Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems
The Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex systems is one of the 80 institutes of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, located in Dresden, Germany.

The research at the institute in the field of the physics of complex systems ranges from classical to quantum physics and focuses on three main areas (see Departments). Additionally, independent research groups strengthen and interpolate the research in and between the divisions on such topics as new states of quantum matter, complex dynamics in cold gases, stochastic processes in biophysics, nonlinear time series analysis, motor systems, dynamics of biological networks, mesoscopic systems, collective phenomena in solid state and material physics, and nonlinear and relativistic optics.[1]
- Condensed matter (headed by Roderich Moessner)
- Finite systems (headed by Jan-Michael Rost)
- Biological physics (headed by Frank Jülicher)
Research groups
- Dynamics in Correlated Quantum Matter (Markus Heyl)
- Quantum aggregates (Alex Eisfeld)
- Mesoscopic Physics of Life (Christoph A. Weber)
- Fractionalization and Topology in Quantum Matter (A. N. Sodemann Villadiego)
- Statistical Physics of Living Systems (Steffen Rulands)
- Self-organization of biological structures (Jan Brugués)
- Nonequilibrium Quantum Matter (Takashi Oka)
- Computational Quantum Many-body Physics (David Luitz)
- Nonlinear Dynamics and Time Series Analysis (Holger Kantz)
- Computational Biology and Evolutionary Genomics (Michael Hiller)
- Quantum Many-Body Systems (Anne E. B. Nielsen)
- Strongly Correlated Light-Matter Systems (Francesco Piazza)
- Scientific Computing for Image-based Systems Biology (Ivo Sbalzarini)
The Institute offers an IMPRS Phd program in Dynamic Processes in Atoms,[2] Molecules and Solids. The degree is awarded by the associated Technische Universität Dresden. Apart from this, the institute closely collaborates with numerous institutes at home and overseas including, Forschungszentrum Rossendorf (FZR), Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research (IFW), and the Max Planck Institute for the Chemical Physics of Solids (MPI-CPfS). MPI PKS forms together with TU Dresden and the other non-university research institutions in Dresden the research alliance DRESDEN-concept.[3]
- The institution web page
- "DRESDEN-concept | Members". (in German). Retrieved 27 February 2019.