Solar power in Belarus
2013 and 2014 have an early stage of development of Solar power in Belarus. It was of no industrial significance, and there were no plans for widespread use in the near future. There were only a few experimental plants in the country, including a solar farm in the Mogilev region, owned by Taikun Ltd.

In June 2016, a solar farm in the Molodechno area with a capacity of 5.7-5.8 MW was launched - more than any of the previous ones, not only in Belarus, but also in Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Poland.[1] In August of that same year, the Solar II farm was opened in Bragin District, more than three times its predecessor's capacity.[2] In 2017, about 30 photovoltaic power plants with a total capacity of about 41 MW were used. In the same year, the largest photovoltaic farm in Rechytsa, 55 MW was put into operation. The state authorities formulated the goal to increase the total capacity of this type of power plants to 250 MW by the end of 2020.
The potential of solar energy in Belarus is estimated in the energy economy for the supply of hot water at 1.25-1.75 million toe per year, and for electricity production - by 1.0-1.25 million toe per year.
According to the Belarusian law, the state is obliged to connect devices that produce energy from renewable sources to the general grid and purchase energy from them. In the case of solar energy, the purchase price is three times the price for which energy is sold to consumers.[3]
In 2017 in Smarhon’ was build SPP with capacity of 17 MW.[4]
Byelorussian construction company CJSC "Belzarubezhstroi" will bring in 2019 in the Cherykaw District of Mogilev Region the largest photo-electric power station in the country with the capacity of 109 MWp. The contract was signed on Friday with the customer of construction - Solar Land Company.[5]
See also
- Hydroelectricity in Belarus
- List of renewable energy topics by country
- Growth of photovoltaics
- Energy in Belarus
- Видеофакт: как выглядит самая мощная в Беларуси солнечная электростанция
- velcom запусціў найбуйнейшую ў Беларусі сонечную электрастанцыю
- "Ветер и деньги", by Геннадий АЛЕКСАНДРОВ, Могилевская правда, April 19, 2013
- Солнечная электростанция в Сморгони может обеспечить город электроэнергией на треть
- Крупнейшая в Беларуси солнечная электростанция появится в Чериковском районе в 2019 году