Civil Aviation Technology College

Civil Aviation Technology College (CATC) is a college in Tehran, Iran specializing in civil aviation.[1] However, it is still common to call that college,But according to the Ministry of Science of Iran, it has a level beyond the faculty. It is also called the Higher Education Center because it is a university candidate.

Civil Aviation Technology College
دانشکده صنعت هواپیمایی کشوری

Founded in the 1960s, it is the most accredited aviation college in Iran which also accepts students by UEE. Most graduates of this school are among elite key peoples in aviation and oil and gas industry worldwide. CATC is located on Meraj Street at the Mehrabad International Airport.


CATC has the following departments:


Electrical Engineering, Specialty of Aviation Telecommunications

This course called Aviation-Telecommunications Engineering, too. Aviation-telecommunication engineers include a group of specialists who have a lot of information about the flight (such as meteorological data, some specific information, etc.) through the available platforms (such as AFTN, etc.) at the disposal of the aircraft itself or parts Others are stationed at airports. Specialists in this field mainly need knowledge of computer, networking, IT and physics.Their works are in organizations and companies in the air and space.[5]

Electrical Engineering, Aviation Electronics Specialty

This course called Aviation-Electronic Engineering, too. Before, during and after the flight, the aircraft needs equipment and platforms that meet many of its needs such as navigation information, communication and monitoring systems (CNS). Of course, such equipment requires installation, commissioning, maintenance and repair, which is a serious task for an aviation electronics specialist at the airports.[6]

Aircraft maintenance engineering

Aircraft maintenance engineering(AME), also Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (LAME or L-AME), is a licensed person who carries out and certifies aircraft maintenance. The license is widespread internationally and is recognised by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)..Aircraft maintenance course includes theoretical and practical courses in the field of familiarity with different parts of the aircraft, including fuselage and engine, parts, how to operate and description of their duties, how to maintain and maintain in optimal and usable conditions, safe methods and safety principles Work environment, familiarity with the equipment and tools used in the work environment and the correct way to work with them, general familiarity with the mechanism of different parts and parts of the aircraft, practical work in various training workshops in the field of jet and piston engines and many other cases.[5]

Air traffic engineering (controlers)

This course is called Flight Care Engineering, too.[5] For more information; See:Air traffic controller.

Avionics engineering

Avionics engineering is similar, but deals with the electronics side of aerospace engineering.

See also


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