UPRRP College of Natural Sciences

The College of Natural Sciences of the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras (Spanish: Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras), was established in 1943. It is one of several colleges that make up the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras campus. Facundo Bueso Sanllehí was its first dean.[1] It is located in the city of San Juan, the capital of Puerto Rico.

College of Natural Sciences
18.403027°N 66.045875°W / 18.403027; -66.045875

In September 2019, the university won a $US17.4 million research grant from the National Science Foundation, for wearable technology.[2]

Undergraduate Degrees Offered

  • Biology
  • Chemistry (recognized by the American Chemistry Society)[3]
  • Physics
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Interdisciplinary in Natural Science Program
  • Nutrition
  • Mathematics
  • Computer Science

Graduate Degrees Offered

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Mathematics


  • Center for Applied Tropical Ecology and Conservation (CREST-CATEC)
  • Center for Nanoscale Materials


  • Animal House
  • Botanical Garden
  • Center for Educational Production Services
  • Computing Center
  • Department of Chemistry Support Facilities
  • Electronics Workshop
  • Field House at El Yunque (El Verde)
  • Greenhouse
  • Herbarium (http://herbario.uprrp.edu/)
  • Instrumentation Workshop
  • Machining Workshop
  • Natural Sciences Library
  • Zoology Museum


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