List of economists
This is an incomplete alphabetical list by surname of notable economists, experts in the social science of economics, past and present. For a history of economics, see the article History of economic thought. Only economists with biographical articles in Wikipedia are listed here.
- Edith Abbott (1876–1957), US economist, social worker, educator and author
- Daron Acemoglu (b. 1967), Turkish-born US economist, Professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and winner of the 2005 John Bates Clark Medal
- Nicola Acocella (b. 1939), Italian economist known for his holistic contribution to systematisation and development of Economic policy and for the innovations introduced in the theory of monetary and fiscal policy and the theory of social pacts
- Zoltan Acs (b. 1947), US professor at George Mason University, advocate of the importance of entrepreneurship for economic development
- Henry Carter Adams (1851–1921), US economist
- Walter Adams (1922–1998), US economist and college professor who served as an expert witness before 36 congressional committees
- Philippe Aghion (b. 1956), French economist
- Montek Singh Ahluwalia (b. 1943), Indian economist and former deputy chairman of the planning commission of the Republic of India
- Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad (b. 1943), Bangladeshi economist and environmentalist
- George Akerlof (b. 1940), US professor of economics at the University of California, Berkeley, and shared the 2001 Nobel Prize in Economics
- Armen Alchian (1914–2013), US emeritus professor of economics at the University of California, Los Angeles
- Alberto Alesina (b. 1957), Italian political economist, author of much-cited books and articles in major economics journals
- Sidney S. Alexander (1916 - 2005), US professor of economics at MIT, known for contributions to international trade and finance.
- Maurice Allais (1911–2010), French economist, 1988 winner of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics
- Franklin Allen (b. 1956), US economist
- R. G. D. Allen (1906–1983), CBE, FBA, UK economist, mathematician and statistician
- Gar Alperovitz (b. 1936)
- Lee J. Alston (b. 1951)
- Elisabeth Altmann-Gottheiner (1874–1930), German economist, the first woman to become a university lecturer in Germany
- Fernando Alvarez, Argentine economist
- B. R. Ambedkar (1891–1956), Indian jurist, political leader, economist and Buddhist activist
- Takeshi Amemiya (b. 1935), Japanese economist specializing in econometrics and the economy of ancient Greece
- Georges Anderla (1921–2005), Czech-born French economist
- Donald Andrews (b. 1955)
- George-Marios Angeletos (b. 1975)
- Norman Angell (1872–1967), UK lecturer, journalist, author, and Member of Parliament for the Labour Party
- Joshua Angrist (b. 1960)
- Kofi Annan (1938–2018)
- Masahiko Aoki (1938–2015), Japanese economist
- Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274), Italian Dominican priest of the Roman Catholic Church who wrote about economics
- Pérsio Arida (b. 1952), Brazilian economist
- Dan Ariely (b. 1967)
- Aristotle (384–322 BCE), Greek philosopher, a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great
- Heinz Arndt (1915–2002)
- Kenneth Arrow (1921–2017), US economist, winner of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics with John Hicks in 1972
- Orley Ashenfelter (b. 1942), US economist
- William Ashley (1860–1927), UK economic historian
- Cliff Asness (b. 1966)
- Jeremy Atack (b. 1949)
- Susan Athey (b. 1970), US economist
- Anthony Barnes Atkinson (1944–2017), UK economist, namesake of the Atkinson index, a measure of economic inequality
- Orazio Attanasio (b. 1959), Italian economist
- Thomas Attwood (1783–1856), UK economist, leading figure of the underconsumptionist Birmingham School
- David B. Audretsch (b. 1954), US economist
- Leonardo Auernheimer (1936–2010), Argentinian economist, professor, and international monetary consultant
- Robert Aumann (b. 1930), Israeli-US mathematician, Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics in 2005
- George Ayittey (b. 1945), Ghanaian economist
- Clarence Ayres (1891–1972), US principal thinker in the Texas school of Institutional Economics
- Ali Babacan (b. 1967), Turkish economic minister
- Roger Babson (1875–1967), US business theorist
- Louis Bachelier (1870–1946), French mathematician
- Roger Backhouse (b. 1951), UK economist
- Walter Bagehot (1826–1877), UK journalist, businessman, and essayist; wrote extensively on government, economics and literature
- Nikolai Baibakov (1911–2008), Soviet statesman, economist and Hero of Socialist Labor
- Joe S. Bain (1912–1991), US economist, founder of Industrial organization economics
- Dean Baker (b. 1958), US macroeconomist and co-founder of the Center for Economic and Policy Research
- E. Wight Bakke (1903–1971), US industrial relations specialist and professor at Yale University
- Leszek Balcerowicz (b. 1947), Polish economist, the former chairman of the National Bank of Poland
- Emily Greene Balch (1867–1961), US economist and peace activist (1946 Nobel Peace Prize)
- Richard Baldwin (living), US economist
- Sir James Ball (1933–2018), UK econometrician, Emeritus Professor of Economics at the London Business School and a leader in the field of econometric modeling
- Ludwig Bamberger (1823–1899), German economist, politician and writer
- Abhijit Banerjee (b. 1961), Indian economist, Ford Foundation International Professor of Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Pratima Bansal (living), Canadian economist
- Paul A. Baran (1909–1964), Russian/US, the only tenured Marxist economist in the United States until his death in 1964
- Pranab Bardhan (b. 1939), Indian economist, Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of California, Berkeley
- William A. Barnett (b. 1941), US economist, works in chaos, bifurcation, and nonlinearity
- Enrico Barone (1859–1924), Italian soldier, military historian, and economist
- Nicholas Barr (living), UK economist, professor of public economics at the London School of Economics
- Raymond Barre (1924–2007), French economist and politician
- Robert Barro (b. 1944), US classical macroeconomist, presently the Paul M. Warburg Professor of Economics at Harvard University
- Yoram Barzel (b. 1931), Israeli economist, works in property rights, applied price theory, and political economy
- Frédéric Bastiat (1801–1850), French classical liberal theorist, political economist
- Kaushik Basu (b. 1952), Indian economist and academic, Senior Vice President and Chief Economist of the World Bank
- Ravi Batra (b. 1943), US economist, author and professor at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas
- Peter Thomas Bauer (1915–2002), Hungarian developmental economist
- William Baumol (1922–2017), US, New York University economics professor
- Mahamudu Bawumia (b. 1963), Ghanaian economist; worked at the Research Department of International Monetary Fund in Washington, D.C., United States
- Eugen Boehm von Bawerk (1851–1914), Austrian, founder of the Austrian School of economics
- Robert Dudley Baxter (1827–1875), UK economist and statistician
- Michael Baye (b. 1958)
- Charlie Bean (b. 1953)
- Gary Becker (1930–2014), US economist and winner of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences
- Yoram Ben-Porat (died 1992), Israeli economist and president of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Jeremy Bentham (1748–1832), UK jurist, philosopher, and legal and social reformer
- Mahamudu Bawumia (b. 1963), Tamale, Deputy Governor of the Bank of Ghana
- Dwayne Benjamin (b. 1961), Canadian economist, managing editor of the Canadian Journal of Economics
- Barbara Bergmann (1927–2015), US, forerunner in feminist economics with a passion for social policy and equality
- C. Fred Bergsten (b. 1941), US founder of the Peterson Institute for International Economics
- Albert Rex Bergstrom (1925–2005), New Zealand econometrician recognized for his work in continuous time econometrics
- Adolf Berle (1895–1971), US lawyer, educator, author, and US diplomat
- Ben Bernanke (b. 1953), US economist, former Chairman of the United States Federal Reserve
- Jared Bernstein (1925–2005), US economist
- Marianne Bertrand (b. c. 1970), Belgian economist
- Tim Besley (b. 1960)
- William Beveridge (1879–1963)
- Truman Bewley (b. 1941)
- Jagdish Bhagwati (b. 1934), Indian economist and professor of economics and law at Columbia University
- Debapriya Bhattacharya (living), Bangladeshi economist and policy analyst
- Mark Bils (b. 1958), macroeconomist at the University of Rochester
- Nancy Birdsall (b. 1946), US founding president of the Center for Global Development
- Kenneth Binmore (b. 1940), UK economist and game theorist, professor emeritus of economics at University College, London
- William K. Black (b. 1951), US professor of economics at UMKC
- Fischer Black (1938–1995), US economist, best known as one author of the famous Black–Scholes equation
- William Blake (1774–1852), UK classical economist
- Olivier Blanchard (b. 1948), French, chief economist at the International Monetary Fund
- Rebecca Blank (b. 1955)
- Francine D. Blau (b. 1946)
- Knut Blind (b. 1965), German
- Alan Blinder (b. 1945), US economist, serves at Princeton University
- Walter Block (b. 1941), USfree market economist and anarcho-capitalist
- Barry Bluestone (b. 1944)
- John Blundell (1952–2014)
- Richard Blundell (b. 1952)
- Jean Bodin (1530–1596), French, early proponent of the Quantity Theory of Money
- Tito Boeri (b. 1958), Italian economist, professor of economics at Bocconi University, Milan
- Peter J. Boettke (b. 1960), US economist of the Austrian School
- Michele Boldrin (b. 1956), Italian American economist, expert in economic growth
- Tim Bollerslev (b. 1958), Danish economist
- Matilde Bombardini (living), Italian Canadian economist in Vancouver
- Murray Bookchin (1921–2006)
- Korkut Boratav (b. 1935), Turkish, marxist economist
- George Borjas (b. 1950), US, at Harvard Kennedy School
- Michael Boskin (b. 1945), US, T. M. Friedman Professor of Economics and senior fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution
- Giovanni Botero (c. 1544–1617), Italian thinker, priest, poet, and diplomat
- Kenneth E. Boulding (1910–1993), US economist, educator, peace activist, poet, religious mystic, devoted Quaker
- Heather Boushey (b. 1970), senior economist with the Center for American Progress
- Samuel Bowles (b. 1939), US Professor Emeritus at the University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Marcel Boyer (living)
- David Boyle (b. 1958)
- William Brainard (b. c. 1935)
- James Brander (b. 1953)
- Avishay Braverman (b. 1948), Israeli president of the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
- Harry Braverman (1920–1976), US socialist, economist and political writer
- John Francis Bray (1809–1897), US radical, Chartist, writer on socialist economics
- Richard A. Brealey (living)
- William Breit (1933–2011), US professor of economics at Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas
- George Ignatius Brizan (1942–2012), economics lecturer and later Prime Minister of Grenada
- Martin Browning (b. 1946), UK economist, professor of economics at the University of Oxford
- Markus Brunnermeier (b. 1969)
- James M. Buchanan (1919–2013), US economist known for work on public choice theory, received the Swedish central bankers' "Nobel" prize in 1986
- Alan Budd (b. 1937)
- Willem Buiter (b. 1949), Dutch economist
- Sergei Bulgakov (1871–1944), Russian Orthodox theologian, philosopher and economist

Agustin Carstens
- Ricardo J. Caballero (b. 1959), Chilean macroeconomist, holds the Ford International chair of economics at MIT
- Vince Cable (b. 1943), UK economist
- Federico Caffè (1914–1987), Italian, economist and Professor of Economic and Financial Policy at "Sapienza" University of Rome, Rome
- Phillip D. Cagan (1927–2012), US scholar and author, Professor of Economics Emeritus at Columbia University
- John Elliot Cairnes (1823–1875), Ireland, "last of the classical economists"
- Guillermo Calvo (b. 1941), Argentine economist
- John Y. Campbell (b. 1958), UK/US economist, chairman of the Harvard economics department
- Colin Camerer (b. 1959), US economist
- Lisa Cameron (b. 1967), Australian, Professional Research Fellow at the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research
- Stephen Cameron (b. c. 1960), US financial analyst, economist and Adjunct Associate Professor of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University
- Richard Cantillon (c. 1680–1734), Irish-French, economist and author of Essay on the Nature of Trade in General
- Edwin Cannan (1861–1935), UK economist and historian of economic thought
- Bryan Caplan (b. 1971), US professor of economics at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia
- David Card (b. 1956), Canadian labor economist and professor at the University of California, Berkeley
- Henry Charles Carey (1793–1879), US economist of the American School of Capitalism
- Mark Carney (b. 1965), Canadian economist, governor of the Bank of England
- Kevin Carson (b. 1963), US social and political theorist and scholar of political economy writing in the mutualist and individualist anarchist traditions
- Richard Carson (b. 1955), environmental economist
- Agustín Carstens (b. 1958), Mexican economist, governor of the Bank of Mexico
- Anne P. Carter (b. 1925), US economist, professor at Brandeis University
- David Cass (1937–2008), US, professor of economics at the University of Pennsylvania
- Gustav Cassel (1866–1945), Swedish, economist and professor of economics at Stockholm University
- Attilio Celant (b. 1942), Italian economist, Dean of the Faculty of Economics (2002–2011) and Professor of Economic Geography at "Sapienza" University of Rome, Rome
- es:Ramón Antonio Cereijo (1913–2003)
- Seweryn Chajtman (1919–2012), Polish scientist, engineer, teacher of the Industrial Management, pioneered Computer Science in Poland, creator of the Alternative Theory of Organization and Management
- Thomas Chalmers (1780–1847), Scottish mathematician, political economist and a leader of the Free Church of Scotland
- Frank J. Chaloupka (b. c. 1962), US professor of economics at the University of Illinois at Chicago and affiliate of the National Bureau of Economic Research
- Winston Chang (1941–1996), Chinese president of Soochow University in Taipei
- Edward Hastings Chamberlin (1899–1967), US economist
- Neil W. Chamberlain (1915–2006), US economist at Yale University and Columbia University most known for work in industrial relations
- Alfred D. Chandler, Jr. (1918–2007), US professor of business history at Harvard Business School and Johns Hopkins University
- Ha-Joon Chang (b. 1963), Korean, one of the leading heterodox economists and institutional economists specialising in development economics
- V. V. Chari (b. 1952), Indian/US economist
- Raj Chetty (b. 1979), Indian/US economist
- Steven N. S. Cheung (b. 1935), Chinese economist specializing in transaction costs and property rights
- Ajay Chhibber (living)
- Graciela Chichilnisky (b. 1946)
- Victoria Chick (b. 1936)
- Josiah Child (1630–1699), UK mercantilist, politician and governor of the East India Company
- Menzie Chinn (b. 1961)
- Lawrence J. Christiano (b. 1952), US economist
- Richard Clarida (b. 1957)
- Colin Clark (1905–1989), UK/Australian economist, pioneered the use of the gross national product (GNP)
- Gregory Clark (b. 1957), US economic historian at the University of California, Davis
- John Bates Clark (1847–1938), US neoclassical marginalist
- John Maurice Clark (1884–1963), US marginalist
- William D. Clark (1916–1985)
- Ronald Coase (1910–2013), winner of the Swedish central bankers' "Nobel" prize in 1991, for contributions including transaction costs and Coase theorem
- Warren Coats (b. 1942), US economist specializing in monetary policy
- John H. Cochrane
- Luc Coene (1947–2017), Belgian economist, governor of the National Bank of Belgium
- Jean-Baptiste Colbert (1619–1683), French King Louis XIV's Minister of Finances, known for protectionism and dirigisme
- Paul Collier
- John R. Commons (1862–1945), US institutional economist and labor historian
- Auguste Comte (1798–1857), French philosopher, founder of sociology and positivism
- Marquis de Condorcet (1743–1794), French enlightenment philosopher, mathematician, and early political scientist known for the Condorcet method of voting
- Tim Congdon (b. 1951), UK economist and euro-sceptic politician
- Alfred Haskell Conrad (1924–1970), US Harvard professor of economics
- Hugh E. Conway (b. 1942), US economist and professor at the Industrial College of the Armed Forces
- Richard N. Cooper (b. 1934)
- Russell W. Cooper (b. 1955), US macroeconomist
- Antoine Augustin Cournot (1801–1877), French philosopher and mathematician, influenced the use of mathematics in economics, known for oligopoly theory, Cournot competition is named for him
- Nicolaus Copernicus (1473–1543), Polish mathematician and economist
- Carol Corrado (living), US economist
- Dora L. Costa (b. 1964)
- Christopher Coyne (b. 1977), F. A. Harper professor of Economics at the Mercatus Center, George Mason University
- Tyler Cowen (b. 1962), US economist and writer, one of the authors of the Marginal Revolution blog
- August Friedrich Wilhelm Crome (1753–1833), German economist and statistician, known particularly for his Producten-Karte von Europa (1782), one of the first uses of cartograms
- James Crotty (b. 1940)
- Raymond Crotty (1925–1994), Irish economist and campaigner against Irish membership of the European Union; his 1987 successful legal challenge in the Irish Supreme Court is the basis for EU treaty changes having to be submitted to referendum in Ireland
- Jakša Cvitanić (b. 1962), Croatian/US economist, professor at Caltech
- Uri Dadush (living), French scholar in Washington DC
- Hugh Dalton (1887–1962), British Labour Party economist and politician
- Herman Daly (b. 1938), known as the 'father' of ecological economics
- George Dantzig (1914–2005), American mathematical scientist
- Sandy Darity, Jr. (b. 1953), American economist and researcher
- Partha Dasgupta (b. 1942), Indian/British development economist
- Charles Davenant (1656–1714), English mercantilist and politician
- Paul Davidson (b. 1930), American macroeconomist
- Antony Davies (b. 1965), American economist and author
- D. J. Davies (1893–1956), Welsh economist and author
- Lance E. Davis (1928–2014), American social science professor
- Angus Deaton (b. 1945), Scottish-American economist and academic
- Gérard Debreu (1921–2004), French-American economist and mathematician
- Rajeev Dehejia (b. 1973), American professor of public policy
- J. Bradford DeLong (b. 1960), American economic historian
- Harold Demsetz (1930–2019), American professor of economics
- Isaac de Pinto (1717–1787), Dutch banker and scholar
- Meghnad Desai, Baron Desai (b. 1940), British economist and Labour Party politician
- Hernando de Soto Polar (b. 1941), Peruvian economist of the informal economy
- Pat Devine (living), English industrial economist
- Mathias Dewatripont (b. 1959), Belgian economist and professor
- Armando Di Filippo (living), Argentine economist and academic
- Douglas Diamond (b. 1953), American finance expert
- Peter Diamond (b. 1940), American social security expert
- Peter Dicken (b. 1938), English economic geographer
- Benjamin Diokno (b. 1948), Philippine central banker
- Avinash Dixit (b. 1944), Indian/American economist
- Huw Dixon (b. 1958), Welsh economist and academic
- Simeon Djankov (b. 1970), Bulgarian economist and politician
- Maurice Dobb (1900–1976), English Marxist economist
- David Dodd (1895–1988), American financial analyst
- Randall Dodd (living), American policy regulator
- Evsey Domar (1914–1997), Soviet/American economist
- Stephen J. Dubner (b. 1963), American economics author and broadcaster
- Esther Duflo (b. 1972), French/American economist
- Steven N. Durlauf (b. 1958), American economist and social scientist
- Shlomo Eckstein (1929–2020), Israeli economist and academic
- Francis Ysidro Edgeworth (1845–1926), Irish/English philosopher and political economist
- Sebastian Edwards (b. 1953), Chilean economist and academic
- Martin Eichenbaum (b. 1954), American professor of economics
- Barry Eichengreen (b. 1952), American economist and political scientist
- Alfred Eichner (1937–1988), American economist
- Ali M. El-Agraa (b. 1941), Sudanese/English economist
- Daniel Ellsberg (b. 1931), American economist and politician
- Richard T. Ely (1853–1943), American economist and social interventionist
- Kenneth G. Elzinga (living), American economist and writer
- Ernst Engel (1821–1896), German economist and statistician
- Friedrich Engels (1820–1895), German/British Marxist economist
- Stanley Engerman (b. 1936), American economist and economic historian
- Robert F. Engle (b. 1942), American statistician and economist
- Ludwig Erhard (1897–1977), German economist and politician
- Vanessa Erogbogbo (living), Ugandan/British development specialist
- José Luís Espert (b. 1961), Argentinian economist and politician
- Marc Faber (b. 1946), Swiss investor based in Thailand
- Armin Falk (b. 1968), German economist and academic
- Günter Faltin (b. 1944), German economist and entrepreneur
- Eugene Fama b. 1939), American economist known for efficient-market hypothesis
- Emmanuel Farhi (1978–2020), French/American economist and academic
- Tacito Augusto Farias (b. 1958), Brazilian economist and academic
- M. J. Farrell (1926–1975), English economist
- Jeff Faux (living), American economist and writer
- Henry Fawcett (1833–1884), English economist and statesman
- Nikolay Fedorenko (1917–2006), Soviet/Russian economist and chemist
- Ernst Fehr (b. 1956), Austrian/Swiss behavioral economist
- Martin Feldstein (1939–2019), American economist and academic
- Randall K. Filer (b. 1952), American economist and researcher
- Amy Finkelstein (b. 1973), American economist and researcher
- Stanley Fischer (b. 1943), American/Israeli economist and bank governor
- Price V. Fishback (b. c. 1955), American economic historian
- Irving Fisher (1867–1947), American economist and social campaigner
- Jon Fisher (b. 1972), American entrepreneur and philanthropist
- Jean-Paul Fitoussi (1942), French economist and academic
- William Fleetwood (1656–1723), English statistician and bishop
- Marcus Fleming (1911–1976), English economist and stabilization expert
- Amelia Fletcher (b. 1966), English economist and singer
- John E. Floyd (b. 1937), Canadian economist and academic
- Karnit Flug (b. 1955), Polish/Israeli economist and bank governor
- Robert Fogel (1926–2013), American economic historian
- Charles Fourier (1772–1837), French philosopher and socialist thinker
- Joseph Francois (b. 1961), Swiss economist and academic
- Robert H. Frank (b. 1939), American economist and academic
- Jeffrey Frankel (b. 1952), American macroeconomist
- Bernie Fraser (b. 1941), Australian economist and bank governor
- Christopher Freeman (1921–2010), English economist and academic
- Richard B. Freeman (b. 1943), American economist and academic
- Bruno Frey (b. 1941), Swiss economist and academic
- Benjamin M. Friedman (b. 1944), American political economist
- David D. Friedman (b. 1945), American microeconomist and theorist
- Milton Friedman (1912–2006), American economist and Nobel Prize winner
- Rose Friedman (1910–2009), American free-market economist
- Ragnar Anton Kittil Frisch (1895–1973), Norwegian economist and Nobel Prize co-winner
- Roland Fryer (b. 1977), American economist
- Drew Fudenberg (b. 1957), American economist and game-theory expert
- Masahisa Fujita (藤田昌久, b. 1943), Japanese economist and academic
- Connel Fullenkamp (b. 1965), American economist and academic
- Jason Furman (b. 1970), American economist and academic
- Celso Furtado (1920–2004), Brazilian economist and development expert
- Xavier Gabaix (b. 1971), French/American economist
- Yegor Gaidar (1956–2009), Soviet/Russian economist and politician
- James Kenneth Galbraith (b. 1952), American economist and academic
- John Kenneth Galbraith (1908–2006), Canadian/American economist and politician
- David Gale (1921–2008), American mathematician and economist
- William G. Gale (b. 1959), American economist and politician
- Jordi Galí (b. 1961), Spanish macroeconomist
- A. Ronald Gallant (b. 1942), American econometrician
- Mauro Gallegati (b. 1958), Italian economist and scholar
- Oded Galor (b. 1953), Israeli/American economist and academic
- Francisco Javier Carrillo Gamboa (living), Mexican knowledge-systems researcher
- László Garai (b. 1935), Hungarian psychologist and economist
- Gonzalo Garland (b. 1959), Peruvian economist and researcher
- Pierangelo Garegnani (1930–2011), Italian economist and academic
- Norton Garfinkle (b. 1931), American economist and economic historian
- Vusal Gasimli (b. 1975), Azerbaijani economist and academic
- Leonid Gatovsky (b. 1889, date of death unknown), Russian/Soviet economist
- John Geanakoplos (b. 1955), American economist and academic
- Jacques Généreux (b. 1956), French economist and politician
- Henry George (1839–1897), American political economist
- Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen (1906–1994), Romanian statistician and economist
- Mark Gertler (b. 1951), American economist and academic
- Silvio Gesell (1862–1930), German economist and politician
- Jayati Ghosh (b. 1955), Indian development economist
- Eric Ghysels (b. 1956), Belgian economist and econometrician
- Francesco Giavazzi (b. 1949), Italian economist and academic
- Charles Gide (1847–1932), French economist and economic historian
- George Gilder (b. 1939), American economist and investor
- Richard T. Gill (b. 1927–2010), American economist and opera singer
- Victor Ginsburgh (b. 1939), Belgian economist
- Herbert Gintis (b. 1940), American economist and behavioral scientist
- Edward Glaeser (b. 1967), American economist and academic
- William Godwin (1756–1836), English economist and writer
- Claudia Goldin (b. 1946), American economist and government official
- Ian Goldin (living), South African/English economist and program director
- Jose Antonio Gomariz (1919–2005), Argentine economist and educator
- Charles Goodhart (b. 1936), English economist and academic
- George Goodman (aka "Adam Smith", 1930–2014), American economist and broadcaster
- Austan Goolsbee (born 1969), American economist
- Myron J. Gordon (1920–2010), American/Canadian economist and academic
- Robert J. Gordon (b. 1940), American economist
- Gary Gorton (b. c. 1951), American economist and finance educator
- Hermann Heinrich Gossen (1810–1858), German economist
- Christian Gouriéroux (b. 1959), French econometrician
- Benjamin Graham (1894–1976), English/American economist and investor
- Phil Gramm (b. 1942), American economist and politician
- Clive Granger (1934–2009), Welsh/American econometrician
- George Grantham (b. 1941), American economist and academic
- Alan Greenspan (b. 1926), American economist and finance official
- Thomas Gresham (c. 1519–1579), English merchant and financier
- Stephany Griffith-Jones (b. 1947), English/American economist
- Zvi Griliches (1930–1999), Lithuanian/American economist
- Elgin Groseclose (1899–1983), American economist and statesman
- Gene Grossman (b. 1955), American economist and academic
- Henryk Grossman (1881–1950), Polish/German economist and revolutionary
- Jonathan Gruber (b. 1965), American economist and academic
- Rebeca Grynspan (b. 1955), Costa Rican economist
- Gu Zhun (顾准, 1915–1974), Chinese economist and post-Marxist
- Dominique Guellec (living), French economist and official
- Maria-Carmen Guisan (living), Spanish economist
- Faruk Gül (living), Turkish/American economist and academic
- Trygve Haavelmo (1911–1999), Norwegian economist and Nobel Prize winner
- Gottfried Haberler (1900–1995), Austrian/American economist
- Charles Hall, (1740–1825), English social critic and physician
- Robert Hall (b. 1943), American economist and academic
- Andrew Hughes Hallett (1947–1919), English/Scottish economist and academic
- John Haltiwanger (b. 1955), American economist
- Daniel S. Hamermesh (b. 1943), American/English economist
- James D. Hamilton (b. 1954), American econometrician
- Steve H. Hanke (b. 1942), American applied economist
- Alvin Hansen (1887–1975), American economist and academic
- Lars Peter Hansen (b. 1952), American economist
- Eric Hanushek (b. 1943), American economist
- Mahbub ul Haq (1934–1998), Indian/Pakistani economist and politician
- Arnold Harberger (b. 1924), American economist
- Donald Harding (b. 1940), Australian expert in corporate law and securities regulation
- Tim Harford (b. 1973), English economist and broadcaster
- Charles Knickerbocker Harley (b. 1943), American economic historian
- Stephen Harper (b. 1959), Canadian economist and Prime Minister (2006–2015)
- Roy Harrod (1900–1978), English economist and biographer
- John Harsanyi (1920–2000), Hungarian/American economist and Nobel Prize winner
- Oliver Hart (b. 1948), English/American economist and Nobel Prize winner
- Campbell Harvey (b. 1958), Canadian/American economist and academic
- Jerry A. Hausman (b. 1946), American econometrician
- Bohdan Hawrylyshyn (1926–2016), Ukrainian/Canadian economist and thinker
- Friedrich Hayek (1899–1992), Austrian/American economist and philosopher
- Henry Hazlitt (1894–1993), American economics writer
- James Heckman (b. 1944), American economist and Nobel Prize winner
- Eli Heckscher (1879–1952), Swedish political economist and economic historian
- Robert Heilbroner (1919–2005), American economist and historian of economics
- Carolyn Heinrich (b. 1967), American historian and academic
- Christian Hellwig (living), German macroeconomist
- Elhanan Helpman (b. 1946), Israeli/American economist and academic
- Hazel Henderson (b. 1933), English economist, ecologist and broadcaster
- David Forbes Hendry (b. 1944), English econometrician and academic
- Noreena Hertz (b. 1967), English economist and broadcaster
- William Hewins (1865–1931), English economist and politician
- John Hicks (1904–1989), English economist and joint Nobel Prize winner
- Michael J. Hicks (b. 1962), American economist and academic
- Robert Higgs (b. 1944), American economic historian
- Jack Hirshleifer (1925–2005), American economist and academic
- John A. Hobson (1858–1940), English economist and social scientist
- Thomas Hodgskin (1787–1869), English political economist and socialist
- Samuel Hollander (b. 1937), English/Canadian economist
- Bengt Holmstrom (b. 1949), Finnish/American economist and academic
- Charles A. Holt (b. 1948), American behavioral economist
- Harry J. Holzer (b. 1957), American economist and educator
- Kevin Hoover (b. 1955), American economist and philosopher
- Hans-Hermann Hoppe (b. 1949), German/American economist and philosopher
- Charles Horioka (チャールズ・ユウジ・ホリオカ, b. 1956), American/Japanese economist and academic
- Branko Horvat (1928–2003), Yugoslav/Croatian economist and politician
- Harold Hotelling (1895–1973), American statistician and theorist
- Peter Howitt (b. 1946), Canadian economist
- William Hsiao (蕭慶倫m b. 1936), Chinese/American economist and academic
- Glenn Hubbard (b. 1958), American economist and academic
- Michael Hudson (b. 1939), American economist and analyst
- David Hume (1711–1776), Scottish economist and philosopher
- Thomas M. Humphrey (b. 1935), American economist
- Jennifer Hunt (1913–2015), American economist and politician
- Leonid Hurwicz (1917–2008), Polish/American economist and mathematician
- Terence Wilmot Hutchison (1912–2007), English economist
- Sri Mulyani Indrawati (b. 1962), Indonesian economist, banker and politician
- Stefan Ingves (b. 1953), Swedish national bank governor and economist
- Douglas Irwin (living), American economist and academic
- Mugur Isărescu (b. 1949), Romanian national bank governor and economist
- Otmar Issing (b. 1936), German economist and economic policy-maker
- Matthew O. Jackson (b. 1962), American economist and academic
- Tim Jackson (b. 1957), English ecological economist
- David A. Jaeger (b. 1964), Scottish economist and researcher
- Ravi Jagannathan (b. 1949), American economist and academic
- Eliot Janeway (1913–1993), American economist and author
- William H. Janeway (b. 1943), American economist and venture capitalist
- Robert A. Jarrow (living), American economist and academic
- Peter Jay (diplomat) (b. 1937), English economist and diplomat
- Michael Jensen (b. 1939), American financial economist
- William Stanley Jevons (1835–1882), English economist and logician
- Søren Johansen (b. 1939), Danish statistician and econometrician
- Harry Gordon Johnson (1923–1977), Canadian economist
- Simon Johnson (b. 1963), English/American economist
- Lewis Webster Jones (1899–1975), American economist and academic
- Richard Jones (1790–1855), English economist
- Dan Johnson (b. c. 1969), Canadian/American microeconomist and entrepreneur
- Thomas Jordan (b. 1963), Swiss economist and central banker
- Dale W. Jorgenson (b. 1933), American economist and academic
- Boyan Jovanovic (b. 1952), American economist and academic
- Daniel Kahneman (b. 1934), Palestinian/Israeli economist and psychologist
- Ehud Kalai (b. 1942), Israeli/American game theorist and mathematical economist
- Nicholas Kaldor (1908–1986), Hungarian/English economist and government advisor
- Michał Kalecki (1899–1970), Polish economist
- Thomas Kane (b. 1961), American educational economist
- Leonid Kantorovich (1912–1986), Soviet mathematician and economist
- Ethan Kaplan (living), American economist and academic
- Steven Kaplan (b. 1959), American business economist
- Dean Karlan (living), American development economist
- Michael Kaser (b. 1926), English economist
- Lawrence F. Katz (b. 1959), American economist and academic
- Steve Keen (b. 1953), Australian economist and educator
- Timothy J. Kehoe (b. 1953), American economist and academic
- Stephanie Kelton (b. 1969), American economist and academic
- A. R. Kemal (1946–2008), Pakistani economist and policy-maker
- Peter Kenen (1932–2012), American international economist
- Charles Kennedy (1923–1997), American theoretical economist
- Li Keqiang (李克强, b. 1955), Chinese economist and politician
- Srgjan Kerim (b. 1948), Yugoslav/Macedonian economist and diplomat
- John Maynard Keynes (1883–1946), English political economist
- Ibn Khaldun (1332–1406), Arab social scientist
- Mushtaq Khan (b. 1961), English/Bangladeshi economist and academic
- Homi Kharas (living), American economist and UN executive
- Mwai Kibaki (b. 1931), Kenyan economist and politician
- Mervyn King, English economist and Bank of England governor
- Robert G. King (b. 1951), American macroeconomist
- Bruce Kingma (b. 1961), American economist and entrepreneur
- Israel Kirzner (b. 1930), English/American economist
- Nobuhiro Kiyotaki (清滝信宏, b. 1955), Japanese/American macroeconomist
- Lawrence Klein (1920–2013), American econometrician and Nobel Prize winner
- Morton Klein (b. 1947), German/American economist and statistician
- Morris Kleiner (b.1948), American labor economist
- Paul Klemperer (b. 1956), English economist and academic
- Arnold Kling (b. 1954), American economist and writer
- Teun Kloek (b. 1934), Dutch econometrician
- Jan Kmenta (1928–2016), Czech/American economist and statistician
- Frank Knight (1885–1972), American economist and academic
- Lilian Knowles (1870–1926), English economic historian
- Klaas Knot (b. 1967), Dutch economist and central banker
- Narayana Kocherlakota (b. 1963), American economist and academic
- Leopold Kohr (1909–1994), Austrian/English economist and political scientist
- John Komlos (b. 1944), Hungarian/American economic historian
- Nikolai Kondratiev (1892–1938), Russian/Soviet economist and economic policy-maker
- Tjalling Koopmans (1910–1985), Dutch/American economist and mathematician
- Roger C. Kormendi (1949–2009), American economist and finance expert
- János Kornai (b. 1928), Hungarian economist and theorist
- Andrey Korotayev (b. 1961), Soviet/Russian economic historian and sociologist
- Naum Krasner (1924–1999), Soviet/Russian economist and mathematician
- Lawrence B. Krause (b. 1929), American economist and economic advisor
- Jan Kregel (b. 1944), American economist and UN executive
- Michael Kremer (b. 1964), American development economist and academic
- David M. Kreps (b. 1950), American game theorist and economist
- Peter Kropotkin (1842–1921), Russian economist and political scientist
- Anne Osborn Krueger (b. 1934), American economist and IMF executive
- Paul Krugman (b. 1953), American economist, academic and Nobel Prize winner
- Per Krusell (b. 1959), Swedish macroeconomist
- Lawrence Kudlow (b. 1947), American finance analyst
- Adriana Kugler (b. 1969), American economist and public-policy academic
- Maurice Kugler (b. 1967), American economist and public-policy academic
- Robert Kuttner (b. 1943), American economic and economic-policy writer
- Simon Kuznets (1901–1985), Russian/American economist and statistician
- Vladimir Kvint (living), Soviet/Russian economist and strategist
- Finn E. Kydland (b. 1943), Norwegian/American economist and academic
- Ludwig Lachmann
- Arthur Laffer
- Jean-Jacques Laffont
- Ricardo Lagos
- David Laibson
- David Laidler
- Domingo Laino
- John A. "Skip" Laitner
- Naomi Lamoreaux
- Steven Landsburg
- Philip R. Lane
- Lang Xianping
- Oskar Lange
- Lyndon LaRouche
- Serge Latouche
- John Law
- Richard Layard
- Edward Lazear
- Edward E. Leamer
- Stanley Lebergott
- Lewis Lehrman
- Frederic S. Lee
- Peter Leeson
- Axel Leijonhufvud
- Manuela Ferreira Leite
- Leonard Liggio
- Wassily Leontief
- Abba Lerner
- Leonardus Lessius
- Richard Levin
- David K. Levine
- Lars Lefgren
- Steven D. Levitt
- Arthur Lewbel
- Arthur Lewis
- Tracy R. Lewis
- Kevin Leyton-Brown
- Evsei Liberman
- Justin Yifu Lin
- Michael Lind
- Erik Lindahl
- Assar Lindbeck
- Friedrich List
- John A. List
- Andrew Lo
- John Locke
- William Forster Lloyd
- Bernard Lonergan
- Frédéric Lordon
- Max O. Lorenz
- Pascal Lorot
- Andreas Löschel
- John Lott
- Robert Lucas, Jr.
- Stephen J. Luczo
- Rosa Luxemburg
- Gerard Lyons
- Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
- Donald MacDougall
- Mark J. Machina
- Carlos Manuel Urzúa Macías
- Henry Dunning Macleod
- Adil Abdul-Mahdi
- Edmond Malinvaud
- Burton Malkiel
- Thomas Malthus
- Gerard de Malynes
- N. Gregory Mankiw
- Henry Manne
- Alan Manning
- Edwin Mansfield
- Charles Manski
- Mao Yushi
- Harry Markowitz
- Karl Marlo
- Jacob Marschak
- Alfred Marshall
- Marsh Marshall
- Xavier Sala i Martin
- Harriet Martineau
- Karl Marx, founder of Marxian economics
- Eric Maskin
- Jason Gaverick Matheny
- Paul Mattick
- Richard Maybury
- C. M. Mayo
- Preston McAfee
- Bennett McCallum
- Rachel McCleary
- Deirdre McCloskey
- John Ramsey McCulloch
- Paul McCulley
- James McDonald
- Daniel McFadden
- Richard McKelvey
- Lionel W. McKenzie
- Warwick McKibbin
- David McWilliams
- James Meade
- Gardiner Means
- Marc Melitz
- Sir Leslie Melville
- Carl Menger
- Stanislav Menshikov
- Robert C. Merton
- Albert J. Meyer
- John R. Meyer
- Valery Ivanovich Mezhlauk
- Leo Michelis
- Javier Milei (b. 1970), Argentinian libertarian economist
- David Miles
- Murray Milgate
- Paul Milgrom
- John Maynard Keynes
- John Stuart Mill
- Merton Miller
- Jacob Mincer
- Hyman Minsky
- James Mirrlees
- Ludwig von Mises
- Frederic Mishkin
- Wesley Mitchell
- Alfred Mitchell-Innes
- Franco Modigliani
- Robert Moffit
- Semion Mogilevich
- Herbert Mohring
- Joel Mokyr
- Gustave de Molinari
- Winnie Monsod
- John Hardman Moore
- Jonathan Morduch
- Michio Morishima
- Stephen Morris
- Dale Mortensen
- Warren Mosler
- David C. Mowery
- Dambisa Moyo
- Anu Muhammad
- Sendhil Mullainathan
- Thomas Mun
- Mohan Munasinghe
- Robert Mundell
- Karthik Muralidharan
- Richard Murnane
- Kevin J. Murphy
- Kevin M. Murphy
- Robert P. Murphy
- Richard Musgrave
- Michael Mussa
- John Muth
- Bingu wa Mutharika
- Stewart Myers
- Roger Myerson
- Alva Myrdal
- Gunnar Myrdal
- John Forbes Nash
- Richard Nelson
- Nikolay Nenovsky
- Marc Nerlove
- John von Neumann
- David Neumark
- David Newbery
- Francis William Newman
- Stephen Nickell
- Peter Nijkamp
- Yew-Kwang Ng, Australian economist, best known for his contributions in welfare economics.
- William A. Niskanen
- William Nordhaus
- Montagu Norman
- Douglass North
- Dudley North
- Oscar Nuccio
- Krishna Palepu
- Giancarlo Pallavicini
- V. R. Panchamukhi
- Thomas Palfrey
- Yadav Prasad Pant
- Maffeo Pantaleoni
- Philippe Van Parijs
- Vilfredo Pareto
- Manuel V. Pangilinan
- Jacques Parizeau
- Luigi Pasinetti
- Frédéric Passy
- Indraprasad Gordhanbhai Patel
- Prabhat Patnaik
- William Paterson
- Don Patinkin
- Christina Paxson
- Lasse Heje Pedersen
- Edith Penrose
- Émile Péreire
- Carlota Perez
- Javier Perez-Capdevila
- Torsten Persson
- Pierre Le Pesant, sieur de Boisguilbert
- Mohammad Hashem Pesaran
- Wolfgang Pesendorfer
- Pierre Pestieau
- Maurice Peston, Baron Peston
- Douglas Peters
- Sir William Petty
- Edmund Phelps
- Thomas Philippon
- Peter C. B. Phillips
- William Phillips
- Arthur Cecil Pigou
- Thomas Piketty
- Christopher A. Pissarides
- Arnold Plant
- Plato
- Charles Plott
- Karl Polanyi
- Michael Polanyi
- Robert Pollin
- Yuri Poluneev
- Jean-Pierre Ponssard
- Arden Pope
- Michael Porter
- Richard Portes
- Arturo C. Porzecanski
- Richard Posner
- James M. Poterba
- Bernard van Praag
- John W. Pratt
- Edward C. Prescott
- Steven Pressman
- Clyde V. Prestowitz Jr.
- Raúl Prebisch
- Cuno Pümpin
- Matthew Rabin
- Roy Radner
- John Rae
- Richard W. Rahn
- Raghuram Rajan
- Mihir Rakshit
- Rogelio Ramírez de la O
- Frank Plumpton Ramsey
- Ajit Ranade
- Leonard Rapping
- Martin Ravallion
- Debraj Ray
- Daniel Raymond
- Ralph Recto
- Rajiv Kumar
- Robert Reich
- Carmen Reinhart
- Ricardo Reis
- George Reisman
- Philip J. Reny
- David Ricardo
- Jeremy Rifkin
- Alice Rivlin
- Lionel Robbins
- Donald John Roberts
- Paul Craig Roberts
- Russ Roberts (b. 1954), Stanford University Hoover Institution research fellow and host of the EconTalk podcast
- Denis Robertson
- Abraham Robinson
- Austin Robinson
- Joan Robinson
- Johann Karl Rodbertus
- Dani Rodrik
- John Roemer
- Kenneth Rogoff
- Gérard Roland
- Eric Roll
- Richard Roll
- Christina Romer
- David Romer
- Paul Romer
- Raymond de Roover
- Harvey S. Rosen
- Henry Rosovsky
- Sherwin Rosen
- Nathan Rosenberg
- Stephen A. Ross
- Walt Whitman Rostow
- Julio Rotemberg
- Alvin E. Roth
- Murray Rothbard
- Nouriel Roubini
- Ariel Rubinstein
- Isaak Russman
- John Rust
- Justinian Rweyemamu
- Tadeusz Rybczynski
- Frank-Jürgen Richter, German economist and entrepreneur
- Fabrizio Saccomanni
- Alexander Sachs
- Jeffrey Sachs
- Emmanuel Saez
- Gilles Saint-Paul
- Henri de Saint-Simon
- António de Oliveira Salazar
- Arthur Salz
- Paul Samuelson
- Chris William Sanchirico
- José Santana
- Diego Abad de Santillán
- Juan Manuel Santos
- Gopal Krishna Sarangi
- Thomas J. Sargent
- Mark Satterthwaite
- Anthony Saunders
- Jean-Baptiste Say
- Louis Say
- Herbert Scarf
- Hjalmar Schacht
- José Scheinkman
- Thomas Schelling
- Peter Schiff
- Christoph M. Schmidt
- Helmut Schmidt
- John Schmitt
- Gustav von Schmoller
- Myron Scholes
- Stephan Schulmeister
- Theodore Schultz
- Ernst Schumacher
- Joseph Schumpeter
- Anna Schwartz
- Tibor Scitovsky
- Molly Scott Cato (b. 1963), English green economist
- Jules Sedney
- L. William Seidman
- Arthur Seldon
- Edwin Robert Anderson Seligman
- Reinhard Selten
- Amartya Sen
- Hans Sennholz
- Nassau William Senior
- Andrew Sentance
- Brad Setser
- Ernest Seyd
- G. L. S. Shackle
- Anwar Shaikh
- David Shapiro
- Lloyd Shapley
- William F. Sharpe
- Neil Shephard
- Shouyong Shi
- Robert Shiller
- Gary Shilling
- Robert Shimer
- Hyun-Song Shin
- Yongcheol Shin
- D Shina (1957–)
- Masaaki Shirakawa
- Andrei Shleifer
- Artyom Shneyerov
- Martin Shubik
- Mohammad Najatuallah Siddiqui
- Henry Sidgwick
- Miguel Sidrauski
- Ota Šik
- Aníbal Cavaco Silva
- Herbert A. Simon
- Julian Lincoln Simon
- Christopher A. Sims
- Hans Singer
- Kurt Singer
- Manmohan Singh
- Hans-Werner Sinn
- Mark Skousen
- Margaret Slade
- Andrzej Sławiński
- Joel Slemrod
- Eugen Slutsky
- Adam Smith (1723–1790), Scottish economist, philosopher and author as well as a moral philosopher, a pioneer of political economy and a key figure during the Scottish Enlightenment era
- Alasdair Smith
- Thomas Smith
- Vernon L. Smith
- Dennis Snower
- Robert Solow
- Werner Sombart
- Willem Somermeyer
- Hugo F. Sonnenschein
- Thomas Sowell
- Michael Spence
- Barbara J. Spencer
- Gene Sperling
- Piero Sraffa
- T. N. Srinivasan
- Guy Standing
- Ross Starr, American economist at the University of California, San Diego
- Richard H. Steckel
- Herbert Stein
- Jeremy C. Stein
- Nicholas Stern
- George Stigler
- Joseph E. Stiglitz
- James H. Stock
- George W. Stocking, Sr.
- Nancy Stokey
- Richard Stone
- Benjamin Strong
- Steve Strongin
- Stanislav Gustavovich Strumilin
- Robert Sugden
- Paul Sultan
- Lawrence Summers
- Robert Summers
- William Graham Sumner
- Sun Yefang
- Jomo Kwame Sundaram
- Arun Sundararajan
- Richard Sutch
- Kotaro Suzumura
- Jan Švejnar
- Lars E. O. Svensson
- Subramanian Swamy
- Trevor Swan
- Paul Sweezy
- Syahrir
- Richard Sylla
- Edward Szczepanik
- Alex Tabarrok
- Guido Tabellini
- Naim Talu
- Yair Tauman
- Frank William Taussig
- R.H. Tawney
- Fred M. Taylor
- Henry Charles Taylor
- John B. Taylor
- Mark P. Taylor
- Paul Schuster Taylor
- Lester G. Telser
- Richard Thaler
- Asher Tishler (born 1947), Israeli economist; president of the College of Management Academic Studies
- William Thompson
- Christopher Thornberg (b. 1967), American economist
- Henry Thornton (1760–1815)
- Johann Heinrich von Thünen
- Lester Thurow
- Richard Timberlake
- Jan Tinbergen
- Jean Tirole
- Sheridan Titman
- James Tobin
- Michael Todaro
- Richard Tol
- Alejandro Toledo
- Robert Torrens
- Robert M. Townsend
- Kenneth E. Train
- Daniel Trefler, Canadian economist, Douglas and Ruth Canada Research Chair in Competitiveness and Prosperity at the University of Toronto
- Rodrigue Tremblay
- Giulio Tremonti
- Jean-Claude Trichet
- Robert Triffin
- Sho-Chieh Tsiang
- Catherine Tucker
- Mikhail Tugan-Baranovsky
- Gordon Tullock
- Anne Turgot
- Adair Turner, Baron Turner of Ecchinswell
- Amos Tversky
- Laura D'Andrea Tyson
- Natacha Valla
- Alexander Van der Bellen
- John Van Reenen
- Eugen Varga
- Hal Varian
- Yanis Varoufakis
- Antoaneta Vassileva
- Thorstein Veblen
- Richard Vedder
- Carlos A. Vegh
- Anthony Venables
- Fernando Vianello
- William Vickrey
- Thomas Vietorisz
- Jacob Viner
- Ignazio Visco
- Robert W. Vishny
- Eva Vivalt
- Xavier Vives
- Paul Volcker
- Romain Wacziarg
- Sushil Wadhwani
- Adolph Wagner
- Jim Walker
- Neil Wallace
- Phyllis Ann Wallace
- Henry Wallich
- W. Allen Wallis
- Léon Walras
- Carl Walsh
- Alan Walters
- John Glen Wardrop
- Marilyn Waring
- Mark Watson
- Beatrice Webb
- Sidney Webb
- Alfred Weber
- Max Weber
- Dorothy Wedderburn
- Beatrice Weder di Mauro
- Jens Weidmann
- Burton Weisbrod
- Mark Weisbrot
- Thomas J. Weiss
- Martin Weitzman
- Richard Werner
- Brian Wesbury
- Richard Whately
- Edward Lawrence Wheelwright
- Halbert White
- Knut Wicksell
- Philip H. Wicksteed
- Friedrich von Wieser
- Clair Wilcox
- John Williamson
- Oliver E. Williamson
- Walter E. Williams
- Ulrich Witt
- Charles Wolf, Jr
- Martin Wolf
- Arnold Wolfers
- Justin Wolfers
- Edward Wolff
- Richard D. Wolff
- Myrna Wooders
- Michael Woodford
- Jeffrey Wooldridge
- Holbrook Working
- Stephen T. Worland, taught at the University of Notre Dame; author of Scholasticism and Welfare Economics
- L. Randall Wray
- Simon Wren-Lewis
- Gavin Wright
- Philip Green Wright
- Randall Wright
- Wu Jinglian
See also
- History of economic thought
- List of Austrian School economists
- List of business theorists
- List of feminist economists
- List of game theorists
- List of Jewish economists
- List of Marxian economists
- List of Nobel laureates in Economics
- List of socialist economists
- List of Slovenian economists
- List of think tanks
- List of Uruguayan economists
External links
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