List of bands from Canada
This is a list of bands from Canada. Only bands appear here; individual musicians are listed at list of Canadian musicians.
Music of Canada | |
![]() | |
Genres | |
Specific forms | |
Ethnic music | |
Instrumental repertoires | Canadian fiddle |
Media and performance | |
Music awards | |
Music charts | |
Music festivals | |
Music media | Print media
Music television |
Nationalistic and patriotic songs | |
National anthem | "O Canada" |
Other | Anthems and nationalistic |
Regional music | |
- 11:30 (1999-2001)
- 13 Engines (1985–1997)
- 1755 (1975–)
- 1977 (2004-)
- The 20/20 Project (2010-)
- 22nd Century (2007-2018)
- The 222s (1978-1982)
- 2preciious (1994-1996)
- 3 Inches of Blood (1999-2015)
- 3's a Crowd (1964-1969)
- The 3tards (2001–2009)
- 54-40 (1981-)
- 5th PROJEKT (2003-)
- 88Glam (2017-)
- A-Game (2007-)
- Abandon All Ships (2006–2014)
- The Abrams (2004-)
- Absolutely Free (2011-)
- Acid Test (1990–1994, 2018)
- The Acorn (2003-)
- Acoustically Inclined (2001-)
- Acres of Lions (2006-)
- Ad Vielle Que Pourra (1986-1999)
- Adam and the Amethysts (2004-)
- Adventure Club (2011-)
- Ad·ver·sary (2005-)
- Aerial (1973-1981)
- African Guitar Summit (2004-)
- Afrodizz (2002-)
- AfroNubians (1992-1998)
- After All (1991-2000)
- After the Anthems (2006-)
- The Afterimage (2011-2018)
- Age of Days (2005-)
- The Age of Electric (1989–1998, 2015-)
- The Agonist (2004-)
- AIDS Wolf (2003-2012)
- Air Traffic Control (1993-)
- Akuma (1998-)
- Alabama (1973)
- Alaclair Ensemble (2010-)
- Alberta Caledonia Pipe Band (1982-2013)
- Alert the Medic (2006-)
- Alexisonfire (2001–2012, 2015-)
- Alias (1988–1991, 2009)
- All Systems Go! (1999-2003)
- Alpha Galates (2001-2011)
- Alta Moda (1979-1988)
- Alvvays (2011)
- Amati Quartet (2003-2018)
- Ambush (1993-)
- Amos the Transparent (2007-)
- Amphibious Assault (1996-)
- Anagram (2002–2012)
- Anciients (2011-)
- André (2001-2009)
- Anemone (2015)
- The Angstones (1992-1999)
- Annex String Quartet (2008-)
- Annihilator (1984-)
- Anonymus (1989-)
- Another Joe (1995-2001)
- Antiquus (2000-)
- Anvil (1978-)
- Anyday (2009-)
- Apollo Ghosts (2009-2013)
- Apostle of Hustle (2001-)
- Appleton (2002-2005)
- An April March (1989-1999)
- April Wine (1969–1986, 1992-)
- Aquakultre (2015-)
- Arcade Fire (2000-)
- Archspire (2007-)
- Argonotes (1995-)
- The Argues (2010-)
- Arise and Ruin (2005-2010)
- Arkaea (2008−2012)
- Arkells (2006-)
- Armed and Hammered (1989-)
- Armistice (2010-2011)
- AroarA (2013)
- The Arrogant Worms (1991-)
- The Arrows (1981-1986)
- Art of Dying (2004-)
- Art of Time Ensemble (1998-)
- Article One (2003-2011)
- Artificial Joy Club (1993-1999)
- The Artist Life (2005-2012)
- As the Poets Affirm (2001-2007)
- Asexuals (1983–1997, 2010-)
- Ash & Bloom (2013-2015)
- Ashes of Soma (2005-)
- At the Mercy of Inspiration (2000-2005)
- Atach Tatuq (1998-)
- Atlantic Symphony Orchestra (1968-1983)
- Atlas Strategic (2000-2002)
- Attack in Black (2003-2010)
- Atomic 7 (1998-)
- Audio Playground (2009-)
- Augury (2002-)
- Austra (2009-)
- Aut'Chose (1974-)
- Autorickshaw (2003-)
- Autumn Hill (2012-2016)
- Avec pas d'casque (2004-)
- The Awkward Stage (2006-)
- Axis of Advance (1998-2008)
- Ayrad (2013-)
- Ayria (2003-)
- Azari & III (2008-2013)
- Azeda Booth (2004-2011)
- B-Girls (1977-1981)
- B2Krazy (1999-2001)
- B4-4 (1999-2004)
- Baby Blue Soundcrew (1995-2002)
- Baby Jey (2015-)
- Bach-Elgar Choir (1905-)
- Bachman & Turner (2009-2018)
- Bachman–Turner Overdrive (1973–1979, 1983–2005)
- Backburner (2001-)
- BadBadNotGood (2010-)
- Bad Flirt (2002–2009)
- Bakunin's Bum (2001)
- The Balconies (2007-)
- The Band (1968–1977, 1983–1999)
- Banlieue Rouge (1989-1998)
- Banned from Atlantis (1990–1995)
- Banx & Ranx (2014-)
- Baptists (2010-)
- Baptized in Blood (2004-)
- Barachois (1995–2003)
- Barcelona Pavilion (2001-2005)
- Barenaked Ladies (1988-)
- Barley Bree (1977-1995)
- The Barmitzvah Brothers (2000-)
- Barney Bentall and the Legendary Hearts (1980-)
- The Barr Brothers (2006-)
- The Barra MacNeils (1980-)
- Barrage (1996–2012)
- Barstool Prophets (1989–1999)
- Basement Revolver (2016-)
- Bass is Base (1993–1997)
- Battered Wives (1978-1980)
- Battle of Santiago (2011-)
- The Be Good Tanyas (1999-)
- The Beaches (2013-)
- Beams (2012-)
- Bear Mountain (2012-)
- Bearfoot (1972-1975)
- Beast (2006-2010)
- Beau Dommage (1972-1978 etc)
- The Beau Marks (1958-1963)
- The Beauties (2006-)
- The Beckoning (2010–2018)
- Bedouin Soundclash (2001-)
- Beekeeper (2010-)
- Beija Flor (2003-2010)
- Belgrave (2009-)
- Bell Orchestre (2002-)
- Bell Tower (2009-)
- Bella (2003-)
- The Belle Game (2009-)
- The Bells (1965–1973)
- Belvedere (1995-)
- Bend Sinister (2001-)
- Beneath the Massacre (2004-)
- Benz & MD (2004-)
- The Besnard Lakes (2003-)
- Bet.e & Stef (1997-)
- Beyond Creation (2005-)
- Beyond the Pale (1998-)
- The Bicycles (2001-)
- Bif Naked
- Big Black Lincoln (2003-2006)
- Big Deal (2011–2016)
- Big Dirty Band (2006)
- Big House (1981-1991)
- Big Sugar (1988-)
- Big Wreck (1994-)
- Bike for Three! (2007-)
- The Bills (1996-)
- Billy Talent (1993-)
- Billy Thunderkloud & the Chieftones (1964–1991)
- Bionic (1998-2007)
- Birds of Wales (2005–2011)
- Birth Through Knowledge (1993-1999)
- The Birthday Massacre (1999-)
- Bison B.C. (2006-)
- BKS (1990–1997)
- Black & Grey (2012-)
- Black Bear (2000-)
- The Black Halos (1993-)
- Black Jays (2000-)
- Black Light Orchestra (1977-1979)
- Black Lungs (2005-)
- The Black Maria (2003–2007)
- Black Moor (2005-)
- Black Mountain (2004-)
- Black Tiger Sex Machine (2011-)
- Black Ox Orkestar (2000-2006)
- Blackberry Wood (2006-)
- Blackguard (2001-)
- Blackie and the Rodeo Kings (1996-)
- Blanket Barricade (2011-)
- Blasphemy (1984-)
- Bleeker (2003-)
- Blessed by a Broken Heart (2003-2014)
- Bleu Jeans Bleu (2012-)
- Blimp Rock (2012-)
- Blind Witness (2005-)
- Blinker the Star (1993-)
- Blitz//Berlin (2014-)
- Blond:ish (2008-)
- Blood Ceremony (2006-)
- Blood Meridian (2004)
- Bloody Chicletts (1996-1997)
- Blou (1994-)
- Blue Daven's Code (2010-)
- Blue Dog Pict (1991-1996)
- Blue Hawaii (2010-)
- Blue Monday (2001-2006)
- Blue Northern (1977-1982)
- Blue Peter (1978-)
- Blue Rodeo (1984-)
- The Blue Shadows (1992-1996)
- Blurtonia (1999-2002)
- Bob Moses (2012-)
- Bobby Kris & The Imperials (1963-1967)
- Bobby Taylor & the Vancouvers (1968-1973)
- Bobs and Lolo (2003-)
- Bob's Your Uncle (1985-1993)
- Bocce (2005-)
- Bodega (1996-2001)
- Bodh'aktan (2011-)
- Boize (1989-1993)
- Bombs Over Providence (2001-2006)
- The Bombsters (2009-)
- Bond (1970-1979)
- Bonjay (2010-)
- Bonjour Brumaire (2007-)
- Booji Boys (2016-)
- The Boom Chucka Boys (2010-)
- Boombox Saints (2008-)
- The Boomers (1991-2002)
- The Boomtang Boys (1991-)
- Bootsauce (1989–1996)
- Borealis (2005-)
- Born Dead Icons (1998-2007)
- Born Ruffians (2004-)
- Boss Brass (1967-1999)
- Bossanova (1997-)
- La Bottine Souriante (1976-)
- Boulevard (1983-)
- Bourbon Tabernacle Choir (1985–1995)
- Bowfire (2000-)
- Bowser and Blue (1978-)
- The Box (1981-)
- Boxer the Horse (2010-)
- BOY (2002-)
- Boys Brigade (1981-1983)
- Boys Night Out (2001-)
- Braided (2005-2008)
- Braids (2006-)
- Bran Van 3000 (1996-)
- Brand New Unit (1991-2000)
- Brandon Paris Band (2002-)
- The Brass Action (2007-2020)
- Brasse-Camarade (1991-1999)
- BrassMunk (1997-)
- Brasstronaut (2008-)
- The Brat Attack (2002-2008)
- Brave Belt (1971-1972)
- Breach of Trust (1994-)
- Breached (2010-)
- Les Breastfeeders (1999-)
- Breeding Ground (1981-1990)
- Brighton Rock (1982-)
- The British North American Act (1968-1972)
- Broken Social Scene (1999-)
- The Bros. Landreth (2013-)
- Brother (1969-1972)
- The Brothers Creeggan (1992-)
- The Brothers-in-Law (1962-1970)
- Brown Brigade (2003-2009)
- Bruce Peninsula (2006-)
- Brundlefly (1999-)
- Brutal Knights (2003-2010)
- Bruthers of Different Muthers (2009-)
- Brutus (1969-1978)
- Buck N' Nice (2014-)
- Buddy Wasisname and the Other Fellers (1983-)
- Bullmoose (1996-)
- Bunchofuckingoofs (1983-)
- Bündock (1979-2009)
- Burd & Keyz (2004-)
- Buried Inside (1997-2010)
- The Burning Hell (2006-)
- Burning Love (2007-)
- Burnstick (2015-)
- Burnt Project 1 (2001-)
- Burnthe8track (2001-)
- Bush (1970)
- Busty and the Bass (2011-)
- Butterfinger (2001-2004)
- The Buttless Chaps (1998-2009)
- By Divine Right (1989-)
- Cadence (1998-)
- Caïman Fu (2003-)
- Calgary Boys' Choir
- Calgary Opera (1973-)
- Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra (1955-)
- Calpurnia (2017-2019)
- Calvin, Don't Jump! (1999-)
- Cameo Blues Band (1978-1990)
- Camouflage Nights (2005-)
- Canadian Bandurist Capella (2001-)
- Canadian Brass (1970-)
- Canadian Chamber Choir (1999-)
- Canadian Children's Opera Company (1968-)
- Canadian Electronic Ensemble (1971-)
- Canadian Grenadier Guards Band (1913-)
- Canadian Opera Company (1950-)
- The Canadian Sweethearts (1958–1977)
- Canadian Zephyr (1969-1983)
- Cancer Bats (2004-)
- Candi & The Backbeat (1988-1991)
- Candy Coated Killahz (2007–2011)
- Cannon Bros. (2010-)
- CANO (1975–1985)
- The Cansecos (2003-)
- The Cape May (2003-)
- Capitol 6 (2011-2013)
- Captain Tractor (1993-)
- The Cardboard Brains (1977-2010)
- Carlton Showband (1963-1996)
- Carmen and Camille (2006-)
- The Carnations (1995-2004)
- Career Suicide (2001-)
- The Carnival Band (1997-)
- The Carpet Frogs (1993-)
- The Carps (2005-)
- Carried Away (2000–2009)
- Cartel Madras (2017-)
- Cartoon Lizard (2015-)
- The Cash Brothers (1996-)
- Casper Skulls (2015-)
- Cats Can Fly (1982–1987)
- Catuvolcus (2007–2014)
- Cauldron (2006-)
- Cauterize (1995–2007)
- Caveboy (band) (2015-)
- CBC Radio Orchestra (1938-2008)
- CBC Symphony Orchestra (1952-1964)
- CBC Winnipeg Orchestra (1947-1984)
- CCMC (1974-)
- The Celestics (2011-)
- Celtae (2001-)
- Central Band of the Canadian Armed Forces (1940-)
- CerAmony (2002-)
- Ceramic Hello (1980-)
- Chai Folk Ensemble (1964-)
- Chalk Circle (1982-)
- Change of Heart (1982-)
- Chango Family (2000-)
- Chapeaumelon (2001-)
- Chelsea Bridge (1992-)
- Chéri (1982-1983)
- Chester (1972-1977)
- Chic Gamine (2007-)
- La Chicane (1993-)
- Chicklet (1995-)
- Les Chiens (1997-)
- Chilliwack (1970-)
- Chimo! (1969-1971)
- Chixdiggit (1991-)
- Chocolat
- Choir! Choir! Choir! (2011-)
- The Choir Practice (2005-)
- Choke (1994–2007)
- Chokehold (1990-)
- Chor Leoni Men's Choir (1992-)
- Chore (1995–2004, 2010)
- The Choristers (1936-1974)
- Chris Brown and Kate Fenner (1996–2005)
- Chris Buck Band (2013-)
- Christian Hansen & The Autistics (2007-)
- Chromeo (2002-)
- Chucky Danger Band (2004-)
- Cindy Lee
- Cities in Dust (2003-)
- Citizen Kane (1995–2005)
- City and Colour (2005-)
- The City Harmonic (2009–2017)
- City Opera of Vancouver (2006-)
- The City Streets (2005–2013)
- CLARK the band (1999–2007)
- Clarknova (1998–2003)
- Cleopatrick (2015-)
- The Cliks (2004-)
- Closer To Found (2014-)
- Closet Monster (1997-2005)
- Closure (2002–2006)
- Clues(2007–2010)
- Clumsy Lovers (1993-)
- C'mon (2003–2011)
- The Co-Dependents (1998-2004)
- The Coast (2004-2010)
- The Cocksure Lads (2010-)
- Còig (2010-)
- Coley (2004-)
- Collapsing Opposites (2002-)
- The Collectors (1961-1969)
- Les Colocs (1990–2000)
- Coastal Sound Music Academy (1989-)
- Cobblestone Jazz (2002-)
- Code Pie (2005-)
- Cold Creek County (2014-)
- Cold Driven (2005-2011)
- Comeback Kid (2000-)
- Common Grackle (2010-)
- Coney Hatch (1982-)
- Conservatory String Quartet (1929-1946)
- The Consonant C (2005-)
- Constantines (1999-)
- Contrived (2000-2010)
- controller.controller (2002-2006)
- Cookie Duster (1999-)
- The Cooper Brothers (1974-)
- Copperpenny (1965-1978)
- Copyright
- Corb Lund and the Hurtin' Albertans (1995-)
- Corbeau (1977-1984)
- Corey and Trina (1973-1998)
- Corky and the Juice Pigs (1987–1998)
- The Corn Sisters (1998-2002)
- Corridor
- Corrupt Leaders (2013-)
- The Cottars (2000-)
- The Countdown Singers (1994-)
- Counterparts (2007-)
- County Town Singers (1967-)
- Courage My Love (2009-)
- The Courtneys (2010-)
- Cousins (2006-)
- Les Cousins Branchaud (1993-)
- Les Cowboys Fringants (1995-)
- Cowboy Junkies (1986-)
- CPC Gangbangs (2001-2008)
- Crack of Dawn (1975-)
- Crash Karma (2008-)
- Crash Kills Five (1984-)
- Crash Parallel (2005-)
- Crash Test Dummies (1988-)
- Crash Vegas (1988–1996)
- Creaking Tree String Quartet (2004–2011)
- Creature (2004-)
- The Creeping Nobodies (2001–2009)
- The Creepshow (2005-)
- The Crew-Cuts (1952–1964)
- Critical Mass (1996-)
- Criollo (2003-)
- Crowbar (1970–1975)
- Crush (2000–2006)
- Crush Luther (2004–2011)
- The Cruzeros (1996-)
- Cry of the Afflicted (2003–2008)
- Cryptopsy (1988-)
- Crystal Castles (2006-)
- Cub (1992–1997)
- Cuff the Duke (2001-)
- Cunter (2009-)
- Current Swell (2005-)
- Cursed (2001-2008)
- Daddy's Hands (1996-2006)
- D.b.s.(1992–2001)
- D-Cru (1998-2002)
- DD/MM/YYYY (2003–2011)
- D.O.A. (1978-)
- Daggermouth (2004-)
- The Daggers (1997-2006)
- Dahmer (1995-2000)
- Dakona (1997-2004)
- Dala (2002-)
- Dance Appeal (1990)
- Daniel Band (1979-)
- Danko Jones (1996-)
- The Danks (2005-)
- Dark Covenant (2009-)
- The Darcys (2007-)
- The Dardanelles (2005-)
- The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets (1992-)
- The Darling DeMaes (2007-)
- Darlings of Chelsea (2008-)
- Data Romance (2009-2014)
- The Dave Howard Singers (1981-)
- Dayglo Abortions (1979-)
- Dead and Divine (2003-2012)
- Dead Brain Cells (1986-)
- Dead Celebrity Status (2003-)
- Dead Hollywood Stars (2000-2005)
- Dead Jesus (1998-2011)
- Dead Letter Dept. (2001-2008)
- Dead Messenger (2005-)
- Dead Obies (2011-)
- The Dead South (2012-)
- Deadly Apples (2004-)
- The Deadly Snakes (1996-2006)
- Dean Lickyer (2004-2011)
- Dear Jane, I... (2003-2007)
- Dear Rouge (2012-)
- The Dears (1995-)
- Death from Above 1979 (2001-)
- Debs and Errol (2011-2015)
- Decoded Feedback (1993-)
- Decree (1991-)
- The Deep Dark Woods (2005-)
- Default (1999-)
- The DeFranco Family (1972-2000)
- Deja Voodoo (1981-1990)
- Delerium (1987-)
- Delhi 2 Dublin (2006-)
- Deliverance (1974-1981)
- The Demics (1977-1980)
- Demon's Claws (2003-)
- D'Enforcas (1994-)
- Desert Dolphins (1993-1997)
- Desire (2009-)
- Despised Icon (2002-)
- Despistado (2001-2013)
- Destroid (2012-)
- Destroyalldreamers (2002-2007)
- Destroyer (1995-)
- The Details (2006-)
- Le Diable à Cinq
- The Diableros (2004-2010)
- The Diamonds (1953-)
- DIANA (2013-)
- Die Mannequin (2005-)
- Diemonds (2006-)
- Dig Circus (1998)
- Digawolf (2009-)
- Digging Roots (2004-)
- Digital Poodle (1986–1995)
- The Dik Van Dykes (1985—1989)
- Dilly Dally (2015-)
- The Dinner Is Ruined (1991-)
- Dinosaur Bones (2008-)
- The Diodes (1976–1982)
- Dionysos (1969–1974)
- Dirty Circus (2010-)
- The Dirty Nil (2006-)
- Dirty Radio (2010-)
- The Dirty Tricks (2003–2010)
- The Dishes (1975-1978)
- The Dishrags (1976-1980)
- Distoriam (2010-)
- Divinity (1997-)
- Dixie Flyers (1974-)
- Dizzy (2015-)
- Do Make Say Think (1995-)
- Doc Walker (1996-)
- Dr. Draw (2005-)
- Dog Day (2004-)
- Doll (2007-)
- Don Vail (2006-)
- The Dope Poet Society (1995-)
- Double Experience (2014-)
- Doubting Thomas (1987-1994)
- Doug and the Slugs (1977-)
- Doughboys (1987–1997)
- Down with Webster (1998–2015)
- Downchild Blues Band (1969-)
- Downhere (1999–2012)
- Download (1994-)
- Dr. Music (1969–1977)
- Dragon Fli Empire (2002-)
- Dragonette (2005-)
- The Dreadnoughts (2007-)
- Dream Warriors (1988–2002)
- DreamSTATE (1995-)
- Drentch (2000-)
- Droom (2002–2007)
- Drumlin (2008-)
- Dubmatique (1992-)
- Duchess Says (2003-)
- Duck Sauce (2009-)
- The Dudes (1996-)
- The Duhks (2002-)
- Dunk (1995-2000)
- Duo Caron (1990-)
- Duotang (1995-)
- Duplex! (2005-)
- Dusted (2012-)
- DVAS (2003-)
- DVBBS (2012-)
- Dvsn (2015-)
- Dynamic Rockers (2004-)
- Dzeko & Torres (2007–2016)
- Eagle & Hawk
- Earle and Coffin
- The East Pointers
- Eaton Operatic Society
- Eccodek
- Econoline Crush
- Edmonton Opera
- Edmonton Symphony Orchestra
- Edward Bear
- Egger
- Eidolon
- Eight Seconds
- Eklektikos
- El Motor
- Elbow Beach Surf Club
- Eldebrock
- Electric Magma
- Electric Youth
- Electro Quarterstaff
- Elephant Stone
- Elevator
- Eleven Past One
- The Elizabeth Shepherd Trio
- Elliott Brood
- Elmer Iseler Singers
- The Elwins
- Emerson Drive
- Emily Haines & the Soft Skeleton
- Empyria
- En Bref
- The End
- The English Teeth
- English Words
- The Enigmas
- The Ennis Sisters
- Ensemble Claude-Gervaise
- Enter the Haggis
- The Enthusiasts
- Epsilon Minus
- ERA 9
- Eric's Trip
- Erimha
- Ermine
- E.S.L.
- Esmerine
- Esprit Orchestra
- The Esquires
- The Essentials
- Esthero
- Et Cetera
- Et Sans
- L'Étranger
- Eudoxis
- Euphoria
- Evans Blue
- The Evaporators
- Evening Hymns
- Everyone's Talking
- The Evidence
- Ex Deo
- Exciter
- Exhaust
- The Expos
- Eye Eye
- Faber Drive
- Fair Ground
- Faith Healer
- Fake Shark
- Family Brown
- The Famines
- Fan Death
- Fanna-Fi-Allah
- Farewell to Freeway
- Farm Fresh
- Farmer's Daughter
- The Farrell Bros.
- Fast Forward
- Fast Romantics
- Fat Man Waving
- Fathead
- Faunts
- Feeding Like Butterflies
- Fembots
- Fera
- Festival Singers of Canada
- Festival Winds
- Feuermusik
- Field Day
- Fifth Column
- Fifths of Seven
- Figgy Duff
- Figure Four
- Final Fantasy
- Finest Kind
- Finger Eleven
- Finnr's Cane
- First Words
- First You Get the Sugar
- Five Man Electrical Band
- Five O'Clock Charlie
- Five Star Affair
- Flannel Jimmy
- The Flashing Lights
- Flashlight Brown
- The Flatliners
- Flight Distance
- Floor Thirteen
- The Flowers of Hell
- Fludd
- The Flummies
- Fly Pan Am
- Flybanger
- Flying Bulgar Klezmer Band
- The Flying Circus
- Flying Down Thunder and Rise Ashen
- FM
- FM Radio Gods
- FM Static
- Fog Lake
- Foggy Hogtown Boys
- Folly and the Hunter
- Fond of Tigers
- A Foot in Coldwater
- Forest City Lovers
- Forgotten Rebels
- Forgotten Tales
- Fortunate Ones
- Forty Foot Echo
- Fosterchild
- The Four Lads
- Four80East
- The Framework
- The Franklin Electric
- Fraser & DeBolt
- Freaks of Reality
- Free Beer
- Freeman Dre and the Kitchen Party
- The Fretless
- Friends of Fiddler's Green
- Frog Eyes
- The Front
- Front Line Assembly
- Frozen Ghost
- Fuck the Facts
- Fucked Up
- Fujahtive
- Full Tilt Boogie Band
- The Fully Down
- The Funk Hunters
- Fur Trade
- Furnaceface
- Galaxie
- The Gandharvas
- Ganglion
- Garfield
- Garolou
- Garry Lee and the Showdown
- Gary and Dave
- Gatineau
- Gaze
- Gazeebow Unit
- Gazoline
- General Rudie
- Genetic Control
- Genticorum
- Les Georges Leningrad
- Georgian Bay Symphony
- Gerald Danovitch Saxophone Quartet
- Germans
- Ghetto Concept
- The Ghost Is Dancing
- Ghostkeeper
- Ghosts of Modern Man
- Gigi
- Ginger
- Girlsareshort
- Glass Tiger
- Glengarry Bhoys
- Glissandro 70
- Glo
- The Glorious Sons
- Gloryhound
- Glueleg
- Goat Horn
- Gob
- God Made Me Funky
- Goddo
- Godspeed You! Black Emperor
- Gogh Van Go
- Gold & Youth
- The Golden Dogs
- The Golden Seals
- The Good Brothers
- Good for Grapes
- The Good Lovelies
- Goodnight, Sunrise
- The Gorgeous
- Gorguts
- The Government
- Governor General's Foot Guards Band
- Grace Like Winter
- Grade
- Graham Shaw and the Sincere Serenaders
- Gramercy Riffs
- Grand Analog
- Grand Dérangement
- Grand Philharmonic Choir
- Grand Theft Bus
- Grant Smith & The Power
- The Grapes of Wrath
- The Grassroot Deviation
- Da Grassroots
- Greaseball Boogie Band
- Great Aunt Ida
- Great Big Sea
- Great Lake Swimmers
- Great Speckled Bird
- Great Uncles of the Revolution
- Greater Victoria Police Pipe Band
- Greek Buck
- Green Go
- Gregory Hoskins and the Stickpeople
- Greylevel
- Grievous Angels
- Grim Tower
- GrimSkunk
- The Groove Kings
- Groovy Aardvark
- The Gruesomes
- Gryphon Trio
- Da Gryptions
- Guerilla Welfare
- The Guess Who
- Gulfer
- The Guthries
- Gypsophilia
- Hail the Villain
- Half Moon Run
- Halifax Camerata Singers
- The Halifax Three
- Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra
- Hamilton Police Pipe Band
- Hammersmith
- Handsome Furs
- Hangedup
- The Hanson Brothers
- The Happy Pals
- Hard Rubber Orchestra
- Hard Rock Miners
- Hardliner
- The Hardship Post
- Harem Scarem
- Harlequin
- Harmonium
- Harpoonist & The Axe Murderer
- Hart House Symphonic Band
- Hart-Rouge
- The Haunted
- Hawk Nelson
- Hawking
- Haymaker
- Haywire
- Head Hits Concrete
- Head of the Herd
- Headpins
- Headscan
- Headstones
- Headstrong
- Headwater
- Heart
- The Heartbroken
- Heavy Blinkers
- Heavy Hearts
- Hedley
- The Heebee-jeebees
- Helix
- Hello Beautiful
- Hello, Blue Roses
- Hemingway Corner
- Henri Fabergé and the Adorables
- The Henrys
- The Hermit
- Hexes & Ohs
- Hey Major
- Hey Ocean!
- Hey Romeo
- Hey Rosetta!
- hHead
- The Hidden Cameras
- The Higgins
- The High Bar Gang
- The High Dials
- High Five Drive
- High Holy Days
- High Valley
- Hillsburn
- Hilotrons
- Hilt
- Hinterland
- Hip Club Groove
- Hiss Tracts
- Hissanol
- Hokus Pick
- Hollerado
- Hollowick
- Hollowphonic
- Holly Cole Trio
- The Holly Springs Disaster
- Holy Fuck
- Homeshake
- The Hometown Band
- Honeymoon Suite
- Hooded Fang
- Hope
- The Hope Slide
- Hopeful Monster
- Hostage Life
- Hot Hot Heat
- Hot Little Rocket
- Hot One
- Hot Panda
- Hot Springs
- Hotel Mira
- Hrsta
- Huevos Rancheros
- Hugh Dillon Redemption Choir
- Human Highway
- Humanifesto
- Humans
- The Hunt
- Hunter Brothers
- Hunter Valentine
- The Hunters
- Huron
- The Hylozoists
- I Hate Sally
- I Mother Earth
- I Musici de Montréal Chamber Orchestra
- I Spy
- Ian and Sylvia
- Ice Cream
- Idle Eyes
- Idle Sons
- Idlers
- IllScarlett
- Images in Vogue
- Imaginary Cities
- Immaculate Machine
- In Essence
- In-Flight Safety
- In Medias Res
- The Inbreds
- Indian City
- Indian Handcrafts
- Infernäl Mäjesty
- Infidels
- The Inflation Kills
- Influence
- Instruments
- Inter-Mennonite Children's Choir
- Intermix
- International Symphony Orchestra
- Interstellar
- Intervals
- Into Eternity
- Ion Dissonance
- The Irish Descendants
- The Irish Rovers
- Ironhorse
- Islands
- Isotopes Punk Rock Baseball Club
- IVardensphere
- Ivory Hours
- Jack London & The Sparrows
- Jackson Delta
- Jackson Hawke
- Jacksoul
- Jaffa Road
- Jakalope
- Jale
- James Barker Band
- Jane Vain and the Dark Matter
- Japandroids
- Jaymz Bee and the Royal Jelly Orchestra
- Jazzberry Ram
- Jeff Healey Band
- Jeff Johnston Trio
- Jellyfishbabies
- The Jerry Cans
- Jerry Jerry and the Sons of Rhythm Orchestra
- Jersey
- Jerusalem In My Heart
- Jet Set Satellite
- Jets Overhead
- Jim and Don Haggart
- Jimmy George
- The Jimmy Swift Band
- The Jitters
- Jo Hikk
- Jocelyn & Lisa
- The Joel Plaskett Emergency
- The Johner Brothers
- Johnny and the Moon
- Johnny Favourite Swing Orchestra
- Johnny Hollow
- The Johnstones
- Jokers of the Scene
- Jolly Tambourine Man
- The Jolts
- Jon and Lee & the Checkmates
- Jon and Roy
- Jon-Rae and the River
- Josh
- Joydrop
- The Judes
- Judy & David
- July Talk
- Jump Ship Quick
- The Junction
- Junior Blue
- Junior Boys
- Jr. Gone Wild
- Junior Pantherz
- Junkhouse
- Just John x Dom Dias
- The Just Us
- KC Accidental
- Kacy & Clayton
- Kaïn
- Kaliroots
- Kanata Symphony
- Kansas Stone
- Karkwa
- Kasador
- Kashtin
- Kataklysm
- Kate & Anna McGarrigle
- Keister Family Fiddlers
- The Kelele Brothers
- KEN mode
- Kendall Wall Band
- Kensington Market
- Kepler
- Kermess
- The Kerplunks
- Kevin Hearn and Thin Buckle
- Keys N Krates
- Kick Axe
- K.I.D
- Kid Wikkid
- Kids in Despair
- Kids on TV
- Kidstreet
- Kïll Cheerleadër
- Kill Matilda
- Kill No Albatross
- Kill the Lights
- Killer Bee
- Killer Bunnies
- Killer Dwarfs
- Killitorous
- The Killjoys
- The Kindred
- Kinetic Ideals
- King Apparatus
- King Cobb Steelie
- The King Khan & BBQ Show
- King Khan and the Shrines
- The Kingpins
- The Kings
- Kingston Symphony
- Kingston Symphony Orchestra
- Kiros
- Kitchener–Waterloo Symphony
- Kitchens & Bathrooms
- Kite Hill
- Kittens
- Kittie
- Klaatu
- Kleztory
- Knacker
- Knucklehead
- Knurl
- Kobo Town
- Kobra and the Lotus
- Kon Kan
- Konflit (a/k/a Konflit Dramatik)
- The Kry
- Kubasonics
- LMDS (also known as Les Messagers Du Son)
- Lace
- Ladyhawk
- Land of Talk
- The Laundronauts
- Lava Hay
- Leahy
- Lee Harvey Osmond
- Left Spine Down
- Leigh Ashford
- The Lemon Bucket Orkestra
- Len
- Lesbians on Ecstasy
- Leslie Spit Treeo
- L'Étranger
- Library Voices
- Liferuiner
- Lighthouse
- Lightning Dust
- Lili Fatale
- Lillix
- Limblifter
- Lime
- The Lincolns
- the lion the bear the fox
- Lioness
- Little Caesar and the Consuls
- Little Girls
- Live on Arrival
- LiveonRelease
- Local Rabbits
- Loco Locass
- Lola Dutronic
- Longing for Dawn
- The Look People
- Lost & Profound
- Lost Dakotas
- The Lost Fingers
- Lotus Child
- Les Louanges
- Loud Lary Ajust
- Loud Luxury
- Love and Sas
- Love Inc.
- Love Kills
- The Lovely Feathers
- Loverboy
- Low Level Flight
- The Lowest of the Low
- Luke & The Apostles
- Luther Wright and the Wrongs
- The Luyas
- The Lynnes
- MCJ & Cool G
- The MRQ
- Machete Avenue
- MacLean & MacLean
- The Maddigans
- Madison Violet
- Madrid
- Magic!
- Magneta Lane
- Maharahj
- Mahogany Rush
- The Mahones
- Main Source
- Majical Cloudz
- Majid Jordan
- Major Hoople's Boarding House
- Major Maker
- Malajube
- Malhavoc
- Mandala
- Mandroid Echostar
- Manic Drive
- Mannequin Depressives
- Manteca
- The Manvils
- Maow
- The Marble Index
- Mare
- Marianas Trench
- Marilyn's Vitamins
- The Mark Inside
- The Martels
- Martha and the Muffins
- Martyr
- Mashmakhan
- Masochistic Religion
- The Matadors
- Matt Mays & El Torpedo
- Matters
- Matthew Good Band
- The Maven Boys
- Max Webster
- The Maximum Definitive
- The McAuley Boys
- The McDades
- McKenna Mendelson Mainline
- McMaster & James
- Me Mom and Morgentaler
- Mean Red Spiders
- Means
- Mecca Normal
- The Meligrove Band
- Mélisande (électrotrad)
- The Memories Attack
- Memoryhouse
- Memphis
- The Men of the Deeps
- Men Without Hats
- Men I Trust (2014-)
- Mercey Brothers
- The Mercurymen
- The Mercy Now
- Mercy, the Sexton
- Merryweather
- Mes Aïeux
- The Messengers
- Messenjah
- Metalwood
- Metric
- The Mid-Knights
- Midnight Shine
- The Midway State
- Milk & Bone
- The Minglewood Band
- Mir
- Miracle Fortress
- Miriodor
- Mobile
- The Mods
- Moev
- The Moffatts
- The Mohawk Lodge
- Moist
- Moneen
- MonkeyJunk
- Monster Truck
- Monster Voodoo Machine
- Mood Ruff
- Moscow Apartment
- The Most Serene Republic
- The Motes
- Mother Mother
- Motherlode
- Mountain City Four
- The Mountains and the Trees
- Mounties
- Moxy
- Moxy Früvous
- Mr. Something Something
- Mudmen
- The Musical Box
- My Darkest Days
- Myles and Lenny
- The Mynah Birds
- Mystery
- Mystery Machine
- Mythos
- Nadja
- Nap Eyes
- Nathan
- Nathan Lawr and the Minotaurs
- Nathaniel Dett Chorale
- National Academy Orchestra of Canada
- National Arts Centre Orchestra
- National Broadcast Orchestra of Canada
- The National Parcs
- National Velvet
- National Youth Orchestra of Canada
- Naturally Born Strangers
- Navet Confit
- Nefastus Dies
- nêhiyawak
- The Neilsons
- Neon Dreams
- A Neon Rome
- The Nervous Fellas
- Neufeld-Occhipinti Jazz Orchestra
- Neuraxis
- Neurosonic
- Neverending White Lights
- Neverest
- New Brunswick Youth Orchestra
- The New Cities
- New City
- New Country Rehab
- The New Deal
- The New Grand
- New Look
- New Meanies
- The New Mendicants
- New Orford String Quartet
- The New Pornographers
- New Regime
- New Swears
- New Town Animals
- Newfoundland Symphony Orchestra
- Newmarket Citizens' Band
- Newworldson
- Nick Buzz
- Nick Danger and the Danger City Rebels
- Nickelback
- Nightbox
- Nihilist Spasm Band
- Nikki Awesome & The Royal Society
- The Nils
- Nine Mile
- The Nines
- Ninja High School
- No Joy
- No Kids
- No Sinner
- No Warning
- Noise Unit
- Nomadic Massive
- Nomeansno
- The Noolands
- Norteño
- North of America
- A Northern Chorus
- Northern Cree
- Northern Haze
- Northern Lights
- The Northern Pikes
- The Northwest Company
- Not by Choice
- Nouvel Ensemble Moderne
- Nova Scotia Mass Choir
- Novacosm
- Novillero
- NQ Arbuckle
- Nü Sensae
- Nuance
- Nudimension
- Numb
- Numéro#
- The Nylons
- Oakville Children's Choir
- Oakville Ensemble
- Oakville Symphony Orchestra
- Obliveon
- Obscene Eulogy
- Ocean
- October Sky
- The October Trio
- Octoberman
- The Oddities
- Odds
- Odonis Odonis
- Of Atlantis
- Offenbach
- Oh No Forest Fires
- Ohbijou
- OhGr
- OK Cobra
- Okavango African Orchestra
- Okoumé
- Ol' Savannah
- The Old Soul
- Old World Vulture
- Olenka and the Autumn Lovers
- Oliver Black
- The Olympic Symphonium
- Omnikrom
- Once Just
- The Once
- One Bad Son
- One Free Fall
- One Horse Blue
- One Hundred Dollars
- One More Girl
- One Shot Left
- One to One
- One Ton
- Oni
- Opera Atelier
- Opera Lyra Ottawa
- Opéra de Montréal
- The Operation M.D.
- Oplenac
- The Orchard
- Orchestra London Canada
- Orchestre Métropolitain
- Orchestre Symphonique de Québec
- Orchestre de la Francophonie
- Orchid Ensemble
- The Orchid Highway
- Orford String Quartet
- The Organ
- Organ Thieves
- Organized Rhyme
- The Original Caste
- Ottawa Police Service Pipe Band
- Ottawa Symphony Orchestra
- Ottawa Youth Orchestra Academy
- Ouanani
- Ought
- Our Lady Peace
- Ours to Destroy
- Out of Your Mouth
- Outlaws of Ravenhurst
- Ox
- P:ano
- The Pacific Showband
- The Pack A.D.
- Palaye Royale
- Pain For Pleasure
- Painted Thin
- Pantychrist
- The Paper Cranes
- Paper Lions
- Paper Moon
- The Paperbacks
- The Paperboys
- The Pappy Johns Band
- Parabelle
- The Parachute Club
- Paradox
- Parallels
- The Parkdale Revolutionary Orchestra
- Parlovr
- The Partland Brothers
- Partner
- A Passing Fancy
- La Patère Rose
- The Paupers
- Payolas
- Peach Pit
- A Perfect Murder
- The Perpetrators
- Perth County Conspiracy
- The Pets
- The Pettit Project
- Pharis and Jason Romero
- The Philosopher Kings
- Pholde
- The Phonemes
- Phono-Comb
- Picastro
- The Pied Pumkin
- Pigeon Hole
- Piledriver
- Pilot Speed
- Pink Mountaintops
- Plaid Tongued Devils
- The Planet Smashers
- Plants and Animals
- The Plastic Cloud
- Platinum Blonde
- Plumtree
- Pluto
- Po' Girl
- Pocket Dwellers
- Pointed Sticks
- Poledo
- The Poles
- Pony Da Look
- Pony Girl (band)
- Pony Up
- The Poppy Family
- Porkbelly Futures
- Port Cities
- Postdata
- The Poverty Plainsmen
- The Powder Blues Band
- Prairie Oyster
- Precious Fathers
- Pretty Boy Floyd
- The Priddle Concern
- Pride Tiger
- Priestess
- A Primitive Evolution
- Prism
- Project Wyze
- Projet Orange
- Propagandhi
- Protest the Hero
- The Provincial Archive
- Prozzäk
- Psyche
- Pugs and Crows
- Pukka Orchestra
- Pulse Ultra
- Punky Brüster
- Pure
- The Pursuit of Happiness
- Put the Rifle Down
- The Rabid Whole
- The Racoons
- Radio Radio
- The Raes
- The Raftsmen
- Raggadeath
- Raggedy Angry
- Rah Rah
- Rainbow Butt Monkeys
- Raised by Swans
- Raising the Fawn
- Raleigh
- Random Killing
- Random Recipe
- The Rankin Family
- Rare Air
- Rarity
- Rascalz
- Ratchet Orchestra
- Rational Youth
- Rattled Roosters
- Ravin'
- Rawlins Cross
- Ray Condo and His Hardrock Goners
- Razor
- The Razorbacks
- Re:
- The Real McKenzies
- The Reason
- Recovery Child
- Red Deer Royals
- Red Deer Symphony
- Red Rider
- Redeye Empire
- Regimental Pipes and Drums of The Calgary Highlanders
- Regina Symphony Orchestra
- The Reklaws
- Rembetika Hipsters
- Removal
- Republic of Safety
- Reset
- The Respectables
- Reuben and the Dark
- Le Rêve du Diable
- Revenge
- The Reverb Syndicate
- Reverend Ken and the Lost Followers
- Reverie Sound Revue
- The Revols
- Rheostatics
- Rhinoceros
- Rhythm Activism
- Rhythm & News
- Richard Eaton Singers
- Richmond Delta Youth Orchestra
- Rime Organisé
- Ripcordz
- The Riptides
- River Town Saints
- Riverbeds
- The Road Hammers
- Robbie Lane and the Disciples
- Robin Black and the Intergalactic Rock Stars
- Robyn and Ryleigh
- The Rock n Roll Rats
- Rock Plaza Central
- Rockets Red Glare
- Rockhead
- Roman Grey
- The Romaniacs
- Romes
- Ron Hawkins and the Rusty Nails
- Rose Chronicles
- Rough Trade
- Royal Canadian Air Force Band
- Royal Canadian Artillery Band
- Royal Canoe
- Royal City
- Royal Military College of Canada Bands
- The Royal Royal
- Rubber
- Ruby Jean and the Thoughtful Bees
- The Rugrats
- The Rural Alberta Advantage
- Rush
- The Russian Futurists
- Rusty
- Rx
- RyanDan
- Ryan's Fancy
- Rymes with Orange
- Sackville
- The Saddletramps
- Sacrifice
- The Sadies
- Saga
- Sagapool
- Said the Whale
- Saint Alvia
- Saint Asonia
- The Sainte Catherines
- Saints & Sinners
- The Salads
- Salmonblaster
- The Salteens
- Sam Roberts Band
- Samba Squad
- Same Same
- Sandalspring
- Sandbox
- Sattalites
- The Saunders Brothers Show
- Scatterheart
- The Scenics
- Scratching Post
- Scrubbaloe Caine
- Seaway
- Sea Snakes
- Secret and Whisper
- The Secrets
- Sector Seven
- See Spot Run
- Sequester
- Serial Joe
- The Sessions
- Set Fire to Flames
- Sexual Assault
- Shades of Culture
- Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet
- Shalabi Effect
- Shallow North Dakota
- Shapes and Sizes
- Sharon, Lois & Bram
- Shaye
- Sheavy
- The Sheepdogs
- Sheriff
- Shinjuku Zulu
- Shit From Hell
- Shooter
- Shotgun & Jaybird
- Shotmaker
- Shoulder
- Shout Out Out Out Out
- Shreddy Krueger
- Showbusiness Giants
- The Shuffle Demons
- Shy Kids
- Shyne Factory
- Sianspheric
- Silla + Rise
- A Silver Mt. Zion
- Silver Starling
- Silverstein
- Simani
- Simon Caine
- Simple Plan
- Simply Majestic
- Simply Saucer
- Siskiyou
- Skinny Puppy
- The Skitzos
- Skull Fist
- The Skulls
- Sky
- Skydiggers
- Skylark
- The Slakadeliqs
- Slash Puppet
- Slaughter
- Slaveco.
- The Slew
- Slik Toxik
- Sloan
- The Slocan Ramblers
- Sloche
- Slow
- Slowburn
- Slowcoaster
- Small Sins
- The Smalls
- Smoother
- The Smugglers
- Snailhouse
- Snotty Nose Rez Kids
- Snowblink
- So Loki
- Social Code
- Social Deviantz
- The Social Icons
- Les sœurs Boulay
- Sol
- Son
- Sons of Butcher
- Sons of Freedom
- Sons of Maxwell
- Sons of Otis
- Sonshine and Broccoli
- The Sorority
- SoulDecision
- The Souljazz Orchestra
- The Sound Bluntz
- The Sparrows
- A Spectre Is Haunting Europe
- Spiral Beach
- Spirit of the West
- Splitting Adam
- Spring Breakup
- Spoons
- Sproll
- The Spurs
- The Squires
- SS Cardiacs
- Stabilo
- Staggered Crossing
- The Stampeders
- The Standstills
- The Stanfields
- Starfield
- Starkicker
- Stars
- State of Shock
- Static in Stereo
- Steel River
- The Stellas
- Steppenwolf
- Stereos
- Stiff Valentine
- The Stills
- The Stolen Minks
- Stonebolt
- Straight Lines
- Strange Advance
- Strapping Young Lad
- Streetheart
- Streetnix
- Striker
- Stringband
- Stripper's Union
- The Strumbellas
- Stuck On Planet Earth
- Stutterfly
- Subb
- Subhumans
- Submission Hold
- Sugar Jones
- The Sugar Shoppe
- Sugluk
- The Suits XL
- Sully
- Sum 41
- The Summerlad
- Sumo Cyco
- Sunparlour Players
- Sunset Rubdown
- Super Duty Tough Work
- The Super Friendz
- Superconductor
- Supergarage
- Suuns
- Sven Gali
- Swallowing Shit
- Swamp Baby
- Swan Lake
- Sweatshop Union
- Sweeney Todd
- Sweet Thing
- Swing
- The Swinging Belles
- Switchblade Valentines
- Swollen Members
- Sword
- Sylvie
- Sympathy
- Synæsthesia
- Tadros
- Taima
- Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra
- Tamarack
- Tangiers
- Tanglefoot
- Tapestry Opera
- Tasseomancy
- Tchukon
- Tea for the Voyage
- The Tea Party
- Team Rezofficial
- The Tear Garden
- Tearjerker
- Teaze
- Teenage Head
- Teenage Kicks
- Tegan and Sara
- Temperance
- Templar
- Ten Second Epic
- Ten Strings and a Goat Skin
- Ten Ways
- Tenet
- The Tenors
- Terror Syndrome
- Tetrix
- Thantifaxath
- Theatre of Early Music
- Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra
- Then One Day
- Theory of a Deadman
- These Kids Wear Crowns
- Theset
- They Shoot Horses, Don't They?
- Thine Eyes Bleed
- Think About Life
- Thirteen Strings
- Thomas Trio and the Red Albino
- The Thomists
- Thor
- Thornley
- Thousand Foot Krutch
- THP Orchestra
- Threat Signal
- Three Days Grace
- Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie
- Three O'Clock Train
- Thrush Hermit
- Thunder Bay Symphony Orchestra
- Thunder Road
- Thunderheist
- Thundermug
- Thus Owls
- Timber Timbre
- Tin Foil Phoenix
- Tin Star Orphans
- Tinker
- Tipatchimun
- Today I Caught the Plague
- Tokyo Police Club
- Tom Fun Orchestra
- Tone Mason
- Tons of Fun University
- Torngat
- Toronto
- Toronto Chamber Orchestra
- Toronto Children's Chorus
- Toronto Choral Society
- Toronto Jewish Folk Choir
- Toronto Light Opera Association
- Toronto Mass Choir
- Toronto Mendelssohn Choir
- Toronto Northern Lights
- Toronto Philharmonic Orchestra
- Toronto Police Pipe Band
- Toronto String Quartette
- Toronto Symphony Orchestra
- Toronto Symphony Orchestra (Welsman)
- Toronto Symphony Youth Orchestra
- Toronto Tabla Ensemble
- Touch and Nato
- The Tower of Dudes
- Townline
- Tracteur Jack
- The Tragically Hip
- Trans-X
- Transistor Sound & Lighting Co.
- The Travellers
- Treble Charger
- Trent Severn
- The Trews
- A Tribe Called Red
- Tricky Woo
- Tribal Machine
- Tri-Continental
- Tricot Machine
- Trillionaire$
- Trio lyrique
- The Tripp
- Tristan Psionic
- Triumph
- Les Trois Accords
- Trooper
- Tru-Paz
- True Myth
- Tú
- Tudjaat
- Tuns
- Tupelo Honey
- Tupper Ware Remix Party
- Turn Off the Stars
- Tvangeste
- Twin Flames
- The Twisters
- Two Crown King
- Two Fingers
- Two Hours Traffic
- The Two-Minute Miracles
- Tyrants Blood
- UJ3RK5
- Ubiquitous Synergy Seeker
- The Ugly Ducklings
- Uisce Beatha
- Ukrainian Dnipro Ensemble of Edmonton
- Ukrainian Male Chorus of Edmonton
- Uncle Moishy and the Mitzvah Men
- Uncle Sinner
- Uncut
- The Undecided
- Unexpect
- The Unicorns
- The Unintended
- Unit 187
- United Steel Workers of Montreal
- Universal Honey
- Unleash the Archers
- Unravelled Broken Orchestra
- Urban Tapestry
- Urgent
- U.S. Girls
- Uzeb
- Vacuity
- Vaghy String Quartet
- Valaire
- The Valentino Orchestra
- Valley
- Valley of the Giants
- Vampire Beach Babes
- Vampire Rodents
- Van Allen Belt
- Vancouver Cantata Singers
- Vancouver Chamber Choir
- Vancouver Chinese Music Ensemble
- Vancouver Men's Chorus
- Vancouver Metropolitan Orchestra
- Vancouver Opera
- Vancouver Recital Society
- Vancouver Symphony Orchestra
- Vancouver Woodwind Quintet
- Vancouver Youth Symphony Orchestra
- Varga
- Vauvandalou
- Veal
- The Veer Union
- The Vees
- Velvet Empire
- The Velveteins
- Venetian Snares
- Le Vent du Nord
- The Vermicious Knid
- Vertical After
- Vesuvius
- Viathyn
- Vice Verset
- Victoria Philharmonic Choir
- Victoria Scholars Men's Choral Ensemble
- Victoria Symphony
- Videotape
- Vilain Pingouin
- The Viletones
- Villain Accelerate
- Ville Émard Blues Band
- Vincat
- The Vincent Black Shadow
- The Violet Archers
- Vishtèn
- Visible Wind
- Vital Sines
- vitaminsforyou
- Voggue
- Voices in Public
- Voivod
- La Volée d'Castors
- Völur
- Vromb
- Vulgaires Machins
- The Wailin' Jennys
- The Wainwright Sisters
- Waiting for God
- Wake Owl
- The Waking Eyes
- The Walk
- Walk Off the Earth
- Walter TV
- Waltons
- Wapstan
- War Party
- Warpig
- Warriors
- Warsawpack
- The Washboard Union
- The Watchmen
- Water on Mars
- Waterbodies
- Watermen
- Wave
- Way to Go, Einstein
- We Are the City
- We Are Wolves
- We Love Danger!
- The Weakerthans
- Weapon
- The Weather Station
- Weaves
- Wednesday
- Wednesday Night Heroes
- The Weekend
- Weeping Tile
- West End Girls
- Western Mustang Band
- The Wet Secrets
- The Wet Spots
- What's He Building in There?
- Wheat Chiefs
- The Wheat Pool
- Whiskey Howl
- White Lung
- White Wires
- White Wolf
- Whitehorse
- Why
- Wide Mouth Mason
- Widelife
- Wild Strawberries
- Wild T and the Spirit
- The Wilderness of Manitoba
- Wildlife
- The Wilkinsons
- Will
- Will Currie and the Country French
- The Wilsons
- The Wind Whistles
- Windsor Police Pipe Band
- Windsor Symphony Orchestra
- Windwalker
- Winnipeg's Most
- The Winnipeg Singers
- Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra
- Winston
- Winter Equinox
- Winter Gloves
- Winter Rose
- Wintersleep
- Wireless
- Wolf Parade
- Women
- Wonderful Grand Band
- The Wooden Sky
- Wooden Stars
- Woodhands
- Woodpigeon
- Woods of Ypres
- Wool on Wolves
- World on Edge
- Wyatt
- Wyrd Sisters
See also
- List of bands from British Columbia
- Category:Canadian musical groups
- Category:Canadian record labels
- Category:Music festivals in Canada
- List of Canadian musicians

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