List of islands of Indonesia
The islands of Indonesia, also known as the Indonesian Archipelago, may refer either to the islands comprising the country of Indonesia or to the geographical groups which include its islands. According to the Indonesian Coordinating Ministry for Maritime and Investments Affairs, of 17,508 officially listed islands within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia,[1] 16,671 island names have been verified by the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (UNGEGN) as of 2018.[2] This makes Indonesia the world's largest island country.[3]

The exact number of islands comprising Indonesia varies among definitions and sources. According to a geospatial survey conducted between 2007 and 2010 by Badan Koordinasi Survei dan Pemetaan Nasional (Bakorsurtanal), the National Coordinating Agency for Survey and Mapping, Indonesia has 13,466 islands.[4] However, according to earlier survey in 2002 by National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN), the Indonesian archipelago has 18,307 islands, and according to the CIA World Factbook, there are 17,508 islands.[5] The discrepancy of the numbers of Indonesian islands was because that the earlier surveys include "tidal islands"; sandy cays and rocky reefs that appear during low tide and are submerged during high tide. According to estimates made by the government of Indonesia 8,844 islands have been named, with 922 of those permanently inhabited.[6]

Major islands
- Sunda Islands
- Greater Sunda Islands
- Sumatra, formerly Swarna Dwipa.
- Java, formerly Jawa Dwipa.
- Borneo: divided between the Indonesian region Kalimantan, the country of Brunei and the country of Malaysia's states of Sabah and Sarawak.
- Sulawesi, formerly Celebes.
- Lesser Sunda Islands: the island of Timor divided between Indonesian West Timor and the country of East Timor
- Greater Sunda Islands
- Maluku Islands (Moluccas)
- New Guinea: divided between the two Indonesian provinces of Papua and West Papua and the country of Papua New Guinea.
List of islands
The following islands are listed by province:
Special Capital Region of Jakarta
- Thousand Islands (Kepulauan Seribu)
North Sumatra
479 islands
- Batu Islands, 51 islands
- Berhala on the Strait of Malacca
- Hinako Islands
- Makole Island
- Masa Island
- Nias Islands
- Samosir, Lake Toba
- Enggano Island
- Mega Island
Riau Islands
about 3,200 islands
- Natuna Islands (Kepulauan Natuna)
- Anambas Islands
- Natuna Besar Islands
- South Natuna Islands
- Tambelan Islands
- Riau Archipelago
- Lingga Islands
Central Kalimantan
- Damar
- Baning Island
- Buaya Island
- Burung Island
West Kalimantan
- Bawal
- Galam
- Karimata Islands
- Maya
Central Sulawesi
- Banggai Islands
- Banggai
- Bowokan Islands (Kepulauan Treko)
- Buka Buka
- Peleng
- Masoni Island
- Simatang Island
- Togian Islands
- Togian
- Tolitoli
North Sulawesi
- Bangka
- Bunaken
- Lembeh
- Manado Tua
- Nain
- Sangihe Islands
- Nanipa
- Bukide
- Sangir Besar
- Siau
- Tagulandang
- Talaud Islands
- Kabaruan
- Karakelang
- Salibabu
- Talise
East Nusa Tenggara
- Alor Islands
- Flores
- Komodo
- Gili Lawadarat
- Gili Lawalaut
- Mangiatan Island
- Makasar Island
- Taka Makasar
- Mauwang Island
- Pararambah Island
- Siaba Besar Island
- Siaba Kecil Island
- Mangiatan Island
- Tatawa Island
- Tukoh Pemaroh
- Pararambah Island
- Padar Island
- Batubilah Island
- Padar Kecil Island
- Palu Island
- Pemana Islands
- Rinca
- Gili Motang
- Golo Mori
- Muang Island
- Rohbong Island
- Tukoh Gagak
- Tukoh Rohbongkoe
- Papagaran Besar Island
- Papagaran Kecil Island
- Batu Island
- Mole Island
- Pengah Besar Island
- Pengah Kecil Island
- Batupengah Island
- Rote Island
- Savu
- Solor Islands
- Sumba
- Timor, divided between Indonesia West Timor and the independent nation of East Timor
West Nusa Tenggara
- Gili Islands
- Banta Island
- Gili Biaha
- Gili Mimpang
- Gili Selang
- Gili Tepekong
- Lombok
- Medang Island
- Moyo Island
- Menjangan Island
- Sangeang
- Satonda
- Sumbawa
- Aru Islands
- Babar
- Banda
- Barat Daya Islands
- Boano
- Buru
- Gorong archipelago
- Kai Islands
- Kelang
- Leti Islands
- Manipa
- Nusa Laut
- Seram
- Tanimbar Islands
- Small volcanic islands in Banda Sea
- Tayandu Islands (Kepulauan Tayando)
- Watubela archipelago
North Maluku
- Bacan, with nearby islands:
- Kasiruta
- Mandioli
- Muari
- Erà Islands
- Halmahera, with nearby islands:
- Morotai, with nearby islands:
- Rau
- Obi Islands, which include:
- Bisa
- Gomumu
- Obi
- Obilatu
- Tobalai
- Sula Islands
Western New Guinea
Islands near the Indonesian half of New Guinea island.
West Papua
610 islands, 35 inhabited
- Asia Island
- Ayu Islands
- Karas
- Raja Ampat Islands
- Batanta
- Boo Islands
- Fam Islands
- Misool
- Waigeo
- Gam
- Kawe
- Semai
- Faure, Michael; Faure, Michael G. (2006). Prevention and Compensation of Marine Pollution Damage: Recent Developments in Europe, China and the US. Kluwer Law International B.V. p. 99. ISBN 9789041123381.
- "Hingga December 2019, Indonesia Miliki 17.491 Pulau". (in Indonesian). 10 February 2020. Retrieved 5 July 2020.
- "Island Countries Of The World". Archived from the original on 7 December 2017. Retrieved 10 August 2019.
- "Hanya ada 13.466 Pulau di Indonesia". National Geographic Indonesia (in Indonesian). 8 February 2012.
- CIA World Factbook
- Based on "Seminar Nasional Penetapan Nama Pulau-pulau Kecil Dalam Presektif Sejarah" or "National Seminary of Name for Little Islands from History Side", 16 to 18 July 2008 at Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia
- Galapagos islands
- "Indonesia counts its islands before it's too late". Antara. 17 May 2007.