1736 English cricket season

The 1736 English cricket season was the 40th cricket season after the earliest recorded eleven-aside match was played. Details have survived of 17 top-class matches and two notable single wicket matches.

1736 English cricket season

One of the single wicket matches resulted in a tie, the earliest known instance of this result in cricket history.

Recorded matches

Records have survived of 17 matches. These include eight matches played by London Cricket Club and nine involving Surrey sides - the sides playing each other three times. Other sides known to have played matches during the year include Mitcham, Chertsey and Croydon Cricket Clubs and county sides from Middlesex and Kent.[1][2]

Single wicket matches

In June two London players, Wakeland and George Oldner played against two Richmond players who were "esteemed the best two in England" but whose names are not known. One of the Richmond players suffered facial injuries in the game when the ball came off his bat and hit his nose.[3]

A match between three players each from London and Surrey in September ended in cricket's earliest known tie. Different versions of the scores have been reported, but each team scored 23 runs from their two innings.[4][5][6]

First mentions

Clubs and teams


  • George Oldner



  1. Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians (1981) A Guide to Important Cricket Matches Played in the British Isles 1709 – 1863, p.20. ACS: Nottingham.
  2. Other matches in England 1736, CricketArchive. Retrieved 2019-01-06.
  3. Waghorn HT (1899) Cricket Scores, Notes, etc. (1730–1773), pp.13–14. Blackwood.
  4. Buckley GB (1935) Fresh Light on 18th Century Cricket, p.13. Cotterell.
  5. Bowen R (1970) Cricket: A History of its Growth and Development, p.263. Eyre & Spottiswoode.
  6. Maun I (2009) From Commons to Lord's, Volume One: 1700 to 1750, p.81. Roger Heavens. ISBN 978 1 900592 52 9

Further reading

  • Altham HS (1962) A History of Cricket, Volume 1 London: George Allen & Unwin.
  • Birley D (1999) A Social History of English Cricket. London: Aurum. ISBN 978 1 78131 1769
  • Major J (2007) More Than a Game: The Story of Cricket's Early Years. London: HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-00-718364-7
  • Underdown D (2001) Cricket and Culture in Eighteenth-century England. London: Penguin. ISBN 9780140283549
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