Slavic fantasy

Slavic fantasy (Russian: Славянское фэнтези), a fantasy genre, was finally formed at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries.[1] Slavic fantasy is the use of Slavic folklore (legends, epics, myths) in general structural rules for fantasy works.[2] The term Slavic fantasy is broader than the term Russian fantasy, although these terms are sometimes used synonymously.[1] Slavic fantasy emerged in opposition to the Western fantasy based on Celtic and Norse mythology.[1][3] The predecessor of Slavic fantasy can be considered to be the forgotten writer Alexander Veltman with the novels Koschei the Immortal (1833) and Svyatoslavovych, Hostile Pet (1834),[3] but the founder of modern Slavic fantasy was Yuri Nikitin, who wrote a series of novels, Three out of the woods.[4] The leader of Slavic fantasy is Maria Semyonova with the Wolfhound cycle of novels.[2] Some of the Russian-language writers use Norse mythology (referred k.f.n EA Safron to Western Fantasy[1]) - for example Elizabeth Butler's cycle of novels ship in the fjord,[2] and some English-language writers have written stories based on ancient pagan folklore (e.g. C. J. Cherryh's novels Rusalka (1989) and Chernevog (1990)).[5]

Classification Slavic fantasy

EA Safron in the classification of the Slavic fantasy uses a common system of classification of fantasy, based on the book by Kagan "Morphology of art. Historical and theoretical study of the internal structure of the art world ".[1] Eugene Gartsevich within Slavic fantasy identified two subgroups: the historic and heroic fantasy.[2] Zhuravlev and J. Zhuravleva Slavic fantasy classified into three areas: historical, heroic and humorous.[6]

Epic Fantasy

Examples - cycle A. Nikitin "Troy" (but having symptoms, and other varieties of Slavic Fantasy), series C. Fomicheva "Meshchersky Magi" (novels "Grey Horde", "Predslava Prophecy" and "The Dream of the Hawk").[1]

Romantic Fantasy

In a series of novels, "The princes of the forest", E.A. Dvoretskaya works is the main theme of the divine and earthly love.[1]

Historical Fantasy

Slavic variety of fantasy, characterized by the presence of elements of the historical novel. Originates from the novel by Maria Semenova Wolfhound, where a high proportion of the historical element (description of the life, customs and surroundings). Roman started the whole series of five books: "Wolfhound", "right to match", "Istovik-stone", "Sign of the way" and "Gemstone mountain." Semenova success has led to the followers, creating a cycle "World Wolfhound": Paul Molitvin with a collection of "Satellites Wolfhound" and the novels "The Wind of Fortune", "The Way Evriha" and "Shadow of the Emperor", Andrey Azarov "time of trouble", "The Last War" and "The Age of disasters", Alexei Semenov, "Traven-Island" and "Leaves of Artemisia", Elena Khaetskaja "Steppe road." Historical novel combines fantasy and Slavic in his writings Elizabeth Butler - for example, the cycle of "Princes of the Forest", consisting of three novels "Fire Wolf" (1997), "Morning Rider" (2002) and "I Do not Know Spring" (2002). By historical varieties Slavic fantasy novels include Olga Grigorieva "Sorcerer", "Berserk" and "Ladoga" and the novel by Sergei Shvedova "Rod".[2]

Heroic Fantasy

This variety has a large Slavic fantasy fight scenes in the percentage content of the product and the accelerated dynamics of the plot, which means belonging to the heroic fantasy. Originates from Yuri Nikitin series of novels "Hyperborea", "Three out of the woods" and "Prince's feast." Cycle "Hyperborea" consists of three novels, "Ingvar and Alder", "Prince Vladimir" and "Prince of Rus'. The cycle "Three out of the woods" includes a half dozen books, in which the three main characters Mrak, Oleg and Targitay embark on an adventure. Series "Princes Feast" (with epic heroes in the title role) refers to the patriotic theme: the return to Slavic roots, the greatness and glory of Kievan Rus and the fight against foreign invaders. By Slavic-heroic fantasy series of novels also include "Chronicles Vladigora".[2]

The Witcher series by Andrzej Sapkowski may also be considered Slavic fantasy, as much of the setting and creatures are based on Slavic history and mythology.

A humorous fantasy

By the variety of Slavic fantasy are: MG Assumption (cycle of Zhikharev "Charter falconry"), a series of AO Belyanina "spying king peas" story O. Gromyko "the Poor Koshchei Say a Word".[1]

Slavic fantasy mixed

Works simultaneously combining features of several species of the Slavic fantasy. Example -Juliy Burkin and Sergey Lukyanenko's novel "Island Russia" (1993), links the Slavic fantasy and science fantasy.[1]

Notes and references

See also


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