List of coronae on Venus

This is a list of named coronae on Venus. With a few exceptions, cytherean coronae are named after fertility and earth goddesses.

List of coronae on Venus

Name Latitude Longitude Diameter (km) Named after
Abundia Corona18.5125250Norse goddess of giving.
Achall Corona−31.2259.6265Celtic earth and nature goddess.
Acrea Corona24.2243.7200Greek resplendent mother goddess.
Aeracura Corona−19238.5250Celtic earth goddess.
Agraulos Corona−27.7165.8170Greek fertility goddess.
Ak-Ene Corona9.4254.7150Altay Great Mother, "White Mother."
Allatu Corona15.5114125Akkadian earth goddess.
Ama Corona−45.7278.2300Jukun (Central Nigeria) goddess of childbirth, personification of earth.
Ambar-ona Corona−7082.5550Uzbek women's and fertility goddess.
Ament Corona−67.2217.9115Egyptian earth goddess.
Among Corona−13.4213.5210Karen(Burma/Myanmar) mythological first woman.
Anahit Corona77.1277.3324Armenian goddess of fertility.
Annapurna Corona−35.5152300Indian goddess of wealth.
Aramaiti Corona−26.382350Persian fertility goddess.
Artemis Corona−351352,600Greek moon and hunting goddess.
Aruru Corona9262450Sumerian earth goddess.
Ashnan Corona50.2357300Sumerian harvest goddess.
Asintmah Corona25.9208150Athabaskan (W. Canada Subarctic) Earth and nature goddess; the first woman on Earth.
Asomama Corona23.321.6180Quechua potato goddess.
Aspasia Corona56.1189.1200Name changed from Aspasia Patera.
Atahensik Corona−19170700Huron/Iroquois goddess, creator of the sun and moon.
Atargatis Corona−88.6360Hittite fertility goddess.
Atete Corona−16243.5600Oromo (Ethiopia) fertility goddess.
Atse Estsan Corona8.592150Navajo fertility goddess.
Attabeira Corona−1.5211.5240Taino (Puerto Rico) fertility goddess.
Audhumla Corona45.512225Norse primordial nourisher.
Azham Corona66.4252.7380Karachay/Balkar goddess
Bachue Corona73.3261.4463Chibcha (Colombia) goddess of fertility.
Ba'het Corona48.40.1145Ba'het an Egyptian who defeated Portuguese. Formerly Ba'het Patera.
Banba Corona−47.2209.2110Irish earth goddess.
Bau Corona52.8259.3355Sumerian fertility goddess.
Beiwe Corona52.6306.5600Saami (Lapp) fertility goddess.
Belet-Ili Corona620300Mesopotamian nature/fertility goddess.
Benten Corona16340310Japanese love/fertility goddess.
Benzozia Corona27.5204.5185Basque mother goddess.
Beruth Corona−19233.5350Phoenician earth goddess.
Beyla Corona26.515.5400Norse earth goddess.
Bhumidevi Corona−17.2343.6150Hindu earth goddess.
Bhumiya Corona15118100Hindu earth goddess.
Bibi-Patma Corona−47302450Turkman goddess of women.
Bil Corona3168225Norse-Viking Earth and nature goddess.
Blai Corona−0.4134.5125Celtic fertility goddess.
Blathnat Corona35293.8300Celtic fertility goddess.
Blid Corona−0.5231.3175Scandinavian goddess of Earth, nature, and happiness.
Boala Corona−70359220Mongo-Nkundo (Bantu group, Zaire) the first woman, ancestor of people.
Boann Corona27136.5300Irish fertility goddess.
Bona Corona−24157.5275Roman virgin/fertility goddess.
Branwen Corona2735320British goddess of love.
Cailleach Corona−4888.3125Scottish Celtic fertility goddess.
Calakomana Corona6.543.5575Pueblo Indian corn goddess.
Carpo Corona−37.53215Greek fertility goddess.
Cassatt Corona65.6207.6152Mary Cassatt; American Impressionist painter (1844–1926). Formerly Cassatt Patera.
Cauteovan Corona31.5142.9553Kataba (Colombia) fertility goddess.
Cavell Corona38.318.8100Edith Cavell; British nurse, heroine (1865–1915). (Formerly Cavell Patera.)
Ceres Corona−16151.5675Roman harvest goddess.
Cerridwen Corona49.6201.8217Celtic nature goddess.
Changko Corona10.96.2200Kachin (Burma/Myanmar) mother of all humans.
Chantico Corona−1.7215200Aztec hearth goddess.
Chanume Corona−29.2245.5330Kachin (Tibetan people of Burma/Myanmar) creator goddess.
Chiun Corona18.3340.5150Hebrew fertility goddess.
Chuku Corona−23.5265.5380Igbo (Nigeria) creator goddess.
Clonia Corona16167.4100Greek Earth and nature goddess.
Coatlicue Corona63.2273199Aztec earth goddess.
Codidon Corona−4656250Arauakan (Colombia) great mother goddess.
Colijnsplaat Corona−32151350Teutonic fertility goddess.
Copia Corona−42.575.5500Roman goddess of plenty.
Cybele Corona−7.520.7500Phrygian fertility goddess.
Damona Corona48.928140Gaulish fertility goddess, "Great Cow".
Demeter Corona53.9294.8560Greek goddess of fertility.
Demvamvit Corona−65.538370Gurage (SW Ethiopia) women's goddess.
Deohako Corona−67.5118300Seneca Iroquois spirit of crops.
Derceto Corona−46.820.2200Phillistine fertility goddess.
Dhisana Corona14.5111.7100Vedic goddess of plenty.
Dhorani Corona−8243200Thai earth and love goddess.
Didilia Corona1938320E. Slavic childbirth goddess.
Dilga Corona−18.7250.4220Karadjeri (NW Australia) Earth goddess.
Disani Corona2.757.5300Nuristan (NE Afghanistan) fertility goddess.
Dunne-Musun Corona−6085630Evenk (Tungu) earth and taiga mistress.
Dyamenyuo Corona−57.542.5200Enets (Samoyed) women's and childbirth deity.
Dzuzdi Corona35.220.680W. Komi-Permyakan (Ural Finn) mythological ancestor of Zyuzdino tribes, Upper Kama River area.
Earhart Corona70.1136.2414Amelia Earhart; American aviator (1897–1937).
Edda Corona47.225.450Scandinavian goddess, "great grandmother", first woman to produce offspring.
Eigin Corona−5175200Celtic fertility goddess.
Eingana Corona5350375Australian aboriginal snake goddess, maker of all beings.
Eithinoha Corona−577.5500Iroquois earth goddess.
Ekhe-Burkhan Corona−5040600Buryatian creator goddess.
Elihino Corona-3747.1175Cherokee Earth goddess
Emblae Corona28.9205.4132Scandinavian Earth goddess, creator of life.
Emegeljie Corona−21.5213.5225Mongolian childcare goddess.
Emegen Corona37.5290.5180Tuva (S. Siberia) childcare goddess.
Enekeler Corona−46264350Altay childbirth goddess.
Epona Corona−28208.5225Celtic horse/fertility goddess.
Ereshkigal Corona2184.5320Mesopotamian nature/fertility goddess.
Erigone Corona−34.5284325Greek harvest goddess.
Erkir Corona−16.3233.7275Armenian earth goddess.
Eurynome Corona26.594.5200Greek mother earth goddess.
Eve Corona−32359.8330Hebrew first name; name changed from Eve (crater).
Fakahotu Corona59.1106.4290Tuamotu earth mother.
Fatua Corona−16.317.7400Roman goddess of fertility.
Fefafa Corona−24.8210.8100Polynesian goddess of Earth, nature, and the life/death cycle.
Feronia Corona68281.7360Ancient Italian goddess of spring and flowers.
Flidais Corona−24.5177.3150Irish fertility goddess.
Fotla Corona−58.5163.5150Celtic fertility goddess.
Furachoga Corona−38258550Chibcha/Muiska earth goddess.
Gaia Corona621.5400Greek earth/fertility goddess.
Gashan-Ki Corona11.7243.7225Babylonian "Lady of the Earth."
Gefjun Corona−33.598.5300Norse fertility goddess.
Gertjon Corona−30276250Teutonic goddess of fertility.
Habonde Corona381.8125Danish goddess of abundance.
Hannahannas Corona0170.5200Hittite (Asia Minor) mother and insect goddess.
Haumea Corona5421.8375Polynesian fertility goddess.
Heng-O Corona23551,060Named for Chinese moon goddess.
Hepat Corona−2145.5150Hittite mother goddess.
Heqet Corona7169.5250Heqet,Egyptian fertility goddess.
Hervor Corona−25.5269250Norse fertility goddess.
Hlineu Corona−38.7241150Chin/Kieng (Burma/Myanmar, Bangladesh) ancestor goddess.
Holde Corona53.5155.8200German fertility goddess.
Holla Corona−13237.7180German Earth, nature, and household affairs goddess.
Hulda Corona12308.3230German goddess of fruitfulness and marriage.
H'uraru Corona968150Pawnee earth mother.
Iang-Mdiye Corona−4786300Ede (Vietnam) goddess of rice.
Idem-Kuva Corona25358230Finno-Ugraic harvest spirit.
Ilmatar Corona34.325110Finnish sky goddess, creator of the world.
Ilyana Corona−69.565300Moldavian main female deity.
Inacho Corona−20.5212.2125Micronesian Earth and nature goddess.
Inanna Corona−3735.9350Semitic fertility goddess.
Inari Corona−18120.3300Japanese rice goddess.
Indrani Corona−37.570.5200Hindu fertility goddess.
Isong Corona1249.2540Ibibio (Nigeria) fertility goddess.
Ituana Corona19.5153.5220Amazon River goddess, "Mother Scorpion", afterworld ruler.
Iweridd Corona−21310500Brythonic (English Celtic) earth goddess.
Ixcuina Corona−47.5207.5150Aztec earth and fertility goddess.
Iyatik Corona−16.5347.5200Iyatik, Keresan Pueblo (New Mexico) corn mother.
Jarina Corona13165250Brazilian Earth, tree, and happiness goddess.
Javine Corona−5.5251.2450Lithuanian harvest goddess.
Jord Corona−58.5349.5130Jord, Norse earth goddess.
Juksakka Corona−19.544.5320Juksakka,Lapp goddess of birth.
Junkgowa Corona37257280Yolngu (Australia) fertility goddess.
Kaltash Corona0.575450Mansi (Ob River Ugra) mother goddess.
Kamadhenu Corona21136.5400Hindu goddess of plenty.
Kamui-Huci Corona−63.5322.5300Ainu (Japan) earth goddess.
Kapenopfu Corona−21.7271200Angami-Naga (Burma/Myanmar) creator goddess.
Katieleo Corona−12.5327.5210Senufo (Burkina Faso) creator goddess.
Kayanu-Hime Corona33.557150Shinto grain goddess.
Khabuchi Corona−11173285Avarian/Andalalan (Daghestan) childbirth deity.
Khotun Corona−46.581.5200Yakut goddess of plenty.
Ki Corona43.2227.8300Sumerian earth goddess.
Kolias Corona−16.5207.9200Greek Earth, nature, and foothills goddess.
Kostromae Corona40.67.6230E. Slavic female deity of spring and fertility.
Krumine Corona−5261.5300Lithuanian food goddess.
Kuan-Yin Corona−4.310310Chinese fertility goddess.
Kubebe Corona15.5132.5125Hittite mother earth goddess.
Kulimina Corona−27.8261.9170Arawakan (Brazil, Venezuela) creator goddess who created women.
Kumang Corona2511.840Mother goddess of Ibans, the Sea Dayaks of Borneo/Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Kunhild Corona19.380.1200German fertility maiden.
Lalohonua Corona−24250.5460The first woman in Hawaiian mythology.
Latmikaik Corona−64123500Palau (Micronesia) fertility and childbirth goddess.
Latta Corona−38.6287225Chechen/Ingush (N. Caucasus, Russia) earth goddess.
Lengdin Corona2.5223525Chinese Earth goddess.
Libera Corona12.524350Roman fertility goddess.
Lilwani Corona−29.5271.5500Hittite earth goddess.
Ludjatako Corona−12.5250.5300Creek (SE USA) Giant turtle deity. Name changed from Ludjatako Mons.
Lumimuut Corona−11.5234.5230Minahas (N. Sulavesi, Indonesia) ancestor goddess.
Ma Corona−22.557420Fertility goddess from Asia Minor.
Maa-Ema Corona40.8102.5300Estonian harvest goddess.
Madalait Corona37.6206.4150Australian creator goddess; "Creator of life".
Madderakka Corona9315.5220Lapp goddess of birth.
Makh Corona−48.785200Assyro-Babylonian goddess of fecundity.
Mama-Allpa Corona−2731300Peruvian harvest goddess.
Maram Corona−7.5221.5600Oromo (Ethiopia) fertility goddess.
Mari Corona54151200Cretan goddess of plenty.
Marzyana Corona−5367.5550West Slavic grain and fertility goddess.
Masateotl Corona−53244180Aztec goddess of love and fertility.
Maslenitsa Corona77202.50Slavonic personification of fertility.
Mawu Corona31.7241.3295Fon (Benin) goddess of fertility.
Maya Corona2398225Hindu mother earth goddess.
Mayauel Corona−27.5154200Mexican goddess of plenty.
May-Enensi Corona−42.568330Teleutan (S. Altay) fertility goddess.
Mesca Corona27342.6190Irish fertility goddess.
Metra Corona2697.7101Persian fertility/moon goddess.
Minona Corona23.5218.5130Benin (W. Africa) goddess who grants fertility to both women and the land.
Miralaidji Corona−14163.8300Aborigine fertility goddess.
Mirizir Corona−66.418570Kassitan (Babylonia) earth and fertility goddess.
Miti Corona−3.5259.8180Koryak and Itelmen (Kamchatka) the Raven's (world creator) wife.
Modron Corona32.823.150Welsh divine mother goddess.
Momue Corona−21220.3260Darghinan (Daghestan) childbirth deity.
Moombi Corona−64.5235.5100Gikuyu (Kenya), the first woman, ancestor of nine tribes.
Mou-nyamy Corona−49.559200Nganasan (Samoyed) lifebringing goddess.
Mukylchin Corona−12.546525Udmurt (Urals Finn, Russia) fertility goddess.
Muzamuza Corona65.6205.4163Indian earth goddess.
Mykh-Imi Corona−7399150Khanty (Ob River Ugra) earth goddess.
Nabuzana Corona−8.547525Ganda (Uganda) crop goddess.
Nagavonyi Corona−18.5259190Ganda (Uganda) crop goddess.
Nalwanga Corona48.7247380Ganda (Uganda) goddess of childbirth.
Nana-Bulukue Corona39.414230Dahomean world creator deity, both male and female.
Nanen Corona69.9198.550Brazilian Earth and nature goddess.
Nang Pao Corona−47204.5160Nang Pao, A South Laotian mythical ruler who called for rain, bringing fertility to the rice fields.
Naotsete Corona−58.3249.5200Keresan Pueblo ancestor goddess, mother of all foreign (non-Keresan) people.
Navolga Corona−48.6296.5170Ganda (Uganda) goddess of childbirth.
Ndoi Corona−20.3230.3225Mende (Sierra Leone) Earth and nature goddess.
Nefertiti Corona35.948.2371Nefertiti Famously beautiful Egyptian queen (c. 1390-c. 1354 B.C.).
Nehalennia Corona1410345Teutonic fertility goddess.
Nei-Teukez Corona14.2258.890Micronesian (Gilbert Islands, Kiribati) mother of gods.
Nepret Corona52.76.8303Egyptian grain goddess.
Neyterkob Corona49.7204.7211Maasai earth/fertility goddess.
Nightingale Corona63.6129.5471Florence Nightingale; English nurse (1820–1910).
Nimba Corona32.8204.588Guinea (West Africa) Earth and mother goddess.
Ninhursag Corona−3823.5125Babylonian earth goddess.
Ninkarraka Corona65.3221150Babylonian goddess of childbirth.
Ninmah Corona16.549700Sumer-Akkadian mother goddess.
Nintu Corona19.2123.575Akkadian earth goddess.
Nirmali Corona−6.3172.360Nuristan (NE Afghanistan) childbirth goddess.
Nishtigri Corona−24.572275Hindu earth mother.
Nissaba Corona25.5355.5300Mesopotamian wisdom/fertility goddess.
Nott Corona−32.3202150Scandinavian earth goddess.
Nungui Corona−42.5245.2150Hibaro (Peru/Ecuador) fertility goddess.
Nzambi Corona−45287.5225Congo (Bantu) ancestor goddess, mother of all beings.
Nzingha Corona68.7205.7140Nzingha queen, head of Amazon band (1582-1663). Name changed from Nzingha Patera.
Oanuavae Corona−32.5255.5375Gaulish Celtic earth goddess.
Obasi-Nsi Corona−53.5291230Ekoi (S. Nigeria) earth/fertility goddess.
Obiemi Corona−31.9276.6300Bini (Nigeria) childbirth goddess.
Obilukha Corona−81.519220E. Slavic crop protection deity.
Oduduwa Corona−11211.5150Yoruba (Nigeria) fertility goddess.
Ohogetsu Corona−2785.7175Japanese food goddess.
Okhin-Tengri Corona−70.540400Kalmykan fertility goddess.
Olwen Corona37.567.5175Brythonic goddess of spring growth.
Omeciuatl Corona16.5119175Aztec generative power.
Omosi-Mama Corona64.5306480Manchoo childbirth goddess.
Onatah Corona495.5298Iroquois corn spirit.
Onenhste Corona−19221.5230Mohawk/Iroquois corn maiden, the eldest of the Three Sisters, the harvest deities.
Ops Corona68.889183Greek fertility goddess.
Otau Corona67.8298.7172Bini (S. Nigeria) goddess of fertility.
Otygen Corona−5730.5400Mongolian earth mother.
Pachamama Corona−3621.8130Incan earth goddess.
Pakoti Corona-38.842.475Maori plant goddess
Pani Corona19.9231.5320Maori fertility goddess.
Parma Corona44.517.5110Komi-Permyakan (Ural Finn) personification of wilderness, in particular, of the North Ural taiga-covered uplands; mother of the first man, Pera.
Pasu-Ava Corona29319250Mari (Volga Finn) harvest goddess.
Pavlova Corona14.338.9370[1]Anna; Russian ballet dancer (1881–1931).
Pazar-ana Corona−3.2214.8300Gagauzan (Moldova) "Sunday mother", protector of women.
Perchta Corona17234.5500German fertility goddess.
Persephone Corona−36304.6120Greek underworld goddess, daughter of corn goddess Demeter.
Phra Naret Corona−66.6209.6150Thai fertility goddess.
Pölöznitsa Corona0.5302675Finno-Ugric grain goddess.
Pomona Corona79.3299.4315Roman goddess of fruits.
Ponmakya Corona34.311.8280Burman (Myanmar) fertility goddess.
Prthivi Corona10.8248.5375Hindu (India) mother goddess.
Pugos Corona−19335180Khanty (Ob River Ugra) lifebringing goddess.
Purandhi Corona26.1343.5170Hindu goddess of plenty.
Qakma Corona35.5207.1130Bella Coola/Nuxalk (SW Canada) creator of life, the first woman.
Qetesh Corona−20.5343.580Egyptian fertility goddess.
Quetzalpetlatl Corona−68357780Aztec fertility goddess.
Rabzhima Corona4.911100Tibetan great mother goddess.
Rananeida Corona62.6263.5448Saami-Lapp goddess of spring and fertility.
Rauni Corona40.8271.9271Finnish goddess of harvest, earth.
Renenti Corona32.7326.2200Renenti,Egyptian goddess of abundance.
Repa Corona−13218.8240Egyptian fertility and underworld goddess.
Rigatona Corona−33.5278.5300Celtic fertility goddess.
Rind Corona8.2247.5140Norse "Earth's Winter Queen," personification of the frost-covered Earth.
Romi-Kumi Corona−81.2180150Tukano (Colombia) great mother goddess.
Rosmerta Corona0124.5300Celtic fertility/luck goddess.
Rzhanitsa Corona−17.6214.6450Russian goddess of rye fields.
Samdzimari Corona−11339.5260Samdzimari was a Georgian fertility deity.
Samsing Corona−23.8229.5165Korean childcare deity, a good grandmother.
Sand Corona41.715.5181George. (Aurore Dupin); French novelist (1804–1876). Name changed from Sand Patera.
Santa Corona−34.5288200Sabine goddess of fertility and health.
Sarpanitum Corona−52.314.6170Babylonian fertility goddess.
Saunau Corona−1.3173200Abkhazian goddess of corn milling.
Schumann-Heink Corona74.3214.5122Ernestine; German singer (1861–1936). Name changed from Schumann-Heink Patera.
Seia Corona−3153225Roman grain goddess.
Seiusi Corona−62241150Tupi/Huarani (Bolivia) fertility goddess.
Selu Corona−42.56300Cherokee corn goddess.
Semiramus Corona−37293375Assyrian fertility goddess.
Shiwanokia Corona−42279.8500Zuni fertility goddess.
Shulamite Corona−38.8284.3275Hebrew fertility goddess.
Shyv-Amashe Corona−5763410Chuvash (Volga Region) main water goddess.
Silvia Corona12.6355.7270Rhea Silvia a Roman earth goddess.
Simoting Corona41.221.5270Naga (Tibetan people in NE India) ancestor of all people.
Sinlaku Corona17.3260.3300Micronesian (Kosrae Island, Caroline Islands) breadfruit tree goddess.
Sitapie Corona−36.5246.8270Indonesian earth, nature, and creator goddess.
Sith Corona−10.2176.5350Sif, the Norse harvest goddess.
Su-Anasy Corona−7839300Tartar/Kumyk/Karachay mother of water.
Sulis Corona44.314.2136British goddess of springs and healing waters.
Sunrta Corona8.311.7170Hindu fertility goddess.
Sus-Khotin Corona−54241110Tajik and Uzbek fertility and rain goddess.
Tacoma Corona−37288500Earth goddess of Salish, Puyallup & Yakima Indians.
Tadaka Corona−4210.5260Indian Earth and nature goddess.
Tai Shan Corona−32.595175Chinese fertility goddess.
Takus Mana Corona−19.6345.3125Hopi (USA) fertility goddess.
Tamfana Corona−36.36400European-Norse fertility goddess.
Tamiyo Corona−36298.5400Japanese goddess of abundance.
Tangba Corona−47258200Lobi (Burkina Faso) earth goddess.
Taranga Corona16.5251.5525Polynesian fertility goddess.
Tari Pennu Corona0.3264.3180Khonds (India) Earth goddess.
Teteoinnan Corona−38.5149.5125Aztec fertility goddess.
Thermuthis Corona−833330Egyptian fertility/harvest goddess.
Thouris Corona−6.512.9190Egyptian fertility goddess .
Tituba Corona42.4214.7163Tituba, nurse who started Salem witch hunt (c. 1692). Name changed from Tituba Patera.
Tonatzin Corona−53164400Aztec earth and childbirth goddess.
Toyo-uke Corona−62.541.5300Shinto fertility goddess.
Triglava Corona−53.595400Triglava,Ancient Slavic earth goddess.
Trotula Corona41.318.9146Trotula, an Italian physician (A.D. 1097). Name changed from Trotula Patera.
Tumas Corona−16.3351.2200Tumas,Hopi (USA) fertility goddess.
Tunehakwe Corona−33.4303.6290Tunehakwe,Onondaga/Iroquois deities of crops ("The Three Sisters").
Tureshmat Corona−51.5289.5150Ainu (Japan) creator goddess, created Hokkaido Island.
Tusholi Corona69.5101.2350Chechen and Ingush (Caucasus) goddess of fertility.
Tutelina Corona29348180Roman harvest goddess.
Ugatame Corona−76.5255370Kapauku (Papua/Melanesia) Great Mother goddess.
Ukemochi Corona−39296.1300Japanese fertility goddess.
Ulgen-ekhee Corona−14.2224300Buryatan Earth mother.
Umay-ene Corona−27.550.5370Kazakh childcare goddess.
Utset Corona−55.5167150Zia (SW USA) the First Mother.
Vacuna Corona60.496448Sabinian (Ancient Italy) goddess of harvest.
Vasudhara Corona43.22.7160Buddhist female Bodhisattva of abundance.
Ved-Ava Corona33143200Mordovian (Volga Finn) water mother.
Verdandi Corona−5.565.2180Norse bestower of blessings.
Vesuna Corona−65.5275200Italian (Umbrian) vegetation goddess.
Whatitiri Corona−83140300Maori ancestor goddess, great mother.
Xcacau Corona−56131200Quiche (Guatemala) cacao goddess.
Xcanil Corona−3743200Aztec and Quiche maiz goddess.
Xilonen Corona51321300Aztec maize (fertility) goddess.
Xmukane Corona−28.2269.5200Mayan mother and fertility goddess.
Xquiq Corona38.114.655Mayan fertility and motherhood divinity.
Yanbike Corona−1.5328.5200Bashkir mythical first woman.
Yaroslavna Corona38.821.2112Russian, wife of Price Igor; patiently waited for his return from captivity (12th century). Name changed from Yaroslavna Patera.
Ya-Yerv Corona−9214275Nenets (Samoyed) Earth mother.
Zamin Corona31.5258.3315Persian earth goddess.
Zaramama Corona−22240.5240Quechua (Peru) maize deity.
Žemina Corona-11.7186530Lithuanian fertility goddess.
Zemire Corona31.5312.5200Kumyk (Daghestan) fertility goddess.
Zemlika Corona−33.550150Latvian earth goddess.
Zhivana Corona13287.5180Slavic goddess of life.
Zisa Corona12221850German/Nordic harvest goddess.
Zywie Corona−38.6291.2200Polish goddess of life.

See also


  1. Grego, Peter (2007). Venus and Mercury, and How to Observe Them. New York: Springer Science & Business Media. p. 117. ISBN 9780387742861. Retrieved 31 December 2019.
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