Code page 903
Code page 903 (CCSID 903)[2] is encoded for use as the single byte component of certain simplified Chinese character encodings.[3] It is used in China. Despite this, it follows ISO 646-JP / the Roman half of JIS X 0201, in that it replaces the ASCII backslash 0x5C (rather than the ASCII dollar sign 0x24 as in GB 1988 / ISO 646-CN) with the yen/yuan sign. It also uses the same C0 replacement graphics as code page 897.[4] When combined with the double-byte Code page 928, it forms the two code-sets of IBM code page 936.
MIME / IANA | IBM903 |
Alias(es) | cp903[1] |
Codepage layout
_0 | _1 | _2 | _3 | _4 | _5 | _6 | _7 | _8 | _9 | _A | _B | _C | _D | _E | _F | |
0_ 0 |
NUL 0000 |
SOH/╔ 0001/2554 |
STX/╗ 0002/2557 |
ETX/╚ 0003/255A |
EOT/╝ 0004/255D |
ENQ/║ 0005/2551 |
ACK/═ 0006/2550 |
BEL/↓ 0007/FFEC |
BS 0008 |
HT/○ 0009/FFEE |
LF 000A |
VT/〿 000B/303F |
FF 000C |
CR 000D |
SO/■ 000E/FFED |
SI/☼ 000F/263C |
1_ 16 |
DLE/╬ 0010/256C |
DC1 0011 |
DC2/↕ 0012/2195 |
DC3 0013 |
DC4/▓ 0014/2593 |
NAK/╩ 0015/2569 |
SYN/╦ 0016/2566 |
ETB/╣ 0017/2563 |
CAN 0018 |
EM/╠ 0019/2560 |
FS/░ 001C/2591 |
ESC/↵ 001B/21B5 |
DEL/↑ 007F/FFEA |
GS/│ 001D/FFE8 |
RS/→ 001E/FFEB |
US/← 001F/FFE9 |
2_ 32 |
SP 0020 |
! 0021 |
" 0022 |
# 0023 |
$ 0024 |
% 0025 |
& 0026 |
' 0027 |
( 0028 |
) 0029 |
* 002A |
+ 002B |
, 002C |
- 002D |
. 002E |
/ 002F |
3_ 48 |
0 0030 |
1 0031 |
2 0032 |
3 0033 |
4 0034 |
5 0035 |
6 0036 |
7 0037 |
8 0038 |
9 0039 |
: 003A |
; 003B |
< 003C |
= 003D |
> 003E |
? 003F |
4_ 64 |
@ 0040 |
A 0041 |
B 0042 |
C 0043 |
D 0044 |
E 0045 |
F 0046 |
G 0047 |
H 0048 |
I 0049 |
J 004A |
K 004B |
L 004C |
M 004D |
N 004E |
O 004F |
5_ 80 |
P 0050 |
Q 0051 |
R 0052 |
S 0053 |
T 0054 |
U 0055 |
V 0056 |
W 0057 |
X 0058 |
Y 0059 |
Z 005A |
[ 005B |
¥ 00A5 |
] 005D |
^ 005E |
_ 005F |
6_ 96 |
` 0060 |
a 0061 |
b 0062 |
c 0063 |
d 0064 |
e 0065 |
f 0066 |
g 0067 |
h 0068 |
i 0069 |
j 006A |
k 006B |
l 006C |
m 006D |
n 006E |
o 006F |
7_ 112 |
p 0070 |
q 0071 |
r 0072 |
s 0073 |
t 0074 |
u 0075 |
v 0076 |
w 0077 |
x 0078 |
y 0079 |
z 007A |
{ 007B |
| 007C |
} 007D |
‾ 203E |
SUB 001A |
Letter Number Punctuation Symbol Other Undefined
- Character Sets, Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), 2018-12-12
- "CCSID 903 information document". Archived from the original on 2016-03-27.
- "Code page 903 information document". Archived from the original on 2016-03-17.
- "Code Page CPGID 00903 (pdf)" (PDF). IBM.
- Code Page CPGID 00903 (txt), IBM
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