Marine wildlife of Baa Atoll
The marine wildlife of Baa Atoll consists of marine species living in a circular archipelago in the Maldives, inside the administrative division of Baa Atoll, which is the southern part of Maalhosmadulu Atoll. Baa Atoll was named a biosphere reserve by UNESCO in 2011.[1]

The whole is approximately 38 km by 46 km, covering a surface of 1,127 km2.[2] However, the atoll shelters only 5.5 km2 of emerged land, consisting of sandy islands not higher than 3.19 m, and of which half do not exceed an area of 10 hectares. The administrative subdivision of Baa, shelters 11,910 inhabitants, distributed on 13 of the 75 islands, 8 other islands being island resorts; the capital is Eydhafushi.
The archipelago has been located inside the UNESCO Biosphere reserve since 2011.[1] Its shallow waters, particularly rich in coral and fish as well as turtles and dolphins, madk a favored place for seaside and underwater tourism.[1]
The ecosystem is characterized by a very high rate of coral cover, highly diverse and dominated by table, digitate and branched corals of the genus Acropora. The shallow waters of this atoll and its particular richness in corals and fish have made it destination for underwater tourism.[1] The presence of huge animals such as manta rays and whale sharks add spectacular encounters to the beauty of the place.[3] Scientific studies suggest that the faunistic composition can vary greatly between neighbor atolls, especially in terms of benthic fauna.[4]
All of the images illustrating this article, except for the satellite view, were taken in the waters of Baa Atoll.

General view
- Map of the Baa atoll. The north is on the right.
- Aerial view of a part of Baa atoll.
- A typical uninhibited island of Baa atoll, with its coral reef.
- A view of the resort island of Fonimagoodhoo.
- A typical underwater landscape of Baa atoll dominated by coral, at Voavah.
Marine mammals
- A spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris)
- A couple of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)
- Green turtle (Chelonia mydas)
- Hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata)
- An olive ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea), stuck in a drifting net.
- Manta ray (Manta alfredi)
- Eagle ray (Aetobatus narinari)
- Ornate eagle ray (Aetomylaeus vespertilio)
- Jenkins stingray (Himantura jenkinsii)
- A feathertail stingray (Pastinachus sephen)
- Black-blotched stingray (Taeniura meyeni)
- Porcupine stingray (Urogymnus asperrimus)
- Two young blacktip sharks (Carcharhinus melanopterus) on a beach.
- An adult blacktip shark (Carcharhinus melanopterus)
- A coral shark (Triaenodon obesus)
- A sicklefin lemon shark (Negaprion acutidens)
- A leopard shark (Stegostoma fasciatum)
- A nurse shark (Nebrius ferrugineus)
- Whale shark (Rhincodon typus)
Ray-finned fishes (Teleostei)
- Elopomorpha ("eels")
- Zebra moray eel (Gymnomuraena zebra)
- Honeycomb moray eel
(Gymnothorax favagineus) - Giant moray eel (Gymnothorax javanicus)
- Banded moray eel (Gymnothorax rueppelliae)
- Undulate moray eel (Gymnothorax undulatus)
- White-eyed moray eel (Siderea thyrsoidea)
- Spotted garden eel (Heteroconger hassi)
- A sand lizardfish (Synodus dermatogenys)
- A variegated lizardfish (Synodus variegatus)
- Giant frogfish (Antennarius commerson)
- Fringelip mullet (Crenimugil crenilabis)
- Robust hardyhead (Atherinomorus lacunosus)
- Keeltail needlefish (Platybelone argalus)
- Houndfish (Tylosurus crocodilus)
- Dussumier's halfbeak (Hyporhamphus dussumieri)
- Shadowfin soldierfish (Myripristis adusta)
- Yellow-fin soldierfish (Myripristis berndti)
- Crimson soldierfish (Myripristis murdjan)
- Violet soldierfish (Myripristis violacea)
- Immaculate soldierfish (Myripristis vittata)
- Mouthfin squirrelfish (Neoniphon opercularis)
- Spotfin squirrelfish (Neoniphon sammara)
- Crown squirrelfish (Sargocentron diadema)
- Sabre squirrelfish (Sargocentron spiniferum)
- Chinese trumpetfish (Aulostomus chinensis)
- Messmate pipefish (Corythoichthys haematopterus)
- Smooth flutemouth (Fistularia commersonii)
Scorpaeniformes (scorpionfish, stonefish…)
- Spotfin lionfish (Pterois antennata)
- White-lined lionfish (Pterois radiata)
- Common lionfish (Pterois miles)
- Smallscale scorpionfish (Scorpaenopsis oxycephala)
- A leaf-fish (Taenianotus triacanthus)
- Reef stonefish (Synanceia verrucosa)
- Young Scorpaenopsis sp.
- Sea goldie (Pseudanthias squamipinnis)
- Crescent-tail bigeye (Priacanthus Hamrur)
- Yellowstriped cardinalfish (Ostorhinchus cyanosoma)
- Small toothed jobfish (Aphareus furca)
- Blue blanquillo (Malacanthus latovittatus)
- Brown chub (Kyphosus bigibbus)
- Blue sea chub (Kyphosus cinerascens)
- Variable-lined fusilier (Caesio varilineata)
- Variable-lined fusilier (Caesio varilineata) and dark-banded fusilier (Pterocaesio tile)
- Yellowback fusilier (Caesio xanthonota)
- Strongspine silver-biddy (Gerres longirostris)
- Live sharksucker (Echeneis naucrates)
- Mackerel scad (Decapterus macarellus)
- Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta)
- Kawakawa or mackerel tuna (Euthynnus affinis)
- Dogtooth tuna (Gymnosarda unicolor)
- Giant trevally (Caranx ignobilis)
- Black jack (Caranx lugubris)
- Bluefin trevally (Caranx melampygus)
- Bigeye trevally (Caranx sexfasciatus)
- Rainbow runner (Elagatis bipinnulata)
- Longfin yellowtail (Seriola rivoliana)
- Black-spotted pompano (Trachinotus baillonii)
- snub-nose pompano (Trachinotus blochii)
- Goldspot seabream (Gnathodentex aureolineatus)
- yellowstripe goatfish (Mulloidichthys flavolineatus)
- Yellowfin goatfish (Mulloidichthys vanicolensis)
- Striped goatfish (Upeneus taeniopterus)
- Dash-and-dot goatfish (Parupeneus barberinus)
- Gold-saddle goatfish (Parupeneus cyclostomus)
- Long-barbel goatfish (Parupeneus macronemus)
- Doublebar goatfish (Parupeneus trifasciatus)
- Harlequin sweetlips (Plectorhinchus chaetodonoides)
- Brown sweetlips (Plectorhinchus gibbosus)
- Giant sweetlips (Plectorhinchus obscurus)
- Oriental sweetlips (Plectorhinchus vittatus)
- Yellowstripe monocle bream (Scolopsis aurata)
- Two-lined monocle bream (Scolopsis bilineata)
- Orbicular batfish (Platax orbicularis)
- Longfin batfish (Platax teira)
- Blue-spotted spinefoot or coral rabbitfish (Siganus corallinus)
- Brown-spotted spinefoot (Siganus stellatus)
- Black dotted sand perch (Parapercis millepunctata)
- Moorish idol (Zanclus cornutus)
- Great barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda)
- Silver moony (Monodactylus argenteus)
- Longfin comet (Calloplesiops altivelis)
- Redmouth grouper (Aethaloperca rogaa)
- Peacock grouper (Cephalopholis argus)
- Leopard grouper (Cephalopholis leopardus)
- Coral grouper (Cephalopholis miniata)
- Darkfin grouper (Cephalopholis nigripinnis)
- Sixblotch grouper (Cephalopholis sexmaculata)
- Whitespotted grouper (Epinephelus coeruleopunctatus)
- Blacktip grouper (Epinephelus fasciatus)
- Brown-marbled grouper or flower grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus)
- Subnose grouper (Epinephelus macrospilos)
- Honeycomb grouper (Epinephelus merra)
- Camouflage grouper (Epinephelus polyphekadion)
- Foursaddle grouper (Epinephelus spilotoceps)
- Squaretail coral grouper (Plectropomus areolatus)
- Black-saddle coral grouper (Plectropomus laevis) (juvenile)
- Black-saddle coral grouper (Plectropomus laevis)
- Lyretail grouper (Variola louti)
Emperors (Lethrinidae)
- Orange-spotted emperor (Lethrinus erythracanthus)
- Thumbprint emperor (Lethrinus Harak)
- Orange-striped emperor (Lethrinus obsoletus)
- Smalltooth emperor (Lethrinus microdon)
- Ornate emperor (Lethrinus ornatus)
- Redfin Emperor (Monotaxis heterodon)
Snappers (Lutjanidae)
- Lutjanus bengalensis
- Two-spot banded snapper (Lutjanus biguttatus)
- Two-spot red snapper (Lutjanus bohar)
- Humpback red snapper (Lutjanus gibbus)
- Bluestripe snapper (Lutjanus kasmira)
- One-spot snapper (Lutjanus monostigma)
- Midnight snapper (Macolor macularis)
- Black and white snapper (Macolor niger)
- Andaman butterflyfish or yellow butterflyfish (Chaetodon andamanensis)
- Threadfin butterflyfish (Chaetodon auriga)
- Bluelashed butterflyfish (Chaetodon bennetti)
- Speckled butterflyfish or citron butterflyfish (Chaetodon citrinellus)
- Redtail butterflyfish (Chaetodon collare)
- Indian vagabond butterflyfish (Chaetodon decussatus)
- Black-wedged butterflyfish (Chaetodon falcula)
- Peppered butterflyfish (Chaetodon guttatissimus)
- Yellow teardrop butterflyfish (Chaetodon interuptus)
- Sunburst butterflyfish (Chaetodon kleinii)
- Raccoon butterflyfish (Chaetodon lunula)
- Seychelles butterflyfish or Madagascar butterflyfish (Chaetodon madagaskariensis)
- Blackback butterflyfish (Chaetodon melannotus)
- Scrawled butterflyfish (Chaetodon meyeri)
- Triangle butterflyfish (Chaetodon triangulum)
- Chevron butterflyfish (Chaetodon trifascialis)
- Melon butterflyfish (Chaetodon trifasciatus)
- Yellowhead butterflyfish (Chaetodon xanthocephalus)
- Longnose butterflyfish (Forcipiger flavissimus)
- Big longnose butterflyfish (Forcipiger longirostris)
- Brown-and-white butterflyfish (Hemitaurichthys zoster)
- Longfin bannerfish (Heniochus acuminatus)
- Schooling bannerfish (Heniochus diphreutes)
- Phantom bannerfish Heniochus pleurotaenia
- Threespot angelfish (Apolemichthys trimaculatus)
- Yellowtail angelfish Apolemichthys xanthurus
- Emperor angelfish (Pomacanthus imperator)
- Blueface angelfish (Pomacanthus xanthometopon)
- Regal angelfish (Pygoplites diacanthus)
- Coral hawkfish (Cirrhitichthys oxycephalus)
- Arc-eye hawkfish (Paracirrhites arcatus)
- Black-sided hawkfish or freckled hawkfish (Paracirrhites forsteri)
Clownfish and damselfish
- Clark's Clownfish (Amphiprion clarkii)
- Maldivian clownfish (Amphiprion nigripes) (endemic)
- Indo-Pacific sergeant (Abudefduf vaigiensis)
- Yellowbelly damselfish (Amblyglyphidodon leucogaster)
- Half-and-half chromis Chromis dimidiata
- Ternate chromis (Chromis ternatensis)
- green chromis (Chromis viridis)
- Twinspot damselfish (Chrysiptera biocellata)
- Young surge damselfish (Chrysiptera brownriggii)
- Whitetail dascyllus (Dascyllus aruanus)
- Cloudy dascyllus (Dascyllus carneus)
- Dick' s damselfish (Plectroglyphidodon dickii)
- Jewel damselfish (Plectroglyphidodon lacrymatus)
- Caerulean damselfish (Pomacentrus caeruleus)
- Whitetail damselfish (Pomacentrus chrysurus)
- Indian damselfish (Pomacentrus indicus)
- Philippine damselfish (Pomacentrus philippinus)
- Dusky farmerfish (Stegastes nigricans)
- Lined wrasse (Anampses lineatus)
- Axilspot hogfish Bodianus axillaris
- Cigar wrasse (Cheilio inermis)
- Clown coris (Coris aygula)
- Queen coris (Coris frerei)
- Sling-jaw wrasse (Epibulus insidiator)
- Female green birdmouth wrasse (Gomphosus caeruleus)
- Checkerboard wrasse (Halichoeres hortulanus), in two types
- Barred thicklip (Hemigymnus fasciatus)
- Blackeye thicklip (Hemigymnus melapterus)
- Yellowblotch razorfish (Iniistius aneitensis)
- Bicolor cleaner wrasse (Labroides bicolor)
- Bluestreak cleaner wrasse (Labroides dimidiatus)
- Blue star leopard wrasse (Macropharyngodon bipartitus)
- Rockmover wrasse (Novaculichthys taeniourus)
- Chiseltooth wrasse (Pseudodax moluccanus)
- Three-lined rainbowfish (Stethojulis trilineata)
- Young blunthead wrasse (Thalassoma amblycephalum)
- Sixbar wrasse (Thalassoma hardwicke)
- Moon wrasse (Thalassoma lunare)
- Six-line wrasse (Pseudocheilinus hexataenia)
- Red-breasted wrasse (Cheilinus fasciatus)
- Napoleon wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus)
Since 2020, all species of parrotfishes are strictly protected in Maldives.[5]
- Bicolor parrotfish (Cetoscarus ocellatus)
- Green parrotfish (Chlorurus enneacanthus)
- Daisy parrotfish (Chlorurus sordidus)
- Dusky parrotfish or swarthy parrotfish (Scarus niger) (female)
- Dusky parrotfish or swarthy parrotfish (Scarus niger) (male)
- Singapore parrotfish (Scarus prasiognathos) (female)
- Singapore parrotfish (Scarus prasiognathos) (male)
- Steephead parrotfish (Chlorurus strongylocephalus)
- Longnose parrotfish (Hipposcarus harid)
- Bridled parrotfish (Scarus frenatus)
- Common parrotfish (Scarus psittacus)
- Ember parrotfish (Scarus rubroviolaceus) (female)
- Ember parrotfish (Scarus rubroviolaceus) (male)
- Eclipse parrotfish (Scarus russelii)
- Five-saddle parrotfish or dusky-capped parrotfish (Scarus scaber) (female)
- Five-saddle parrotfish or dusky-capped parrotfish (Scarus scaber) (male)
- Tricolour parrotfish (Scarus tricolor) (female)
- Tricolour parrotfish (Scarus tricolor) (male)
- Greenlip parrotfish or roundhead parrotfish (Scarus viridifucatus)
- Red-spotted blenny (Blenniella chrysospilos)
- Flame tail blenny or bicolor blenny (Ecsenius bicolor)
- Midas blenny (Ecsenius midas)
- Ecsenius minutus (endemic)
- Disco blenny (Meiacanthus smithi)
- Striped poison-fang blenny mimic (Petroscirtes breviceps)
- Bluestriped fangblenny (Plagiotremus rhinorhynchos)
- Pinkbar goby (Amblyeleotris aurora)
- Halfbarred goby (Amblygobius albimaculatus)
- Loki whip-goby (Bryaninops loki)
- Sebree's dwarfgoby (Eviota sebreei)
- Hector's goby (Koumansetta hectori)
- Blackfin dartfish (Ptereleotris evides)
Surgeonfish and unicorn fish
- Ringtail surgeonfish (Acanthurus blochii)
- Powder blue tang (Acanthurus leucosternon)
- Lined surgeonfish (Acanthurus lineatus)
- Elongate surgeonfish (Acanthurus mata)
- Epaulette surgeonfish (Acanthurus nigricauda)
- Brown surgeonfish (Acanthurus nigrofuscus)
- Convict surgeonfish (Acanthurus triostegus)
- Striated surgeonfish (Ctenochaetus striatus)
- Spotted surgeonfish (Ctenochaetus strigosus)
- Thompson's surgeonfish (Acanthurus thompsoni)
- Yellow-fin surgeonfish (Acanthurus xanthopterus)
- Indian gold-ring bristletooth (Ctenochaetus truncatus)
- Humpback unicornfish (Naso brachycentron)
- Spotted unicornfish (Naso brevirostris)
- Sleek Unicornfish (Naso hexacanthus)
- Humpnose unicornfish (Naso tuberosus)
- Bluespine unicornfish or short-nose Unicornfish (Naso unicornis)
- Big-nose unicornfish (Naso vlamingii)
- Palette surgeonfish (Paracanthurus hepatus)
- Indian sail-fin surgeonfish (Zebrasoma desjardinii) (pre-adult)
- Yellow tang (Zebrasoma flavescens)
- Brown tang (Zebrasoma scopas)
- Orange-lined triggerfish (Balistapus undulatus)
- Clown triggerfish (Balistoides conspicillum)
- Titan triggerfish (Balistoides viridescens)
- Ocean triggerfishe (Canthidermis macrolepis)
- Indian triggerfish (Melichthys indicus)
- Redtoothed triggerfish (Odonus niger)
- Yellowmargin triggerfish (Pseudobalistes flavimarginatus)
- Picasso triggerfish (Rhinecanthus aculeatus)
- Boomerang triggerfish (Sufflamen bursa)
- Halfmoon triggerfish (Sufflamen chrysopterum)
- scrawled filefish (Aluterus scriptus)
- Orange spotted filefish (Oxymonacanthus longirostris)
- Blacksaddle filefish (Paraluteres prionurus) mimetic of (Canthigaster valentini)
- White-spotted boxfish (Ostracion meleagris)
- Blue-spotted pufferfish (Arothron caeruleopunctatus)
- White-spotted puffer (Arothron hispidus)
- golden pufferfish (Arothron meleagris)
- Golden pufferfish Arothron meleagris, yellow version
- Blackspotted pufferfish Arothron nigropunctatus
- Honeycomb toby (Canthigaster janthinoptera)
- Valentinni's sharpnose puffer Canthigaster valentini
- Spot-fin porcupinefish (Diodon hystrix)
- Black-blotched porcupinefish (Diodon liturosus)
- Ascidians Atriolum robustum
- Ascidians Didemnum molle
- Didemnum sp.
- Aplidium sp.
- Pyura sp.
- Unidentified ascidians
Sea stars
- Unidentified sea star of the family Asterinidae (maybe Aquilonastra halseyae)
- Asteropsis carinifera
- Leiaster speciosus
- Nardoa galatheae
Brittle stars
- Ophiothrix purpurea
- Ophiactis sp.
- Ophiothrix sp.
- Ophiothrix sp.
- Ophiothrix sp.
- An unidentified brittlestar
- Clarkcomanthus mirabilis
- Stephanometra indica
- Lamprometra palmata
- Alloeocomatella pectinifera
Sea urchins
- Echinostrephus molaris
- Metalia sternalis (stranded test)
- Fibularia sp.
- A "sand dollar" (Clypeaster humilis)
Sea cucumbers
- An unidentified stichopodidae
- Synaptula sp.
- An unidentified synaptidae
- An unidentified Dendrochirotida
Order Neogastropoda
- Monetaria caputserpentis stranded on the beach.
- Monetaria sp.
- Gibberulus gibberulus albus
- Lambis chiragra arthritica
- A conch of the family Strombidae
- An unidentified conch (maybe Canarium sp.)
- Mammilla sp.
- Tutufa bubo eating a Linckia multifora.
- Ceraesignum maximum
- Thylacodes grandis
Other Caenogastropoda
- Conus sp. (maybe Conus bandanus)
- Conus lithoglyphus
- conus sp.
- Conus sp. (maybe conus vexillum)
- Conus sp. (maybe Conus violaceus)
- Chicoreus sp.
- Vasum sp.
- Terebra sp.
- Coriocella hibyae (endemic)
- Tectus sp.
- Tectus sp.
- An unidentified species of the family Architectonicidae
- An unidentified species of the family Cerithiidae (maybe Cerithium sp.).
Opisthobranchia (sea slugs)
- Sea hares (Anaspidea, family Aplysiidae)
- Nudibranchs
- Other Opisthobranchia
- An octopus (Octopus cyanea)
- A cuttlefish (Sepia latimanus)
- A reef squid (Sepioteuthis lessoniana)
- Empty shell of Spirula spirula
Bivalves (clams, oysters, cockles, mussels…)
- Hyotissa hyotis
- A giant clam Tridacna maxima
- A giant clam Tridacna gigas
- An organ clam Tridacna squamosa
- A giant clam (Tridacna sp.)
- Gloripallium pallium
- Spondylus sp.
- Spondylus sp.
- Spondylus sp.
- Pinna sp.
- Unidentified bivalve, covered with a sponge
- Pedum spondyloidum
- Unidentified oysters
- Unidentified bivalve
- Unidentified bivalve
- Trapezia bidentata
- Trapezia cymodoce
- Percnon guinotae
- Etisus splendidus
- Pseudoliomera speciosa
- Cymo quadrilobatus
- A spider crab of the family Majoidea (maybe Cyclocoeloma tuberculata)
- A spider crab of the family Majoidea (maybe Naxioides taurus)
Hermit crabs
- Aniculus ursus
Lobsters and associates
Other types of crustaceans
- A mole crab (Hippa granulatus, Hippoidea group)
- Goose barnacles (Lepas sp., Cirripedia group)
Marine worms
polychaete worms
- Christmas tree worms (Spirobranchus giganteus) in a Porites.
- Sabellastarte sp.
- Lanice sp.
- Two worms of the Polynoidae family, on a sea cucumber.
Platyhelminthes (flat worms)
- Pseudoceros sp. 32[6]
- Pseudobiceros sp.
Other types of worms
- An echiuran worm (Achaetobonellia maculata).
- Acropora clathrata
- Acropora sarmentosa
- Acropora selaga
- Acropora squarrosa
- Acropora valencianesi
- Acropora vermiculata
- Acropora verwei
- Pachyseris sp.
- Diploastrea helipora
- Echinopora horrida
- Favites halicora
- An unidentified coral, probably of the family Faviidae
- Brain coral (Platygyra sinensis)
- Goniopora sp.
- Mushroom coral Fungia fungites
- An unidentified coral
- Physogyra lichtensteini
- Blue coral Heliopora coerulea
- Astrogorgia
- Melithaea variabilis
- Melithaea sp.
- Siphonogorgia sp.
- Siphonogorgia sp.
- Dendronephthya sp.
- Dendronephthya sp.
- Scleronephthya sp.
- Cladopsammia gracilis
- Tubastrea faulkneri
- Tubastrea micrantha
- Black coral Cirrhipathes sp.
- Lobophyllia sp.
- Lobophytum sp.
- Lobophytum sp.
- Lobophytum sp.
- Soft coral Sarcophyton sp.
- Unidentified soft coral (Alcyoniidae)
- A sea pen (pennatulid)
- A jellyfish Cephea cephea
- A jellyfish Thysanostoma loriferum
- Fire coral (Millepora platyphylla)
- A hydrozoan Zygophylax sp.
- Hydrozoan of the Plumularioidea group
- Unidentified hydrozoan
Sea anemones
- Cryptodendrum adhaesium
- Boloceroides sp.
Other hexacorallian corals
- Dysidea granulosa
- Haliclona nematifera
- Leucetta chagosensis
- Lamellodysidea herbacea ?
- Monanchora unguiculata
- Carteriospongia cf. foliascens
- Acarnus sp.
- Unidentified sponge
- Unidentified sponge
- Unidentified sponge
- Unidentified sponge
- Unidentified sponge
- Unidentified sponge.
See also
- "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2014-08-08. Retrieved 2014-08-28.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
- Paul S. Kench et al., "The geomorphology of Baa (south Maalhosmadulu) atoll and its reef islands", in Andréfoüet et al., Biodiversity, resources, and conservation of Baa atoll (Republic of Maldives) : a UNESCO Man and Biosphere Reserve, Washington DC, Atoll Research Bulletin, 2012
- "The Manta Trust". Marine Savers.
- Frédéric Ducarme (2016). "Field observations of sea cucumbers in Ari Atoll, and comparison with two nearby atolls in Maldives" (PDF). SPC Beche-de-mer Information Bulletin. 36.
- Malsa, Mariyam (September 9, 2020). "Maldives adds Parrotfish to list of protected species".
- According to Marine Flatworms APP.
Main scientific reference
- Andréfouët, Serge, ed. (2012). "Biodiversity, resources, and conservation of Baa atoll (Republic of Maldives) : a UNESCO Man and Biosphere Reserve". Atoll Research Bulletin: 247. ISSN 0077-5630.
- Jen Veron, Corals of the world, Townsville, Australie, ed. Mary Stafford-Smith, 2000 (ISBN 0 642 32236 8).
- E. Lieske et R.F. Myers, Guide des poissons des récifs coralliens, Lausanne, Delachaux et Niestlé, 1994, 400 p. (ISBN 2-603-00982-6).
- Rudie H. Kuiter, Photo guide to fishes of the Maldives, Apollo Bay, Atoll, 1998, 257 p. (ISBN 1 876410 18 3).
- Neville Coleman, Marine life of the Maldives, Apollo Bay, Atoll, 2004, 257 p. (ISBN 1 876410 54 X).
Taxonomic databases and references
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