Unidos do Viradouro

Grêmio Recreativo Escola de Samba Unidos do Viradouro, or simply Viradouro or Unidos do Viradouro, is a samba school that competes in the Carnival city of Rio de Janeiro. t is located at the Barreto neighborhood in Niterói.

Full nameGrêmio Recreativo Escola de Samba Unidos do Viradouro
FoundationJune 24, 1946 (1946-06-24)
Blessing schoolPortela
Symbolcrown with a five-pointed star on top, an interracial handshake, and wheat branches
LocationBarreto, Niterói
PresidentMarcelo Calil Petrus Filho
Carnival staff
Carnival producerMarcus Ferreira e Tarcisio Zanon
Carnival singerZé Paulo Sierra
Carnival directorAlex Fab e Dudu Falcão
Harmony directorMauro Amorim
Director of BatteryMestre Ciça
Queen of BatteryRaissa Machado
Mestre-sala and Porta-BandeiraJulinho e Rute Alves
2020 presentation
TitleViradouro de alma lavada
(Viradouro with a "washed soul" (i.e., sense of accomplishment))
MotifGanhadeiras of Itapuã: slave-descendant women from the XIX century in Salvador that made money by washing clothes to buy enslaved women's manumission
Presentation order2nd school on Sunday
TierSpecial Group (top tier)
Result1st (champions)


Dominguinhos do Estácio one of the great singers of carnival and who identified himself much with the school.
The actress Juliana Paes, who was a great queen of battery of college from 2004 to 2008.

It was founded on 24 June 1946 by Nelson dos Santos, known as Jangada, who organized drumming in the backyard of his home in Capitão Roseira, at the top of the D. Mário Viana street, known as Viradouro street.[1][2] He also competed in the parades of Niterói for 39 years (1947 to 1985), however, during period came to Rio de Janeiro a few times (64 and 65), getting more than a 26th in third Division.[3]

After being place champion for eighteen times, the Viradouro decides to try his luck again in 1986. Doing good shows in the lower groups, where won the 1989, Group 3 with the theme "merchants and peddlers" and the Group 1 the following year with "Just the written", coming to the special group in 1991.[4]

In 1992, he presented the plot A magia da sorte chegou by Max Lopes and told the story of the gypsies. However school could not count on such luck in their parade: where one of the floats caught fire and fire will become uncontrollable. and many wards had to squeeze in give way to the car of the Fire department, while this delay resulted in the loss of 13 points in the timing and these points lost the school to 9th.

With the ida of Joãosinho Trinta, which uncurled from Beija-Flor the school began occupy first places with exception of 1996 where almost demoted. However with Dominguinhos do Estácio as singer and Trevas, luz, a explosão do Universo beautiful play colors, contrasting black and white, dark highlights of parade was the battery having used paradinha funk, under command Mestre Jorjão.[5]

In the year 2005, the school has lost its president, in bicheiro José Carlos Monassa Bessil for his succession, was elected Marco Lira who bet all of your chips in the modern Paulo Barros bring the plot "The Viradouro turns the game", trying to return to the title that does not win 10 years. one points of this parade was the battery The battery on top of a float, a large chess board conducted by Mestre Ciça, taking forward as queen of battery Juliana Paes, stepped out of the car in the middle.

In 2008, the school remained with the talent of Paulo Barros and the plot "É de Arrepiar!"[6][7] who spoke of various sensations perceived by the human being, that you would shudders, such as cold, sexual pleasure, emotion in general, fear, disgust and repugnance to evil. For both, the club changed his interpreter and one of the floats, which would represent the victims of Holocaust, was banned by the justice after proposed action by Jewish groups, who took the car to be offensive.

With the departure of Paulo Barros the school is lost and embitter a demotion, in the year 2010. a tribute with Mexico a parade of dubious level done by Júnior Schall and Edson Pereira.[8][9] However in this parade had a controversy with the choice of the queen of battery Julia Lira, only 7 years, the daughter of Marco Lira. There was criticism to this choice, since the position of queen of battery is usually occupied by women are seen as sexy symbols.

After 3 years in Grupo de acesso the school returned to the special with a tribute to their city. However in return among the elite of the samba was not well and very hampered by rain. in dispute of the Série A in 2016, posted in a time of weight return in Special Group. the battery brought Paulinho Botelho, in the composition of the couple mestre-saala and porta-bandeira, the experienced Marquinhos and Giovanna even with Wilsinho, as director of carnival. Such as carnival brought back Max Lopes who developed the plot "O Alabê de Jerusalém: A Saga de Ogundana" based on the piece of Altay. With a beautiful parade, the club won the 3rd place.

In 2018, the Viradouro school scored yet another victory in the A Series championship and thus secured once more its place in the Special Group in the 2019 parade, ending its campaign with a runner up finish.


Year Place Division Plot Carnivals Producers
1949 Champion Grupo Especial Araribóia
1950 Champion Grupo Especial Tiradentes - Mártir da Independência
1952 Champion Grupo Especial Vultos Nacionais
1953 Champion Grupo Especial Cândido Rondon
1954 Contest cancelled Estado do Rio
1955 Vice Champion Grupo Especial Batalha Naval do Riachuelo
1956 Champion Grupo Especial Independência do Brasil
1957 Champion Grupo Especial Quatro grandes feitos da História
1958 Champion Grupo Especial Primeiro Reinado
1959 Champion Grupo Especial Carlos Gomes
1960 3rd place Grupo Especial Catulo da Paixão Cearense
1961 Not competed Festa junina em pleno carnaval
1962 Champion Grupo Especial A Chegada da Família Real
1963 Champion Grupo Especial O Último baile imperial
1964 Did not parade Maria Quitéria
1965 26th place Grupo 3 Rio Quarto Centenário
1966 Honorable mention Homenagem a Niterói
1967 Vice Champion Grupo Especial Chico Rei
1968 Vice Champion Grupo Especial Rugendas - viagem pitoresca através do Brasil
1969 Vice Champion Grupo Especial A Festa do Divino
1970 Vice-Champion Grupo Especial Quilombo dos Palmares
1971 Champion Grupo Especial São Francisco - rio da integração nacional
1972 Vice Champion Grupo Especial Três festas tradicionais brasileiras
1973 Champion Grupo Especial Niterói - sua origem e evolução
1974 Champion Grupo Especial Pleito de vassalagem de Olorum
1975 Vice Champion Grupo Especial Rei Midas de Catas Altas
1976 3rd place Grupo Especial Só mesmo na Bahia
1977 3rd place Grupo Especial No mundo encantado da fantasia
1978 Vice Champion Grupo Especial Ídolos de Ébano
1979 Vice Champion Grupo Especial Ainda um paraíso tropical
1980 Champion Grupo Especial Os três encantos do rei Yarema Ostrog
Hilda Perna
Adriano Jorge
Silvinho da Portela
1981 Champion Grupo Especial Amor em Tom Maior Yarema Ostrog
Hilda Perna
Adriano Jorge
Silvinho da Portela
1982 Champion Grupo Especial Mutou Muido Kitoko Yarema Ostrog
Hilda Perna
Adriano Jorge
Silvinho da Portela
1983 Champion Grupo Especial Acredite se quiser Yarema Ostrog
Hilda Perna
Adriano Jorge
Silvinho da Portela
1984 Champion Grupo Especial O sonho de Ilê Yfé Yarema Ostrog
Hilda Perna
Adriano Jorge
Silvinho da Portela
1985 Vice Champion Grupo Especial Na terra de Antônio Maris, só não viu quem não quis Yarema Ostrog
Hilda Perna
Adriano Jorge
Lula da Mangueira
1986 Appraisal Novos ventos, novos tempos - História de uma integração Yarema Ostrog
Hilda Perna
Adriano Jorge
1987 5th place Grupo 4 Na Boca e na Ponta da Língua ... É carnaval Rodney Lucas
Alexandre Louzada
1988 Vice Champion Grupo 4 Contribuição do Negro ao Folclore Brasileiro Rodney Lucas
1989 Champion Grupo 3 Mercadores e Mascates Rodney Lucas
1990 Champion Grupo 1 Só vale o escrito Max Lopes
1991 7th place Grupo Especial Bravo! Bravíssimo! - Dercy Gonçalves, o retrato de um povo Max Lopes
1992 9th place Grupo Especial E a magia da sorte chegou Max Lopes
1993 7th place Grupo Especial Amor, sublime amor Max Lopes
1994 3rd place Grupo Especial Tereza de Benguela - Uma rainha negra no Pantanal Joãosinho Trinta
Rico Medeiros
1995 8th place Grupo Especial O rei e os três espantos de Debret Joãosinho Trinta
Rico Medeiros
1996 13th place Grupo Especial Aquarela do Brasil ano 2000 Joãosinho Trinta
Nêgo Martins
1997 Champion Grupo Especial Trevas! Luz! A explosão do universo Joãosinho Trinta
Dominguinhos do Estácio
1998 5th place Grupo Especial Orféu, o negro do carnaval Joãosinho Trinta
Dominguinhos do Estácio
1999 3rd place Grupo Especial Anita Garibaldi - Heroína das sete magias Joãosinho Trinta
Dominguinhos do Estácio
2000 3rd place Grupo Especial Brasil: visões de paraísos e infernos Joãosinho Trinta
Dominguinhos do Estácio
2001 5th place Grupo Especial Os sete pecados capitais Lane Santana
Dominguinhos do Estácio
2002 5th place Grupo Especial Viradouro, Vira-Mundo, Rei do Mundo Chico Spinoza
Dominguinhos do Estácio
2003 6th place Grupo Especial A Viradouro canta e conta Bibi, uma homenagem ao teatro brasileiro Mauro Quintaes
Dominguinhos do Estácio
2004 4th place Grupo Especial Pediu Pra Pará, Parou! Com a Viradouro Eu Vou... Pro Círio de Nazaré Mauro Quintaes
Dominguinhos do Estácio
2005 8th place Grupo Especial A Viradouro é só sorriso! Mauro Quintaes
Dominguinhos do Estácio
2006 3rd place Grupo Especial Arquitetando Folias Milton Cunha
Mário Monteiro
Kaká Monteiro
Dominguinhos do Estácio
2007 5th place Grupo Especial A Viradouro vira o Jogo Paulo Barros
Dominguinhos do Estácio
2008 7th place Grupo Especial É de arrepiar Paulo Barros
2009 8th place Grupo Especial Vira-Bahia, pura energia Milton Cunha
David do Pandeiro
2010 12th place Grupo Especial México, o Paraíso das Cores, sob o Signo do Sol Júnior Schall
Edson Pereira
Wander Pires
2011 2nd place Grupo A Quem Sou Eu Sem Você? Jack Vasconcelos
Silas Leleu
Diego Nicolau
Gilberto Gomes
Niu Souza
2012 5th place Grupo A A Vida Como Ela é, Bonita mas Ordinária... Assim Falou Nelson Rodrigues Alexandre Louzada
Silas Leleu
Diego Nicolau
Gilberto Gomes
Niu Souza
2013 2nd place Série A Nem melhor nem pior, que não sai da minha mente. Inspiração para o meu samba, eu também sou diferente Max Lopes
Diego Nicolau
Gilberto Gomes
Niu Souza
David do Pandeiro
2014 Champion Série A Sou a Terra de Ismael, 'Guanabaran' eu vou Cruzar... Pra Você Tiro o Chapéu, Rio eu vim te Abraçar João Vítor Araújo
Zé Paulo Sierra
2015 11th place Grupo Especial Nas veias do Brasil, é a Viradouro em um dia de graça João Vítor Araújo
Zé Paulo Sierra
2016 3rd place Série A O Alabê de Jerusalém, a saga de Ogundana! Max Lopes
Zé Paulo Sierra
2017 2nd place Série A E todo menino é um Rei Jorge Silveira
Zé Paulo Sierra
2018 Champion Série A Vira a cabeça pira o coração. Loucos gênios da criação Edson Pereira
Zé Paulo Sierra
2019 Vice Champion Grupo Especial ViraViradouro Paulo Barros
Zé Paulo Sierra
2020[10] Champion Grupo Especial Viradouro de alma lavada Marcus Ferreira
Tarcísio Zanon
Zé Paulo Sierra
2021 Grupo Especial Não há tristeza que possa suportar tanta alegria Marcus Ferreira
Tarcísio Zanon
Zé Paulo Sierra


  1. "Dados basicos Viradouro". Galeria do Samba. Retrieved 26 October 2016.
  2. "Viradouro". Academia do Samba. Retrieved 26 October 2016.
  3. "1965". Academia do Samba. Retrieved 26 October 2016.
  4. "1991". Academia do Samba. Retrieved 26 October 2016.
  5. "Inventor da 'paradinha' funk da Viradouro promete surpresa na Sapucaí". G1. 23 November 2009. Retrieved 26 October 2016.
  6. "Com mistura de arrepiar, Viradouro fecha 1ª noite do Grupo Especial". G1. 4 February 2008. Retrieved 26 October 2016.
  7. "Viradouro faz espetáculo hollywoodiano em seu desfile "de arrepiar"". UOL. 4 February 2008. Retrieved 26 October 2016.
  8. "Viradouro redescobre personagens mexicanos na Sapucaí". G1. 15 February 2010. Retrieved 26 October 2016.
  9. "Arte, política e religião mexicana são retratados no desfile da Viradouro". UOL. 15 February 2010. Retrieved 26 October 2016.
  10. Matheus Rodrigues, Raoni Alves, Cristina Boeckel, Alba Valéria Mendonça (26 February 2020). "Viradouro é a campeã do carnaval 2020 do Rio" [Viradouro is the 2020 Carnival champion of Rio de Janeiro] (in Portuguese). G1. Retrieved 27 February 2020.CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)>
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