Meretrix lusoria

Meretrix lusoria, the hamaguri, Asian hard clam or common Orient clam, is a species of saltwater clam, a marine bivalve mollusk in the family Veneridae, the Venus clams. This species is native to Asia, found along water beds and the coastal waters of China, Korea and Japan.[1] It is commercially exploited for sushi, and its shells are traditionally used to make white go stones.

Meretrix lusoria
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Bivalvia
Subclass: Heterodonta
Order: Venerida
Family: Veneridae
Genus: Meretrix
M. lusoria
Binomial name
Meretrix lusoria
Roeding 1798

The hamaguri clam is the subject of a haiku by Matsuo Bashō. [2]

See also

  • Kai-awase, a Japanese game with hamaguri shells


  1. [email protected], Melissa Hagan. "NEMESIS Database Species Summary". Retrieved 2017-10-24.
  2. "Closure, the final haiku". 2019-09-26.

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