Pan-Orthodox Council
The Pan-Orthodox Council, officially referred to as the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church (gr.: ‘Η Ἁγία καὶ Μεγάλη Σύνοδος τῆς ’Ορθοδόξου ’Εκκλησίας) [1] (also sometimes called the Council of Crete), was a synod of set representative bishops of the universally recognised autocephalous local churches of Eastern Orthodox Christianity held in Kolymvari, Crete. The Council sat from 19 to 26 June 2016.
In March 2014, the Primates of local Orthodox Churches convened in Fener, the residence of the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, and reached a decision: "The Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church will be convened by the Ecumenical Patriarch in Constantinople in 2016, unless something unexpected occurs."[1][2]
In January 2016, at the invitation of the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, the Synaxis of Primates of the Orthodox Autocephalous Churches was held at the Orthodox Center of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Chambésy, Switzerland.[3] The Primates of the local Orthodox Churches and three official delegations representing the Church of Antioch, the Church of Greece, and the Church of Poland, convened to finalise the texts for the Holy and Great Council.[3] Due to the heightened tensions between Russia and Turkey, a decision was reached to hold the Synod in Greece.[4][5]
Agenda, decisions and reception
The items officially approved at the 2016 Synaxis for referral to and adoption by the Holy and Great Council were:[6][7]
- The Mission of the Orthodox Church in Today's World;
- The Orthodox Diaspora;
- Autonomy and the Means by Which it is Proclaimed;
- The Sacrament of Marriage and its Impediments;
- The Importance of Fasting and Its Observance Today;
- Relations of the Orthodox Church with the Rest of the Christian World.
Elizabeth Prodromou, an American professor who is on the team advising Patriarch Bartholomew at the Council, stated that the Council will enable the Orthodox church to express a "robust theology of global engagement".[8]
The Council in Crete approved, with minor amendments, the documents that had been elaborated by all the Churches in the course of their consultations prior to the Synod, and adopted the Message and the Encyclical.[9]
In view of non-attendance by the four Churches, the Synod's official spokesman Archbishop Job Getcha stated that all the documents adopted by the Council in Crete would be binding to all the Orthodox Churches.[10][11]
On 27 June 2016, the Synod of the Church of Antioch issued a statement concerning the Crete Council that stated that the documents adopted by in Crete were not binding for the Patriarchate of Antioch; the Church of Antioch recognized the Synod as "a preliminary gathering on the way to a Pan-Orthodox Council", while the documents it adopted as not final and open for discussion.[12][13]
The Synod of the Russian Church (the Moscow Patriarchate) in July 2016 passed a resolution that designated the Crete Council as a "an important event in the history of the synodal process in the Orthodox Church that was begun by the First Pan-Orthodox consultation in Rhodes in 1961", but the Russian Church Synod refused to recognise the Synod as pan-orthodox and the documents thereof as "reflecting pan-orthodox consensus".[14] The Russian Church Synod decided to have the Crete Synod's documents examined for further conclusions.[14][15] In early December 2017, the Bishops′ Council of the ROC approved the previous resolution of the ROC Synod that stated that the ROC did not recognise the Council in Crete as Pan-Orthodox, nor its decisions binding for all the Orthodox Churches.[16]
On 18 November 2016, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople sent a letter to the Archbishop of Athens asking him to admonish some of the Greek Orthodox clergy who reject the Holy and Great Council. According to the document, Patriarch Bartholomew reserved to himself the right to sever ecclesiastical and sacramental communion with those clergymen if Greek ecclesiastical authorities decide not to act on the patriarch's request to discipline them.[17] As Dr. Ines Murzaku, professor of Ecclesiastical History and Founding Chair of the Department of Catholic Studies at Seton Hall University, elaborated in her email interview to Crisis Magazine, such "interference and pressure to excommunicate might sound more as rules/jurisdiction that apply in the West“, and for this reason the Patriarch Bartholomew "might be viewed by many as ‘the Pope of the East’ or ‘Orthodox Pope’”.[18]
However, other Catholic scholars such as Ludwig Hertling, would disagree as he says in his book, Communio: Church and Papacy in Early Christianity, anyone could and did break communion when the parties felt necessary. The most prominent example is the excommunications between Patriarch Michael Kerularios and Cardinal Humbert (a representative of Pope Leo, but not Leo himself) when the latter excommunicated the former. That is still practiced in the Church today. The Patriarch's request for admonishment concerning the clerics in question is not based on their rejection of the Council per se, since others also disagree, but with the manner they conduct their activities as well as their allegations and charges, including that of heresy (both type of actions denounced by the Holy Synods of other autocephalous Churches).
Participants and delegations
Churches that attended
- Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew (Archontonis), President of the Holy and Great Council.[19][20]
- Archbishop Leo (Makkonen) of Karelia and all Finland.
- Metropolitan Stephanos (Charalambides) of Tallinn and all Estonia.
- Metropolitan Elder John (Zizioulas) of Pergamon.
- Archbishop Elder Demetrios (Trakatellis) of America.
- Metropolitan Augustine (Labardakis) of Germany.
- Archbishop Irenaeus (Athanasiadis) of Crete.
- Metropolitan Isaiah (Chronopoulos) of Denver.
- Metropolitan Alexios (Panagiotopoulos) of Atlanta.
- Metropolitan Iakovos (Sophroniadis) of the Princes’ Islands.
- Metropolitan Joseph (Charkiolakis) of Prikonnisos.
- Metropolitan Meliton (Karras) of Philadelphia.
- Metropolitan Emmanuel (Adamakis) of France.
- Metropolitan Nikitas (Lulias) of the Dardanelles.
- Metropolitan Nicholas (Pissaris) of Detroit.
- Metropolitan Gerasimos (Michaleas) of San Francisco.
- Metropolitan Amphilochios (Andronikakis) of Kissamos and Selini.
- Metropolitan Ambrosios (Zografos) of Korea.
- Metropolitan Maximos (Vgenopoulos) of Selyvria.
- Metropolitan Amphilochios (Stergios) of Adrianopolis.
- Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) of Diokleia.
- Metropolitan Antony (Scharba) of Ierapolis, head of the Ukrainian Orthodox in the USA.
- Archbishop Job (Getcha) of Telmessos, Permanent Representative of the Ecumenical Patriarchate to the World Council of Churches.
- Archbishop Jean (Renneteau) of Charioupolis, head of the Patriarchal Exarchate of Orthodox Parishes of Russian Tradition in Western Europe.
- Bishop Gregory (Tatsis) of Nyssa, head of the Carpatho-Russian Orthodox in the USA.
- Special Consultants:
- Bishop Makarios of Christopolis (Estonia).
- Archimandrite Tikhon, Abbot of Stavronikita Monastery of Mount Athos.
- Protopresbyter of the Ecumenical Throne Konstantinos Myron (Germany).
- Sister Theoxeni, Abbess of the Holy Patriarchal and Stavropegic Monastery of the Life-Giving Spring (Chrysopigi (gr)), Chania.
- Mr. Panteleimon Vingas, Archon Grand Chartophylax of the Holy and Great Church of Christ (Constantinople).
- Dr. Elizabeth Prodromou, Professor (USA).
- Archimandrite Bartholomew Samaras, Chief-Secretary of the Holy and Sacred Council of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and Secretary to the Holy and Great Council’s President.
- Patriarch Theodore II (Choreftakis), Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa.[20][21]
- Metropolitan Elder Petros (Giakoumelos) of Aksum.
- Metropolitan Elder Gabriel (Raftopulos) of Leontopolis.
- Metropolitan Makarios (Tillyrides) of Nairobi and All Kenya.
- Metropolitan Jonah (Lwanga) of Kampala and All Uganda.
- Metropolitan Seraphim (Iakóvou) of Zimbabwe and Angola
- Metropolitan Alexandros (Gianniris) of Nigeria.
- Metropolitan Theophylaktos (Tzoumerkas) of Tripoli.
- Metropolitan Sergios (Kykkotis) of Good Hope.
- Metropolitan Athanasios (Kykkotis) of Cyrene.
- Metropolitan Alexios (Leontaritis) of Carthage.
- Metropolitan Ieronymos (Muzeeyi) of Mwanza.
- Metropolitan George (Vladimirou) of Guinea.
- Metropolitan Nicholas (Antoniou) of Hermopolis.
- Metropolitan Dimitrios (Zaharengas) of Irinopolis.
- Metropolitan Damaskinos (Papandreou) of Johannesburg and Pretoria.
- Metropolitan Narkissos (Gammoh) of Accra.
- Metropolitan Emmanuel (Kagias) of Ptolemaidos.
- Metropolitan Gregorios (Stergiou) of Cameroon and Exarch of Central Africa.
- Metropolitan Nicodemos (Priangellos) of Memphis.
- Metropolitan Meletios (Kamiloudes) of Katanga.
- Bishop Panteleimon (Arathymos) of Brazzaville and Gabon.
- Bishop Innokentios (Biakatonta) of Burudi and Rwanda.
- Bishop Crysostomos (Karagounis) of Mozambique.
- Bishop Neofytos (Kongai) of Nyeri and Mount Kenya.
- Special Consultants:
- Dr. Panagiotis Tzoumerkas, Professor, University Ecclesiastical Academy of Thessaloniki.
- Archimandrite Paisios (Larentzakis).
- Archimandrite Peter (Parginos).
- Protopresbyter Athenodoros Papaevropiadis.
- Protopresbyter Joseph Kwame Labi Ayete.
- Deacon Emmanuel Kamanua.
- Patriarch Theophilos (Giannopoulos) III, of Jerusalem.[20]
- Metropolitan Benedict (Tsekouras) of Philadelphia.
- Archbishop Aristarchos (Peristeris) of Constantina.
- Archbishop Theophylaktos (Georgiadis) of Jordan.
- Archbishop Nektarios (Selalmadzidis) of Anthedon.
- Archbishop Philoumenos (Machamre) of Pella.
- Special Consultants:
- Archimandrite Christophoros (Mousa).
- Archimandrite Damianos (Panou).
- Archimandrite Nikodemos (Skrettas).
- Archimandrite Chrysostomos (Nasis).
- Archimandrite Ieronymos (Delioglou).
- Protopresbyter Georgios Dragas.
- Professor Theodoros Yiangou.[22]
- On June 9, 2016, the Serbian Orthodox Church joined a number of local Churches which did not consider participation in the Pan-Orthodox Council slated for late June on Crete to be possible.[23] However on June 15, 2016, the Serbian Church changed its position on the issue of its participation in the Pan-Orthodox Council and decided to attend,[24] with the caveat that it reserved the right to leave forum on Crete if the position of those churches who refused to participate was ignored.[25]
- Serbian Patriarch Irinej (Gavrilović), the Archbishop of Peć, Metropolitan of Belgrade and Karlovci.[20]
- Archbishop Jovan VI (Vraniškovski) of Ohrid and Skopje.
- Metropolitan Amfilohije (Radović) of Montenegro and the Littoral.
- Metropolitan Porfirije (Perić) of Zagreb and Ljubljana.
- Bishop Vasilije (Vadić) of Sirmium.
- Bishop Lukijan (Pantelić) of Budim.
- Bishop Longin (Krčo) of Nova Gracanica.
- Bishop Irinej (Bulović) of Bačka.
- Bishop Hrizostom (Jević) of Zvornik and Tuzla.
- Bishop Justin (Stefanović) of Zica.
- Bishop Pahomije (Gačić) of Vranje.
- Bishop Jovan (Mladenović) of Sumadija.
- Bishop Ignatije (Midić) of Branicevo.
- Bishop Fotije (Sladojević) of Dalmatia.
- Bishop Atanasije (Rakita) of Bihac and Petrovac.
- Bishop Joanikije (Mićović) of Niksic and Budimlje.
- Bishop Grigorije (Durić) of Zahumlje and Hercegovina.
- Bishop Milutin (Knežević) of Valjevo.
- Bishop Maxim (Vasiljević) in Western America.
- Bishop Irinej (Dobrijević) in Australia and New Zealand.
- Bishop David (Perović) of Krusevac.
- Bishop Jovan (Ćulibrk) of Slavonija.
- Bishop Andrej (Ćilerdžić) in Austria and Switzerland.
- Bishop Sergej (Karanović) of Frankfurt and all of Germany.
- Bishop Ilarion (Golubović) of Timok.
- Special Consultants:
- Bishop Jerome (Močević) of Jegar (sr).
- Archimandrite Sava (Janjic), of the Visoki Dečani monastery.
- Archimandrite Nicodemus (Kosovits), of the Krka monastery.
- Protopresbyter-Staurophor Dr. Zoran Krstic.
- Protopresbyter Gaja Gajic.
- Mr. Vladan Tatalović, Assistant Professor at Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Belgrade University.[21]
- Patriarch Daniel (Ciobotea), of the Romanian Orthodox Church.
- Archbishop Teofan (Savu), of Iaşi, and Metropolitan of Moldavia and Bucovina.
- Archbishop Laurenţiu (Streza), of Sibiu, and Metropolitan of Transylvania.
- Archbishop Andrei (Andreicuț), of Vad, Feleacu and Cluj, and Metropolitan of Cluj, Maramureș and Sălaj.
- Archbishop Irineu (Popa), of Craiova, and Metropolitan of Oltenia.
- Archbishop Ioan (Selejan), of Timişoara, and Metropolitan of Banat.
- Archbishop Iosif (Pop), of Western Europe, and Metropolitan of Western and Southern Europe.
- Archbishop Serafim (Joantă), of Germany, Austria and Luxembourg, and Metropolitan of Germany, Central and Northern Europe.
- Archbishop Nifon (Mihăiţă), Metropolitan of Târgoviște.
- Archbishop Irineu (Pop) of Alba Iulia.
- Archbishop Varsanufie (Gogescu) of Râmnic.
- Archbishop Ioachim (Giosanu) of Roman and Bacău.
- Archbishop Casian (Crăciun) of Lower Danube.
- Archbishop Timotei (Seviciu) of Arad.
- Archbishop Nicolae (Condrea) in the Americas.
- Bishop Sofronie (Drincec) of Oradea.
- Bishop Nicodim (Nicolăescu) of Severin and Strehaia.
- Bishop Visarion (Bălțat) of Tulcea.
- Bishop Petroniu (Florea) of Sălaj.
- Bishop Siluan (Mănuilă) of Hungary and Serbia.
- Bishop Siluan (Şpan) of Italy.
- Bishop Timotei (Lauran) of Spain and Portugal.
- Bishop Macarie (Drăgoi) of Northern Europe.
- Bishop Varlaam (Merticariu) of Ploiești, Assistant Bishop to the Patriarch, Secretary of the Holy Council.
- Bishop Emilian (Nica) of Lovişte, Assistant Bishop to the Archdiocese of Râmnic.[20][21]
- Archbishop Chrysostomos II (Dimitriou) of Nova Justiniana and All Cyprus.[20][21]
- Metropolitan Georgios (Papachrysostomou) of Paphos and Exarchate of Arsinoe and Romaeon.
- Metropolitan Chrysostomos (Mahairiotis) of Kition and Exarchate of Larnaca and Pano Lefkara.
- Metropolitan Chrysostomos (Kykkotis) of Kyrenia and Exarchate of Lapithos and Karavas.
- Metropolitan Athanasios (Nikolaou) of Limassol, Amathous and Kourion.
- Metropolitan Neophytos (Masouras) of Morphou and Soloi.
- Metropolitan Vasileios (Karajiannis) of Constantia and Ammochostos.
- Metropolitan Nikiphoros (Kykkotis) of Kykkos and Tillyria.
- Metropolitan Isaïas (Kykkotis) of Tamassos and Oreini.
- Metropolitan Barnabas (Stavrovouniotis) of Tremithousa and Lefkara.
- Bishop Christophoros (Tsiakkas) of Karpasion.
- Bishop Nektarios (Spyrou) of Arsinoe.
- Bishop Nikolaos (Timiadis) of Amathus.
- Bishop Epiphanios (Mahairiotis) of Ledra.
- Bishop Leontios (Englistriotis) of Chytron.
- Bishop Porphyrios (Mahairiotis) of Neapolis.
- Bishop Gregory (Hatziouraniou) of Mesaoria.
- Special Consultants:
- Archimandrite Ioannis (Ioannou), Igumen of Monastery of St. Barnabas.
- Archimandrite Benedict (Ioannou), Director of St. Barnabas Seminary.
- Archimandrite Papagrigorios (Ioannidis).
- Archimandrite Gregory (Mousouroulis).
- Archimandrite Augustinos (Kkaras).
- Deacon Cyprian Kountouris.
- Deacon Michael Nicholaou.
- Mr. Michael Spyrou, Secretary of the Holy Council.
- A Greek media report of May 24, 2016 stated that at least a dozen bishops who had been appointed[26] to participate in the Holy and Great Council said that they refused to attend. The specific prelates were to be replaced by other metropolitans at an urgently convened summit of the hierarchy of the Church of Greece.[27] The original list of participants was published on March 8, 2016.[26][28] The final delagtion that attended the Synod included the following:[21]
- Archbishop Ieronymos II (Liapis) of Athens.[20]
- Metropolitan Prokopios (Tsakoumakas) of Philippi, Neapolis and Thasos.
- Metropolitan Chrysostomos (Zaphiris) of Peristeri.
- Metropolitan Germanos (Paraskevopoulos) of Elis and Oleni.
- Metropolitan Alexandros (Papadopoulos) of Mantineia and Kynouria.
- Metropolitan Ignatios (Alexiou) of Arta.
- Metropolitan Ignatios (Lappas) of Larissa and Tyrnavos.
- Metropolitan Damaskinos (Karpathakis) of Didymoteichon and Orestias and Exarchate of Haemimontos.
- Metropolitan Alexios (Vryonis) of Nikaia.
- Metropolitan Hierotheos (Vlachos) of Metropolis of Nafpaktos and Agios Vlasios.[29]
- Metropolitan Eusebios (Pistolís) of Samos and Ikaria.
- Metropolitan Seraphim (Papakóstas) of Kastoria and Exarchate of Upper Macedonia.
- Metropolitan Ignatios (Georgakopoulos) of Demetrias and Almyros.
- Metropolitan Nikodemos (Korakis) of Kassandria and Exarchate of All the Thermaic Gulf.
- Metropolitan Ephraem (Stenakis) of Hydra, Spetses and Aegina.
- Metropolitan Theologos (Apostolides) of Serres and Nigrita.
- Metropolitan Makarios (Philotheou) of Siderokastron.
- Metropolitan Anthimos (Koukouridis) of Alexandroupoli.
- Metropolitan Varnavas (Tyris) of Neapolis and Stavroupolis.
- Metropolitan Chrysostomos (Savvatos) of Messinia.
- Metropolitan Athenagoras (Dikaiakos) of Ilion, Acharnes and Petroupolis.
- Metropolitan Ioannis (Tassias) of Langadas.
- Metropolitan Gabriel (Papanicolaou) of New Ionia and Philadelphia.
- Metropolitan Chrysostomos (Tsirigas) of Nikopolis and Preveza and Exarchate of Old Epirus.
- Metropolitan Theoklitos (Athanasópoulos) of Ierissos, Mount Athos and Ardameri.
- Special Consultants:
- Bishop Clement (Kotsomytis) of Methoni, Chief Secretary of the Holy Council.
- Archimandrite Ignatius (Sotiriades), Secretary, Inter-Orthodox Relations.
- Archimandrite Cherubim (Moustakas), Assistant, Inter-Orthodox Relations.
- Protopresbyter Adamantios Augoustidis, General Vicar of the Holy Archdiocese of Athens, Associate Professor of Theology, University of Athens.
- Protopresbyter Basil Kalliakmanis, Professor of Theology School of Thessaloniki.
- Mr. George Filias, Professor of Theology, University of Athens.
- Metropolitan Sawa (Hrycuniak) of Warsaw and All Poland.[20][21]
- Archbishop Szymon (Romańczuk) of Łódź and Poznań.
- Archbishop Jeremiasz (Anchimiuk) of Wrocław and Szczecin.
- Archbishop Abel (Popławski) of Lublin and Chełm.
- Archbishop Jakub (Kostiuczuk) of Białystok and Gdańsk.
- Bishop Jerzy (Pańkowski) of Siemiatycze.
- Bishop Paisjusz (Martyniuk) of Gorlice.
- Special Consultants:
- Archimandrite Andreas.
- Archpriest Anatol Szymaniuk.
- Archpriest Andrzej Kuźma.
- Archdeacon Paweł Tokajuk.
- Mr. Jarosław Charkiewicz, journalist.
- Mr. Jerzy Betlejko, interpreter.
- Mr. Mikołaj Podolec, interpreter, steward.
- Archbishop Anastasios (Yannoulatos) of Tirana, Durres and All Albania.[20][21][30]
- Metropolitan Ignatios (Triantis) of Berat, Vlorë and Kanina.
- Metropolitan Joan (Pellushi) of Koritsa.
- Metropolitan Demetrios (Ntigkbasanis) of Argyrokastron.
- Metropolitan Nikolla (Hyka) of Apollonia and Fier.
- Metropolitan Andon (Merdani) of Elbasan, Shpat and Librazhd.
- Metropolitan Nathaniel (Stergiou) of Amantia.
- Bishop Asti (Bakallbashi) of Byllis.
- Special Consultants:
- Protopresbyter Jani Trebicka.
- Father Anastasios Bendo.
- Nun Rakela Dervishi.
- Mr. Piro Kondili.
- Dr. Dion (Vasil) Tushi.
- Mrs. Sonila Rëmbeci (former member of the Presidency, and of the Central Council of the CEC, 2009-2013).
- Mr. Orfea Beci (Press Office).
- Father Charalampos Gkiokas (Staff of the Archbishop).
- Deacon Spiros Topanxha (Staff of the Archbishop).
- Archbishop Rastislav (Gont) of Prešov, the Czech Lands and Slovakia.[20][21][31]
- Archbishop Michal (Dandár) of Prague.
- Bishop Isaiah (Slaninka) of Šumperk.
- Special Consultants:
- Archpriest Milan Gerka, Secretary of the Holy Council.
- Archimandrite Seraphim (Šemjatovský).
- Archpriest Michal Švajko.
- Archdeacon Maxim Durila.
- Deacon Kiril Sarkissian.
- Ms Iveta Stacova (interpreter).
Churches that did not attend
Church of AntiochThe Antiochian Church pulled out due to the dispute over the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of Qatar that is also claimed by the Patriarchate of Jerusalem.[32] The Antiochian Church joined the Church of Georgia in their reservations toward the pre-conciliar document about marriage, and also disagreed with the document about the Orthodox diaspora. There were other matters which the Antiochian Church desired to discuss, such as the calendar issue, but had been removed from the agenda due to lack of consensus on the issue.[33] Still desiring to convene a Pan-Orthodox Council with full participation, the Antiochian Church considers the 2016 meeting to be "a preliminary meeting towards the Pan-Orthodox Council, [and thus considers] its documents not final, but still open to discussion and amendment upon the convocation of the Great Pan-Orthodox Council in the presence and participation of all the Autocephalous Orthodox Churches."[34] Russian ChurchThe Russian Orthodox Church pulled out because of her belief that the council is not truly "pan-orthodox" without the Antiochan, Bulgarian, or Georgian churches.[35][36] Previously, a preliminary discussion was held on the composition of the delegation to the Pan-Orthodox Council,[37] and the list of participants was published.[38][note 1] In 2007 the Moscow and Constantinople patriarchates disagreed at the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue Between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church over the issue of the Estonian Church.[39][40][41] Metropolitan Stephanos, the primate of the Constantinople-backed Estonian church attended with the Ecumenical Patriarch's Constantinopolitan delegation;[19] Metropolitan Cornelius of the Russia-backed Estonian Church was not listed among the prospective Russian delegation.[38] Church of BulgariaThe Bulgarian Orthodox Church pulled out due to disagreements on some of the texts already approved for the Synod meeting, and specifically that those texts would not be subject to editing in the course of discussions, though that seemed to be a misunderstanding, since all documents were opened for discussion and other Churches went ready to and did amend them.[42]
Church of GeorgiaThe Georgian Orthodox Church pulled out due to disagreements about several of the Synod's documents, in particular "The Relation of the Orthodox Church with the Rest of the Christian World".[32][43] In December 2016 the holy synod of the Church of Georgia rejected the claim that the council, which it refers to as the "Council of Crete", was Pan Orthodox and the idea that its texts reflected Orthodox Teaching.[44][45] Orthodox Church in AmericaThe Orthodox Church in America (OCA) was not invited due to the lack of recognition of her autocephaly by some other autocephalous Churches. However, the jurisdiction did support the Council and its convocation by sending clergy scholars from among them to help with the event before, during, and after. In addition, she released an official letter in support of the Council and a special prayer to be included during every Divine Liturgy in every diocese.[46] Also, OCA scholars were among the drafters of a special letter sent to every autocephalous Church urging them to support the convocation of the Council during the time when critical voices were pressuring certain Churches to not attend the synod just a few days before it was to meet.[47] However, the OCA has not released a post-Council statement, and Metropolitan Tikhon has been in the process of resuming the discussion between the OCA and the Ecumenical Patriarchate. |
- The delegation of the Church of Russia that had been approved on May 4 had included the following bishops:[38]
- Patriarch Kirill of Moscow.
- Metropolitan Onufriy (Berezovsky), of Kiev and All Ukraine.
- Metropolitan Juvenal (Poyarkov) of Krutitsy and Kolomna.
- Metropolitan Vladimir (Cantarean) of Kishinev and All Moldavia.
- Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan, head of the Metropolitan Region in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Metropolitan Vikenty of Tashkent and Uzbekistan, head of the Central Asia Metropolitan Region.
- Metropolitan Varsonofy of St Petersburg and Ladoga, chancellor of the Moscow Patriarchate.
- Metropolitan Paul (Ponomaryov) of Minsk and Zaslavl, Patriarchal Exarch for All Belarus.
- Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev) of Volokolamsk, head of the Moscow Patriarchate department for external church relations.
- Metropolitan Agafangel of Odessa and Izmail.
- Metropolitan Alexander of Riga and All Latvia.
- Metropolitan Tikhon of Novosibirsk and Berdsk.
- Metropolitan Sergiy of Ternopol and Kremenets.
- Metropolitan Kirill of Yekaterinburg and Verkhoturye.
- Metropolitan Mercurius (Ivanov) of Rostov and Novocherkassk.
- Metropolitan Mitrofan of Lugansk and Alchevsk, chairman of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church department for external church relations.
- Metropolitan George (Danilov) of Niznniy Novrogod and Arzamas.
- Metropolitan Anthony of Borispol and Brovary, chancellor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
- Archbishop Mark (Arndt) of Berlin-Germany and Great Britain.
- Archbishop Innokenty of Vilna and Lithuania.
- Archbishop Guriy of Novogrudok and Slonim.
- Archbishop Seraphim of Sendai.
- Archbishop Ioann of Magadan and Sinegorye.
- Archbishop Lazar of Narva and Prichudje.
- Bishop Anthony of Bogorodsk.
- Message of the Primates of the Orthodox Churches §6: «Ἡ Ἁγία καί Μεγάλη Σύνοδος τῆς Ὀρθοδόξου Ἐκκλησίας θά συγκληθῇ ὑπό τοῦ Οἰκουμενικοῦ Πατριάρχου ἐν Κωνσταντινουπόλει ἐν ἔτει 2016, ἐκτός ἀπροόπτου.»
- "Synaxis of the Primates of the Orthodox Churches (Phanar, March 6-9, 2014) Message - Messages - The Ecumenical Patriarchate". Retrieved 19 June 2016.
- "Photo Galleries - The Ecumenical Patriarchate". Retrieved 19 June 2016.
- Last-minute politics overshadow historic pan-Orthodox council Washington Post, 18 Dec 2015.
- "ORTHODOXY - RUSSIA Patriarch of Moscow: pan-Orthodox Synod to be held in Crete". Retrieved 19 June 2016.
- Council to Address Six Major Themes in Orthodoxy - OFFICIAL ADVANCE DOCUMENTS. The Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. Retrieved: 25 May 2016.
- COMMUNIQUÉ. The Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. 27/01/2016.
- Why Orthodox patriarchs are meeting after centuries, The Economist, Jun. 22nd 2016
- Official Documents of the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church
- Pan-Orthodox Council goes ahead without Russians; decisions 'will be binding'
- Church officials say Orthodox Council decisions will be binding
- "Statement of the Secretariat of the Holy Synod of Antioch, Balamand, 27 June 2016". Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East. 1 July 2016. Archived from the original on 5 December 2017. Retrieved 12 August 2016.
- "Statement of the Secretariat of the Holy Synod of Antioch". The Self-Ruled Antiochan Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America. 27 June 2016. Retrieved 12 August 2016.
- ЖУРНАЛЫ заседания Священного Синода от 15 июля 2016 года See ″ЖУРНАЛ № 48″.
- Постановления Освященного Архиерейского Собора Русской Православной Церкви (29 ноября ― 2 декабря 2017 года) // §§ 38, 39.
- "Admonishment Is Not the Same as Excommunication". Orthodox Christian Network. 2016-12-21. Retrieved 2017-02-14.
- "Anti-Catholic Critics Oppose Orthodox Council on Unity - Crisis Magazine". Crisis Magazine. 2017-01-23. Retrieved 2017-02-14.
- Delegation of the Ecumenical Patriarchate to the Holy and Great Council. The Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. Retrieved: 4 June 2016.
- Churches. ORTHODOXIA. Ostkirchliches Institut Regensburg OKI and Institute for Ecumenical Studies ISO, University of Fribourg. Retrieved: 27 June 2016.
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External links
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Wikimedia Commons has media related to Crete Council (2016). |
- Official Website Of The Great And Holy Council.
- Comprehensive Information On The Great And Holy Council From The Ecumenical Patriarchate Featuring Information, News, Commentaries, And History Of The Council Under The Heading "Road To The Council".
- Ecumenical Patriarchate Press Office | Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church. The Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, 2016.
- Facebook Open Forum Dedicated to Information About the Council, Discussions, and The Future of Councils of the Orthodox Church Run By and With Participation of Clergy, Scholars, and Regular Laymen.'''
- Fr. Alexander Rentel On The Meaning Of Consensus.
- Sister Vassa Can Non-Orthodox Be Called "Churches"?.
- George Demacopoulos Innovation in the Guise of Tradition Anti Ecumenist Efforts to Derail the Great and Holy Council.
- Dr Paul Gavrilyuk: Orthodox Council Bridges Tensions Moves Toward Interfaith Dialogue.
- Fr. Cyril Hovorun: A Blessedly Unpredictable Council.
- St Vladimir's Orthodox Seminary 33Rd Annual Fr Alexander Schmemann Lecture Featuring Information On The Great And Holy Council.
- Patriarch Of Alexandria Calls All To The Council.
- Orthodox Autocephalous Church Of Albania On The Great And Holy Council.
- Bishop Maxim Why We Should Go To The Council In Crete.
- Patriarch Of Romania About The Holy And Great Council.
- Many Questions Simple Answers By Archdeacon John Chryssavgis.
- Open Letter Of Georgian Theologians To The Holy Synod Of Orthodox Church Of Georgia Support The Holy And Great Council.
- Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School Of Theology Statement On The Great And Holy Council.
- International, Multilingual Blog On The Great And Holy Council.
- Message from His All-Holiness on the Holy and Great Council - Ecumenical Patriarchate Press Office. His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew (YouTube). May 13, 2016.
- Archdeacon and Ecumenical Patriarchate spokesman John Chryssavgis. On the Great Council of the Orthodox Church. First Things. Feb. 3, 2016.
- The Holy And Great Council: Discussion. Orthodox Christianity ( (pathfinder to numerous articles mostly against the Council )
- Patriarch Kirill: We Do Not Call The Forthcoming Pan-Orthodox Council Ecumenical.
- Session Of The Holy Synod Of The Russian Orthodox Church 3 June 2016, Proceedings No. 35.
- Orthodox Church Of Cyprus Has Proposed Amendments To The Text "Relations Of The Orthodox Church With The Rest Of The Christian World".
- Statement of the Secretariat of the Antiochian Holy Synod.
- Conclusions Of The Theological-Academic Conference: The Holy And Great Council: With Great Preparation But Without Expectations. Transl. Fr. Nicholas K. Orthodox Christianity ( June 4, 2016.
- A Statement Issued by the Secretariat of the Holy Synod of Antioch, Balamand, June 1, 2016. Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East. 2016-06-02.
- Fr. Peter Alban Heers. From the Second Vatican Council (1965) to the Pan-Orthodox Council (2016): Signposts on the Way to Crete.
- Bulgarian Orthodox Church: Outside The Orthodox Church "There Are No Other Churches, Only Heresies And Schisms".
- Communication of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia to the Clerics and Faithful.
- Metropolitan Of New Smyrna: "It Cannot Be Considered A Pan-Orthodox Council In Which Not Every Bishop Participates".
- Video: Georgian Orthodox Church Rejects Document On Ecumenism Drafted For The Great Council, 2016.
- Met. Hierotheos Vlachos. Letter To The Holy Synod Of Greece Concerning Preparations For The Upcoming Great And Holy Council.
- Metropolitan Of Limassol: "What Unity Are We Talking About? Those Who Departed From The Church Are Heretics And Schismatics".
- Dimitrios Tselingidis Observations on the Text of the Upcoming Council.