URSAL (acronym in Portuguese for "Union of Socialist Statelets of Latin America"[1] or "Union of Socialist Republics of Latin America") is a jocular term coined in 2001 by Brazilian sociologist Maria Lúcia Victor Barbosa[2] to mock criticism by left-wing politicians and intellectuals of the Free Trade Area of the Americas led by the United States.[3][4] Subsequently the expression was taken seriously by Olavo de Carvalho and by Brazilian right-wingers, resurfacing on YouTube and other media as a conspiracy theory related to a supposed Latin American integration plan propagated by the São Paulo Forum.[5][6][7]

In 2018 the Brazilian federal deputy and presidential candidate, Cabo Daciolo, spoke of URSAL as a conspiracy to end national sovereignties on the continent.[4] Daciolo referred to URSAL when he questioned Ciro Gomes[8][9] during the first debate among candidates of the 2018 Brazilian presidential election. Daciolo said URSAL would be a federation of Latin American and Caribbean countries with characteristics of a large bloc of socialist republics.[10][11][7] The episode had repercussions in the Brazilian and foreign press and provoked many protests in the social media.[12][13] History teaching in Brazil had to do with the development of a non-European Latin unity over the centuries.[14]
- Ciro Gomes: O que Foro de São Paulo e Ursal têm a ver com o candidato
- "Tudo que sabemos sobre a URSAL". Vice. 2018-08-14.
- "Os companheiros" (in Portuguese). Folha de Londrina. 2001-12-08.
- "Crítica do PT, socióloga diz que inventou Ursal em 2001 como ironia". Folha de S. Paulo. 2018-08-13.
- "#ElectionWatch: URSAL, Illuminati, and Brazil's YouTube Subculture". Digital Forensic Research Lab. Atlantic Council. 2018-08-30.
- "YouTube ajudou a amplificar teoria da Ursal, diz relatório". Folha de S.Paulo. 2018-08-30.
- "La URSAL: una teoría de la conspiración que llegó al debate político de Brasil" (in Spanish). El País. 2018-08-16.(in Portuguese)
- "Paraná Pesquisas: Após viralizar com URSAL, Daciolo ultrapassa Meirelles, Boulos e Amoêdo". Revista Fórum. 2018-08-15.
- "Cabo Daciolo pode ter um papel mais importante do que parece na eleição, diz Financial Times". InfoMoney. 2018-08-21.
- "Citada por Cabo Daciolo, Ursal seria 5ª maior economia do mundo". O Globo. 2018-08-10.
- "Cabo Daciolo, Plano Ursal e teoria da conspiração provocam avalanche de memes". Revista Fórum. 2018-08-10.
- "Internautas fazem graça com a 'Ursal' citada por Cabo Daciolo em debate". Correio Braziliense (in Portuguese). 2018-08-10.
- "A rightwing maverick lights up Brazil's presidential campaign". Financial Times.
- Ensino de história da América: reflexões sobre problemas de identidades
Further reading
- BOMFIM, Manoel. A América Latina: males de origem. Ed. do centenário. Rio de Janeiro: Topbooks, 2005. 390 p. ISBN 9788574751023
External links
- Programa Pensamento Crítico - Pátria Grande (E58). Video produced by the Institute of Latin American Studies of the Federal University of Santa Catarina. In the episode, Nildo Ouriques and Waldir Rampinelli discuss the idea of Great Nation, raised in the presidential debate under the name of URSAL.