List of political parties in the Ottoman Empire
List of parties in Ottoman Empire gives an overview of political parties in Ottoman Empire.
It is not limited to parties that won representation in the Chamber of Deputies (the popularly elected lower house of the General Assembly of the Ottoman Empire, the Ottoman parliament). Although the First Constitutional Era established the parliament in 1876 through the constitution, it was short-lived and did not involve political parties. The declaration of the Second Constitutional Era in 1908 was the first time political parties were allowed participation in the Ottoman government.

Committee of Union and Progress

Jewish workers march in Salonica (Socialist Workers' Federation)
The two major parties were:
- Committee of Union and Progress (CUP; İttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti; 1889–1918)
- Freedom and Accord Party (also known as the Liberal Union (LU) or Liberal Entente; Hürriyet ve İtilâf Fırkası; 1911–13 and 1918–20)
Other general parties included:
- Ottoman Socialist Party (Osmanlı Sosyalist Fırkası; 1910–13)
- Ottoman Radical Reform Party (Islahat-ı Esasiye-ı Osmaniye Fırkası; 1909-1913, founded by Şerif Pasha, merged with the Freedom and Accord Party)
- Ottoman Committee of Alliance (Heyet-i Müttefika-i Osmaniye, 1909)
- Ottoman Democratic Party (Fırka-i İbad or Osmanlı Demokrat Fırkası; 1909–11, founded by Ibrahim Temo, merged with the Freedom and Accord Party)
- Ottoman Liberal People's Party (1918–20)
- Ottoman Liberty Party (Osmanlı Ahrar Fırkası; 1908–10)
- Socialist Workers' Federation (1909–13)
- People's Party (Ahali Fırkası)
- Private Enterprise and Decentralization Association (Teşebbüs-i Şahsi ve Adem-i Merkeziyet Cemiyeti; 1902–08)
- Committee of Altruists for the Nation (Fedakâran-ı Millet Cemiyeti; 1908–09)
- Social Democrat Party (Sosyal Demokrat Fırkası; 1918-19)
- Turkish Socialist Party (Türkiye Sosyalist Fırkası; 1919-22)
- Turkish Workers and Peasants Socialist Party (Türkiye İşçi ve Çiftçi Sosyalist Fırkası; 1919–20)
- Renewal Party (Teceddüt Fırkası; 1918–19, continuation of the Committee of Union and Progress)
Ethnic parties included:
- People's Federative Party (Bulgarian Section) (1909–10)
- Bulgarian Constitutional Clubs (1908–09)
- Jewish Social Democratic Labour Party in Palestine (Poale Zion) (1906–?)
- Al-Fatat (also known as the Young Arab Society; Jam’iyat al-’Arabiya al-Fatat)
- Ottoman Party for Administrative Decentralization (Hizb al-lamarkaziyya al-idariyya al'Uthmani; 1913–?)
- Armenakan Party (1885–1921)
- Social Democrat Hunchakian Party (1887–present)
- Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF; Hay Heghapokhagan Dashnaktsutiun or Dashnak or Tashnak; 1890–present)
- Serb Democratic League
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