Ylljet Aliçka
Ylljet Aliçka is an Albanian writer and scriptwriter, mostly known as the author of the novel "The stone slogans", (film "Slogans") and the controversial novel A story with internationals, which satirizes the diplomatic elite accredited in transition countries.

Ylljet Aliçka was born and lives in Tirana, Albania.
Academic career:
1969-1973: Natural science's studies, Tirana University
1991:Doctor: didactic sciences
2016:Professor Doctor
Professional career: 1973-1981, a schoolmaster in Mat region.Albania
1981-1992, Publishing house of schoolbooks, Tirana
1992-1997, Head of International relations, Ministry of Culture, Tirana, Albanian representant to CDDC-Council of Europe [1]
1998-2007, Communication officer, Delegation of the European Commission, Tirana
2007-2013, Ambassador of Albania, in France, Monaco, Portugal, Algeria, UNESCO. The personal representative of the President of Republic at Agence International de la Francophonie.[2]
2014-2019, Albanian representant at Eurimage (Council of Europe)[3]
2013-2020, Professor at European University of Tirana[4]
2020....Albanian Mediterranean University [5] and University of Arts.[6]
In Albania
- Les slogans de pierre (1999) Edition Climates; France [15]
- Kompromis (2001) Publishing House Pogranicze, Poland[16]
- Balkan blood, Balkan beauty (2006) North-western University Press, U.S.[17]
- I compagni di pietra (2006) Guaraldi, Italy[18]
- Albanien(2008), Edition Temmen, Germany [19]
- Les slogans de pierre (2009) Edition Pyramidion, France [20]
- Les étrangères (2010) Edition Pyramidion, France[21] [22]
- La sloganoj el stonoj (2013) Esperanto, Swidnik, Poland [23]
- Když projížděl Chruščov naší vesnicí (2015) Petr Štengl Edition, Czech Republic [24]
- Un sogno italiano (2016) Rubbettino editore, Italy [25] [26]
- Mappe 12 fra Tirana (2017) Bokvennen Forlag, Norway [27]
- Internationals"(2017) Tirana times, Albania [28]
- Nouvelles d'avant (2018) Edition Pyramidion, France [29]
- La valse du bonheur (2019) L'Esprit du temps, France [30] [31]
- Gli internazionali (2019) Rubbettino editore, Italy [32]
- Internationals (2020) Degarandishan Publishing House; Iran[33]
- Steinerne parolen(2020) Monda asembleo socia, Cuba-Germany,[34]
- Les etrangeres(2021), Editions des 60, France[35]
- La metamorphose d'une capitale(2021), Editions des 60 France[36]
- La metamorfosi di una capitale(2021), Castelvechi editore Italy[37]
- Slogans (2001) French-Albanian film, based on the book Les slogans de pierre[38]
- An Albanian chronicle (2008) French-Italian-Albanian film based on the book The Compromise[39]
- An Expat's tale(2018) Art film, based on the novel "Internationals" [40]
- The poet(2019)Teo film, based of short story "The poet" [41]
- Profesionist(2020) Bunker film, based on the short story "Stone slogans"
Prizes: in literature
- 1999 - First prize, International competition of short stories, Teramo, Italy [42]
- 2000 - Second prize, International competition Art e letters de France, Bordeaux, France [43]
- 2001 - Silver medal in prose by the Albanian Ministry of Culture, Tirana, Albania[44]
- 2002 - Prix de la francophonie, Albanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tirana, Albania [45]
- 2009 - Special prize, VII Premio Letterario Nazionale, Rome, Italy
- 2012 - Silver medal in prose for Valsi i lumturisë by the Albanian Ministry of Culture, Tirana, Albania [46]
in cinematography:
- 2001 - Slogans Young critics award, Festival de Cannes, Cannes, France [47] [48]
- 2006 - Slogans, Best screenplay, Albanian Film Festival by the Ministry of Culture, [49]
- 2011 - Një histori provinciale, Best screenplay, South-East European Film Festival, Paris, France [50][51]
- 2016 - "Plastic flowers", Winner-Hollywood International Moving Pictures Film Festival (HIMPFF), [52]
- 2018 - "Plastic flowers"Best screenplay, Korça Short Film Fest [53]
Membership :
- Founder member« Fondazione Fabrizio De Andre » Milano, Itali[54]
- Honoured citizenship« LA REPUBLIQUE DE MONTMARTRE », Paris, 2011[55]
- Member of French Academy « Berry- Georges Sand », Paris 2010 [56]
- Member of Francophone writers association, Paris, 2012
- Member of audiovisual and dramatic authors, SACD, Paris, 2006 [57]
- https://rm.coe.int/16804dba8f
- https://www.francophonie.org/
- https://www.coe.int/en/web/eurimages
- https://uet.edu.al/new/
- https://www.umsh.edu.al/
- https://www.uart.edu.al/
- ttps://books.google.al/books/about/Tregime.html?id=JRu-HAAACAAJ&redir_esc=y
- https://www.amazon.com/Kompromisi-Tregime-Ylljet-Alic%CC%A7ka/dp/9992745045
- https://www.shtepiaelibrit.com/store/en/fiction-literature/513-nje-rrefenje-me-nderkombetare-ylljet-alicka.html
- http://www.toena.com.al/toena/Botimet_e_reja/Ylljet_Alicka_Parullat_me_gure.html
- http://www.toena.com.al/toena/Botimet_e_reja/Ylljet_Alicka_Rrefenje_me_nderkombetare.html
- https://www.librat.al/web/Koha_e_puthjeve_149_2.php?stp=prfl&bid=4049
- https://www.shtepiaelibrit.com/store/sq/romane/7415-valsi-i-lumturise-ylljet-alicka-9789994318100.html
- https://onufri.com/bli/metamorfoza-e-nje-kryeqyteti/
- https://www.babelio.com/livres/Alicka-Les-slogans-de-pierre/960604
- Lektury Lirael, Kompromis.
- [http://www.nupress.northwestern.edu/titles/balkan-beauty-balkan-blood
- https://www.lafeltrinelli.it/libri/ylljet-alicka/i-compagni-pietra/9788880492832.
- https://www.amazon.de/Albanien-Judith-Knieper/dp/3861083787
- http://livre.fnac.com/a313858/Ylljet-Alicka-Les-slogans-de-Pierre
- http://www.editionspyramidion.com/Les%20Etrangers.htm
- https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xibneb
- https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/34300272-la-sloganoj-el-tonoj
- http://www.iliteratura.cz/Clanek/35707/alicka-ylljet-kdyz-projizdel-chruscov-nasi-vesnici
- store.rubbettinoeditore.it/ylljet-alicka
- https://www.internazionale.it/opinione/goffredo-fofi/2016/09/04/alicka-il-sogno-italiano-recensione
- https://solumbokvennen.no/boker/mappe-12-fra-tirana
- https://www.adrionltd.com/sq/autore-shqiptare/98653-internationals.html
- http://editionspyramidion.com/nouvelles-d-avant.html
- https://www.editionsdes60.com/fr/home/8-la-valse-du-bonheur-9782847954432.html
- https://www.en-attendant-nadeau.fr/2019/05/30/sous-sols-ambassade-alicka/
- https://www.store.rubbettinoeditore.it/gli-internazionali.html
- https://books.google.al/books?id=YsbKDwAAQBAJ&lpg=PP1&pg=PP1#v=onepage&q&f=false
- https://www.amazon.com/Steinerne-Parolen-MAS-libro-German-Ylljet/dp/2369601809
- https://www.editionsdes60.com/en/forthcoming/381-les-etrangers-9782847954821.html
- https://www.editionsdes60.com/en/forthcoming/424-metamorphose-d-une-capitale-9782847955125.html
- https://www.goodbook.it/scheda-libro/ylljet-alicka/metamorfosi-di-una-capitale-9788832902785-3396431.html
- https://europeanfilmawards.eu/en_en/film/slogans.5651
- name="test3">Chant d'amour, Making of.
- https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8292698/
- https://filmfreeway.com/LacoThePoet
- https://www.premioteramo.it/index.php?id=18&search=Alicka+Ylljet&item_11=27
- https://www.artsetlettresdefrance.fr/
- https://kultura.gov.al/
- https://punetejashtme.gov.al/en/
- https://kultura.gov.al/veprat-fituese-te-cmimeve-letrare-penda-e-argjendte-per-vitin-2012/
- https://europeanfilmawards.eu/en_en/film/slogans.5651
- https://www.worldcat.org/title/slogans/oclc/785232150
- ttps://tiranaweb.activeboard.com/t8722324/filmi-shqiptar-festivali-zbulon-plagt/
- http://www.seeaparis.com/news/category/all/5
- https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/en/festival-en/film-archive/movie/548.html
- https://himpff.com/dec-2016-winners.html
- https://ata.gov.al/2018/07/23/korca-short-film-fest-triumfon-ylljet-alicka-me-lule-plastike/
- http://www.fabriziodeandre.it/
- https://www.republique-de-montmartre.com/notre-histoire.html
- http://cths.fr/pt/index.php
- sacd.fr