List of Australian Government entities
This list of Australian government entities is of Australian Ministers, government departments, bureaus and commissions, authorities, corporations and other entities, which are grouped into a number of areas of portfolio responsibility. Each portfolio is led by one or more government ministers who are members of the Parliament of Australia, appointed by the Governor-General of Australia on the advice of the Prime Minister.[1]
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This article is part of a series on the politics and government of Australia |
Constitution |
As of February 2020, the agencies are principally grouped into 14 principal departments,[2][3] each led by a secretary, director-general, or similarly-titled executive officer and comprising a number of portfolios covering specific policy areas across the department and allocated statutory authorities, trading enterprises, boards, councils and other public bodies. Agencies have varying levels of operational autonomy, and deliver one or more of frontline public services, administrative functions and law enforcement. Some are structured as for-profit corporations. Where there are multiple portfolios within a department, the Secretary may be accountable to a number of ministers.
As of February 2020, the current Government is led by Prime Minister Scott Morrison, the leader of the Liberal Party of Australia in Coalition with the National Party of Australia, led by Michael McCormack.
Department summary
September 2013
On 18 September 2013 an Administrative Arrangements Order was issued by the Governor-General on the recommendation of the Prime Minister Tony Abbott[4] which replaced the previous Order of 14 September 2010 issued by the Governor-General on the recommendation of the Gillard Government.[5][6] The Order formed or re-confirmed government departments, as follows:
- The Department of Agriculture replacing the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
- The Attorney-General's Department, assuming the arts functions previously managed by the Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts and Sport
- The Department of Communications replacing the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy
- The Department of Defence
- The Department of Education replacing some of the functions of the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations
- The Department of Employment replacing some of the function of the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations
- The Department of the Environment replacing the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency and the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities
- The Department of Finance replacing the Department of Finance and Deregulation
- The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, assuming the tourism functions previously managed by the Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism
- The Department of Health replacing the Department of Health and Ageing and assuming the sport functions previously managed by the Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts and Sport
- The Department of Human Services
- The Department of Immigration and Border Protection replacing most of the functions of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship
- The Department of Industry replacing most of the functions of the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research and the Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism
- The Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development replacing the Department of Infrastructure and Transport and most of the functions of the Department of Regional Australia, Local Government, Arts and Sport
- The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, assuming the indigenous affairs functions previously managed by the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs
- The Department of Social Services replacing the majority of the functions of the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs
- The Department of the Treasury
- The Department of Veterans' Affairs
September 2015
Following the appointment of Malcolm Turnbull as Prime Minister, three departments were renamed, with effect from 21 September 2015:[7]
July 2016
Following the election of the Turnbull Government, the Department of the Environment was renamed, with effect from 19 July 2016:[8][9]
December 2017
Some departments were renamed, with effect from 20 December 2017:[10]
May 2019
Following the election of the Morrison Government, five departments were renamed, with effect from 29 May 2019:[11]
- The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources became the Department of Agriculture
- The Department of Education and Training (Australia) became the Department of Education
- The Department of Human Services became Services Australia.
- The Department of Jobs and Small Business became the Department of Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business
- The Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities became the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development
February 2020
The number of departments were cut from 18 to 14, with effect from 1 February 2020:[2][3]
- The Department of Education and Department of Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business (except small business functions) merged to form the Department of Education, Skills and Employment
- The Department of Agriculture and environment functions of the Department of the Environment and Energy merged to form the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment
- The Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, energy functions from the Department of the Environment and Energy and small business functions from the Department of Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business merged to form the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources
- The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development and Department of Communications and the Arts merged to form the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications
- Services Australia (the former Department of Human Services) was established as an executive agency within the Department of Social Services
Parliament of Australia
Parliament of Australia Agencies
- Department of Parliamentary Services
- Department of the House of Representatives
- Department of the Senate
- Office of the Clerk of the Senate
- Table Office
- Procedure Office
- Committee Office
- Black Rod's Office
- Parliamentary Budget Office
- Parliamentary Education Office
- Parliamentary Library
Council of Australian Governments
Council of Australian Governments Agencies
- COAG Disability Reform Council
- COAG Education Council
- COAG Energy Council
- COAG Health Council
- COAG Industry and Skills Council
- COAG Law, Crime and Community Safety Council
- COAG Transport and Infrastructure Council
- COAG Federal Financial Relations Council
- Standing Council on Environment and Water
Agriculture portfolio
- Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources
- Assistant Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources
- Agriculture Ministers’ Forum
- Agriculture Senior Officials Committee
- Agricultural Industry Advisory Council
- Indonesia–Australia Partnership on Food Security in the Red Meat and Cattle Sector
- Industry consultative committees
- National Landcare Advisory Committee
- Department of Agriculture
- Secretary of the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources
- Deputy Secretary
- Sustainable Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Division
- Fisheries Branch
- Sustainable Agriculture Branch
- Forestry Branch
- Ag Vet Chemicals
- APVMA Relocation (Major Projects)
- Farm Support Division
- Regional Investment Corporation Branch
- Farmer Assistance Branch
- Farm Business Policy Branch
- Agricultural Policy Division
- Rural Research, Innovation & Levies Taskforce
- Crops, Meat and Horticulture Branch
- Food Competition and Investment Branch
- Wool, Dairy, Wine, Small and Emerging Industries Branch
- Sustainable Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Division
- Deputy Secretary
- Biosecurity Animal Division
- Animal Biosecurity Branch
- Animal and Biological Imports Assessments Branch
- Animal Health Policy Branch
- Biosecurity Plant Division
- Plant Biosecurity Branch
- Plant Import Operations Branch
- Plant Health Policy Branch
- Plant Export Operations Branch
- Plant Systems and Strategies Branch
- Compliance Division
- Compliance Arrangements Branch
- Pathway Compliance Branch
- Targeting and Enforcement Branch
- Future Traveller, Mail and Cargo (Major Projects)
- Service Delivery Division
- Operations Integration Branch
- Inspection Services (West)
- Audit Services and Inspection Services (South)
- Veterinary and Export Meat Services (North-East)
- Inspection Services (North)(Central-East)
- Northern Australia Quarantine Strategy (Northern)
- Assessment Services
- Services Group (South-East)
- Biosecurity Policy and Implementation Division
- Biosecurity Policy and Response Branch
- Biosecurity Implementation Branch
- Active Risk Management
- Biosecurity Integrated Information System (Major Project Taskforce)
- Australian Chief Veterinary Office
- Australian Chief Plant Protection Office
- Biosecurity Animal Division
- Deputy Secretary
- Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences
- Agricultural Commodities and Trade Branch
- Fisheries, Forestry and Quantitative Sciences Branch
- Agricultural Productivity and Farm Analysis Branch
- Strategy Policy and Biosecurity Branch
- Water Division
- National Water Policy Branch
- Water Resources Branch
- Sustainable Water Branch
- Water Recovery Branch
- Murray-Darling Basin Policy Branch
- Exports Division
- Export Standards Branch
- Meat Exports Branch
- Live Animal Exports Branch
- Residues and Food Branch
- Trade and Market Access Division
- WTO & Bilateral Branch (South East Asia, Middle East, Pacific)
- Multilateral Agriculture Policy & Bilateral Branch (Europe, Americas, Japan, Rep of Korea & Taiwan)
- Market Access Strategy & Bilateral Branch (China)
- Export Legislation Review (Major Project Taskforce)
- International posts
- Rome (FAO) and Paris (OECD)
- Brussels
- Washington
- Jakarta
- Bangkok
- Beijing
- Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences
- Deputy Secretary
- Corporate Strategy and Governance Division
- Parliamentary, Communications & Portfolio Business Branch
- Planning and Governance Branch
- People Services Branch
- People Capability Branch
- Finance and Business Support Division
- Financial Operations Branch
- Financial Management Branch
- Industry Support Branch
- Commercial Business Branch
- Information Services Division
- Strategy, Architecture and Strategic Projects Branch
- ICT Services and Operations Branch
- Applications Branch
- Assurance and Legal Division
- Office of the General Counsel
- Office of the General Counsel
- Assurance Branch
- Corporate Strategy and Governance Division
- Deputy Secretary
- Secretary of the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources
Other portfolio bodies
- Animal Health Australia
- Australian Eggs
- Australian Fisheries Management Authority
- Australian Grape and Wine Authority
- Australian Livestock Export Corporation Ltd
- Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority
- Australian Pork Ltd
- Cotton Research and Development Corporation
- Dairy Australia
- Fisheries Research and Development Corporation
- Forest and Wood Products Council
- Forest and Wood Products Australia
- Grains Research and Development Corporation
- Inspector-General of Biosecurity
- Landcare Australia Limited
- Meat and Livestock Australia
- Murray-Darling Basin Authority
- Plant Health Australia
- Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation
- Sugar Research Australia
- Wine Australia
Attorney-General's portfolio
- Administrative Review Council
- Admiralty Rules Committee
- Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission Inter-Governmental Committee
- Commonwealth Law Ministers Meeting
- Family Law Council
- Five Country Ministerial Meeting
- Industry Consultation on National Security
- Law, Crime and Community Safety Council
- Quintet of Attorneys-General
- Attorney-General's Department
- Secretary of the Attorney-General's Department
- Solicitor-General of Australia
- Australian Government Solicitor
- AGS Chief Operating Officer
- Office of General Counsel
- AGS Dispute Resolution
- AGS Commercial
- Office of Corporate Counsel
- Function Leaders
- Australian Government Solicitor
- Deputy Secretary
- Civil Justice and Corporate Group
- Civil Justice Policy and Programmes Division
- Office of Constitutional Law
- Civil Law Unit
- Office of International Law
- Strategy and Delivery Division
- Corporate Services Division
- Human Resources
- Information Division
- Civil Justice and Corporate Group
- Deputy Secretary
- Criminal Justice Group
- International Law Enforcement Cooperation
- Criminal Justice Policy and Programmes Division
- AusCheck
- International Legal Assistance
- PNG Law and Justice
- Criminal Justice Group
- Deputy Secretary
- National Security and Emergency Management Group
- Cyber and Infrastructure Security Division
- Intelligence and Identity Security Division
- Emergency Management Australia
- Counter Terrorism Division
- Countering Violent Extremism Centre
- National Security and Emergency Management Group
- Solicitor-General of Australia
- Secretary of the Attorney-General's Department
Other portfolio bodies
- Administrative Appeals Tribunal
- Australian Classification Board
- Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity
- Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission
- Australian Federal Police
- Australian Financial Security Authority
- Australian Human Rights Commission
- Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience
- Australian Institute of Criminology
- Australian Institute of Police Management
- Australian Law Reform Commission
- Australian Security Intelligence Organisation
- Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre
- Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions
- Countering Violent Extremism Centre
- Defence Force Discipline Appeal Tribunal
- Family Court of Australia
- Federal Court of Australia
- Federal Circuit Court of Australia
- High Court of Australia
- National Archives of Australia
- National Native Title Tribunal
- Office of Parliamentary Counsel
- Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
- Office of the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions
Communications portfolio
- Minister for Communications
- Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Communications
- Department of Communications and the Arts
- Secretary of the Department of Communications and the Arts
- Deputy Secretary
- Content, Arts, Strategy
- Arts
- Arts Development and Investment
- Collections and Cultural Heritage
- Creative Industries
- Access and Participation
- Content
- Media
- Content and Copyright
- Classification
- Strategy and Projects
- Project Office
- Chief Risk Officer
- Arts
- Content, Arts, Strategy
- Deputy Secretary
- Infrastructure and Consumer
- Market Reforms Division
- Post and ACMA
- Spectrum and Security
- Competition
- USO Taskforce
- Infrastructure and Consumer Division
- Broadband Implementation
- Regional Deployment
- Consumer Broadband Services
- Consumer Safeguards
- Bureau of Communications and Arts Research
- Office of the General Counsel
- Market Reforms Division
- Infrastructure and Consumer
- Deputy Secretary
- Corporate
- Communications
- Human Resources
- Finance and Parliamentary Services
- Information Technology
- Corporate
- Deputy Secretary
- Secretary of the Department of Communications and the Arts
Other portfolio bodies
- Australian Broadcasting Corporation
- Australian Communications and Media Authority
- Australian Postal Corporation
- NBN Co Limited
- Office of the Children's eSafety Commissioner
- Special Broadcasting Service (SBS)
The Arts
- Australia Council
- Australian Film Television and Radio School
- Australian National Maritime Museum
- Bundanon Trust
- Creative Partnerships Australia
- Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House
- National Film and Sound Archive
- National Gallery of Australia
- National Library of Australia
- National Museum of Australia
- National Portrait Gallery of Australia
- Screen Australia
Defence portfolio
- Minister for Defence
- Minister for Veterans' Affairs
- Assistant Minister for Defence
- Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Defence
- Army Amenities Fund Company
- Army and Air Force Canteen Service
- Australian Civil-Military Centre
- Australian Strategic Policy Institute Ltd
- Defence Housing Australia
- Special Air Services Trust Fund
- Royal Australian Air Force Welfare Recreation Company
- Royal Australian Navy Central Canteen Service Board of Management
- Trustees of the Australian Military Forces Relief Trust Fund
- Trustees of the Royal Australian Air Force Veterans' Residences Trust Fund
- Trustees of the Royal Australian Air Force Welfare Trust Fund
- Trustees of the Royal Australian Navy Relief Trust Fund
Veterans' Affairs
- Australian War Memorial
- Military Rehabilitation & Compensation Commission
- Office of Australian War Graves
- Repatriation Commission
- Repatriation Medical Authority
- Review of Service Delivery Arrangements
- Specialist Medical Review Council
- Veterans' Children Education Boards
- Veterans' Review Board
Education portfolio
- Minister for Education
- Assistant Minister for Education
- Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Education
- Department of Education, Skills and Employment
- Secretary of the Department of Education, Skills and Employment
- Deputy Secretary
- Corporate Strategy
- Finance, Technology and Business Services
- Finance and Business Services
- Budget, Planning and Performance
- Digital and Business Transformation
- People, Parliamentary and Communication
- People, Culture and Capability
- Communication
- Enterprise Risk and Strategy
- Parliamentary and Governance
- Tertiary, Skills, Litigation and Legislation Legal
- Schools, Child Care and Corporate Legal
- Finance, Technology and Business Services
- Corporate Strategy
- Deputy Secretary
- Early Childhood and Child Care
- Transition and Engagement
- Information and Engagement
- Implementation
- Payments and Compliance
- Payment Policy and Implementation
- Child Care Compliance
- Modelling, Data and Finances
- Programs and Network
- Community Child Care Program
- Integration and Support
- Policy and Evaluation
- State Network
- Transition and Engagement
- Early Childhood and Child Care
- Associate Secretary
- Schools and Youth
- Evidence and Assessment
- Evidence Strategy
- Schools Data Reform
- Assessment and Early Learning
- Improving Student Outcomes
- Teaching and School Leadership
- School transitions and Cluster Support
- Student Participation
- Curriculum
- School Funding and Reform
- School Funding
- Schools Payments and Assurance
- Evidence and Assessment
- Schools and Youth
- Deputy Secretary
- Higher Education, Research and International
- Research and Economic
- Research and Higher Education
- Research Funding and Policy
- Economic and Market Analysis
- Higher Education
- Funding Policy and Legislation
- Governance, Quality and Access
- Student Information and Learning
- International
- Policy and Systems
- International Strategy
- International Mobility
- Research and Economic
- Higher Education, Research and International
- Deputy Secretary
- Skills and Training
- Skills Market
- Skills Outcomes and Financing
- VET Market Information
- Governance and Engagement
- Industry Skills and Quality
- VET Quality and Regulation
- Industry Advice
- Workforce and Apprenticeships
- Skills Programs
- Foundation and Industry Skills
- VET Student Loans
- Australian Apprenticeships Management System
- Skills Programs Compliance
- State Office Network
- Skills Market
- Skills and Training
- Deputy Secretary
- Secretary of the Department of Education, Skills and Employment
Other portfolio bodies
- Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority
- Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership
- Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies
- Australian National University
- Australian Research Council
- Australian Skills Quality Authority
- Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency
- Tuition Protection Service
- Unique Student Identifier
Employment portfolio
- Minister for Employment
- Assistant Minister for Employment
- Audit Committee
- Finance and Business Service Committee
- Information Technology Committee
- People and Capability Committee
- Risk and Implementation Committee
- Strategy Committee
- Department of Education, Skills and Employment
- Secretary of the Department of Education, Skills and Employment
- Deputy Secretary
- Workplace Relations & Economic Strategy
- Workplace Relations Programs
- Fair Entitlements Guarantee
- Office of the Federal Safety Commissioner
- Recovery & Litigation
- Work Health & Safety Policy
- Workers Compensation Policy
- Work Health & Safety Policy
- Building Industry Policy
- Workplace Relations Policy
- Industries & Framework Policy
- International Labour
- Wages Policy & Minimum Standards
- Australian Representative to the International Labour Organization, Geneva
- Workplace Relations Legal
- Bargaining & Coverage
- Employment Standards
- Safety, Compensation & Institutions
- Economic Strategy
- Economics
- Evaluation, Research & Evidence
- Migration Gender & Social Policy
- Workplace Relations Programs
- Workplace Relations & Economic Strategy
- Deputy Secretary
- Corporate
- People & Communication
- Audit & Parliamentary
- Communication
- People
- Technology Services
- Infrastructure Services
- IT Services
- Customer Services
- Property Records & Procurement
- Finance, Legal & Governance
- Finance
- Governance Risk & Assurance
- Corporate Legal
- People & Communication
- Corporate
- Deputy Secretary
- Employment
- Activation & Work for the Dole
- Assessments, Services & Outcomes
- Job Seeker Activation & Cluster Support
- Work for the Dole
- Quality & Integrity
- Employment Services Reporting & Analysis
- Programme Assurance
- Providers & Purchasing
- Youth & Programmes
- Specialist Programmes & Indigenous
- Labour Market Policy
- Future of Work Taskforce
- Labour Market Strategy
- Industry & International Strategies
- Labour Market Policy
- Labour Market Research & Analysis
- Minister Counsellor (Employment) to the OECD, E U, & France
- Active Labour Market Assistance 2020
- Employment Systems
- Application Development
- Job Seeker Development
- Online Services Development & Engagement
- Business Analytics & Operations
- Delivery & Engagement
- Employer Mobilisation
- ViC
- WA
- SA
- NT
- Activation & Work for the Dole
- Employment
- Deputy Secretary
- Secretary of the Department of Education, Skills and Employment
Other portfolio bodies
- Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency
- Australian Building and Construction Commission
- Coal Mining Industry (Long Service Leave Funding) Corporation
- Comcare
- Fair Work Commission
- Fair Work Ombudsman
- Registered Organisations Commission
- Safe Work Australia
- Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission
- Seafarers Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Authority
- Workplace Gender Equality Agency
Environment portfolio
Other portfolio bodies
- Australian Alps National Parks
- Australian Antarctic Division
- Australian National Botanic Gardens
- Australian Renewable Energy Agency
- Bureau of Meteorology
- Clean Energy Finance Corporation
- Clean Energy Regulator
- Climate Change Authority
- Commonwealth Environmental Water Office
- Director of National Parks
- Energy Security Office
- Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
- National Wind Farm Commissioner
- Parks Australia
- Sydney Harbour Federation Trust
Finance portfolio
- Minister for Finance
- Special Minister of State
- Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Finance
Other portfolio bodies
- ASC Pty Ltd
- Australian Electoral Commission
- Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation
- Future Fund Management Agency
- Independent Parliamentary Expenses Authority
Foreign Affairs and Trade portfolio
- Minister for Foreign Affairs
- Minister for Trade and Investment
- Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Foreign Affairs
Other portfolio bodies
- Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)
- Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
- Australian Passport Office
- Australian Safeguards & NonProliferation Office
- Australian Trade Commission (Austrade)
- Australian Secret Intelligence Service
- Export Finance and Insurance Corporation
- Office of Development Effectiveness
- Office of Economic Analysis
- Office of Trade Negotiations
- Overseas Property Office & Services
- Tourism Australia
Health portfolio
- Minister for Health
- Minister for Sport
- Assistant Minister for Health
Other portfolio bodies
- Australian Aged Care Quality Agency
- Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care
- Australian Digital Health Agency
- Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
- Australian Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation Authority
- Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency
- Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority
- Australian Sports Commission
- Australian Sports Drug Medical Advisory Committee
- Australian Sports Foundation Ltd
- Cancer Australia
- Food Standards Australia New Zealand
- Independent Hospital Pricing Authority
- National Blood Authority
- National Cancer Screening Register
- National Health Funding Body
- National Health Funding Pool Administrator
- National Health Performance Authority
- National Health Practitioner Ombudsman and Privacy Commissioner
- National Health and Medical Research Council
- National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme
- National Mental Health Commission
- National Serology Reference Laboratory, Australia
- Office for Sport
- Office of Chemical Safety
- Office of Drug Control
- Office of the Gene Technology Regulator
- Office of Health Protection
- Office of Health Technology Assessment – Policy
- Office of the Chief Nurse
- Office of the Aged Care Complaints Commissioner
- Organ and Tissue Authority
- Professional Services Review
- Therapeutic Goods Administration
Immigration and Border Protection portfolio
- Minister for Immigration and Border Protection
- Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection
Other portfolio bodies
- Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority
- Visa and Citizenship Services
Industry portfolio
- Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science
- Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Industry
Other portfolio bodies
- Anti-Dumping Commission
- AusIndustry
- Australian Institute of Marine Science
- Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
- Australian SKA Office
- Australian Space Agency
- BizLab
- Centre for Defence Industry Capability
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Geoscience Australia
- IP Australia
- National Measurement Institute
- National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority
- Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility
- Office of Innovation and Science Australia
- Office of Northern Australia
- Office of the Chief Scientist
- Professional Standards Board for Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys
- Questacon - The National Science and Technology Centre
Infrastructure and Regional Development portfolio
- Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development
- Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development
- Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development
- Australian Transport Safety Bureau
- Office of Transport Security
- Bureau of Transport and Regional Economics (BTRE)
Other portfolio bodies
- Airservices Australia
- Australian Maritime Safety Authority
- Australian Rail Track Corporation Ltd
- Australian Transport Safety Bureau
- Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport & Regional Economics
- Civil Aviation Safety Authority
- Infrastructure Australia
- International Air Services Commission
- Major Infrastructure Projects Office
- National Capital Authority
- National Heavy Vehicle Regulator
- National Transport Commission
- Office of Transport Security
- Regional Development Australia Committees
Prime Minister and Cabinet portfolio
- Prime Minister
- Minister for Indigenous Affairs
- Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Public Service
- Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Women
- Two Parliamentary Secretaries to the Prime Minister
- Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
- Secretary of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
- Deputy Secretary
- Social Policy Group
- Social Policy
- Health
- Education
- Social Services and Immigration
- Office for Women
- PFAS Taskforce
- Social Policy
- Social Policy Group
- Deputy Secretary
- Economic Group
- Economic
- Taxation, Financial Sector & Employment
- Fiscal Policy
- Chief Adviser - Economic & Domestic Policy
- Commonwealth-State Relations
- Policy Innovation and Projects
- Project Office
- Project Office
- Data and Digital
- Behavioural Economics Team
- PC Data Availability and Use Inquiry
- Economic
- Economic Group
- Deputy Secretary
- Innovation & Transformation Group
- Industry, Infrastructure & Environment
- Industry, Innovation, Science & Communications
- Environment, Energy & Climate Change
- Infrastructure, Population, Agriculture & Regional Development
- Cities
- Design and Engagement
- Cities & Smart Technology
- Economic Policy and Analysis
- Implementation & Evaluation
- Infrastructure and Projects Financing Agency
- Industry, Infrastructure & Environment
- Innovation & Transformation Group
- Deputy Secretary
- Governance Group
- Cabinet
- Cabinet Secretariat
- Strategic Coordination and National Security
- Corporate Services
- People
- Business Services
- Information Services
- Financial Services
- Budgets and Reporting
- Financial Accounting
- Government
- Honours, Symbols and Legal Policy
- Parliamentary & Government
- PLO – House of Reps
- PLO – Senate
- Ministerial Support
- Communications
- Ministerial & Parliamentary Support
- Ceremonial & Hospitality
- Governance, Audit & Reporting
- Cabinet
- Governance Group
- Deputy Secretary
- National Security Group
- National Security
- Defence
- Civil Security Unit
- Information Sharing and Intelligence
- Information Sharing and Intelligence
- Intelligence Review Response and Implementation
- International
- North Asia, Europe, Pacific, Africa & Trade
- South, South-East Asia, Americas and the Middle East
- Home Affairs Taskforce
- ASEAN-Australia Taskforce
- Policy
- Operations
- National Security
- National Security Group
- Deputy Secretary
- Cyber Security Group
- Office of the Cyber Security Special Adviser
- Cyber Security Group
- Deputy Secretary
- Commonwealth Counter-Terrorism Coordinator
- Centre for Counter-Terrorism Coordination
- International and Strategic Policy
- Domestic Operations and Engagement
- Centre for Counter-Terrorism Coordination
- Commonwealth Counter-Terrorism Coordinator
- Deputy Secretary
- Associate Secretary
- Deputy Secretary
- Indigenous Affairs Group
- Programme and Integrity
- Performance, Compliance and Capability
- Grants Reform
- Grants Policy and Management
- Special Adviser - Reform
- Indigenous Employment and Recognition
- Legal Services
- Environment
- Constitutional Recognition
- Indigenous Employment Programmes
- Indigenous Employment Policy
- PM&C Regional Network
- Regional Manager Delivery Support
- Indigenous Engagement
- Eastern NSW
- Western NSW
- South QLD
- Far North QLD
- Gulf and North QLD
- South Australia
- Greater WA
- Kimberley
- Central Australia NT
- Top End and Tiwi Islands NT
- Arnhem Land and Groote Eylandt
- Victoria/Tasmania
- Education, Community Safety and Health
- Early Childhood & Youth
- Tertiary Education & Policy Coordination
- Schooling Policy & Delivery
- Health
- Community Safety
- Policy, Analysis and Evaluation
- Strategy Policy
- Empowered Communities Implementation Taskforce
- IAG Information & Evaluation
- Cross Government Policy
- Housing, Land and Culture
- Housing
- Land
- Culture
- Remote Strategies
- Special Advisor - Housing, Land and Culture
- Closing the Gap Taskforce
- Policy and Evidence
- Delivery and Engagement
- Community and Economic Development
- CDP Strategy
- CDP Operations
- Business and Economic Policy
- Special Adviser - Institutional Capability
- Business Transformation Office
- People Capability Branch
- Systems Capability
- Programme and Integrity
- Indigenous Affairs Group
- Deputy Secretary
- Secretary of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Cabinet committees
- Digital Transformation Committee
- Expenditure Review Committee
- Governance Committee
- Indigenous Policy Committee
- Innovation and Science Committee
- National Infrastructure Committee
- National Security Committee
- Parliamentary Business Committee
- Service Delivery and Coordination Committee
Special purpose bodies
- National COVID-19 Coordination Commission - advisory body for the national response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia
- National Cabinet - intergovernmental decision-making forum composed of the heads of the Commonwealth, state and territory governments of Australia established during the 2020 coronavirus pandemic
Other portfolio bodies
- Australian National Audit Office
- Australian Public Service Commission
- Defence Force Remuneration Tribunal
- Digital Transformation Agency
- Independent National Security Legislation Monitor
- National Australia Day Council
- Office of the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security
- Office of National Assessments
- Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman
- Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General
- Remuneration Tribunal
- Aboriginal Hostels Limited
- Aboriginal Land Commissioner
- Anindilyakwa Land Council
- Central Land Council
- Executive Director of Township Leasing
- Northern Land Council
- Indigenous Business Australia
- Indigenous Land Corporation
- Office of Indigenous Policy Coordination
- Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations
- Office of Township Leasing
- Outback Stores Pty Ltd
- Tiwi Land Council
- Torres Strait Regional Authority
- Wreck Bay Aboriginal Community Council
- National Indigenous Australians Agency
Social Services portfolio
The Social Services portfolio includes the Services Australia executive agency, which also administers programs and schemes on behalf of other government departments and portfolios.
- Assistant Minister for Social Services
- Minister for Families and Social Services
- Minister for Government Services
- Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Social Services
Other portfolio bodies
- Australia Hearing
- Australian Childhood Immunisation Register
- Australian Institute of Family Studies
- Australian Organ Donor Register
- National Disability Insurance Agency
- Program Office
- Policy Office
Treasury portfolio
- Treasurer
- Minister for Small Business
- Assistant Treasurer
- Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer
- Department of the Treasury
- Secretary to the Treasury
- Deputy Secretary
- Structural Reform Group
- Deputy Secretary
- Macroeconomic Group
- International Policy and Engagement Division
- Macroeconomic Conditions Division
- Macroeconomic Modelling and Policy Division
- Overseas Posts
- Beijing
- Jakarta
- London
- New Delhi
- Paris
- Tokyo
- Washington
- Overseas Operations*
- Jakarta
- Papua New Guinea
- Macroeconomic Group
- Deputy Secretary
- Fiscal Group
- Budget Policy Division
- Commonwealth-State Relations Division
- Retirement Income Policy Division
- Social Policy Division
- Fiscal Group
- Deputy Secretary
- Markets Group
- Australian Government Actuary
- Financial System Division
- Foreign Investment Division
- Small Business and Consumer Division
- Takeovers Panel
- Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman
- Markets Group
- Deputy Secretary
- Revenue Group
- Board of Taxation Secretariat
- Corporate and International Tax Division
- Law Design Office
- Individuals and Indirect Tax Division
- Tax Analysis Division
- Tax Framework Division
- Black Economy Taskforce
- Revenue Group
- Deputy Secretary
- Corporate Services and Business Strategy Group
- Chief Financial Officer Division
- Communications and Parliamentary Division
- Information Services Division
- People and Organisational Strategy Division
- Corporate Services and Business Strategy Group
- Sydney Office
- Melbourne Office
- Perth Office
- Deputy Secretary
- Secretary to the Treasury
Other portfolio bodies
- Australian Bureau of Statistics
- Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission
- Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
- Australian Competition Tribunal
- Australian Office of Financial Management
- Australian Prudential Regulation Authority
- Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation
- Australian Securities and Investments Commission
- Australian Statistics Advisory Council
- Australian Taxation Office
- Board of Taxation
- Commonwealth Grants Commission
- Financial Reporting Council
- Foreign Investment Review Board
- Inspector-General of Taxation
- National Competition Council
- Office of the Auditing and Assurance Standards Board
- Office of the Australian Accounting Standards Board
- Office of the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman
- Productivity Commission
- Reserve Bank of Australia
- Royal Australian Mint
- Superannuation Complaints Tribunal
- Tax Practitioners Board
See also
- "Infosheet 20 - The Australian system of government". About Parliament: House of Representatives. Parliament of Australia. Retrieved 15 July 2016.
- "Administrative Arrangements Order made on 5 December 2019 with effect from 1 February 2020". Australian Government. Archived from the original on 3 February 2020. Retrieved 14 February 2020.
- "Scott Morrison to sack top bureaucrats and dismantle departments in wide-ranging public sector overhaul". ABC News. 6 December 2019. Retrieved 14 February 2020.
- "Administrative Arrangements Order" (PDF). Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. Commonwealth of Australia. 18 September 2013. Archived from the original (PDF) on 14 October 2013. Retrieved 27 October 2013.
- "Administrative Arrangements Order" (PDF). Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. Commonwealth of Australia. 14 September 2010. Archived from the original (PDF) on 26 September 2013.
- "Australian Government Directory". Australian Government. Archived from the original on 25 May 2011. Retrieved 23 September 2010.
- Minute Paper for the Executive Council, Executive Council Meeting No. 21 (PDF), Federal Executive Council, 21 September 2015
- Administrative Arrangements Order – amendment made 19 July 2016, Australian Government, archived from the original on 30 August 2016
- Administrative Arrangements Order, Australian Government, retrieved 30 August 2016
- "Amendments to the Administrative Arrangements Order" (PDF). Australian Government. Archived (PDF) from the original on 4 February 2018. Retrieved 14 February 2020.
- "Administrative Arrangements Order Summary of changes - 29 May 2019" (PDF). Australian Government. Archived (PDF) from the original on 29 May 2019. Retrieved 14 February 2020.