List of taxa named by anagrams
In the biological nomenclature codes, an anagram can be used to name a new taxon.

Wordplays are one source of inspiration allowing organisms to receive scientific names.[1] In the binominal nomenclature, as scientists have latitude in naming genera and species, a taxon name can therefore be an anagram, provided it remains pronounceable.[2] For example, in the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants, a new generic name can be taken from the name of a person by using an anagram or abbreviation of it.[3]
William Elford Leach was among the first naturalists to use taxonomic anagrams, and, in 1818, he described several isopod genera that were each other's anagrams of 'Caroline' : Conilera, Lironeca, Nerocila, Olencira, and Rocinela.[1]
List in botany
Initial taxon name | Initial authority | Taxonomic anagram | Anagram authority | Etymology or namesake | Reference |
Agirta | Baill. 1858 | Tragia [lower-alpha 1] | L. 1753 | Hieronymus Bock, named Tragus (1498 - 1554) | [4] |
Albidella | Pichon 1946 | Baldellia | Parl. 1854 | Bartolomeo Bartolini-Baldelli (1804 - 1868) | [4] |
Albizia | Durazz. 1772 | Balizia | Barneby & J.W.Grimes 1996 | Filippo degli Albizzi (1724 - 1789) | [4] |
Alciope | DC. 1836 | Capelio [lower-alpha 1] | B.Nord. 2002 | Alciope, a nymph | [4] |
Algrizea | Proença & NicLugh. 2006 | Grazielia [lower-alpha 2] | R.M.King & H.Rob. 1972 | Graziela Maciel Barroso (1912 - 2003) | [4] |
Alibertia | A.Rich. ex DC. 1830 | Ibetralia | Bremek. 1934 | Jean-Louis-Marc Alibert (1768 - 1837) | [4] |
Allium | L. 1753 | Muilla [lower-alpha 3] | S.Watson ex Benth. 1833 | Latin word for garlic | [5] |
Alsomitra | (Blume) M.Roem., 1846 | Siolmatra | Baill., 1885 | — | [6] |
Annesijoa | Pax & K.Hoffm. 1919 | Joannesia | Vell. 1798 | John VI of Portugal (1767 - 1826) | [4] |
Baldellia | Parl. 1854 | Albidella | Pichon 1946 | Bartolomeo Bartolini-Baldelli (1804 - 1868) | [4] |
Balizia | Barneby & J.W.Grimes 1996 | Albizia | Durazz. 1772 | Filippo degli Albizzi (1724 - 1789) | [4] |
Bartsia | L. 1753 | Starbia | Thouars 1806 | Johann Bartsch (1709 - 1738) | [4] |
Behuria | Cham. 1834 | Huberia | DC. 1828 | François Huber (1750 - 1831) | [4] |
Beilschmiedia | Nees 1831 | Bielschmeidia | Pancher & Sebert 1874 | Carl Traugott Beilschmied (1793 - 1848) | [4] |
Berardia | Brongn. 1826 | Diberara | Baill. 1881 | Jacques Étienne Bérard (1789 - 1869) | [4] |
Beriesa | Steud. 1840 | Siebera | C.Presl 1828 | Franz Wilhelm Sieber (1789 - 1844) | [4] |
Berteroa | DC. 1821 | Terobera | Steud. 1855 | Carlo Luigi Giuseppe Bertero (1789 - 1831) | [4] |
Bielschmeidia | Pancher & Sebert 1874 | Beilschmiedia | Nees 1831 | Carl Traugott Beilschmied (1793 - 1848) | [4] |
Bobea | A.Rich. 1830 | Obbea [lower-alpha 1] | Hook.f. 1870 | Jean-Baptiste Bobe-Moreau (1761 - 1849) | [4] |
Bolelia | Raf. 1832 | Lobelia [lower-alpha 1] | L. 1753 | Matthias de l'Obel (1538 - 1616) | [4] |
Bouchea | Cham. 1832 | Ubochea | Baill. 1891 | Peter Friedrich Bouché (1785 - 1856) | [4] |
Buckollia | Venter & R.L.Verh. 1994 | Bullockia | (Bridson) Razafim., Lantz & B.Bremer 2009 | Arthur Allman Bullock (1906 - 1980) | [4] |
Bullockia | (Bridson) Razafim., Lantz & B.Bremer 2009 | Buckollia | Venter & R.L.Verh. 1994 | Arthur Allman Bullock (1906 - 1980) | [4] |
Burmannia | L. 1753 | Maburnia [lower-alpha 1][lower-alpha 2] | Thouars 1806 | Johannes Burman (1706 - 1779) | [4] |
Capelio | B.Nord. 2002 | Alciope [lower-alpha 1] | DC. 1836 | Alciope, a nymph | [4] |
Danthonia | DC. 1805 | Thonandia | H.P.Linder 1996 | Étienne Danthoine (1739 - 1794) | [4] |
Dargeria | Decne. 1844 | Gerardia | L. 1753 | John Gerard (1545 - 1612) | [4] |
Dargeria | Decne. 1844 | Graderia | Benth. 1846 | John Gerard (1545 - 1612) | [4] |
Despeleza | Nieuwl. 1914 | Lespedeza [lower-alpha 1] | Michx. 1803 | Vicente Manuel de Céspedes (1721 ? - 1794) | [4] |
Diberara | Baill. 1881 | Berardia | Brongn. 1826 | Jacques Étienne Bérard (1789 - 1869) | [4] |
Diflugossa | Bremek. 1944 | Goldfussia [lower-alpha 1] | Nees 1832 | Georg August Goldfuss (1782 - 1848) | [4] |
Ekmania | Gleason 1919 | Manekia | Trel. 1927 | Erik Leonard Ekman (1883 - 1931) | [4] |
Eroeda | Levyns 1948 | Oedera [lower-alpha 1] | L. 1771 | Georg Christian Oeder (1728 - 1791) | [4] |
Fuchsia | Plum. ex L. | Schufia | Spach | Leonhart Fuchs (1501–1566) | [4] |
Gerardia | L. 1753 | Dargeria | Decne. 1844 | John Gerard (1545 - 1612) | [4] |
Gerardia | L. 1753 | Graderia | Benth. 1846 | John Gerard (1545 - 1612) | [4] |
Goldfussia | Nees 1832 | Diflugossa [lower-alpha 1] | Bremek. 1944 | Georg August Goldfuss (1782 - 1848) | [4] |
Graderia | Benth. 1846 | Dargeria | Decne. 1844 | John Gerard (1545 - 1612) | [4] |
Graderia | Benth. 1846 | Gerardia | L. 1753 | John Gerard (1545 - 1612) | [4] |
Grazielia | R.M.King & H.Rob. 1972 | Algrizea [lower-alpha 2] | Proença & NicLugh. 2006 | Graziela Maciel Barroso (1912 - 2003) | [4] |
Gyminda | Sarg. 1891 | Myginda [lower-alpha 1] | Jacq. 1760 | Franz von Mygind (1710 - 1789) | [4] |
Hariota | DC. 1834 | Hatiora [lower-alpha 1] | Britton & Rose 1915 | Thomas Harriot (ca. 1560 - 1621) | [4] |
Hatiora | Britton & Rose 1915 | Hariota [lower-alpha 1] | DC. 1834 | Thomas Harriot (ca. 1560 - 1621) | [4] |
Hermannia | L. 1753 | Mahernia [lower-alpha 1][lower-alpha 2] | L. 1767 | Paul Hermann (1646 - 1695) | [4] |
Honottia | Rchb. 1828 | Hottonia | L. 1753 | Pieter Hotton (1648 - 1709) | [4] |
Hottonia | L. 1753 | Honottia | Rchb. 1828 | Pieter Hotton (1648 - 1709) | [4] |
Huberia | DC. 1828 | Behuria | Cham. 1834 | François Huber (1750 - 1831) | [4] |
Ibetralia | Bremek. 1934 | Alibertia | A.Rich. ex DC. 1830 | Jean-Louis-Marc Alibert (1768 - 1837) | [4] |
Joannesia | Vell. 1798 | Annesijoa | Pax & K.Hoffm. 1919 | John VI of Portugal (1767 - 1826) | [4] |
Kailarsenia | Tirveng. 1983 | Larsenaikia | Tirveng. 1993 | Kai Larsen (1926 - 2012) | [4] |
Kanimia | Gardner 1847 | Mikania [lower-alpha 1] | F.W.Schmidt 1795 | Joseph Gottfried Mikan (1743 - 1814) | [4] |
Larsenaikia | Tirveng. 1993 | Kailarsenia | Tirveng. 1983 | Kai Larsen (1926 - 2012) | [4] |
Lawrencia | Hook. 1840 | Wrenciala | A.Gray 1854 | Robert William Lawrence (1807 - 1833) | [4] |
Lechlera | Griseb. 1857 | Relchela | Steud. 1854 | Willibald Lechler (1814 - 1856) | [4] |
Lespedeza | Michx. 1803 | Despeleza [lower-alpha 1] | Nieuwl. 1914 | Vicente Manuel de Céspedes (1721 ? - 1794) | [4] |
Letestua | Lecomte 1920 | Tulestea | Aubrév. & Pellegr. 1961 | Georges Le Testu (1877 - 1967) | [4] |
Lobelia | L. 1753 | Bolelia [lower-alpha 1] | Raf. 1832 | Matthias de l'Obel (1538 - 1616) | [4] |
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