Chechen cuisine
Chechen cuisine is the traditional folk cuisine of the Chechen people, who dwell in the North Caucasus.
Chechen cuisine is vast and multifaceted. The basis of Chechen cuisine is: meat, leeks, cheese, pumpkin and corn. The main components of Chechen dishes include spicy seasonings, onion, wild garlic, pepper and thyme.
Chechen cuisine is known for having rich dishes, and is also typically simple to prepare and easily digestible.[1]
Main Dishes
- Barsh (БӀарш) - Mutton stomach stuffed with ground meat, similar to Haggis.
- Chepalgash (ЧIепалгаш) - Sort of pie filled with cottage cheese and wild garlic.
- Dalnash (Далнаш) - Chudu (Pie) filled with lards and wild garlic.
- Daqina-Jijig (Дакъина-Жижиг) - Smoked meat
- Hingalsh (Хингалш) - Sort of half-round pie filled with pumpkin with butter or clarified butter. It is one of the most popular dish of the Chechen cuisine.
- Holtmash (ХьолтӀмаш) - Dumplings made from corn flour and filled with nettle.
- Jijig-Chorpa (Жижиг-Чорпа) - Soup made of mutton or beef meat, tomatoes, potatoes, etc.
- Jijig-Galnash (Жижиг-Галнаш) - Galnash (Sort of boiled dough) with meat (mostly mutton, chicken and beef).
- Kiald-Davtta (Киалд-Давтта) - Cottage cheese with butter.
- Kkherzan-Dulkh (Кхерзан-Дулх) - Fried meat (mutton or beef) with vegetables.
- Khudar (Худар) - Porridge with cheese.
- Siskal (Сискал) - Fried cornbreads.
- To-Beram (ТIо-берам) - Sauce made of Sour cream and cottage cheese. Often accompanied with Chechen corn breads.
- Yokh (Йоьхь) - Sausage made of wheat flour, mutton meat (minced), chicken fat and garlic.
- Ahar Hovla (Ахьар Хьовла) - Helva made from corn flour.
- Dema Hovla (Дема Хьовла) - Helva made from wheat flour.
- Garzni Hovla (Гарзни Хьовла) - Helva made from wheat flour in form of noodles.
- Gvaymakkhsh (Гваймакхш) - Sort of pancakes with honey.

Dema Holva
- Jaimoukha, A.M. (2005). The Chechens: A Handbook. Caucasus world. Psychology Press. p. 144. ISBN 978-0-415-32328-4.
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