Kurdish recognition of the Armenian Genocide
There is a recognition by several groups of Kurds of the participation of their ancestors in the Armenian Genocide during World War I. Some Kurdish tribes, mainly as part of the Ottoman army, along with the Turks and other people, participated in massacres of Armenians. Other Kurds opposed the genocide, in some cases even hiding or adopting Armenian refugees.[1] Also, inmates in Ottoman prisons, including Kurds and Turks, were given amnesty and released from prison if they would massacre the Armenians.[2]

Armenian Genocide

The genocide of Armenians was meticulously carried out with help from tribal Kurds who were organized into an auxiliary force called the "Hamidiye Alaylari" (Hamidiye Brigades) of the Ottoman government in Constantinople.

During the Van Resistance, Armenians who left via Persia took defensive positions in Bargiri, Saray and Hosap districts of the Van Province. A refugee group following the Russian forces were intercepted by Kurdish forces when they crossed the mountain passes near the Bargiri Pass, and suffered many casualties there.
The security of the refugees had been nominally the responsibility of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman authorities stated that some groups of refugees were attacked by local tribes (Kurdish and Arab ), before they reached their destinations. These attacks mainly took place on the roads between Aleppo and Meskene, but it was also dangerous from Diyarbekir to Der Zor and from Saruc to Halep on the Menbic Road. This region is heavily populated by Kurds.
Grand Vizier Mehmed Talat in his Posthumous Memoirs of Talaat Pasha claimed that:
Although we punished many of the guilty, most of them were untouched. These people, whom we might call outlaws, because of their unlawful attitude in disregarding the order of the Central Government, were divided into two classes. Some of them were acting under personal hatred, or for individual profit. Those who looted the goods of the deported Armenians were easily punishable, and we punished them. But there was another group, who sincerely believed that the general interest of the community necessitated the punishment alike of those Armenians who massacred the guiltless Mohammedans and those who helped the Armenian bandits to endanger our national life.
List of recognition
Type | Recognize | Date | Declaration |
NGO | Kurdish Institute of Paris | The Kurdish Institute of Paris has recognized the 1915 massacres as genocide. The Armenian genocide is often mentioned in monthly magazine published by the Kurdish Institute. | |
NGO | Center of Halabja against Anfalization and Genocide of the Kurds (CHAK) | Welcomed the recognition of genocide against the Armenian people. The motivation from CHAK was:
"This recognition will help us all to have a broader understanding of past crimes and present us with the possibility of a peaceful and brighter future."[3] In 2006, CHAK published an article about the Armenian genocide called "Armenian Genocide: Turkey To Target".[4] and over 10 articles regarding the genocide have earlier been published.[5] | |
Political | Democratic Society Party | 30 Dec 2008 | Apologized to Armenians and Assyrians for the 1915 genocide.[6]
The party leader Ahmet Türk said: "Sensing the pain of the events in our hearts, we feel that we need to apologize. In Turkey, apology is becoming quite a fashion recently. However, ours is something very different" and that "Maybe Kurds have contributed to the loss of this (cultural) richness. We are ashamed when we look at our Armenian or Assyrian brothers". |
Political | Kurdistan Democratic Party | In the website for KDP supporters published an article (author: Nezîr Semmikanli) where he writes about the Armenian genocide where he describes the genocide as a crime against the Christian people[7] | |
PKK | Abdullah Öcalan | 10 Apr 1998 30 Jan 2014 |
In a 10 April 1998 personal letter to Robert Kocharyan, the newly inaugurated President of Armenia, Öcalan congratulated him on his election victory and expressed hope that the genocide would be officially recognized in Turkey:
"I also welcome and endorse the passage of a resolution in the Belgian Senate calling on the Turkish government in Ankara to recognise the reality of the Armenian holocaust perpetrated by the last Ottoman regime in 1915–19 … The massacres during the First World War which shocked the civilised world then became a precedent for an even more appalling and destructive demonstration of genocide of the Jewish people by the German Nazis in the Second World War. Let us recall Hitler's response to a critic of the 'final solution' of the Jewish problem: 'Who complained about the Armenians?'"[8] Öcalan reiterated this position in a letter published on 30 January 2014 by the Istanbul-based Armenian weekly Agos. Throughout the letter, written from his cell in İmralı Prison, he repeatedly used the word "genocide" to characterise the atrocities, and stated: "Today, the entire world should confront the historical truth of what happened to the Armenians and share their pain, paving the way for mourning. Inevitably, the Turkish Republic too will have to approach this issue with maturity and confront this painful history." He also emphasised that the Kurdish and Armenian struggles were inseparably linked to one another, citing the 2007 assassination of Agos co-founder Hrant Dink as an example of how "anti-democratic forces" within Turkey seek to undermine both causes. Öcalan's letter was an apparent condemnation of incendiary remarks made earlier in the month by KCK co-chair Bese Hozat regarding alleged conspiracies by "Armenian, Jewish, and Greek lobbies" to undermine the democratic movement in Turkey.[9] |
Kurdish Council of Armenia | 10 Mar 2009 |
The president of the Kurdish Council Armenia, Knyaz Hasanov has repeatedly spoken about the Armenian genocide. On March 10, 2009 said Hasanov to the Kurds who participated in massacres against the Armenians were separate Kurds and not the Kurdish nation.[10] | |
Kongra-Gel (PKK) | 20 Aug 2004 | In an interview with Onnik Krikorian from Armenian News Network conducted on 20 August 2004, Kongra-Gel's Caucasus representative Heydar Ali stated:
"Armenia's position is more favorable towards the Kurds because 1.5 million Armenians were killed during the Genocide. However, to deny the Kurdish identity in Armenia is a violation of international human rights obligations but yes, you are right. It is well known that throughout history, Kurdistan and the Kurds have been divided and that this is a special policy conducted by very powerful countries in the world to weaken us. The division between Kurds and Yezidi is another manifestation of this." | |
Kurdish Parliament in Exile | 24 Apr 1997 | Passed a resolution recognizing the Armenian Genocide.
In the resolution, this was said: "The blueprints of and the logistics for this genocide being prepared ahead of time, they employed Hamidiye Alaylari from Kurdish tribes (Similar to the present day Village Guards system who kill our people) to commit history's, until then unknown, Genocide. In this Genocide, millions of Armenians and Assyrian-Syrians were killed, and millions others were deported from their homes and land and scattered to the four corners of the world."[11] Further on in the resolution: "Today is the 82nd anniversary of the genocide committed against the Assyrian-Syriac and Armenian peoples. Sharing the agony caused by this process, I find the Ottoman State and their collaborators the Hamidiye Alaylari, formed by some Kurdish tribes, responsible for this crime before history and I condemn them with abhorrence. Zubeyir Aydar Chairman of the Executive Committee"[11] | |
Political | WeKurd | Shortly after the murder of the Armenian journalist Hrant Dink, the head of WeKurd published an article about the slaying and the Armenian Genocide[12] | |
Newspaper | Kurdish Media | Kurdish Media have published over 100 articles about the Genocide,[13] Mufid Abdulla is one of the authors to the articles and in 2008 he published an article about the "Armenian Genocide and the Kurdish involvement" [14] | |
Newspaper | Ozgur Gundem | Kurdish apologized to the Armenian people for silence and complicity in the Armenian Genocide. The Ozgur Gundem website at the same time also had a detailed publications on the genocide, hardships and sufferings of the Armenian people.[15] | |
Newspaper | Kurdish Herald | Kurdish Herald is an independent publication, which features critical analysis of the politics, economics and culture of Kurdistan. The Kurdish Herald has it written in their policy and guidelines that they don't publish material including "Denial of the Armenian Genocide, including using attributes that lessen the significance of the event"[16] | |
Newspaper | Komar | Komar, a Kurdish webmagazine in Sweden published an article on the memorial day of the murdered journalist Hrant Dink 2009 referred to the genocide in 1915,[17] the same year in April Komar published an article on memorial day of the genocide by the author Musa Kurdistani[18] | |
Newspaper | Kurd | Kurd.se have published news about the Genocide before, one of them is "Ahmet Turk apologizes to Armenians and Assyrians" where the head of the Kurdish party DTP talked about the 1915 events[19] | |
NGO | Kurdish Youth Club (USA) | Ara Alan, Secretary General of held a speech in remembrance of the 92nd anniversary of Armenian Genocide by the Ottoman Turks. The speech was given in Georgia State Capitol building addressing Armenian Americans, Senators, Congressmen, sheriffs, Judges and representatives of Mayor of Atlanta, and Georgia State Governor.[20][21] | |
Publisher | Sara Distribution | It is selling the book Bati Ermenistan (Kürt Ilishkileri) ve Jenosîd (Western Armenia (Kurdish Relations) and genocide)[22] | |
Publisher | Beyan.net | Several times published articles about the Armenian and Assyrian genocides.[23][24][25] | |
- Henry H. Riggs, Days of Tragedy in Armenia: Personal Experiences in Harpoot, page 158, 1997.
- Vahakn N. Dadrian, The Naim-Andonian Documents on the World War I Destruction of Ottoman Armenians: The Anatomy of a Genocide, International Journal of Middle East Studies, pp.311-360, Vol.18, 1986, p.333
- Kurdish CHAK welcomes the recognition of genocide against the Armenian people
- Armenian Genocide: Turkey To Target
- CHAK articles regarding the Armenian Genocide
- http://www.hurriyet.com.tr/english/domestic/10672641.asp?scr=1 Turkey's pro-Kurdish party leader apologized on Tuesday to Assyrian as well Armenians for the 1915 incidents.
- http://www.xoybun.com/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=674 ŞERÊ CÎHANÊ YÊ YEKEMÎN (1914–1918) PEYMANA SEWRÊ YA AŞTIYÊ
- PKK Chairman's letter to Kocharian
- "Ocalan: Turkey, World Should Recognize Armenian Genocide". The Armenian Weekly. 30 January 2014. Retrieved 5 February 2014.
- Kurdish Council of Armenia Pres.: Turkey still committing genocide
- "The Kurdish Parliament in Exile recognizes the Armenian genocide". Archived from the original on 2017-03-08. Retrieved 2008-03-22.
- http://www.wekurd.com/nyheter.asp?id=207 Archived 2008-05-23 at the Wayback Machine Krokodilens tårar – Besir Kavak
- Google search "1915 site:http://www.kurdmedia.com/"
- "Armenian genocide and the Kurdish involvement"". Archived from the original on 2011-06-11. Retrieved 2009-07-10.
- "Kurds Apologize For Complicity in Armenian Genocide". Archived from the original on 2011-07-16. Retrieved 2008-03-22.
- Kurdish Herald forbids Armenian genocide denial in their policy
- ""I minnet av Hrant Dink ("In memory of Hrant Dink")". Archived from the original on 2009-02-07. Retrieved 2009-07-01.
- "Turkiet bör erkänna folkmordet på armenierna ("Turkey must recognize the Armenian Genocide")
- Ahmet Turk ber armenier och assyrier om ursäkt
- Kurds and Armenian Genocide (youtube)
- http://www.americanchronicle.com/articles/view/109202
- SaraDistribution.com
- http://www.beyan.net/kultur-artikel.aspx?id=418 Archived 2011-07-23 at the Wayback Machine Den evigt flyende assyriska släkten
- http://www.beyan.net/debatt-artikel.aspx?id=539 Archived 2008-12-30 at the Wayback Machine Vi sviker Turkiets kristna minoriteter!
- http://www.beyan.net/nyheter-artikel.aspx?id=609 Archived 2008-12-28 at the Wayback Machine Turkiska intellektuella ber om ursäkt för folkmordet