List of people associated with the 2003 invasion of Iraq
This is a list of notable people associated with the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

M1A1 Abrams pose for a photo under the "Hands of Victory" in Ceremony Square, Baghdad, Iraq.
- John Howard, Prime Minister
- Andrew Wilkie
- Hu Jintao, President
- Li Zhaoxing, Foreign Minister
- Jacques Chirac, President
- Dominique de Villepin, Foreign Minister
- Gerhard Schröder, Chancellor
- Joschka Fischer, Foreign Minister
- Rafid Ahmed Alwan, aka "Curveball"
- Tariq Aziz
- Ahmed Chalabi – Iraqi National Congress
- Qusay Hussein
- Saddam Hussein
- Uday Hussein
- Taha Yassin Ramadan – Vice President
- Amir Hamudi Hasan al-Sadi – Liaison to UNSCOM
- Muhammed Saeed al-Sahaf – Information Minister
- Abdul Razak al-Hashimi – coordinated with human shields
- Vladimir Putin, President
- Igor Ivanov, Foreign Minister
- Tony Blair, Prime Minister
- Lord Goldsmith, Attorney General for England and Wales
- Jeremy Greenstock, UK ambassador to the UN during the buildup, and then UK representative in Iraq post-invasion.
- Geoff Hoon, Secretary of State for Defence
- Clare Short, International Development Secretary
- Jack Straw, Foreign Secretary
- Elizabeth Wilmshurst, Deputy chief legal adviser to the Foreign Office
- Major-General Tim Cross
- Johnson Beharry, Awarded a rare Victoria Cross for two separate acts of bravery. First living recipient of the award since 1969.
- Air Marshal Brian Burridge, In charge of UK invasion, Operation Telic
United Nations
- Kofi Annan, Secretary-General
- Hans Blix, head of UNSCOM
- Mohamed ElBaradei – Director General of the United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency
United States
- Paul Bremer – former head of the CPA
- Jay Garner – former head of ORHA
- George W. Bush, President
- Dick Cheney, Vice President
- I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby – Former Chief of Staff to the Vice President and his Assistant for Security Affairs; founding member of the Project for the New American Century; former student and close associate of Paul Wolfowitz
- Richard Perle – former Assistant Secretary of Defense
- Colin Powell – Secretary of State
- Condoleezza Rice – National Security Advisor
- Donald Rumsfeld – Defense Secretary
- George Tenet – CIA Director
- Paul Wolfowitz – Deputy Secretary of Defense
- Lynndie England
- General Tommy Franks
- Corporal Sean Huze, USMC, RCT-1, 2nd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion
- PFC Jessica Lynch
- Lieutenant General David D. McKiernan, CFLCC Commander
- General David Petraeus-Commander, Multi-National Force-Iraq
- Lieutenant Colonel Eddie Ray USMC Battalion Commander, 2nd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion
- General Ricardo Sanchez
- Gunnery Sergeant Justin LeHew USMC, RCT-2 Task Force Tarawa
- Bruce P. Jackson – Chairman of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) and current chair of the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq
- Bernard Lewis
- Michael Rubin – A specialist on Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy
- Randy Scheunemann – President of the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, which was created by the Project for the New American Century
- Harlan K. Ullman – Military theorist responsible for the shock and awe strategy
- James Woolsey – former CIA Director
- Peter Arnett – journalist
- Joseph C. Wilson – Former diplomat whose criticism of the claim Saddam sought uranium from Niger led to the Plame affair
See also
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