Serve the People (Norway)
Serve the People – Communist League (Norwegian: Tjen Folket – Kommunistisk Forbund) is a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Norwegian political organization formed in 1998 by members expelled from the Workers' Communist Party.[1] Its main aim is to create a new communist party in Norway based on Marxism–Leninism–Maoism. Their youth wing is the Revolutionary Communist Youth, which was created after a split from Red Youth, the youth wing of Red, who they deem as revisionist.
Serve the People – Communist League | |
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Founded | 1998 |
Youth wing | RKU |
Ideology | Communism Marxism–Leninism–Maoism Anti-revisionism Revolutionary socialism |
Party flag | |
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Website | |
tjen-folket | |

The organization supports People's War and claims that this is the only means by which socialism and communism can be established. They are open to the use of violence as a means to protect the proletariat against reprisals from the bourgeoisie.[2] It regards Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong and Chairman Gonzalo as the six leading communists who developed Maoism.[3]
Serve the People – A Marxist–Leninist Group was established in 1998 as a splinter group from AKP. It is claimed that the cause of the split was rightism within AKP's leadership.[4]
Several members of AKP and its youth organization, Revolutionary Communist Youth (RKU) were consequentially expelled from AKP, Red Electoral Alliance (RV), Red, and/or Red Youth.[5]
Henrik Ormåsen, the spokesperson for Serve the People, was expelled from AKP and Red Youth in 1997 and from Red in 2008 when he claimed that Joseph Stalin was a great theoretician. According to Red leader Torstein Dahle, Ormåsen has "harmed the party and brought into question what the party stood for."[5]
Serve the People launched an ideological campaign with the task of starting a new communist party after the collapse of AKP and changed their subtitle from "A Marxist-Leninist Group" to "Communist League" in 2009.[6][7]
Political theory
Serve the People bases its political theory on Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and claims that contemporary Marxism has been developed through three stages. The original stage of Marxism was developed by Marx and Engels in the 19th century. The second stage is Leninism as developed by Lenin and Stalin. The third stage is Maoism, "the most advanced form of revolutionary theory today", according to the organization's program.[8]
According to Serve the People, Marxism distinguishes itself from other forms of socialism (e.g. utopian socialism) by building on scientific theories regarding the development of human society, and the claim that through praxis, humans can influence this societal development:
Marxism is our science to make the world a better place. We need Marxism to understand how capitalism works and how to abolish it.[2]
On their website, Tjen Folket summarizes its "Marxism-Leninism" with three fundamental principles governing the communist party:
- Well-organized and disciplined.
- Open only for people who are willing to study communism, remain active in the party, and develop themselves to become good leaders for the struggles they must lead.
- Based on democratic centralism, such that all members participate in developing the party's politics, but that the minority accepts the decisions made by the majority and work for them.[2]
The organization also claims that Maoism is not only "Marxism for China", but offers "many teachings for international communists."[2]
Other central sources of inspiration that the league refers to in its theoretical and political foundation besides AKP and the "five classics" are the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement, the Communist Party of Peru, the Communist Party of India (Maoist), the Communist Party of the Philippines, the Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist–Leninist, among others.[9][10][11]
Election boycott
Serve the People has called for a boycott of each local and parliamentary election held in Norway since 2009, including the parliamentary elections in 2009, 2013, and 2017, as well as local elections in 2011 and 2015.[12]
They offer three main reasons for boycotting the election:
- People should opt for rebellion and socialism, and that the road to socialism is revolution, not elections.
- The candidate parties are complicit in contemporary Norwegian imperialism and war-mongering.
- Regardless of the outcome of the election, the important questions will be decided according to the interests of the bourgeoisie.[13]
Serve the People has criticized several communist organizations in Norway, claiming that they are revisionists. The most notable example is their youth group's split from Red Youth. They have also criticized Hoxhaist tendencies within Marxist-Leninist Group Revolution (Norwegian: ML-Gruppa Revolusjon) and Communist Platform (Norwegian: Kommunistisk plattform, KP) for their reformist positions, and characterize their reformism and revisionism as a logical consequence of their anti-Maoism.[14][15]
Proletarian feminism
Serve the People has summarized their position on the women's liberation movement as follows:
As long as the class system has existed, women have been especially oppressed. We support women’s rights against discrimination, against low wages based on gender and against the sexualization of women through media. We can only be fully liberated when we create a communist society, however women’s liberation does not happen by itself. Women must organize together and fight for liberation both today under capitalism and under socialism. It is therefore that we want a society where the socio-economic differences between both genders are abolished.[2]
The organization has participated in annual March 8 demonstrations, typically under the slogan of anti-imperialism and women's liberation through socialist revolution.[16]
They have also published criticism of liberal feminism and radical feminism, claiming that the former simply reinforces a class system that perpetuates the oppression of women and that the latter fails to recognize the primary contradiction in a class system and therefore does not address the core of the problem. In their stead, the organization offers proletarian feminism as a line for women's liberation. This divergence has manifested itself most prominently as a disagreement with other feminist movements on the question of prostitution, which Serve the People rejects as an oppressive practice.[17]
The organization has been criticized on several occasions for being Stalinists and left-extremists,[18][19] which the organization has denied. In response to allegations of extremism levied by Prime Minister Erna Solberg, Tjen Folket wrote in an August 2017 editorial that "Violence can oppress, but it can also smash oppression and it can liberate", and that "If violence is extreme, then Valen and Solberg are the real extremists".[20]
Relation to other groups on the left
Serve the People's former spokesperson Henrik Ormåsen was a member of the Red Electoral Alliance (later Red Party for several years. In 2008, he was expelled due to the Serve the People's criticisms of the Red Party.[21] Ormåsen claims that the allegations were incorrect and that the decision to exclude him were wrong.[22] In June 2008, 12 others were expelled from Red Youth, also on the basis of their alleged association with Serve the People.[23] Later, other members of Serve the People would be excluded or freely withdraw from the Red Party.
After Communist Platform (KPml) was established in 2007, a polemic arose between the organizations. Serve the People claimed that KPml had never intended to work with Serve the People. The polemic ended shortly thereafter in what Serve the People described as a "public attack against Serve the People" by KPml.[24] A cooperation between Serve the People and Communist Group in Bergen (Norwegian: Kommunistisk gruppe i Bergen, KGB) ended a year later as a result of a difference of opinion regarding political platforms, including their positions on Stalin as a leader.[25]
Serve the People and SOS Racism
In 2010, several media outlets reported that many leaders and employees in the anti-racist organization SOS Racisme were associated with Serve the People.[26][27] Some outlets alleged that public funding allocated to SOS was being used for Serve the People's activities.[28] This has been denied by both Serve the People and SOS.[29]
All three persons registered as leaders of Serve the People in the Entity Registry as per 2017 were in the central leadership of SOS Racism: Henrik Ormåsen as the working committee's deputy between 2008 and 2010, Kjell Gunnar Larsen as the chief treasurer, and Bjarne Stokke as a national leadership member.[30]
Internal struggles
In 2011, former Serve the People member Nora Warholm claimed that Serve the People abused SOS Racism in order to advance their own interests. Another former central member in Serve the People, Bård Frantzen, harassed Warholm with sexist slurs and encouraged her to commit suicide.[31] Serve the People has since publicly apologized for the incident and excluded Frantzen from the organization.[32]
In 2012, a former spokesperson and member of Serve the People and RKU, Kim Kopperud published a harsh criticism of the organization with another former member. It outlined a lack of membership democracy, and Kopperud resigned from the organization in protest the same year.[33]
In October 2012, four former members of Serve the People, SOS, and the associated organization Indiasolidaritet reportedly engaged in a fist fight with members of Serve the People in a meeting room in the Oslo Public Library.[34][35] There are conflicting reports as to who started the fight.[36]
In Spring 2018, Serve the People published an article where they apologized for having provided a platform for dangerous persons.[37] In August 2018 the organization announced a continued rectification campaign and published an article outlining a "pervasive and thorough" rectification campaign, partially regarding methods of leadership and partially regarding their political-ideological line.[38]
Serve the People has several media platforms for disseminating political news ranging from the organization's political line to Norwegian and global current events, including an official website, a YouTube channel, a Facebook page, and a Soundcloud page. The organization also has a podcast series entitled Ekkokammeret.
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