List of arcade video games: A

This is a list of arcade video games organized alphabetically by name. It does not include PC or console games unless they were also released in video arcades. See Lists of video games for related lists.

Title Alternate Title(s) Year Manufacturer Genre(s) Max. Players PCB Model
A Jax Typhoon 1987 Konami Scrolling shooter 2
A Question of Sport 1992 Bell-Fruit Manufacturing Quiz 1
A.B. Cop 1990 Aicom
Sports 1
A.D. 2083 1983 Midcoin Multidirectional shooter 2
A.P.B. 1987 Atari Games Driving 1
Ab$cam Abscam 1981 US Billiards Maze 2
Ace 1976 Allied Leisure Multidirectional shooter 2
Ace Attacker 1988 Sega Sports 2
Ace Driver 1994 Namco Sports 2
Ace Driver: Victory Lap 1996 Namco Sports 2
Acrobat 1978 Taito Skill 2
Acrobat Mission 1991 Taito
Scrolling shooter 2
Acrobatic Dog-Fight Dog Fight JP 1984 Technōs Japan Scrolling shooter 2
Act-Fancer: Cybernetick Hyper Weapon 1989 Data East Platformer 2
Action Fighter 1986 Sega Scrolling shooter 2
Action Hollywood 1995 TCH Maze 2
Action Pac 1996 Kigyo Corporation Maze game 2
Aero Fighters series:

Sonic Wings JP
Sonic Wings 2 JP
Sonic Wings 3 JP


Video System Scrolling shooter 2
Aeroboto Formation Z JP 1984 Jaleco Scrolling shooter 2
After Burner 1987 Sega Rail shooter 1
After Burner II 1987 Sega Rail shooter 1
After Burner Climax 2006 Sega Rail shooter 1
Aggressors of Dark Kombat Tsuukai GANGAN Koushinkyoku JP 1994 SNK
Fighting 2
Agress: Missile Daisenryaku 1991 Palco Strategy 2
Ah Eikou No Koshien 1991 Taito Sports 2
Air Assault Fire Barrel JP 1993 Irem Scrolling shooter 2
Air Attack 1996 Comad Scrolling shooter 2
Air Buster Aero Blasters 1990 Kaneko Scrolling shooter 2
Air Combat 1992 Namco Flight combat 1
Air Combat 22 1995 Namco Flight combat 1
Air Duel 1990 Irem Scrolling shooter 2
Air Gallet 1996 Banpresto Scrolling shooter 2
Air Inferno 1990 Taito Flight combat 1
Air Raid Cross Shooter 1987 Seibu Kaihatsu Vertical shooter 2
Air Rescue 1991 Sega Flight combat 2
Air Strike 2002 Tsunami Visual Technologies Flight combat 1
Air Trix 2001 Sega Skateboarding 1
Airline Pilots 1999 Sega Piloting 1
Airwolf 1987 Kyugo Flight combat 2 Kyugo
Albegas 1985 Sega Shooter 2
Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars 1986 Sega Platformer 2
Ali Baba and 40 Thieves 1982 Sega Maze 2
Alien³: The Gun 1993 Sega Shooting 2
Alien Arena 1985 Duncan Brown software Multi-directional shooter 2
Alien Attackers 1980 Tele Tronic Shooter 2
Alien Storm 1990 Sega Shooter 2
Alien Syndrome 1986 Sega Maze / Shooter Large 2
Alien vs. Predator 1994 Capcom Beat 'em up 3 CPS2
Aliens 1990 Konami Platformer / Shooter Scrolling 2
All American Football 1989 Leland Sports 4
Alley Master 1986 Cinematronics Sports
Alley Rally 1976 Exidy Racing 2
Alligator Hunt 1994 Gaelco Cabal 2
Alpha Mission ASO JP 1985 SNK Scrolling shooter 1
Alpha Mission II ASO II: Last Guardian JP 1991 SNK Scrolling shooter 2
Alpine Racer 1995 Namco Racing 1
Alpine Racer 2 1996 Namco Racing 1
Alpine Racer 3 2002 Namco Racing 1
Alpine Ski 1981 Taito Sports 2
Alpine Surfer 1996 Namco Sports 1
Altered Beast 1988 Sega Beat 'em up 2
Amatelass Soldier Girl Amazon 1986 Nichibutsu Scrolling shooter 2
The Amazing Adventures of Mr. F. Lea 1982 Pacific Novelty Platform game 2
The Amazing Maze Game 1976 Bally Midway Maze
Ambush 1973 WMS Industries Shooting gallery 2
American Horseshoes 1990 Taito Sports
American Poker II 1990 AGI Poker 1
American Speedway 1987 Enerdyne Racing 2
AmeriDarts 1989 Ameri Sports 2
Amidar 1981 Konami /
Stern (license)
Maze 2
Andro Dunos 1992 SNK Scrolling shooter 2
Angel Eyes 1996 Tecmo Fighting 2
Angel Kids 1988 Sega Shooter
Angler Dangler 1982 Data East Sports 2
Anime Champ 2000 Konami Party games
Anteater 1982 Tago Electronics Maze
Anti-Aircraft 1975 Atari Shooter 2
Apache 3 1988 Tatsumi
Ape Escape: Pumped & Primed 2004 Namco
Apparel Night 1986 Central Denshi
Aqua Jack 1990 Taito
Aqua Jet 1996 Namco
Aqua Rush 1999 Namco Puzzle 2
Aquarium 1996 Excellent System Puzzle 2
Arabian 1983 Sun Electronics Platform game 2
Arabian Fight 1991 Sega Beat 'em up 4
Arabian Magic 1992 Taito Hack and Slash 4
Arbalester 1989 SETA, Taito Scrolling shooter 2
Arcana Heart 2006
Arch Rivals 1989 Bally Midway Sports
Arctic Thunder 2001 Midway Games
Area 51 1995 Atari Games Shooting gallery 2
Area 51 / Maximum Force Duo 1998 Atari Games Shooting gallery 2
Area 51: Site 4 1998 Atari Games Shooting gallery 2
Argus 1986 NMK
Ark Area 1988 UPL 2
Arkanoid 1986 Taito Breakout 2
Arkanoid Returns 1997 Taito Breakout 2
Arkanoid: Revenge of Doh 1987 Taito Breakout 2
Arlington Horse Racing 1990 Strata
Incredible Technologies
Arm Champs 1988 Jaleco
Arm Champs II 1992 Jaleco
Arm Wrestling 1985 Nintendo Sports 1
Armadillo Racing 1997 Namco Racing 4
Armed Police Batrider 1998 8ing/Raizing Scrolling shooter 2
Armor Attack 1980 Cinematronics Shooter game 2
Armored Car 1981 Stern Electronics Maze 2
Armored Warriors Powered Gear - Strategic Variant Armor Equipment JP 1994 Capcom Beat 'em up 3 CPS2
Art of Fighting Trilogy
  • Art of Fighting
  • Art of Fighting 2
  • Art of Fighting 3: The Path of the Warrior
Ryuuko no KenJP
Ryuuko no Ken 2 JP
Ryuuko no Ken Gaiden JP
SNK Fighting 2
Ashita no Joe Densetsu Legend of Success JoeTransl. 1991 Wave Corp. Boxing
Ashura Blaster 1990 Taito
Assault 1988 Namco Multi-directional shooter 1
Assault Plus 1988 Namco Multi-directional shooter 1
Asterix 1992 Konami Beat 'em up
Asteroids 1979 Atari Multi-directional shooter 2
Asteroids Deluxe 1980 Atari Multi-directional shooter 2
Astra Superstars 1998 Sunsoft
Astro Blaster 1981 Sega Scrolling shooter 2
Astro Chase 1982 First Star Software / Exidy (license) Shooter 4
Astro Fantasia 1981 Data East Scrolling shooter 2
Astro Fighter 1979 Data East Scrolling shooter 2
Astro Invader 1980 Stern Electronics Shooter 2
Astro Race 1973 Taito
Astrohockey 1974 Brunswick Corp.
Astron Belt 1983 Sega Shooter 1
The Astyanax 1989 Jaleco Platformer
Asuka & Asuka 1988 Taito Scrolling shooter 2
Asura Blade: Sword of Dynasty 1998 Fuuki
Asura Buster: Eternal Warriors 2000 Fuuki
Asylum 1991 Leland Shooter game 3
Atari Baseball 1979 Atari Sports 4
Atari Football 1978 Atari Sports 4
Atari Soccer 1979 Atari Sports 4
Ataxx 1991 Leland Strategy / Puzzle 2
Athena 1986 SNK Platformer 2
Athena No Hatena? 1993 Athena Quiz 2
Atomic Boy 1985 Irem
Atomic Castle 1984 Laserdisc Computer Systems
Atomic Point 1990 Philko
Atomic Punk 1991 Irem
Atomic Robo-Kid 1986 UPL Shooter 1
Attack 1976 Taito
Attack of the Zolgear 1994 Namco First person shooter
ATV Track:Quads on Amazon 2002 Gaelco Racing
Aurail 1990 Sega 2
Avalanche 1978 Atari Action 2
Avengers Avenger 1987 Capcom Action 2
Avengers in Galactic Storm 1995 Data East Fighting 2
Avenging Spirit Phantasm JP 1991 Jaleco Platform game 2
Aztarac 1983 Centuri Multi-directional shooter 2
Azurian Attack 1982 Rait Electronics Multidirectional shooter 2


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