Cinema of Ukraine
Ukraine has had an influence on the history of the cinema. Prominent Ukrainian directors include Oleksandr Dovzhenko, Dziga Vertov and Serhiy Paradzhanov. Dovzhenko is often cited as one of the most important early Soviet filmmakers,[5][6] as well as being a pioneer of Soviet montage theory and founding Dovzhenko Film Studios. In 1927 Dziga Vertov moved from Moscow to Ukraine. At the film studio VUFKU he made several avant-garde documentaries, among them The Eleventh Year, Man with a Movie Camera and first Ukrainian documentary sound film Enthusiasm (Symphony of the Donbass). Paradzhanov was an Armenian film director and artist who made significant contributions to Ukrainian, Armenian and Georgian cinema; he invented his own cinematic style, Ukrainian poetic cinema,[6] which was totally out of step with the guiding principles of socialist realism.
Cinema of Ukraine | |
![]() | |
No. of screens | 2,332 (2011)[1] |
• Per capita | 5.6 per 100,000 (2011)[1] |
Main distributors | B And H 20.0% Gemini Film 11.0% Kinomania 7.0%[2] |
Produced feature films (2009)[3] | |
Fictional | 10 |
Animated | 2 |
Documentary | 7 |
Number of admissions (2018)[4] | |
Total | 14,995,200 |
National films | 448,400 (3.0%) |
Gross box office (2011)[4] | |
Total | UAH 345 million (~€10.6 million) |
National films | UAH 4.62 million (~€142,000) (1.3%) |
Other important directors include Kira Muratova, Larysa Shepitko, Serhiy Bondarchuk, Leonid Bykov, Yuriy Illienko, Leonid Osyka, Vyacheslav Krishtofovich, Roman Balayan, Sergiy Masloboyschikov, Ihor Podolchak and Maryna Vroda. Many Ukrainian actors have achieved international fame and critical success, including Vira Kholodna, Bohdan Stupka, Sergei Makovetsky, Mike Mazurki, Natalie Wood, Danny Kaye, Jack Palance, Milla Jovovich, Olga Kurylenko and Mila Kunis. Immigrants from Ukraine were the parents of Serge Gainsbourg, Leonard Nimoy, Vira Farmiga and Taissa Farmiga, grandparents - Steven Spielberg, Dustin Hoffman, Sylvester Stallone, Kirk Douglas, Leonardo DiCaprio, Winona Ryder, Whoopi Goldberg, Edward Dmytryk, Lenny Kravitz and Zoë Kravitz, illusionist David Copperfield, animator Bill Tytla.
Despite a history of important and successful productions, the industry has often been characterised by a debate about its identity and the level of Russian and European influence.[7] Ukrainian producers are active in international co-productions, while Ukrainian actors, directors and crew feature regularly in Russian (and formerly Soviet) films. Successful films have been based on Ukrainian people, stories or events, including Battleship Potemkin, Man with a Movie Camera, and Everything Is Illuminated.
The Ukrainian State Film Agency owns National Oleksandr Dovzhenko Film Centre, film copying laboratory and archive, and takes part in hosting of the Odessa International Film Festival. Another festival, Molodist in Kyiv, is the only FIAPF accredited International Film Festival held in Ukraine; the competition program has sections for student films, first short film, and first full feature films from all over the world. It is held annually in October.
History of the cinema in Ukraine

On the territory of Odesa film studio, there is a Museum of the Cinema, in which you can find out about many interesting facts on the history of the cinema in general and history of Ukrainian cinema as a part. Here you can find historic materials, from the invention of cinema, to the postmodern, digital and avant garde.
Films of Ukrainian SSR by ticket sales
Ukrainian title | English title | Year | Tickets sold (millions) |
НП – Надзвичайна пригода | E.A. — Extraordinary Accident | 1959 | 47.5 |
У бій ідуть лише «старі» | Only Old Men Are Going to Battle | 1973 | 44.3 |
Вдалечінь від батьківщини | Far from the Motherland | 1960 | 42.0 |
Доля Марини | Marina's Destiny | 1954 | 37.9 |
Подвиг розвідника | Secret Agent | 1947 | 22.73 |
Government and civil bodies concerned
is administrated by the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Association of Cinematographers.
Film studios

State owned
- Dovzhenko Film Studios (Kyiv)
- Kyivnaukfilm (Kyiv)
- National Cinematheque of Ukraine (former part of Kyivnaukfilm) (Kyiv)
- Odessa Film Studio (Odesa)
- Ukranimafilm (former part of Kyivnaukfilm) (Kyiv)
- Ukrtelefilm (Kyiv)
- Yalta Film Studio[8] (Yalta)
Privately owned
Film distribution
B&H Film Distribution Company is a major Ukrainian film distributor; it is the local distributor of films by Walt Disney Pictures, Universal Pictures, Paramount Pictures, Sony Pictures Entertainment (Columbia Pictures).[11]
Ukrainian Film Distribution (formerly Gemini Ukraine) is the local distributor of films by 20th Century Fox (Fox Searchlight Pictures, Blue Sky Studios).[11]
Kinomania is the local distributor of films by Warner Brothers (New Line Cinema).[11]
Short films, festival winners and art house are mostly distributed by Arthouse traffic.[12]
The newest website database system for the artists is the Ukrainian Film Industry Foundation

- Molodist,[13] Kyiv International Film Festival, held in Kyiv (1970-)
- Kyiv International Film Festival,[14] held in Kyiv (2009-)
- Kyiv International Short Film Festival,[15] held in Kyiv (2012-)
- Kinolev, held in Lviv (2006-)
- Odessa International Film Festival,[16] held in Odesa (2010-)
- Animation Film Festival "Krok",[17] (1987) organized by the Ukrainian Association of Cinematographers and takes place in Ukraine and Russia
- Pokrov,[18] international festival of Christian Orthodox cinema, held in Kyiv (2003-)
- Vidkryta Nich (Open Night),[19] festival of Ukrainian debut short films, held in Kyiv (1997-)
- Kharkiv Siren Film Festival,[20] international festival of short feature films, held in Kharkiv (2008-)
- Wiz-Art,[21] International Short Film Festival, held in Lviv (2008-)
- VAU-Fest,[22] International Video Art and Short Film Festival, held in the town of Ukrainka in Kyiv oblast (2010-)
- Kinofront,[23] festival of Ukrainian Z and indie movies (2008-)
- Docudays UA,[24] international human rights documentary film festival, held in Kyiv with travelling program around Ukraine (2003-)
- Contact, international documentary film festival, held in Kyiv (2005-2007)
- Berdiansk International Film Festival "Golden Brigantine",[25] festival of cinema made in Commonwealth of Independent States and Baltic countries, held in the city of Berdiansk (2011)
- Irpin Film Festival,[26] international noncommercial festival of alternative cinema, held in the town of Irpin (2003)
- Golden Pektorale,[27] International Truskavets Film Festival, held in the town of Truskavets
- Crown of Carpathians,[28] Another International Truskavets Film Festival, held in the town of Truskavets
- Mute Nights, Odesa, International silent film festival which is held in Odesa on the third week on June.
- Kino-Yalta, festival of producer's cinema[29] (2003) organized together with the Russian government
- Stozhary,[30] held in Kyiv (1995-2005)
- Sebastopol International Film Festival,[31] held in Sevastopol, Crimea (2005-2009, 2011)
Current awards
- Shevchenko National Prize, for the Performing Arts
- Dovzhenko State Prize of Ukraine
- Scythian deer, the main prize of the International Student Cinematography Festival Molodist[32]
- Golden Duke, the main prize of the Odessa International Film Festival (OIFF)[33]
- Sunny bunny of the international student cinematography festival Molodist
- Ukrainian Panorama of the international student cinematography festival Molodist
In 1987 Ukrainian engineer and animator Eugene Mamut together with three colleagues won the «Oscar» (Scientific and Engineering Award) for the design and development of RGA / Oxberry Compu-Quad Special Effects Optical Printer for the movie «Predator»
In 2006 Ukrainian engineer and inventor Anatoliy Kokush was awarded two Oscars for the concept and development of the Ukrainian Arm gyro-stabilized camera crane and the Flight Head.
Former awards
- The Golden Duke is the highest prize awarded at the International film festival Golden Duke, Odessa.
- Lenin Komsomol Prize of Ukrainian SSR
Notable films
Cinema of Ukraine |
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List of Ukrainian films |
1888–1919 |
1920s |
1930s |
1940s |
1950s |
1960s |
1970s |
1980s |
1990s |
2000s |
2010s |
- 1910 Шемелько-денщик або Хохол наплутав / Shemelko-Denshchyk, directed by Oleksandr Ostroukhov-Arbo
- 1912 Запорізька січ / Zaporizhian Sich, directed by Danylo Sakhnenko
- 1912 Любов Андрія / Andriy's Love, directed by Danylo Sakhnenko
- 1913 Полтава / Poltava, directed by Danylo Sakhnenko
- 1926 Ягідка кохання / Love's Berries, directed by Oleksandr Dovzhenko (silent film)
- 1926 Тарас Шевченко/ Taras Shevchenko, directed by Pyotr Chardynin
- 1926 Тарас Трясило / Taras Triasylo, directed by Pyotr Chardynin
- 1928 Арсенал / Arsenal, directed by Oleksandr Dovzhenko (silent film)
- 1928 Звенигора / Zvenyhora, directed by Oleksandr Dovzhenko (silent film)
- 1928 Шкурник / Leather-man, directed by Mykola Shpykovsky (silent film)
- 1928 Одинадцятий /The Eleventh Year, directed by Dziga Vertov (documentary film)
- 1929 Людина з кіноапаратом / Man with a Movie Camera, directed by Dziga Vertov (documentary film)
- 1930 Ентузіазм (Симфонія Донбасу)/ Enthusiasm, directed by Dziga Vertov (first Ukrainian documentary sound film)
- 1930 Земля / Earth, directed by Oleksandr Dovzhenko (silent film)
- 1932 Іван / Ivan, directed by Oleksandr Dovzhenko (silent film)
- 1932 Коліївщина / Koliyivshchyna, directed by Ivan Kavaleridze
- 1935 Аероград / Aerograd, directed by Oleksandr Dovzhenko (sci-fi)
- 1936 Наталка Полтавка / Natalka Poltavka, directed by Ivan Kavaleridze
- 1939 Щорс / Shchors, directed by Oleksandr Dovzhenko (documentary film)
- 1941 Богдан Хмельницький / Bohdan Khmelnytsky, directed by Ihor Savchenko
- 1943 Битва за нашу Радянську Україну / Battle for Soviet Ukraine, directed by Oleksandr Dovzhenko
- 1947 Подвиг розвідника / Secret Agent, directed by Borys Barnet
- 1951 Тарас Шевченко / Taras Shevchenko, directed by Ihor Savchenko
- 1952 В степах України / In the Steppes of Ukraine, directed by Tymofiy Levchuk
- 1952 Украдене щастя / Stolen Happiness, directed by Hnat Yura (by the drama of Ivan Franko)
- 1953 Мартин Боруля / Martyn Borulia, directed by Oleksiy Shvachko
- 1955 Іван Франко / Ivan Franko, directed by Tymofiy Levchuk
- 1959 Григорій Сковорода / Hryhoriy Shovoroda, directed by Ivan Kavaleridze
- 1960 Наталія Ужвій / Nataliya Uzhviy, directed by Serhiy Paradzhanov
- 1961 За двома зайцями / Chasing Two Hares, directed by Viktor Ivanov (by the play of Mykhailo Starytsky)
- 1962 Квітка на камені (Ніхто так не кохав) / Flower on the Stone, directed by Serhiy Paradzhanov
- 1963 Королева бензоколонки / Queen of the Gas Station, directed by Mykola Litus and Oleksiy Mishurin
- 1964 Тіні забутих предків / Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors, directed by Serhiy Paradzhanov
- 1964 Сон / The Dream, directed by Volodymyr Denysenko
- 1965 Гадюка / The Viper, directed by Viktor Ivchenko
- 1965 Криниця для спраглих / Well for thirsty, directed by Yuriy Illienko
- 1966 Соловей із села Маршинці / Nightingale from the Village of Marshyntsi, directed by Rostyslav Synko (musical featuring Sofia Rotaru)
- 1967 Київські мелодії / Kyiv Melodies, directed by Ihor Samborskyi
- 1968 Анничка / Annychka, directed by Borys Ivchenko
- 1968 Камінний хрест / Stone cross, directed by Leonid Osyka (by the novels of Vasyl Stefanyk)
- 1969 Ми з України / We are from Ukraine, directed by Vasyl Illiashenko
- 1970 Білий птах з чорною ознакою / White Bird with Black Mark, directed by Yuriy Illienko
- 1971 Захар Беркут / Zakhar Berkut, directed by Leonid Osyka (by the story of Ivan Franko)
- 1971 Червона рута / Chervona Ruta, directed by Roman Oleksiv (musical featuring Sofia Rotaru and Vasyl Zinkevych)
- 1972 Пропала Грамота / The Lost Letter, directed by Borys Ivchenko
- 1973 У бій ідуть лише «старі» / Only Old Men are Going to Battle, directed by Leonid Bykov
- 1974 Марина / Maryna, directed by Borys Ivchenko
- 1975 Пісня завжди з нами / Song is Always with Us, directed by Viktor Storozhenko (musical featuring Sofia Rotaru)
- 1976 Ати-бати, йшли солдати... / Aty-baty, Soldiers were Going..., directed by Leonid Bykov
- 1976 Тривожний місяць вересень / The Troubled Month of Veresen, directed by Leonid Osyka
- 1977 Весь світ в очах твоїх... / All the World is in Your Eyes, directed by Stanislav Klymenko
- 1978 Море / Sea, directed by Leonid Osyka
- 1979 Дударики / Dudaryky, directed by Stanislav Klymenko
- 1979 Вавілон XX / Babylon XX, directed by Ivan Mykolaichuk
- 1980 Чорна курка, або Підземні жителі / Black Chicken or the Underground Inhabitants, directed by Viktor Hres
- 1981 Така пізня, така тепла осінь / Such Late, Such Warm Autumn, directed by Ivan Mykolaichuk
- 1982 Повернення Баттерфляй / The Return of Batterfly, directed by Oleh Fialko
- 1983 Колесо історії / Wheel of History, directed by Stanislav Klymenko
- 1983 Вир / Whirlpool, directed by Stanislav Klymenko
- 1984 Украдене щастя / Stolen Happiness, directed by Yuriy Tkachenko (by the drama of Ivan Franko)
- 1985 Вклонись до землі / Earth-reaching Bowing, directed by Leonid Osyka
- 1986 І в звуках пам'ять відгукнеться... / And Memory Will Recall in the Sounds..., directed by Tymofiy Levchuk
- 1987 Данило — князь Галицький / Danylo — Kniaz of Halychyna, directed by Yaroslav Lupiy
- 1988 Чорна Долина / Black Valley, directed by Halyna Horpynchenko
- 1989 Небилиці про Івана / Fables about Ivan, directed by Borys Ivchenko
- 1989 Камінна душа / Stone Soul, directed by Stanislav Klymenko
- 1989 В Далеку Путь / Taking Off, directed by Oles Yanchuk (short film)
- 1991 Голод-33 / Famine-33, directed by Oles Yanchuk
- 1991 Чудо в краю забуття / Miracle in the Land of Oblivion, directed by Natalia Motuzko
- 1992 Тарас Шевченко. Заповіт / Taras Shevchenko. Testament, directed by Stanislav Klymenko
- 1993 Гетьманські клейноди / Hetman's Regalia, directed by Leonid Osyka
- 1993 Сад Гетсиманський / Garden of Gethsemane, directed by Rostyslav Synko (by the novel of Ivan Bahriany)
- 1994 Тигролови / Tiger Catchers, directed by Rostyslav Synko (by the novel of Ivan Bahriany)
- 1995 Атентат - осіннє вбивство в Мюнхені / Assassination. An Autumn Murder in Munich, directed by Oles Yanchuk
- 1995 Москаль-чарівник / Moskal-Charivnyk, directed by Mykola Zasieiev-Rudenko
- 1997 Приятель небіжчика / A Friend of the Deceased, directed by Viacheslav Kryshtofovych
- 1998 Тупик / Dead End, directed by Hryhoriy Kokhan
- 1999 Як коваль щастя шукав / How the Blacksmith Looked for Happiness, directed by Radomyr Vasylevsky
- 2000 Нескорений / The Undefeated, directed by Oles Yanchuk
- 2001 Молитва за гетьмана Мазепу / Prayer for Hetman Mazepa, directed by Yuriy Illienko
- 2002 Чорна Рада / Chorna Rada, directed by Mykola Zasieiev-Rudenko
- 2003 Мамай / Mamay, directed by Oles Sanin
- 2004 Водій для Віри / A Driver for Vira, directed by Pavlo Chukhrai
- 2004 Залізна сотня / The Company of Heroes, directed by Oles Yanchuk
- 2004 Украдене щастя / Stolen Happiness, directed by Andriy Donchyk (by the drama of Ivan Franko)
- 2004 Між Гітлером і Сталіном — Україна в II Світовій війні / Between Hitler and Stalin, directed by Sviatoslav Novytsky (documentary film)
- 2005 День Сьомий. Півтори Години У Стані Громадянської Війни / Day Seven, directed by Oles Sanin (documentary film)
- 2005 Дрібний Дощ / Drizzle, directed by Heorhiy Deliyev (short film)
- 2005 Помаранчеве небо / The Orange Sky, directed by Oleksandr Kiriyenko
- 2006 Собор на крові / Sobor on the Blood, directed by Ihor Kobryn (documentary film)
- 2006 Музей Степана Бандери У Лондоні / Stepan Bandera Museum In London, directed by Oles Yanchuk (documentary film)
- 2006 Аврора / Aurora, directed by Oksana Bairak
- 2007 Богдан-Зиновій Хмельницький / Bohdan-Zynoviy Khmelnytskyi, directed by Mykola Mashchenko
- 2008 Сафо. Кохання без меж / Sappho. Love without Limits, directed by Robert Crombie
- 2008 Владика Андрей / Metropolitan Andrey, directed by Oles Yanchuk
- 2008 Ілюзія страху / Illusion of Fear, directed by Oleksandr Kiriyenko
- 2008 Меніни / Las Meninas, directed by Ihor Podolchak
- 2010 Щастя моє / My Joy, directed by Serhiy Loznytsia
- 2011 Вона заплатила життям / She Paid the Ultimate Price, directed by Iryna Korpan (documentary film)
- 2011 Той, хто пройшов крізь вогонь / Firecrosser, directed by Mykhailo Illienko
- 2011 Легка, як пір'їнка / Feathered Dreams, directed by Andriy Rozhen
- 2012 Деліріум / Delirium, directed by Ihor Podolchak
- 2012 Хайтарма / Haytarma, directed by Akhtem Seitablaiev
- 2013 Параджанов / Paradjanov, directed by Serge Avedikian and Olena Fetisova
- 2013 Брати. Остання сповідь / Brothers. The final confession, directed by Viktoriya Trofimenko
- 2014 Плем'я / The Tribe, directed by Myroslav Slaboshpytskyi
- 2014 Поводир / The Guide, directed by Oles Sanin
- 2014 Майдан / Maidan, directed by Serhiy Loznytsia (documentary film)
- 2015 Зима у вогні: Боротьба України за свободу / Winter on Fire: Ukraine's Fight for Freedom, directed by Yevhen Afinieievskyi (documentary film)
- 2015 Незламна / Indestructable, directed by Serhiy Mokrytskyi
Top awards
Award | Category | Film title | Year | Director |
Palme d'Or | Short Film | The Cross (Cross-country) | 2011 | Maryna Vroda |
Palme d'Or | Short Film | Podorozhni (Wayfarers) | 2005 | Ihor Strembitskyi |
Jury Prize Silver Bear at Berlinale | Short Film | Ishov tramvai N°9 (The Tram N°9 Goes) | 2003 | Stepan Koval |
Panorama Award of the NYFA at Berlinale | Short Film | Tyr (Shooting Gallery) | 2001 | Taras Tomenko |
FIPRESCI Prize | FIPRESCI Award | Lebedyne Ozero - Zona (Swan Lake. The Zone) | 1990 | Yuriy Illienko |
Award of the Youth at Cannes Film Festival | Foreign Film | Lebedyne Ozero - Zona (Swan Lake. The Zone) | 1990 | Yuriy Illienko |
Top Ukrainian-language films by IMDb rating[34]
Name | Year | Rating | Link |
Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors | 1965 | 8.1 | |
The Guide | 2014 | 7.9 | |
Gámer | 2011 | 7.1 | |
Brothers. The Final Confession | 2013 | 7.9 | |
Unforgotten Shadows | 2013 | 6.7 | |
Firecrosser | 2011 | 7.3 | |
Delirium | 2013 | 7.5 | |
Paradzhanov | 2013 | 6.8 | |
Las Meninas | 2008 | 7.2 |
Ukrainian actors
- Bohdan Kozak (November 27, 1940)
- Ivan Mykolaichuk (June 15, 1941 – August 3, 1987)
- Bohdan Stupka (August 27, 1941 – July 22, 2012)
- Rayisa Nedashkivska (February 17, 1943)
- Mykhailo Holubovych (November 27, 1940)
- Ivan Havryliuk (October 25, 1948)
- Serhiy Romaniuk (July 21, 1953)
- Bohdan Beniuk (May 26, 1957)
- Ruslana Pysanka (November 17, 1965)
- Taisia Povaliy (December 10, 1965)
Ukrainian diaspora actors
- Vira Kholodna (1893-1919)
- Gregory Hlady (December 4, 1954)
- David Vadim (March 28, 1972)
- Eugene Hütz (September 6, 1972)
- Oleg Prudius (April 27, 1972)
- Vera Farmiga (August 6, 1973)
- Milla Jovovich (December 17, 1975)
- Olga Kurylenko (November 14, 1979)
- Mila Kunis (August 14, 1983)
- Larysa Poznyak (May 30, 1985)

Ukrainian directors
- Oleksandr Dovzhenko (September 10 [O.S. August 29] 1894 – November 25, 1956)
- Viktor Ivchenko (November 4, 1912 — November 6, 1972)
- Mykola Mashchenko (January 2, 1929 — May 2, 2013)
- Vadym Illienko (July 3, 1932 — May 8, 2015)
- Yuriy Illienko (July 16, 1936 - June 15, 2010)
- Leonid Osyka (March 8, 1940 - September 16, 2001)
- Mykhailo Illienko (June 29, 1947)
- Andriy Donchyk (September 11, 1961)
- Ihor Podolchak (April 9, 1962)
- Myroslav Slaboshpytskyi (October 17, 1974)
Non-Ukrainian origin directors
- Dziga Vertov (2 January 1896 – 12 February 1954)
- Anatole Litvak (May 10, 1902 – December 15, 1974)
- Sergei Bondarchuk (September 25, 1920 – October 20, 1994)
- Grigori Chukhrai (May 23, 1921 – October 28, 2001)
- Sergei Parajanov (January 9, 1924 – July 20, 1990)
- Leonid Bykov (December 12, 1928 – April 11, 1979)
- Kira Muratova (November 5, 1934)
- Larisa Shepitko (6 January 1938 – 2 June 1979)
- Roman Balayan (April 15, 1941)
- Sergei Loznitsa (September 5, 1964)
See also
- Cinema of the world
- National Oleksandr Dovzhenko Film Centre
- Ukrainian Association of Cinematographers
Part of a series on |
Ukrainians |
![]() |
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- "Table 8: Cinema Infrastructure - Capacity". UNESCO Institute for Statistics. Retrieved 5 November 2013.
- "Table 6: Share of Top 3 distributors (Excel)". UNESCO Institute for Statistics. Retrieved 5 November 2013.
- "Table 1: Feature Film Production - Genre/Method of Shooting". UNESCO Institute for Statistics. Retrieved 5 November 2013.
- "Table 11: Exhibition - Admissions & Gross Box Office (GBO)". UNESCO Institute for Statistics. Retrieved 5 November 2013.
- Ivan Katchanovski; Zenon E. Kohut; Bohdan Y. Nebesio; Myroslav Yurkevich (2013). "Film" entry in Historical Dictionary of Ukraine. Scarecrow Press. p. 174. ISBN 9780810878471.
- "Capturing the Marvelous: Ukrainian poetic cinema". Film Society of Lincoln Center. Retrieved 3 June 2015.
- Shevchuk, Yuri (2014). Linguistic Strategies of Imperial Appropriation: Why Ukraine is absent from world film history. Ch. 22 of Contemporary Ukraine on the Cultural Map of Europe, ed. Larissa M. L. Zaleska Onyshkevych & Maria G. Rewakowicz. Routledge. pp. 359–374. ISBN 9781317473787.
- Website of Yalta Film Studio (in Russian)
- Website of Film.UA Archived 2011-12-24 at the Wayback Machine
- Website of Yalta-Film Archived 2010-08-03 at the Wayback Machine (in Russian)
- Film distribution: who brings movies to Ukraine Archived 2011-08-29 at the Wayback Machine (in Ukrainian)
- About Arthouse Traffic
- Official website
- "KIFF official website". Archived from the original on 2011-11-28. Retrieved 2011-12-05.
- KISFF official website
- Official website
- Krok official website
- Pokrov film festival official website Archived 2011-12-08 at the Wayback Machine
- Archived 2008-07-15 at the Wayback Machine
- Харьковская Сирень
- Wiz Art Archived 2011-09-05 at the Wayback Machine
- VAU-Fest
- Kinofront Archived 2011-12-14 at the Wayback Machine
- Docudays UA Archived 2011-11-25 at the Wayback Machine
- BMKF official page
- Irpin film festival official page
- Golden Pektorale Archived 2011-12-04 at the Wayback Machine
- Crown of Carpathians
- Encyclopedia of Homeland Cinema Archived 2011-01-07 at the Wayback Machine (in Russian)
- Stozhary film festival official page
- Sebastopol film festival official website Archived 2012-04-09 at the Wayback Machine
- Regulations for Molodist festival Archived 2010-08-24 at the Wayback Machine (in Ukrainian)
- Awards and Jury of OIFF (in English)
- IMDb - Data as for September 2015
External links
- Ukrainian Film Club at Columbia University
- Ukrainian cinema
- (Notable films and awards)
- Lviv Film Commission
- Ukraіnian Film Commіssion
- Ukraіnian Cinema Foundation
- Ukrainian cinema rises from the ashes
- Defining and Exploring Ukrainian Cinema
- International Film Guide. Ukraine
- Scenes of belonging: cinema and the nationality question in Soviet Ukraine during the long 1960s
- History of Cinema in UKRAINE
- Kyiv National I. K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University
- Ukrainian indie films portal
- Cinemahall, International organization for informal film education
- "Film" entry in Historical Dictionary of Ukraine, Ivan Katchanovski, Zenon E. Kohut, Bohdan Y. Nebesio, Myroslav Yurkevich, Scarecrow Press, 2013. ISBN 9780810878471