List of photographic films
This is a list of currently available photographic films in a still camera film format. This includes recently discontinued films that remain available from stock at main suppliers. Films are listed by brand name. Still camera photographic films no longer in production (or available) are included in the List of discontinued photographic films. Films for movie making are included in the List of motion picture film stocks.

Key: | In production (according to manufacturer) | Discontinued, stock only | Planned re-introduction or new film |
The current rights to the historic ADOX name were obtained in 2003 by Fotoimpex of Berlin, Germany, a company founded in 1992 to import photographic films and papers from former east Europe. ADOX (Fotoimpex) subsequently established a film factory in Bad Sarrow outside Berlin to convert and package films, papers and chemicals. In February 2015 they acquired a lease on the former Ilford Imaging (Ciba Geigy) machine E, medium scale coating line at Marly, Switzerland.[1][2] In 2017/18 they started expanding the Bad Sarrow factory to add film coating capability and medium scale photochemistry manufacture with work ongoing in 2019.[3][4]
The ADOX name traces back to the oldest photographic film manufacturer in the world, started in 1860 in Germany.[5] In the 1970s, Dupont the owners of the Adox brand sold the recipes and machinery of their B&W films to Fotokemika in Croatia who continued to produce the films under the Efke brand. The films were subsequently imported by Fotoimpex and sold as ADOX CHS Art thus re-uniting the ADOX name with the films. After Fotokemikas closure in 2012, ADOX CHS II was produced for ADOX using modern cascade coating.
Black and white negative films
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
ADOX | CMS 20 II PRO | available | P | 20 | B&W | Agfa-Gevaert Copex HDP (High Definition Pan) (Now branded as EPM Imagelink HD) microfilm converted & packaged by ADOX (See also SPUR UR). "No other film is sharper, no other film is more finegrained, no other film resolves more lines per mm (up to 800 l /mm)."[6] Needs special developer to manage extreme contrast. #As of 2018, 120 format is out of stock. | Belgium/ Germany | 135-36, 120#, 4x5" | |
ADOX | HR-50 | 2018 on | P | 50 | B&W | Super-panchromatic ultra fine grain - Agfa-Gevaert Aviphot 80 modified to enhance usability. May also be used as an infra-red film with suitable filtration. Launched at Photokina in September 2018.[7] | Belgium/ Germany | 135-36, 120, 4x5" | |
ADOX | IR-HR PRO 50 | 2018 on | P | 80 | B&W | Super-panchromatic fine grain film - Agfa-Gevaert Aviphot 80 as HR-50 without modification. Initial trial batch [8] | Belgium/ Germany | 135-36 | |
ADOX | CHS 100 II | 2013 -2016 & 2018 on | P | 100 | B&W | Ortho-panchromatic emulsion from 1950s re-introduced as a modern cascade coating for ADOX (Fotoimpex) in 2013. Following test coating at Marly, sheet film was re-introduced in 2018 and 135 format in 2020. 120 film to follow.[9][10][11] | Germany | 135-36, Sheet film | |
ADOX | Silvermax | 2016 on | T | 100 | B&W | Fine grain ortho-panchromatic film on a clear triacetate base similar to original AGFA APX 100. The film was produced using end of line Agfa base material and photochemicals in 135 format only. #As of 2020 final stocks. [12] | Germany | 135-36# | |
Black and white reversal (slide) films
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
ADOX | SCALA 50 | 2019 on | P | 50 | B&W | Slide | Same film as the HR-50 but rebranded to show its suitability for reversal process. Super-panchromatic ultra fine grain - Agfa-Gevaert Aviphot 80 modified to enhance usability.[13] | Belgium/ Germany | 135-36 |
ADOX | SCALA 160 | 2016 on | T | 160 | B&W | Slide | Same film as the Silvermax but rebranded to show its suitability for reversal process. A near alternative to the discontinued AGFA SCALA.#As of 2020 final stocks. [14] | Germany | 135-36# |
Agfa-Gevaert is headquartered in Mortsel, Belgium and following the sale of its consumer films division (See AgfaPhoto), now only manufactures commercial films; 'Aviphot' for aerial photography and 'Copex' archival microfilms (since 2013 Copex films are branded 'Imagelink' for Eastman Park Micrographics [15]). Some of these films are however repackaged for consumer use by Maco under its Rollei brand and by Japan Camera Hunter, Silberra and ADOX.
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
AGFA | Copex Rapid | available | P | 50 | B&W | AGFA Copex Rapid A.H.U. (Anti Halation Underlayer) (EPM Imagelink HS) is a high resolution black and white Panchromatic microfilm. (Converted by Maco Photo Products) [16] See also SPUR DSX. | Belgium & Germany | 135, 120 | |
The AGFA consumer film division with its plant in Leverkusen, Germany was spun off by Agfa-Gevaert into a new company AGFA PHOTO in 2004. At buy out the firm was split into a holding company Agfa-Photo Holding GMBH (licenses) and manufacturing company Agfa-Photo GMBH (leverkusen). The manufacturing company went bankrupt in 7 months resulting in the closure of the Leverkusen plant in 2005. The holding company was unaffected and retains a trademark license from Agfa-Gevaert for the use of the AgfaPhoto brand and 'red dot' logo on products having a photographic application.[17] Since 2005 these rights for consumer film products have been sub-licensed to Lupus Imaging & Media.[18] The colour negative and slide films were made by Ferrania from 2005, whilst black and white films were converted by Ferrania from stored master rolls of AGFA stock. Ferrania closed in 2009. Replacement colour films were supplied by Fujifilm until this contract ended in early 2018,[19] ending the sale of colour film under the AgfaPhoto brand.[20] Black & White films were replaced by new films made by Harman Technology after 2013.
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
AGFA PHOTO | APX 100 | 2013 on | T | 100 | B&W | General purpose panchromatic film. Similar to Kentmere 100. (A film nearer the original AGFA APX 100 is ADOX Silvermax/SCALA)[14][21] | UK | 135-36 | |
AGFA PHOTO | APX 400 | 2013 on | T | 400 | B&W | General purpose panchromatic film. Similar to Kentmere 400.[22] | UK | 135-36 | |
Based in Gijón, Spain, Argenti offer a small range of B&W films, converted from bulk in their own packaging.
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
Argenti | Nanotomic X | available | P | 32 | B&W | Technical monochrome film, with fine grain and high resolution, (600 pairs of lines per millimeter (L/mm)), polyester base of 130 um. Probably an Agfa-Gevaert microfilm on PET13 base.[23] | Spain | 135-36 | |
Argenti | Scale-X | available | T | 100 | B&W | Print /Slide | Fine grain panchromatic film with a wide tonal scale on a clear triacetate base which can be processed as a negative (ISO100) or reverse processed (Scala) as a slide (ISO 160). Exposure Index of 100 - 800 ISO. Claimed to be original Agfa Scala.[24] Similar characteristics to ADOX SCALA/Silvermax. | Spain | 135-36 |
Argenti | PAN-X | available | T | 100 | B&W | Panchromatic film on a 135 um triacetate base.[25] Identical structure to ORWO UN54 [26] | Spain | 135-36 | |
Argenti | ARF+ Reporter Film Plus | available | T | 400 | B&W | ORWO NP74 plus high speed black-and-white panchromatic camera film for both outdoor and indoor usage with wide exposure latitude, 135 um triacetate base. | Germany /Spain | 135-36 |
Arista EDU
Arista EDU Ultra is a budget range of Black & White films produced for Freestyle Photographic, USA in three speeds (ISO 100, 200, 400) in 135, 120 and sheet film formats. They are currently the same as the equivalent speed films produced by FOMA.[27] 135 films are not DX coded.
Based in France Bergger offers a single B&W film manufactured on their behalf; Panchro 400 introduced in 2015 replacing BRF400.
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
Bergger | Pancro 400 | 2015 on | T / P | 400 | B&W | General purpose panchromatic B&W film, using two emulsions (Silver-Bromide/Iodide) that differ in grain size in order to achieve a wide exposure range. 135 (T base), 120 and sheet film (P base)[28] | Germany | 135, 120, Sheet film | |
CatLABS is a photographic retailer in Boston, USA. Two own branded films were launched in 2019.
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
CatLABS | X FILM 80 | 2019 on | T? | 80* | B&W | Traditional black and white film with fine grain, moderate contrast and deep tonal range. *E.I of 80, can also be shot at 100 ISO. Supplied in the same formats as Shanghai GP3, CatLABS confirmed that the roll films are converted by Shanghai after GP3 branded tape was found on rolls. | China | 120, 4x5", 8x10" | |
CatLABS | X FILM 320 | 2019 on | ? | 320 | B&W | Medium-speed film, with distinct grain quality, contrast and tonal range, wider exposure latitude up to EI of 1600. Hand rolled onto reloadable cassettes, film edge indicate 5222 : it's Kodak Double-X | USA | 135 | |
Based in USA Cinestill converts Eastman Kodak motion picture stock into 135 and 120 still camera formats, for C-41 process by removing the Remjet backing, a separate Anti-halation backing used to protect the film in motion picture cameras.
Black and white films
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
Cinestill | bwXX | 2015 on | T | 250 | B&W | A classic B&W film stock left relatively unchanged since its release in 1959 for still and motion picture use (Kodak double-x 5222) Limited production.[29] | USA | 135 | |
Colour negative films
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
Cinestill | 50D | 2015 on | T | 50 | C-41 | Daylight balanced Colour Negative film (Kodak 5203 Vision 3 50D) [30] | USA | 135, 120 | |
Cinestill | 800T | 2013 on | T | 800 | C-41 | Tungsten balanced Colour Negative film (Kodak 5219 Vision 3 500T - ISO 500 in native ECN-2 chemistry) [31] | USA | 135, 120 | |
A range of 'creative' colour films launched in 2017 in conjunction with mobile app 'dubble'.[32] The films were produced by KONO! a small European analogue photographic company based in Austria. In 2019 they announced a tie up with Revelog also in Austria, films will now offer 36 exp, effects are improved and some films were renamed.[33]
Color negative films
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
dubblefilm | Apollo | 2017 on | T | 200 | C-41 | Creative colour film with a unique colour tone that produces exceptional and unconventional colours. Named MOONSTRUCK to 2019[34] | Austria | 135-36 | |
dubblefilm | Bubblegum | 2018 on | T | 200 | C-41 | Creative colour film with added tone to gibe candy colours [35] | Austria | 135-36 | |
dubblefilm | Jelly | 2018 on | T | 200 | C-41 | Creative colour film with green, blue and orange hues top to bottom of frame[36] | Austria | 135-36 | |
dubblefilm | Pacific | 2018 on | T | 200 | C-41 | Creative colour film with added tone to give deep colours inspired by the freshness of a post-monsoon rain. Named MONSOON to 2019[37] | Austria | 135-36 | |
dubblefilm | Solar | 2017 on | T | 200 | C-41 | Creative colour film with light leaks [38] Named SUNSTROKE to 2019. | Austria | 135-36 | |
dubblefilm | Stereo | 2019 on | T | 200 | C-41 | Creative colour film with full frame red tint and fades to blue for the final part.[39] | Austria | 135-36 | |
FILM Ferrania s.r.l. is a photographic film manufacturing company located in Ferrania (Liguria), Italy. Following closure of the original Ferrania factory in 2009 the company was re-founded in 2013 following a kickstarter campaign and support from the regional government to build a new film manufacturing base using the former Ferrania research laboratory (L.R.F.) and its narrow coater. Although initial plans focused on re-introducing a colour slide film, FILM Ferrania commenced manufacturing a B&W still film in February 2017 based on P30, a classic 1960s motion picture film stock, being a simpler proposition. Production of the P30 'Alpha' ceased in mid 2018 due to further works to the L.R.F building and need to refine production to reduce wastage and P30 production did not recommence until late 2019.
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
Ferrania | P30 | 11.2019 on | P | 80 | B&W | Classic 1960s B&W panchromatic motion picture film for still photography. Production version. A limited volume was offered for sale in Italy in November 2019[40] | Italy | 135-36 |
Film Washi
Factory in Saint-Nazaire, France. Launched in 2013, producing a handcrafted B&W film, handcoated on traditional Washi paper. Also converting other B&W films industrially coated in larger factories and originally made for technical, motion pictures, industrial or aerial applications for creative purposes.
Black and white films
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
Film Washi | 'W' | available | SP | 25 | B&W | Orthochromatic film hand coated in France on Japanese Kozo paper offering a very unique fibre effect. 135 limited to 16 exp [41] | France | 135, 120, Sheet film | |
Film Washi | 'V' | 2017 on | SP | 100 | B&W | Panchromatic film hand coated on Japanese Gampi paper with high transparency, soft texture and wide latitude exposure. 135 limited to 16 exp [41] | France | 135, 120 | |
Film Washi | 'P' | Special order | P | 100 | B&W | Panchromatic film on polyester base, no anti-halation layer | France | 135, 120, Sheet film | |
Film Washi | 'A' | available | P | 12 | B&W | Orthochromatic leader film normally used as leader and protection tail for motion picture film copy. Fine grain and a very high contrast[42] | France | 135 | |
Film Washi | 'D' | available | P | 500 | B&W | Panchromatic Russian aerial surveillance negative film, offering high contrast and moderate grain. 75 um base.[43] | France | 135 | |
Film Washi | 'F' | 2018 on | P | 100 | B&W | Orthochromatic X-ray film used for mass lung disease diagnose with no anti-halation layer and high diffusion effect [44] | France | 135 | |
Film Washi | 'S' | available | P | 50 | B&W | Panchromatic motion picture sound recording film very fine grain and ultra high definition [45] | France | 135, 120 | |
Film Washi | 'Z' | available | P | 400 | B&W | Near infrared super-panchromatic aerial photography film to 750 nm [46] | France | 135 |
Foma Bohemia
Foma Bohemia spol. s.r.o, established 1921 with factory located in Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, remains one of the last traditional producers of panchromatic B&W (black and white) photo materials including films, papers and chemistry. Films branded as Arista EDU also come from this source.
Black and white films
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
Foma | FOMAPAN 100 'Classic' | available | T/P | 100 | B&W | Traditional general purpose panchromatic fine grain film. 135 (T base), 120, Sheet film (P base).[47] | Czech Rep. | 135, 120, Sheet film | |
Foma | FOMAPAN 200 'Creative' | Rev 2015 on | T/P | 200 | B&W | Modern general purpose panchromatic film using both hexagonal core and shell tabular 'T' grains. Formats: 135 (T base), 120, Sheet film (P base).[48] | Czech Rep. | 135, 120, Sheet film | |
Foma | FOMAPAN 400 'Action' | available | T/P | 400 | B&W | Traditional general purpose panchromatic film. 135 (T base), 120, Sheet film (P base).[48] | Czech Rep. | 135, 120, Sheet film | |
Foma | RETRO PAN 320 'Soft' | 2015 on | T/P | 320 | B&W | Retro 1950s style traditional panchromatic film characterised by a wide range of half tones and 'soft' images. 135 (T base), 120, Sheet film (P base).[49][50] 120 format from 2018. | Czech Rep. | 135, 120, Sheet film | |
Foma | FOMAPAN R 100 | available | P | 100 | B&W | Slide | B&W reversal film, intended for B&W motion picture movie making (Cine film) and also converted for still camera use. Processing available through DR5 (USA) or Photo Studio 13 (DE) or using Foma Direct Reversal Kit. | Czech Rep. | 135 |
FOTOIMPEX of Berlin, Germany, is a company founded in 1992 to import photographic films and papers from former east Europe. They acquired the rights to the ADOX name in 2003. However two films are still sold under their own name, both Black & White films produced by Harman Technology.
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
FOTOIMPEX | CHM 100 | Available | T | 100 | B&W | General purpose, panchromatic film similar to Kentmere 100 | UK | 135 | |
FOTOIMPEX | CHM 400 | Available | T | 400 | B&W | General purpose, panchromatic film similar to Kentmere 400 | UK | 135 | |
FUJIFILM is a Japanese manufacturer of photographic films, chemistry, papers and cameras established in 1934 and one of only two manufacturers (with Kodak) still producing colour film. Recent years have seen significant reductions to their traditional film range, which is divided into Consumer films; Fujicolor/ Fujicolor Superia and Professional films; Neopan, Fujicolor Pro, Velvia and Provia. Instax is a range of instant films and cameras launched in 1998 which now outsell the traditional products. They undertook contract manufacture for AGFA PHOTO colour films from c2008 - 2018. Fujifilm distribution depends on worldwide region with a number of Japan specific products sometimes available as Parallel imports elsewhere. After a brief hiatus, Fujifilm announced a return to traditional black and white film with a reformulated Neopan Acros II launched in Japan in November 2019.[51][52]
Black and white films
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
FUJIFILM | Neopan ACROS 100 II | 11.2019 on | T | 100 | B&W | Reformulation of ACROS 100 which was discontinued in 2018. A fine-grain ortho-panchromatic 'T' grain film noted for its low rate of reciprocity failure.[53] Launched in Japan on 22 November 2019 and early 2020 globally.[54][55] | Japan | 135, 120 | |
FUJIFILM | Neopan 400CN | 2003 -2020 | T | 400 | C-41 | General purpose C-41 process chromogenic B&W film.[56] Ilford were Fujis partners for this film which has therefore similar characteristics to Ilford XP2 plus. UK market only. Discontinued in 2020.[57] | UK | 135–36, 120 (UK only) |
Color negative films
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
Consumer films - Japan (Parallel import in other markets) | |||||||||
FUJIFILM | FujiColor 100 | available | T | 100 | C-41 | General purpose color film with natural skin tones updated 2011 with super fine grain technology and sold in retail single roll /3 packs and bulk 100 roll plain packs for the business market (Often split by retailers to sell as a budget film). Japanese market only, parallel import elsewhere.[58] In February 2020 it was announced that 3 roll packs will discontinued in March 2020.[59] | Japan | 135-24 /36 | |
FUJIFILM | FujiColor Superia Premium 400 | 2009 on | T | 400 | C-41 | Variant of Superia 400 X-tra film with improved exposure latitude and optimised for reproduction of Japanese skin tones and sold in both single and 3-packs. Not generally sold outside Japan/Asia.[60] (code CH24). In February 2020 it was announced that 3 roll packs will discontinued in March 2020.[59] | Japan | 135-27 /36 | |
Consumer films - Worldwide excluding Japan | |||||||||
FUJIFILM | FujiColor C200 | c1990 on | T | 200 | C-41 | General purpose budget color film updated 2017 with super fine grain technology.[61] Multipacks and 24 exp rolls discontinued 2017. (Code CA24). Not Japan market. | Japan | 135-36 | |
FUJIFILM | FujiColor Superia X-tra 400 | available (To 2018 JP.) | T | 400 | C-41 | 'All conditions' consumer color film updated 2011, with improved shelf life and super uniform fine grain technology.[62] (Originally with a 4th cyan colour layer for improved colors under fluorescent lighting, omitted in recent revisions).[63] Discontinued: 120 (2013);[64] 135 multipacks (except Japan/US) and 24 exp rolls (2017).(code CH23). Not Japan market from Jan 2019.[65] | Japan | 135-36 | |
Professional films - Japan | |||||||||
FUJIFILM | Fujicolor Pro 160NS | 2010- (To 2017 UK, 2018 rEU) | T | 160 | C-41 | Professional color film with 4th color layer offering fine grain, low contrast and natural skin tones for weddings, portraits, fashion. Europe (to 2018), Asia and Australia markets. Discontinued formats; 220, sheet film (2016), 120 (UK late 2017, rest of Europe late 2018) [66][67][68][69][70][71] | Japan | 120 (JP. only) | |
Professional films - Japan and Worldwide | |||||||||
FUJIFILM | Fujicolor Pro 400H | 2004-2021 | T | 400 | C-41 | Professional color film with 4th color layer offering fine grain, low contrast and natural skin tones for weddings, portraits, fashion. [72] Discontinued; 220 format in 2013, end of 135 and 120 formats in all markets was announced 14 January 2021 due to difficulty sourcing some raw materials. End of supply; immediate (135 format), end of 2021 (120 format). [73] [74] | Japan | 135–36, 120 |
Color reversal (slide) films
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
FUJIFILM | Fujichrome Velvia 50 | 2007 on | T/P | 50 | E-6 | Slide | Professional-quality, saturated vivid natural colors for nature/landscape photography (RVP 50). Replacement for the original Velvia 50, which was discontinued owing to availability issues with original chemistry. 135 & 120 (T base), sheet film 4x5", 5x7", 8x10" (P base). Discontinued; Sheet film (2012 in Europe/USA),[75] 5x7" (2013 Japan),[76] 220 (2015)[77][78] | Japan | 135–36, 120, (4x5", 8x10", JP only) |
FUJIFILM | Fujichrome Velvia 100 | 2005 on | T/P | 100 | E-6 | Slide | Professional-quality, saturated vivid natural colors for nature, landscape and travel photography. (RVP 100) 135 & 120 (T base), sheet film 4x5", 5x7", 8x10" (P base). Discontinued; 5x7" (2013), 220 (2015), 8x10" (Europe/USA) [79] | Japan | 135–36, 120, 4x5" (8x10" JP only) |
FUJIFILM | Fujichrome Velvia 100F | 2003 on | P | 100 | E-6 | Slide | Professional-quality, medium-speed, daylight-type color reversal film with ultrafine grain, designed to produce high-contrast images with the highest color saturation among 100F series films for landscape, nature, commercial, food, and interior applications (RVP 100F). Sheet film 4x5, 8x10. Discontinued formats; 135, 120, 220 plus sheet film (2012 Europe/USA). Japanese market only.[80][81] | Japan | 4x5", 8x10" (JP only) |
FUJIFILM | Fujichrome Provia 100F | 1999 on | T/P | 100 | E-6 | Slide | Professional-quality, fine grain general purpose color slide film with natural colours (RDP III). 135 & 120 (T base), sheet film 4x5", 8x10" (P base). Discontinued; 5x7" (2013), 220 (2015) [82] | Japan | 135–36, 120, 4x5", 8x10" |
Instant films
- These are marketed by format, rather than emulsion.
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
FUJIFILM | Instax mini | 1998 on | N/A | 800 | Instant | General purpose, credit card-sized, instant film available in color (daylight balanced) or black and white, with various frame styles. Print: 54 mm × 86 mm, image size, 46 mm × 62 mm. | Japan | 46 mm × 62 mm | |
FUJIFILM | Instax wide | 1999 on | N/A | 800 | Instant | General purpose, landscape format, daylight balanced instant color film. Print: 108 mm × 86 mm, image size 99 mm × 62 mm. | Japan | 99 mm × 62 mm | |
FUJIFILM | Instax Square | 2017 on | N/A | 800 | Instant | General purpose, Square-format, daylight balanced instant color film. Print: 72 mm × 85.6 mm, image size 62 mm × 62 mm | Japan | 62 mm × 62 mm | |
The Holga is a low cost plastic medium format 120 film camera, made in Hong Kong, known for its low-fidelity aesthetic. A Holga branded B&W film stock is produced by FOMA.
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
HOLGA | 400 | 2010 on | T/P | 400 | B&W | Traditional general purpose panchromatic film. 135 in non DX cartridges.[83] Rebranded Fomapan 400 | Czech Rep. | 135, 120 | |
Ilford Photo is a UK manufacturer of photographic materials known worldwide for its black and white films, papers and chemicals based in Mobberley, Cheshire. Parent company Harman Technology also undertake contract coating, conversion and packaging of B&W films for other photographic brands as well as for their budget Kentmere brand.[84] They have also, since 2006, produced films by annual special order in larger than usual sizes, including sheet films in various sizes up to 16 by 20 inches, and bulk roll films in 90mm, 5 inch and 10 inch widths.[85]
Black and white films
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
ILFORD | Pan 100 | available | T | 100 | B&W | General purpose budget panchromatic film for selected markets (parallel import back into UK) [86] | UK | 135-36 | |
ILFORD | Pan 400 | available | T | 400 | B&W | General purpose budget panchromatic film for selected markets (parallel import back into UK) [86] | UK | 135-36 | |
ILFORD | Pan F Plus | 1992 on | T | 50 | B&W | Very fine grain panchromatic film for portraiture, architecture, still life. Poor image latency so needs to be developed promptly.[87] | UK | 135–36, 120 | |
ILFORD | FP4 Plus | 1990 on | T | 125 | B&W | Fine grain, general purpose panchromatic film with a wide exposure latitude. Originally launched as Ilford Fine grain Panchromatic emulsion in 1935.[88] | UK | 135-24 /36, 120, Sheet film | |
ILFORD | HP5 Plus | 1989 on | T | 400 | B&W | Medium contrast, general purpose panchromatic film with a wide exposure latitude. A film tracing its heritage back to the Ilford HyPer sensitive emulsion in 1931. Well suited to photojournalism. Available as Single use camera.[89][90] | UK | 135-24 /36, 120, Sheet film | |
ILFORD | DELTA 100 | 1992 on | T | 100 | B&W | Very fine grain modern panchromatic professional film using core-shell crystal technology, ilfords response to Kodak T-MAX.[91] | UK | 135-24 /36, 120, Sheet film | |
ILFORD | DELTA 400 | 2001 (rev) | T | 400 | B&W | Fine grain modern panchromatic professional film using core-shell crystal technology, first released 1990, ilfords response to Kodak T-MAX.[92] | UK | 135-24 /36, 120 | |
ILFORD | DELTA 3200 | 1998 on | T | 1000 | B&W | Modern panchromatic professional film using core-shell crystal technology for fast action and low light photography. An ISO 1000 film suitable for push processing to an E.I. of 3200 or higher.[93] | UK | 135–36, 120 | |
ILFORD | ORTHO PLUS | available/ *11/2019 on | T/P | 80D 40T | B&W | Very fine grain Orthochromatic film for continuous tone copy work, B&W duplicating, alternative processes, creative portraiture and architectural photography. The blue and green sensitivity enables the film to be handled in red safelight and processing by inspection. *The addition of 135 and 120 formats was announced in October 2019, on sale from November 2019.[94][95] | UK | 135–36, 120, Sheet film | |
ILFORD | SFX 200 | Re-intro 2007 | T | 200 | B&W | Super-panchromatic film with extended red sensitivity up to about 750 nm. To achieve moderate IR effects requires a very deep red filter (Heliopan 715, Hoya R72 or the Ilford SFX filter) or deep red filter otherwise it will give similar results to HP5 upon which it is based.[96] | UK | 135–36, 120 | |
ILFORD | XP2 Super | available | T | 400 | C-41 | (Chromogenic Dye) C-41 process B&W film. Replaced XP2 Plus, Ilford decided not to call it XP3.[97] | UK | 135-24 /36, 120 |
Japan Camera Hunter
Bellamy Hunt is a camera collector and runs the website Japan Camera Hunter. He released his own branded film in 2016, using a B&W traffic surveillance film manufactured by Agfa Gevaert.[98]
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
JCH | Streetpan 400 | 2016 on | P | 400 | B&W | General purpose, Super-panchromatic (up to 750 nm) high speed film[99] | Belgium | 135, 120 | |
Kentmere is a brand of classic grain B&W films introduced in 2009 and produced by Harman Technology in Mobberley, Cheshire, UK. Originally designed as a lower priced brand to their Ilford offer to compete in the US market they are now available worldwide. Similar films are also made by Harman Technology for the Agfaphoto, Oriental and Rollei brands. The name is derived from the Kentmere based photographic paper brand acquired by Ilford in 2007 and is particularly aimed at the student market and those new to black and white photography. Film names and packaging were revised in 2018.[100]
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
Kentmere | PAN 100 | 2009 on | T | 100 | B&W | General purpose, panchromatic film.[101] | UK | 135-24 /36. | |
Kentmere | PAN 400 | 2009 on | T | 400 | B&W | General purpose, panchromatic film[102] | UK | 135-24 /36. |

Kodak is a USA manufacturer of photographic films established in 1888 and one of only two manufacturers (with Fujifilm) still producing colour film. Kodak films for still cameras are manufactured by Eastman Kodak in Rochester, New York, USA but since its Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2012 are now sold and marketed by Kodak Alaris, a separate company controlled by the Kodak UK Pension fund based in Hertfordshire, UK.[103] The film range is divided into Consumer films, (ColorPlus and Gold/Ultramax) and Professional films, (Tri-X, T-MAX, Ektar, Portra and Ektachrome).[104][105] Kodak continues to invest in film with 2018 seeing the re-introduction of two films, TMAX P3200 and Ektachrome.
Black and white films
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
Kodak | Tri-X | 1940 on / *1954 on | T/P | 320/ 400 | B&W | Traditional cubic grain panchromatic film with high contrast, re-engineered in 2007 with a finer grain. Classic photojournalist film. *135/120 ISO 400 triacetate base (TX); Sheet film polyester base ISO 320 (TXP) 4x5", 5x7" & 8x10".[106] | USA | 135, 120, Sheet film | |
Kodak | T-MAX 100 | 1986 on | T/P | 100 | B&W | Modern general purpose continuous tone 'T' grain panchromatic film (TMX). 135, 120 (T base) & Sheet Film (P base).[107] | USA | 135, 120, Sheet film | |
Kodak | T-MAX 400 | 1986 on | T/P | 400 | B&W | Modern general purpose continuous tone 'T' grain panchromatic film, updated 2008 (TMY-2).[108] 135, 120 (T base) & Sheet Film (P Base).[109] | USA | 135, 120. Sheet film | |
Kodak | T-MAX P3200 | 1988–2012, 2018 on | T | 800 | B&W | Multi -speed continuous tone 'T' grain panchromatic film. Originally launched in 1998 the film was discontinued in 2012. Re-launched in USA and Europe 4 March 2018. The “P” means although it is an ISO 800 film it is designed to be push processed to an EI 3200 or higher (TMZ).[110] #120 format is planned in 2019[111] | USA | 135–36, #120 |
Color negative films
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
Kodak | ColorPlus 200 | 1990 on | T | 200 | C-41 | General purpose budget color film. Mid 1980s Kodacolor VR 200 re-introduced as a budget offer to Gold 200, (not USA market), no datasheet available.[103] | USA | 135-24 /36 | |
Kodak | Pro Image 100 | 1997 on | T | 100* | C-41 | Budget 'Professional' color film with neutral skin tones for portraits, weddings and social events. *An E.I.100 film (ISO ca. 160) originally for selected markets with hot climates (Latin America & SE Asia) without needing cold storage and using a Kodak Gold print profile. (parallel import elsewhere). In 2018 Kodak added it to official distribution in Europe.[112] | USA | 135-36 | |
Kodak | Gold 200 | 1997 on | T | 200 | C-41 | General purpose consumer color film (GB). Kodacolor Gold films introduced in 1988. Kodak Gold from 1997, current v7, introduced 2007.[113][114] | USA | 135-24 /36 | |
Kodak | Ultramax 400 | 2007 on | T | 400 | C-41 | General purpose 'all conditions' consumer film (GC) previously Kodak Gold 400 1997 to 2007.[114] | USA | 135-24 /36 | |
Kodak | Ektar 100 | 2008 on | T/P | 100 | C-41 | Professional fine grain film with ultra-vivid colors for nature, travel & fashion photography. 135, 120 (T base) sheet film (P base) [115] | USA | 135–36, 120, 4x5" | |
Kodak | Portra 160 | 2011 on | T/P | 160 | C-41 | Professional, V fine grain film with natural colors for portraits, fashion & wedding photography. Vision 3 technology. 135, 120, (T base), Sheet film (P base).[116] | USA | 135–36, 120, 4x5", 8x10" | |
Kodak | Portra 400 | 2010 on | T/P | 400 | C-41 | Professional, fine grain film with natural colors for portraits, fashion & commercial photography. Vision 3 technology. 135, 120, (T base), Sheet film (P base).[117] | USA | 135–36, 120, 4x5", 8x10" | |
Kodak | Portra 800 | 1998 on | T | 800 | C-41 | Professional, fine grain film with natural colors for low light situations.[118] | USA | 135–36, 120 |
Color reversal (slide) films
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
Kodak | Ektachrome E100 | 2018 on, *2019 on | T | 100 | E-6 | Slide | Professional v fine grain film with moderate saturation and neutral tones. Based on a reformulation of Ektachrome E100G (last available in 2012). Launched at Photokina September 2018.[119][120] *120 and sheet film formats went on sale in December 2019 for delivery Q1 2020.[121] | USA | 135–36, 120, 4x5" |
Launched in 2014, KONO! is a small European analogue photographic company based in Austria that produces a range of 'creative' 35mm format films. Most KONO! films are based on stock originally intended for shooting motion pictures, scientific purposes or other places photosensitive emulsions were used. All films are hand rolled onto recycled 135 film cassettes.[122][123] Kono! also produced creative films for the 'dubblefilm' brand until early 2019.[32]
Black and white films
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
KONO! | MONOLIT 64 | 2018 on | T | 64 | B&W | Medium contrast black & white film. Produced with assistance from Astrum. Potentially Svema FN64 [124] | Austria/ Ukraine | 135-36 | |
KONO! | REKORDER 100-200 | 2018 on | T | 100-200 | B&W | 'Creative' B&W film featuring pre-exposed numbers and letters.[125] | Austria | 135-24 | |
Color negative films
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
KONO! | Donau 6 | available | T | 6 | C-41 | Creative colour film with strong blues and ultra slow speed suitable for long exposure photography in the daytime, extremely long exposures in the evening or at night[126] | Austria | 135-24 | |
KONO! | Kolorit 125 Tungsten | available | T | 125 | C-41 | Tungsten balanced colour film, motion picture film stock suitable for C-41 process | Austria[127] | 135-24 | |
KONO! | Kolorit 400 Tungsten | available | T | 400 | C-41 | Tungsten balanced colour film, motion picture film stock suitable for C-41 process[128] | Austria | 135-24 | |
KONO! | Rotwild 400 | available | T | 400 | C-41 | Creative colour film with intense tints, ranging from yellow to deep red with re-animated motion picture film stock suitable for C-41 process. Probably a redscale film [129] | Austria | 135-24 | |
KONO! | ALiEN 200 | available | T | 200 | C-41 | Creative colour film pre-exposed with green aliens[130] | Austria | 135-24 | |
KONO! | UFO 200 | available | T | 200 | C-41 | Creative colour film pre-exposed with UFOs[131] | Austria | 135-24 | |
KONO! | KATZ 200 | available | T | 200 | C-41 | Creative colour film pre-exposed with cats paw prints[132] | Austria | 135-24 | |
KONO! | LUFT 200 | available | T | 200 | C-41 | Creative colour film pre-exposed with light blue hearts[133] | Austria | 135-24 | |
KONO! | LIEBE 200 | available | T | 200 | C-41 | Creative colour film pre-exposed with red hearts [134] | Austria | 135-24 | |
KONO! | WINTERMÄRCHEN 200 | available | T | 200 | C-41 | Creative colour film 'Winter fairytale' pre-exposed with festive images [135] | Austria | 135-24 | |
Kosmo Foto
Stephen Dowling runs the website Kosmo Foto (Previously Zorki Photo, renamed because the name Zorki was still being used in Russia[136]). He released his own branded B&W film in 2017, supplied by Foma Bohemia, the packaging of which is noted for its bold Soviet-era inspired artwork.[137]
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
Kosmo Foto | Mono | 2017 on | T | 100 | B&W | Traditional general purpose panchromatic fine grain film. Re-branded Fomapan 100[138] 120 format was added in May 2019.[139][140] | Czech Rep. | 135–36, 120 | |
Headquarters in Vienna, Austria. Lomography is a globally-active organization dedicated to analogue, experimental and creative photography. Lomography procures films from film manufacturers to sell under the lomography brand. They uniquely offer film in 110 format.
Black and white films
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
Lomography | Fantome Kino | 06.2020 on | T | 8 | B&W | Slow speed panchromatic film with high contrast. The edge markings show an ORWO DP31 duplicating positive film.[141] Launched on March 20, on sale on June 20.[142] | tbc | 135 | |
Lomography | Babylon Kino | 07.2020 on | P | 13 | B&W | Slow speed panchromatic film with soft contrast, sharp detail, low grain and subtle gradient transitions based on a 'German cinema film'. Characteristics suggest an ORWO duplicating negative technical emulsion (DN21). Launched on April 20, on sale on July 20.[143] | tbc | 135 | |
Lomography | Earl Grey | available | T(135) P(120) | 100 | B&W | General purpose, panchromatic film. Currently Fomapan 100 [144] | Czech Rep. | 135, 120 | |
Lomography | Orca | available | T | 200 | B&W | General purpose, panchromatic film | tbc | 110 | |
Lomography | Lady Grey | available | T | 400 | B&W | General purpose, panchromatic film. Kodak TMAX 400 to mid 2017, currently Fomapan 400 [145][146] | Czech Rep. | 135, 120 | |
Lomography | Potsdam 100 | 2019 on | T | 100 | B&W | 'Limited edition' Cinematic (Kino) panchromatic film with fine grain 'from a German company changing the face of cinema since the 1900s' [147] Probably ORWO UN54. Available in May 2019 | Germany/ Czech Rep. | 135, 120 | |
Lomography | Berlin 400 | 2018 on | T | 400 | B&W | 'Limited edition' Cinematic (Kino) panchromatic film with wide exposure latitude (E.I to 3200) and suitable for reversal processing 'from a German company changing the face of cinema since the 1900s'[148][149] Probably ORWO N74 or N74plus (before 2019) and N75 ('2019 formula'). | Germany/ Czech Rep. | 135 | |
Color negative films
Colour films 100, 400, 800 are thought to be based on Kodacolor VR formulations from the mid-1980s. All currently manufactured by Kodak in USA.
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
Lomography | Color Negative 100 | available | T | 100 | C-41 | General purpose colour film for sunny conditions. | USA | 135–36, 120 | |
Lomography | Color Tiger 200 | available | T | 200 | C-41 | General purpose colour film. | tbc | 110 | |
Lomography | Color Negative 400 | available | T | 400 | C-41 | General purpose colour film. | USA | 135–36, 120 | |
Lomography | Color Negative 800 | available | T | 800 | C-41 | General purpose colour film | USA | 135–36, 120 | |
Lomography | Redscale XR 50-200 | 2018 - | tbc | 50-200 | C-41 | Creative redscale film with an extended exposure range[150] | tbc | 135–36, 120 | |
Lomography | LomoChrome Metropolis | 12.2019 - | tbc | 100-400 | C-41 | Creative colour negative film featuring a desaturated look with washed out colours. Funding was launched via a kickstarter campaign in 2019 which met its funding target in 72 hours. First deliveries to funders and retailers December 2019.[151][152] | Germany | 110, 135–36, 120 | |
Lomography | LomoChrome Purple XR | 2017 - | tbc | 100-400 | C-41 | Creative colour negative film with purple hues, initial limited edition, followed by 2nd batch with finer grain. Further limited batch in both formats in 2019. | Germany | 135–36, 120 | |
Lomography | Lobster Redscale | available | tbc | 200 | C-41 | Creative redscale film with an extended exposure range | tbc | 110 | |
Color reversal (slide) films
Although made for cross processing in C-41 process chemistry these films will provide normal slides if E-6 processed.
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
Lomography | XPro 200 | 2010 on | tbc | 200 | C-41 (E-6) | Print (slide) | Cross Processing Slide Film. Needs UV filter for normal colours in E6. Film is the discontinued Agfa-Gevaert Aviphot Chrome (same formulation as Agfa RSX 200).[153] Currently unavailable as of Jan 2019. | Belgium | 135#, 120# |
Lomography | Peacock X-Pro | 2013 on | tbc | 200 | C-41 (E-6) | Print (slide) | Cross Processing Slide Film in 110 format. | Belgium | 110 |
Oriental is a Japanese brand of photographic films and papers owned by Cyber Graphics Co, Tokyo. The photographic films are produced by Harman Technology, UK and are similar to the Kentmere films. They were developed as a budget B&W film for the Japanese market.[154]
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
Oriental | SEAGULL 100 | 2016 - | T | 100 | B&W | General purpose, panchromatic film, similar to Kentmere 100 | UK | 135-36 | |
Oriental | SEAGULL 400 | 2016 - | T | 400 | B&W | General purpose, panchromatic film, similar to Kentmere 400 | UK | 135-36 | |
Polaroid B.V. is a Dutch photography company that was founded in 2008 as the Impossible Project to re-introduce instant film for Polaroid cameras. The company was later renamed Polaroid Originals before becoming Polaroid in 2020. Based in Enschede, Polaroid manufactures film for its own and selected original Polaroid instant cameras. Instant films are marketed by format rather than emulsion.
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
Polaroid | i-type film | available | N/A | 640 | Instant | General purpose instant color or black and white film. As with Fujifilm's Instax film, various frame styles are available. | Netherlands | 107x 88mm | |
Polaroid | 600 film | 2015 on | N/A | 640 | Instant | General purpose instant color or black and white film. Various frame styles. | Netherlands | 107x 88mm | |
Polaroid | SX-70 film | 2013 on | N/A | 160 | Instant | General purpose instant color or black and white (ISO 160) film. Various frame styles | Netherlands | 107x 88mm | |
Polaroid Originals | Spectra film | 2013-2019 | N/A | 640 | Instant | General purpose instant color or black and white film in various frame styles. In October 2019, Polaroid Originals announced the discontinuation of the Spectra film format due to poor reliability of the remaining Spectra cameras.[155] | Netherlands | 103x 101mm | |
Polaroid | 8 x 10 film | available | N/A | 640 | Instant | General purpose instant color or black and white film. | Netherlands | 325x 215mm (8x10") | |
Rera is a brand of photographic film for 127 (4x4) format roll film cameras assembled in Japan by Kawauso-Shoten. Film is converted for 127 format and sold through main retailers.
Black & White film
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
Rera | Pan 400 | 2018 on | T | 400 | B&W | General purpose panchromatic traditional high-speed black and white film.[156] Recommended development times identical to Ilford HP5.[157] | Japan | 127 | |
Color reversal (slide) film
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
Rera | Chrome 100 | 2018 on | P | 100 | E-6 | Slide | General purpose color slide film last available in 2017. Yellow cast means reduced suitability for flowers and landscapes.[158] | Japan | 127 |
Revolog is a small company based in Vienna, Austria which re-manufactures and sells a range of creative 'special effects' still camera films. Revolog take ISO 200 color film in 135 format and pre-expose the rolls with a unique effect.[159] In 2019 they also re-manufacture creative films for dubblefilm.[33]
Color negative films
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
Revolog | Rasp | available | T | 200 | C-41 | Coloured scratches/narrow lines effect running through images | Austria | 135 | |
Revolog | Volvox | available | T | 200 | C-41 | Bright green dot effect in different shapes and sizes | Austria | 135 | |
Revelog | Texture | available | T | 200 | C-41 | Bubble-like structure effect | Austria | 135 | |
Revolog | Plexus | available | T | 200 | C-41 | Organic looking, bluish structure effect to that of a neural net or underwater reflections. | Austria | 135 | |
Revolog | Laser | available | T | 200 | C-41 | Thick green and blue lines effect | Austria | 135 | |
Revolog | Streak | available | T | 200 | C-41 | Cintage effect, which will look as if they were taken through a scratched window or lens | Austria | 135 | |
Revolog | Tesla I | available | T | 200 | C-41 | Unexpected bluish-white lightning bolts effect. | Austria | 135 | |
Revolog | Tesla II | available | T | 200 | C-41 | Unexpected red lightning bolts effect. | Austria | 135 | |
Revolog | Kosmos | available | T | 200 | C-41 | Blue stardust will make little galaxies appear on your images. | Austria | 135 | |
Revolog | Kolor | available | T | 200 | C-41 | Adds a rainbow of colours - including red, blue, orange, green, pink, turquoise to images | Austria | 135 | |
Revolog | 460 nm | available | T | 200 | C-41 | Depending on exposure/scanner settings pictures will either appear blue/violet or yellow/green | Austria | 135 | |
Revolog | 600 nm | available | T | 200 | C-41 | Depending on exposure/scanner settings pictures will have a reddish or a bluish–green tint. | Austria | 135 | |
The Rollei brand for photographic film is licensed to Maco (Hans O. Mahn GmbH & Co. KG, Maco Photo Products) a German-based supplier of photographic films. Headquarters in Stapelfeld, Germany. They offer a range of polyester* base black and white and colour films originally for aerial photography produced by Agfa-Gevaert and converted by Maco for still camera use and general purpose triacetate base RPX 100/400 black and white films from Harman Technology / Ilford Photo. (Note: Polyester base films must be loaded in subdued light to avoid light piping effect).
Black and white films
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
Rollei | RPX 25 | 2014 on | P | 25 | B&W | General purpose low speed Panchromatic film E.I. 12–50. Considered to be Agfa-Gevaert Aviphot 80 PE1 film (same as 80S) converted and packaged by Harman Technology. | Belgium/ UK | 135, 120, 4x5" | |
Rollei | RPX 100 | 2014 on | T | 100 | B&W | General purpose, medium speed Panchromatic film. Similar to Kentmere 100 | UK | 135, 120 | |
Rollei | RPX 400 | 2014 on | T/P | 400 | B&W | General purpose, high speed Panchromatic film. Similar to Kentmere 400. 4x5" Polyester base.[160] | UK | 135, 120, 4x5" | |
Rollei | Ortho Plus | 2017 on | P | 25 | B&W | Orthochromatic film. Replaced Rollei Ortho in 2017. | Germany | 135, 120, sheet film | |
Rollei | Retro 80S | available | P | 80 | B&W | Super-panchromatic film (extended red to 750 nm). (Agfa-Gevaert Aviphot Pan 80).[161] Converted & packaged by Harman Technology (135) or Foma (120) | Belgium/ Czech Rep/ UK | 135, 120 | |
Rollei | SuperPan 200 | available | P | 200 | B&W | Super-panchromatic film (extended red sensitivity) (Agfa-Gevaert Aviphot Pan 200).[162] | Belgium | 135, 120 | |
Rollei | Retro 400S | available | P | 400 | B&W | Super-panchromatic film (extended red sensitivity). (Agfa-Gevaert Aviphot Pan 400).[163] | Belgium | 135, 120 | |
Rollei | Infrared 400 | available | P | 400 | B&W | Super-panchromatic film (extended red sensitivity). (Agfa-Gevaert Aviphot Pan 400) | Belgium | 135, 120, 4x5" | |
Rollei | Blackbird | 2019 on | P | 25-100 | B&W | 'Creative' orthpanchromatic B&W film giving high contrast sharp images with results dependent on ISO/development process. Re-introduced in August 2019[164] | Belgium | 135 |
Color negative films
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
Rollei | Redbird | 2018 on | P | 400 | C-41 | A reverse-rolled 'creative' color negative film. The red scale effect is achieved by exposing through the base of the film which gives extremely warm red, yellow and orange tones. Re-introduced in 2018 | Belgium | 135-36 | |
Color reversal (slide) films
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
Rollei | CrossBird | 2018 on | P | 200 | E-6 (C-41) | Slide (Print) | Normal results in E-6 reversal process specially designed 'creative' effects film for cross-processing in C-41. 135 format to be introduced later in 2018. Edge markings reported to be same as the discontinued Rollei CR200. | Belgium | 135, 127, 120 |
Shanggong Shanghai Photosensitive material factory (formerly Shanghai ShenBei photosensitive material factory), established in 1958 in Shanghai, China produces a black and white film. It is part of the Shanggong group conglemerate.[165] Although relatively unknown outside China, the Shanghai film has been in production since the 1950s - but was mainly sold domestically. Production of the Shanghai film stopped in early 2015 for a new factory to be built - production restarted in summer 2016.
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
Shanghai | GP3 100 PAN | 1958 on | P | 100 | B&W | Traditional black and white panchromatic film with a thin anti-halation layer giving a retro look. *In 2019 a 135 format was announced coated in Europe and packaged in plastic cassettes in China. The initial batch is reported as carrying OrWo UN54 cinefilm markings resulting in speculation as to whether it is actually UN54.[166] | China | *135*, 120, 4x5", 8x10" | |
The company based in Saint Petersburg, Russia was founded in 2009 producing analog film products. It adopted the Silberra name in 2017 to introduce a range of Black & white films. Funding was sought through an indiegogo crowdfunding campaign to launch six new films. Three panchromatic films are available from launch based on Agfa-Gevaert Aviphot products. Two orthochromatic films were added in 2018. Silberra also offer cinema film from ORWO and Kodak in 135 cassettes for still use [167]
Black and white films
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
Silberra | S25 | 2020 - | P | 25 | B&W | Limited edition extra fine grain, moderate contrast and high resolution with extended red sensivity - Can be used as an IR film with suitable filter. Limited to 800 rolls[168] | Russia | 135-36 | |
Silberra | Orta 50 | 2018 - | P | 50 | B&W | Orthochromatic film (insensitive to red light) high resolution and high contrast[169] | Russia | 135-36 | |
Silberra | Orta 100 | 2018 - 19 | P | 100 | B&W | Orthochromatic film (insensitive to red light) with high contrast[170] | Russia | 135-36 | |
Silberra | Pan 50/Ultima 50 | 2017 - | P | 50 | B&W | General purpose panchromatic film with extended red sensitivity. Ultima - 80 um thick base, Pan 100 um thick base. Agfa-Gevaert Aviphot film[171] | Russia/ Belgium | 135-36 | |
Silberra | Ultima 100 | 2017 - | P | 100 | B&W | General purpose panchromatic film with extended red sensitivity. 100 um thick base. Agfa-Gevaert Aviphot film [172] | Russia/ Belgium | 135-36 | |
Silberra | Pan 160/Ultima 160 | 2017 - | P | 160 | B&W | General purpose panchromatic film with extended red sensitivity. Ultima - 80 um thick base, Pan 100 um thick base. Agfa-Gevaert Aviphot film[173] | Russia/ Belgium | 135-36 | |
Silberra | Pan 200/Ultima 200 | 2017 - | P | 200 | B&W | General purpose panchromatic film with extended red sensitivity. Pan & Ultima, same emulsion different polyester base thickness (PAN 100 um vs Ultima 80 um).[174] Agfa-Gevaert Aviphot film | Russia/ Belgium | 135-36 | |
Silberra | U200 | 2018 - | P | 200 | B&W | General purpose panchromatic film. High contrast mixed T/classic grain emulsion on a thin 80 um polyester base.[175] | Russia | 135-36 | |
Silberra | U400 | 2018 - | P | 400 | B&W | General purpose panchromatic film. igh contrast mixed T/classic grain emulsion on a thin 80 um polyester base.[176] | Russia | 135-36 | |
Silberra | Cinema UN54 | 2018 - | P | 100 | B&W | Converted from ORWO UN54 cinema film[177] | Russia/ Germany | 135-36 | |
Silberra | Cinema 74N+ | 2018 - 2019 | P | 400 | B&W | Converted from ORWO N74 plus cinema film [178] | Russia/ Germany | 135-36 | |
Silberra | Cinema 75N+ | 2019 - | P | 400 | B&W | Converted from ORWO N75 plus cinema film [179] | Russia/ Germany | 135-36 | |
Silberra | Cinema 52XX | 2018 - | P | 200 | B&W | Converted from Eastman Kodak 5222 Double-X cinema film. Silberra rate it at 200 rather than native 250 ISO.[180] | Russia/ USA | 135-36 |
SPUR (Speed Photography & Ultra high Resolution) is a supplier of own brand specialist photochemistry and films based in Langerwehe, Germany. Two black & white films produced by Agfa-Gevaert are sold under their own brand.
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
SPUR | DSX | Available | P | 32-64 | B&W | High resolution black and white Panchromatic document film. Resolution of up to 600 LP/mm.[181] Rebranded Agfa-Gevaert Copex Rapid A.H.U. | Belgium | 135, 120 | |
SPUR | UR | to 2019 | P | 20 | B&W | Agfa-Gevaert Copex HDP microfilm. Resolution of up to 800 LP/mm.[182] Same film as ADOX CMS20 II | Belgium | 135, 120 | |
SPUR | Ultra R 800 | 2019 on | P | 6 | B&W | Orthopanchromatic document film with resolution of up to 800 LP/mm replacing SPUR UR.[183] | ? | 135 |
Street Candy
Vincent Moschetti, the proprietor of the website released his own branded film in 2018 using a re-purposed B&W surveillance film stock.
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
Street Candy | ATM 400 | 2018 on | P | 400 | B&W | Panchromatic B&W film stock originally designed for use in security and surveillance cameras in banks and ATM machines. Loaded on recycled cassettes which are not DX coded.[184][185] | ? | 135-36 | |
Svema / Astrum
The original Svema film factory and chemical plant in Shostka, Ukraine closed with final coating there c2000-3, however some of its assets were acquired by Astrum holdings a company founded in 1995. Astrum continued to convert films for retail sale from various sources including Forte and Agfa-Gevaert and until recently sold them under the Astrum name (film expiring up to 2019). Today they apply the Svema brand name to a range of films (Tasma for NK-2). The current range comprises polyester (thin) base films of the kind used for aerial/surveillance photography sold in bulk rolls and are converted/packaged by third parties for retail sale. Films are probably made by Agfa-Gevaert or Tasma.[186][187]
Black and white films
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
Svema / Astrum | МЗ-3 (MZ-3) | available | P | 3 | B&W | Very slow blue sensitive B&W film | Ukraine | 135 | |
Svema / Astrum | ФН-64 (FN-64) | available | P | 64 | B&W | General purpose panchromatic film. | Ukraine | 135, 120, Sheet film | |
Svema / Astrum | Фoto-100 (Foto-100) | available | P | 100 | B&W | General purpose panchromatic film. | Ukraine | 135, 120, Sheet film | |
Svema / Astrum | Фoto-200 (Foto-200) | available | P | 200 | B&W | General purpose panchromatic film. | Ukraine | 135 | |
Svema / Astrum | Фoto-400 (Foto-400) | available | P | 400 | B&W | General purpose panchromatic film. | Ukraine | 135 | |
Svema / Astrum | А-2Ш (A-2SH) | available | P | 400 | B&W | General purpose panchromatic film. | Ukraine | 135 | |
Tasma / Astrum | НК-2Ш (NK-2) | available | P | 100 | B&W | General purpose panchromatic film. | Ukraine | 135 | |
Color negative films
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
Svema / Astrum | Color | available | P | 125 | C-41 | Bold fine grain film with an unusual color palette. Possibly a Kodak aero film | Ukraine | 135 | |
UltraFine is the house trade brand of photo retailer Photo Warehouse of California, USA who has been producing own brand products since 1979.[188] Photo Warehouse has historically offered three major Black and White Photo Films, Ultrafine Black and White Films 1979 to 2012, Ultrafine Plus Films 2002 to 2011, and Ultrafine Extreme Films from 2008 to the present day. The Ultrafine Extreme (eXtreme) B&W films are produced using a proprietary Contract Coating by GenAmerica United Corporation. The Films are available in ISO 100 and ISO 400 in 35 mm (135) and 120 format sizes. Uniquely the 135 films are still offered in 12 exp cassettes.
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
Ultrafine | Xtreme 100 | Available | T | 100 | B&W | General purpose, panchromatic 135 in 12, 24 and 36 exp. | GenAmerica EU | 135, 120 | |
Ultrafine | Xtreme 400 | Available | T | 400 | B&W | General purpose, panchromatic 135 in 12, 24 and 36 exp. | GenAmerica EU | 135, 120 | |
Yodica is a small company established in Milan, Italy in 2018, which produces and sells a range of creative 'special effects' still camera films. Yodica takes ISO 400 color film in 135 format and pre-expose the film with a unique effect. Films are not DX coded.[189]
Color negative films
Make | Name | Dates | Base | ISO | Process | Type | Details | Origin | Formats |
Yodica | Antares | 2018 on | T | 400 | C-41 | Warming tint to the top half of each frame and a cooling tint to the bottom | Italy | 135-36 | |
Yodica | Andromeda | 2018 on | T | 400 | C-41 | Adds a rose/pink tint - Indoor Only | Italy | 135-36 | |
Yodica | Atlas | 2018 on | T | 400 | C-41 | Rainbow effect in random patchwork | Italy | 135-36 | |
Yodica | Pegasus | 2018 on | T | 400 | C-41 | Rainbow-effect which travels horizontally across each frame (landscape orientation). | Italy | 135-36 | |
Yodica | Polaris | 2018 on | T | 400 | C-41 | Adds a cooling blue tint | Italy | 135-36 | |
Yodica | Sirio | 2018 on | T | 400 | C-41 | Adds blue/green tones | Italy | 135-36 | |
Yodica | Vega | 2018 on | T | 400 | C-41 | Cooling tint to the top half of each frame and a warming tint to the bottom | Italy | 135-36 | |
See also
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