Sword of Freyr
In Norse mythology, the sword belonging to Freyr, a Norse god associated with sunshine, summer and fair weather. Freyr's sword is depicted in Norse mythology as one of the few weapons that is capable of fighting on its own. After Freyr gave up the sword to Skírnir for the hand of the giantess Gerðr, he will die at Ragnarök because he didn't have his sword, fighting Surtr with an antler.

Norse mythology
Prose Edda
Frey asks Skírnir to bring Gerðr to him, Skírnir demands his sword from him, and Frey readily gives it. The loss of Frey sword has consequences. According to the Prose Edda, Freyr had to fight Beli without his sword and slew him with an antler. But the result at Ragnarök, the end of the world, will be much more serious. Frey is fated to fight the fire-giant Surt and since he does not have his sword he will be defeated.[1]
Poetic Edda
In Ragnarok the sun of warrior gods shines' from Surtr's sword.[2] One theory is that the sword which Surtr uses to slay Freyr with, is his own sword which Freyr had earlier bargained away for Gerðr. This would add a further layer of tragedy to the myth. Sigurður Nordal argued for this view but the possibility represented by Ursula Dronke's translation that it is a simple coincidence is equally possible.[3] In the poem Skírnirsmál, the sword is given to Skírnir and used to threaten Gerðr, but not explicitly given to neither giantess nor her father, much less Surt.
Appearances in Popular Media and Culture
In Rick Riordan's Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard, the sword of Freyr possessed by the protagonist is called Sumarbrander meaning 'summer sword', also, in his Trials Of Apollo series, Apollo claims he once met a "smoking hot God in a tavern, but his sword wouldn't just shut up!" which is probably a reference to Frey and his sword inside the Magnus Chase series
- Brodeur's translation
- EB's edition
- Völuspá 50–51, Ursula Dronke's translation