
Peristedion is a genus of fish in the family Peristediidae found in Atlantic and Indo-West Pacific ocean waters. It has been given the common name Sea Robin.[1]

Peristedion gracile
Peristedion miniatum
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Scorpaeniformes
Family: Peristediidae
Genus: Peristedion
Lacépède, 1801


There are currently 23 recognized species in this genus:

  • Peristedion altipinne Regan, 1903
  • Peristedion amblygenys Fowler, 1938 [2]
  • Peristedion antillarum Teague, 1961 (Long-nose armoured searobin)
  • Peristedion barbiger Garman, 1899
  • Peristedion brevirostre (Günther, 1860) (Flat-head searobin)
  • Peristedion cataphractum (Linnaeus, 1758) (African armoured searobin)
  • Peristedion crustosum Garman, 1899
  • Peristedion ecuadorense Teague, 1961
  • Peristedion gracile Goode & T. H. Bean, 1896 (Slender searobin)
  • Peristedion greyae G. C. Miller, 1967
  • Peristedion imberbe Poey, 1861
  • Peristedion liorhynchus (Günther, 1872) [2]
  • Peristedion longispatha Goode & T. H. Bean, 1886
  • Peristedion miniatum Goode, 1880 (Armoured searobin)
  • Peristedion nesium W. A. Bussing, 2010
  • Peristedion orientale Temminck & Schlegel, 1843 [2]
  • Peristedion paucibarbiger Castro-Aguirre & García-Domínguez, 1984
  • Peristedion richardsi Kawai, 2016 [3]
  • Peristedion riversandersoni Alcock, 1894
  • Peristedion thompsoni Fowler, 1952 (Rim-spine searobin)
  • Peristedion truncatum (Günther, 1880) (Black armoured searobin)
  • Peristedion unicuspis G. C. Miller, 1967
  • Peristedion weberi J. L. B. Smith, 1934


  1. See for example, Armored Sea Robin Peristedion miniatum, Goode, 1880 , Nova Scotia Archives
  2. Ono, M. & Kawai, T. (2014): Review of Armored Searobins of the Genus Peristedion(Teleostei: Peristediidae) in Japanese Waters. Species Diversity, 19 (2): 117-131.
  3. Kawai, T. (2016): Peristedion richardsi sp. nov. (Actinopterygii: Teleostei: Peristediidae) from Indonesian waters, with synonymy between Peristedion riversandersoni Alcock, 1894 and Peristedion nierstraszi Weber, 1913. Zootaxa, 4171 (2): 335-346.

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