death of American actor Chadwick Boseman. Boseman died after complications with colon cancer, which he had been diagnosed with four years prior; the diagnosis was only made public after his death.[10] It is the most retweeted tweet of 2020.[11]
- Ellen DeGeneres's star-studded selfie from the 86th Academy Awards includes Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Kevin Spacey, Julia Roberts, Channing Tatum, Meryl Streep, Lupita Nyong'o and a few others. Within 35 minutes, the tweet surpassed Barack Obama's "Four more years" tweet to become the then most-retweeted tweet of all time with over 800k.[13]
- This tweet by One Direction member Louis Tomlinson is a reference to the relationship between himself and fellow band member Harry Styles, also known as Larry Stylinson.[15] It surpassed 770,000 retweets in January 2015 and overtook Barack Obama's "Four more years" tweet to become the then second most-retweeted tweet of all time, only behind Ellen Degeneres's Oscar selfie tweet.[16] The post's retweet count gradually increased as the band's popularity continued to grow.[15]
- El Rubius, a Spanish YouTube influencer, said in a video that his followers could enter a drawing for prizes by retweeting the tweet that consisted of the Spanish word for lemonade and a Moái Easter Island emoji.[18]
- Video clip of BTS member Jungkook singing a cover of "Never Not" by American singer Lauv.[20] The tweet reached 1 million likes within two hours and is also the fastest tweet to reach 1 million views in 2020.[21]
- This tweet was the first of three, by former US President Barack Obama, quoting a passage from Nelson Mandela's autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom, in response to the 2017 Charlottesville attack.[23] The accompanying picture, taken in 2011 by former White House photographer Pete Souza, shows Obama visiting a day care center in Bethesda, Maryland.[23] Twitter publicly confirmed four days later, on August 16, 2017, that it had become the new most-liked tweet on the platform ever with over 3.3 million likes at the time of announcement.[23] The tweet surpassed previous record holder Ariana Grande's Manchester tweet on August 15, 2017, when it reached 2.7 million likes three days after being posted.[24]
- Video clip of BTS member Jungkook dancing to "Bad Guy" by American singer Billie Eilish. Initially ranked as the second most retweeted tweet globally of 2019, it became the most retweeted tweet of the year in less than an hour of Twitter announcing its year end list.[27]
- BTS tweeted this video of the band celebrating in response to the news that their latest single "Dynamite", released on August 21, 2020, had remained at number one on the Billboard Hot 100 for a second consecutive week.[29]
- BTS member V posted a pair of selfies from behind-the-scenes of a photoshoot.[31] In December 2020, Twitter revealed that his tweet was both the most-liked K-pop related tweet and the most-liked BTS tweet of the year with 3.2 million likes.[32]
- BTS member V tweeted this video of him wishing fellow member Jungkook a happy birthday in Korean in celebration of Jungkook's 23rd birthday that day.[34]
- Video clip of BTS member Jungkook singing the BTS remix version of "Savage Love (Laxed – Siren Beat)" by New Zealand music producer Jawsh 685 and American singer Jason Derulo.[36]
- This tweet contains a phrase that would eventually be adopted as the official slogan for the fanbase.
- BTS member J-Hope posted a video of him doing the #InMyFeelingsChallenge,[39] a viral internet dance trend created by social-media comedian Shiggy for Canadian rapper Drake's song, "In My Feelings".[40] The clip was Twitter's most liked tweet of 2018,[41] as well as the most liked and retweeted tweet in South Korea that year.[42]
- BTS posted this video of them reacting to the live announcement of their song "Dynamite" receiving a nomination for Best Pop Duo/Group Performance at the 63rd Annual Grammy Awards.[44]
- This tweet contains a phrase used by BTS every time they achieve certain milestones. They have tweeted the phrase seven times in seven years.
- Jimmy Donaldson, known online as MrBeast, is the owner of a YouTube channel that is well-known for giving large amounts of money to strangers. In this tweet, Donaldson promised to give USD$10,000 to a random Twitter user that retweeted the tweet and followed his Twitter account, in celebration of his birthday.[49]
- Pennsylvania State University's Interfraternity Council pledged to donate $0.15 for every retweet they received in order to both support and further encourage relief efforts in Houston following the event of Hurricane Harvey.[54]
- Fighting is a Korean expression which can also be translated as "Good luck".
- American singer Ariana Grande tweeted this several hours after her performance at Manchester Arena on May 22, 2017. A suicide bombing had occurred after the end of the concert in the foyer of the arena; the explosion killed 23 people (including the attacker) and injured 250 more.[57]
- This tweet includes a series of four photos that showed user Ryan Sesselman asking his mother via text message how many retweets were needed for him to be allowed to adopt a puppy pictured in the latter three photos. Her responding target of one million retweets was met five days later on June 14.
- This tweet was made by BTS in response to the killing of George Floyd and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement.[60]
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