Filters in topology
In topology, a subfield of mathematics, filters are special families of subsets of a set that can be used to study topological spaces and define all basic topological notions such a convergence, continuity, compactness, and more. Filters also provide a common framework for defining various types of limits of functions such as limits from the left/right, to infinity, to a point or a set, and many others. Special types of filters called ultrafilters have many useful technical properties and they may often be used in place of arbitrary filters.

Filters have generalizations called prefilters (also known as filter bases) and filter subbases, all of which appear naturally and repeatedly throughout topology. Examples include neighborhood filters/bases/subbases and uniformities. Every filter is a prefilter and both are filter subbases. Every prefilter and filter subbase is contained in a unique smallest filter, which they are said to generate. This establishes a relationship between filters and prefilters that may often be exploited to allow one to use whichever of these two notion is more technically convenient. A preorder ≤ on families of sets helps to determine exactly when and how one notion (filter, prefilter, etc.) can or cannot be used in place of another. This preorder's importance is amplified by the fact that it defines the notion of filter convergence, where by definition, a filter (or prefilter) converges to a point if and only if where is that point's neighborhood filter. Consequently, subordination also plays an important role in many concepts that are related to convergence, such as cluster points and limits of functions. In addition, the relation which denotes and is expressed by saying that is subordinate to also establishes a relationship in which is to as a subsequence is to a sequence (that is, the relation which is called subordination, is for filters the analog of "is a subsequence of").
Filters were introduced by Henri Cartan in 1937[1][2] and subsequently used by Bourbaki in their book Topologie Générale as an alternative to the similar notion of a net developed in 1922 by E. H. Moore and H. L. Smith. Filters can also be used to characterize the notions of sequence and net convergence. But unlike[note 1] sequence and net convergence, filter convergence is defined entirely in terms of subsets of the topological space and so it provides a notion of convergence that is completely intrinsic to the topological space. Every net induces a canonical filter and dually, every filter induces a canonical net, where this induced net (resp. induced filter) converges to a point if and only if the same is true of the original filter (resp. net). This characterization also holds for many other definitions such as cluster points. These relationships make it possible to switch between filters and nets, and they often also allow one to choose whichever of these two notions (filter or net) is more convenient for the problem at hand. However, in general this relationship does not extend to subordinate filters and subnets because as detailed below, there exist subordinate filters whose filter/subordinate–filter relationship cannot be described in terms of the corresponding net/subnet relationship (here it is assumed that "subnet" is defined using any of its most popular definitions, which are given in this article).
- Archetypical example of a filter
The archetypical example of a filter is the neighborhood filter at a point in a topological space which by definition is the family of sets consisting of all neighborhoods of By definition, a neighborhood of some given point (or subset) is any subset whose topological interior contains this point (or subset); importantly, neighborhoods are not required to be open sets (those are called open neighborhoods). The fundamental properties shared by neighborhood filters, which are listed below, ultimately became the definition of a "filter." A filter on is a set of subsets of that satisfies all of the following conditions:
- Not empty: – just as since is always an (open) neighborhood of (and of anything else that it contains);
- Does not contain the empty set: – just as no neighborhood of is empty;
- Closed under finite intersections: If then – just as the intersection of any two neighborhoods of is again a neighborhood of ;
- Upward closed: If and then – just as any subset of that contains a neighborhood of will necessarily be a neighborhood of (because and by definition of "neighborhood of ").
- Generalizing sequence convergence by using sets − determining sequence convergence without the sequence
A sequence in is by definition a map from the natural numbers, which are an example of a directed set, into the space The original notion of convergence in a topological space was that of a sequence converging to some given point in a space, such as a metric space. With metrizable spaces (or more generally first–countable spaces or Fréchet–Urysohn spaces), sequences usually suffices to characterize, or "describe", most topological properties, such as the closures of subsets or continuity of functions. But there are many spaces where sequences can not be used to describe even basic topological properties like closure or continuity. This failure of sequences was the motivation for defining notions such as nets and filters, which never fail to characterize topological properties.
Nets directly generalize the notion of a sequence since nets are, by definition, maps from an arbitrary directed set into the space A sequence is just a net whose domain is with the natural ordering. Nets have their own notion of convergence, which is a direct generalization of sequence convergence.
Filters generalize sequence convergence in a different way by considering only values in the range of a sequence. To see how this is done, consider a sequence in which is by definition just a map whose value at is denoted by rather than the more common parentheses notation Knowing only the range of the sequence is not enough to describe its convergence; multiple sets are needed. It turns out that the needed sets are the following,[note 2] which are called the tails of the sequence :
These sets completely determine this sequence's convergence (or non–convergence) because given any point, this sequence converges to it if and only if for every neighborhood U (of this point), there is some integer n such that U contains all of the points This can be reworded as:
- every neighborhood U must contain some set of the form as a subset.
It is the above characterization that can be used with the above family of tails to determine convergence (or non–convergence) of the sequence With these sets in hand, the map is no longer needed to determine convergence of this sequence (no matter what topology is placed on ). By generalizing this observation, the notion of "convergence" can be extended from maps to families of sets.
The above set of tails of a sequence is in general not a filter but it does "generate" a filter via taking its upward closure. The same is true of other important families of sets such as any neighborhood basis at a given point, which in general is also not a filter but does generate a filter via its upward closure (in particular, it generates the neighborhood filter at that point). The properties that these families share led to the notion of a filter base, also called a prefilter, which by definition is any family having the minimal properties necessary and sufficient for it to generate a filter via taking its upward closure only.
- Nets vs. filters − advantages and disadvantages
Filters and nets each have their own advantages and drawbacks and there's no reason to use one notion exclusively over the other.[note 3] Depending on what is being proved, a proof may be made significantly easier by using one of these notions instead of the other.[3] Both filters and nets can be used to completely characterize any given topology. Nets are direct generalizations of sequences and can often be used similarly to sequences, so the learning curve for nets is typically much less steep than that for filters. However, filters, and especially ultrafilters, have many more uses outside of topology, such as in set theory, mathematical logic, model theory (e.g. ultraproducts), abstract algebra,[4] order theory, generalized convergence spaces, and in the definition and use of hyperreal numbers.
Like sequences, nets are functions and so they have the advantages of functions. For example, like sequences, nets can be "plugged into" other functions, where "plugging in" is just function composition. Theorems related to functions and function composition may then be applied to nets. One example is the universal property of inverse limits, which is defined in terms of composition of maps rather than sets and it is more readily applied to functions like nets than to sets like filters (a prominent example of an inverse limit is the Cartesian product). Filters may be awkward to use in certain situations, such as when switching between a filter on a space and dense subspace [5]
In contrast to nets, filters (and prefilters) are families of sets and so they have the advantages of sets. For example, if is surjective then the preimage or pullback f –1 (ℬ) ≝ { f –1 (B) : B ∈ ℬ } of an arbitrary filter or prefilter is both easily defined and guaranteed to be a prefilter, whereas it is less clear how to define the pullback of an arbitrary sequence (or net) x• so that it is once again a sequence or net (unless is also injective and consequently a bijection, which is a stringent requirement). Because filters are composed of subsets of the very topological space that is under consideration, topological set operations (such as closure or interior) may be applied to the sets that constitute the filter. Taking the closure of the all sets in a filter is sometimes useful in Functional Analysis for instance. Theorems about images or preimages of sets under functions (e.g. continuity's definitions in terms of images or preimages of sets) may also be applied to filters. Special types of filters called ultrafilters have many useful properties that can significantly help in proving results. One downside of nets is their dependence on the directed sets that constitute their domains, which in general may be entirely unrelated to the space In fact, the class of nets in a given set is too large to even be a set (it is a proper class); this is because nets in can have domains of any cardinality. In contrast, the collection of all filters (and all prefilters) on is a set. Unlike nets and sequences, the notions of a "filter on " and of a "topology on " are both "intrinsic to " in the sense that both consist entirely of the subsets of and do not require any set that cannot be constructed from (such as ℕ or other directed sets, which sequences and nets require).
Preliminaries, notation, and basic notions
In this article, upper case Roman letters like S and denote sets (but not families unless indicated otherwise) and ℘(X) will denote the powerset of A subset of a powerset is called a family of sets (or simply, a family) where it is over if it is a subset of ℘(X). Families of sets will be denoted by upper case calligraphy letters such as and Whenever these assumptions are needed, then it should be assumed that is non–empty and that etc. are families of sets over
The terms "prefilter" and "filter base" are synonyms and will be used interchangeably.
- Warning about competing definitions and notation
There are unfortunately several terms in the theory of filters that are defined differently by different authors. These include some of the most important terms such as "filter." While different definitions of the same term usually have significant overlap, due to the very technical nature of filters (and point–set topology), these differences in definitions nevertheless often have important consequences. When reading mathematical literature, it is recommended that readers check how the terminology related to filters is defined by the author. For this reason, this article will clearly state all definitions that are used in this article. Unfortunately, not all notation related to filters is well established and some notation varies greatly across the literature (e.g. the notation for the set of all prefilters on a set) so in such cases this article uses whatever notation is most self describing or easily remembered.
The theory of filters and prefilter is well developed and has a plethora of definitions and notations, many of which are now unceremoniously listed to prevent this article from becoming prolix and to allow for the easy look up of notation and definitions. Their important properties are described later.
- Sets operations
- The upward closure or isotonization in [6] of a family of subsets is
- and similarly the downward closure of is
Notation and Definition | Assumptions | Name |
Kernel of [7] | ||
℘(X) = { S : S ⊆ X } | Power set of a set [7] | |
ℬ|S = { B ∩ S : B ∈ ℬ } = ℬ (∩) { S } | is a set | Trace of on S[8] or the restriction of to S |
ℬ (∩) 𝒞 = { B ∩ C : B ∈ ℬ and C ∈ 𝒞 }[9] | Elementwise (set) intersection ( will denote the usual intersection) | |
ℬ (∪) 𝒞 = { B ∪ C : B ∈ ℬ and C ∈ 𝒞 }[9] | Elementwise (set) union ( will denote the usual union) | |
ℬ (∖) 𝒞 = { B ∖ C : B ∈ ℬ and C ∈ 𝒞 } | Elementwise (set) subtraction | |
S ∖ ℬ = { S ∖ B : B ∈ ℬ } = { S } (∖) ℬ | is a set | Dual of in S or set subtraction[8] |
S↑X = { S }↑X | is a set | Upward closure or Isotonization[7] |
- for every there is some such that F ⊆ C
in which case it is said that is coarser than is finer than (or subordinate to) [10][11][12] and ℱ ⊢ 𝒞 may be written.
Two families and of sets mesh[8] if B ∩ C ≠ ∅ for all and .Notation | Definition | Name |
is a map | Preimage of under [13] | |
is a map and is a set | Preimage a S under | |
is a map | Image of under [13] | |
is a map and is a set | Image a S under |
- Topology notation
The set of all topologies will be denoted by Top(X). Suppose is a topology on
Notation and Definition | Assumptions | Name |
Set or prefilter[note 4] of open neighborhoods of S in | ||
Set or prefilter of open neighborhoods of in | ||
Set or filter[note 4] of neighborhoods of S in | ||
Set or filter of neighborhoods of in |
- Nets and their tails
- A directed set is a set together with a preorder, which will be denoted by (unless explicitly indicated otherwise), that makes into an (upward) directed set;[14] this means that for all there exists some such that and For any indices and the notation is defined to mean while is defined to mean that holds but it is not true that (if ≤ is antisymmetric then this is equivalent to and ).
Notation and Definition | Assumptions | Name |
and is a directed set | Tail or section of starting at | |
and is a net | Tail or section of starting at [15] | |
and is a net | Tail or section of starting at | |
is a net | Set or prefilter of tails/sections of Also called the eventuality filter base generated by (the tails of) If is a sequence then is called the sequential filter base instead.[15] | |
is a net | (Eventuality) filter of/generated by (tails of) [15] |
- Warning about using strict comparison
If is a net and then it is possible for the set which is called the tail of after , to be empty (e.g. this happens if is an upper bound of the directed set ). In this case, the family would contain the empty set, which would prevent it from being a prefilter (defined later). This is the (important) reason for defining as rather than or even and it is for this reason that in general, when dealing with the prefilter of tails of a net, the strict inequality < may not be used interchangeably with the inequality .
Filters and prefilters
The following is a list of properties that a family of sets may possess and they form the defining properties of filters, prefilters, and filter subbases. Whenever it is necessary, it should be assumed that
The family of sets is:
- Proper or nondegenerate if Otherwise, if then it is called improper[16] or degenerate.
- Directed downward[14] if whenever A, B ∈ ℬ then there exists some such that
- Alternatively, directed downward (resp. directed upward) if and only if is (upward) directed with respect to the preorder ⊇ (resp. ), where by definition this means that for all A, B ∈ ℬ, there exists some "greater" such that A ⊇ C and B ⊇ C (resp. such that A ⊆ C and B ⊆ C), which can be rewritten as (resp.). This explains the word "directed."
- If a family has a greatest element with respect to ⊇ (for example, if ) then it is necessarily directed downward.
- Closed under finite intersections (resp. unions) if the intersection (resp. union) of any two elements of is an element of
- If is closed under finite intersections then is necessarily directed downward. The converse is generally false.
- Upward closed or Isotone in [6] if and ℬ = ℬ↑X, or equivalently, if whenever and satisfies B ⊆ C ⊆ X then . Similarly, is downward closed if ℬ = ℬ↓. An upward (respectively, downward) closed set is also called an upper set or upset (resp. a lower set or down set).
- The family which is the upward closure of in is the unique smallest isotone family of sets over having as a subset.
Many of the properties of defined above (and below), such as "proper" and "directed downward," do not depend on so mentioning the set is optional when using such terms. Definitions involving being "upward closed in " such as that of "filter on " do depend on so the set should be mentioned if it is not clear from context.
- Ultrafilters(X) = Filters(X) ∩ UltraPrefilters(X) ⊆ Filters(X) ∪ UltraPrefilters(X) ⊆ Prefilters(X) ⊆ FilterSubbases(X).
A family is/is a(n):
- Ideal[16][17] if is downward closed and closed under finite unions.
- Dual ideal on [18] if is upward closed in and also closed under finite intersections.
- Explanation of the word "dual": A family is a dual ideal (resp. an ideal) on if and only if the dual of in , which is the family
- X ∖ ℬ = { X ∖ B : B ∈ ℬ },
- is an ideal (resp. a dual ideal) on The family X ∖ ℬ should not be confused with ℘(X) ∖ ℬ ≝ { S ⊆ X : S ∉ ℬ }, where in general X ∖ ℬ ≠ ℘(X) ∖ ℬ. The dual of the dual is the original family, meaning X ∖ (X ∖ ℬ ) = ℬ; and also X belongs to the dual of if and only if [16]
- Filter on [18][8] if is a proper dual ideal on That is, a filter on is a non-empty subset of ℘(X) ∖ { ∅ } that is closed under finite intersections and upward closed in Equivalently, it is a prefilter that is upward closed in In words, a filter on is a family of sets over that (1) is not empty (or equivalently, it contains ), (2) is closed under finite intersections, (3) is upward closed in and (4) does not have the empty set as an element.
- Warning: Some authors, particularly algebrists, use "filter" to mean a dual ideal; others, particularly topologists, use "filter" to mean a proper dual ideal.[19] It is recommended that readers always check how "filter" is defined when reading mathematical literature. This article uses Henri Cartan's original definition of filter, which required propriety.
- is a filter on if and only if its dual X ∖ ℬ is an ideal that does not contain X as an element. If is an ideal on that satisfies X ∉ ℬ then X ∖ ℬ is called its dual filter on
- Prefilter or filter base[8][20] if is proper and directed downward. Equivalently, is a prefilter if its upward closure is a filter. It can also be defined as any family that is equivalent (with respect to ) to some filter.[9] A proper family is a prefilter if and only if ℬ (∩) ℬ ≤ ℬ.[9]
- If is a prefilter then its upward closure is the unique smallest (relative to ) filter on containing and it is called the filter generated by A filter is said to be generated by a prefilter if ℱ = ℬ↑X, in which is called a filter base for .
- Unlike a filter, a prefilter is not necessarily closed under finite intersections.
- π–system if is closed under finite intersections. Every non–empty family is contained in a unique smallest π–system called the π–system generated by which is sometimes denoted by π(ℬ ). It is equal to the intersection of all π–systems containing and also to the set of all possible finite intersections of sets from :
- π(ℬ ) = { B1 ∩ ⋅⋅⋅ ∩ Bn : n ≥ 1 and B1, ..., Bn ∈ ℬ }.
- A π–system is a prefilter if and only if it is proper. Every filter is a proper π–system and every proper π–system is a prefilter but the converses do not hold in general.
- A prefilter is equivalent (with respect to ) to the π–system generated by it and both of these families generate the same filter on
- Filter subbase[8][21] and centered[9] if and satisfies any of the following equivalent conditions:
- has the finite intersection property, which means that intersection of any finite family of (one or more) sets in is not empty; explicitly, this means that whenever n ≥ 1 and B1, ..., Bn ∈ ℬ then
- The π–system generated by is proper (i.e. is not an element).
- The π–system generated by is a prefilter.
- is a subset of some prefilter.
- is a subset of some filter.
- The filter generated by is the unique smallest (relative to ) filter ℱℬ on containing It is equal to the intersection of all filters on that have as a subset. The π–system generated by denoted by π(ℬ ), will be a prefilter and a subset of ℱℬ. Moreover, the filter generated by is the upward closure of π(ℬ ), meaning π(ℬ )↑X = ℱℬ.[9]
- A smallest (relative to ) prefilter containing a filter subbase will exist only under certain circumstances. For example, (1) is a prefilter, or (2) the filter (or equivalently, the π–system) generated by is principle, in which case ℬ ∪ { ker ℬ } is the unique smallest prefilter containing Otherwise, in general, a –smallest prefilter containing may not exist. For this reason, some authors may refer to the π–system generated by as the prefilter generated by . However, as shown in an example below, if such a –smallest prefilter does exist then it is not necessarily equal to the prefilter (i.e. π–system) generated by ℬ. So unfortunately, "the prefilter generated by" a prefilter may not be which is why this article will prefer the accurate and unambiguous terminology of "the π–system generated by ".
- Subfilter of a filter and that is a superfilter of [16][22] if is a filter and ℬ ⊆ ℱ where for filters, ℬ ⊆ ℱ if and only if
- Importantly, the expression "is a superfilter of" is for filters the analog of "is a subsequence of". So despite having the prefix "sub" in common, "is a subfilter of" is actually the reverse of "is a subsequence of."
- However, can also be written ℱ ⊢ ℬ which is described by saying " is subordinate to " With this terminology, "is subordinate to" becomes for filters (and also for prefilters) the analog of "is a subsequence of,"[23] which makes this one situation where using the term "subordinate" and symbol ⊢ may be helpful.
There are no prefilters on (nor are there any nets valued in ), which is why this article, like most authors, will automatically assume without comment that whenever this assumption is needed.
Basic examples
- Named examples
- The singleton set is called the trivial or indiscrete filter on .[24][10] It is the unique minimal filter on because it is a subset of every filter on ; however, it need not be a subset of every prefilter on
- If is a topological space and then the neighborhood filter at is a filter on By definition, a family of subsets of is called a neighborhood basis (resp. a neighborhood subbasis) at for if and only if is a prefilter (resp. is a filter subbase) and the filter on that generates is equal to the neighborhood filter The subfamily of open neighborhoods is a filter base for Both prefilters and also form a bases for topologies on with the topology generated being coarser than . This example immediately generalizes from neighborhoods of points to neighborhoods of non–empty subsets
- is an elementary prefilter[25] if for some sequence in
- is an elementary filter on [26] if is a filter on generated by some elementary prefilter. The filter of tails generated by a sequence that is not eventually constant is necessarily not an ultrafilter.[27]
- The set of all cofinite subsets of (meaning those sets whose complement in is finite) is proper if and only if is infinite (or equivalently, is infinite), in which case is a filter on known as the Fréchet or cofinite filter on [10][24] If is finite then is equal to the dual ideal ℘(X), which is not a filter. If is infinite then the family of complements of singleton sets is a filter subbase that generates the Fréchet filter on As with any family of sets over that contains the kernel of the Fréchet filter on is the empty set: .
- The intersection of any non–empty set of filters on is itself a filter on called the infimum or greatest lower bound of in .
Since every filter on has as a subset, this intersection is never empty.
By definition, the infimum is the finest/largest (relative to and ) filter contained as a subset of each member of .[10]
- If and are filters then their infimum in is the filter [9] If and are prefilters then is a prefilter and one of the finest (with respect to ) prefilters coarser (with respect to ) than both and ; that is, if is a prefilter such that and then [9] More generally, if and are non-empty families and if 𝕊 ≝ { 𝒮 ⊆ ℘(X) : 𝒮 ≤ ℬ and 𝒮 ≤ ℱ } then and is a greatest element (with respect to ) of 𝕊.[9]
- Let be a set of filters on and let If is a filter subbase then the filter on generated by is the supremum or least upper bound of in .[10]
By definition, the supremum, if it exists, is the smallest (relative to ) filter containing each member of as a subset.
If is not a filter subbase, then the supremum of in (and also in ) does not exist.
- If and are prefilters (resp. filters on ) then ℬ (∩) ℱ is a prefilter (resp. a filter) if and only if it is proper (or said differently, if and only if and mesh), in which case it is one of the coarsest (with respect to ) prefilters (resp. the -coarsest filters) that is finer (with respect to ) than both and ; that is, if is a prefilter (resp. filter) such that and then [9]
- Let and be non-empty sets and for every let be a dual ideal on If is any dual ideal on then is a dual ideal on called Kowalsky's dual ideal or Kowalsky's filter.[16]
- Other examples
- Let and let ℬ = { { p }, { p, 1, 2 }, { p, 1, 3 } }, which makes a prefilter and a filter subbase that is not closed under finite intersections. Because is a prefilter, the smallest prefilter containing is The π–system generated by is { { p, 1 } } ∪ ℬ. In particular, the smallest prefilter containing the filter subbase is not equal to the set of all finite intersections of sets in The filter on generated by is ℬ↑X = { S ⊆ X : p ∈ S } = { { p } ∪ T : T ⊆ { 1, 2, 3 } }. All three of the π–system generates, and are examples of fixed, principal, ultra prefilters that are principal at the point p; is also an ultrafilter on
- A prefilter on a topological space X is finer than the prefilter { cl'X B : B ∈ ℬ }.[28]
- The set of all dense open subsets of a (non–empty) topological space is a proper π–system and so also a prefilter. If (with 1 ≤ n ∈ ℕ), then the set ℬLebFinite of all such that has finite Lebesgue measure is a proper π–system and prefilter that is also a proper subset of The prefilters ℬLebFinite and generate the same filter on
- This example illustrates a class of a filter subbases 𝒮R where all sets in both 𝒮R and its generated π-system can be described as sets of the form so that in particular, no more than two variables (i.e. r and s) are needed to describe the generated π-system. However, this is not typical and in general, this should not be expected of a filter subbase that is not a π-system. More often, an intersection of n sets from will usually require a description involving n variables that cannot be reduced down to only two (consider, for instance, if 𝒮R was instead ). For all , let where so no generality is lost by adding the assumption r ≤ s. For all real and if or then [note 5] For every R ⊆ ℝ, let 𝒮R = { B−r, r : r ∈ R } and let ℬR = { B−r, s : r ≤ s with r, s ∈ R }. [note 6] Let and suppose is not a singleton set. Then 𝒮R is a filter subbase but not a prefilter and ℬR is the π-system it generates, so that ℬR↑X is the unique smallest filter in containing 𝒮R. However, 𝒮R↑X is not a filter on (nor is it a prefilter because it is not directed downward, although it is a filter subbase) and 𝒮R↑X is a proper subset of the filter ℬR↑X. If are non-empty intervals then the filter subbases 𝒮R and 𝒮S generate the same filter on if and only if If is a family such that 𝒮(0, ∞) ⊆ 𝒞 ⊆ ℬ(0, ∞) then is a prefilter if and only if for all real there exist real such that and B−u, v ∈ 𝒞. If is such a prefilter then for any C ∈ 𝒞 ∖ 𝒮(0, ∞), the family 𝒞 ∖ { C } is also a prefilter satisfying 𝒮(0, ∞) ⊆ 𝒞 ∖ { C } ⊆ ℬ(0, ∞). This shows that there cannot exist a minimal (with respect to ) prefilter that both contains 𝒮(0, ∞) and is a subset of the π-system generated by 𝒮(0, ∞). This remains true even if the requirement that the prefilter be a subset of ℬ(0, ∞) is removed.
There are many other characterizations of "ultrafilter" and "ultra prefilter," which are listed in the article on ultrafilters. Important properties of ultrafilters are also described in that article.
A non–empty family of sets is/is an:
- Ultra[8][29] if and any of the following equivalent conditions are satisfied:
- For every set there exists some set such that B ⊆ S or B ⊆ X ∖ S (or equivalently, such that equals or ).
- For every set S ⊆ B there exists some set such that equals or
- This characterization of " is ultra" does not depend on the set so mentioning the set is optional when using the term "ultra."
- For every set (not necessarily even a subset of ) there exists some set such that equals or
- If satisfies this condition then so does every superset ℱ ⊇ ℬ. In particular, a set is ultra if and only if and contains as a subset some ultra family of sets.
- Ultra prefilter[8][29] if it is a prefilter that is also ultra. Equivalently, it is a filter subbase that is ultra.
- A filter subbase that is ultra is necessarily a prefilter.[proof 1]
- Ultrafilter on [8][29] if it is a filter on that is ultra. Equivalently, an ultrafilter on is a filter on that satisfies any of the following equivalent conditions:
- is generated by an ultra prefilter;
- For any or X ∖ S ∈ ℬ.[16]
- ℬ ∪ (X ∖ ℬ ) = ℘(X). This condition can be restated as: ℘(X) is partitioned by and its dual X ∖ ℬ.
- The sets and X ∖ ℬ are disjoint whenever is a prefilter.
- For any if R ∪ S ∈ ℬ then or (a filter with this property is called a prime filter).
- This property extends to any finite union of two or more sets.
- For any if then or
- For any if R ∪ S ∈ ℬ and then either or
- is a maximal filter on ; meaning that if is a filter on such that ℬ ⊆ ℱ then ℬ = ℱ.
- An ultra prefilter has a similar characterization in terms of maximality with respect to ≤ , where in the special case of filters, if and only if ℬ ⊆ ℱ.
- Because is for filters the analog of "is a subnet of," (specifically, "subnet" should mean "AA-subnet," which is defined below) an ultrafilter can be interpreted as being analogous to some sort of "maximally deep net." This idea is actually made rigorous by ultranets.
The ultrafilter lemma/principle/theorem[10] (Tarski (1930)[30]) — Every filter on a set is a subset of some ultrafilter on
A consequence of the ultrafilter lemma is that every filter is equal to the intersection of all ultrafilters containing it.[10]
- Examples
- Any family that has a singleton set as an element is ultra, in which case it will then be an ultra prefilter if and only if it also has the finite intersection property.
- The trivial filter on is ultra if and only if is a singleton set.
- A family of sets is an ultra prefilter if and only if it is equivalent (with respect to ) to some ultrafilter on in which case this ultrafilter is necessarily equal to the upward closure Consequently, a family of sets is an ultra prefilter if and only if is an ultrafilter on
Free, principal, and kernels
The kernel is useful in classifying the properties of prefilters and other families of sets.
If then for any point if and only if
- Properties of kernels
For any the ker (ℬ↑X) = ker ℬ and this set is also equal to the kernel of the π–system that it generated by In particular, if is a filter subbase then the kernels of all of the following sets are equal:
- (1) (2) the π–system generated by and (3) the filter generated by
If is a map then f (ker ℬ) ⊆ ker f ( ℬ ) and f –1 (ker ℬ ) = ker f –1 (ℬ ). If then ker 𝒞 ⊆ ker ℬ while if and are equivalent then ker ℬ = ker 𝒞. If and are principal then they are equivalent if and only if ker ℬ = ker 𝒞.
- Classifying families of sets by their kernels
A family of sets is/is an:
- Free[7] if ker ℬ = ∅, or equivalently, if { X ∖ { x } : x ∈ X } ⊆ ℬ↑X; this can be restated as { X ∖ { x } : x ∈ X } ≤ ℬ.
- A filter on is free if and only if is infinite and contains the Fréchet filter on as a subset.
- Fixed if ker ℬ ≠ ∅ in which case, is said to be fixed by any point x ∈ ker ℬ.
- Any fixed family is necessarily a filter subbase.
- Principal[7] if ker ℬ ∈ ℬ.
- A proper principal family of sets is necessarily a prefilter.
- Discrete or Principal at [24] if { x } = ker ℬ ∈ ℬ.
- The principal filter at on is the filter { x }↑X. A filter is principal at if and only if ℱ = { x }↑X.
Family of examples: For any non–empty C ⊆ ℝ, the family ℬC = { ℝ ∖ (r + C) : r ∈ ℝ } is free but it is a filter subbase if and only if no finite union of the form (r1 + C) ∪ ⋅⋅⋅ ∪ (rn + C) covers ℝ, in which case the filter that it generates will also be free. In particular, ℬC is a filter subbase if is countable (e.g. C = ℚ, ℤ, the primes), a meager set in ℝ, a set of finite measure, or a bounded subset of ℝ. If is a singleton set then ℬC is a subbasis for the Fréchet filter on ℝ.
- Characterizations of fixed ultra prefilters
If a family of sets is fixed (i.e. ker ℬ ≠ ∅) then is ultra if and only if some element of is a singleton set, in which case will necessarily be a prefilter. Every principal prefilter is fixed, so a principal prefilter is ultra if and only if is a singleton set.
Every filter on that is principal at a single point is an ultrafilter, and if in addition is finite, then there are no ultrafilters on other than these.[7]
The next theorem shows that every ultrafilter falls into one of two categories: either it is free or else it is a principal filter generated by a single point.
Proposition — If is an ultrafilter on then the following are equivalent:
- is fixed, or equivalently, not free, meaning ker ℱ ≠ ∅.
- is principle, meaning ker ℱ ∈ ℱ.
- Some element of is a finite set.
- Some element of is a singleton set.
- is principle at some point of which means ker ℱ = { x } ∈ ℱ for
- does not contain the Fréchet filter on
- Finite prefilters and finite sets
If a filter subbase is finite then it is fixed (i.e. not free); this is because ker ℬ = B is a finite intersection and the filter subbase has the finite intersection property. A finite prefilter is necessarily principal, although it does not have to be closed under finite intersections.
If is finite then all of the conclusions above hold for any In particular, on a finite set there are no free filter subbases (or prefilters), all prefilters are principal, and all filters on are principal filters generated by their (non–empty) kernels.
The trivial filter is always a finite filter on and if is infinite then it is the only finite filter because a non–trivial finite filter on a set is possible if and only if is finite. However, on any infinite set there are non–trivial filter subbases and prefilters that are finite (although they cannot be filters). If is a singleton set then the trivial filter is the only proper subset of ℘(X). This set is a principal ultra prefilter and any superset ℱ ⊇ ℬ (where ℱ ⊆ ℘(Y) and ) with the finite intersection property will also be a principal ultra prefilter (even if is infinite).
Finer/coarser, subordination, and meshing
Throughout and will be any subsets of ℘(X).
The preorder that is defined below is of fundamental importance for the use of prefilters (and filters) in topology. For instance, this preorder is used to define the prefilter equivalent of "subsequence",[23] where "" can be interpreted as " is a subsequence of " (so "subordinate to" is the prefilter equivalent of "subsequence of"). It is also be used to define prefilter convergence in a topological space. The definition of meshes with which is closely related to the preorder , is used in Topology to define cluster points.
Two families of sets and mesh[8] and are compatible, indicated by writing ℬ # 𝒞, if for all and . If and do not mesh then they are dissociated. If is a set (but not necessarily a family of sets) then and are said to mesh if and mesh, or equivalently, if the trace ℬ|S = { B ∩ S : B ∈ ℬ } of on S does not contain the empty set.
Declare that and ℱ ⊢ 𝒞, stated as is coarser than and is finer than (or subordinate to) [10][11][12][9] if any of the following equivalent conditions hold:
- Definition: Every contains some Explicitly, this means that for every there is some such that
- Said more briefly, if every set in is larger than some set in Here, a "larger set" means a superset.
- for every
- In words, states exactly that is larger than some set in The equivalence of (a) and (b) follows immediately.
- From this characterization, it follows that if are families of sets, then 𝒞i ≤ ℱ if and only if 𝒞i ≤ ℱ for all
- which is equivalent to ;
- ;
- which is equivalent to ;
and if in addition is upward closed, which means that ℱ = ℱ↑X, then this list can be extended to include:
- [6]
- So in this case, this definition of " is finer than " would be identical to the topological definition of "finer" had and been topologies on
If an upward closed family is finer than (i.e. ) but then is said to be strictly finer than and is strictly coarser than Two families and are comparable if one of these sets is finer than the other.[10]
Proof | ||||||||||||||
Throughout this proof, "set" will mean "subset of " unless indicated otherwise. A "larger set" means a superset. This proof is written with the aim of making the proof of each implication as intuitively clear as possible. For this reason, it is written in a more conversational style and it also tries to limit assigning symbols to sets in Because of characterization (b), it would not be beneficial to attempt this with sets in Statement (a) defines where by definition, if and only if
If is a set then if and only if is larger than some set in The equivalence of (b) and (def) follows immediately. The corollaries of part (b) given in the proposition's statement now hold and will be used later. If (def) is true, then it will remain true if is replaced by a smaller sub-family. For this reason, implies which is exactly (d) ⇒ (def). Similarly, (e) ⇒ (c). If (def) is true, then it will remain true if is enlarged. For this reason, implies which is exactly (def) ⇒ (c). Similarly, (d) ⇒ (e). If is a set that is larger than some set in then so is every superset of By definition, consists exactly of all supersets of For this reason, by using the corollary of (b), we conclude that implies Consequently, if (def) holds then for every so by taking the union of these families as ranges over the corollary of (b) gives This proves that (def) ⇒ (d). Applying (def) ⇒ (d) with in place of proves (c) ⇒ (e). We have so far established that (d) ⇔ (a) ⇔ (b) and (c) ⇔ (e) as well as (a) ⇒ (c). It remains to show (c) ⇒ (a) and to justify why can be replaced with in statements (c) and (e).
Restricting to range over it follows from (↑X def) that 𝒞 ⊆ ℱ↑X ⇔ (def) holds, where the left hand side of this equivalence is statement (c). We have just shown that
By definition, is upward closed if and only if ℱ = ℱ↑X, in which case the above equivalence becomes: (f) ⇔ (a). In particular, because the family is always upward closed, this immediately gives:
It remains to show (c) ⇒ (a). By (↑X def), if a set S is in then S is larger than some set in So in particular, if some set is larger than some set in (call it S) then will necessarily be larger than some set in In short, { C } ≤ ℱ↑X implies { C } ≤ ℱ. The corollary of (b) allows us to conclude that 𝒞 ≤ ℱ↑X implies which is (c) ⇒ (a). ∎ |
Assume that and are families of sets that satisfy Then ker ℱ ⊆ ker 𝒞, and implies and also implies If in addition to is a filter subbase and then is a filter subbase[9] and also and mesh.[18][proof 2] Every filter subbase is coarser than both the π-system that it generates and the filter that it generates.[9]
If and are families such that the family is ultra, and then is necessarily ultra. It follows that any family that is equivalent to an ultra family will necessarily be ultra. In particular, if is a prefilter then either both and the filter it generates are ultra or neither one is ultra. If a filter subbase is ultra then it is necessarily a prefilter, in which case the filter that it generates will also be ultra. A filter subbase that is not a prefilter cannot be ultra; but it is nevertheless still possible for the prefilter and filter generated by to be ultra.
- Relational properties of subordination
The comparison/subordination relation is reflexive and transitive, which makes it into a preorder on ℘(℘(X)).[31]
Symmetry: For any ℬ ≤ { X } if and only if { X } = ℬ. So the set has more than one point if and only if the relation on is not symmetric.
Antisymmetry: If ℬ ⊆ 𝒞 then but while the converse does not hold in general, it does hold if is upward closed (such as if is a filter). Two filters are equivalent if and only if they are equal, which makes the restriction of to antisymmetric. But in general, is not antisymmetric on nor on ℘(℘(X)); that is, 𝒞 ≤ ℬ and does not necessarily imply ℬ = 𝒞; not even if both and are prefilters.[12] For instance, if is a prefilter but not a filter then ℬ ≤ ℬ↑X and ℬ↑X ≤ ℬ but ℬ ≠ ℬ↑X.
Equivalent families of sets
The preorder induces its canonical equivalence relation on ℘(℘(X)), where for all ℬ, 𝒞 ∈ ℘(℘(X)), is equivalent to if any of the following equivalent conditions hold:[9][6]
- 𝒞 ≤ ℬ and
- The upward closures of and are equal.
If then ∅ ≤ ℬ ≤ ℘(X) and is equivalent to Every equivalence class in ℘(X) other than { ∅ } contains a unique representative (i.e. element of the equivalence class) that is upward closed in [9] Two upward closed (in ) subsets of ℘(X) are equivalent if and only if they are equal.[9]
- Properties preserved between equivalent families
Let ℬ, 𝒞 ∈ ℘(℘(X)) be arbitrary and let be any family of sets. If and are equivalent (which implies that ker ℬ = ker 𝒞) then for each of the statements/properties listed below, either it is true of both and or else it is false of both and :[31]
- Not empty
- Proper
- Moreover, any two degenerate families are necessarily equivalent.
- Filter subbase
- Prefilter
- In which case and generate the same filter on (i.e. their upward closures in are equal).
- Free/Fixed
- Principal
- Ultra
- Is equal to the trivial filter
- In words, this means that the only subset of ℘(X) that is equivalent to the trivial filter is the trivial filter. In general, this conclusion of equality does not extend to non-trivial filters.
- Meshes with
- Is finer than
- Is coarser than
- Is equivalent to
Missing from the above list is the word "filter" because this property is not preserved by equivalence. However, if and are filters on then they are equivalent if and only if they are equal; this characterization does not extend to prefilters.
- Equivalence of prefilters and filter subbases
If is a prefilter on then the following families are always equivalent to each other:
- ;
- the π–system generated by ;
- the filter on generated by ;
and moreover, these three families all generate the same filter on (that is, the upward closures in of these families are equal).
In particular, every prefilter is equivalent to the filter that it generates. By transitivity, two prefilters are equivalent if and only if they generate the same filter.[9][proof 3] Every prefilter is equivalent to exactly one filter on which is the filter that it generates (i.e. the prefilter's upward closure). Said differently, every equivalence class of prefilters contains exactly one representative that is a filter. In this way, filters can be considered as just being distinguished elements of these equivalence classes of prefilters.[9]
A filter subbase that is not also a prefilter cannot be equivalent to the prefilter (or filter) that it generates. In contrast, every prefilter is equivalent to the filter that it generates. This is why prefilters can, by and large, be used interchangeably with the filters that they generate while filter subbases cannot. Every filter is both a π–system and a ring of sets.
- Examples of determining equivalence/non–equivalence
Examples: Let X = ℝ and let E be the set ℤ of integers (or the set ℕ). Define the sets
- ℬ = { [e, ∞) : e ∈ E } and 𝒞open = { (-∞, e) ∪ (1 + e, ∞) : e ∈ E } and 𝒞closed = { (-∞, e] ∪ [1 + e, ∞) : e ∈ E }.
All three sets are filter subbases but none are filters on and only is prefilter (in fact, is even a free and closed under finite intersections). The set 𝒞closed is fixed while 𝒞open is free (unless E = ℕ). They satisfy 𝒞closed ≤ 𝒞open ≤ ℬ, but no two of these sets are equivalent; moreover, no two of the filters generated by these three filter subbases are equivalent/equal. This conclusion can be reached by showing that the π–systems that they generate are not equivalent. Unlike with 𝒞open, every set in the π–systems generated by 𝒞closed contains ℤ as a subset,[note 7] which is what prevents their generated π–systems (and hence their generated filters) from being equivalent. If E was instead ℚ or ℝ then all three families would be free and although the sets 𝒞closed and 𝒞open would remain not equivalent to each other, their generated π–systems would be equivalent and consequently, they would generate the same filter on ; however, this common filter would still be strictly coarser than the filter generated by
Summary of filter limits and cluster points definitions
The application of (pre)filters to Topology has at its foundations the following basic and fundamental definitions, all of which can defined entirely in terms of the subordination relation. They are what make the relation of such fundamental importance in applying filters to Topology. In essence, the preorder ≤ is incapable of distinguishing between equivalent families. For example, two equivalent families and can be used interchangeably in the definition of "limit" given below because their equivalency guarantees that
- if and only if .
Throughout, is a topological space, is a family of sets, and 𝒩 = 𝒩(x) is the neighborhood filter at a given point
- If then is said to converge in to x,[8] written " in " and is called a limit or limit point of
In words, converges to a point if and only if is finer than the neighborhood filter at that point. Explicitly, means that every neighborhood N ∈ 𝒩 contains some as a subset; the following then holds: 𝒩 ∋ N ⊇ B ∈ ℬ.
- A point is a cluster point or accumulation point of [8] if meshes with the neighborhood filter at (i.e. if ℬ # 𝒩).
Explicitly, this means that B ∩ N ≠ ∅ for every and every neighborhood of in When is a prefilter then the definition of " and mesh" can be characterized entirely in terms of the preorder ≤ .
- If is a map a topological space and then y is a limit point or limit (resp. a cluster point) of with respect to [32] if y is a limit point (resp. a cluster point) of f (ℬ ) in
Explicitly, y is a limit of with respect to if and only if 𝒩(y) ≤ f (ℬ ).
Set theoretic properties, examples, and constructions involving prefilters
Supremum, trace, and meshing
- Supremum and least upper bound
If 𝔽 ≠ ∅ is a set of filters on then the supremum or least upper bound of in , if it exists, is the smallest filter on containing every element of as a subset; that is, it is the smallest filter on containing ℱ as a subset. As with any non–empty family of sets, ℱ is contained in some filter if and only if it is a filter subbase (meaning it has the finite intersection property). If denotes the π–system generated by ℱ, which is the set
- ℬ ≝ { F1 ∩ ⋅⋅⋅ ∩ Fn : n ∈ ℕ and every Fi belongs to some ℱ ∈ 𝔽 },
then there exists a filter on containing every ℱ ∈ 𝔽 as a subset if and only if in which case is a prefilter and is the smallest filter on containing every ℱ ∈ 𝔽 as a subset; this makes the filter the supremum and the least upper bound of in [10] and is equal to the intersection of all filters on containing ℱ.
The least upper bound of a family of filters may fail to be a filter.[10] Indeed, if contains at least 2 distinct elements then there exist filters and on for which there does not exist a filter on that contains both and
- Trace and meshing
If is a prefilter (resp. filter) on and then the trace of on S, which is the family ℬ|S ≝ ℬ (∩) { S } , is a prefilter (resp. a filter) if and only if and mesh (i.e. ∅ ∉ ℬ (∩) { S } [10]), in which case the trace of on S is said to be induced by S. If is ultra and if and mesh then the trace ℬ|S is ultra. If is an ultrafilter on then the trace of on S is a filter on S if and only if
For example, suppose that is a filter on and is such that S ≠ X and X ∖ S ∉ ℬ. Then and S mesh and ℬ ∪ { S } generates a filter on that is strictly finer than [10]
- When prefilters mesh
Given non–empty families and the family
- ℬ (∩) 𝒞 ≝ { B ∩ C : B ∈ ℬ and C ∈ 𝒞 }
satisfies 𝒞 ≤ ℬ (∩) 𝒞 and ℬ ≤ ℬ (∩) 𝒞. If ℬ (∩) 𝒞 is proper (resp. a prefilter, a filter subbase) then this is also true of both and In order to make any meaningful deductions about ℬ (∩) 𝒞 from and ℬ (∩) 𝒞 needs to be proper (i.e. ∅ ∉ ℬ (∩) 𝒞 ), which is the motivation for the definition of "mesh". In this case, ℬ (∩) 𝒞 is a prefilter (resp. filter subbase) if and only if this is true of both and Said differently, if and are prefilters then they mesh if and only if ℬ (∩) 𝒞 is a prefilter. Generalizing gives a well known characterization of "mesh" entirely in terms of subordination (i.e. ≤ ):
- Two prefilters (resp. filter subbases) and mesh if and only if there exists a prefilter (resp. filter subbase) ℬ (∩) 𝒞 such that 𝒞 ≤ ℬ (∩) 𝒞 and ℬ ≤ ℬ (∩) 𝒞.
If the least upper bound of two filters and exists in then this least upper bound is equal to ℬ (∩) 𝒞.[27]
Products and other examples
- Products of prefilters
Suppose is a family of one or more non–empty sets, whose product will be denoted by and for every index let
denote the canonical projection. Let be non-empty families, also indexed by , such that for each The product of the families [10] is defined identically to how the basic open subsets of the product topology are defined (had all of these been topologies). That is, both the notations
denote the family of all subsets such that for all but finitely many and where for any one of these finitely many that satisfy it is necessarily true that This family is also equal to[10]
If is a filter subbase then the filter on that it generates is called the filter generated by.[10] If every is a prefilter on then will be a prefilter on and moreover, this prefilter is equal to the coarsest prefilter on such that for every [10] However, may fail to be a filter on even if every is a filter on [10]
- Set subtracting away a subset of the kernel
If is a prefilter on S ⊆ ker ℬ, and S ∉ ℬ then { B ∖ S : B ∈ ℬ } is a prefilter, where this latter set is a filter if and only if is a filter and In particular, if is a neighborhood basis at a point in a topological space having at least 2 points, then { B ∖ { x } : B ∈ ℬ } is a prefilter on This construction is used to define in terms of prefilter convergence.
- Dual relation and downward closure
There is a dual relation ℬ ◅ 𝒞 or 𝒞 ▻ ℬ, which is defined to mean that every is contained in some . Explicitly, this means that for every , there is some such that This relation is dual to in sense that ℬ ◅ 𝒞 if and only if (X ∖ ℬ) ≤ (X ∖ 𝒞).[6] The relation ℬ ◅ 𝒞 is closely related to the downward closure of a family in a manner similar to how ≤ is related to the upward closure family.
- Using duality between ideals and dual ideals
Let be a map and suppose that Ξ ⊆ ℘(Y). Define
- Ξf ≝ { I ⊆ X : f (I) ∈ Ξ }
which contains the empty set if and only if Ξ does. It is possible for Ξ to be an ultrafilter and for Ξf to be empty or not closed under finite intersections (see footnote for example).[note 8] Although Ξf does not preserve properties of filters very well, if Ξ is downward closed (resp. closed under finite unions, an ideal) then this will also be true for Ξf. Using the duality between ideals and dual ideals allows for a construction of the following filter.
- Suppose is a filter on and let Ξ ≝ Y ∖ ℬ be its dual in If X ∉ Ξf then Ξf 's dual X ∖ Ξf will be a filter.
- Other topological examples
Example: The set of all dense open subsets of a topological space is a proper π–system and a prefilter. If the space is a Baire space, then the set of all countable intersections of dense open subsets is a π–system and a prefilter that is finer than
Example: The family of all dense open sets of having finite Lebesgue measure is a proper π–system and a free prefilter. The prefilter is properly contained in, and not equivalent to, the prefilter consisting of all dense open subsets of Since is a Baire space, every countable intersection of sets in is dense in (and also comeagre and non–meager) so the set of all countable intersections of elements of is a prefilter and π–system; it is also finer than, and not equivalent to, .
Images and preimages of filters and prefilters
Throughout, and will be maps between non–empty sets.
- Images of prefilters
Let Many of the properties that may have are preserved under images of maps; notable exceptions include being upward closed, being closed under finite intersections, and being a filter, which are not necessarily preserved.
Explicitly, if one of the following properties is true of on then it will necessarily also be true of g(ℬ ) on g(Y) (although possibly not on the codomain unless g is surjective):[10][13][33][34][35][30]
- Filter properties: ultra, ultrafilter, filter, prefilter, filter subbase, dual ideal, upward closed, proper/non–degenerate.
- Ideal properties: ideal, closed under finite unions, downward closed, directed upward.
Moreover, if is a prefilter then so are both g(ℬ ) and g –1 ( g(ℬ )).[10] The image under a map of an ultra set is again ultra and if is an ultra prefilter then so is f(ℬ ).
If is a filter then g(ℬ ) is a filter on the range g(Y), but it is a filter on the codomain if and only if g is surjective.[33] Otherwise it is just a prefilter on and its upward closure must be taken in to obtain a filter. The upward closure of g(ℬ ) in is
- g(ℬ )↑Z = { S ⊆ Z : B ⊆ g –1(S) for some B ∈ ℬ }
where if is upward closed in (i.e. a filter) then this simplifies to:
- g(ℬ )↑Z = { S ⊆ Z : g –1(S) ∈ ℬ }.
If S ⊆ Y and if In : S → Y denotes the natural inclusion then the trace of on S is equal to the preimage In –1 (ℬ).[10] This observation allows the results in this subsection to be applied to investigating the trace on a set. If X ⊆ Y then taking g to be the natural inclusion X → Y shows that any prefilter (resp. ultra prefilter, filter subbase) on S is also a prefilter (resp. ultra prefilter, filter subbase) on [10]
- Preimages of prefilters
Let Under the assumption that is surjective:
- f –1(ℬ) is a prefilter (resp. filter subbase, π–system, closed under finite unions, proper) if and only if this is true of
However, if is an ultrafilter on then even if is surjective (which would make f –1 (ℬ) a prefilter), it is nevertheless still possible for the prefilter f –1 (ℬ ) to be neither ultra nor a filter on [34] (see this[note 9] footnote for an example).
If is not surjective then denote the trace of on f (X) by ℬ|f (X), where in this case particular case the trace satisfies:
- ℬ|f (X) = f ( f –1(ℬ))
and consequently also:
- f –1(ℬ ) = f –1(ℬ|f (X)).
This equality and the fact that the trace ℬ|f (X) is a family of sets over f (X) means that to draw conclusions about f –1(ℬ ), the trace ℬ|f (X) can be used in place of and the surjection f : X → f (X) can be used in place of . For example:[13][10][35]
- f –1(ℬ) is a prefilter (resp. filter subbase, π–system, proper) if and only if this is true of ℬ|f (X).
In this way, the case where is not (necessarily) surjective can be reduced down to the case of a surjective function.
Even if is an ultrafilter on , if is not surjective then it is nevertheless possible that ∅ ∈ ℬ|f (X), which would make f –1(ℬ) degenerate as well. The next characterization shows that degeneracy is the only obstacle. If is a prefilter then the following are equivalent:[13][10][35]
- f –1 (ℬ) is a prefilter;
- ℬ|f (X) is a prefilter;
- ∅ ∉ ℬ|f (X);
- meshes with { f (X) }
and moreover, if f –1 (ℬ) is a prefilter then so is f ( f –1 (ℬ)).[13][10]
- Bijections, injections, and surjections
All properties involving filters are preserved under bijections. This means that if and is a bijection, then is a prefilter (resp. ultra, ultra prefilter, filter on ultrafilter on filter subbase, π–system, ideal on etc.) if and only if the same is true of g (ℬ) on .[34]
A map is injective if and only if for all prefilters on is equivalent to g –1 ( g (ℬ )).[27] The image of an ultra family of sets under an injection is again ultra.
The map is a surjection if and only if whenever is a prefilter on then the same is true of f –1 (ℬ ) on (this result does not require the ultrafilter lemma).
- Subordination is preserved by images and preimages
The relation is preserved under both images and preimages of families of sets.[10] This means that for any families and
and moreover, the following relations always hold for any family of sets :
- 𝒞 ≤ f ( f –1 (𝒞))[35]
where equality will hold if is surjective.[35] Moreover,
- f –1 (𝒞) = f –1 ( f ( f –1 (𝒞))) and g (𝒞 ) = g ( g –1 ( g (𝒞 ))).
If 𝒞 ⊆ ℘(Y) then
- g –1 ( g (𝒞 )) ≤ 𝒞[35]
where equality will hold if g is injective.[35]
Limits, cluster points, and nets
Throughout, is a topological space.
- A note on intuition
Suppose that is a non–principal filter on an infinite set has one "upward" property (that of being closed upward) and one "downward" property (that of being directed downward). Starting with any F0 ∈ ℱ, there always exists some F1 ∈ ℱ that is a proper subset of ; this may be continued ad infinitum to get a sequence F0 ⊃ F1 ⊃ F2 ⊃ ⋅⋅⋅ of sets in with each being a proper subset of The same is not true going "upward", for if F0 = X ∈ ℱ then there is no set in that contains as a proper subset. Thus when it comes to limiting behavior (which is a topic central to the field of topology), going "upward" leads to a dead end, while going "downward" is typically fruitful. So to gain understanding and intuition about how filters (and prefilter) relate to concepts in topology, the "downward" property is usually the one to concentrate on. This is also why so many topological properties can be described by using only prefilters, rather than requiring filters (which only differ from prefilters in that they are also upward closed). The "upward" property of filters is less important for topological intuition but it is sometimes useful to have for technical reasons. For example, with respect to , every filter subbasis is contained in a unique smallest filter but there may not exist a unique smallest prefilter containing it.
- Prefilters vs. filters
With respect to maps and subsets, the property of being a prefilter is in general more well behaved and better preserved than the property of being a filter. For instance, the image of a prefilter under some map is again a prefilter; but the image of a filter under a non–surjective map is never a filter on the codomain, although it will be a prefilter. The situation is the same with preimages under non–injective maps (even if the map is surjective). If is a proper subset then any filter on S will not be a filter on although it will be a prefilter.
One advantage that filters have is that they are distinguished representatives of their equivalence class (relative to ), meaning that any equivalence class of prefilters contains a unique filter. This property may be useful when dealing with equivalence classes of prefilters (for instance, they are useful in construct completions using Cauchy filters). The many properties that characterize ultrafilters are also often useful. They are used to, for example, construct the Stone–Čech compactification. The use of ultrafilters generally requires that the ultrafilter lemma be assumed. But in the many fields where the axiom of choice (or the Hahn–Banach theorem) is assumed, the ultrafilter lemma necessarily holds and does not require an addition assumption.
Limits and cluster points of prefilters
The following well known definition will be generalized to prefilters. If and then is called a limit point, cluster point, or accumulation point of if every neighborhood of in contains a point of different from or equivalently, if The set of all limit points of is called the derived set of in The closure of a set is equal to the union of together with the set of all limit points of
A family is said to converge to a point in [8] (in which case is said to be a limit or limit point of ), written or lim ℬ → x in [28] if ℬ ≥ 𝒩(x) (i.e. if is finer than 𝒩(x)). Explicitly, this means that every neighborhood of contains some element of as a subset. More generally, given if ℬ ≥ 𝒩(S) then is said to converge to in and S is called a limit of where this is expressed as inNotation: lim ℬ will denote[8] the set of all limit points of in
Notation: As usual, lim ℬ = x is defined to mean that in and is the only limit point of in (i.e. if ℬ → z in then ).[28] (If the notation " lim ℬ = x " did not also require that the limit be unique then the equals sign = would no longer be guaranteed to be transitive).
In the above definitions, it suffices to check that is finer than some (or equivalently, than every) neighborhood base in of or The neighborhood filter is the smallest (i.e. coarsest) filter on that converges to in ; any filter converging to in must contain as a subset. Said differently, the family of filters that converge to are exactly those filter on that contain as a subset. The finer the topology on then the fewer prefilters exist that have any limit points in If is a prefilter and then converges to a point (or subset) of if and only if this is true of the trace ℬ|B.[36]
If and is a family of sets, then call a cluster point or accumulation point of [8] if meshes with the neighborhood filter at ; that is, if for every and every neighborhood of in The set of all cluster points of is denoted by or clX ℬ. More generally, if and then is said to clusters at if meshes with the neighborhood filter of S; that is, if for every and every neighborhood of in
In the above definitions, it suffices to check that meshes with some (or equivalently, with every) neighborhood base in of or
Just like sequences and nets, it is possible for a prefilter on an topological space of infinite cardinality to not have any cluster points or limit points.[32]
- Limit and cluster point relationships and sufficient conditions
Every limit point of a prefilter is also a cluster point of since if is a limit point of a prefilter then and mesh,[18][32] which makes a cluster point of [8] Every accumulation point of an ultrafilter is also a limit point.
If is a limit point of then is necessarily a limit point of any family finer than (i.e. if and then 𝒩(x) ≤ 𝒞).[32] In contrast, if is a cluster point of then is necessarily a cluster point of any family coarser than (i.e. if and mesh and 𝒞 ≤ ℬ then and mesh).
- Closure and cluster points
The set of all cluster points of a prefilter in a topological space is a closed subset of and moreover,[8]
which justifies the notation for the set of cluster points. Consequently, the set of all cluster points of any prefilter is a closed subset of [32]
If and if is a prefilter on then every cluster point of in belongs to and any point in is a limit point of a filter on [32]
- Characterizations
The following are equivalent for a prefilter :
- converges to (resp. clusters at)
- converges to (resp. clusters at) the set
- The family generated by converges to (resp. clusters at)
- There exists a family equivalent to that converges to (resp. clusters at)
The following are equivalent for a filter on :
- clusters at
- For every neighborhood of
- There exists a filter on such that and converges to
If is an ultra prefilter on and then is a cluster point of if and only if in [29]
- Primitive sets
A subset is called primitive[37] if it is the set of limit points of some ultrafilter on That is, if there exists an ultrafilter on such that is equal to which recall denotes the set of limit points of in
Any closed singleton subset of is a primitive subset of [37] The image of a primitive subset of under a continuous map is contained in a primitive subset of [37]
Assume that are two primitive subset of If is an open subset of such that then for any ultrafilter on such that [37] In addition, if and are distinct then there exists some and some ultrafilters and on such that and [37]
- Other results
If is a complete lattice then:
- The limit inferior of is the infimum of the set of all cluster points of
- The limit superior of is the supremum of the set of all cluster points of
- is a convergent prefilter if and only if its limit inferior and limit superior agree; in this case, the value on which they agree is the limit of the prefilter.
Limits of functions defined as limits of prefilters
- If is a map from a set into a topological space and then is a limit point or limit (respectively, a cluster point) of with respect to [32] if is a limit point (resp. a cluster point) of f (ℬ ) in in which case this may be expressed by writing f (ℬ ) → y, or lim f (ℬ ) → y, in If the limit is unique then the arrow → may be replaced with an equals sign =.[28]
If and is a net in then in (i.e. converges as a net to ) if and only if (i.e. is a limit of the function with respect to ). In this way, the definition of a convergent net is a special case of the above definition of a limit of a function.
The table below shows how various types of limits encountered in analysis and topology can be defined in terms of the convergence of images (under ) of particular prefilters on the domain This shows that prefilters provide a general framework into which many of the various definitions of limits fit.[36] The limits in the left–most column are defined in their usual way with their obvious definitions.
Throughout, let be a map between topological spaces, and If is Hausdorff then all arrows "" in the table may be replaced with equal signs "" and "" may be replaced with "".[28]
Type of limit | Definition in terms of prefilters[36] | Assumptions | |||||||
⇔ | where | ||||||||
⇔ | where | ||||||||
or |
⇔ | where | and | ||||||
⇔ | where | ||||||||
⇔ | where | ||||||||
⇔ | where | ||||||||
⇔ | where | ||||||||
⇔ | where | ||||||||
⇔ | where | so is a sequence in | |||||||
⇔ | where | ||||||||
⇔ | where | ||||||||
⇔ | where | or for a double-ended sequence | |||||||
⇔ | where | is a seminormed space (e.g. a Banach space like ) |
By defining different prefilters, many other notions of limits that can be defined (e.g. ).
Filters and nets
This article will describe the relationships between prefilters and nets in great detail so as to make it easier to understand later why subnets (with their most commonly used definitions) are not generally equivalent with "sub–prefilters".
Nets to prefilters
In the definitions below, the first statement is the standard definition of a limit point of a net (resp. a cluster point of a net) and it is gradually reword it until the corresponding filter concept is reached.
A net in is said to converge in to a point written in and is called a limit or limit point of [38] if any of the following equivalent conditions hold:
- For every , there exists some such that if then
- For every , there exists some such that the tail of starting at is contained in
- For every , there exists some such that B ⊆ N.
- in ; that is, the prefilter converges to in
Notation: As usual, is defined to mean that in and is the only limit point of in (i.e. if in then [38]
A point is called a cluster point or an accumulation point of a net in if any of the following equivalent conditions hold:
- For every and every there exists some such that xj ∈ N.
- For every and every the tail of starting at intersects ("intersects" means that the intersection is not empty).
- For every and every B ∈ Tails(x•), B ∩ N ≠ ∅.
- and mesh (by definition of "mesh").
- is a cluster point of in
If is a map and is a net in then [4]
Prefilters to nets
A pointed set is a pair consisting of a non–empty set and an element Define a canonical preorder ≤ on pointed sets by declaring
- if and only if
For any family let
denote the set of all pointed sets such that and
If then and even if so this preorder is not antisymmetric and given any family of sets (PointedSets(ℬ ), ≤ ) is partially ordered if and only if consists entirely of singleton sets. If { x } ∈ ℬ then is a maximal element of ; moreover, all maximal elements are of this form. If (B, b0) ∈ PointedSets(ℬ ) then is a greatest element if and only if B = ker ℬ, in which case is the set of all greatest elements. However, a greatest element is a maximal element if and only if B = { b } = ker ℬ, so there is at most one element that is both maximal and greatest. There is a canonical map Pointℬ : PointedSets(ℬ ) → X defined by If then the tail of the assignment Pointℬ starting at is
If is a prefilter then although (PointedSets(ℬ ), ≤ ) is not, in general, a partially ordered set, it is always a directed set. So the most immediate choice for the definition of "the net in induced by a prefilter " is the assignment from PointedSets(ℬ ) into
If is a prefilter on then the net associated with is the map
- Netℬ : (PointedSets(ℬ ), ≤ ) → X defined by Netℬ (B, b) = b.
If is a prefilter on then is a net in and the prefilter associated with is ; that is:
- Tails(Netℬ) = ℬ.[note 10]
This would not necessarily be true had been defined on a proper subset of . For example, suppose has at least two distinct elements, ℬ ≝ { X } is the indiscrete filter, and is arbitrary. Had instead been defined on the singleton set where the restriction of to will temporarily be denote by then the prefilter of tails associated with would be the principal prefilter rather than the original filter ℬ = { X }; this means that the equality Tails(NetD) = ℬ is false, so unlike the prefilter can not be recovered from NetD. Worse still, while is the unique minimal filter on the prefilter Tails(NetD) = { { x } } instead generates a maximal filter (i.e. an ultrafilter) on
However, if is a net in then it is not in general true that is equal to because, for example, the domain of a net in (i.e. the directed set ) may have any cardinality (so the class of nets in is not even a set) whereas the cardinality of the set of prefilters on which is a subset of is bounded above.
Proposition — If is a prefilter on and then
- in if and only if Netℬ → x in
- is a cluster point of if and only if is a cluster point of
Recall that ℬ = Tails(Netℬ) and that if is a net in then (1) if and only if and (2) is a cluster point of if and only if is a cluster point of . By using x• := Netℬ and ℬ = Tails(Netℬ), it follows that ⇔ Tails(Netℬ) → x ⇔ Netℬ → x. It also follows that is a cluster point of ⇔ is a cluster point of Tails(Netℬ) ⇔ is a cluster point of
- Ultranets and ultra prefilters
A net in is called an ultranet or universal net in if for every subset is eventually in S or it is eventually in ; this happens if and only if is an ultra prefilter. A prefilter on is an ultra prefilter if and only if is an ultranet in
- Partially ordered net
The domain of the canonical net is in general not partially ordered. However, in 1955 Bruns and Schmidt discovered[39] a construction, similar to a lexicographical order, that allows for the canonical net to have a domain that is both partially ordered and directed; this was independently rediscovered by Albert Wilansky in 1970.[4] Let Posetℬ ≝ { (B, b, m) : B ∈ ℬ, b ∈ B, and m ∈ ℕ } and for any two elements and declare that if and only if and either: (1) or else (2) and (or equivalently, if and only if (1) and (2) implies ). This defines a strict partial order whose corresponding non-strict partial order, denoted by is defined by declaring that if and only if or Both and are serial and neither possesses a greatest element or a maximal element. Let PosetNetℬ : Posetℬ → X be the map defined by If Posetℬ then just as with before, the tail of the PosetNetℬ starting at is equal to If is a prefilter on then PosetNetℬ is a net in whose domain Posetℬ is a partially ordered set and moreover, Tails(PosetNetℬ) = ℬ.[4] Because the tails of PosetNetℬ and are identical (since both are equal to the prefilter ), there is typically nothing lost by assuming that the domain of the net associated with a prefilter is both directed and partially ordered.[4] If the set ℕ is replaced with the positive rational numbers then the strict partial order will also be a dense order.
Subordinate filters and subnets
The notion of " is subordinate to " (written ℬ ⊢ 𝒞) is for filters and prefilters what " is a subsequence of " is for sequences.[23] For example, if denotes the set of tails of and if denotes the set of tails of the subsequence (where ) then (i.e. ) is true but is in general false. If is a net in a topological space and if is the neighborhood filter at a point then in if and only if
Subordination analogs of results involving subsequences
The following results are the prefilter analogs of statements involving subsequences.[40] The condition "𝒞 ≥ ℬ," which is also written 𝒞 ⊢ ℬ, is the analog of " is a subsequence of " So "finer than" and "subordinate to" is the prefilter analog of "subsequence of." Some people prefer saying "subordinate to" instead of "finer than" because it is more reminiscent of "subsequence of."
Proposition[40][32] — Let be a prefilter on and let
- Suppose is a prefilter such that 𝒞 ≥ ℬ.
- If in then 𝒞 → x in [proof 4]
- This is the analog of "if a sequence converges to then so does every subsequence."
- If is a cluster point of in then is a cluster point of in
- This is the analog of "if is a cluster point of some subsequence, then is a cluster point of the original sequence."
- If in then 𝒞 → x in [proof 4]
- in if and only if for any finer prefilter 𝒞 ≥ ℬ there exists some even more fine prefilter ℱ ≥ 𝒞 such that ℱ → x in [32]
- This is the analog of "a sequence converges to if and only if every subsequence has a sub–subsequence that converges to "
- is a cluster point of in if and only if there exists some finer prefilter 𝒞 ≥ ℬ such that 𝒞 → x in
- This is the analog of " is a cluster point of a sequence if and only if it has a subsequence that converges to "
Non–equivalence of subnets and subordinate filters
A subset of a preordered space is frequent or cofinal in if for every there exists some such that If contains a tail of then R is said to be eventual in ; explicitly, this means that there exists some such that (that is, for all such that ). A subset is eventual if and only if its complement is not frequent (i.e. infrequent).[41] A map between two preordered sets is order–preserving if whenever for
Subnets in the sense of Willard and subnets in the sense of Kelley are the most commonly used definitions of "subnet."[41] The first definition of a subnet was introduced by John L. Kelley in 1955.[41] Stephen Willard introduced his own variant of Kelley's definition of subnet in 1970.[41] AA–subnets were introduced independently by Smiley (1957), Aarnes and Andenaes (1972), and Murdeshwar (1983); AA–subnets were studied in great detail by Aarnes and Andenaes but they are not often used.[41]
Let and be nets. Then[41]
- is a Willard–subnet of or a subnet in the sense of Willard if there exists an order–preserving map such that and is cofinal in .
- is a Kelley–subnet of or a subnet in the sense of Kelly if there exists a map such that and whenever is eventual in then is eventual in
- is an AA–subnet of or a subnet in the sense of Aarnes and Andenaes if any of the following equivalent conditions are satisfied:
- If is eventual in then is eventual in .
- For any subset if and then so do and
- For any subset if then
Kelley did not require the map h to be order preserving while the definition of an AA–subnet does away entirely with any map between the two nets' domains and instead focuses entirely on (i.e. the nets' common codomain). Every Willard–subnet is a Kelley–subnet and both are AA–subnets.[41] In particular, if is a Willard–subnet or a Kelley–subnet of then
AA–subnets have a defining characterization that immediately shows that they are fully interchangeable with sub(ordinate)filters.[41][42] Explicitly, what is meant is that the following statement is true for AA–subnets:
- If and are prefilters then if and only if Netℱ is an AA–subset of
If "AA–subnet" is replaced by "Willard–subnet" or "Kelley–subnet" then the above statement becomes false. In particular, the problem is that the following statement is in general false:
- False statement: If and are prefilters such that then Netℱ is a Kelley–subset of
Since every Willard–subnet is a Kelley–subnet, this statement remains false if the word "Kelley–subnet" is replaced with "Willard–subnet".
- Example: For all let Let ℬ = { Bn : n ∈ ℕ }, which is a proper π–system, and let ℱ = { { 1 } } ∪ ℬ, where both families are prefilters on the natural numbers Because is to as a subsequence is to a sequence. So ideally, S ≝ Netℱ should be a subnet of N ≝ Netℬ. Let I ≝ PointedSets(ℬ ) be the domain of so contains a cofinal subset that is order isomorphic to ℕ and consequently contains neither a maximal nor greatest element. Let A ≝ PointedSets( ℱ ) = { M } ∪ I, where is both a maximal and greatest element of . The directed set also contains a subset that is order isomorphic to (because it contains , which contains such subsets) but no such subset can be cofinal in because of the maximal element Consequently, any order–preserving map must be eventually constant (with value h(M)) where h(M) is then a greatest element of the range Because of this, there can be no order preserving map that satisfies the conditions required for Netℱ to be a Willard–subnet of (because the range of such a map h cannot be cofinal in ). Suppose for the sake of contradiction that there exists a map such that is eventual in for all Because there exist such that with For every because h-1(I≥i ) is eventual in , it is necessary that h(M) ∈ I≥i. In particular, if then which by definition is equivalent to which is false. Consequently, Netℱ is not a Kelley–subnet of .[42]
If "subnet" is defined to mean Willard–subnet or Kelley–subnet, then nets and filters are not completely interchangeable because there exist a filter–sub(ordinate)filter relationships that cannot be expressed in terms of a net–subnet relationship between the two induced nets. In particular, the problem is that Kelley–subnets and Willard–subnets are not fully interchangeable with subordinate filters. So if the notion of "subnet" is not used (or if "subnet" is defined to mean AA–subnet) then this ceases to be a problem and so it becomes correct to say that nets and filters interchangeable. Despite the fact that AA–subnets do not have the problem that Willard and Kelley subnets have, they are not widely used or known about.[41][42]
Topologies and prefilters
Throughout, is a topological space.
Examples of relationships between filters and topologies
- Bases and prefilters
Let be a family of sets that covers and define ℬx = { B ∈ ℬ : x ∈ B } for every The definition of a base for some topology can be immediately reworded as: is a base for some topology on if and only if ℬx is a filter base for every If is a topology on and ℬ ⊆ τ then the definitions of is a basis (resp. subbasis) for can be reworded as:
- is a base (resp. subbase) for if and only if for every ℬx is a filter base (resp. filter subbase) that generates the neighborhood filter of at
- Neighborhood filters
The archetypical example of a filter is the set of all neighborhoods of a point in a topological space. Any neighborhood basis of a point in (or of a subset of) a topological space is a prefilter. In fact, the definition of a neighborhood base can be equivalently restated as: "a neighborhood base is any prefilter that is equivalent the neighborhood filter."
Neighborhood bases at points are examples of prefilters that are fixed but may or may not be principle. If X = ℝ has its usual topology and if then any neighborhood filter base of is fixed by (in fact, it is even true that ker ℬ = { x }) but is not principal since { x } ∉ ℬ. In contrast, a topological space has the discrete topology if and only if the neighborhood filter of every point is a principal filter generated by exactly one point. This shows that a non–principal filter on an infinite set is not necessarily free.
The neighborhood filter of every point in topological space is fixed since its kernel contains (and possibly other points if, for instance, is not a T1 space). This is also true of any neighborhood basis at For any point in a T1 space (e.g. a Hausdorff space), the kernel of the neighborhood filter of is equal to the singleton set { x }.
However, it is possible for a neighborhood filter at a point to be principle but not discrete (i.e. not principal at a single point). A neighborhood basis of a point in a topological space is principal if and only if the kernel of is an open set. If in addition the space is T1 then ker ℬ = { x } so that this basis is principal if and only if { x } is an open set.
- Generating topologies from filters and prefilters
Suppose is not empty (and ). If is a filter on then { ∅ } ∪ ℬ is a topology on but the converse is in general false. This shows that in a sense, filters are almost topologies. Topologies of the form { ∅ } ∪ ℬ where is an ultrafilter on are an even more specialized subclass of such topologies; they have the property that every proper subset ∅ ≠ S ⊆ X is either open or closed, but (unlike the discrete topology) never both.
If is a prefilter (resp. filter subbase, π–system, proper) on then the same is true of both { X } ∪ ℬ and the set ℬ∪ of all possible unions of one or more elements of If is closed under finite intersections then the set τℬ = { ∅, X } ∪ ℬ∪ is a topology on with both { X } ∪ ℬ∪ and { X } ∪ ℬ being bases for it. If the π–system covers then both ℬ∪ and are also bases for τℬ. If is a topology on then τ ∖ { ∅ } is a prefilter (or equivalently, a π–system) if and only if it has the finite intersection property (i.e. it is a filter subbase), in which case a subset ℬ ⊆ τ will be a basis for if and only if ℬ ∖ { ∅ } is equivalent to τ ∖ { ∅ } , in which case ℬ ∖ { ∅ } will be a prefilter.
- Topologies on directed sets and net convergence
Let be a non–empty directed set and let Tails(I) = { I≥i : i ∈ I }, where I≥i = { j ∈ I : i ≤ j }. Then is a prefilter that covers I and if I is totally ordered then is also closed under finite intersections. This particular prefilter forms a base for a topology on in which all sets of the form I>i = { j ∈ I : i < j } are open. The same is true of the topology τI := { ∅ } ∪ FilterTails(I) on , where FilterTails(I) is the filter on generated by . With this topology, convergent nets can be viewed as continuous functions. Let be a topological space, let and let x• = (xi)i ∈ I : I → X be a net in If the net x• converges to in then x• : (I, τI) → (X, { ∅ } ∪ τ(x)) is necessarily continuous although in general, the converse is false (e.g. consider if x• is constant and not equal to ). But if in addition to continuity, the preimage under x• of every N ∈ τ(x) is not empty, then the net x• will necessarily converge to in In this way, the empty set is all that separates net convergence and continuity.
Prefilters and topological properties
Throughout will be a topological space with .
- Neighborhoods and topologies
The neighborhood filter of a non–empty subset in a topological space is equal to the intersection of all neighborhood filters of all points in S.[27]
Suppose σ and are topologies on Then is finer than σ (i.e. σ ⊆ τ) if and only if whenever and is a filter on if in then in (X, σ).[37] Consequently, σ = τ if and only if for every filter on and every in (X, σ) if and only if in (X,τ).[28] However, it is possible that σ ≠ τ while also for every filter on converges to some point of in (X, σ) if and only if converges to some point of in (X,τ).[28]
- Closure
If and with S ≠ ∅ then the following are equivalent:
- x ∈ cl S
- is a limit point of the prefilter (i.e. { S } → x in X).
- There exists a prefilter ℱ ⊆ ℘(X) on such that S ∈ ℱ and ℱ → x in X.
- There exists a prefilter ℱ ⊆ ℘(S) on S such that ℱ → x in X.[40]
- is a cluster point of the prefilter
- The prefilter meshes with the neighborhood filter
- The prefilter meshes with some (or equivalently, with every) prefilter of
The following are equivalent:
- is a limit points of S in X.
- There exists a prefilter ℱ ⊆ ℘(S) on S ∖ { x } such that ℱ → x in X.[40]
- Closed sets
If with S ≠ ∅ then the following are equivalent:
- S is a closed subset of X.
- If and ℱ ⊆ ℘(S) is a prefilter on S such that ℱ → x in X, then x ∈ S.
- If and ℱ ⊆ ℘(S) is a prefilter on S such that is an accumulation points of in X, then x ∈ S.[40]
- If is such that the neighborhood filter meshes with { S } then x ∈ S.
- The proof of this characterization depends the ultrafilter lemma, which depends on the axiom of choice.
- Hausdorff
The following are equivalent:
- X is Hausdorff.
- Every prefilter on converges to at most one point in [8]
- The above statement but with the word "prefilter" replaced by any one of the following: filter, ultra prefilter, ultrafilter.[8]
- Compactness
The following are equivalent:
- is a compact space.
- Every ultrafilter on converges to at least one point in
- That this condition implies compactness can be proven by using only the ultrafilter lemma. That compactness implies this condition can be proven without the ultrafilter lemma (or even the axiom of choice).
- The above statement but with the words "prefilter" replaced by any one of the following: filter, ultrafilter.[43]
- For every filter on there exists a filter on such that and converges to some point of
- For every prefilter on there exists a prefilter on such that and converges to some point of
- Every maximal (i.e. ultra) prefilter on converges to at least one point in [8]
- The above statement but with the words "maximal prefilter" replaced by any one of the following: prefilter, filter, ultra prefilter, ultrafilter.
- Every prefilter on has at least one cluster point in [8]
- That this condition is equivalent to compactness can be proven by using only the ultrafilter lemma.
- Alexander subbase theorem: There exists a subbase for such that every cover of by sets in has a finite subcover.
- That this condition is equivalent to compactness can be proven by using only the ultrafilter lemma.
If is topological space and is the set of all complements of compact subsets of , then is a filter on if and only if is not compact.
Theorem[43] — If is a filter on a compact space and is the set of cluster points of then every neighborhood of belongs to Thus a filter on a compact Hausdorff space converges if and only if it has a single cluster point.
- Continuity
Let is a map between topological spaces (X, τX) and (Y, τY).
Given the following are equivalent:
- is continuous at
- Definition: For every neighborhood V of f(x) in there exists some neighborhood of in such that f(N) ⊆ V.
- is a filter base for ; that is, the upward closure of in is equal to [40]
- in [40]
- If is a filter on such that in X then in
- The above statement but with the word "filter" replaced by "prefilter".
The following are equivalent:
- is continuous.
- If and is a prefilter on such that in X then in
- If is a limit point of a prefilter on then f (x) is a limit point of f (ℬ ) in
- Any one of the above two statements but with the word "prefilter" replaced by any one of the following: filter.
If is a prefilter on is a cluster point of and is continuous, then f (x) is a cluster point in of the prefilter f (ℬ ).[37]
- Products
Suppose X• = (Xi)i ∈ I is a non–empty family of non–empty topological spaces and that ℬ• = (ℬi)i ∈ I is a family of prefilters where each is a prefilter on . Then the product of these prefilters (defined above) is a prefilter on the product space ∏ X•, which as usual, is endowed with the product topology.
If x• = (xi)i ∈ I ∈ ∏ X•, then ℬ• → x• in ∏ X• if and only if in for every
Suppose and are topological spaces, is a prefilter on having as a cluster point, and is a prefilter on having as a cluster point. Then is a cluster point of in the product space X × Y.[37] However, if then there exist sequences and such that both of these sequences have a cluster point in but the sequence does not have a cluster point in [37]
Example application: The ultrafilter lemma along with the axioms of ZF imply Tychonoff's theorem for compact Hausdorff spaces:
Proof |
Let be compact Hausdorff topological spaces. Assume that the ultrafilter lemma holds (because of the Hausdorff assumption, this proof does not need the full strength of the axiom of choice; the ultrafilter lemma suffices). Let X ≝ ∏ X• be given the product topology (which makes a Hausdorff space) and for every let denote this product's projections. If then is compact and we're done so assume Despite the fact that because the axiom of choice is not assumed, the projection maps are not guaranteed to be surjective. Let be an ultrafilter on and for every let denote the ultrafilter on generated by the ultra prefilter Because is compact and Hausdorff, the ultrafilter converges to a unique limit point xi ∈ Xi (because of 's uniqueness, this definition doesn't require the axiom of choice). Let where satisifes for every The characterization of convergence in the product topology that was given above implies that in Thus every ultrafilter on converges to some point of which implies that is compact (recall that this implication's proof only required the ultrafilter lemma). ∎ |
Examples of applications of prefilters
Convergence of nets of sets
Often, people prefer nets over filters or filters over nets. This example shows that the choice between nets and filters is not a dichotomy by combining them together.
If S is a subset of a topological space (X, τX) then the set τX(S) of open neighborhoods of S in (X, τX) is a prefilter if and only if S ≠ ∅. The same is true of the set 𝒩τ(S) ≝ τX (S)↑X of all neighborhoods of S in (X, τX). The following definition generalizes the notion of the set of tails of a net of points in to nets of subsets of
A net of sets in is a net into the power set ℘(X) of ; that is, a net of sets in is a function from a non–empty directed set into ℘(X). A net of sets in is called a net of singleton (resp. non–empty, finite, ultra, etc.) sets in if every has this property. However, a "net in " will always refer to a net valued in and never to a net valued in ℘(X). But for emphasis or contrast to a net of subsets of a net in may also be referred to as a net of points in .
(Nets of points ↔ Nets of singleton sets): Every net of points in can be uniquely associated with the following canonical nets of singleton sets in
which is called the canonical net of (singleton) sets in associated with or induced by Conversely, every net of singleton sets in is uniquely associated with a canonical net of points in (defined in the obvious way).
The following definition is completely analogous to the definition of the prefilter of tails of a net (of points) in that was given above.
Suppose is a net of sets in Define for every index the tail of starting at to be the set
and define the set of tails generated by to be the set
where if then this set is called the prefilter or filter base of tails generated by while the upward closure of in is known as the filter of tails or eventuality filter in generated by
Given any net of points in it is readily seen that where is the canonical net of singleton sets associated with This makes it apparent that the following definition of "convergence of a net of sets" in is indeed a generalization of the definition of "convergence of a net of points" in that was given above.
If is any subset of a topological space (X, τX), then a net of sets in is said to converges to R in (X, τX), written in (X, τX), if in (X, τX).
- Recall that by definition, in (X, τX) if and only if is finer than 𝒩τ(R) (i.e. 𝒩τ(R) ≤ Tails(S•)).
The next subsection illustrates how the above definitions may be used to make rigorous certain intuitive/geometric ideas of convergence involving sets.
Prefilters and spaces of functions
Throughout, will be a topological space, will be a set, and the graph of a function will be denoted by Whenever it is needed, it should be automatically assumed that is also a topological space.
Convergence of maps in any one of the most well–known function space topologies (e.g. the topology of uniform convergence on or the topology of pointwise convergence, which are defined below) is often imagined by visualizing the graphs of these maps as "moving towards the limit function's graph" in some way; this visualization is dependent on the particular function space topology. For example, suppose that is a metric space with metric Then a net of –valued maps on converges uniformly on to a map if and only if the prefilter of tails generated by is finer than the filter on generated by the family of all sets as r ranges over the positive reals. This section generalizes this example and shows how prefilters together with nets may be used to directly translate such intuitive geometric notions of "convergence of graphs" into a definition that is equivalent to the usual open–set definition of function space topologies (of uniform convergence).
Let be a family of maps from into Let be a family of sets over that is closed under finite unions (e.g. all finite subsets of or all compact subsets of ), which implies[note 11] that [note 12] Whenever it is necessary, it will be assumed that the union of all sets in 𝒞 is equal to and/or that 𝒞 is downward closed.[note 13]
Let τG,𝒞 denote the topology (on ) of uniform convergence on sets in , which recall is defined by the subbasis consisting of all sets of the form
where ranges over and ranges over the open subset of If is the set of all finite subsets of then this topology is called the topology of pointwise convergence while if is a topological space and is the set of all compact subsets of then this topology is commonly called the compact–open topology on or the topology of uniform convergence on compact sets of
The topology on that will now be defined, which is in general different from the product topology, allows for a characterization of convergence of nets in (G, τG,𝒞) in terms of convergence of the graphs (which are sets) of maps in G.
- Let τ𝒞 denote the topology for convergence of graphs on that is generated by the subbasis consisting of all sets of the form
- ( X × Y ) ∖ [ A × ( Y ∖ V )] = [( X ∖ A ) × Y ] ∪ ( A × V )
- where ranges over and ranges over the open subset of
If is a topological space and if each A ∈ 𝒞 is closed in then τ𝒞 is weaker than the product topology on More importantly, if g ∈ G and if g• = (gi)i ∈ I is a net in then g• → g in (G, τG,𝒞) if and only if its net of graphs converges to Gr(g) in (X × Y, τ𝒞). In particular, when is a topological space and is the set of all compact subsets (resp. finite subsets) of then this characterizes the compact–open topology (resp. topology of pointwise convergence) on
In general, there is a much larger variety of filters on than there are subsets of so there are many more generalizations of the above notions of convergence. For example, the above notions of convergence of graphs can be extended to maps that are defined merely on subsets of [note 14]
Uniformities and Cauchy prefilters
A uniform space is a set equipped with a filter on X × X that has certain properties. A base or fundamental system of entourages is a prefilter on X × X whose upward closure is a uniform space. A prefilter on a uniform space with uniformity is called a Cauchy prefilter if for every entourages N ∈ ℱ, there exists some such that B × B ⊆ N. A uniform space (X, ℱ) is called complete (resp. sequentially complete) if every Cauchy prefilter (resp. every elementary Cauchy prefilter) on converges to at least one point of
Uniform spaces were the result of attempts to generalize notions such as "uniform continuity" and "uniform convergence" that are present in metric spaces. Every topological vector space, and more generally, every topological group can be made into a uniform space in a canonical way. Every uniformity also generates a canonical induced topology. Filters and prefilters play an important role in the theory of uniform spaces. For example, the completion of a Hausdorff uniform space is typically constructed using minimal Cauchy filters. Nets are less ideal for this construction because their domains are extremely varied (e.g. the class of all Cauchy nets is not a set); sequences cannot be used in the general case because the topology may not be metrizable, first-countable, or even sequential.
Topologizing the set of prefilters
Starting with nothing more than a set it is possible to topologize the set
- ℙ := Prefilters(X)
of all filter bases on with the Stone topology, which is named after Marshall Harvey Stone.
To reduce confusion, this article will adhere to the following notational conventions:
- Lower case letters for elements x ∈ X.
- Upper case letters for subsets
- Upper case calligraphy letters for subsets (or equivalently, for elements ℬ ∈ ℘(℘(X)), such as prefilters).
- Upper case double–struck letters for subsets ℙ ⊆ ℘(℘(X)).
For every let
- 𝕆(S) ≝ { ℬ ∈ ℙ : S ∈ ℬ↑X }
where 𝕆(X) = ℙ and 𝕆(∅) = ∅.[note 15] These sets will be the basic open subsets of the Stone topology. If R ⊆ S ⊆ X then
- { ℬ ∈ ℘(℘(X)) : R ∈ ℬ↑X } ⊆ { ℬ ∈ ℘(℘(X)) : S ∈ ℬ↑X }.
From this inclusion, it is possible to deduce all of the subset inclusions displayed below with the exception of 𝕆(R ∩ S) ⊇ 𝕆(R) ∩ 𝕆(S).[note 16] For all R, S ⊆ X,
- 𝕆(R ∩ S) = 𝕆(R) ∩ 𝕆(S) ⊆ 𝕆(R) ∪ 𝕆(S) ⊆ 𝕆(R ∪ S)
where in particular, the equality 𝕆(R ∩ S) = 𝕆(R) ∩ 𝕆(S) shows that the family { 𝕆(S) : S ⊆ X } is a π-system that forms a basis for a topology on ℙ, where it is henceforth assumed that ℙ carries this topology and that any subset of ℙ carries the induced subspace topology.
In contrast to most other general constructions of topologies (e.g. the product, quotient, subspace topologies, etc.), this topology on ℙ was defined without using anything other than the set ; there were no preexisting structures or assumptions on so this topology is completely independent of everything other than (and its subsets).
The following criteria can be used for checking for points of closure and neighborhoods. If 𝔹 ⊆ ℙ and ℱ ∈ ℙ then:
- Closure in ℙ: belongs to the closure of 𝔹 in ℙ if and only if ℱ ⊆ ℬ↑X.
- Neighborhoods in ℙ: 𝔹 is a neighborhood of in ℙ if and only if there exists some such that 𝕆(F) = { ℬ ∈ ℙ : F ∈ ℬ↑X } ⊆ 𝔹 (i.e. for all ℬ ∈ ℙ, if F ∈ ℬ↑X then ℬ ∈ 𝔹).
It will be henceforth assumed that because otherwise ℙ = ∅ and the topology is { ∅ }, which is uninteresting.
- Subspace of ultrafilters
The set of ultrafilters on (with the subspace topology) is a Stone space, meaning that it is compact, Hausdorff, and totally disconnected. If has the discrete topology then the map β : X → UltraFilters(X), defined by sending to the principal ultrafilter at is a topological embedding whose image is a dense subset of UltraFilters(X) (see the article Stone–Čech compactification for more details).
- Relationships between topologies on and the Stone topology on ℙ
Every τ ∈ Top(X) induces a canonical map 𝒩τ : X → Filters(X) defined by x ↦ 𝒩τ(x), which sends to the neighborhood filter of in Clearly, 𝒩τ : X → Filters(X) is injective if and only if is T0 (i.e. a Kolmogorov space) and moreover, if τ, σ ∈ Top(X) then τ = σ if and only if 𝒩τ = 𝒩σ. Thus every τ ∈ Top(X) can be identified with the canonical map 𝒩τ, which means that Top(X) can be canonically identified as a subset of Func(X; ℙ) (as a side note, it is now possible to place on Func(X; ℙ) (and thus also on Top(X)) the topology of pointwise convergence or the topology of uniform convergence on as examples). For every τ ∈ Top(X), the surjection 𝒩τ : (X, τ) → Im 𝒩τ is continuous, closed, and open.[note 17] In particular, for every T0 topology on 𝒩τ : (X, τ) → ℙ is a topological embedding.
In addition, if 𝔉 : X → Filter(X) is a map such that x ∈ ker 𝔉(x) = F for every then for every and every F ∈ 𝔉(x), 𝔉(F) is a neighborhood of 𝔉(x) in Im 𝔉 (where Im 𝔉 has the subspace topology inherited from ℙ).
See also
- Characterizations of the category of topological spaces
- Convergence space – A generalization of the notion of convergence that is found in general topology.
- Filtration (mathematics)
- Filtration (probability theory) – model of information available at a given point of a random process
- Filtration (abstract algebra)
- Fréchet filter
- Generic filter
- Ideal (set theory) – A non-empty family of sets that is closed under finite unions and subsets.
- Stone–Čech compactification#Construction using ultrafilters
- The fundamental theorem of ultraproducts
- Sequences and nets in a space are maps from directed sets like the natural number, which in general maybe entirely unrelated to the set and so they, and consequently also their notions of convergence, are not intrinsic to
- Technically, any infinite subfamily of this set of tails is enough to characterization this sequences convergence. But in general, the set of all tails is taken unless there is some reason to do otherwise.
- Indeed, net convergence is defined using neighborhood filters while (pre)filters are directed sets with respect to ⊇, so it is difficult to keep these notions completely separate.
- The terms "Filter base" and "Filter" are used if and only if
- More generally, for any real numbers satisfying and where
- If R, S ⊆ ℝ then ℬR ∩ ℬS = ℬR ∩ S. This property and the fact that ℬR is nonempty and proper if and only if actually allows for the construction of even more examples of prefilters, because if 𝒮 ⊆ ℘(ℝ) is any prefilter (resp. filter subbase, π-system) then so is { ℬS : S ∈ 𝒮 }.
- The π–system generated by 𝒞open (resp. by 𝒞closed) is a prefilter whose elements are finite unions of open (resp. closed) intervals having endpoints in E ∪ { -∞, ∞ } with two of these intervals being of the forms (-∞, e1) and (e2, ∞) (resp. (-∞, e1] and [e2, ∞)) where e1 ≤ 1 + e2; in the case of 𝒞closed, it is possible for one or more of these closed intervals to be singleton sets (i.e. degenerate closed intervals).
- Suppose has more than one point, is a constant map, and Ξ = { f (X) } then Ξf will consist of all non–empty subsets of
- For an example of how this failure can happen, consider the case where there exists some and some y ∈ Y ∖ B such that both f –1 (y) and its complement in contains at least two distinct points.
- The set equality Tails(Netℬ) = ℬ holds more generally: if the family of sets satisfies then the family of tails of the map PointedSets(ℬ ) → X (defined by ) is equal to
- Here, the nullary union convention is assumed, which is the convention that the union of an empty family of sets is equal to the empty set. Since the union of 0 sets is a finite union and since is assumed to be closed under all finite unions, must contain
- In the definition of the "topology of uniform convergence," this allows us to take where now implies that { g ∈ G : g(A) ⊆ V } = G. This guarantees that the family described in this definition satisfy one of the requirements of being subbase on G.
- If needed, assume also that 𝒞 has additional properties that will guarantee that the sets { g ∈ G : g(A) ⊆ V } in the definition of the "topology of uniform convergence on sets in " do indeed form a subbasis for a topology τG,𝒞.
- For instance, it is possible to rigorously define (often without great difficulty) notions of what it could mean for a net of maps on to converge to a set of maps (e.g. such as convergence to a germ of maps in at some given point of ).
- As a side note, had the definitions of "filter" and "prefilter" not required propriety then the degenerate dual ideal ℘(X) would have been a prefilter on so that in particular, 𝕆(∅) = { ℘(X) } ≠ ∅ with ℘(X) ∈ 𝕆(S) for every
- This is because the inclusion 𝕆(R ∩ S) ⊇ 𝕆(R) ∩ 𝕆(S) is the only one in the sequence below whose proof uses the defining assumption that 𝕆(S) ⊆ ℙ.
- Here, Im 𝒩τ is the set of all –neighborhood filters of all points in and it is endowed with the subspace topology inherited from ℙ.
- Proofs
- Suppose is filter subbase that is ultra. Let and define Because is ultra, there exists some such that equals or The finite intersection property implies that so necessarily which is equivalent to ∎
- To prove that and mesh, let and . Because there exists some G ∈ ℱ such that G ⊆ C, so having the finite intersection property guarantees ∅ ≠ G ∩ F ⊆ C ∩ F. ∎ If C1, ..., Cn ∈ 𝒞 then there are F1, ..., Fn ∈ ℱ such that Fi ⊆ Ci and now ∅ ≠ F1 ∩ ... ∩ Fn ⊆ C1 ∩ ... ∩ Cn. This shows that is a filter subbasis. ∎
- This is because if and are prefilters on then if and only if 𝒞↑X ⊆ ℱ↑X.
- By definition, if and only if ℬ ≥ 𝒩(x). Since 𝒞 ≥ ℬ and ℬ ≥ 𝒩(x), transitivity implies 𝒞 ≥ 𝒩(x).∎
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