Universe of The Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda is a video game franchise created by Japanese video game developer Shigeru Miyamoto.
Universe of The Legend of Zelda | |
![]() The capital of Hyrule (Hyrule Castle Town and Hyrule Castle) as depicted in Breath of the Wild | |
Genre(s) | Medieval fantasy |
Developer(s) | Nintendo |
Publisher(s) | Nintendo |
Creator(s) | Shigeru Miyamoto |
The universe depicted in the Legend of Zelda series consists of a variety of lands, the most predominant being Hyrule (ハイラル, Hairaru).
The kingdom of Hyrule (ハイラル, Hairaru), a medieval-inspired fantasy land,[1] is the main setting of the series, which first appeared in The Legend of Zelda. Many of its areas have recurring appearances throughout the series, like the Lost Woods, Kakariko Village, Death Mountain and Lake Hylia. Several games in the series are set outside Hyrule, including Link's Awakening, set on Koholint Island; Majora's Mask, set in Termina; Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages, set in Holodrum and Labrynna, respectively; The Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass, both set on the Great Sea, a flooded Hyrule (although a large portion of Phantom Hourglass takes place in the World of the Ocean King in another dimension); Spirit Tracks, set in New Hyrule, and Skyward Sword, set on Skyloft, a group of islands above the clouds (although part of the storyline of this last game does take place on an underdeveloped pre-Hyrule).
Hyrule was formed by three goddesses (三柱の女神, Mihashira no Megami) Din (ディン, Din), Farore (フロル, Faroru), and Nayru (ネール, Nēru). It is established in Ocarina of Time that Din created the physical geography of the realm, Nayru created the physical laws to govern the land, and Farore created the races to uphold the law and the flora and fauna that inhabit the world.[2] Once the goddesses had completed their tasks, they departed for the heavens, and left behind three golden triangles. In these, they put their power to govern all things; this relic became known as the Triforce.[3] The realm itself was eventually named Hyrule after its dominant race, the Hylians.[4]
Hylian is a constructed language that first appears in A Link to the Past, where it is identified as "the ancient language of the Hylians" and is composed of symbols that Link must translate to progress. In The Wind Waker, it is shown that the angler fish-like Jabun, the dragon Valoo, the Great Deku Tree, and the King of Red Lions can speak it. In Japan, an explanation on the Hylian alphabet was written on the back of the instruction manual with a phonographic writing system, or syllabary, like the Japanese language.[5] Since then, five more Hylian scripts have been developed and/or deciphered for the public: the Old Hylian Syllabary used in Ocarina of Time,[6] the Modern Hylian Syllabary used in The Wind Waker,[7] the Hylian Alphabet used in Skyward Sword,[8] the Hylian Alphabet used in A Link Between Worlds,[8] and the Hylian Alphabet used in Twilight Princess.[9] The first three are used for transcribing Japanese, while the latter three are used to transcribe English,[10] totaling to six variations of written Hylian.
The universal currency of Hyrule is the Rupee (ルピー, Rupī), named after the real-world currency. Rupees resemble hexagonal crystals or gems and come in various colors that determine their value.[11] Many other countries in the Zelda universe also use rupees as their currency, the only major exception being the Subrosians from Oracle of Seasons, who only accept Ore Chunks as currency. In the original game, they were called "Rupies," the singular being "Rupy";[12] this was later changed. Subsequent games introduced more colors and sizes for Rupees, each denoting a specific value. Generally, green Rupees have the least value, while gold or silver Rupees have the most.[13] In Skyward Sword, Four Swords, and Phantom Hourglass, cursed black Rupees called "Rupoor" exist.[11] These steal a certain quantity of Rupees depending on their size.
Hyrulean geography

- Death Mountain (デスマウンテン, Desu Maunten) is a large volcanic mountain located in northern Hyrule. In Twilight Princess it is revealed to be part of a mountain range in the Eldin Province called the Eldin Mountains. The main inhabitants of Death Mountain are the Gorons, a race of rock-eating giants that mine the mountains in search of food and the mountains are littered with caves as a result of the Goron's mining activities.
- Spectacle Rock (めがね岩, Megane Iwa) is a location consisting of two large rock formations next to each other that resemble a pair of eyeglasses. It housed the final dungeon in the original game. It is usually associated with Death Mountain, but is located in the Gerudo Highlands in Breath of the Wild. Spectacle Rock also appears in Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, A Link to the Past, and A Link Between Worlds.
- Ganon's Castle (ガノン城, Ganon-jō) is usually shown to be Ganon's headquarters, and has acted as the battleground between him and Link in several games.
- The Great Sea (大海原, Ōunabara) is the setting of The Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass, formed after a deluge flooded Hyrule. Only a few mountaintops are still visible above the water, and these form the islands and archipelagos of the Great Sea. Due to the relatively small size of the many islands, the large expanses of ocean between each island require the player to use charts to navigate from island to island. On the islands of the Great Sea, local commerce is shown to be quite advanced. Most food is gathered from fishing and small farms, though there are also active merchant, salvage, and shipbuilding businesses.
- Hyrule Castle (ハイラル城, Hairaru-jō) is the home of Hyrule's royal family. The castle's first appearance was in A Link to the Past, the third game in the series. It is often a central area that Link must enter during his quest.
- Kakariko Village (カカリコ村, Kakariko-mura) is a village that first appears in A Link to the Past and has since reappeared in Ocarina of Time, Four Swords Adventures, Twilight Princess, A Link Between Worlds, and Breath of the Wild. Kakariko Village is often portrayed as a small, prosperous town that was originally founded by the Sheikah.[14] In Twilight Princess, Shadow Beasts have kidnapped most of the villagers, making the town resemble a ghost town. The Hidden Village, another location in Twilight Princess, has signs that say "Welcome to Old Kakarico" in the Anglian language.
- Lake Hylia (ハイリア湖, Hairia-ko) is the largest freshwater lake in Hyrule. It is fed by a river coming from Zora's Domain, the home of the Zora race.
- The Lost Woods (迷いの森, Mayoi no Mori) is a large forest that appears in various titles, starting with A Link to the Past. Home to the Kokiri, Koroks and Fairies, its maze-like structure leads travels in circles unless they take the correct path through the forest. Rumors in the game state that those who become lost are turned into Stalfos.[15] In several games, the Great Deku Tree and/or the Master Sword can be found in a shrine there.
- Temple of Time (時の神殿, Toki no Shinden) is the temple that houses the Master Sword in several games.[16] The temple is also used to traverse time (most notably in Ocarina of Time), allowing the player to travel between the past and future.[16] In some games, it serves as a dungeon level as well.
- Skyloft (スカイロフト, Sukairofuto) is a collection of large floating islands in Skyward Sword, created when the Goddess Hylia used the last of her power to raise what was left of the surviving Hylians along with a plot of land that was still free during the Great War with Demise. Below the clouds lies "the Surface". Found on the Surface are several locations visited in games that take place after the events of Skyward Sword: "Faron Woods" (shown in Twilight Princess and Breath of the Wild), "Lake Floria" (Breath of the Wild), "Eldin" (Twilight Princess and Breath of the Wild), "Eldin Volcano" (implied to be Death Mountain), and the arid "Lanayru Desert", which is seen as a fecund region in Twilight Princess and Breath of the Wild. The "Lanayru Mining Facility" has blue Time-Shift Stones that the Hyrule Historia ties to the titular blue ocarina from Ocarina of Time.
Master Sword

The Master Sword (マスターソード, Masutā Sōdo), also known as "The Blade of Evil's Bane", the "Sword of Resurrection",[17] or the "sword that seals the darkness" is a divine, magic sword that often acts as the ultimate weapon for the various Links in their quest to save Hyrule. It is one of the few weapons capable of harming Ganon and a key to the Sacred Realm. First introduced in A Link To The Past, it has the power to "repel evil", which enables it to overcome powerful dark magic and slay evil and demonic beings that otherwise cannot be harmed by conventional weaponry. In The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, the blade is revealed to have originally began as the Goddess Sword, which had a sentient female avatar named Fi integrated into it. Near the end of the game, the Goddess Sword transforms into its current state after being infused with the Three Sacred Flames, with Fi's spirit form ceasing to be once the Master Sword absorbs the Demon King Demise's remains.[18]
The sword traditionally rests in a stone pedestal hidden in sacrosanct locations indigenous to Hyrule, such as the Temple of Time or the Lost Woods. Similar to Arthurian legend, the Master Sword can only be removed by someone who is worthy of wielding it. For example, In The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Link must have thirteen hearts to obtain the Master Sword. The sword is often not at full power, resulting in it needing to be "recharged" in some way, or have its power increased beyond its standard level to fight Ganon. There are some situations when the blade, already at full power, can be further improved; in A Link to the Past, it was tempered to the Tempered Sword. It can later be upgraded to the Golden Sword. Similarly, in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, the sword's power is increased by the two Sols in the Palace of Twilight. The Wind Waker establishes that the sword needs the power of two sages praying to the gods to keep its powers, or else it will no longer be able to prevent an evil person from gaining the Triforce.[19] In Breath of the Wild the Master Sword is the only unbreakable weapon in the game, though if it is used too often the sword's power needs to be recharged, becoming temporarily unusable. The sword is located in the Korok Forest, which Link can only access by going through the Lost Woods. Zelda moved it there to be guarded by the Great Deku Tree and to protect the knowledge of its location from Calamity Ganon. Link can travel to the Korok Forest at any point after receiving the Paraglider, though he can only remove the sword after obtaining thirteen or more Heart Containers, as removing it drains his health as a way to test his strength. In addition to it being unbreakable, Link can also fire Sword Beams while he is at full health. The Master Sword has a base damage of thirty but its true power glows when in the presence of pools of Calamity Ganon's Malice, cursed enemies, and both of Calamity Ganon's forms; its durability is greatly increased in this state and its power is doubled. It can later be enhanced to permanently stay in the awakened form with increased damage and durability upon completing the "Trial of the Sword" side quest.
Once removed, Link sees a vision of Princess Zelda entrusting the Master Sword to the protection of the Great Deku Tree a hundred years prior; during her conversation with him, Zelda reveals that the sword "spoke to her" (implied to be by Fi, whose consciousness apparently still exists within the sword, though unable to manifest her spirit form) and told her that her destiny was not finished and that she still had something she must do, leading to Zelda sealing Calamity Ganon inside Hyrule Castle for a hundred years while Link slept. The weapon is described as being delighted to be in Link's possession, echoing Fi's words at the end of Skyward Sword. A hundred years after Calamity Ganon was sealed in Hyrule Castle, the sword became known across Hyrule as the "Sword that Seals the Darkness" and is sought by several travelers Link encounters despite how only the chosen hero can wield its power.
The Master Sword is a double-edged one-handed sword. The blade cross-section is hexagonal with no fuller. On the flats of the blade near the hilt is a Triforce symbol, etched into the steel or emblazoned in gold. It has a purple or blue curved crossguard in the shape of a pair of wings with a small yellow jewel where it meets the hilt. The hilt is often padded red with a non-ornate blue pommel. Since The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, the Master Sword's blade glows white when it is revived by the sages in the mid-game. In Breath of the Wild, this glow represents the Master Sword's true power. Breath of the Wild is the first game to depict the blade showing signs of wear and rust, when Zelda places it in its pedestal in Korok Forest, though 100 years later the Master Sword is shown to have been restored to its undamaged state.
Nintendo Power listed the Master Sword as one of the best weapons in gaming, citing that it is more than just a powerful sword, but also integral to Link's adventures and development as a character.[20]

The Triforce (トライフォース, Toraifōsu), also called "Power of the Gods" (神の力, Kami no Chikara) and the "Golden Triangle" (黄金の大三角, Ōgon no Dai-Sankaku), is a triangular sacred relic left behind by the three Golden Goddesses when they created Hyrule. It is made up of three smaller triangles known as the Triforce of Power (力のトライフォース, Chikara no Toraifōsu), the Triforce of Wisdom (知恵のトライフォース, Chie no Toraifōsu), and the Triforce of Courage (勇気のトライフォース, Yūki no Toraifōsu). These embody the essences of their respective goddesses, and bestow certain boons on their bearers. In most of its appearances, the Triforce or its pieces manifest as a marking on the hands of their bearers. These markings resonate when near each other, and the Triforce pieces can emerge from their bearers as a result.
When united, the Triforce allows one who touches it to make a wish that usually lasts until they die or the wish is fulfilled. If the one who finds it does not possess a balance of the three virtues it represents, however, the pieces split into its three components and the finder is left with the one that represents the characteristic they value most; the other two pieces do likewise with two other characters "chosen by destiny". Ganon makes it his goal to obtain the Triforce in various games, often having a single piece himself (the Triforce of Power) that he uses to further his goals.
The Triforce of Power, which is positioned as the topmost of the three, holds the presence of Din, the goddess of Power, and radiates the physical and magical power of its bearer. It is associated with Ganon, who is power-hungry. The Triforce of Wisdom, positioned on the lower left, embodies the essence of Nayru, the goddess of Wisdom, and amplifies the wisdom and mystical powers of its bearer. It is associated with Princess Zelda, whose great wisdom brings peace and prosperity to Hyrule. The Triforce of Courage, positioned on the lower right, embodies the essence of Farore, the goddess of Courage, and seems to amplify the courage and adventuring skills of its bearer. It is associated with Link, who bravely defends Hyrule from Ganon and other malevolent forces.
Other worlds
Termina (タルミナ, Tarumina) is a parallel world to Hyrule that serves as the main setting of Majora's Mask. Link falls into this world from a portal deep within the Lost Woods. The land has very similar geography to that of Hyrule, and many of its citizens have identical names and appearances to (although different personalities from) people in Hyrule. The land itself is split into four distinct regions, one for every compass direction, and each guarded by four giant deities: The swampy Woodfall, home of the Deku Scrubs, to the south; The icy Snowhead Mountains of the Gorons to the north; Great Bay, home of the Zora to the west; and the undead wastelands of Ikana Canyon to the east. Its capital, Clock Town, lies in the center.
Lorule (ロウラル, Rouraru) is a parallel world to Hyrule in A Link Between Worlds. It is similar to Hyrule in geography, features Lorulean counterparts of many people found in Hyrule, and is ruled by Princess Zelda's Lorulean counterpart, Princess Hilda. Like Hyrule, Lorule originally had its own Triforce and was the source of various conflicts. However, the Royal Family of Lorule decided to destroy the Triforce in an attempt to put an end to conflict, only to bring calamity to their world as a result. Desperate to save the kingdom and her people, Princess Hilda conspired with her servant Yuga to steal Hyrule's Triforce, unaware that Yuga wanted the Triforce for himself. Eventually Yuga is defeated by Link, and Hilda's former servant Ravio manages to show her the error of her ways. Ultimately Link and Zelda decide to forgive Hilda for her misguided actions and use the Triforce to restore the Lorulean Triforce, which in turn restores the land of Lorule.
Several other parallel worlds to Hyrule exist, such as the Twilight Realm, the World of the Ocean King, and the Dark World from Twilight Princess, The Phantom Hourglass, and A Link to the Past, respectively. Several other lands also exist beyond the kingdom. In Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons, Link travels to Labrynna and Holodrum. Triforce Heroes is set in Hytopia, a kingdom connected to Hyrule.[21]
Ancient Robots
The Ancient Robots (RS-301) are a mechanical race from Skyward Sword. They were created by the Thunder Dragon Lanayru, but their land eventually became a barren desert while they rusted away. By using a Timeshift Stone they can be revived and serve three purposes. Some of them mine for Timeshift Stones, one group protected one of the Sacred Flames, and some act as Lanayru's servants. In addition there is a band of Ancient Robot Pirates, though only two of them are seen: LD-002S Scervo on the Sandship, and LD-003D Dreadfuse in the Sky Keep. During Link's quest for Nayru's Flame, Link is aided by a robot named Skipper, who is captain of the Sandship and lost his ship to the Pirate Scervo. Skipper aids Link in traversing the Lanayru Sand Sea using his Timeshift Stone powered motorboat, which can transform the impassible sea of sand into the ancient sea of water that once existed in the past. Also, Gondo, one of the citizens of Skyloft, owns an Ancient Robot that he inherited from his grandfather; at one point in the game this robot, named Scrapper, is restored to full functionality, and assists Link by carrying items up to Skyloft from the surface. The Ancient Robots require the oil produced by Ancient Flowers to function; because these flowers can no longer be found in the present day Lanayru Desert, it is implied that the flower's disappearance resulted in the decline of the LD-301 Series Ancient Robots. Most ancient robots are part of the LD-301 Series, including LD-301S Scrapper and LD-301N Skipper, while Servo and Dreadfuse are part of the LD-002 and LD-003 series, which unlike the LD-301 Series remain functional in the present.
In Breath of the Wild, similar robots exist called Guardians and Divine Beasts. The Divine Beasts consist of Vah Ruta, Vah Rudania, Vah Naboris, and Vah Medoh. The Guardians are ancient mechanisms with powerful sniper blasts who were used to defeat Ganon 10,000 years ago, and were intended to be used to defeat Ganon again, 100 years ago, but Ganon used his power to turn the robots against Hyrule. Mipha, the Zora Champion, Urbosa, the Gerudo Champion, Daruk, the Goron Champion, and Revali, the Rito Champion, who once piloted the Divine Beasts, were killed by the Blight Ganons, creations of Ganon who represent the element of the Divine Beast e.g. Thunderblight Ganon for Vah Naboris.
Anouki (ユキワロシ, Yukiwaroshi) are an Inuit-like race that appear to be a cross between a reindeer and penguins. There are different variations of them with purple, red, blue, and yellow shirts and facial hair or small or big antlers. They are found on the Isle of Frost in the World of Ocean King and in Anouki Village in New Hyrule. In Spirit Tracks, the Anouki are the only race who live in the snow realm.
Bokoblins (ボコブリン, Bokoburin) are a race of humanoid goblin-like creatures, that first appeared in The Wind Waker. Bokoblins come in a variety of colors such as red, blue, and green. They often appear as standard enemies and wield Boko Sticks, machetes, and clubs. Though their appearance varies from game to game, the one thing that remains consistent is they wear loincloths with a single skull. In Twilight Princess, they are less common and their role as standard enemies is largely taken over by the Bulblins. In Skyward Sword, Bokoblins are revealed to have been around since ancient times and are common monsters that serve the Demon Tribe, under Demon Lord Ghirahim and the Demon King Demise. The game also introduces different varieties of Bokoblin such as Technoblins, which lived in Lanayru Desert in the distant past and wield ancient technology; and Cursed Bokoblins, undead Bokoblins that can curse Link. The game introduces the bow-wielding Bokoblin Archers and Bokoblin Leaders that can summon other Bokoblins using the Monster Horns they carry.
In Breath of the Wild, Bokoblin are revealed to have an omnivorous diet that consists of fruits, vegetables, fish, and meat. They also can occasionally be seen hunting wild animals for their meat, which they will consume after a successful kill. Bokoblins can wield a variety of weapons, but tend to favor their own crafted clubs, bats, spears, and bows, the strongest of which are made from Dragonbone. The game also introduces another undead variant of Bokoblin called Stalkoblin, which raise from the ground at night and will continuously regenerate unless all Stalkoblin skulls in the area are destroyed, because a single skull can reanimate its headless comrades. The game also introduces Black Bokoblins, Silver Bokoblins, and Gold Bokoblins (only when playing on Master Mode), which are stronger and more resilient. Cursed Bokoblins return in Breath of the Wild, but are depicted as floating Stalkoblin skulls corrupted by Calamity Ganon's malice.
Red Bokoblins and Stalkoblins can drop Bokoblin Horns and Bokoblin Fangs, while Blue, Black, and Silver Bokoblins can drop those parts along with Bokoblin Guts. These monster parts can be sold to shops and merchants for Rupees or to Kilton for Mon at the Fang and Bone shop, though Link can also cook them with bugs to make Elixirs or use them as materials by the four Great Fairies to upgrade his armor. Link can also buy a Bokoblin Mask from Kilton, which allows him to disguise himself as a Bokoblin and blend in with them.
Bulblins (ブルブリン, Buruburin) are a green, horned race that resemble the orcs of classic fantasy. They are led by King Bulblin (キングブルブリン, Kingu Buruburin),[22] who unlike the rest has the ability to talk.[23] Bulblins usually fight with heavy clubs or flaming arrows and commonly ride on boars. They first appeared in Twilight Princess. King Bulblin appears as an obstacle in the Bridge of Eldin stage in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
The Cobble (ダイク, Daiku) are a race that appear in Phantom Hourglass. The Cobble once inhabited a prosperous land called the Cobble Kingdom. By the time the game takes place, the only Cobble that remain are the ghosts of the soldiers and King Mutoh, who dress in ancient Egyptian-like clothes and live in pyramid-like temples. The Isle of Ruins in the Northeastern Sea is all that remains of the once-mighty kingdom, and Link must visit there to retrieve the Aquanine, a pure metal entrusted to the Cobble by the Ocean King. There, he delves beneath Mutoh's Temple and destroys a corrupt Cobble war machine that is disrupting the king's eternal rest.
The Deku (デクナッツ, Dekunattsu) are wooden plant-like creatures introduced in Ocarina of Time that appear mostly in the overworld and dungeons. Deku are small creatures with leaves sprouting out from their heads. They often have red glowing eyes and tube-like mouths that can shoot Deku Nuts. Their bodies consist of wood and leaves and perish quickly if set on fire. They can fly by using large leaves to glide, and some can use the leaves on their head to fly indefinitely after taking off from a Deku Flower. There are four types of Deku depicted in the series: Deku Scrubs, Mad Scrubs, Business Scrubs, and Royal Scrubs. Deku Scrubs are the most common type, which have green leaves and often give information when caught. Mad Scrubs are violent, have red and yellow leaves, and do not talk. Business Scrubs are traders who offer to sell their wares and services. Royal Scrubs have larger heads, bigger eyes, smaller mouths, and extra leaves covering their body. In Majora's Mask, Link can inhabit the body of an unknown deceased Deku Scrub who is implied to be the son of the Deku King's butler. In this form, Link can temporarily fly using a Deku Flower, shoot bubbles, and hop on deep water five times before sinking.
Dragons are a recurring race that usually appear as benevolent guardians or powerful enemies. In Ocarina of Time, after becoming the King of Evil, Ganondorf resurrects the evil Goron-eating dragon Volvagia, who had terrorized the Goron people in the distant past before being defeated by Darunia's ancestor, who wielded the Megaton Hammer. When Ganondorf orders his minions to capture and feed the Gorons to Volvagia as a warning to his enemies, Darunia journeys to the Fire Temple to rescue his people and defeat Volvagia, but he is defeated because he could not locate the Megaton Hammer. However, Link manages to free the Gorons, slay Volvagia, and awaken Darunia as the Sage of Fire. In The Wind Waker, the Sky Spirit Valoo acts as the protector and patron deity of the Rito tribe, providing them with his scales that allow them to grow wings. When Link arrives on Dragon Roost Island, he discovers that Gohma was tormenting Valoo, and defeats Gohma to obtain Din's Pearl. Valoo and the Rito later repay their debt to Link by rescuing him and Tetra from Ganondorf during their encounter with him in Forsaken Fortress. In Twilight Princess, Link encounters a species of malevolent draconic warriors called Aeralfos and the Twilit dragon Argorok, who is the boss of the City in the Sky. In Skyward Sword, Link is aided by the Three Dragons that guard the three regions of the Surface. Faron the Water Dragon rules over the Parella and protector of Faron Woods, Lake Floria, and the Ancient Cistern that holds Farore's Flame. Eldin the Fire Dragon guards Eldin Volcano. Lanayru the Thunder Dragon created the Ancient Robots and protects Lanayru Desert. Each dragon was entrusted with part of the Song of the Hero, which provides clues on the location of the Triforce. During his quest for Farore's Flame, Link aids Faron, who had been injured while fighting Ghirahim; she leads him to the Ancient Cistern. During his quest for the Song of the Hero, Link encounters Eldin after he is captured and imprisoned by Bokoblins during an eruption. Link learns that the Fire Dragon had caused the eruption, and the dragon apologizes to Link for all the trouble it caused him. Unlike the other two dragons, Lanayru is shown to have died from an illness in the past, forcing Link to go back in time, cure him of his illness, and prevent his death. After Link cures him and learning his part of the song, Lanayru allows Link to take part in the Lightning Round, which allows him to face a boss battle challenge and a Silent Realm challenge for various prizes. If Link completes eight boss battles, Lanayru will reward him with the unbreakable Hylian Shield, the strongest shield in the game. In Breath of the Wild, the three dragons Dinraal (オルドラ, Orudora), Naydra (ネルドラ, Nerudora), and Farosh (フロドラ, Furudora) can be found located around Hyrule, and the scales they drop can be used to access the three Shrines at the Spring of Wisdom, the Spring of Power, and the Spring of Courage. While Dinraal and Farosh are found roaming freely, the dragon Naydra is first found corrupted by Calamity Ganon's Malice, requiring Link to purge the corruption and free the dragon's spirit.
Fairies (妖精, Yōsei) are magical creatures associated with nature and the Goddess Farore that appear as small, winged humanoids often obscured by light. Fairies tend to shy away from human settlements and are most often associated with the Lost Woods, but can be found hiding in many places throughout Hyrule. Fairy Fountains or Fairy Springs are special places that contain sparkling magical water and attract Fairies in large numbers. In most games in the series, fairies will heal Link if he manages to catch one and he can also put them in empty bottles to have them heal him later. If Link dies while he has a bottled fairy in his possession, the fairy will automatically resurrect him instead of receiving a Game Over.
Great Fairies (大妖精, Dai-yōsei) are powerful, high ranking fairies that often watch over their smaller brethren. They use their magic to enchant Link's items into more powerful versions and in some games they can also teach Link various magic spells. In Ocarina of Time, the Kokiri form a symbiotic relationship with their Guardian Fairies, who act as constant companions and mentors. One of these is Navi, who serves as Link's sidekick and aids Link in learning about the world outside Kokiri Forest. Another Guardian Fairy is Tatl from Majora's Mask who was a friend of the Skull Kid until he betrayed her and her brother Tael. In Phantom Hourglass, Link's guardian fairy is Ciela, who is eventually joined by two more fairies, Leaf and Neri. In some of the games, such as The Minish Cap, players will be tested of their honesty and if they are, fairies give them gifts and upgrades.
In Breath of the Wild, Fairies can be found around the Springs of the four Great Fairies when Link has no more than three currently in his inventory (Fairies being held are excluded from the count). Though rare, Link can also find fairies drifting around any random area in Hyrule.
The Gerudo (ゲルド) are a race of warrior-thieves that are prominently featured in the history and lore of Hyrule. They are both feared and respected for their martial abilities and temperament.[24] The Gerudo tribe is indigenous to the harsh Gerudo Desert that bears their name,[25] and they live in the Gerudo Valley and within the Gerudo Fortress. Physical Gerudo traits typically include scarlet hair, aquiline noses,[26] gold or green eyes, round or pointed ears, and tanned or bronzed skin. Like the Amazons the race consists entirely of women, apart from a single Gerudo male who is born every century. The male is lawfully crowned king of the tribe,[27] and is even worshiped like a God king.[28] When there is no male present to be king, leadership is entrusted to female chiefs.[29] Ganondorf, the main antagonist of the series, is king of the Gerudo. Ganondorf or Ganon has also been referred to as The Demon King,[30] the King of Thieves, and the King of Darkness.[31] In The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time he is the surrogate son of the twin Gerudo witch sisters Kotake and Koume. Gerudo appear as pirates in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, where they live in the ocean at Great Bay, and are led by a woman chief instead of a man. These Gerudo are enemies of the Zora. They search for treasures in the sea and assault Zora and fishermen but do not approach Clock Town. In The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, only women are permitted in the town, so Link has to crossdress as a female in order to enter the town. The Gerudo Champion Lady Urbosa piloted Divine Beast Vah Naboris. Typical Gerudo sentries carry polearms reminiscent of the Japanese naginata. They are also proficient at archery and swordsmanship. Some members of the race can utilize magic.[32]

The Goron (ゴロン) are a race of mountain-dwelling giants who first appeared in Ocarina of Time. Goron culture revolves around brotherhood and strength, usually referring to each other and those they deem strong as "Brother" or "Big Brother". Gorons show high regard for individuals who display great strength and bravery and enjoy matching their strength with others in competition such as sumo wrestling[33] and racing. While not all Zelda games featuring Gorons include full tribes, the games that do depict as tribes depict them as headed by a patriarch who is aided by one or more elders who assume leadership of the tribe in the event that the patriarch cannot. Darunia (ダルニア) is the patriarch in Ocarina of Time. The Goron elders in Twilight Princess are Gor Coron (ドン・コローネ, Don Korōne), Gor Amoto (ドン・シーゲル, Don Sīgeru) Gor Ebizo (ドン・エビーゾ, Don Ebīzo), and Gor Liggs (ドン・レゲーヌ, Don Regēnu).
One of the oldest races in Hyrule, Gorons' bodies are resistant to intense heat and lava and they consume rocks and minerals,[34][35] which they mine from the earth. By adulthood, most Gorons gain rock-like protrusions on their backs and sometimes on their arms and head as well. These stony growths act as a natural armor and continue to grow as the Goron ages. Gorons enter the fetal position when resting, and can also assume this position for self defense or to travel at high speed by rolling. Gorons endowed with magic power can sprout metal spikes from their body while rolling.[36]
For leisure, Gorons enjoy music and dance, rolling and racing,[37] games,[38] sumo wrestling, and bathing in hot springs. Gorons have taken on occupations such as crafting, blacksmithing, sculpting, demolition, and merchantry. Rock Sirloins and Rock Roasts are Goron delicacies, and they also enjoy ores and metal objects such as Shields. Occasionally they will have other things, such as Goronade, Lava Soup and hotpot. On the contrary, gems apparently taste awful, so they sell the abundance they mine; it amuses Gorons just how much other Hyrulean people will pay for them.
Three Gorons appear in Skyward Sword: Gorko, Golo, and Gortram. Gorko and his assistant Golo, are shown working as archaeologists; Gorko travels the land researching ancient artifacts and ruins, while Golo excavates the Lanayru Caves. Unlike the other two, Gortram works as the proprietor of the Rickety Coaster mine cart ride at the abandoned Lanayru Shipyards. All three Gorons are encountered in the Lanayru Desert region at some point and the Lanayru Caves seems to serve as the base of operations for Gorko and Golo.
Gorons are large humanoids with long muscular arms, stout legs, hulking shoulders and necks, and rotund bellies. Their skin is generally beige in color and their hair is typically white. Gorons lack external hearing organs; Goron ears are instead holes on the sides of their heads. Most are as tall as a human, though some individuals such as Biggoron (ダイゴロン, Daigoron) can grow as large as a mountain. No female Gorons are seen in the series, however Gorons are capable of having children; Darunia has a son during the events of Ocarina of Time. There are two Gorons, named Lyndae and Strade, who got into the female-only Gerudo Town, however they then question why they were allowed in. It is likely that Gorons are asexual creatures. Due to their great density, Gorons sink to the bottom of bodies of water and are thus helpless in such an environment. However, they do not need to breathe to survive, as a Goron child proves by resting underwater and mentioning that he never feels the need to take a breath. Also, in Twilight Princess, a Goron becomes submerged in the main pool in Zora's Domain, but enjoys the cold water rather than drowning.[39] Gorons are exceptionally resistant to heat and can easily withstand contact with lava, but still sink in it should it be too deep.
In Majora's Mask, Link can inhabit the body of the deceased Goron hero Darmani and roll and punch as hard as the Megaton Hammer from Ocarina of Time.
In Breath of the Wild, the Gorons are encountered all over Hyrule, but mostly appear in the Eldin region. They live around Death Mountain, which Link must use heat-resistant armor or elixirs to enter without burning and rapidly losing hearts. The Gorons play a central role in the narrative of this game, with Goron City and the surrounding Eldin region being plagued by the Divine Beast Vah Rudania, a giant mechanical salamander once piloted by the Goron Champion Daruk (ダルケル, Darukeru) before being corrupted by Calamity Ganon. Link summits Death Mountain to quell Vah Rudania with the help of the Goron youth Yunobo (ユン坊, Yun-bō), and receives the ability Daruk's Protection from Daruk's spirit.
Hylians (ハイリア族, Hairia-zoku) are a elf-like race that make up the main population of Hyrule, on which they established organized civilization.[40] They are born with magic-infused blood said to be a gift from the goddesses that grants them psychic powers and magical skill. Their long pointed ears are said to allow them to hear messages sent by the gods. Link and Princess Zelda belong to this race in all games of the series. In some games, such as Twilight Princess, Hylians are referred to as "humans", however humans are shown to be a separate race who lack pointed ears. In Skyward Sword, Hylians live on a floating island known as Skyloft and are accompanied by bird-like creatures called Loftwings. Hylians are a fairly diverse species; skin, hair and eye colours vary quite a bit, and the residents of the tropical Lurelin Village have a more Caribbean complex than most others. Two races, the Kokiri and the Wind Tribe, evolved from Hylians when they migrated to the forests and the sky respectively. As well as that, Gerudo are able to procreate with Hylians - the offspring is always Gerudo in this circumstance. Despite similar appearance they have no relation to the Sheikah.
Keaton (キータン, Kītan) are a three-tailed fox-like race mostly found in Termina. They normally stay hidden from sight, but reveal themselves to Link and challenge him with a quiz if he wears a Keaton Mask. No known Keaton exist in Hyrule in Ocarina of Time, although at least one of them is a well-known fictional character in Hyrule Castle Town.[41][42] In The Minish Cap, however, some thuggish Keaton roam the Hyrule countryside, walking on their hindpaws and having only one tail instead of three; if they injure Link, he loses some Rupees.
The Kikwi (キュイ族, Kyui-zoku) are a race in Skyward Sword who inhabit the Faron Woods. They have the appearance of black-and-white masked wingless birds, and can cause a plant to blossom from their backs for camouflage.
Kokiri and Koroks
The Kokiri (コキリ族, Kokiri-zoku) are a pixie-like race who inhabit the Kokiri Forest. They are one of two races who branched from the Hylians, with the other being the Wind Tribe. This was because they wanted to live a more natural life as Hyrule continued to industrialise. They are shielded by the Great Deku Tree who considers them to be his children, and each receives a small fairy that is their lifelong friend, guardian, and teacher. They do not age once they grow up into kids thanks to the Deku Tree's power. Cautious and secretive, the Kokiri believe, with reason, that they will die if they leave the forest.[43] It is also said that if they wander too deep into the forest, they will turn into a Skull Kid.
A Kokiri named Saria is the Sage of the Forest. Another Kokiri, Fado, is the first Sage of Wind in The Wind Waker, but he is killed prior to the events of the game, leaving the player to interact with his spirit and locate his successor, the Korok Makar. Link was raised as a Kokiri in Ocarina of Time, but was not born to them, as his Hylian mother entrusted him to the Great Deku Tree when he was an infant.
The Koroks (コログ, Korogu) of The Wind Waker are said to have been transformed from the Kokiri after the Great Flood.[44] They are small creatures with wood-like bodies and masks made from leaves. They are very light, which allows them to travel by using sprouts as propellers. They leave their home, the "Forest Haven", to plant seeds from the Great Deku Tree all over the world, and return once a year to hold a ceremony and obtain more seeds. Most Koroks have their personalities reflected in their masks. For example, Aldo, a curious Korok, has inquisitive eyebrows on his mask.[45]
In Breath of the Wild, Koroks can be found all over Hyrule. The player must solve puzzles to get Korok Seeds from them. Once the player retrieves Korok Seeds from Koroks, one can trade it with Hestu, a large Korok, for more inventory slots for weapons, shields, and bows.
Light Spirits
There are four Light Spirits (光の精霊, Hikari no Seirei) throughout Hyrule in Twilight Princess.
The first light spirit is Ordona (ラトアーヌ, Ratoānu), who resembles an Ordon Goat. Ordona has an orb between her antlers and first appears at Ordon Spring when Link has defeated the first Shadow Beast.
The second light spirit, Faron (フィローネ, Firōne), resembles a monkey. He holds his golden orb with his tail over his head. He appears in Faron Spring when Link has completed the first collection of twilight bugs.
The third light spirit, Eldin (オルディン, Orudin), resembles an eagle with his orb between his feet. He appears in the lake near the shaman's house in Kakariko Village once Link has completed the second collection of twilight bugs.
The fourth and last light spirit, Lanayru (ラネール, Ranēru), resembles a serpent with his orb inside his mouth. He appears in the cave at Lake Hylia when Link has completed the third and final collection of twilight bugs. But after Lanayru tells Link the story of the three goddesses and the three Fused Shadows, Zant appears and embeds the Shadow Crystal in Link's skull that later allows him to transform between his human and wolf form. He also exposes Midna to Lanayru's light causing her to become very ill and sends Link on the quest for the Master Sword.
Lokomos (ロコモ, Rokomo) are a humanoid race who first appear in Spirit Tracks. All but one of the encountered Lokomo are sages who reside in the New Hyrule and the Tower of Spirits. They are distinguishable by their pointed ears and short legs, the latter of which forces them to use motorized carts for transportation. However, an exceptionally strong Lokomo named Byrne is capable of walking on his legs.
The Oocca (天空人, Tenkū-jin, lit. "sky people") are a race of birds with long necks and human-like faces that appear in Twilight Princess. They live in the "City in the Sky" (天空都市, Tenkū Toshi),[46] an airborne city that acts as the seventh dungeon in Twilight Princess. A female Oocca named Ooccoo (おばちゃん, Oba-chan) can warp the player back to the entrance of the game's dungeons. Ooccoo's son, Ooccoo Jr (ぼくちゃん, Boku-chan), warps the player to Ooccoo's location. In Twilight Princess, these creatures are mentioned to be closer to the gods than the Hylians. Some in Hyrule theorise that the Oocca actually evolved into the Hylians. It is supposed that they created Hylians and created a city in the sky for them to live in. In Twilight Princess, Link reaches this city by launching himself out of an enormous cannon.
Minish, referred to in their native language as Picori (ピッコル, Pikkoru, inspired by the Koropokkuru), are small humanoid sprites no bigger than a human thumb that live in secret. They are only visible to children and tend to live in forests, but also appear inside of buildings and holes in and around various spots of Hyrule. There are three variations of the Minish, which can be distinguished by their attire: Forest Minish, Town Minish and Mountain Minish. They first appear in The Minish Cap. Most Minish are helpful, and like to hide valuable objects for others to find, although one Picori, Vaati (グフー, Gufū) became evil after becoming obsessed with human nature.
The Mogma (モグマ族, Moguma-zoku) are long-armed anthropomorphic rodents who debuted in Skyward Sword. They are demolition experts who like digging for treasure and are known to never go anywhere without their bomb bag. Mogmas are found in Eldin Volcano and play major parts in the plot of the Volcano Summit, Eldin Volcano, the Fire Sanctuary, and the Earth Temple.
The Parella (パラゲ族, Parage-zoku) are an aquatic squid-like race who debuted in Skyward Sword who live in the underwater spiraling caverns of Lake Floria. Conical spirals appear as their central body and the shape of their dwellings. They are the predecessors of the Zora, and later the Rito. Most of them are said to not possess unique names.
The Rito (リト) are a race of raptor-like humanoids who debuted in The Wind Waker. They evolved from the Zora species. In that game, they lived on Dragon Roost Island, an island on the Great Sea. They have a tribal elder and elaborately dressed guards. No Rito is born with wings, and instead, must visit their guardian, the Sky Spirit, Valoo, in a coming-of-age ceremony to receive one of his scales, which enables them to grow wings.
Rito appear to be covered by dark shaded skin or feathers. Most Rito have red eyes, but the Rito Chieftain has yellow eyes. They have pointed ears, bird-like feet, and a beak whose shape and size varies from Rito to Rito. Unlike real-life birds, his beak appears to only be used for smelling, and cannot be used as a mouth. However, the Rito have a mouth below their beaks.
Throughout a young Rito's childhood, he or she is called a Fledgling and is flightless without any wings. After a child reaches a certain age they can receive their wings after they retrieve a scale from the dragon Valoo. While not in use, Rito wings are mostly white with black colored plumage along the ends. When in flight the top of a Rito's wings are colored brown with black along the edges while the bottoms of the wings contain white plumage along the wings interior. However Medli has pure white wings, possibly suggesting that female Rito have white wings or that her wings are not fully grown yet. Most Rito can fly over a great distance and hover in place, but some have trouble flying for long periods of time, likely due to inexperience.
In Breath of the Wild, the Rito reside in the Hebra region in northwest Hyrule. These Rito feature a much more prominent avian design, including full wings and are able to fly from a young age. These Rito also exist alongside the Zora. The Rito cannot fly at a preferred height because the Divine Beast Vah Medoh shoots down Rito who fly at its height. The Rito warrior Teba helps Link board Vah Medoh, but is severely injured by Medoh's cannons. After Link defeats Windblight Ganon, the Rito Champion Revali regains control of Vah Medoh and prepares to blast Ganon when Link finally fights him. Notably, Revali resents Link, stating that he has many skills as an archer, and that he was only called to assist Link because Link has the Master Sword.
The Sheikah (シーカー, Shīkā) are ancient and mysterious ninja-like warriors distinguished by, but not limited to, red eyes, and white hair, who protect the Hylian Royal Family.[47] They bear some physical resemblance to the Hylians, but are a completely different species, with much more technological prowess and lifespans that can extend over many millennia. Physically they are extremely capable, able to run and jump better than other Hyruleans. The Sheikah are some of, if not the most potent magic-wielders in Hyrule. As revealed in Skyward Sword, the Sheikah are servants of the goddess Hylia, whose reincarnation is Zelda. The Sheikah crying eye symbol is commonly seen in the series, even in games where the Sheikah are not present. It is alluded that the tear was added after the Hyrule Civil War, which took place some time before the events of Ocarina of Time, though the tear also appeared long before the war, thousands of years before the first hero's birth in Skyward Sword. By the events of Ocarina of Time, the Sheikah are referred to as an extinct race who built the Shadow Temple, with Impa among the last few members. In Skyward Sword, Ocarina of Time, and Majora's Mask, Sheikah Stones or Gossip Stones created by the Sheikah give Link information on where to go and what to do.
Very few Sheikah members are met throughout the games, with the only recurring one being various incarnations of Zelda's nursemaid Impa. Others include Impa's descendant Impaz and the fortune-teller Madame Fanadi, both from Twilight Princess, and the Composer Brothers from Ocarina of Time, who researched magical music for the Royal Family before killing themselves when Ganondorf demanded the fruits of their labour. They are met in an undead form, as Poes, in the Kakariko Graveyard.
In Breath of the Wild, the ancient Sheikah invented the Divine Beasts and Guardians 10,000 years before the Great Calamity to fight Ganon. The Sheikah reside primarily in Kakariko Village, but can be found elsewhere, such as the two Ancient Tech Labs or in Tarrey Town. An old painter named Pikango left Kakariko Village many years ago to search for beautiful landscapes, and uses his knowledge to help Link locate his memories. Link also possesses a Sheikah Slate, a piece of ancient technology that can be upgraded with various runes. The four primary Runes are: Magnesis, which can move metallic objects; Remote Bombs, spherical or cube-shaped bombs that can remotely detonate once thrown or dropped; Stasis, which can freeze objects and, after getting Stasis Plus from the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab, monsters, in time while storing the kinetic energy it receives; and Cryonis, which can create climbable, icy blocks on watery surfaces.
Additionally in Breath of the Wild is a group of rebellious, antagonistic Sheikah known as the Yiga Clan. 10,000 years ago, after the First Great Calamity, the Sheikah split due to the king of the time exiling them out of fear of their technology. Some remained loyal, and went to live as peaceful farmers in Kakariko Village. Others felt betrayed, and turned against the kingdom, becoming a militant Sheikah group and siding with Calamity Ganon due to both now having a common enemy. They then adopted an upside-down Sheikah eye as their symbol. Just over 100 years ago, when the Calamity's return was inevitable, the militant Sheikah came out of hiding. Spearheaded by Master Kohga, whose family had lead for at least four generations, they called themselves the Yiga Clan and went on the hunt for the enemies of the Calamity, including Link and Princess Zelda, but were pushed back and forced to make a hideout in an abandoned Gerudo archaeological site. Their hideout is located in Karusa Valley in the Gerudo Highlands. They spawn throughout the world and sometimes appear as lost travelers or merchants who will attack Link if he talks to them. There are four types of Yiga Clansmen: Yiga Footsoldiers, who may ambush Link with a Duplex Bow which can fire two arrows at once, or may disguise as a Hylian, only to reveal themselves and fight with a Vicious Sickle or a Demon Carver; Yiga Blademasters, officers of the Yiga who carry around a Windcleaver; Sooga, who is Master Kohga's personal bodyguard and assistant, as well as second in command of the Clan. He wields two great blades and throws kunai; and Master Kogha, a large master of esoteric arts who waits in the Yiga Clan Hideout while his minions search for Link. He is referenced by certain disguised Yiga. One Kakariko Villager, the guard Dorian, is an ex-Yiga spy. After being stationed there, he found a wife who bore two daughters with him, Koko and Cottla, all of whom made him want to change his ways; the Yiga murdered his wife when they discovered his defection.
It is also here that the Sheikah are shown as a race with diversity, with many members sporting grey, brown or blue eyes and some having varying hair colour. Only one member, Purah, the ancient researcher and older sister of Impa, is shown to have red eyes. Jerrin, wife of elderly researcher Robbie, and her son Granté are the only two members with blonde hair, and Rola, as well as the entire Yiga Clan, exhibit black hair. Rola and as the elderly couple Steen and Trissa have brown skin; the other members have skin ranging from pale to tan.
Subrosians (ウーラ, Ūra) are a mysterious race that live in the subterranean world of Subrosia in Oracle of Seasons. They have large glowing eyes and are always seen wearing either green, blue or red hooded cloaks. There are two exceptions: Rosa, who wears a yellow cloak with a ribbon, and another unnamed yellow-clothed Subrosian who gives Link a Secret to use in Oracle of Ages. They are shy when around people of other races and prefer to be rarely seen. They can survive in lava and use a currency made of metal rocks found in the ground called Ore Chunks. Like the Gorons, they also consume lava for sustenance.
Tokay (トカゲ人, Tokage-jin, lit. "lizard people") are green-scaled lizards who reside on Crescent Island in Labrynna in Oracle of Ages. They are known to search for valuable items and be deceitful. They are also expert gardeners which can grow scent seeds from seedlings over a course of four hundred years. They have never seen anyone from other races, so when they see Link, they think he is a Tokay without a tail and call him "Strange Tokay".
Twili (トワイライトの民, Towairaito no Tami) are a race that come from the Twilight Realm and first appeared in Twilight Princess. The Twili come from a group referred to as the Interlopers, who used awesome magic to dominate a war between Hylians for the Triforce. As well as the Triforce, they also had eyes for the Sacred Realm. Seeing this, the Golden Goddesses ordered the Light Spirits to seal their magic in the Fused Shadow; the Interlopers were then banished to the Twilight Realm, where they adapted and evolved into the Twili. One member of their race is Midna (ミドナ, Midona). Zant (ザント, Zanto) was also part of this race. He overthrew Midna with Ganondorf's help and helped Ganondorf take over Hyrule.
The skin tone of the Twili is mostly black while their faces, necks, and chest tend to be gray. The Twili have long limbs, necks, and heads, and great variances in appearance.
Wizzrobes (ウィズローブ, Wizurōbu) are magician-like creatures that wear wizard robes and often use fire and ice magic. They are what most reincarnated wizards become. In The Wind Waker, they can also summon other enemies and wear toucan-like or bird-like masks and headdresses. They first appeared in The Legend of Zelda.
Breath of the Wild introduced elemental Wizzrobes, who use various magical Rods to summon elemental attacks, elemental enemies and even change the weather accordingly. The regular types are the Fire, Electric and Ice Wizzrobes, however each has a more powerful variant. These are known as Meteo and Thunder Wizzrobes, and Blizzrobes respectively. All have the same appearance of a small, black imp with a large cloak; this cloak has a long, pointed hood to make them seem larger.
Yetis are creatures that resemble the 'real-life' yeti, but have large beaver-like tails and speak with poor grammar. The females are smaller than the males and wear an armless sweater, showing no arms or tail. Yeta (マトーニャ, Matōnya) and Yeto (ドサンコフ, Dosankofu), characters who live in Snowpeak Ruins in Twilight Princess were Yetis (雪男, yukiotoko).[48] Yeto helps Link by giving him soup that heals up to eight hearts of his health.
The Zora (ゾーラ, Zōra) are a race of aquatic piscine humanoids that appear in nearly every game of the series. In the original game and Link to the Past, Zora were enemies that attacked Link from the water with projectiles, though the giant Zora King sells Link a pair of flippers in A Link to the Past, allowing him to swim and to use the network of whirlpools that link far corners of Hyrule. By Ocarina of Time, their role in most stories had changed to a neutral or friendly race. Zora rely heavily on water, and can only live on land for limited time periods.[49] Zora are mostly seen gracefully swimming about and frolicking in water. Besides routine swimming and sports, Zora also enjoy music.[50]
Most Zora do not wear clothing, and they are generally covered in silver scales, which give them a pale blue sheen from a distance. Where humans sometimes have long hair, average Zora have rear-hanging caudal extensions that resemble tails. These tails undulate periodically, which gives a Zora's head the unique semblance of a fish. They are sometimes depicted as having webbed feet and hands. They lack ears in the traditional sense, but do have pronounced noses and gills on their abdomen. Their fins can be used to fight by extending out to serve as sharp weapons. Zora lay eggs to reproduce. Zora eggs need to be kept in cold, clean water to develop healthily, and every egg from the same clutch must be kept together for them to hatch. Newborn Zora are tadpole-like with a circular body and a long, skinny tail ending in a fluke.
Zora government is apparently monarchical, either ruled by a king, with examples being King Dorephan or King Zora De Bon XVI, or queen, such as Queen Oren or Queen Rutela (ルテラ, Rutera). Two different branches exist: "River Zora" are more violent and can shoot fire, while "Sea Zora" are generally passive towards the other Hyrulean races, save the Gorons. The Zora Royal Family is responsible for maintaining order among their people, overseeing care for Jabu Jabu (ジャブジャブ), whom they worship as a guardian god,[51] and assuring that the waters upon which he and all creatures rely are clean and pure; whether they revere his likely descendant Jabun in the same way is unclear.
The Zora are not present in The Wind Waker; a sage named Laruto (ラルト, Raruto) is encountered in spirit, but that is all. They did, however, evolve to the Rito (リト) race. The Zora typically inhabit fresh water such as Zora River and Lake Hylia, while sea-dwelling Zora are known to appear in Termina (Majora's Mask) and Labrynna (Oracle of Ages)
In Majora's Mask, Link is able to inhabit the body of the Zora Mikau, who was killed by Gerudo pirates, and can use his fins in the same manner as the boomerang. He does this in order to take Mikau's place temporarily in the Indigo-Go's, a popular Zora band in Termina.
In Breath of the Wild, Zora are a major part of the game. Link must head to Zora's Domain in Lanayru to meet with King Dorephan and Prince Sidon. The King called for a Hylian because Zora's Domain was in danger of being washed away by Divine Beast Vah Ruta, who was at the East Reservoir Lake. Muzu, a Zora elder and the King's assistant, resents Link, because he and most Zora elders blame Link for the death of the beloved Zora Champion and Princess, Mipha. After realizing, with Prince Sidon's help, that Link has had a special connection with the princess, he tasks Link with finding 20 Shock Arrows from Ploymus Mountain, which is guarded by a Lynel. After retrieving the arrows, Link heads for the East Reservoir Lake to board Vah Ruta. Once he regains control of the beast, Mipha appears as a spirit and grants Link her healing ability. She then moves Vah Ruta to a location that isn't blocked so they can have a direct lock on Hyrule Castle and assist Link in fighting Ganon.
Note: Some creatures' outlook may vary in different titles of the series.
- Armos (アモス, Amosu) are animated statues built to guard ancient ruins that come to life and attack when disturbed. The Minish Cap features them as guards created by the Wind Tribe. They first appeared in The Legend of Zelda.
- Beamos (ビーモス, Bīmosu) like Armos are statues built to guard ancient ruins. Beamos sit stationary scanning the room with a single rotating "eye". When they spot an intruder they fire off a high powered laser that tracks the target some distance. They first appeared in A Link to the Past.
- Biri and Bari (ゴーリア, Gōria) are electrified jellyfish that can hover in the air. Striking them with a metal weapon causes Link to be electrocuted. They often split into smaller duplicates after being attacked.
- Blade Traps: Indestructible metallic devices armed with spikes. Some sense intruders and fly towards them, while others move in a set pattern. They first appeared in The Legend of Zelda.
- Blupees (ルミー, Rumī), according to Creating a Champion,[52] are small spirits which resembles a rabbit and glow a soft blue, usually residing on places with very few people such as Satori Mountain and north of Kakariko Village. If a Blupee spots Link or a traveller, it will scamper off and disappear without a trace, however, if Link hits it with a weapon, arrow, or remote bomb, the Blupee with drop varying amounts of rupees, the currency within the Legend of Zelda games. There is an in-game side quest given to Link by the Korok Peeks called the "Legendary Rabbit Trail", who asks Link to take a picture of a Blupee with the Sheikah Slate and show him.[53] These creatures can only found in Breath of the Wild, and are not referenced in any other Legend of Zelda titles.
- Bubbles (バブル, Baburu), also known as Anti-Fairies or Whisps, are dark fairies that take the form of giant flaming skulls. They can place curses on their victims, the color of their flame denoting the abilities they possess. For example, if a Blue Bubble bites Link he will be temporarily unable to draw his sword. In some games Link can use Magic Powder to turn Bubbles into healing fairies. They first appeared in The Legend of Zelda.
- Buzz Blobs (バズブロブ, Bazuburobu) are electrical slime creatures with tapering bodies. They are passive, but their bodies carry an electrical charge that will shock Link should he touch one. Buzz Blobs deal damage when struck with metal weapons such as swords, with the exception of the Golden Sword, requiring the use of ranged weapons, which can either defeat them instantly or stun them, leaving them vulnerable to sword strikes.
- ChuChus (チュチュ, Chuchu) are jelly-like creatures with squat, translucent bodies, stalk-eyes, and a smiling mouth that have a variety of colors. In The Wind Waker their appearance was changed to upright, opaque bodies and vibrantly colored faces. They first appeared by that name in Majora's Mask, but two similar blob-type enemies were in the original The Legend of Zelda named "Bit" and "Bot", and a Bot became two Bits when Link slashed it, similar to the behavior of ChuChus in newer titles. Modern ChuChus come in Green, Red (the two most common colors), Yellow, Blue and dark Purple. They aggressively attack anything that invades their territory by tackling it, but will hide in puddles on the ground if no one is close. They mostly move by bouncing around, though the Green, Yellow and Blue ChuChus will occasionally melt and turn into small invincible puddles, and proceed to move around in their puddle forms until they can get close to Link, or until Link uses an item such as his Boomerang to stun and coax them out of their puddles. In Twilight Princess, after one is killed, Link can use their puddles as potions or lantern fuel, depending on the type of ChuChu. In Skyward Sword, ChuChus come in a variety of colors: Green, red (fire), blue (underwater), and yellow (electricity). ChuChus' sizes also vary a lot, depending on their color. The smallest can be defeated with one sword strike, the medium-sized need to be hit multiple times, and the largest ones can be split into two smaller ones with a vertical slash. In Breath of the Wild, ChuChus came in four different forms, normal, fire, ice, and electric. They come in a big, medium, or small size. They will jump around and sometimes pounce at Link. If they charge at Link, they will lose their element and become dark and faded, but retain their color. They are vulnerable at this point to attack. They will try to regain their elemental power if left for too long without being killed. Once they are defeated, they will drop ChuChu jelly, which will stay in the element they are, unless an elemental arrow or weapon is used on it to change the element.[54]
- Cuccos (コッコ, Kokko) are a type of chicken commonly domesticated for their eggs and meat. Although Hylian Cuccos strongly resemble real-life chickens they differ in several key ways. In most games they are strong enough to glide while carrying the weight of an adult man, allowing Link to use them to glide to otherwise unreachable areas. Some breeds of Cucco, like blue and gold Cuccos can even outright fly while being held. Normally docile, Cuccos will become angry if the player attacks them repeatedly and crow to summon a flock of Cuccos to attack the aggressor until he or she dies or leaves the area. Cuccos first appeared in A Link to the Past. They mostly come in white, although The Minish Cap had gold Cuccos and Twilight Princess had black, brown, golden and grey variants as well. In Ocarina of Time, there was a single blue Cucco that was used in a trading sequence.
- Darknuts (タートナック, Tātonakku) are large armored knights armed with swords and shields. In The Wind Waker, when their helmets are removed, they are revealed to have jackal-like heads. Some Darknuts also have capes, which must be destroyed before they can be hurt. They first appeared in The Legend of Zelda. They reappear in groups at Hyrule Castle. They also appeared in Twilight Princess for the first time in The Temple of Time, and in several other dungeons thereafter.
- Deku Babas (デクババ, Deku Baba) are Venus fly trap-like carnivorous plants, typically found. They spend much of their time shrunk down springing from the ground whenever their roots detect the footsteps of potential prey. They first appeared in Ocarina of Time.
- Dodongos (ドドンゴ, Dodongo) are fire-breathing reptilian dinosaurs that resemble gigantic iguanas. They move slowly, protected by their thick scales but are incredibly aggressive, eating anything that comes within reach of their mouths.[55] Baby Dodongos are born limbless and spend much of their time buried underground[56] and when attacked they explode. Big Dodongos, which are larger versions of normal Dodongos also appear. A King Dodongo appears as a boss in Ocarina of Time.[57] They first appeared in The Legend of Zelda.
- Floormasters (フロアマスター, Furoamasutā) and Wallmasters are ghostly manifestations of giant hands that drag adventurers back to the entrance of a dungeon. Floormasters roam around the room and are visible at all times, while Wallmasters hide on the ceiling out of sight. Also, Floormasters split up into smaller versions when the original is attacked, whereas Wallmasters do not. Wallmasters first appeared in The Legend of Zelda while Floormasters first appeared in Ocarina of Time. Floormasters appeared in The Wind Waker as a spectral arm and hand that will transport Link to a jail-like holding area if he is caught. They do not split up when attacked.
- Gargoyles are statues that appear in The Legend of Zelda and The Adventure of Link. They shoot fireballs at Link in the underground dungeons.
- Gibdos (ギブド, Gibudo) are undead creatures wrapped like mummies. They resemble ReDeads in regards to their slow and zombie-like movement; in some games, setting a Gibdo's bandages alight will reveal a Stalfos or a ReDead underneath. In Majora's Mask, Link can use the Gibdo Mask to communicate with them. They first appeared in The Legend of Zelda.
- Hinox (ヒノックス, Hinokkusu) are a recurring enemy and sub-boss in the Legend of Zelda series. The Hinox's single eye is its most vulnerable place, dealing the most damage to it when hit.[58] They are cyclops-like ogres and have appeared in A Link to the Past, Link’s Awakening, Four Swords Adventures, Phantom Hourglass, A Link Between Worlds, Tri Force Heroes and most recently, Breath of the Wild. In Breath of the Wild, Hinoxs can be either red, blue or black, depending on their strength. They are the largest monster found within the game and will uproot nearby trees to use as weapons against the player if provoked. Once defeated, they will drop miscellaneous food, Hinox toenails, Hinox guts, and Hinox teeth. One of the Shrine Quests called ‘The Three Giant Brothers’ in Breath of the Wild requires the player to beat three Hinox known as the Youngest, Middle and Oldest Kin, all of whom can be found around Mount Taran.
- Stalnoxs are animated versions of Hinox that appear in Breath of the Wild. Like Stalmoblins or Stalkoblins, they are just as powerful as their living counterparts, however attacking the eye of a Stalnox can cause it to fall out of its socket, allowing the player to attack it and deal a significant amount of damage before the Stalnox retrieves and replaces it. In order to obtain the Hylian Shield, the player must defeat the Stalnox kept within the lockup of Hyrule Castle.
- Iron Knuckles (アイアンナック, Aian-nakku) are heavily armored knights with axes. While they are even slower than the Darknuts, they are the most powerful enemies in their games as they can take four hearts from Link with just one hit and because of that they are often used to guard treasures. They first appeared in The Adventure of Link.
- Keese (キース, Kīsu) are bat monsters that often lurk in dark places such as caves, waiting to dive bomb unwary travelers attempting to bite off chunks of flesh. Some Keese have the ability to pick up elements they fly through and there are fire, ice, cursed, and electric variants. They first appeared in The Legend of Zelda.
- Leevers (リーバー, Rībā) are conical cactus-like monsters that primarily live in sandy areas, such as deserts and beaches. They hide beneath the sand, burrowing to the top to attack in ambush when they sense the footsteps of an intruder. Leevers attack by spinning rapidly and slamming their thorny bodies into their target. They first appeared in The Legend of Zelda.
- Like Likes (ライクライク, Raikuraiku) are yellowish cylindrical monsters that can suck in creatures as large as humans and consume items they carry. They are known for swallowing the shields and tunics that Link uses. Like Likes dissolve into a puddle when killed, leaving the stolen items. They first appeared in The Legend of Zelda, where they swallow the magical shield, but do not return it upon being killed.
- Lizalfos (リザルフォス, Rizarufosu): are swift and cunning anthropomorphic lizards that often attack in pairs and can parry and dodge oncoming attacks. Stronger Dinolfos are capable of breathing fire, while winged Aeralfos attack from the air. They first appeared in The Adventure of Link.
- The Lord of the Mountain makes an appearance in the latest instalment of the Legend of Zelda series The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Found on the south west side of Hyrule (west of Central Hyrule) upon Satori Mountain, the Lord of the Mountain is a spirit which only reveals itself on certain nights.[52] The spirit looks to have the body of a horse, with two-toes hooves (similar to that of a camel). The creature resembles a large Blupee; it has four eyes and a pale blue colour with the markings which resemble the ancient Sheikah art, an ancient race found within the game. According to the in-game compendium, the Lord of the Mountain is a ‘reincarnation of a sage that died on the lands it now protects…It’s sometimes known by its other name. Satori.’ This creature is speculated to pay tribute to the late Nintendo President Satoru Iwata, who passed during the development of Breath of the Wild in 2015.[59] The player is able to ride the Lord of the Mountain if they are able to ‘sneak up on it’. Once mounted, this creature is the only mountable creature which doesn't run out out of stamina. Despite Lord of the Mountain being ridable, it can not be registered at the stables, and disappears once the player gets off it. This creature can only be found in Breath of the Wild upon Satori Mountain.[60]
- Lynels (ライネル, Raineru) are large, strong centaur-like creatures with a head of a lion and horns that first appeared in The Legend of Zelda. This creature has multiple variations consisting of red, blue, white, and silver, with each color denoting the Lynel's strength. White and silver Lynels appear only in Breath of the Wild. In the game, Lynels are extremely powerful foes that can be found in many locations, with white Lynels appearing mostly in colder climates such as the Gerudo Highlands and the N. Tabantha Snowfield. The only Lynel that does not scale up to a more powerful variant is the Lynel located northeast of Zora's domain at Shatterback Point, due to its involvement in several quests. Stronger gold Lynels are included in Oracle of Seasons and in downloadable content for Breath of the Wild.
- Malanya (マーロン, Māron) is a deity who watches over the horses of Hyrule. Like the four Great Fairies, his power has drained due to a lack of offerings, causing his Fountain to shrivel. An offering of 1000 Rupees restores him to his former glory, which he wishes to repay Link for. For the price of one Endura Carrot, he will revive a fallen horse, assuming they were a companion of Link. He acts in a threatening manner if he suspects foul play was a factor of a horse's death, but then recoils, admitting he was jesting.
- Moblins (モリブリン, Moriburin) are orc-like monsters that serve as Ganon's footsoldiers. In The Legend of Zelda and The Adventure of Link, Moblins resembled bulldogs, but are pig-like in more recent games. They are sometimes accompanied by Pig Warriors, monsters with the same basic form but more porcine characteristics. Both types commonly wield spears, swords, bows, or occasionally massive clubs. They are one of the most common enemies within the games they appear, and are considered "mighty", but also "dumb".[61][62] They are described as greedy, self-possessed creatures, and the major antagonist will commonly use them as mercenaries or summoned monsters.[63] Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons feature a larger Moblin known as the Great Moblin, who terrorizes Holodrum and Labrynna. In The Wind Waker, which introduces two additional smaller creatures, impish Bokoblins and Miniblins, rodent-like beasts who carry pitchforks. In Spirit Tracks, Miniblins were pirates usually led by a "Big Blin", a larger, muscled variation that wields a spiked club. In Skyward Sword, they are depicted as fatter and will use their weight in a final attempt to crush Link before dying. In Breath of the Wild, they are taller and lankier and revealed that they are carnivorous and require a diet of meat and fish to maintain their bulky frames.
- Stalmoblins are the animated skeletons of Moblins that appear in Breath of the Wild. Like Stalkoblins, their skeletons continue to reanimate as long as a Stalmoblin skull is present. While just as powerful as their living counterparts, they are much easier to defeat by focusing on destroying their skulls.
- Nejirons (ネジロン, Nejiron) are creatures evolved to resemble rolling Gorons, despite having no biological relation. This is to fool their prey, as Gorons are generally peaceful. They are comprised partly of gunpowder, evidenced by their potent odour of it,[64] and consequently explode upon being hit.
- Octoroks (オクタロック, Okutarokku) are octopus monsters that have appeared in almost every Legend of Zelda game (except for Twilight Princess). Octoroks produce rocks within their body that they can fire from their snout via compressed air with the force of a musket shot. Some species of Octorok are land-dwelling while others are mostly aquatic. Big Octos are a very large ocean-dwelling breed sometimes known to attack ships. They first appeared in The Legend of Zelda.
- Peahats (ピーハット, Pīhatto}{PEE-hats) are flying plants that soar through the skies on sharp helicopter-like leaves. Some Peahats are small while others can grow to massive sizes. In Twilight Princess, smaller Peahats were passive creatures rather than enemies and could be used as a transportation method via the Clawshot. They first appeared in The Legend of Zelda.
- Poes (ポウ, Pou) are lantern-carrying ghosts formed from concentrated hatred toward the living that freely roam graveyards and other haunted locales. They always carry their signature lanterns. They first appeared in The Legend of Zelda.
- Pols Voice (ポルスボイス, Porusuboisu) are strange ghost-like creatures with large rabbit ears and whiskers that hop about in an erratic pattern. A lamprey-like mouth is hidden under their bodies. Pols Voice hate loud noises so explosive weapons are most effective but in some games they can also be damaged by musical instruments. They first appeared in The Legend of Zelda.
- ReDeads (リーデッド, Rīdeddo) are undead creatures resembling zombies with dark brown skin and flat mask-like faces that can paralyze enemies with a scream, and cling to them to drain health away.[65] They first appeared in Ocarina of Time.
- Skulltulas (スタルウォール, Sutaruwōru) are giant spiders, named for the bony plate in the shape of a human skull that forms their carapace. They are most commonly found in dark places, such as forests, caves, and dungeons but can also sometimes be found in towns at night. Skulltulas and Giant Skulltulas hang from ceiling surfaces, suspended by a strand of silk waiting to drop on unwary prey. Smaller Skulltulas called Skullwalltulas are commonly encountered on climbable surfaces and will attempt to bite Link if he doesn't first shoot them down. Rare Golden Skulltulas are associated with the "Curse of Skulltula" and must killed to break the curse.
- Stalchild (スタルベビー, Sutarubebī) are smaller forms of the Stalfos. Like Stalfos they are the vengeful spirits of dead soldiers. They only appear on the overworld at night and spawn endlessly, but retreat as soon as the sun rises. Unlike Stalfos, they do not carry any weapons, and instead swipe at their target with long, bloody claws. In Ocarina of Time there is an easter egg where after a certain number is defeated, a larger one appears. They make their debut in Ocarina of Time.
- Stalfos (スタルフォス, Sutarufosu) are animated skeletons mostly from the remains of dead warriors who still have a strong will to fight, and serve evil powers such as Ganon or Vaati. In Ocarina of Time, by using the Mask of Truth, the player learns from a Gossip Stone that humans that get lost while in the Lost Woods will become Stalfos.[15] They first appeared in The Legend of Zelda.
- Servants of the Springs can be found flying through Hyrule during certain in-game hours of the day. When shot with an arrow by the player, the dragons can drop either a scale, horn fragment, fang, or a claw, however these can only be harvested once per dragon sighting. These drops can be used in cooking or traded for a large amount of in-game currency. They take the form of traditional Japanese inspired dragons, with long serpent like bodies, long horns and six bird-like scaled hand/feet. There are three servants for the three springs found across Hyrule. Dinraal serves the Spring of Power, Naydra serves the Spring of Wisdom, and Farosh serves the Spring of Courage. Each spring represents a part of the Triforce, a sacred relic within the Legend of Zelda series. In the book documenting the creative process behind the designs in Breath of the Wild, Creating a Champion,[52] artist Satomi Usui explains his creative choices for the dragon's designs. Dinraal, servant of the Spring of Power, is a white and red colour, representing that of the Triforce of Power. As it flies through the sky of Hyrule, gusts of fire can be seen surrounding it as its horns glow a deep orange. Naydra, servant of the Spring of Wisdom, glows a cold blue, with its horns designed after coloured ice. It can be found resting atop of Mount Lanayru, which is located north of Hateno Village. The servant of the Spring of Courage, Farosh, emits electricity from its body as it floats through Hyrule. it glows a light olive green colour to represent the green of the triforce of courage. These creatures were designed to possess a mysterious, yet calm aura, and evoke a romantic feeling from the player.[52] These creatures can only found in Breath of the Wild.
- Tektites (テクタイト, Tekutaito) are cyclopean four-legged insectoid creatures who use their powerful legs to leap upon and attack prey. Blue Tektites can walk on water, and both Blue and Red Tektites can jump up cliffs. They first appeared in The Legend of Zelda.
- Vire (バイア, Baia) are gargoyle-like creatures that split into two Keese when hit with weak attacks. They first appeared in The Legend of Zelda.
- Wolfos (ウルフォス, Urufosu) are wolflike creatures with powerful claws. They are usually found in grassy or snowy terrains, where their fur changes according to each. Wolfos are capable of blocking and even dodging oncoming attacks, but if one swipes at Link and misses it will be turned completely around exposing its vulnerable back. White Wolfos, usually found in snowy terrains, hit harder than the normal Wolfos and are a little larger. They first appeared in Ocarina of Time.
- Zols (ゾル, Zoru) are simple blob-like enemies with two eyes. They often hide between the tiles of dungeon floors, waiting to pop out and attack. In many games, weaker attacks will cause a Zol to split into two smaller versions of itself known as Gels. Both Zols and Gels first appeared in The Legend of Zelda.
In their January 2010 issue, Nintendo Power listed Hyrule as one of the greatest Nintendo locations, citing the vast number of areas to explore, as well as referencing players' first experiences with the Lost Woods and Death Mountain as highlights of the players' adventures.[66]
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