List of law enforcement agencies
A law enforcement agency (LEA) is any agency which enforces the law. This may be a special, local, or state police, federal agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) or the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Also, it can be used to describe an international organization such as Europol or Interpol. This is a list of law enforcement agencies, organized by continent and then by country.
International – Africa – Asia – Europe – North America – Oceania – South America – Disbanded |
- Ameripol, (Police Community of the Americas or Ameripol)
- ASEANAPOL, (Inter-Asean Police)[1]
- EUROGENDFOR (European Gendarmerie Force)
- European Union Police Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo
- Europol (European Police Office)
- Interpol (International Criminal Police Organization)
- Law Enforcement Intelligence Unit
- United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo
- GCCPOL, ( Gulf Cooperation Council Police)
SELEC ( Southeast European Law enforcement Center), for the region of Balkan Countries, Police and customs regional international cooperation and joint activities /
- Republic of Angola Police Force
- Gendarmerie Nationale
- Republican Police of Benin
Burkina Faso
- Cameroonian Police
Cape Verde
- Polícia Judiciária
- Polícia Nacional
Central African Republic
- National Police of Chad
- Gendarmerie Nationale
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Republic of the Congo
- Gendarmerie Nationale
- Gendarmerie Nationale
- National Police Service
- Kenya Police Service
- Administration Police Service
- Directorate of Criminal Investigations
- Libyan National Police
- Gendarmerie Nationale
- Presidential Security Regiment
- Police Publique
- Gendarmerie Nationale
- Gendarmerie Nationale
- Police Nationale
- Gendarmerie Royale du Maroc (paramilitary national police force)
- Sûreté Nationale du Maroc (civilian national police force)
- Gendarmerie Nationale
- Gendarmerie Nationale
- Seychelles Police Force
Sierra Leone
South Africa
- South African Police Service (SAPS)
- Special Investigations Unit (SIU)
- National Prosecuting Authority - Directorate of Special Operations (NPA)
- Counter Intelligence Agency (SACIA)
- Sudanese Police Service
- Royal Eswatini Police Service
- Tanzania Police Force
- Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau
- local police (mgambo and sungusungu)
- special jurisdiction police
- Tanzania Intelligence and Security Service
- Gendarmerie Nationale
- Ministry of Interior
- Direction Générale de la Sûreté Nationale (Police)
- Direction Générale de la Garde Nationale (National Guard)
- Office National de la Protection Civile (Firefighter)
- Ministry of Finance
- Direction Générale des Douanes (Customs)
- Ministry of Justice
- Direction Générale des Prisons et de la Rééducation (Prisons Guards)
- Presidency
- Direction Générale de la Sécurité du Chef de l'Etat et des Personnalités Officielles (Presidential Guards)
- Bangladesh Police
- Border Guard Bangladesh
- Bangladesh Ansar
- Bangladesh Customs
- Department of Narcotics Control
- Railway Nirapotta Bahini
Mainland China
- Ministry of Public Security
- Ministry of State Security
- People's Armed Police
- China Maritime Safety Administration
- General Administration of Customs
- Urban Management (Chengguan)

Hong Kong
Republic of China (Taiwan)
Central (federal) law enforcement agencies
- Assam Rifles
- Border Security Force
- Central Bureau of Investigation
- Central Board of Direct Taxes
- Central Industrial Security Force
- Central Reserve Police Force
- Defence Security Corps
- Indo-Tibetan Border Police
- National Security Guard
- National Investigation Agency
- Railway Protection Force
- Rashtriya Rifles
- Sashastra Seema Bal
- Special Frontier Force
State law enforcement agencies
- Andhra Pradesh Police
- Arunachal Pradesh Police
- Bihar Police
- Chhattisgarh Police
- Delhi Police
- Goa Police
- Gujarat Police
- Haryana Police
- Himachal Pradesh Police
- Jammu and Kashmir Police
- Jharkhand Police
- Karnataka Police
- Kerala Police
- Madhya Pradesh Police
- Maharashtra Police
- Manipur Police
- Meghalaya Police
- Mizoram Police
- Nagaland Police
- Odisha Police
- Punjab Police
- Rajasthan Police
- Sikkim Police
- Tamil Nadu Police
- Telangana Police
- Tripura Police
- Uttarakhand Police
- Uttar Pradesh Police
- West Bengal Police
- Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
- Iran Police Force
- Ministry of Intelligence
- Iraqi National Police Force (paramilitary)
- Iraqi Police Service (civilian)
- Israel Defense Forces
- Israeli Police Force
- Israel Border Police (A special corps within the Israeli Police Force)
- Mossad
- Shin Bet

- National Public Safety Commission
- National Police Agency
- Imperial Guard of Japan
- Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department
- 46 prefecture police departments
- National Police Agency
- Japan Coast Guard (known as the Japanese Maritime Safety Agency from 1949–2000)
- Ministry of Finance
- Japan Customs
- Ministry of Justice
- Correctional Bureau
Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)
Republic of Korea (South Korea)
- Republic of Korea National Public Safety Commission
- Republic of Korea National Police Agency
- Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency
- 13 local police agencies
- Republic of Korea National Police Agency
- Korea Correctional Service
- Korea Customs Service
- Korea Coast Guard (formerly known as the Republic of Korea Maritime Police)
- Korea Immigration Service
- Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials
- Jeju Municipal Police
- Korea Railway Police
- Law enforcement in Kyrgyzstan
- Ministry of the Interior Kyrgyzstan National Police[2]

- Royal Malaysia Police (Malay: Polis Diraja Malaysia – PDRM)
- National Anti-Drug Agency (Malay: Agensi Anti-Dadah Kebangsaan – AADK)
- Malaysian Prison Department (Malay: Jabatan Penjara Malaysia)
- RELA Corps
- Immigration Department of Malaysia (Malay: Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia)
- Royal Malaysian Custom (Malay: Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia)
Prime Minister's Department (Malaysia)
- Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (Malay: Agensi Penguatkuasaan Maritim Malaysia)
- Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (Malay: Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia – SPRM)
- Kor Polis Tentera DiRaja (Royal Military Police Corps)

Joint Army & Federal


- Office of the President
- Presidential Security Group (PSG)
- Special Reaction Unit (SRU)
- Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB)
- Optical Media Board (OMB) Enforcement and Investigation Division (EID)
- Metropolitan Manila Development Authority – Traffic Enforcement Division (MMDA-TED)
- Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB)
- Bases Conversion Development Authority
- Clark Development Corporation - Public Safety Division (CDC-PSD)
- Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority - Law Enforcement Department (SBMA-LED)
- Presidential Security Group (PSG)
- Department of the Interior and Local Government
- National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM)
- Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP)
- Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP)
- Local Government Unit
- Public Order and Safety Office (POSO)
- Traffic Management Office (TMO)
- Barangay Public Safety Office (BPSO)
- Department of Justice
- National Bureau of Investigation (NBI)
- Bureau of Immigration—Law Enforcement Division (BI-LED)
- Bureau of Corrections (BuCor)
- Department of Transportation
- Philippine Ports Authority – Port Police Department (PPA-PPD)
- Land Transportation Office – Law Enforcement Service (LTO-LES)
- Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB)
- Office for Transportation Security (OTS)
- Manila International Airport Authority - Airport Police Department (MIAA-APD)
- Philippine Coast Guard (PCG)
- Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA)
- Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP)
- Department of Finance
- Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)
- Collection Enforcement Division (CED)
- Enforcement Service (ES)
- Large Taxpayers Collection and Enforcement Division (LTCED)
- Bureau of Customs—Enforcement Group (BOC-EG)
- Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)
- Department of Health
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
- Office of Regulatory Enforcement Unit (OREU)
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
- Department of Trade and Industry
- Department of Environment and National Resources
- Law Enforcement and Licenses Division (DENR-LELD)
- Department of National Defense
- Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP)
- Military Police (MP)
- Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP)
- Department of Agriculture
- Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR)
- Bantay Dagat (Sea Patrol)
- Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR)
Saudi Arabia
- Royal Saudi Arabian Police Force
- Saudi Arabian Traffic Police Force
- Saudi Arabian Border Guard
- Saudi Arabian Coast Guard
- Saudi Arabian Customs and Immigration Department
- Mabahith (Secret Service)
- Hay'ah (Religious Police)
Sri Lanka
- Sri Lanka Police
- Special Task Force
- Criminal Investigation Department
- Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police
- Naval Provost Branch
- Air Force Police
- Commission to Investigate Allegation of Bribery or Corruption (Bribery Commission)
- Royal Thai Police
- Department of Special Investigation
- Special Branch Bureau is the Special Branch of the Royal Thai Police
- Narcotics Control Board
- National
- Vietnam People's Public Security (Công an Nhân dân Việt Nam) under control of Ministry of Public Security (Bộ Công an Việt Nam), divides into:
- Vietnam People's Police (Cảnh sát Nhân dân Việt Nam) consists of:
- Traffic Police (Cảnh sát Giao thông), for traffic control and enforcement
- Judiciary Police (Cảnh sát Bảo vệ và Hỗ trợ Tư pháp), for judiciary and executive enforcement
- Rapid Response Police - also known as 113 Police (Cảnh sát Phản ứng Nhanh/Cảnh sát 113), for rapid criminal countering
- Criminal Police (Cảnh sát Hình sự), for criminal investigation
- Drug Investigation Police (Cảnh sát Điều tra Ma túy), for drug countering and investigation
- Corruption Investigation Police (Cảnh sát Điều tra Tham nhũng), for corruption investigation
- High Tech Investigation Police (Cảnh sát Điều tra Công nghệ cao), for high tech criminal investigation
- Administrative Police (Cảnh sát Quản lý Hành chính), for administrative and resident services
- Environmental Police (Cảnh sát Môi trường), for environmental law enforcement
- Fire and Rescue Police (Cảnh sát Phòng cháy Chữa cháy và Cứu nạn Cứu hộ), for firefighting, search and rescue missions
- Prison Guard (Cảnh sát Trại giam), for prison management and control
- Mobile Police (Cảnh sát Cơ động), for riot and terrorist countering
- Protective Guard (Cảnh vệ), for protective services of the State and Communist Party leaders
- Order Police (Cảnh sát Trật tự), for public order response
- Security Police (Cảnh sát Bảo vệ Mục tiêu), for protective services of properties and personnel
- Vietnam People's Security (An ninh Nhân dân Việt Nam) consists of:
- Cyber Security (An ninh Mạng), for cyber and internet affairs
- Immigration Security (An ninh Xuất nhập cảnh), for immigration management, airport and seaport entry
- Intelligence Service (Tình báo), for intelligence collection and investigation
- Ciphering Service (Cơ yếu), for protection of top secret documents
- Border Checkpoint Security (An ninh Cửa khẩu), for border checkpoint entry
- Social Security (An ninh Xã hội), for social issues
- Secret Service (Ngoại tuyến), for intelligence collection in secrecy
- Political Security (An ninh Chính trị), for political protection
- Financial and Monetary Security (An ninh Tài chính và Tiền tệ), for financial investigation
- Economical Security (An ninh Kinh tế), for economical investigation
- Agricultural and Rural Security (An ninh Nông nghiệp Nông thôn), for rural issues
- Information and Communication Security (An ninh Thông tin và Truyền thông), for information, press and media investigation
- Vietnam People's Police (Cảnh sát Nhân dân Việt Nam) consists of:
- Local
- Provincial/Municipal Public Security (Công an Tỉnh/Thành phố Trực thuộc Trung ương)
- District/Town/Provincial City Public Security (Công an Quận/Huyện/Thị xã/Thành phố Trực thuộc Tỉnh)
- Commune/Ward/Township Public Security (Công an Xã/Phường/Thị trấn)
- District/Town/Provincial City Public Security (Công an Quận/Huyện/Thị xã/Thành phố Trực thuộc Tỉnh)
- Andorran Police Service and traffic police (local police) divided by communes
- Federal
- Bundesamt zur Korruptionsprävention und Korruptionsbekämpfung (BAK): Federal Bureau to prevent and to fight corruption

- Bundeskriminalamt (BK): Federal Criminal Police Office
- Bundespolizei: Federal Police Service
- Alpine Einsatzgruppen (AEG): Mountain Police, part of Federal Police
- Bereitschaftseinheit Wien (BE): Standby Police Unit for Vienna
- Einsatzeinheit (EE): Riot Police of Federal Police
- See- und Strompolizei: River branch of Federal Police
- Sonderdienste Sektor Graz (SEKTOR): SWAT unit of Federal Police in Graz
- WEGA (only short version in use, originally from Wiener Einsatz-Gruppe Alarmabteilung): SWAT unit of Federal Police in Vienna
- Einsatzkommando Cobra (EKO Cobra): Federal SWAT and special forces unit, which is not part of the Federal Police, part of the Ministry of the Interior (BMI)
- Finanzpolizei: Financial Guard
- Flugpolizei: Air Police, which is not part of the Federal Police, part of the Ministry of the Interior (BMI)
- Justizwache (JW): Penitentiary Police
- Justizwache Einsatzgruppe (JEG): SWAT Team of Penitentiary Police
- Militärpolizei: Military Police of the Austrian Armed Forces
- Operative Zollaufsicht (OZA): Customs Service
- Sondereinheit für Observation (SEO): Special Unit for Covered Technical Surveillance, which is not part of the Federal Police, part of the Ministry of the Interior (BMI)
- Stadtpolizei: Local or City Police
- Ordnungswache or Ordnungsamt: municipal law enforcement, in unincorporated cities, that are not allowed to have a Stadtpolizei, like Graz and Klagenfurt
- Straßenaufsicht: municipal traffic enforcement
Bailiwick of Guernsey
Bailiwick of Jersey
Federal level
- Federal police (1 federal force for the entire country, responsible for specialized and supra-local policing as well as support to the local police)
Local level
- Local police (189 local forces for 189 police zones that encompass either one muninicipality or multiple municipalities, responsible for basic policing)
Bosnia and Herzegovina
- National Investigative Service, legally part of the judiciary and under the Ministry of Justice
- State Agency for National Security
- General Directorate of the Police
- General Directorate of the Border Police
Czech Republic
- National
- Czech Republic National Police
- The Customs Administration of the Czech Republic
- General Inspection of Security Forces
- Prison Service of the Czech Republic (Mainly within buildings under its authority)
- Městská policie (Municipal police)
- Administration pénitentiaire (Department of Corrections)
- Équipe régionale d’intervention et de sécurité (SWAT teams)
- Douane (Customs)

- Gendarmerie Nationale
- Garde républicaine (Republican Guard): Guard of honour
- Republican Guard Cavalry Regiment
- Republican Guard Infantry Regiment
- Gendarmerie de l'Air (air police)
- Gendarmerie Maritime (maritime police)
- Gendarmerie Départementale
- Gendarmerie Mobile
- Groupe d'intervention de la gendarmerie nationale (GIGN)
- Garde républicaine (Republican Guard): Guard of honour
- Police Nationale
- Compagnies Républicaines de Sécurité (riot control force)
- Prefecture of Police Paris Police Service

- Garde champêtre (Park Rangers/Game Wardens)
- Police Municipale (Local Police)
Overseas France
- Royal police and territorial guard (Wallis and Futuna)

- Bundeskriminalamt (BKA): Federal Criminal Office
- MEK (Mobiles Einsatzkommando): Special Unit for Surveillance and Detention
- Bundespolizei (BPOL): Federal Police
- Bereitschaftspolizei (BePo): Riot Police Branch of Federal Police
- Beweissicherungs- und Festnahmeeinheit plus (BFE+): Federal Police Anti-Terror Unit for long-lasting operations
- Beweissicherungs- und Festnahmeeinheit (BFE): Federal Police Special Detention Unit
- Bundespolizei-Fliegerstaffel (BPOLFLG): Federal Police Air Group
- Grenzschutzgruppe 9 der Bundespolizei (GSG 9): Federal Police Special Forces Group
- Mobile Fahndungseinheit (MFE): Special Unit for Covered (Individual and Technical) Surveillance
- Polizeiliche Schutzaufgaben Ausland (PSA BPOL): Protection force for the security of German diplomatic missions
- Bereitschaftspolizei (BePo): Riot Police Branch of Federal Police
- Bundeszollverwaltung: Federal Customs Service
- Zollkriminalamt (ZKA): Customs Investigation Bureau
- Zentrale Unterstützungsgruppe Zoll (ZUZ): Customs SWAT Unit
- Zollkriminalamt (ZKA): Customs Investigation Bureau
- Feldjägertruppe: Military Police of the Federal Defense Force
- Küstenwache: Coast Guard, it is not separate agency, it consists of units compiled of ships and personnel of the Federal Police, Customs Service, the Wasser und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes (WSV) (Federal Waterways and Shipping Administration) and the Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE) (Federal Agency for Agriculture and Nutrition)
- Polizei beim Deutschen Bundestag (Polizei DBT): Federal Parliament Police

- Landespolizei: State Police
- Schutzpolizei (SchuPo): Uniformed Branch of State Police
- Landeskriminalamt (LKA): State Criminal Office
- Mobiles Einsatzkommando (MEK): Special Unit for Surveillance and Detention
- Kriminalpolizei (KriPo): Detective Branch of State Police
- Bereitschaftspolizei (BePo): Riot Police Branch of State Police
- Beweissicherungs- und Festnahmeeinheit (BFE): State Police Special Detention Unit
- Spezialeinsatzkommando (SEK): SWAT unit of State Police
- Autobahnpolizei: Highway Patrol of State Police
- Wasserschutzpolizei (WSP): River Branch of State Police
- Wachpolizei (WaPol): Branch of State Police for the security of state government buildings or diplomatic facilities, only in the states of Berlin and Hesse
- Freiwilliger Polizeidienst: Auxiliary police force, only in the states of Baden-Württemberg and Hesse
- Sicherheitspartner: Auxiliary police force, only in the state of Brandenburg
- Sicherheitswacht: Auxiliary police force, only in the states of Bavaria and Saxony
- Justiz: Penitentiary Police
- in Bavaria solely: Bayerische Grenzpolizei (GrePo) (Border Police of the state of Bavaria from 1946 until 1998 and re-established in 2018)

- Kommunaler Ordnungsdienst (KOD): Municipal law enforcement, different regulations by state and local laws
- Kommunalpolizei or Stadtpolizei: Municipal police in cities of the state of Hesse
- Gemeindevollzugsdienst (GVD): Municipal police in the state of Baden-Württemberg
- Ordnungsamt (OA): Municipal police or municipal law enforcement, different regulations by state and local laws
- Polizeibehörde: municipal law enforcement, different regulations by state and local laws
- Hellenic Police Service – created in 1984 from the below agencies:
- Hellenic Gendarmerie (1833–1984)
- Cities Police (1920– 1984)
- Hellenic Coast Guard
- Municipal Police

- Garda Síochána
- Criminal Assets Bureau (joint unit between the Garda and Irish Sheriff Service)
- Civic Guard (disbanded and merged into the Garda Síochána in 1923)
- Dublin Metropolitan Police (disbanded and merged into the Garda Síochána in 1925)
- Garda Síochána Reserve (Reserve police force that works with and assists regular Police)
- Irish Revenue
- Irish Customs Service
- Irish Sheriff Service
- Irish Prison Service
- Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service
- Border Management Unit
- Airport Police (Ireland) Irish Aviation Police Service in Irish state owned airports
- Irish Military Police (Corps of the Irish Defence Forces which enforce military law)
- National
- Carabinieri (Paramilitary Police – military corps)
- Corazzieri (Cuirassiers): Guard of honour
- Gruppo di intervento speciale (Special Intervention Group)
- Raggruppamento Operativo Speciale (Special Operations Group)

- Guardia di Finanza (Border Police, Financial and Customs Police, is also a military corps)
- Antiterrorismo Pronto Impiego (Anti-Terrorism)
- Gruppo di investigazione criminalità organizzata (Organized Crime Investigation Group)
- Gruppo Operativo Antidroga (Counter-narcotics Group)
- Gruppo Anticrimine Tecnologico (Counter-cybercrime Group)
- Comando Operativo Aeronavale (Air-Naval Operational Command)
- Servizio Cinofili (Police Dog Division K9)

- Polizia di Stato (State Police)
- Nucleo Operativo Centrale di Sicurezza (Central Security Operations Service)
- Polizia Stradale (Traffic Police)
- Polizia Ferroviaria (Railroad Police)
- Polizia Penitenziaria (Penitentiary Police), part of the Ministry of Justice (Ministero della Giustizia)
- Polizia Provinciale (Provincial Police) that mainly enforce hunting and fishing laws, it consists of several organizations (not a LEA by itself)
- Polizia Municipale (Municipal Police; originally called the Vigiles or Vigili Urbani), it consists of several organizations (not a LEA by itself)
- (National Police • Kazak Militsiya • Полиция Казахстана)
- Sûreté Publique de Monaco (Police)
- Compagnie des Carabiniers du Prince de Monaco (Prince's Guard)
The Netherlands
- Koninklijke Marechaussee (Royal Constabulary)
- Korps landelijke politiediensten (National Police Services Agency)
- Fiscale inlichtingen- en opsporingsdienst en Economische controledienst (Fiscal Information and Investigation Service/Economic Investigation Service), referred to as "FIOD-ECD"
- 25 regiokorpsen (regional police forces)
Dienst Speciale Interventies (DSI) composed of department of Defense, Police and the Department of Justice
North Macedonia
- Politidirektoratet (National Police Directorate)
- Økokrim (National Economic and Fraud Police)
- Politiets sikkerhetstjeneste (National Security Police)
- Policja (Police)
- Żandarmeria Wojskowa (Military Gendarmerie)
- Straż Graniczna (Border Guard)
- Agencja Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego - (Internal Security Agency)
- Centralne Biuro Antykorupcyjne - (Central Anticorruption Bureau)
- Prokuratura Polish public prosecutor office (chief department is Prokuratura Generalna)
- Służba Celna (customs)
- Straż Miejska (City Guard)
- Ministério da Administração Interna
- Guarda Nacional Republicana (gendarmerie)
- Polícia de Segurança Pública (civilian police)
- Polícia Judiciária (investigation police)
- Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras (equivalent to US ICE)
- Autoridade Segurança Alimentar e Economica ASAE (a mix equivalent to US FDA and an Economic crime police)
- Ministério da Defesa Nacional
- Polícia do Exército (Portuguese Army military police)
- Unidade de Polícia Naval (Portuguese Navy military police, part of the Portuguese Marine Corps)
- Polícia Aérea (Portuguese Air Force military police)
- Polícia Marítima (maritime police, part of the Portuguese Navy)
- Poliţia Română (Romanian Police, national police force)
- Poliţia de Frontieră (Border Police)
- Jandarmeria Română (Romanian Gendarmerie, has military status)
- Poliţia Comunitară (Local/Municipal Police)
- Direcția Generală Anticorupție (Internal Affairs)
- Direcţia Naţională Anticorupţie (anti-corruption agency)
- Financial Guard
- Ministry of Internal Affairs
- National Guard
- Federal Protective Service – protection of high rank officials
- Presidential Security Service – concerned with the tasks related to the protection of the President of Russia.
- Federal Security Service – Federal anti-terror and counter-espionnage Service
- The Federal Border Guard Service is subordinate to the FSB and responsible for Maritime surveillance.
- The Ministry of Russia for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters ("EMERCOM") is responsible for the civil defence regulation, protection from fire and has own troops.
- The Ministry of Justice of Russia
- Federal service of Punishment Execution (FSIN) is responsible for the penal correction and prison system.
- The Ministry of Defence of Russia
- Russian Military Police (under construction)
- Investigative Committee of Russia – Investigative body, struggling the Corruption and High Criminal Affairs ("The Russian FBI"). Created on 15 January 2011.
San Marino
- Gendarmeria (paramilitary police)
- Polizia Civile (civilian police)
- Guardia di Rocca (border patrol and permanent military force)
- National
- Guardia Civil
- Cuerpo Nacional de Policía (National Police Corps)
- Dirección de Instituciones Penitenciarias (Directorate of Penitentiary Institutions)
- Servicio de Vigilancia Aduanera (Customs Surveillance Service)
- Ertzaintza in the Basque Country
- Mossos d'Esquadra in Catalonia
- Policía Foral in Navarre
- Policía Municipal (also known as Policía Local or Guardia Urbana) in every town and city.
- Autoridad Portuaria (Port Police)
- National Laboratory of Forensic Science
- Coast Guard
- Customs Service
- Enforcement Administration
- Police Service
- Prison and Probation Service
- The National Criminal Investigations Department
- Security Service
- Swedish National Economic Crimes Bureau

- Border Guard Corps
- Federal Office of Police
- Cybercrime Coordination Unit Switzerland (CYCO) German: Koordinationsstelle zur Bekämpfung der Internetkriminalität (KOBIC), (French: Service de coordination de la lutte contre la criminalité sur Internet (SCOCI), Italian: Servizio di coordinazione per la lotta contro la criminalità su Internet (SCOCI))[3]
- Cantonal police (French: Police cantonale, German: Kantonspolizei, Romansh: Polizia Chantunala, Italian: Polizia cantonale)
- Municipal police (French: Police municipale, German: Stadtpolizei, Romansh: Polizia Cumûnala, Italian: Polizia Municipale)
- General Directorate of Security (Turkish: Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü)
- Gendarmerie General Command(Turkey) (Turkish: Jandarma)
- Military Police (Turkey) (Turkish: Askeri İnzibat)
- Undersecretariat of Public Order and Security (Turkish: Kamu Güvenliği Teşkilâtı)
- National Intelligence Organization (Turkish: Millî İstihbarat Teşkilâtı)
- Gendarmerie Intelligence (Turkish: Jandarma İstihbarat)
- Coast Guard Command (Turkish: Sahil Güvenlik Komutanlığı)
- Municipal Police (Turkish: Zabıta)
- General Directorate of Customs Protection (Turkish: Gümrükler Muhafaza Genel Müdürlüğü)
- General Directorate of Forest Protection (Turkish: Orman Muhafaza)
- Directorate General of Coastal Safety
- General Directorate of Prisons and Detention Houses
- General Directorate of Border Protection
United Kingdom
Territorial police forces

- Avon and Somerset Constabulary
- Bedfordshire Police
- Cambridgeshire Constabulary
- Cheshire Constabulary
- City of London Police
- Cleveland Police
- Cumbria Constabulary
- Derbyshire Constabulary
- Devon and Cornwall Police
- Dorset Police
- Durham Constabulary
- Dyfed-Powys Police (Heddlu Dyfed Powys)
- Essex Police
- Gloucestershire Constabulary
- Greater Manchester Police
- Gwent Police (Heddlu Gwent)
- Hampshire Constabulary
- Hertfordshire Constabulary
- Humberside Police
- Kent Police
- Lancashire Constabulary
- Leicestershire Police
- Lincolnshire Police
- Merseyside Police
- Metropolitan Police (London, excluding the City of London)
- Norfolk Constabulary
- Northamptonshire Police
- North Wales Police (Heddlu Gogledd Cymru)
- Northumbria Police
- North Yorkshire Police
- Nottinghamshire Police
- Police Scotland
- Police Service of Northern Ireland
- South Wales Police (Heddlu De Cymru)
- South Yorkshire Police
- Staffordshire Police
- Suffolk Constabulary
- Surrey Police
- Sussex Police
- Thames Valley Police
- Warwickshire Police
- West Mercia Police
- West Midlands Police
- West Yorkshire Police
- Wiltshire Police
National police forces
- National Crime Agency
- Ministry of Defence Police
- National Wildlife Crime Unit
- National Domestic Extremism and Disorder Intelligence Unit
- National Counter Terrorism Security Office
- Protection Command
- National Fraud Intelligence Bureau
- National Vehicle Crime Intelligence Service
- British Transport Police (Great Britain)
- Civil Nuclear Constabulary (Great Britain)
- National Ballistics Intelligence Service (Great Britain)
- National Police Air Service (England and Wales)
National non-police law enforcement forces
- Office for Security and Counter-Terrorism
- Security Service
- Border Force
- Immigration Enforcement
- Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs
- Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (Great Britain)
- Driver and Vehicle Agency (Northern Ireland)
- Serious Fraud Office (England, Wales and Northern Ireland)
- Independent Police Complaints Commission (England and Wales)
Service police forces
British Overseas Territories police forces
- Bermuda Police Service
- British Indian Ocean Territory Police
- Pitcairn Islands Police
- Royal Cayman Islands Police Service
- Royal Falkland Islands Police
- Royal Montserrat Police Service
- Royal Virgin Islands Police Force
- Saint Helena Police Service
- Royal Gibraltar Police
MOD overseas police forces
Overseas service police forces
- British Indian Ocean Territory Joint Service Police Unit
- Cyprus Joint Police Unit
- Falkland Islands Joint Service Police Security Unit
- Gibraltar Joint Provost and Security Unit
- Corpo della Gendarmeria (known as the Corpo di Vigilanza until 2002)
- Swiss Guard
North America
Antigua and Barbuda
- Royal Antigua and Barbuda Police Force
- Royal Antigua and Barbuda Defence Force
- Antigua and Barbuda Regiment
- Royal Antigua and Barbuda Coast Guard
- Royal Bahamas Defence Force
- Royal Bahamas Police Force
- Bahamas Prison Service
- Bahamas Customs Service
- Bahamas Immigration Service
- Belize Defence Force
- Ground Forces
- Air Wing
- Maritime Wing
- Volunteer Guard
- Royal Belize Police Force
- Bermuda Police Service
- Bermuda Reserve Police
- Bermuda International Airport Security Police

- Canada Border Services Agency – composed of the former agencies listed below:
- Canadian Forces Military Police
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police
- Canadian National Railway Police
- Environment Canada Federal Game Officers
- Parks Canada Park Wardens
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada Fishery Enforcement Officers
- Correctional Service of Canada
- Canadian Pacific Railway Police
- Transport Canada Enforcement
- Abbotsford Police Department
- Barrie Police Service
- Brockville Police Service
- Calgary Police Service
- Camrose Police Service
- Central Saanich Police Service
- Charlottetown Police Service
- Durham Regional Police Service
- Edmonton Police Service
- Fredericton Police Force
- Gatineau Police
- Halifax Regional Police
- Halton Regional Police Service
- Hamilton Police Service
- Laval Police Service
- Lethbridge Police Service
- London Police Service
- Medicine Hat Police Service
- Montreal Police Service
- Niagara Parks Police Service
- Niagara Regional Police Service
- Ottawa Police Service
- Oak Bay Police Service
- Peel Regional Police
- Quebec City Police
- Rivière-du-Nord Police
- Regina Police Service
- Saanich Police Department
- Saskatoon Police Service
- South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority Police Service
- South Simcoe Police Service
- St. Thomas Police Service
- Toronto Police Service
- Vancouver Police Department
- Victoria Police Department
- Waterloo Regional Police Service
- West Grey Police
- West Vancouver Police Department
- Winnipeg Police Service
- York Regional Police
Costa Rica
- Royal Dominica Police Force
Dominican Republic
- Policia Nacional Dominicana
- Dirección Nacional de Control de Drogas (DNCD)
- Departamento Nacional de Investigaciones (DNI)
El Salvador
- Royal Grenada Police Force
- Haitian National Police
- United Nations Stabilisation Mission in Haiti
- Army Force of Haiti (FAd'H)
- Federal Police (Policia Federal)
- 3rd Military Police Brigade from the Mexican Army
- Policia Federal De Caminos
- Policía Federal Ministerial
- Gendarmeria Nacional (recently established agency by president Enrique Peña Nieto)
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
- Royal Saint Lucia Police Force
- Regional Security System
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Trinidad and Tobago
United States

United States Department of the Treasury
- Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Investigation (IRS-CI)
- Office of the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA)
- Office of the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (SIGTARP)
- Office of the Special Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery (SIGPR)
- United States Mint Police (USMP)
- Bureau of Engraving and Printing Police (BEP Police)
United States Department of Defense (DOD)
- Defense Criminal Investigative Service (DCIS)
- Pentagon Force Protection Agency
- Defense Logistics Agency Police
- United States Army Criminal Investigation Division (Army CID)
- United States Army Military Police Corps
- United States Army Counterintelligence (ACI)
- Department of the Army Civilian Police (DACP)
- Department of the Army Civilian Security Guards (DASG)[4]
- Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS)
- Office of Naval Intelligence Police (ONI Police)[5]
- Marine Corps Provost Marshal's Office
- United States Marine Corps Civilian Police
- United States Air Force Office of Special Investigations (Airforce OSI)
- United States Air Force Security Forces
- Department of the Air Force Police
- National Security Agency Police (NSA Police)
United States Department of Justice (DOJ)
- Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)
- Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) (since 1973)
- Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (1968–73)
- Federal Bureau of Narcotics (1930–68)
- Bureau of Prohibition (1927–33)
- Bureau of Drug Abuse Control (1966–68)
- Federal Bureau of Narcotics (1930–68)
- Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (1968–73)
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
- Bureau of Investigation (BOI) (1908–35)
- Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP)
- United States Marshals Service (USMS)
United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

- Federal Protective Service (FPS)
- U.S. Coast Guard (USCG)
- U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
- U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
- U.S. Secret Service (USSS)
Other federal law enforcement agencies
- Central Intelligence Agency Security Protective Service (CIA SPS)
- Federal Reserve Police
- Library of Congress Police (Dissolved 2009)
- Smithsonian National Zoological Park Police
- United States Capitol Police (USCP)
- United States Postal Inspection Service (USPIS)
- United States Postal Service Office of Inspector General (USPS OIG)
- United States Probation Service (USPO)
- United States Supreme Court Police
State and local
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
- Puerto Rico Department of Justice
- Puerto Rico Commonwealth Police (also known as the Policia de Puerto Rico or the Puerto Rico Police Department)
- Puerto Rico Commonwealth Marshal's Office
- Puerto Rico Department of Natural Resources Conservation Rangers
- Puerto Rico Department of Parks and Recreation Park Rangers
- Puerto Rico Ports Authority
- Puerto Rico Port Authority Police Department (Policia de los Puertos)
- Puerto Rico Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
Territory of Guam
- Guam Police Department
- Supreme Court of Guam Deputy Marshals
- Guam Superior Court Deputy Marshals
- Guam Customs and Quarantine Agency
- Port Authority of Guam
- Guam Port Authority Police
- Antonio B. Won Pat Guam International Airport Police Department
- Guam Department of Agriculture Conservation Officers
- Guam Department of Parks and Recreation Park Patrol Officers
- Guam Department of Corrections
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
- Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Department of Public Safety
- Police Division
- Fire/Rescue Division
- Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Department of Corrections
- Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Department of Conservation Conservation Officers
- Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Ports Authority Police Department
Territory of American Samoa
- American Samoa Department of Public Safety
- Pago Pago International Airport Police Department
- American Samoa Ports Authority Police Department
- American Samoa Community College Police Department
Territory of the United States Virgin Islands
- United States Virgin Islands Police Department
- United States Virgin Islands Territorial Marshal's Office
Railroad Police
- Union Pacific Police Department
- BNSF Police Department
- CSX Police Department
- Norfolk Southern Police Department
- Amtrak Police Department (government-owned passenger train service)
- Canadian National Railway Police
- Canadian Northern Railway Police
- Canadian Pacific Railway Police Service
- Australian Federal Police (AFP) (also ACT territory police)
- Australian Crime Commission (ACC) (ex. National Crime Authority)
- Australian Customs and Border Protection Service (ACS)
- Australian Government Attorney General's Department
- Australian Protective Service (APS) (diplomatic & Head of Govt. protection) - now part of the Australian Federal Police
- Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS)
- Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)
- Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) (domestic intelligence)
Service Police
- Royal Australian Corps of Military Police
- Naval Police Coxswain
- RAAF Security Police
- Australian Defence Force Investigative Service
- New South Wales Police Force
- Northern Territory Police
- Office of the Sheriff of New South Wales
- Queensland Police Service
- RailCorp Transit Officer
- South Australia Police
- Tasmania Police
- Victoria Police
- Western Australia Police
- Crime and Corruption Commission, Western Australia
- Crime and Misconduct Commission, Queensland
- Independent Commission Against Corruption, New South Wales
- New South Wales Crime Commission
- New South Wales Police Integrity Commission
- Office of Police Integrity, Victoria
- Local Government Council Ranger
Marshall Islands
Federated States of Micronesia
- Nauru Police Force
New Zealand
Papua New Guinea
Pitcairn Islands
Solomon Islands
- Royal Tongan Police Service
South America
- Gendarmería Nacional Argentina (GNA) (Argentine National Gendarmerie)
- Prefectura Naval Argentina (PNA) (Argentine Naval Prefecture)
- Policía de Seguridad Aeroportuaria (PSA) (Airport Security Police)
- Policía Federal Argentina (PFA) (Argentine Federal Police)
- Servicio Penitenciario Federal (SPF) (Federal Penitentiary Service)
- Oficina Anticorrupción (OA) (Counter Corruption Bureau)
- Secretaría de Inteligencia del Estado (Intelligent Agencie)
Armed Forces of Argentina
- Military Police
- Naval Infraestructure Police
Each one of Argentina's twenty-three provinces has its own Provincial Police force.
- Buenos Aires Provincial Police (Policía Bonaerense)
- Santa Fe Provincial Police (Policía de la Provincia de Santa Fe)
- Córdoba Provincial Police (Policía de la Provincia de Córdoba)
- Tucumán Provincial Police (Policía de la Provincia de Tucumán)
- Chaco Provincial Police (Policia de la Provincia del Chaco)
- San Juan Provincial Police (Policia de la Provincia de San Juan)
- San Luis Provincial Police (Policia de la Provincia de San Luis)
- Formosa Provincial Police (Policia de la Provincia de Formosa)
- Neuquén Provincial Police (Policia de la Provincia de Neuquén)
- Chubut Provincial Police (Policia de la Provincia de Chubut)
- Santa Cruz Provincial Police (Policia de la Provincia de Santa Cruz)
- Tierra del Fuego Provincial Police (Policia de la Provincia de Tieraa del Fuego)
- Rio Negro Provincial Police (Policia de la Provincia de Río Negro)
- La Pampa Provincial Police (Policia de la Provincia de la Pampa)
- Catamarca Provincial Police (Policia de la Provincia de Catamarca)
- Santiago del Estero Provincial Police (Policia de la Provincia de Santiago del Estero)
- Salta Provincial Police (Policia de la Provincia de Salta)
- Jujuy Provincial Police (Policia de la Provincia de Jujuy)
- Misiones Provincial Police (Policia de la Provincia de Misiones)
- La Rioja Provincial Police (Policia de la Provincia de La Rioja)
- Entre Ríos Provincial Police (Policia de la Provincia de Entre Ríos)
- Corrientes Provincial Police (Policia de la Provincia de Corrientes)
- Mendoza Provincial Police (Policia de la Provincia de Mendoza)
- Law enforcement in Guyana
Disbanded agencies
Note: Many of these fall under the definition of secret police and derive from that list.
- B-Gendarmerie (paramilitary security force from ca. 1950 until 1955)
- Bundesgendarmerie (Federal Constabulary until 2005)
Costa Rica
- Veřejná bezpečnost (Public security)
- StB (State Security)
- Federal Republic of Germany
- Bundesgrenzschutz (BGS) (Federal Border Guard until 2005)
- Freiwillige Polizei-Reserve (FPR) (Voluntary paramilitary special police of the state of Berlin until 2002)
- East Germany
- Volkspolizei (VoPo) (People's Police)
- Ministerium für Staatssicherheit (StaSi) (Ministry for State Security)
- Nazi Germany
- Ordnungspolizei (OrPo) (Order Police)
- Kriminalpolizei (KriPo) (Criminal Police, denomination still in use for modern local investigative units of state police)
- Sicherheitspolizei (SiPo) (Security Police)
- Geheime Staatspolizei (GeStaPo) (Secret State Police)
Fascist Italy
- Milizia Volontaria (Volunteer Militia; Blackshirts)
- Guardia Nazionale Repubblicana (National Republician Guard)
- Organizzazione per la Vigilanza e la Repressione dell'Antifascismo (Organisation for Vigilance and Repression of Anti-Fascism)
Panama Canal Zone
Second Polish Republic
- Policja Państwowa (State Police)
People's Republic of Poland
- Milicja Obywatelska (Citizens' Militia)
- Zmotoryzowane Odwody Milicji Obywatelskiej (Motorized Reserves of the Citizens' Militia)
- Ochotnicza Rezerwa Milicji Obywatelskiej (Volunteer Reserve Militia)
- Wojskowa Służba Wewnętrzna (Internal Military Service)
- Ministerstwo Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego (Ministry of Public Security)
- Służba Bezpieczeństwa MSW (Security Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs)
Communist Romania
Former Soviet Union/Russia
- KGB (Committee for State Security
- Militsiya (Militia)
- Federal Tax Police Service of the Russian Federation
- Federal Migration Service
- Federal Narcotics Control Service
- Ministry of Police of the Russian Empire
See also
- "". 2012. Archived from the original on 18 April 2012.
- "Kyrgyzstan / Asia & South Pacific / Member countries / Internet / Home - INTERPOL".
- EJPD. "Eidgenössisches Justiz- und Polizeidepartement".
- ONI Police