List of ancient Egyptian sites
This is a list of ancient Egyptian sites, throughout all of Egypt and Nubia. Sites are listed by their classical name whenever possible, if not by their modern name, and lastly with their ancient name if no other is available.

The nomes of Ancient Egypt, in lower Egypt

The nomes of Ancient Egypt, in upper Egypt
A nome is a subnational administrative division of Ancient Egypt.
Upper Egypt
- Nome 1: Land of the arch or To Khentit: the frontier (Ta-Seti)
- Nome 2: Throne of Horus
- Nome 3: The rural (Shrine)
- Nome 4: The sceptre
- Nome 5: The two falcons
- Nome 6: The crocodile
- Nome 7: Sistrum
- Nome 8: Great lands
- Nome 9: Minu (Min)
- Nome 10: Cobra
- Nome 11: The Set animal (Seth)
- Nome 12: Viper mountain
- Nome 13: Upper pomegranate tree (Upper Sycamore and Viper)
- Nome 14: Lower pomegranate tree (Lower Sycamore and Viper)
- Nome 15: Hare
- Nome 16: Oryx
- Nome 17: The black dog (Jackal)
- Nome 18: Falcon with spread wings (Nemty)
- Nome 19: The pure sceptre (Two Sceptres)
- Nome 20: Upper laurel (Southern Sycamore)
- Nome 21: Lower laurel (Northern Sycamore)
- Nome 22: Knife
Lower Egypt (The Nile Delta)
- Alexandria
- Athribis (Modern: "Tell Atrib", Ancient: "Hut-Heryib" or "Hut-Tahery-Ibt")
- Avaris (Modern: "Tell el-Dab'a", Ancient: "Pi-Ri'amsese")
- Behbeit el-Hagar
- Bilbeis
- Bubastis (Modern: "Tell Basta", Ancient: "Bast")
- Busiris (Modern: "Abu Sir Bana")
- Buto (Modern: "Tell el-Fara'in", Ancient: "Pe")
- Cairo (or near Cairo)
- Abu Rawash
- Giza Necropolis (Giza Plateau)
- Khufu's Pyramid (Great Pyramid)
- Khafre's Pyramid
- Menkaure's Pyramid
- Great Sphinx of Giza
- Heliopolis (Modern: "Tell Hisn", Ancient: "Iunu")
- Letopolis (Modern: "Ausim", Ancient: "Khem")
- Hermopolis Parva (Modern: "El-Baqliya" Ancient: "Ba'h")
- Iseum (Modern: "Behbeit el-Hagar", Ancient: "Hebyt")
- Kom el-Hisn (Ancient: "Imu" or "Yamu")
- Kom-el-Gir
- Leontopolis (Yahudiya) (Modern: "Tell el-Yahudiya", Ancient: "Nay-Ta-Hut")
- Leontopolis (Modern: "Tell el-Muqdam")
- Naukratis (Modern: "el-Gi'eif", "el-Niqrash","el-Nibeira")
- Memphite Necropolis (Memphis)
- Abu Ghurab
- Abusir (Busiris)
- Pyramid of Neferefre
- Pyramid of Neferirkare
- Pyramid of Nyuserre
- Pyramid of Sahure
- Sun temple of Nyuserre
- Sun temple of Userkaf
- Dahshur
- Helwan
- Mit Rahina
- Saqqara
- Zawyet el'Aryan
- Mendes (Modern: "Tell el-Rub'a", Ancient: "'Anpet")
- Tell Tebilla
- Qantir / El-Khata'na
- Sais (Modern: "Sa el-Hagar", Ancient: "Zau")
- Saft el-Hinna (Ancient: "Per-Sopdu")
- Sebennytos (Modern: "Samannud", Ancient: "Tjebnutjer")
- Shagamba
- Suwa
- Taposiris Magna (Modern: "Abusir")
- Tanis (Modern: "San el-Hagar", Ancient: "Djan'net")
- Tell el-Maskhuta (Ancient: "Tjeku")
- Tell el-Rataba
- Tell el-Sahaba
- Tell Nabasha
- Tell Qua'
- Terenuthis (Modern: "Kom Abu Billo")
- Thmuis (Modern: "Tell el-Timai")
- Tura
- Xois (Modern: "Sakha")
Middle Egypt
The area from about Faiyum to Asyut is usually referred to as Middle Egypt.
- Akoris (Modern: "Tihna el-Gebel")
- Amarna (Ancient: "Akhetaten")
- Ankyronpolis (Modern: "el-Hiba", Ancient: "Teudjoi")
- Antinoöpolis (Modern: "el-Sheikh 'Ibada")
- Deir el-Bersha
- Deir el-Gabrawi
- Dishasha
- Dja (Modern: "Medinet Madi" Ancient: "Narmouthis")
- El-Sheikh Sa'id
- Faiyum
- Crocodilopolis (Roman period: "Arsinoe", Ancient: "Shedet")
- el-Lahun
- Hawara
- Herakleopolis Magna (Modern: "Ihnasiyyah al-Madinah", Ancient: "Henen-Nesut")
- Kom Medinet Ghurab
- Lisht
- Meidum
- Sidment el-Gebel
- Soknopaiou Nesos
- Tarkhan
- Hermopolis Magna (Modern: "El Ashmunein", Ancient: "Khmun")
- Hebenu (Modern: "Kom el-Ahmar")
- Beni Hasan
- Speos Artemidos (Modern: "Istabl 'Antar")
- Zawyet el-Maiyitin
- Herwer
- Lykopolis (Modern: "Asyut", Ancient: "Zawty")
- Meir
- Oxyrhynchus (Modern: "el-Bahnasa", Ancient: "Per-Medjed")
- Sharuna
- Tuna el-Gebel
Upper Egypt
Northern Upper Egypt
- Abydos (Ancient: "Abedju")
- Apollinopolis Parva (Modern: "Qus", Ancient: "Gesa" or "Gesy")
- Antaeopolis (Modern: "Qaw el-Kebir", Ancient: "Tjebu" or "Djew-Qa")
- Ar Raqāqinah (Known as "Reqaqnah")
- Athribis (Modern: "Wannina", Ancient: "Hut-Repyt")
- Beit Khallaf
- Diospolis Parva (Modern: "Hiw", Ancient: "Hut-Sekhem")
- el-Hawawish
- el-Salamuni
- Khemmis or Panopolis (Modern: "Akhmin", Ancient: "Ipu" or "Khent-Min")
- Gebel el-Haridi
- Khenoboskion (Modern: "el-Qasr", "el-Saiyad")
- Koptos (Modern: "Qift", Ancient: "Gebtu")
- Naga ed-Der
- Nag' el-Madamud (Ancient: "Mabu")
- Ombos (Naqada) (Modern: "Naqada", Ancient: "Nubt")
- Shanhûr
Southern Upper Egypt
- Aphroditopolis (Modern: "Gebelein", Ancient: "Per-Hathor")
- Apollinopolis Magna (Modern: "Edfu", Ancient: "Djeba, Mesen")
- Aswan
- el-Mo'alla (Ancient: "Hefat")
- Eileithyiaspolis (Modern: "el-Kab", Ancient: "Nekheb")
- Gebel el-Silsila (Ancient: "Kheny")
- Hermonthis (Modern: "Armant", Ancient: "Iuny")
- Hierakonpolis (Modern: "Kom el-Ahmar", Ancient: "Nekhen")
- Kom Ombo
- Latopolis (Modern: "Esna", Ancient: "Iunyt, Senet, Tasenet")
- Tuphium (Modern: "Tod", Ancient: "Djerty")
Lower Nubia

Map of Nubia
- Amada
- Abu Simbel
- Contra Pselchis (Modern: "Quban", Ancient: "Baki")
- Debod
- el-Lessiya
- Mi'am (Modern: "'Aniba")
- Primis (Modern: "Qasr Ibrim")
- Pselchis (Modern: "el-Dakka", Ancient: "Pselqet")
- Talmis (Modern: "Kalabsha")
- Qasr Ibrim
- Wadi es-Sebua
- Taphis (Modern: "Tafa")
- Tutzis (Modern: "Dendur")
- Tzitzis (Modern: "Qertassi")
Upper Nubia
- 'Amara East
- 'Amara West[1]
- Abahuda (Abu Oda)
- Aksha (Serra West)
- Askut Island
- Buhen
- Dabenarti
- Dibeira
- Dorginarti Island
- Faras
- Gebel el-Shams
- Gebel Barkal
- Kor
- Kumma
- Meinarti Island
- Qustul
- Semna
- Semna South
- Serra East
- Shalfak
- Uroarti Island
Oases and Mediterranean coast
- Siwa Oasis
- Aghurmi
- el-Zeitun
- Gebel el-Mawta
- Qaret el-Musabberin
- Umm el-'Ebeida
- Bahariya Oasis
- el-Qasr
- el-Bawiti
- el-Hayz
- Farafra Oasis
- 'Ain el-Wadi
- el-Qasr
- el-Dakhla Oasis
- Amheida
- Balat
- Deir el-Hager
- el-Qasr
- Kellis (Modern: "Ismant el-Kharab")
- Mut el-Kharab
- Qaret el-Muzawwaqa
- el-Kharga Oasis
- Mediterranean Coast
- Aqaba
- Arsinoe
- Eilat (Elath)
- Kuntillet Ajrud
- Pelusium (Sin)
- Rud el-'Air
- Serabit el-Khadim
- Tell Kedwa
- Wadi Maghareh
Eastern Desert
Notes and references
- Atlas of Ancient Egypt, John Baines & Jaromir Malek, America University of Cairo Press, 2002
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